3-Round Burst AUG

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @FPSRussia
    @FPSRussia  11 лет назад +4184

    Thanks for all the kind words and support I love you guys, and I couldn't do this stuff without you. I've got some bigger stuff planned pretty soon including a couple of bad ass vehicles so stay tuned!

    • @eldrugoalex
      @eldrugoalex 11 лет назад +66

      We want see the FAMAE SAF!!
      Nice video!

    • @bradwibbs18
      @bradwibbs18 11 лет назад

      Do a CCDW video! Talk about the types of carry, advantages, disadvantages, etc.

    • @arthurm.6073
      @arthurm.6073 11 лет назад +15

      I will, dude! Keep it up! And as always, have a nice day.

    • @hf3923
      @hf3923 11 лет назад

      How would you compare the recoil to the AA-12 I know it's a shotgun.

    • @laimonastruesurvivor1891
      @laimonastruesurvivor1891 11 лет назад +31

      is their going to be any big explosions ? i miss them

  • @GrayWolvess
    @GrayWolvess 4 года назад +916

    Having 200+ guns
    Get arrested because small number of marijuana

  • @mx.giraffe1971
    @mx.giraffe1971 4 года назад +185

    Let's be honest
    He was being watched even before he was caught with Marijuana

    • @ajoneil4640
      @ajoneil4640 4 года назад +16

      Oh yeah 100% I don't think they liked the idea of him shooting all of his guns and getting RUclips fame from it

    • @nyancatbeatcreature.3782
      @nyancatbeatcreature.3782 4 года назад +10

      He was watched since he got the highest type of weapon liscnece. Like when you obtain this license do you give away you’re rights for privacy and get regularly checked up by th government

    • @ajoneil4640
      @ajoneil4640 4 года назад +1

      @@nyancatbeatcreature.3782 Do you know the list of licensing ? I guess starting at FID.

    • @tomatoesilluminatoes4245
      @tomatoesilluminatoes4245 3 года назад

      @@nyancatbeatcreature.3782 That's right

  • @davidwkealey840
    @davidwkealey840 9 лет назад +354

    Before this video played, there was an add for stoping violence and war. I was all like, "Skip Add." Have a nice day

    • @davidwkealey840
      @davidwkealey840 8 лет назад +5

      what kinda name is "pflanzengottbambus"

    • @davidwkealey840
      @davidwkealey840 8 лет назад +3

      If you think I sound like that, then your a bloated idiot...

    • @ap-nr3zi
      @ap-nr3zi 5 лет назад +3

      @@davidwkealey840 ad

    • @basedguns8218
      @basedguns8218 4 года назад

      Its spelled ad

    • @skoopymemes9563
      @skoopymemes9563 4 года назад +1

      @@basedguns8218 youre 4 years late mister

  • @UberDanger
    @UberDanger 11 лет назад +126


    • @Krusolhah
      @Krusolhah 11 лет назад +8

      So I see you get around :P huehue

    • @D1LLu
      @D1LLu 11 лет назад +3

      Holy cow I want that gun ! D: gimme xD

    • @MsDelfas
      @MsDelfas 10 лет назад +2

      You should be doing more full ap/ad vids, what are u doing here?

    • @Mr.Xarxes
      @Mr.Xarxes 4 года назад +4

      This aged well..

    • @dum5247
      @dum5247 3 года назад +1

      Damn, this aged horribly

  • @IRAMightyPirate
    @IRAMightyPirate 11 лет назад +9

    Much better editing and setup than the last video. All the cuts seemed to make perfect sense and the lighting and slow-motion shots looked fantastic. The camera cuts around the 3:40 mark look great. Keep up the awesome videos.

  • @MrNileX
    @MrNileX 11 лет назад +7

    Massive amounts of love for the AUG. Thanks for the upload FPSRussia!

  • @motoharvesting1184
    @motoharvesting1184 5 лет назад +339

    No recoil this guy is op ✌️

  • @DerekJones
    @DerekJones 11 лет назад +10

    I am so glad FPS has made it back to youtube!!! GREAT channel, GREAT entertainment. Keep at it man!

  • @mitchellavard
    @mitchellavard 11 лет назад +9

    FPS Russia has gotten very professional with his videos since I first watched them, great videos!

  • @DailyHardcoreMusic
    @DailyHardcoreMusic 5 лет назад +9

    Thanks RUclips for recommending this 5 years later

  • @yashwant5288
    @yashwant5288 5 лет назад +901

    It's sound like qbz(in shanhok)

  • @kailacumings
    @kailacumings 11 лет назад +13

    Glad to see some new videos from you!

    • @jericho6862
      @jericho6862 11 лет назад +3

      Nvr been an AUG fan but this was totally awesome, kinda want one now....

  • @kellaoseven
    @kellaoseven 11 лет назад +4

    Great episode as always man. I would absolutely go nuts if you could do one with AN-94. I know its probably never going to happen because its so hard to find, but there is so little footage available on that gun and it would fit perfectly in your series.

  • @angryfishmonger
    @angryfishmonger 11 лет назад +6

    The slow motion shots are getting very good!

  • @vortexshift7560
    @vortexshift7560 9 лет назад +400

    damn that looks factory new

    • @sirbader1
      @sirbader1 8 лет назад +6

      It probably is/was. It's a AUGA3. SBR.

    • @acidkid520
      @acidkid520 7 лет назад +8

      Rob Bader csgo joke my guy

  • @Juliet1106Tango
    @Juliet1106Tango 10 лет назад +606

    3 worst jobs in the world
    1. Being FPS Russia's Target
    2. Being FPS Russia's Automobile
    3. Being FPS Russia's Table

    • @KDZX4
      @KDZX4 10 лет назад +10

      4. Being FPS Russia's Xbox

    • @roboter5123
      @roboter5123 10 лет назад +17

      3 best jobs in the world
      1. being the producer of fps russia's targets
      1. being the producer of fps russia's automobiles
      1. being the producer of fps russia's table

    • @sulaimangulzar6727
      @sulaimangulzar6727 5 лет назад +3

      Hype World but he didn’t

    • @MrRedeyedJedi
      @MrRedeyedJedi 5 лет назад +1

      And now, being fps russia.

    • @dmohammeddhkj1955
      @dmohammeddhkj1955 5 лет назад

      6 . Fps russia is Legands

  • @DrMcGunner
    @DrMcGunner 11 лет назад +35

    RPG would be BADASS in slow-motion.

  • @lukeskywalker1840
    @lukeskywalker1840 5 лет назад +12

    My absolute bucket list rifle. I've wanted one since I saw it in die hard when I was a kid back in the 90s

    • @BIGRED47
      @BIGRED47 4 года назад

      Australian made rifle

    • @TheRealThomcat
      @TheRealThomcat 4 года назад +1

      Land of schnitzel not kangaroo

    • @BIGRED47
      @BIGRED47 4 года назад +1

      @@TheRealThomcat yee I think you may be right the land of roo made one called the aus styr

    • @TheRealThomcat
      @TheRealThomcat 4 года назад +1

      The F88 Austeyr is a licensed production of the Austrian Steyr AUG :)

    • @BIGRED47
      @BIGRED47 4 года назад

      @@TheRealThomcat it's a veriation I'm pretty sure so the Aussie ones don't have the barrel covered it's exposed. So it's kinda like how multiple companies make veriation of an m4

  • @NZUlthw3
    @NZUlthw3 9 лет назад +5

    I remember when my corporal went fully automatic with the A1 that we use, we're so used to hearing it in semi. We all looked like deer in headlights we were so amazed hearing it for the first time!

  • @DTMRM8
    @DTMRM8 11 лет назад +4

    Welcome back. You were missed.

  • @thomaskok5773
    @thomaskok5773 11 лет назад +11

    that is a one master piece of artwork

  • @peterdouglass7346
    @peterdouglass7346 11 лет назад +6

    I love these new videos, the quality is better, the videos are longer, you go more in depth on what you are doing, everything is better

  • @GabrielMeneghetti
    @GabrielMeneghetti 5 лет назад +4

    Man, I sure miss this channel

  • @psnmadracer27
    @psnmadracer27 11 лет назад +13

    Hey FPSRussia, I've got an idea for an alternate paint setup. Try putting the paint buckets on a rack above the painting, and have your canvas set diagonally below it. You'll get more paint coverage on your canvas, and you might even get some sick shots of the paint splashing onto the canvas as well. Be safe, and I hope you make many more videos.
    PS - have you done a video on the G36C? Id love to see a demo of it. I've heard good things about the G36K, and wanted to make sure the carbine variant didn't sacrifice anything.

    • @martinmcmanus2815
      @martinmcmanus2815 Год назад

      I used to love his stuff the forces that be obviously didnt but he knew guns and how to use them big respect 👍

  • @blooba
    @blooba 11 лет назад +13

    You should make a video with a G36C. Had the chance to shoot one the other day and liked it a lot.

  • @Rekettyelovag
    @Rekettyelovag 11 лет назад +4

    Mr. Torgue says: "WE NEED MORE EXPOSIOOONS!! :D
    Nice vid btw. I love the AUG. It looks like a futuristic badass gun!

  • @JakobS97AUT
    @JakobS97AUT 9 лет назад +105

    Austrian quality

    • @SilverSurferrrrrrrr
      @SilverSurferrrrrrrr 9 лет назад +13

      +Twitch I would love to visit your country and see the kangaroos and koalas

    • @SilverSurferrrrrrrr
      @SilverSurferrrrrrrr 9 лет назад +4

      Nicolas Calderon M8... its a joke :)
      I thought the Australians are using the M4 etc.

    • @edenlyle4896
      @edenlyle4896 8 лет назад

      +Nicolas Calderon we use the F88 Austeyr

    • @kyuubi9704
      @kyuubi9704 8 лет назад +1

      greetings from. austria

    • @kreisplatz5154
      @kreisplatz5154 8 лет назад

      hawe dere

  • @mattv2099
    @mattv2099 11 лет назад +17

    3:08 OMG that was seriously OPERATOR AS FUCK. Nice angle chamber check, brah.

  • @TheWaterpolofreak
    @TheWaterpolofreak 11 лет назад +4

    I really like the slow mo cam !

  • @illdisposedme
    @illdisposedme 11 лет назад +12

    i bet theres no birds in your garden

    • @MrKBruss
      @MrKBruss 11 лет назад

      in soviet russia there are no birds

    • @FatRednecK79
      @FatRednecK79 11 лет назад

      in soviet Russia the birds are kgb

    • @MrKBruss
      @MrKBruss 11 лет назад

      ok u won the day pl but i will return!

    • @sagem210x
      @sagem210x 11 лет назад

      FPS RUssia isn't a russian.. google it that's why i hate him now ... it's just a role play

    • @alexpickford5726
      @alexpickford5726 11 лет назад +1

      sagem210x still, he's amazing

  • @sunbegone3212
    @sunbegone3212 9 лет назад

    dude your viedos are so awesome I love it when you drive tanks and stuff through drive throughs

  • @mattv2099
    @mattv2099 11 лет назад +82

    do a high point vid

    • @ElocTheComrade
      @ElocTheComrade 11 лет назад +5

      Leave it to you Matt...

    • @acidkid520
      @acidkid520 7 лет назад +2

      😂 of course its matt lol

    • @martynaskerdokas8438
      @martynaskerdokas8438 6 лет назад +2

      High points are abomination but they are durable, demo ranch shot at one of those and broke the slide, but the gun still was capable of running almost with no problems

  • @koz4christ
    @koz4christ 11 лет назад +6

    Hey man. Just want to say welcome back! Your videos have improved. Audio is great, video quality is great. Keep up the good work!

  • @CodingToFreedom
    @CodingToFreedom 10 лет назад +16

    One does not simply watch these Videos in sub-HD-resolution.

  • @beastarees
    @beastarees 4 года назад +7

    why is the camera quality so good it was 6 years ago

    • @super1512
      @super1512 3 года назад

      Good cameras have always existed dude

  • @TemenosL
    @TemenosL 10 лет назад +6

    My input.
    Pros: Less ammunition wasted versus full-auto if someone's firing in a high-stress scenario and are likely to miss or waste ammunition. It can also be used as a form of suppression without necessarily going full auto on an AR and tossing rounds everywhere.
    Cons: By a controlled shooter or not in a high-stress scenario where there is no threat of going full-auto, missing targets and wasting the full magazine, it is both nearly impossible to put all rounds on the same position on the target, and thus is less accurate and stable than semi-auto for proper marksmanship. Compared to semi you're also wasting more ammunition as it's less likely you'll get all three rounds on that same spot, especially at range. The only weapon type to pull this off would be able to fire off multiple rounds before the recoil affects the shooter such as the specialist AN-94.

    • @cottonballs185
      @cottonballs185 6 лет назад

      The issue of missing is addressed, typically, by a lower ROF and suppression may be achieved with semi-automatic fire, though neither are a substitute for the role of an LMG. You have made a better argument for eliminating automatic capability in rifles/carbines than for the preservation of burst mode

    • @cottonballs185
      @cottonballs185 6 лет назад

      @I AM ALIVE !!!!! No amount of training fixes a seven pound trigger pull weight and a rate of fire reaching 900 RPM. You clearly have no experience with assault rifles

  • @Gabe-zz5gw
    @Gabe-zz5gw 5 лет назад +9

    Recommended by youtube randomly in 2019

  • @0097King
    @0097King 11 лет назад +19

    Personally, i liked the old music more

  • @jaswindersinghsran1038
    @jaswindersinghsran1038 3 года назад +1

    FPSrussia live in my heart

  • @innocentguy9639
    @innocentguy9639 5 лет назад +288

    Why Didn’t You Take The lv.3 Vest And Helmet Too?

    • @invernus69
      @invernus69 5 лет назад +3

      So true, why he didn't take the backpack and armor in the airdrop? This guy must be a pro to not do that...

    • @deepakmagar8626
      @deepakmagar8626 5 лет назад +23

      He is in training mode, that's why😂😂

    • @user_sandeepkumar
      @user_sandeepkumar 5 лет назад +2

      @@deepakmagar8626 😁

    • @SKY_talk
      @SKY_talk 5 лет назад +1

      Yaah you are right

    • @abhishekjindal1659
      @abhishekjindal1659 5 лет назад

      his teammates took them😀😀😀

  • @NoShitGameplay
    @NoShitGameplay 11 лет назад +20

    You should do something together with FreddieW or The Slow Mo Guys

  • @agussaputra9455
    @agussaputra9455 5 лет назад +217

    The sounds like a QBZ?

    • @JL-jj6oy
      @JL-jj6oy 5 лет назад +8

      well, QBZ is a chinese bullpup

    • @ejangohyes7821
      @ejangohyes7821 5 лет назад +7

      In game? Yes. Not in real life m8

    • @agussaputra9455
      @agussaputra9455 5 лет назад +2

      Wow,,,, i think like that :)

    • @R_86s
      @R_86s 5 лет назад


    • @le4nrm888
      @le4nrm888 4 года назад

      The AUG is chambered in 5.56×45mm and the QBZ in 5,8×42 mm, those calibers are very similar and probably sounds same.

  • @scottstewart1974
    @scottstewart1974 9 лет назад +22

    My Russian g/f has one eyebrow & arm wrestles for free vodka. Her home defence preference is an RPG. I love my Boo very much.. :))

  • @FutureSoldier228
    @FutureSoldier228 11 лет назад +24

    the nest gun you should do is the
    (M1 garand )

  • @Droviation
    @Droviation 11 лет назад +26

    Please use the MTAR

    • @CODFreak760
      @CODFreak760 11 лет назад +3

      You mean tavor?

      @THELASTENV3Y 11 лет назад

      imi tar

    • @silverzdk
      @silverzdk 11 лет назад +3

      ***** The MTAR is just the "micro" or carbine version of the gun TAR-21 :)

  • @georgeaarsen9923
    @georgeaarsen9923 4 года назад +16

    *When is the next patch update coming ,the burst mode looks really cool*

  • @ovi_sensei
    @ovi_sensei 5 лет назад +119

    Like seriously after 5 years in 2019 you showing this RUclips 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @spider-plant6176
      @spider-plant6176 5 лет назад +4

      Coz there is a thing called PUBGM that exists ...

  • @BlumbleCompany
    @BlumbleCompany 11 лет назад +10

    I feel like if they made a movie about GTA IV the first guy they should to ask to be Niko would be this guy...

  • @airkiller9980
    @airkiller9980 11 лет назад +14

    I wonder if there is a Russian channel called FPSAmerican and the Russian guy wears a professional American shirt and has an American accent XD

    • @jansilverberg2835
      @jansilverberg2835 11 лет назад +2

      You meant FPSAmerica right, cause this isn't FPSRussian hehe.

  • @Mastermind9211
    @Mastermind9211 10 лет назад +79

    Austrian firepower... hell yeah!

  • @JohnDoe-ve4de
    @JohnDoe-ve4de 9 лет назад +1

    First of all, you ROCK!!!! Always a blast to watch, and great to see someone who knows his stuff which is why I have a question. This may be a stupid question so please forgive me if so but, with the NFA, how do guys such as yourself get these mega-cool, obviously post-1986 select fire weapons to shoot???

    • @DDRguy133
      @DDRguy133 9 лет назад

      John Doe there are always exceptions to the rule. While it's not legal to buy the guns full auto or burst fire, people with the right certifications can buy the kit to add the other firing modes. So he probably rent's most of the weapons that he uses, unless someone that he knows is able to get him everything.

  • @PoisoN.07
    @PoisoN.07 5 лет назад +756

    I think you found it from Air drop...😜😜Pubg

  • @DejanMac
    @DejanMac 11 лет назад +9

    is It on ebay?

  • @VoidRDM
    @VoidRDM 11 лет назад +7

    Do a video covering the AK5C!

  • @floridasoldat
    @floridasoldat 9 лет назад

    Man AUGs just sound so damn intimidating. There's just something about that consistent, mechanical, almost gear-like bark.

  • @TheASFBacca
    @TheASFBacca 10 лет назад +6

    The aug a3 is really amazing

  • @metalmessenger
    @metalmessenger 11 лет назад +11

    sochi security, no problem send fpsrussia, dont be beech

  • @Sinkatze
    @Sinkatze 11 лет назад +14

    Any link to the sheet on ebay?

  • @leonidasspartan6863
    @leonidasspartan6863 8 лет назад

    great slow motion captures... the bullets energy dissipating on the steel plinkers is fascinating

  • @fcec01j56
    @fcec01j56 10 лет назад +56


    • @MsBarberi
      @MsBarberi 10 лет назад +6

      those are illegal in the U.S

    • @ovrkill1234
      @ovrkill1234 7 лет назад +4

      So are automatic and 3 round burst weapons.

  • @USNavySeal956
    @USNavySeal956 11 лет назад +8

    Plz make one of the g36c?

  • @l3nny973
    @l3nny973 8 лет назад +59

    Factory new?

  • @finnpeall1393
    @finnpeall1393 4 года назад +3

    I saw this video in my recommendations and right next to it was a video saying how FPS Russia nearly got 25 yrs in prison 😂😂

  • @Xikixarli
    @Xikixarli 11 лет назад +4

    Amazing 10.000 fps camera

  • @AlexAlexMad
    @AlexAlexMad 11 лет назад +14

    FAMAS please!

  • @rahar_peru
    @rahar_peru 11 лет назад +7

    I think i've never seen you with a .50 barret shooting from extreme distances... would be very interesting to see a shot like from the movie "shooter" to a bottle from really far away... or see you shooting a .50 one handed.. lol

  • @waleedraza7195
    @waleedraza7195 5 лет назад

    FPSRussia, it'll be a hell of a day when you come back

  • @vampire5131
    @vampire5131 5 лет назад +7

    Only found in Air drop PUBG.
    I love Aug ❤️❤️😍😍

  • @shamar5673
    @shamar5673 3 года назад +4

    Warzone meta right here

  • @DiggySmalls
    @DiggySmalls 11 лет назад +10

    Whoa, did Kyle get married?

    • @alachance2010
      @alachance2010 11 лет назад

      No it's his "single lady prevention ring" I paraphrased

  • @ZakKypto
    @ZakKypto 6 лет назад

    The paint in slow mo is so badass

  • @ryangi5
    @ryangi5 11 лет назад +4

    With 3 round burst, you really have to pull that trigger. Otherwise only one or two rounds will fire, and the next time the remainder of the 3 rounds will fire. For example, you don't pull the trigger hard enough, and it shoots 2 rounds. The next time you pull the trigger, only one round will fire. You saw that happen a couple of times in this video. It just takes a little getting used to the 3 round burst trigger, and you are good to go.

    • @MoreFPSRussia
      @MoreFPSRussia 11 лет назад +3

      Yep, most people have a hard time getting it to work at all at first.

  • @Retro-Future-Land
    @Retro-Future-Land 11 лет назад +5

    Looks like FPS has a new NFA supplier!

  • @bluejokerwm
    @bluejokerwm 11 лет назад +5

    hey fps can you please start to give us prices on the rifles or firearms you shoot please

  • @philipoesterlepekrun4828
    @philipoesterlepekrun4828 9 лет назад

    NOW thats how a man makes art!

  • @77RONZO
    @77RONZO 11 лет назад +6

    Nice video!!!!!! Please try to have a video shooting with a little further distance between you and the target. I would like to see the effectiveness of a assault rifle at 50 to 70 yards. please thumbs so he can see this.

  • @mattv2099
    @mattv2099 11 лет назад +8

    Is that a Famas!?!?!?!?!?! COOL! :)

    • @taca747
      @taca747 11 лет назад +2

      you got to be kidding me, its a AUG, its in the title, does it say famas NO!!!

    • @mattv2099
      @mattv2099 11 лет назад +2

      Same thing as a FAMAS right?

    • @pilmun
      @pilmun 11 лет назад +2

      MattV2099: Guns & Food troll fail

    • @MrTehPenguin
      @MrTehPenguin 11 лет назад +2

      naw man i think it was an austrailian fog

    • @mattv2099
      @mattv2099 11 лет назад +3

      Maybe a Ghost gun???!??!?!?! Shoots a 30 caliber clip in half a second?

  • @Thursday121am
    @Thursday121am 10 лет назад +6

    Wow... its been more then 3 weeks and this video only has barely a million views. The old fps russia would crush this. It's apparent that Kyle lost much loyal viewership due to his hiatus. I had originally unsubscribed from him during that hiatus. But i resubscribed.

    • @lemonprofit
      @lemonprofit 10 лет назад +11

      you are pathetic.

    • @ARAMRECON117
      @ARAMRECON117 10 лет назад

      What's a 'hiatus'?

    • @DavikShaftler
      @DavikShaftler 10 лет назад

      When someone takes a long break from something.

    • @ARAMRECON117
      @ARAMRECON117 10 лет назад

      ***** Oh okay, thanks!

    • @Timothy2012
      @Timothy2012 10 лет назад

      I don't see the point of unsubscribing to people in general.

  • @vanchien5183
    @vanchien5183 5 лет назад +1

    Miss him so much.

    • @ep_aesthetics5917
      @ep_aesthetics5917 5 лет назад

      Van Chien Ha go check out his podcast . Talks about prison stories and everything

    • @andrewdaley3081
      @andrewdaley3081 4 года назад

      @@ep_aesthetics5917 just found this channel what happened to him. Andy England 🇬🇧❓👍

  • @TheInfinityMaster1
    @TheInfinityMaster1 11 лет назад +9

    I suggest that you first show us the full shooting WITHOUT the slow-mo and then do a replay WITH the slow-mo instead of it being in the middle of the shooting, that would be better in my opinion.

  • @UPlayNetwork
    @UPlayNetwork 11 лет назад +16

    That's a beautiful rifle, hunting with it would be cool, though unfortunately you would need more than 20 shots to take down a buffalo

    • @Craccoo
      @Craccoo 11 лет назад +4

      you can't use burst or full auto for hunting, it would have to be a mod making semi auto to fit your state's regulations

    • @killer2403
      @killer2403 11 лет назад


    • @hives56
      @hives56 11 лет назад +4

      You want to hunt with an assault rifle? Where's the challenge in that?

    • @JonathanBesler1
      @JonathanBesler1 11 лет назад +1

      Craccoo Someone's thinking inside the box

    • @RedwallWarlordsVids
      @RedwallWarlordsVids 11 лет назад +1

      lol where are you hunting buffalo? You've obviously never been hunting before.

  • @Rohit0P
    @Rohit0P 5 лет назад +4

    Aug + 6x Is Love❤

  • @s_t_r_e_l_0_o_k818
    @s_t_r_e_l_0_o_k818 5 лет назад

    RIP best channel on RUclips

  • @androdunia
    @androdunia 5 лет назад +109

    Why it sounds like qbz of pubgm

  • @dreadnought703
    @dreadnought703 11 лет назад +7

    MG-3, fire a Mg-3 and record it with a high speed camera

  • @MajicLaMa
    @MajicLaMa 11 лет назад +9

    Why not try the most famous 3-round burst, the m16

    • @peerfunk
      @peerfunk 11 лет назад +2

      cause the weapon is really cool and it is /was made designed in my country :D

    • @MajicLaMa
      @MajicLaMa 11 лет назад

      peerfunk He can use more than one gun. -_-

  • @Ot7quan
    @Ot7quan 4 года назад +1

    Finally a normal comment section about guns without FoRtNiTe being brought up ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

  • @EzraSurvives
    @EzraSurvives 11 лет назад +7

    You should defo get some work done with TheSloMoGuys, that would be epic!!
    Who else agrees?!! :D

  • @LiveGamingNation
    @LiveGamingNation 11 лет назад +7

    Would LOVE to see some high powered sniper rifles on this... Something like the L96A2
    or even the Barrett M98B would be awesome

    • @gamerboy2048
      @gamerboy2048 11 лет назад +1

      You mean STRAIGHT M98BALLER

  • @jasonarismendi8660
    @jasonarismendi8660 4 года назад +15

    Can’t believe that not his real voice

    • @gobasb1341
      @gobasb1341 4 года назад

      I squrtz I listen to the PKA podcast

    • @SkinnyBeGhetto
      @SkinnyBeGhetto 4 года назад

      @Camo Dude he still owns guns... He shows the on the podcast

  • @Awft0p
    @Awft0p 3 года назад +1

    Miss you big dawg

  • @aryanplays-tv
    @aryanplays-tv 9 лет назад +5

    Please Fps Do a Video On Bull up Assault Rifle Tar 21

  • @0-0-w3j
    @0-0-w3j 4 года назад +7

    0:06 turn on subtitles 🤣

  • @Cheese-wi3dm
    @Cheese-wi3dm 5 лет назад +43

    It sounded like a QBZ in pubg

  • @zamanz726
    @zamanz726 5 лет назад

    Very nice practical presentation 👍👍

  • @thebluntfultruth8475
    @thebluntfultruth8475 11 лет назад +4

    I would love to see him review a H&K G3

    • @FPSDemiGod
      @FPSDemiGod 11 лет назад

      I think that he prefers the scar 17s as his .308 battle rifle

  • @Salpeteroxid
    @Salpeteroxid 11 лет назад +7

    Famas next please, 1000 rpm Oh yeah!

  • @nickswanson6672
    @nickswanson6672 4 года назад +4

    This is where COD Cold War got the three round burst AUG idea.

  • @cousinnikola1130
    @cousinnikola1130 4 года назад

    Ur an first artist to make a coloring with a gun