We love you, kids. Remember to drink water, wear clean underwear and never take a bath when there's a thunderstorm ♥️ Write your queeries for us to answer below...
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard I felt this as I cozied in bed. Both of you will undoubtedly be loving and awesome parents! Thank you for the video, much love!
For fellow bisexuals, whoever your life partner ends up being (i.e. man or woman) does not change your orientation. If I marry a man, I'm still bisexual. If I marry a woman, yup still bisexual. Bi women who marry men are still bi, bi women who marry women are still bi. Same applies to bi men. The only "difference" is being in a dedicated opposite or same sex relationship. Edit: I didn't think this would get as many likes and replies as it did. I want to clarify that I never meant to insult Claudia and what label she believes fits her personally.
Yes! And statistically we are more likely to marry someone of a different gender than us, since there are a lot more straight people than there are gay. So it's common for us to end up in a "straight" relationship, but that doesn't make our orientation any less valid.
because Häagen-Dazs made you associate scandinavian sounding names with a hyphen in the middle with ice cream😅 even tho Häagen-Dazs is a made up name that was literally just invented to sound scandinavian so that it sounded more real or more high quality 😂
For anyone asking about what Claudia means when she says “she sees herself as a lesbian because she’s in a relationship with a woman”, here’s my take: some people just don’t worry that much about how to label their sexualities. Claudia is clearly not that attached to one or the other label, so she just uses what feels right in the moment. That’s totally ok to do, both for her and for you, if that’s how you feel! Your sexuality can be fluid, and so can your labels.
My advice to everybody: (1) Do not get married until you are either capable of supporting yourself or have a network that will support you. It means that you'll be okay even if the relationship doesn't work out while also making the relationship more stable and healthy. Marriage is a legally binding contract, being able to support yourself means you don't have to worry too much about not being able to get out of it. (2) Let a relationship stand the test of time before you get married . You need that time in order to face challenges together so you can see whether you're actually a good match or not, to see whether you can build your lives together well or not. (3) Make sure to talk about the things that you really want out of life. Marriage isn't just about love, it's about building your futures together. You need to make sure that you are on the same page, that you'll both be able to achieve the things that truly matter to you. Do you want to stay close to your parents? Do you want to have children? Do you want to be involved in politics? Do you want to be a stripper? No matter what they are, make sure that you communicate those things to each other.
And don’t be afraid to leave if you see red flags both before and after marriage. I did not realize that I was codependent to someone who was emotionally abusive and unfaithful until after we had been together for six years and were married. It is okay to leave. Learn what self care you need. Learn what you enjoy doing and work on communicating on difficult topics. Someone who does not want to talk through hard topics with you and is condescending of you or treats you without respect does not deserve your time. You will be your true lifetime companion and knowing how to care for yourself and communicate your needs will help you have a better eye for a kind and healthy partnership with someone who is as committed as you to clear communication and support.
So much this!!!!! I love my partner more than anything but we had so much stuff to work out as people when we met as teenagers. We are now in our mid 20s, have our own flat and are happily engaged. I somettimes feel if we had rushed into things, we would have done ourselves a disservice, no matter how strong our feelings were and continue to be.
Same. Also one of the reasons I never had long term relationships is because the people around me provided horrible examples of marriage and such, so I really try to drill those good messages of communication, love and happiness into my mind now.
The 14 year old hasn't been in a relationship for 2 years? Here's my advice. Be in a relationship with yourself first. Love yourself. Take yourself on dates. Enjoy your own company. Then worry about a relationship with someone else.
That was really baffling to me. At 14, the last thing on my mind was having a “partner” - much less at 12!!! Are kids really worrying about being single when they’ve barely hit puberty? I haven’t been in a relationship for *twenty*-two years and sure, I would like a partner now that I’m in my 40s. But this person is literally a child. That certainly does not mean they can’t be lonely, or don’t need advice on how to deal with loneliness, but a person would have to be much MUCH older for my assumed solution to loneliness to even include a romantic partnership, much less for that to be the only solution. This makes me sad.
@@shayelea I think it's less about having a "partner" and more about acquiring a bit of experience, a bit of a puberty thing, and something to do, because honestly being fourteen, or any age, can be boring. I notice that the people who either don't have as many friends or are "popular" tend to have them more. Also, the relationships between the "popular" kids seem more like arranged marriages. --Take on it from a fourteen year old gay
A message to the lonely 14 y/o: at your age I felt the same. I was lonely. I was incredibly sexually frustrated. I was insecure about how I looked. I was so nervous and awkward talking to boys. But I luckily had my older sister as a role model. She was 18, coming into her beauty, had lots of friends, zero relationships, and I could remember that she was just as awkward at 14. That's when I had a realization, I could be patient. I was only 14, I didn't have to be an adult yet, look like an adult yet, have adult relationships yet, it would come. I didn't have to force it. My patience was rewarded when luck struck again and I met my future husband at 16. As serious as we were at 16, we were still patient. We've been together almost 9 years, engaged and co-habitating for only 1, COVID cancelled our wedding and I'm still not in a rush to get married. We have our whole lives together.
Outside of actual politics, nothing is political. People pulling politics into everyday life are brainwashed by the politicians campaigning to stay in power. Idiots on all sides making politics more than it’s worth.
My brother met his wife when they were 8 years old; she went home on the first day of second grade and told her mom she met the person she was going to marry. That being said, they didn't get married until they were in their mid twenties.
I'M GAY LUV - I snort cackled. And I love how comfortable both are with each other and the camera, it's unusual to have that kind of unselfconscious composure. It makes this feel really personal, like being friends sitting in the couch opposite.
"It's okay to never really know" - Preach. Spent years agonizing before I realized that for me PERSONALLY, I don't need a label (I completely understand why others WOULD want a label though, and support that as well).
the hard part of relationships is having to discover, know, improve, and come to terms with some things about yourself you would otherwise be able to just ignore.
Honestly, I'm 20 and I know that at 17 I had no idea of how my life was going to turn out and how my relationships would evolve or end over time, and I'm sure the feeling will be the same when I'm older. I dated a girl for a year (17-18 y.o.) and we saw a future together quite clearly for most of that relationship. About two months before we broke up some personal mental health stuff came up that made me realize that us being romantically involved was actually bad for both of us (a mix of being too dependent and feeling the need to almost babysit the other). It was my first real love and the first time that I imagined being with someone long term, and I think those feelings can cloud your judgement and make you stay in a toxic situation. To be happy in the long term you must either work towards solving your individual and relationship issues, or realize that you're simply not good for each other in that sense. My ex and I are friends today, but we both went through some hardships because of the other and had to deal with a lot of resentment and anger before accepting that this was the best decision.
I can totally relate to your story! I think it's good advice to get engaged, enjoy each other proudly - and take good time before you exchange the rings and all that. Generally, I think that it is worth being a relationship for a while (maybe even a few years - in my experience) before you reach that level of commitment. When you are ready, there is still time :)
@@reginabosch6554 Exactly. I believe that getting married to someone before you've even lived together for a year or so is just too much of a gamble. There is no rush, but there is a lot to lose.
I'm almost 20, and I've been with the same girl since right after I turned 16, and had known her since I was 14. Sometimes, when you know, you know. Everyone matures differently. I myself had to grow up pretty quickly, and in many ways, so did she. Our relationship feels so natural, and while we have our disagreements, we always communicate to resolve them. We made it through COVID, long-distance, hateful parents, etc. and genuinely have helped each other to become better people. I think it's always a case by case basis. I disagree with telling people they need more experience, just as I disagree with telling people they should have none as an absolute. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. It's different for everyone.
@@lexvt3551 for sure, it depends a lot on the couple. With my ex I saw myself happily staying with her for a few more years but I knew that fundamentally we weren't compatible enough to be together "forever". We had different life goals and dreams, and you can't compromise on everything. What I will defend though is that it's wiser to live with your s.o. for at least 6 months or a year before making a serious legal commitment to stay together. I know plenty of couples who were super solid until they started living together or sharing responsibilities, and then they realized there was a lot of work to do to reach a place where they were both satisfied with each other's work. It can even be a question of standards sometimes; some people are used to a very clean and neat environment while others don't care that much, and it can create a lot of conflict. Obviously if you have good communication and really care and respect each other things should work out, but sometimes you come to realize that you're stressed and upset more often than you're happy and relaxed, and that changing things will be very difficult. I know some couples can jump straight from high school romance to getting married and living together, but I'm just saying it's a gamble, and it would be wiser to really depend on each other and spend that time living together before tying the knot.
"We work for the goodness of the Kellgren-Fozards, not for ourselves." SO TRUE. I knew my partner was The One when I realized how straightforward it was to work with them for the benefit of The Unit. It's not always easy to find the right path forward for The Unit, but the difficulty doesn't come from struggling to collaborate.
The 14 year old thinking they need to be in a relationship. Nope. Being in a relationship to avoid feeling lonely, is unhealthy. Work on being happy by yourself, because you will just be using someone as a way to stave off feeling alone. Also, they are 14 years old. For goodness sake, what sort of meaningful relationship could you have at 14? You're going to be a different person in a year, so wasting your time on trying to maintain a relationship instead of enjoying your friendships and familial relationships, is not worth it. Sure, some people met their future husband/wife when they were young, but forcing a meeting isn't the way to go. Who you want in a partner at 14, will be completely different by age 18+ and just stay away from online forums because it is riddled with paedophiles, preying on lonely children.
So true! I was 14 not so long ago (well, almost a decade ago) and kids change so much in a matter of months that is pointless. While there might be some very mature 14-year-olds who can make their relationship work out, they are rare, so rare that of all the people I know just one couple remains together from around that time. I would advise kids that age to still enjoy being kids, childhood is so short anyway, and time pass by so fast, that in a blink of an eye they would find themselves being 22.
As pointless as it may seem because hormones and emotions are so high and fleeting at this age, I really don’t think it’s pointless. I think it’s a learning experience. It helps kids grow to understand love better, understand themselves and others.. Obviously, if you’re only in relationships to stave off feeling lonely, that isn’t okay, nor is it fair to your partner at all. There are a lot of ways to date wrong. But being in a relationship when you’re young is only silly if you act like things are never going to change, you’re never going to want other things and the first love will always be “the one,” which is >>extremely
I personally believe, that you shouldn't have a relationship with anyone if you want one. Only once you are able to be happy on your own you can really have a good relationship that isn't toxic. I don't have too much of a problem with dating at 14 I guess, but don't think of it as something that will last? And having good frienships should definitely be a priority
I think with any marriage, not just ones where the people are young, you should give it time before the wedding. The looming commitment of an engagement can really make you think about your relationship. Just don't rush it. My opinion is if you truly believe they are the one, another year before marriage won't change your mind. I was with my ex fiance from the time I was 14 until I was 19, and we had been engaged for almost a year when I left because I realized that wasn't what I wanted from my life and my future, among much darker reasons.
omg when i was a very smol closeted baby gay i would always get so worried whenever a wlw couple would walk by and catch me staring - i always wanted to yell something back like 'hey sorry just to clarify im not homophobic im just very jealous!! 🥺😭'
Jessica's face when Claudia describes a man's body. PRICELESS! And I think pets are kids. So Claudia was right, wife and two kids. I enjoy you ladies. Thank you.
I’m so glad Claudia answered that question about getting married young honestly! I feel like couples get asked that often in Q&As and it’s so common just to be super cutesy and answer it in the way that the asker wants to hear.
Hello, lovely ladies. As a queer, still discovering human- I appreciate your channel so much. Thank you for saying again and again the label doesn’t matter. I need to hear that. I work from home now, and have been listening/watching the last 4 years of your lives - absorbing the wholesome and nurturing. I don’t have a good relationship with my mother - and never have - so watching these and how you nurture Rupert is healing to me. I’ve been struggling with my gender identity, and your sort of mantra concerning labels “you can take them or leave them it’s your choice” and “if you feel like you are this, then you are this” has helped me to be okay with the question of whether or not I am non-binary, genderfluid, or cis. I’m me. Thank you both so much for sharing yourselves like this. Ok. I’m done fan girling for now.
Short answer: "Yes, is not 1920, you can live together without get legally stuck with a person you might not like anymore in a couple of years" You're welcome. Your Commonsense Fairy Godmother 💫
Yes! Because those are things that you should be taking care of as an adult who wants to ensure the best for their partner, when making a theoretically lifetime commitment. Also, real talks about finance, goals, necessities, and how to handle the bad times, children, pets, religion... things can change, people evolve, but these are things you really need to work out before signing the paperwork.
The only thing that confused my was when Claudia said that because she married a woman she would be an lesbian.If she is Bi then marrying a woman wouldn't change that.
Jessica's face when Claudia said she appreciates a good man's body was priceless! That's the difference. She is 1000% into girls, so lesbian preferences all the way. Claudia is bisexual in her preferences, but fell in love with a woman. That doesn't negate the bisexual part, IMO.
I feel like a relationship is a mix of “true love” and work. I totally loved my ex but we didn’t work through things to stand the rest of time. I love my current long term (hopefully lifelong) partner but we also both put in the work that is required and don’t shy away from problems or uncomfortable moments. Like Jessica said, if it’s work you both want to do so it’s not hard.
I just wanted to say thank you for being who you are❤️ You're part of the reason I had the courage to come out in my ig stories yesterday (not yet to my parents, but friends and cousins) and I got way more support than I thought🥰 To anyone else, you can come out the way you want. I first came out to my sisters in a casual relationship, and now on ig.. It doesn't need to be big, if you don't want it to be.. Coming out online was great, cause I just put a meme from reddit about bisexuality in my story, people didn't need to react, but if they wanted they could (can recommend this actually) 😊
6:30 No, that's not what they mean. "How can you tell if a woman is into women, or if they're into you?" They're sort-of two, connected questions: 'Are they into women?' and 'Are they into you?' As in, step 1: do they like women, step 2: do they like you? So basically, 'How do I know if I could stand a chance with this woman?'
Don't know if you were looking for the answers to these questions or just making a clarification statement. But thought it could be useful to someone scrolling through to provide my prospective. Without communicating with them, I don't think you can and even then it's not a sure thing. Sexuality is diverse and complex and different people have different levels of self-awareness and ability to deeply analyze themselves. As a bi, pan, demisexual I can be attracted to different aspects of different people in varying degrees that can also change over time. A person can be "intriguing" all the way to "I fantasize about them without having ever talked to them". Like if a stranger, acquaintance, or even friend asked me if I liked them and why, I only maybe could give them a concrete answer and it would only really hold value for that present moment, that instantaneous chunk of time. One month from that point could be a completely different story and not everyone can or wants to predict what their future self will feel. Though some people definitely have a type and have consistently the same interests over time I couldn't confidently say that it applies to majority of people.
@@marielan91 I mean, it was just a clarification, but that was very interesting to hear your perspective, so thank you. As you've told me so much about what you're like, I thought I'd return the favour. I'm a lesbian, by the way, so only attracted to girls. I would say I do have a type with appearance, but it also is affected a lot by what they're like as a person, which I also have a type with. So, when I meet someone, I might think they're pretty, and be quite attracted to them, but as I get to know them more I can become more attracted to them or it can go away. But once I know them, I don't think it changes unless they change (personality or appearance). Now, that being said (about my sexuality), there are exceptions, but they're rare enough I don't feel my label doesn't suit me. If a boy's personality is just what I'm attracted to, I can be attracted to that, but it not go along with an attraction to their appearance like it always does with girls, which is weird. With girls, if I'm attracted to them as I get to know them, even if I wasn't at all to begin with when just going off their appearance, I then become attracted to their appearance; it goes hand in hand; but not with boys. Odd, but the whole thing is extremely rare (it's only happened to me a couple of times). Other times, long story short, is if they sorta look like a girl. A great example for both of these is Freddie from the early seasons of iCarly. (BTW I'm attracted to Carly too, in a more normal way.)
I would say it's too young when it's illegal. People of all ages can have a marriage that doesn't turn out to be what they expected. (Says the 21 year old that hasn't even been in a romantic relationship😅)
@@mickb.8925 I totally agree with you. I'm 48 and divorced, and never saw life going this way... Personally, I now have a small group of loved ones who 1) know me very well 2) totally have my back and 3) are brutally honest. They are my approval team, for the next time I think I found "the One."
I got married at 20 and people where not that shocked. Estranged relatives disaproved, but everyone who knew me felt that I had been acting like an adult for years. I'm boring enough to be responsible I guess.
I'm 30 and in my first serious relationship. (We've been together consistently for a year but known each other for four years.) I can remember being 25 and getting questions from coworkers at my internship (who were all in their early 40's and married with children) about why I was single, as well as them trying to figure out if they knew any single guys they could set me up with. My parents didn't even meet till they were 33 and 36, so I didn't think there was anything weird about being unmarried at 25 at all!
"i mean,,, i AM sexually attracted to her" "SHHHHH" I think this is a conversation I've had a million times with my girlfriend FSJSHSJ she's in love with Black Widow and Stephanie Beatriz and I'm in love with Suranne Jones and America Ferrera
The way I think about being in a long term loving relationship with someone is that loving them should come naturally to you. Then that should mean you want the best for them and want to help them succeed, and being with your soul mate should make that come naturally to you both.
Sometimes you disagree on what the "best for them" means. Some times people want support and not a solution. Not everyone find communication to be easy - even with the person you love. Don't diminish other people's struggles. Love doesn't grantee a "happily ever after" .
OH MY GOSH! The comment at the end about having to prove your relationship is mature, and how this even affects you now as a married couple. I 100% feel that, even with myself and my girlfriend. 😢
For real though, y'all are Couples Goals™. Even though my relationship is "straight presenting," y'all are living along the same heartplace as we are, and it's so refreshing.
Based on Jessica's facial expression while Claudia was talking about appreciating a man's body, I was expecting her to start chugging some Diet Coke to stave off nausea. :)
4:01 - Yes! The US military made a study of this to determine which recruits and conscripts were not mature enough to grasp life/death concepts and would worry more about being brave than about dying. They found that at 24, they're all more worried about dying than being brave, but at 21, they're usually more worried about being brave than the possibility of dying.
No one should feel lonely cause they aren't in a romantic relationship. You're not missing anything, there's nothing wrong with you. There's more to live than looking for a partner to make you feel complete.
Aw love yall! I loved when yall talked about the no "big bumps" between you two, and I wonder if that partly has to do with disability. My husband is able bodied and im disabled and I think we have an air of... things aren't that bad, even in arguments? Because we have more urgent things to think about most the time and needing to support each other take precident over the whole "being right" arguments that my friends seem to experience more frequently than we do. Puts things into perspective and all.
Right? Looking back once you are over a quarter century old makes you realize how true it is when they say your brain is not fully developed. I still am looking at past Phoenix shaking my head :P
I love your insights and I always learn something new when I listen to you both. Some constructive feedback: The audio is a bit reflective, echo-y. I suggest hang a quilt on the wall, or place acoustic foam on the walls out of frame. Further, the cuts in the edit make it feel a bit disjointed, and difficult to watch. I don't mind the ums and ahs of natural conversation; don't be afraid to leave them in some more. I'm very lucky to have lesbian mums on the other side if the world with such wise council, keep up the good work!
I've been together with my lady love for 12 years and we're still not married. So I guess we kinda technically are, lol just not on paper. We plan to. That shocks ppl too. Funny thing is that. People don't ask us for relationship advise...they ask people who were divorced several times or have had short term relationships. Short term is a year imo lol. People are just silly.
@@midnull6009 This!! I feel this sooo much. It's all almost the same for us. Honestly getting married is expensive and changes some stuff legally and tax wise and we dont need that. Also I think the reason no one asks couples who have been together for a long time for help is because we all give the same advice. Communication is key to most things.
@@midnull6009 We got married 9 months ago after 12 years together (including shared living). Some people treat us like bumbling newly weds and others like a old married couple. Honestly- nothing in our relationships changed from putting on a ring.
Fab video as always. Do you get to specify exactly where the adverts are placed? You came back from the skillshare section, Claudia says "As Abraham Lincoln said..." and we cut to adverts! I howled with laughter. Perfection if you planned it that way, if not, then RUclips played a blinder! xxxx
Noticing how much more open and comfortable Claudia has become on camera since I started watching like three years ago makes me feel so warm inside 👉👈 I love you guys so so much
I love how you see it as a spectrum and that you don't actually have to strictly define yourself, if only others would see it. My brother has been with both men and women and because he's been single for a while people, maybe unconsciously, keep pressing him to define himself as gay, straight or bisexual. I see how all that pressure affects him and makes him feel unsure of his own feelings and desires and it's really frustrating. I wish he would just find someone who makes him happy and enjoy who he is whatever that may be.
Awesome video! Such good and relatable advice. PS Jessica your face when Claudia talks about men being good looking is exactly like mine when my girlfriend talks about attractive men!
Because my mum and her wife are abusive this or my aunt is the only 'women/lesbian' advice i get and i was so excited when i saw that u posted i love you guys so much ive been a suscriber for years you are so motivational and have inspired me to move to my dads and stick up for myself and stay positive
Jessica ! So I had emailed you a couple years ago when I found your channel. Basically bc of how relatable you are and so very interesting. Little did I know I was going to be relating even more so. A diagnosis of pots has explained so much. I believe I have you to thank though. Otherwise, my understanding would be minimal ...and I just feel like death. But I’ve learn how to cope and adapt all from you. Lots of love! Alana G.
I always say a relationship should feel easy as in they are who you feel most comfortable with and you feel happy and at ease with them, BUT it doesn’t mean you stop being intentional when it comes to showing your partner love and respect the way they need to be shown :) (Like learning their love language)
We love you, kids. Remember to drink water, wear clean underwear and never take a bath when there's a thunderstorm ♥️
Write your queeries for us to answer below...
Such oddly specific things lmao. Take care, Jessica
I've never heard about the bath during a thunderstorm
Good thing it's still summer here and also I don't take baths!
My spouse still doesn't believe me about showers during thunderstorms!
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard I felt this as I cozied in bed. Both of you will undoubtedly be loving and awesome parents! Thank you for the video, much love!
For fellow bisexuals, whoever your life partner ends up being (i.e. man or woman) does not change your orientation. If I marry a man, I'm still bisexual. If I marry a woman, yup still bisexual. Bi women who marry men are still bi, bi women who marry women are still bi. Same applies to bi men. The only "difference" is being in a dedicated opposite or same sex relationship.
Edit: I didn't think this would get as many likes and replies as it did. I want to clarify that I never meant to insult Claudia and what label she believes fits her personally.
Yes! And statistically we are more likely to marry someone of a different gender than us, since there are a lot more straight people than there are gay. So it's common for us to end up in a "straight" relationship, but that doesn't make our orientation any less valid.
Thank you. I really needed to hear this today.
And for all the unicorn hunters, being bi doesn't automatically mean we want to be in a poly relationship either!
Jessica calling Claudia "baby" added like 20 years onto my lifespan
Why does Kellgren-Fozard sound like an ice cream brand
because Häagen-Dazs made you associate scandinavian sounding names with a hyphen in the middle with ice cream😅 even tho Häagen-Dazs is a made up name that was literally just invented to sound scandinavian so that it sounded more real or more high quality 😂
Well, they are sweet... 😍
Or like a music sheet company
@@mosaic-mind omg yes! Make it happen!
@@jannecapelle_art also, it failed and sounds alot more German than Scandinavian //a swede
For anyone asking about what Claudia means when she says “she sees herself as a lesbian because she’s in a relationship with a woman”, here’s my take: some people just don’t worry that much about how to label their sexualities. Claudia is clearly not that attached to one or the other label, so she just uses what feels right in the moment. That’s totally ok to do, both for her and for you, if that’s how you feel! Your sexuality can be fluid, and so can your labels.
ABSOLUTLY FAN of the moment when Claudia is talking about her exboyfriend and jessica sais "he is great, he looks like my dad" 😂😂😂
Same !!! I thought that was great
yes!!! ha
“Aww, baby, I don’t fancy anyone but you either.”
[silently, to camera] *Eliza Dushku*
I'm lucky someone could lipread this for me, I replayed it 3x unsuccessfully 😅
My advice to everybody:
(1) Do not get married until you are either capable of supporting yourself or have a network that will support you. It means that you'll be okay even if the relationship doesn't work out while also making the relationship more stable and healthy. Marriage is a legally binding contract, being able to support yourself means you don't have to worry too much about not being able to get out of it.
(2) Let a relationship stand the test of time before you get married . You need that time in order to face challenges together so you can see whether you're actually a good match or not, to see whether you can build your lives together well or not.
(3) Make sure to talk about the things that you really want out of life. Marriage isn't just about love, it's about building your futures together. You need to make sure that you are on the same page, that you'll both be able to achieve the things that truly matter to you. Do you want to stay close to your parents? Do you want to have children? Do you want to be involved in politics? Do you want to be a stripper? No matter what they are, make sure that you communicate those things to each other.
I'd add: live together before you get married. You won't know if your lifestyles are compatible otherwise.
And don’t be afraid to leave if you see red flags both before and after marriage. I did not realize that I was codependent to someone who was emotionally abusive and unfaithful until after we had been together for six years and were married. It is okay to leave. Learn what self care you need. Learn what you enjoy doing and work on communicating on difficult topics. Someone who does not want to talk through hard topics with you and is condescending of you or treats you without respect does not deserve your time. You will be your true lifetime companion and knowing how to care for yourself and communicate your needs will help you have a better eye for a kind and healthy partnership with someone who is as committed as you to clear communication and support.
So much this!!!!! I love my partner more than anything but we had so much stuff to work out as people when we met as teenagers. We are now in our mid 20s, have our own flat and are happily engaged. I somettimes feel if we had rushed into things, we would have done ourselves a disservice, no matter how strong our feelings were and continue to be.
I need gifs of Jessica and Claudia each saying "I'M GAY, LOVE!" Cos #epic
me: *having never been in a long term serious relationship*
also me: i should pay attention
same here
I've never even had a relationship and im paying serious attention
Edited because I cant hecking spell
same 😂 I cannot relate but still I'm paying attention
Same. Also one of the reasons I never had long term relationships is because the people around me provided horrible examples of marriage and such, so I really try to drill those good messages of communication, love and happiness into my mind now.
Same, love 😂🙈
Find someone who looks at you the way Jessica looks at Claudia.
Two of my friends have been together for 38 years. They have three children and five grand children.
They're still not married - "Can't be arsed!".
Jessica's face when Claudia was talking about muscular guys - "is that boiled brussel sprouts I smell" - I was laughing was too hard
Ending with Claudia's philosophical / identity crisis moments was so epic and relatable.
Perhaps bcoz I have those daily as well.😂
"Your existence is not political" Oh man. I feel that strongly!
didnt know I needed lesbian moms in my life but apparently I do
So true !!
Having actually been raised by lesbian moms, I feel you should know... this is uniquely awesome, haha.
Same! And I'm, like, at least 90% straight ;)
The 14 year old hasn't been in a relationship for 2 years?
Here's my advice. Be in a relationship with yourself first. Love yourself. Take yourself on dates. Enjoy your own company.
Then worry about a relationship with someone else.
A 14 year old shouldn’t be worrying about committed relationships anyway.
That was really baffling to me. At 14, the last thing on my mind was having a “partner” - much less at 12!!! Are kids really worrying about being single when they’ve barely hit puberty?
I haven’t been in a relationship for *twenty*-two years and sure, I would like a partner now that I’m in my 40s. But this person is literally a child. That certainly does not mean they can’t be lonely, or don’t need advice on how to deal with loneliness, but a person would have to be much MUCH older for my assumed solution to loneliness to even include a romantic partnership, much less for that to be the only solution. This makes me sad.
YES!!! EXCELLENT advice.
@@shayelea This is honestly a very nice thing to hear as someone who is 30 and hasn't dated anyone other than a very odd relationship at 15.
@@shayelea I think it's less about having a "partner" and more about acquiring a bit of experience, a bit of a puberty thing, and something to do, because honestly being fourteen, or any age, can be boring. I notice that the people who either don't have as many friends or are "popular" tend to have them more. Also, the relationships between the "popular" kids seem more like arranged marriages.
--Take on it from a fourteen year old gay
A message to the lonely 14 y/o: at your age I felt the same. I was lonely. I was incredibly sexually frustrated. I was insecure about how I looked. I was so nervous and awkward talking to boys. But I luckily had my older sister as a role model. She was 18, coming into her beauty, had lots of friends, zero relationships, and I could remember that she was just as awkward at 14. That's when I had a realization, I could be patient. I was only 14, I didn't have to be an adult yet, look like an adult yet, have adult relationships yet, it would come. I didn't have to force it.
My patience was rewarded when luck struck again and I met my future husband at 16. As serious as we were at 16, we were still patient. We've been together almost 9 years, engaged and co-habitating for only 1, COVID cancelled our wedding and I'm still not in a rush to get married. We have our whole lives together.
This is wonderful advice 💜
Another reminder, if a relationship never comes along that's ok too. Relationships and sex don't complete you as a person. Same thing you said really.
So glad you said that you also stare at same-sex couples 😂 as an awkward bisexual engaged to a man I sometimes find myself doing this haha
We need to hand out cards saying "Sorry for staring, I'm not a homophobe, I'm just happy to see you together"
@@tatianaleutwiler1867 I love this idea!
@@tatianaleutwiler1867 Yes!!
I do that too sometimes and then I remember to smile (cause my face is not very smiley even if I feel good)
@@tatianaleutwiler1867 omg yes 😂😂
Thank you so much Jessica for talking about how no ones existence is political. You made me feel so accepted that it made me tear up. Love you guys
Outside of actual politics, nothing is political. People pulling politics into everyday life are brainwashed by the politicians campaigning to stay in power. Idiots on all sides making politics more than it’s worth.
@@codename495 True. It's also media outlets' fault for spreading misinformation just to get a story.
My brother met his wife when they were 8 years old; she went home on the first day of second grade and told her mom she met the person she was going to marry.
That being said, they didn't get married until they were in their mid twenties.
‘i’M gAy LoVe’ I can’t even- 😂😂you guys are so amazing❤️😂
Alright go off YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE🥺
All of us @ Jessica and Claudia: we👏get👏it👏you're👏adorable👏
I'M GAY LUV - I snort cackled. And I love how comfortable both are with each other and the camera, it's unusual to have that kind of unselfconscious composure. It makes this feel really personal, like being friends sitting in the couch opposite.
"i grew up with a well of loneliness inside of me" felt that one-
"It's okay to never really know" - Preach. Spent years agonizing before I realized that for me PERSONALLY, I don't need a label (I completely understand why others WOULD want a label though, and support that as well).
the hard part of relationships is having to discover, know, improve, and come to terms with some things about yourself you would otherwise be able to just ignore.
Yup. So yup. This is definitely a factor in why “new” relationships are so fun and easy. This stuff hasn’t come up yet.
Honestly, I'm 20 and I know that at 17 I had no idea of how my life was going to turn out and how my relationships would evolve or end over time, and I'm sure the feeling will be the same when I'm older.
I dated a girl for a year (17-18 y.o.) and we saw a future together quite clearly for most of that relationship. About two months before we broke up some personal mental health stuff came up that made me realize that us being romantically involved was actually bad for both of us (a mix of being too dependent and feeling the need to almost babysit the other). It was my first real love and the first time that I imagined being with someone long term, and I think those feelings can cloud your judgement and make you stay in a toxic situation.
To be happy in the long term you must either work towards solving your individual and relationship issues, or realize that you're simply not good for each other in that sense. My ex and I are friends today, but we both went through some hardships because of the other and had to deal with a lot of resentment and anger before accepting that this was the best decision.
I can totally relate to your story! I think it's good advice to get engaged, enjoy each other proudly - and take good time before you exchange the rings and all that. Generally, I think that it is worth being a relationship for a while (maybe even a few years - in my experience) before you reach that level of commitment. When you are ready, there is still time :)
@@reginabosch6554 Exactly. I believe that getting married to someone before you've even lived together for a year or so is just too much of a gamble. There is no rush, but there is a lot to lose.
I'm almost 20, and I've been with the same girl since right after I turned 16, and had known her since I was 14. Sometimes, when you know, you know. Everyone matures differently. I myself had to grow up pretty quickly, and in many ways, so did she. Our relationship feels so natural, and while we have our disagreements, we always communicate to resolve them. We made it through COVID, long-distance, hateful parents, etc. and genuinely have helped each other to become better people. I think it's always a case by case basis. I disagree with telling people they need more experience, just as I disagree with telling people they should have none as an absolute. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. It's different for everyone.
@@lexvt3551 for sure, it depends a lot on the couple. With my ex I saw myself happily staying with her for a few more years but I knew that fundamentally we weren't compatible enough to be together "forever". We had different life goals and dreams, and you can't compromise on everything. What I will defend though is that it's wiser to live with your s.o. for at least 6 months or a year before making a serious legal commitment to stay together. I know plenty of couples who were super solid until they started living together or sharing responsibilities, and then they realized there was a lot of work to do to reach a place where they were both satisfied with each other's work. It can even be a question of standards sometimes; some people are used to a very clean and neat environment while others don't care that much, and it can create a lot of conflict. Obviously if you have good communication and really care and respect each other things should work out, but sometimes you come to realize that you're stressed and upset more often than you're happy and relaxed, and that changing things will be very difficult.
I know some couples can jump straight from high school romance to getting married and living together, but I'm just saying it's a gamble, and it would be wiser to really depend on each other and spend that time living together before tying the knot.
"We work for the goodness of the Kellgren-Fozards, not for ourselves."
SO TRUE. I knew my partner was The One when I realized how straightforward it was to work with them for the benefit of The Unit. It's not always easy to find the right path forward for The Unit, but the difficulty doesn't come from struggling to collaborate.
The 14 year old thinking they need to be in a relationship. Nope. Being in a relationship to avoid feeling lonely, is unhealthy. Work on being happy by yourself, because you will just be using someone as a way to stave off feeling alone.
Also, they are 14 years old. For goodness sake, what sort of meaningful relationship could you have at 14? You're going to be a different person in a year, so wasting your time on trying to maintain a relationship instead of enjoying your friendships and familial relationships, is not worth it.
Sure, some people met their future husband/wife when they were young, but forcing a meeting isn't the way to go.
Who you want in a partner at 14, will be completely different by age 18+ and just stay away from online forums because it is riddled with paedophiles, preying on lonely children.
I think that one can have a very genuine, meaningful relationship at 14 years old. I'm 52.
Yea i had my first relationship when I was 14 literally just because all of my friends and were in one and I felt jealous.
So true! I was 14 not so long ago (well, almost a decade ago) and kids change so much in a matter of months that is pointless. While there might be some very mature 14-year-olds who can make their relationship work out, they are rare, so rare that of all the people I know just one couple remains together from around that time. I would advise kids that age to still enjoy being kids, childhood is so short anyway, and time pass by so fast, that in a blink of an eye they would find themselves being 22.
As pointless as it may seem because hormones and emotions are so high and fleeting at this age, I really don’t think it’s pointless. I think it’s a learning experience. It helps kids grow to understand love better, understand themselves and others.. Obviously, if you’re only in relationships to stave off feeling lonely, that isn’t okay, nor is it fair to your partner at all. There are a lot of ways to date wrong. But being in a relationship when you’re young is only silly if you act like things are never going to change, you’re never going to want other things and the first love will always be “the one,” which is >>extremely
I personally believe, that you shouldn't have a relationship with anyone if you want one. Only once you are able to be happy on your own you can really have a good relationship that isn't toxic. I don't have too much of a problem with dating at 14 I guess, but don't think of it as something that will last? And having good frienships should definitely be a priority
I think with any marriage, not just ones where the people are young, you should give it time before the wedding. The looming commitment of an engagement can really make you think about your relationship. Just don't rush it. My opinion is if you truly believe they are the one, another year before marriage won't change your mind. I was with my ex fiance from the time I was 14 until I was 19, and we had been engaged for almost a year when I left because I realized that wasn't what I wanted from my life and my future, among much darker reasons.
omg when i was a very smol closeted baby gay i would always get so worried whenever a wlw couple would walk by and catch me staring - i always wanted to yell something back like 'hey sorry just to clarify im not homophobic im just very jealous!! 🥺😭'
Ah, don't you guys just love having two gorgeous supportive lesbian moms? 'Cause I do!
People don’t stare at Jessica & Claudia’s PDAs...they stare because Jessica & Claudia are so awesome 💜🦄🏳️🌈
Tbh, a lot of the people who are staring are probably staring because Jessica is majestically overdressed, not because they're gay
i'd stare cuz im a big fan but also too much of a coward so i just sit there lmao
Also don't underestimate the power of cute dogs in causing staring
Their awesomeness is so radiant it draws attention to them
Jessica's face when Claudia describes a man's body. PRICELESS! And I think pets are kids. So Claudia was right, wife and two kids. I enjoy you ladies. Thank you.
I’m so glad Claudia answered that question about getting married young honestly! I feel like couples get asked that often in Q&As and it’s so common just to be super cutesy and answer it in the way that the asker wants to hear.
11:47 Jessica is me whenever any of my friends talk about Male crushes
I paused the video there to see if anyone else made this comment! That’s totally my expression in such circumstances, too!
Jessica 🤣🤣🤣
Oh my god, I need a GIF of this xD
As a 24 year old finally figuring shit out, yeah wait on it. It's almost scary how much I matured between 17 and 24.
Hello, lovely ladies. As a queer, still discovering human- I appreciate your channel so much. Thank you for saying again and again the label doesn’t matter. I need to hear that.
I work from home now, and have been listening/watching the last 4 years of your lives - absorbing the wholesome and nurturing. I don’t have a good relationship with my mother - and never have - so watching these and how you nurture Rupert is healing to me.
I’ve been struggling with my gender identity, and your sort of mantra concerning labels “you can take them or leave them it’s your choice” and “if you feel like you are this, then you are this” has helped me to be okay with the question of whether or not I am non-binary, genderfluid, or cis. I’m me.
Thank you both so much for sharing yourselves like this.
Ok. I’m done fan girling for now.
Wow the silky hair in the ad!!! You’re always a hair goddess but it looks especially beautiful there!
Short answer:
"Yes, is not 1920, you can live together without get legally stuck with a person you might not like anymore in a couple of years"
You're welcome.
Your Commonsense Fairy Godmother 💫
Don't sign anything until you're 25ish seems like a good guideline to me. Or until you feel old enough to make a will and death plan.
Yes! Because those are things that you should be taking care of as an adult who wants to ensure the best for their partner, when making a theoretically lifetime commitment. Also, real talks about finance, goals, necessities, and how to handle the bad times, children, pets, religion... things can change, people evolve, but these are things you really need to work out before signing the paperwork.
What if I feel old enough at 16?😂
The only thing that confused my was when Claudia said that because she married a woman she would be an lesbian.If she is Bi then marrying a woman wouldn't change that.
While you may think of someone’s orientation as fixed, their identity is just how they see themselves and always susceptible to change.
The timing of this video! My girlfriend and I got engaged at the weekend so I'm completely obsessed with everything wlw weddings!!
Congratulations!! 💕🎉🌈💐💍💍💕
Congrats to u both!
Congrats that’s amazing! 🥳🎈🎉🎊💕 I hope your wedding and the rest of your lives are as beautiful as you.
8:10 - Claudia shouting 'IM GAY, LUV' in such a geezer accent made me laugh so hard xD
Every time I watch your videos I feel like something that was hurting deep inside has just healed. You ladies are the loveliest things.
Jessica's face when Claudia said she appreciates a good man's body was priceless! That's the difference. She is 1000% into girls, so lesbian preferences all the way. Claudia is bisexual in her preferences, but fell in love with a woman. That doesn't negate the bisexual part, IMO.
it’s really up to claudia how she identifies tbh
not to downplay the PDA aspect, but I imagine you also attract looks based on Jessica's style
I feel like a relationship is a mix of “true love” and work. I totally loved my ex but we didn’t work through things to stand the rest of time. I love my current long term (hopefully lifelong) partner but we also both put in the work that is required and don’t shy away from problems or uncomfortable moments. Like Jessica said, if it’s work you both want to do so it’s not hard.
Jessica: Well, I AM sexually attracted to Eliza --
I just wanted to say thank you for being who you are❤️
You're part of the reason I had the courage to come out in my ig stories yesterday (not yet to my parents, but friends and cousins) and I got way more support than I thought🥰
To anyone else, you can come out the way you want. I first came out to my sisters in a casual relationship, and now on ig.. It doesn't need to be big, if you don't want it to be.. Coming out online was great, cause I just put a meme from reddit about bisexuality in my story, people didn't need to react, but if they wanted they could (can recommend this actually) 😊
All of your videos are so light-hearted that it makes my day even better and calmer. Thanks mom's ❤️🌈❤️
"It's not about giving everyone the same thing, it's about giving people what they need." I really needed to hear that, thank you DX
6:30 No, that's not what they mean. "How can you tell if a woman is into women, or if they're into you?" They're sort-of two, connected questions: 'Are they into women?' and 'Are they into you?' As in, step 1: do they like women, step 2: do they like you? So basically, 'How do I know if I could stand a chance with this woman?'
Don't know if you were looking for the answers to these questions or just making a clarification statement. But thought it could be useful to someone scrolling through to provide my prospective.
Without communicating with them, I don't think you can and even then it's not a sure thing. Sexuality is diverse and complex and different people have different levels of self-awareness and ability to deeply analyze themselves. As a bi, pan, demisexual I can be attracted to different aspects of different people in varying degrees that can also change over time. A person can be "intriguing" all the way to "I fantasize about them without having ever talked to them". Like if a stranger, acquaintance, or even friend asked me if I liked them and why, I only maybe could give them a concrete answer and it would only really hold value for that present moment, that instantaneous chunk of time. One month from that point could be a completely different story and not everyone can or wants to predict what their future self will feel. Though some people definitely have a type and have consistently the same interests over time I couldn't confidently say that it applies to majority of people.
@@marielan91 I mean, it was just a clarification, but that was very interesting to hear your perspective, so thank you. As you've told me so much about what you're like, I thought I'd return the favour.
I'm a lesbian, by the way, so only attracted to girls. I would say I do have a type with appearance, but it also is affected a lot by what they're like as a person, which I also have a type with. So, when I meet someone, I might think they're pretty, and be quite attracted to them, but as I get to know them more I can become more attracted to them or it can go away. But once I know them, I don't think it changes unless they change (personality or appearance).
Now, that being said (about my sexuality), there are exceptions, but they're rare enough I don't feel my label doesn't suit me. If a boy's personality is just what I'm attracted to, I can be attracted to that, but it not go along with an attraction to their appearance like it always does with girls, which is weird. With girls, if I'm attracted to them as I get to know them, even if I wasn't at all to begin with when just going off their appearance, I then become attracted to their appearance; it goes hand in hand; but not with boys. Odd, but the whole thing is extremely rare (it's only happened to me a couple of times).
Other times, long story short, is if they sorta look like a girl. A great example for both of these is Freddie from the early seasons of iCarly. (BTW I'm attracted to Carly too, in a more normal way.)
I was 28 when I got married and people were shocked. (Even more when I was divorced by 31 and widow by 34...) So how young is too young? 🤷🏽♀️
I would say it's too young when it's illegal. People of all ages can have a marriage that doesn't turn out to be what they expected.
(Says the 21 year old that hasn't even been in a romantic relationship😅)
@@mickb.8925 well, by experience, no rush 😉 You'll know when it's time.
@@mickb.8925 I totally agree with you. I'm 48 and divorced, and never saw life going this way...
Personally, I now have a small group of loved ones who 1) know me very well 2) totally have my back and 3) are brutally honest. They are my approval team, for the next time I think I found "the One."
I got married at 20 and people where not that shocked. Estranged relatives disaproved, but everyone who knew me felt that I had been acting like an adult for years. I'm boring enough to be responsible I guess.
I'm 30 and in my first serious relationship. (We've been together consistently for a year but known each other for four years.) I can remember being 25 and getting questions from coworkers at my internship (who were all in their early 40's and married with children) about why I was single, as well as them trying to figure out if they knew any single guys they could set me up with. My parents didn't even meet till they were 33 and 36, so I didn't think there was anything weird about being unmarried at 25 at all!
I had my first date with my husband on Feb 14th, engaged march 17th and married Oct 1st, almost 32 years ago. I was 26
Awe that's sweet
Even though you are obviously not a lesbian couple you sound like u-haul lesbians😂
Amber Gardener I’m cryingggg 😂😂😂
Me and my gf always catch ourselves staring at fellow gays and we always feel like we have to telepathically shout "it's okay sorry, me too!!!!"
"i mean,,, i AM sexually attracted to her" "SHHHHH"
I think this is a conversation I've had a million times with my girlfriend FSJSHSJ she's in love with Black Widow and Stephanie Beatriz and I'm in love with Suranne Jones and America Ferrera
The way I think about being in a long term loving relationship with someone is that loving them should come naturally to you. Then that should mean you want the best for them and want to help them succeed, and being with your soul mate should make that come naturally to you both.
Sometimes you disagree on what the "best for them" means. Some times people want support and not a solution. Not everyone find communication to be easy - even with the person you love. Don't diminish other people's struggles. Love doesn't grantee a "happily ever after" .
Claudia is absolutely hilarious I’m rolling 😂😂😂
Jessica’s face at 11:43 😂😂😂 Definitely how I feel when people start describing female bodies.
OH MY GOSH! The comment at the end about having to prove your relationship is mature, and how this even affects you now as a married couple. I 100% feel that, even with myself and my girlfriend. 😢
I'm so offended by "Moms" 😂 how very unbritish of you 😂😂
Jessica and Claudia are definitely relationship goals ❤️ and human goals too. Take care everyone!
For real though, y'all are Couples Goals™. Even though my relationship is "straight presenting," y'all are living along the same heartplace as we are, and it's so refreshing.
Claudia, you were really integral to me figuring out and validating myself as a lesbian. So thank you.
Claudia saying it's okay to never really know made me so happy I had no idea I needed to hear that
Your current partner doesn't define your sexuality, it's just about who you feel attracted to which can change
Based on Jessica's facial expression while Claudia was talking about appreciating a man's body, I was expecting her to start chugging some Diet Coke to stave off nausea. :)
4:01 - Yes! The US military made a study of this to determine which recruits and conscripts were not mature enough to grasp life/death concepts and would worry more about being brave than about dying. They found that at 24, they're all more worried about dying than being brave, but at 21, they're usually more worried about being brave than the possibility of dying.
No one should feel lonely cause they aren't in a romantic relationship. You're not missing anything, there's nothing wrong with you. There's more to live than looking for a partner to make you feel complete.
Jessica on Claudia's ex-bf: "He's great... he looks like my DAD!!!" 😂😂😂
Aw love yall! I loved when yall talked about the no "big bumps" between you two, and I wonder if that partly has to do with disability. My husband is able bodied and im disabled and I think we have an air of... things aren't that bad, even in arguments? Because we have more urgent things to think about most the time and needing to support each other take precident over the whole "being right" arguments that my friends seem to experience more frequently than we do. Puts things into perspective and all.
Watching you two always warm up my heart. Thank you so much.
Right? Looking back once you are over a quarter century old makes you realize how true it is when they say your brain is not fully developed. I still am looking at past Phoenix shaking my head :P
I love your insights and I always learn something new when I listen to you both.
Some constructive feedback: The audio is a bit reflective, echo-y. I suggest hang a quilt on the wall, or place acoustic foam on the walls out of frame. Further, the cuts in the edit make it feel a bit disjointed, and difficult to watch. I don't mind the ums and ahs of natural conversation; don't be afraid to leave them in some more.
I'm very lucky to have lesbian mums on the other side if the world with such wise council, keep up the good work!
Me: Been with gf for almost 8 years and we r still not married because we feel too young.
Most people: Wait what?
I've been together with my lady love for 12 years and we're still not married. So I guess we kinda technically are, lol just not on paper. We plan to. That shocks ppl too. Funny thing is that. People don't ask us for relationship advise...they ask people who were divorced several times or have had short term relationships. Short term is a year imo lol. People are just silly.
@@midnull6009 This!! I feel this sooo much. It's all almost the same for us. Honestly getting married is expensive and changes some stuff legally and tax wise and we dont need that. Also I think the reason no one asks couples who have been together for a long time for help is because we all give the same advice. Communication is key to most things.
hippygirl 13 But I want magic answers! Communication is complicated and requires vulnerability!
@@midnull6009 We got married 9 months ago after 12 years together (including shared living). Some people treat us like bumbling newly weds and others like a old married couple. Honestly- nothing in our relationships changed from putting on a ring.
Same with mine! Almost 8 years together and still feel like we're too young...
The way Jessica says can’t be arsed at 9:20 is making me lmao
I’m calling it
The DNA test is going to match
You’ve jinxed it girls.
Jessica's uncle john will be Claudia's uncle john too
Fab video as always. Do you get to specify exactly where the adverts are placed? You came back from the skillshare section, Claudia says "As Abraham Lincoln said..." and we cut to adverts! I howled with laughter. Perfection if you planned it that way, if not, then RUclips played a blinder! xxxx
Noticing how much more open and comfortable Claudia has become on camera since I started watching like three years ago makes me feel so warm inside 👉👈 I love you guys so so much
Thank you for educating people on these topics and spreading positivity! Lots of love to both of you 💜
Your kitchen is gorgeous! That sink is amazing. I’m officially (retrospectively) baby bump “watching” as I binge. Totally love you both!! 😘
"Ask your lesbian mom's"
My life every day because I was raised by lesbians.
I just wanted to say i’ve been feeling really down and lonely lately and this video put me in the best mood i’ve been in all week.
I love how you see it as a spectrum and that you don't actually have to strictly define yourself, if only others would see it. My brother has been with both men and women and because he's been single for a while people, maybe unconsciously, keep pressing him to define himself as gay, straight or bisexual. I see how all that pressure affects him and makes him feel unsure of his own feelings and desires and it's really frustrating. I wish he would just find someone who makes him happy and enjoy who he is whatever that may be.
My favorite thing about videos with Claudia is the way that you both look at each other with such love.
Awesome video! Such good and relatable advice. PS Jessica your face when Claudia talks about men being good looking is exactly like mine when my girlfriend talks about attractive men!
jessica's face when claudia was talking about her appreciation for a men's body. IM DECEASEDD
Because my mum and her wife are abusive this or my aunt is the only 'women/lesbian' advice i get and i was so excited when i saw that u posted i love you guys so much ive been a suscriber for years you are so motivational and have inspired me to move to my dads and stick up for myself and stay positive
I get so happy seeing you guys having fun and doing videos together. It just makes my little gay heart melt 💕🥺
I need "I'm GAY, love!" on a shirt.
Jessica ! So I had emailed you a couple years ago when I found your channel. Basically bc of how relatable you are and so very interesting. Little did I know I was going to be relating even more so. A diagnosis of pots has explained so much. I believe I have you to thank though. Otherwise, my understanding would be minimal ...and I just feel like death. But I’ve learn how to cope and adapt all from you. Lots of love! Alana G.
I didn't know how much I needed this little sit down chat ❤
I clicked faster than james Charles speaks LOVE you guys xxx
I always say a relationship should feel easy as in they are who you feel most comfortable with and you feel happy and at ease with them, BUT it doesn’t mean you stop being intentional when it comes to showing your partner love and respect the way they need to be shown :) (Like learning their love language)
You’re both a couple decades younger than I am, but I love y’all as my lesbian moms!
Been binge watching all your videos!!
Lots and lots of love from India❤
I'm sure I have heard it before at some point but Jessica saying 'fuck" really took me by surprise for some reason 😂