Whilst watching the video I started wondering whether a converter from small spindle to large/oversized would be useful. This is a wonderful design, I was on the lookout for spool holders with bearings, however, I don't think they are necessary now I have seen your design. + 1 subs
what length is needed for the standard sized hatchbox etc spools? I know it's "big rod" with the "standard big top base and spinner arms" , but what mm sizing?
Great setup you have. Just got my FlashForge Pro setup.. looking to print some of these. What material did you print these with ABS or PLA and very curious how much infill? I have some Hatchbox PLA and ABS along with the standard FlashForge Pro ABS with very Large Holders that I would like to make your spool holders for. Thank you for posting great video.
That has got to be the prettiest setup I've seen so far. Wow!
And thanks for the spool holder(s), I'm printing up my first one now. Thanks!!
Hi Jason... Fantastic ! I only got my Mega Zero 2 a couple of days ago. Your spool holder will be my first big project. I will report back.
envy the setup. perfect for compact workshops :D
Whilst watching the video I started wondering whether a converter from small spindle to large/oversized would be useful.
This is a wonderful design, I was on the lookout for spool holders with bearings, however, I don't think they are necessary now I have seen your design.
+ 1 subs
Nice design...and nice setup!
Thanks for this. I am going to print some to hold my quilt bindings on.
what rod did you find that makes filament roll the most smothly? Fatter rods, or skinier?
Useful Jason I will print out some tomorrow thank you
Fantastic product thank you :) can this be printed in PLA?
what length is needed for the standard sized hatchbox etc spools? I know it's "big rod" with the "standard big top base and spinner arms" , but what mm sizing?
Cool setup. making your holders now. thank you.
Was gonna say thats a nice setup for a workshop, then i saw its in your lounge lol
Nice !!!
lol, it's literally half of my living room in a one bedroom 800 sq ft apartment.
how do you keep them from sliding around when the roll is almost out?
Great setup you have. Just got my FlashForge Pro setup.. looking to print some of these. What material did you print these with ABS or PLA and very curious how much infill? I have some Hatchbox PLA and ABS along with the standard FlashForge Pro ABS with very Large Holders that I would like to make your spool holders for. Thank you for posting great video.
Quality work! These are fantastic.
hi, the hatchbox spools what size is for????
To bad the hole for the filament is too small for 2.85 mm filament! I will try to drill a larger hole after printing. Really nice construction! :)
Drilling will work... I didn't have that foresight at the time, unfortunately.
amazing! I will start to print them
Thank you for sharing this. Just what I needed.
WOW very usefull , that's what I am looking for , thank you very much for your design :)
thanks for the video, best spool holder ever
nice job. im gone follow your work.
I've been looking for something just like this technically I was looking for something with ball bearings though
oh im jelly.....sooooo jelly.
How was this not featured?
wilson mura featured in what?
BRO! You look rich as f***
Don't get it twisted, it's all debt.
This video makes me feel brand noob.