How to Recognize God's Voice When He Speaks - Bill Johnson Sermon Clip | Bethel Church

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • We need to be people who recognize when God is speaking to us. God will not lead us into deception, and has given us keys to recognizing His voice. Bill Johnson teaches from the disciples experience after Jesus had risen from the dead, and their unbelief when Mary told them the good news. God speaks in many different ways, but as we come to know Him, we will recognize and discern the life on His Words, however He chooses to speak.
    This is an excerpt from Bill's message “Why the Resurrection”. You can find the full message here: • Why the Resurrection? ...
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    Scripture References:
    Mark 16
    John 6: 60-70
    Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. He is senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and is passionate about seeing revival and God’s Kingdom established and revealed in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations. Bill’s teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven, hosting the Presence, and the renewed mind has helped thousands around the world to step into their true identity in Christ, God given purpose, and walk in a supernatural lifestyle displaying both purity and power.
    #BillJohnson #BethelChurch #HearingGodsVoice

Комментарии • 78

  • @annamartserfontein5139
    @annamartserfontein5139 Год назад +36

    I think God the Father has this frequency in His voice....i get so nuch peace when listening to Bill....bless him...innJesus name...for his pure heart...i honour Jesus wisdom in him..

  • @teetimewisdom90
    @teetimewisdom90 Год назад +39

    If you truly knew how effective, skilled, and precise your Heavenly Father (God) was at answering YOUR earnest prayer, you would never cease praying ❤-My mother

  • @zoodryg4327
    @zoodryg4327 Год назад +29

    A young man approached me on a walk asking, "Can you tell me about GOD? I said. "GOD is not looking for performance but for friendship". Mark was so struck by the Presence of the Holy Spirit that he bent over sobbing for @5 min then said, "I am so ashamed of my life". The Holy Spirit totally took over the encounter and I watched Mark continue to be enlightened and changed for @1hour.
    As the encounter tapered off Mark told me. "My dad is a WICKEN". I knew God just stole one of Satan's kids and knew I expected to see a backlash.
    I walked a couple blocks on the path and a woman sitting on a bench stood and said, "GOD HAS SOMETHING BIG FOR YOU"....

    • @YanilleCastillo
      @YanilleCastillo Год назад +1

      Out of the mouth of a babe amazing you can’t make this up hallelujah

    • @zoodryg4327
      @zoodryg4327 Год назад

      @@YanilleCastillo 🥲Thank You

    • @careyvivian7524
      @careyvivian7524 Год назад

      ​@@YanilleCastillo ò

  • @rebuildyourlife8215
    @rebuildyourlife8215 Год назад +30

    This reminds me so much of something I read from Rick Joyner many years ago, in his book The Torch and the Sword, or the call... I forget which one exactly... but in the vision he had, Wisdom (Christ), spoke to him and said (paraphrased) "you need to learn to recognise me through the vessel I am speaking through, it could be a donkey, and unsaved person, something you're watching on TV, whatever. You need to be able to see beyond the vessel and look to the spirit to recognise me as the source".
    I have lived that from the time I read it and it has changed my life. And yet, I see so many people who are offended at the vessel and cannot receive the Word that's coming because they simply don't like or agree with the vessel it's coming through. This video is a good message.

  • @mcf.fontanez
    @mcf.fontanez Год назад +9

    This teaching came at this perfect time for me and my family. My husband just passed away by suicide, hanging himself in our home. I have kept myself in prayer. However, I have had no energy to keep pushing through. Thank you for this teaching. It helps me to be reminded of his Holy Word.

    • @BillJohnsonMinistries
      @BillJohnsonMinistries  Год назад +3

      I can't imagine your pain. I'm praying for the overwhelming peace of God to invade your life, your home, your family.

    • @gb-yn2re
      @gb-yn2re Год назад +1

      I am so sorry you have to go through that, I pray that you hear God's great unadulterated love for you...

    • @lovepeace6346
      @lovepeace6346 Год назад +1

      Hi, hope your heart is healing and that you continue to feel God’s love and presence. I pray you’ve had a million little miracles these past 4 months ❤

  • @toshilajamir7677
    @toshilajamir7677 Год назад +10

    Always deep teaching from Bill from India

  • @sereneanna4040
    @sereneanna4040 Год назад +5

    Deep n profound sharin 🙌🏻✝️ Gbu n yours 🕊🕊🕊💞🔚🔜🌈👑😇

  • @patriciaaharkins9777
    @patriciaaharkins9777 Год назад +4

    Oh my goodness, this is so true . There are people God will use, and situations God will use to speak to us. We need to position our selves to hear what He is saying. Especially now.

  • @truthscar
    @truthscar Год назад +4

    Such a powerful and beautiful message Bill, thank you.

  • @sandymj3w633
    @sandymj3w633 Год назад +3

    Thank you. Needed to hear this word today. To expect contact to be different each time. Bless you!!

  • @yohaan9
    @yohaan9 Год назад +11

    Everytime I take back something beautiful to apply to my life from these sermons. Thank you

  • @JudyLynn1949
    @JudyLynn1949 Год назад +5

    Thank you,Pastor Bill

  • @You_are_an_overcomer
    @You_are_an_overcomer Год назад +2

    Your voice is the sweetest, most beautiful and wonderful sound I have ever heard. It's like reaching into to the fiber of my being to pluck notes on strings within of the softest, kindest, safest, and most gentle music I could ever hope to hear. And I long to hear those notes play again. Thank you, Jesus, for your promises are sure. Amen.

  • @gobeyond614
    @gobeyond614 Год назад +1

    I do not understand--"life stirring inside of me" could just be emotions/soulful experience and not the spirit in me that should be piqued by the attachment to the Word. Some of this suggestion feels like using confirmation bias to get an answer we wanted for ourselves, regardless of where we get it. The Bible says not to be yoked with unbelievers; it says WE (believers) are the salt and light of the earth; it says we are not to even eat/associate with unbelievers. Why would the HS *literally take hold of and) use a 'vessel' that has not yielded to Him and disregard that person's need for salvation or HS guidance (himself) so much that the HS uses that person (only) to deliver a message to a yearning believer? I understand being reminded of The WORD of God (Bible references) that might generate during conversation with an unbeliever. I understand common comfort (soulful) and the HS BEING a Comforter. I understand that His sheep will know His Voice. Jesus died to save us and when He left us, He sent the Comforter (HS). The HS convicts us and keeps us heading toward righteousness. Don't we need to make sure that this righteousness is included in the direction and make sure we are positioned to be the light to help the 'dirtied' vessel to examine themselves against The Word? Where does the NT scripture or the red letter words (Jesus's Words) tell us to listen to the donkey (which was before the HS was given to all believers)? Where does it say "life stirring inside of me" equals the Holy Spirit---separate from The Word? Thanks for your time and attention.

  • @limaceaae
    @limaceaae Год назад +5

    Praise be The Lord Almighty!

  • @patjacques9363
    @patjacques9363 Год назад +3

    Yes!!! Fresh manna, thank you Pastor Bill! Such life to my weary soul!

  • @cheriereynolds1806
    @cheriereynolds1806 Год назад +4

    Fabulous HALLELUJAH..

  • @ryokokirchhoff782
    @ryokokirchhoff782 Год назад +4

    So So So good Bill as always...thank you!!!!!

  • @ThirzaTumTum
    @ThirzaTumTum Год назад +1

    This one time God (Jesus [Truth]) said:
    "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
    Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
    And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.
    Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.
    And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
    For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.
    And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.
    And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.
    But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
    Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
    And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
    Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:
    He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.
    But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great." -Jesus said to His disciples, as faithfully witnessed in the gospel according to Luke.
    And the Christians repented of their fear and hatred of humanity; they repented of their idolatry of family and friends.
    Wolves teach their young to kill the (sinners) naked people who don't know they are naked, bleeding and injured.
    Sheep teach their young to love God with all their hearts and love their neighbors as themselves; they showed grace, mercy and compassion to the (sinners) naked people who don't know they are naked, bleeding and injured.
    The Christians believed Jesus when He said that their enemies were those of their own households and that everyone else were their neighbors.
    The beast will stand in their fleshly temple and declare that they are sinless; worthy to throw the first stone (devour, destroy, kill, execute enemies and sinners [support the death penalty]).
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said not to call any man common or unclean. All three times.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He does not want any sinner to die.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which desire The Day of The LORD; for The Day of The LORD is darkness and not light."
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that every sin will be forgiven, not theirs only, but the sins of the whole world.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "For God so loved the world."
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, and my wedding will be furnished."
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that they were evil and God alone is good.
    And the Christians considered everyone as better than themselves.
    And the Christians didn't consider anything that they owned as their own.
    And the Christians didn't sue anyone in court and the Christians who were sued in court gave more than asked for by the people who sued them.
    And the Christians took the wrong.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which have small children and infants in those days."
    And the Christians turned the other cheek then leapt for joy and rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Christ Jesus their God and King.
    And the Christians prayed "Forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing."
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the evil in the world was going to wax worse and worse; they knew that Donald Trump (insert any publican, y'all encourage your children to be harlots the way you encourage them to be publicans [someone paid with money collected as taxes]) and their vote would not change what God promises was going to happen.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the people who return evil (a bullet to the face is evil) for evil, are not His disciples and have built their house on the sand and God promises that their house will greatly fall.
    And the Christians didn't idolize their children, parents, families, friends and neighbors because they feared God more than they feared men and death.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the new heaven was better than this life.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that life begins when our fleshly bodies die.
    And the Christians believed Jesus and John and revelation, that only Jesus holds a sword to destroy evil.
    And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that if He wanted to kill someone, He would have His angels from heaven do the killing, not His humans from earth.
    The sermon on the mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7) takes 15 minutes to listen to, acts takes 2 hours 19 minutes, romans takes 1 hour 1 minute, Corinthians takes 1 hour 40 minutes, galatians takes 19 and a half minutes, ephesians takes 19 minutes, philippians takes 14 and a half minutes, colossians takes 12 minutes 40 seconds, Thessalonians takes 17 minutes 47 seconds, Timothy takes 26 minutes 47 seconds, Titus takes 6 minutes 20 seconds, philemon takes 3 minutes, Hebrews takes 41 minutes 21 seconds, James takes 14 minutes 55 seconds, Peter takes 27 minutes, John takes 20 and a half minutes, revelation takes 1 hour 10 minutes and 28 seconds AND THEY ALL SAY THE SAME THING. To owe no one any thing but to love one another.

  • @stipcrane
    @stipcrane Год назад +2

    Thank you very much! That was very clear.

  • @andreweveritt3829
    @andreweveritt3829 Год назад +4

    So good teaching!

  • @monicanordin3997
    @monicanordin3997 Год назад +2


  • @wandafrederick9237
    @wandafrederick9237 Год назад +1

    This is a helpful word and also gave me a laugh about his desire for a new car and hearing God!

  • @rainbowbabyluvida4441
    @rainbowbabyluvida4441 Год назад +1

    Keep me in your prayers for spiritual strength with this new shyness I've never experienced before thank you

  • @carleyscholz
    @carleyscholz Год назад +2

    Thank you for sharing🙏🏽

  • @lyndarestrepo6562
    @lyndarestrepo6562 Год назад +10

    Wow!!! This word taught me exactly what to look for because I felt His presence, connected dots! Thank you Lord!

  • @LukasiMusic
    @LukasiMusic Год назад +3

    Amen Jesus.

  • @lilliecrane2106
    @lilliecrane2106 Год назад +2

    Outstanding teaching!

  • @emmanuelarchontakis2005
    @emmanuelarchontakis2005 Год назад +3

  • @zhiboxiao4056
    @zhiboxiao4056 Год назад +1

    All the words only from Lord Jesus, all the time continually trust Jesus, and following with Lord Jesus

  • @Joshuaepaphras
    @Joshuaepaphras Год назад +2

    Thank you

  • @patriciaaharkins9777
    @patriciaaharkins9777 Год назад +2

    Presents, Life!

  • @lucyfranklin1466
    @lucyfranklin1466 Год назад +1

    Thank you Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Amen Amen ❤

  • @popimartinez195
    @popimartinez195 Год назад +1

    Got it!!! Thank you so much !!!!

  • @zachspeegle5651
    @zachspeegle5651 2 месяца назад

    I have heard God speak to me through my enemy. It's true.

  • @oddlybeautifuldesigns821
    @oddlybeautifuldesigns821 Год назад

    Thank you so very much God bless you this is the answer ive been waiting for. That feeling of Gods prescence just came over me as i understood. Amen

  • @josaunders4292
    @josaunders4292 Год назад

    Excellent thanks so much, really appreciated

  • @kaykalda9674
    @kaykalda9674 Год назад +1

    Love you Bill

  • @williammarsh1964
    @williammarsh1964 Год назад

    The end of the message leans on subjective feelings...Paul said in I Cor 4:4 "
    "My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.". II Peter 1:3 says, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.". I love this Pastor and praise God for his many labor's for the kingdom...I read the scriptures though, as final authority, even though it repeats itself in areas of Faith. The believer needs to be careful that his/her subjective feelings, don't have the final say.

  • @MRRIllustrations
    @MRRIllustrations Год назад

    I had the inestimable privilege of meeting Bill briefly a couple of times at a Bethel Creativity Conference in..hmm...around 2017/2018 I think. Anyway, point is, I've never met anyone in my entire life who reminded me of God the Father as much as Bill, and that was after a brief handshake, greeting and blessing. This man is the real deal.

  • @jeffmillerjr6086
    @jeffmillerjr6086 Год назад

    John 10:27 Jesus said my sheep know my voice and follow me.
    Light doesn’t fight the darkness because the darkness is always fleeing from the light.

  • @subatomic10
    @subatomic10 Год назад

    14:35 wow ! Never heard of them lining up 4am in the snow at Toronto Revival.
    Thought that only happened at Brownsville.
    Awesome 🎉

  • @raeveth
    @raeveth Год назад

    I love the bit where he says God delivers the message thru ppl we might not naturally be drawn to or whose personality is quite different to ours. I always think of John the Baptist - he comes off as a bit of a weirdo and certainly in The Chosen they went with that vibe, but guess what, he carried a message from God and the masses were drawn to it, just like all the "weirdness" of Toronto

  • @rebekkaruting3240
    @rebekkaruting3240 Год назад

    Did I understood? Did he sang this song be careful little eye?
    I know this song in German. I am speechless to hear this in English.

  • @caryncoyle851
    @caryncoyle851 Год назад

    I love you Pastor Bill!! Praise Jesus 🔥 Hallelujahhh!! So real. Thank you thank you!

  • @judah8811
    @judah8811 Год назад

    The disciples should have believed the report of the resurrection not because of a good feeling inside but because it’s what Jesus said many times he would do. Faith is believing what God has said. It is not believing what you wish he said.

  • @deborahstarman9874
    @deborahstarman9874 Год назад +1

    Shalom ❤️

  • @randybaca6132
    @randybaca6132 Год назад

    Thank you Bill and most of all thank you Father for fathering each one of us were all individual we all have different needs and you know exactly how to feed us and keep us thirsty thank you for this word and thank you for confirmation of your love and friendship to us may you continue to move on your family and add those to it as needed in Jesus name amen

  • @BrandonDraper
    @BrandonDraper Год назад +1


  • @danielahoje
    @danielahoje Год назад +1

    Amém !!! ❤

  • @estherquayle-nz2py
    @estherquayle-nz2py Год назад

    So helpful!!

  • @donn07
    @donn07 Год назад


  • @adrioosthuizen6535
    @adrioosthuizen6535 Год назад

    Loooove this ministry soo much

  • @richtamizha6643
    @richtamizha6643 Год назад

    Rich, Rich Fulfillment,,,, Amen

  • @joelpanes1730
    @joelpanes1730 Год назад

    Good word.

  • @daveeskew4885
    @daveeskew4885 Год назад

    Can Christians use credit or have credit cards and what about credit in business? Thank you

  • @rebekahmichelle8185
    @rebekahmichelle8185 Год назад

    This is straight fire🔥🔥🔥🎉

  • @parfenyj
    @parfenyj Год назад

    Good word!! 💥

  • @sellappanpalaniappan5602
    @sellappanpalaniappan5602 Год назад

    All good - thanks Bill!

  • @melissanickell9228
    @melissanickell9228 Год назад

    Wow. All I can say

  • @kelleycasey9953
    @kelleycasey9953 Год назад


  • @patpruitt21
    @patpruitt21 Год назад

    Me too ❤

  • @jillyoung3337
    @jillyoung3337 Год назад


  • @christcrucified6385
    @christcrucified6385 Год назад +1

    If our protection from deception was in a feeling, or an inner assurance that what we are hearing is coming from Him, there would not be 30,000 denominations of people who are feeling and hearing something differently. Our protection is in knowing the Truth and the Spirit of Truth. He will always be pointing us to the Cross. That is how Jesus knew Peter was speaking from the devil when he told Jesus he didn't need to go to the Cross.
    I was in ministry for 20 years as a charismatic preacher before God really began to open my eyes to the true message of the Cross. Jesus did not come here to bless my life. He came here to crucify it and to give me His. If I don't hate mine and deny it then I cannot have His. This is a daily thing. Everything and every spirit that tells us this is not necessary or leads us in a different direction, in any way, is from the devil. The Spirit of Truth will always point us to the true work of the Cross and the more we hear Him and walk with Him, the more we will recognize error when we hear it. It has nothing to do with how we feel or our intuition. The vast majority of what I used to think was God, now I know it is not. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

  • @tomasipese2635
    @tomasipese2635 Год назад