Thank you Rabbi Orlowsky for this lovely and important dvar Torah. It reminds me of a story the Rav told in Binyanei HaUma for the Shemiras Halashon Gathering almost ten years ago. It made such an impact on me. The story of the lady who wanted to use her talents but did not feel she had any (the details are blurry...) until she figured out the one thing she knew how to do well. Bake cupcakes. And no one really thought she would go far with it, but she did! SHe began baking for a special needs school for Rosh Chodesh. Special Rosh Chodesh cupcakes and it grew and grew until she was supplying those Rosh Chodesh cupcakes to so many different schools, It was a super story. Thank you for always inspiring and helping us be better. Refuot veyeshuot! Chizku Veimtzu!
Thank you! I appreciate your approach to teaching the Parsha.
Thank you Rabbi Orlowsky for this lovely and important dvar Torah. It reminds me of a story the Rav told in Binyanei HaUma for the Shemiras Halashon Gathering almost ten years ago. It made such an impact on me. The story of the lady who wanted to use her talents but did not feel she had any (the details are blurry...) until she figured out the one thing she knew how to do well. Bake cupcakes. And no one really thought she would go far with it, but she did! SHe began baking for a special needs school for Rosh Chodesh. Special Rosh Chodesh cupcakes and it grew and grew until she was supplying those Rosh Chodesh cupcakes to so many different schools, It was a super story. Thank you for always inspiring and helping us be better. Refuot veyeshuot! Chizku Veimtzu!
Hi Rabbi Orlofsky. Missing the weekly show. I hope you are well.
Good Shabbos
How to deal with overthinking?
It's actually a sin not to use your GIFTS and TALENTS.