Daniel A If it’s literally all you’re doing than yes it’s good to kick the habit, but if you’re just doing it a couple times a week it’s not going to interfere with your life
I work in the bank. Yesterday i had a very old client, a child of WW2 in fact. I had a very deep talk with him about the meaning of life and all that stuff while filling out the papers. Turns out he worked for 60 years of his life in education field. Evetually somehow we got to the topic of furniture and clothes. He told me that he never bought any expensive furniture or clothing in 65+ years because he couldn't afford it. Made me think alot about all that "work hard" bs these companies try to throw at us.
@@WindofChange2023you are an ignorant if you think just starting a stall in a developed country will make you "freer" than a corp job. In my country having a desk job means you are very lucky and can only get that job if you had education, having a stall is not something glorified here because most of the time these people are just lucky to make enough profit to buy enough food for the day.
@@WindofChange2023 You are seriously naive. It's EASY to start your own business in a developing country. The laws and regulations are relaxed, there's virtually no gatekeeping to most jobs, and what little there is will be simple and easy to overcome with a basic education and a week or two of paperwork. For example, if I wanted to install septic tanks in a developing country, I might need a simple $100 permit, some prefabbed septic tanks, PVC piping and glue, and a shovel. If you want to install septic tanks in America, you need to be a licensed contractor in both plumbing AND sanitation with 8 weeks of school for both, get city, county, and state ordinance approval, get a permit, pick from a list of approved septic prefabs that cost 2-4x as much as what is needed, and you'd be forced to use a backhoe to dig (which also requires certification and license to operate, drive, and rent) because you digging holes with a shovel isn't safe. Oh, you also need an environmental impact report and hope to GOD you don't stumble on a bone or arrowhead when digging either. The bar of entry to running your own business is MUCH higher and the cost of failure is as well in the developed world. We have corporations who pulled the ladder up behind them to ensure that nobody could install septic tanks without 2 million dollars of funding and 2 years of prep work.
@@aidanc9396 Depends on the location. I worked with people who ran hotdog stands who made very good money from it (they operated in large metropolitan areas though).
I know this is just a meme from 4chan but I think that this is one of the most meaningful and deep hitting artworks of our generation. We don't want to live that way.
@@apestogetherstrong341 Yeah I'm from a post-USSR country lol. The working conditions were pretty much the same, except there was no variety in stores and no possibility of early retirement. One positive ascept was unparralled job security, however it was literally illegal to be willingly unemployed.
@@minemednik РАБСТВО В СССР Условия труда были просто невыносимо ужасными! Мало того, что не давали работать более 8-ми часов в день, так если ты ещё и оставался, не дай, Бог, сверхурочно, то тебе насильно платили двойную зарплату. Более того, если ты не в спецовке, выданной тебе бесплатно предприятием, то могли вообще не допустить до работы. Насильно профсоюзы впихивали талоны на бесплатное питание и молоко. Давали бесплатное жилье тем, кто не мог купить кооператив… Короче, издевались, как хотели… Верхом цинизма, конечно, были 13-я, 14-я, а, кое-где, и 15-я зарплата. И, если от 13-й ещё можно было как-то отвертеться, попав, например, в вытрезвитель, или набив кому-то морду, то отвертеться от 14-й зарплаты, за выслугу лет, у рабов не было НИ ЕДИНОГО ШАНСА! В субботу и в воскресенье, просто НАГЛЫМ ОБРАЗОМ закрывали заводы, чтобы, не дай, Бог, кто-то не припёрся бы на работу. Исключение составляли только предприятия с непрерывным производственным циклом. И, те редкие счастливчики, которые работали на них, всё же прорывались на работу в выходные дни.. Но, Советской власти было МАЛО ИЗДЕВАТЬСЯ НАД НАРОДОМ НА РАБОТЕ! Они выдавали от профсоюзной организации бесплатные путевки в Дома Отдыха, профилактории, туристические базы, ЧТОБЫ И ТАМ ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ СВОЁ ЧЕРНОЕ ДЕЛО! Уже в виде пыток 4-х разовым питанием, массажем, душем Шарко. Измученные и обессилевшие люди надеялись, что, хотя бы вечером, их оставят в покое… Но, не тут-то было! Вечером начинались уже моральные пытки. Танцы, массовик-затейник, и прочие... Особого упоминания достойны издевательства над детьми. Не в силах избежать своего рабского положения, они вынуждены были в школе получать бесплатные учебники, бесплатные или почти бесплатные завтраки и обеды. Естественно, так же, как и взрослых, летом детей тоже не оставляли в покое. Их насильно свозили в пионерлагеря, чтобы и там продолжать подвергать их пыткам. Попав в кровожадные лапы пионервожатых, дети были лишены таких естественных детских прав, как пить, колоться, курить, ругаться матом… Их мучали спортом, конкурсами, кормили 4-е раза в день… В общем, не расскажешь всех издевательств, которым подвергались дети… И наглое, циничное советское государство, ещё и заставляло платить родителей за всё это. От 8-ми до 12-ти рублей за смену. Обожжённые Солнцем (это пытки на пляже), вытянувшиеся (это их на дыбе) они, даже не взглянув на еду (сказались пытки едой), бежали во двор, чтобы обменяться с друзьями мнением о том, чей лагерь был самый жестоким и невыносимым… В общем, нет прощения советскому государству за то, что пережил советский народ и советские дети! Но, даже в этих нечеловеческих условиях жесточайшего ограничения свобод и рабства, они все-таки выжили! 1 копейка - коробка спичек. 2 копейки - позвонить девушке. 3 копейки - стакан воды с сиропом. 4 копейки - позвонить девушке и один раз не туда попасть. 5 копеек - стакан семечек. 22 копейки - мороженое шоколадное, "Ле-нин-град-ско-е". 56 копеек - один доллар. 1 рубль 12 копеек - два доллара. 2.87, 3.62, 4.12 - три бутылки водки. 8.80 - ночью на такси до вокзала и обратно. По дороге купить цветы девушке, дать таксисту на чай и три рубля потерять. 44 рубля - стипендия. Просто бешеные деньги! 160 рублей - цель жизни! Можно "грязными"... 5 тысяч - "Жигули". 10 тысяч - "Волга". 15 тысяч - десять лет с конфискацией. 1 миллион - нет такой цифры... 300 миллионов - население Союза Советских Социалистических Республик! ☭ Мы из СССР☭ /p
@@Swenthorian I mean, it's understandable, more people today are open to work in coops, and we understand that we have less than half a century before automation takes over the lion's share of jobs, be it robots or AI, and in both cases, a union wouldn't be able to do much, since it's already endemic as a process to one situation, and totally irrelevant to the other
@@Swenthorian honestly, if a good solid UBI was put in place, not having a job would be kinda cool, having time to get good at your hobbies, spend time with family, explore new things, I just hope to live long enough to see it start on the right path
@@giordanocoresi2934 Ehhh UBI has *problems*; I think a better solution would be gradually reducing the number of hours in full-time work. As automation takes over, we're able to produce the same by working less and less; and by reducing the hours worked, we keep job opportunities open for others. However, this comes at the cost of the robot-owners reaping the vast majority of that production; so we may need measures to ensure that surplus is shared with workers. While cooperatives would be a perfect solution in this situation; a less-good but still viable option is to implement an earned-income tax-credit, or even a payout with that same philosophy. But we should not, imho, reward not working.
@i hate anime the man who agreed to shackle himself with those chains has nobody to blame but himself. The resources necessary to learn advanced skills are freely available on the web, and there are countless career paths that are available to those who are willing to take the effort to learn them. Save money and rent properties. Learn carpentry and renovate homes. Invest your savings. Learn essential IT skills and get a certification and get an easy, exceptionally alright sedentary IT job. Learn a number of programming languages and make cheats for popular videogames. learn to fix computers, learn to fix cars, etc etc. All of these jobs except carpentry are for the most part casually paced jobs that do not require you to sell your soul to bezos or a university debt. Most have promotion opportunities, and some (particularly home renovation & carpentry, and software development) can make you quite well off - but only if you are capable of self-starting and self-employment.
@i hate anime you don't need any degrees to get a job in construction; you only need to have your own tools, and the ability to learn. This trade alone is capable of earning you an eternally scale-able amount, so long as you have the skills to back up your earnings. I mean if you don't have a GED, then you're likely lacking some basic math skills that are essential, and you're going to have to compensate for this fact. Chances are high that you won't require a degree to get into a trade, but it would do you well to have one.
@i hate anime because it requires genuine effort and physical labor to work a trade. The amount of people doing trades are so low because everyone is being funneled into universities, they're told that uni is everything, and they feel that trades are dead ends, and that they'll be working them for life. Truth is, they're not wrong. Trades are overall dead ends. Most won't start up their own carpentry firm, and even if they do, chances are low they'll succeed. It's a guarantee that they'll have to work hard labor for years that will grind their joints to dust, and leave them liable to cancer. However, it's the skills that you learn that make you the money. You could buy a house, and rent the entire thing out to airBnb for an exceptional amount of money. You could potentially live in a van while doing this and make as much as a doctor would get in spending money - granted you'd be saving that money to buy more rentals to continue expanding your portfolio with. Getting rich is literally just about asset management. Doesn't matter if you're 200k in debt or have no money; you always start by saving.
Some rumours have surfaced recently that I am a wagecuck. I can right now guarantee you with 100% certainty that I am not, or have ever been in possession of a j*b. This would interfere with my creative pursuits as an intellectual NEET, and I would never stoop so low as to have to work to live. FUCK JANNIES and thank you.
Raditya Pamarta honestly, he secretly calls me sometimes/FaceTimes me during some of the shifts so they are not too bad. He just stacking shelf’s and books and although he gets a bit tired they give him free Gatorade and Ice popsicle. He listen to music a lot to pass the time. But it’s a lot better than how this song portrays it lol.
Corporatism "Capitalism" has the wage cage but you're allowed to be a NEET off of someone else's dime. Your whole life revolves around making money for a company and acquiring material babbles for your amusement. Don't have gods, don't have a family, don't have opinions, just consoom and distract yourself from your lack of meaning with mindless entertainment. In practice, "Communism" has work voucher cages and requires you to work or else you get the gulag. Your whole life revolves around what's best for the collective. If the collective would benefit from your death, you die. The Dear Leader needs your kidneys. Oh, you're gay? Sorry, we need to up the baby production for the current 4 year plan. We're killing you to make room for more brood mares. You're just taking the abusive megacorp and putting it under the ownership of a one-party state. "The people" or "the workers" don't get to own anything. They're just slaves trading masters. As The Who said: "Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss." The only way to win is to own your own small business and destroy all these government agencies that are designed to regulate the little guy out of existence. Get practical skills, buy a gun, buy land, be the king of your own castle. No one else is coming to rescue you from the urban wage cage hellscape.
@@terriblehumanbeing8117 Don't worry about it, dude. Just keep pushing for communism and see where it gets you. I'm sure if Antifa burns down one more pawn shop, the wage cage will be abolished and we'll all live in harmony.
“the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the dust from which you were made.”
AFTER POPULAR DEMAND: The Wage Cage is now on Spotify (only after two years). Go and listen to it so the CEOs can make more advertising money off of you, wagie open.spotify.com/album/1CTiFyDvPVGnQkzliJFEc6
Thanks for pointing us to the OG, Shoe!!! This one deserves just as much, if not _more_ credit for establishing such a catchy freaking tune that you guys were able to revamp and animate on Hell World. Love both versions of this incredible tune ♥️🔥
Their workers have to piss in bottles and take a shit in plastic bags, but those mental help cages are apparently higher on the priority list. Really, if Amazon isn't the most stereotypical evil big corp, I don't know what is.
When I worked at Walmart, a lot of the associates were brainwashed into believing that their job is their life, but I didn’t fall for that bullshit. However simply doing my job and going home wasn’t good enough for the Walmart community. They ostracized me for not being as dedicated to the job as they were. Associates and managers alike were not on my side and were united in trying to find reasons to fire me. The day I quit that job was the happiest day of my life, but it was probably what those people wanted to happen all along. I wouldn’t be surprised if they organized a celebration after I left.
Great song. I currently work 2/3 days a week for 1800 eurobucks a month and it is the nicest employment I have ever had. I am gonna drop that job to go to college and become a full time wagie eventually. Completely idiotic but I am gonna do it anyway.
@Тициан That is exactly what I mean, I have a super nice employment that leaves me lots of time and income and I am gonna throw that shit at the wall because I am a greedy bitch.
@@miragemirage3670 Sorry for the late reply, I disabled notifications. I am working in a Semiconductor factory and I am hopefully studying technical computer sciences (loose translation) in the hope of re-entering as an Engineer. My job is not exactly easy, it demands a certain amount of durability and attentiveness but it is not excessively hard either. What helps is that I am just a good fit with the people and generally well liked and also enjoy the constant overload of work (way better then boredom). Got a couple of promotions and am currently roughly at 2k after taxes. A lot of jobs are far more demanding and have a way bigger detrimental effect on a persons health and life quality. I am excessively lucky to have this job. I wish all the other robots here the best of luck. We all gonna make it
This is the modern day “which side are you on,” I’m fully sure it’ll carry on into the public sphere of music with enough folksy people with banjos and guitars playing it.
Sailing, sailing, jumping off the railing Drinking, drinking, till the ship is sinking Gambling, stealing, lots of sex appealing Come, let us sing the sailor song
This is legit fantastic, if you'd gone off script a little structure-wise for a chorus you'd have a really sick complete composition on your hands. Great work regardless!
Start of the song, I see the picture and think it might be some satirical invention where workers can be forced into and be kept during work hours. End of the song and I realize the cage is for our minds that we will willingly stay inside.
That's why I'm going into real estate renting and investing in some stonks. At least then my debt results in passive income and I'm not 100% stuck with that debt for the rest of my life like students loans. College was such a damn scam LOL. Schools never teach you about leveraging your money and that's precisely because their only goal is to fuel the system, not to better their students.
Perpetuating this system is kinda cringe tho. I mean its fine if you're a class traitor to the upper class by using some of that stonk money to support unions and shit, but if you're just stonking it up and not trying to do something about this bullshit nothing's ever going to change.
"We do this for 40 years and then we die."
Words to live by in this day and age full of us wagies.
Thank you based squidward.
I don't know if this generation will still have the luxury of retiring
@@TheAskald We definitely won't. We'll work, we'll be miserable and we'll die alone and itchy.
@@tpayne7020 One of my reasons to live is the curiosity to see what shithole the world will become by 2100, not gonna lie
@@TheAskald haha my only reason is to get revenge for this bs and do some tarrant shit in my 30s
@@angrygoyim8113 based
Wagie rages, screams and dies.
NEET eats chicken, tendies and fries.
:D :D :D
I miss being a neet so badly
@@undergroundvideos1732 Why, being a NEET gets depressing af after a while. I'd rather be depressed with money instead :^)
@@fleskel not falling for it again mr goldstein
@@dogolionnovelder4951 eheheheh
Remember to COOM and CONSOOM, Wagie!
im in this comment and i dont like it
"Jack off bad"
Daniel A
You’re such an individual for being nofap
I’m sure you get so much done and don’t just sit in your parents basement all day
Daniel A If it’s literally all you’re doing than yes it’s good to kick the habit, but if you’re just doing it a couple times a week it’s not going to interfere with your life
Daniel A
lets see the proper response to cope is either cringe or yikes, so I’m gonna go with cringe since you used an emoji
Despite all my rage, I’m still a wageslave in a cage.
Either choose a virgin with rage or a wagie in the cage
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
wagie ở nước nhà còn khổ bằng vài lần mấy bố này haha
@@Obfuscatorrr Bullet with Butterfly Wagies
@Insomniac you still believe the stock market isn't rigged? Lmao
I work in the bank. Yesterday i had a very old client, a child of WW2 in fact. I had a very deep talk with him about the meaning of life and all that stuff while filling out the papers. Turns out he worked for 60 years of his life in education field. Evetually somehow we got to the topic of furniture and clothes. He told me that he never bought any expensive furniture or clothing in 65+ years because he couldn't afford it. Made me think alot about all that "work hard" bs these companies try to throw at us.
@@WindofChange2023you are an ignorant if you think just starting a stall in a developed country will make you "freer" than a corp job.
In my country having a desk job means you are very lucky and can only get that job if you had education, having a stall is not something glorified here because most of the time these people are just lucky to make enough profit to buy enough food for the day.
@@WindofChange2023 You are seriously naive. It's EASY to start your own business in a developing country. The laws and regulations are relaxed, there's virtually no gatekeeping to most jobs, and what little there is will be simple and easy to overcome with a basic education and a week or two of paperwork.
For example, if I wanted to install septic tanks in a developing country, I might need a simple $100 permit, some prefabbed septic tanks, PVC piping and glue, and a shovel.
If you want to install septic tanks in America, you need to be a licensed contractor in both plumbing AND sanitation with 8 weeks of school for both, get city, county, and state ordinance approval, get a permit, pick from a list of approved septic prefabs that cost 2-4x as much as what is needed, and you'd be forced to use a backhoe to dig (which also requires certification and license to operate, drive, and rent) because you digging holes with a shovel isn't safe. Oh, you also need an environmental impact report and hope to GOD you don't stumble on a bone or arrowhead when digging either.
The bar of entry to running your own business is MUCH higher and the cost of failure is as well in the developed world. We have corporations who pulled the ladder up behind them to ensure that nobody could install septic tanks without 2 million dollars of funding and 2 years of prep work.
@@WindofChange2023 "The secret to making a fortune is a roadside stall"
Dear god please be satire.
@@aidanc9396 Depends on the location. I worked with people who ran hotdog stands who made very good money from it (they operated in large metropolitan areas though).
@@WindofChange2023 Is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?
"I should have invested in those magical internet coins"
There will always be another scam
Shoulda bought that lottery ticket now that I know the winning numbers
@@sisypheanexistence8955actually a perfect analogy
modern "news" sites be like: ...and here's why this is a good thing!
This is why they are getting replaced by algorithm based writing tools.
This is far more artistic than it has any right being. It's a piece that shows the struggles of a dying youth in a harsh world.
Anon, no talkie before coffee. Now get into your cagie before I take this off your pay.
before i take this off your wagie no?
ymko shut up
"Calm down, you're thinking too much."
it's memes like these that gave me the strength to not be afraid to walk away from a job.
Same I quit a job recently, I've been feeling better since.
Awfully privileged ways of thinking, eh?
@@Thought_Police I almost took the bait until I read your name
@@Thought_PoliceDoubleplusgood, comrade! Keeping our thoughts clean.
@@Alexander-nc4vy LOOOL. Dropped you a like.
I know this is just a meme from 4chan but I think that this is one of the most meaningful and deep hitting artworks of our generation. We don't want to live that way.
Capitalism is hell
communism is even worse though. no winning
@@minemednik lmao no, socialism is great, have you seen the working conditions of people in USSR?
@@apestogetherstrong341 Yeah I'm from a post-USSR country lol. The working conditions were pretty much the same, except there was no variety in stores and no possibility of early retirement. One positive ascept was unparralled job security, however it was literally illegal to be willingly unemployed.
@@minemednik РАБСТВО В СССР
Условия труда были просто невыносимо ужасными!
Мало того, что не давали работать более 8-ми часов в день, так если ты ещё и оставался, не дай, Бог, сверхурочно, то тебе насильно платили двойную зарплату.
Более того, если ты не в спецовке, выданной тебе бесплатно предприятием, то могли вообще не допустить до работы.
Насильно профсоюзы впихивали талоны на бесплатное питание и молоко.
Давали бесплатное жилье тем, кто не мог купить кооператив…
Короче, издевались, как хотели…
Верхом цинизма, конечно, были 13-я, 14-я, а, кое-где, и 15-я зарплата.
И, если от 13-й ещё можно было как-то отвертеться, попав, например, в вытрезвитель, или набив кому-то морду, то отвертеться от 14-й зарплаты, за выслугу лет, у рабов не было НИ ЕДИНОГО ШАНСА!
В субботу и в воскресенье, просто НАГЛЫМ ОБРАЗОМ закрывали заводы, чтобы, не дай, Бог, кто-то не припёрся бы на работу.
Исключение составляли только предприятия с непрерывным производственным циклом. И, те редкие счастливчики, которые работали на них, всё же прорывались на работу в выходные дни..
Они выдавали от профсоюзной организации бесплатные путевки в Дома Отдыха, профилактории, туристические базы, ЧТОБЫ И ТАМ ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ СВОЁ ЧЕРНОЕ ДЕЛО!
Уже в виде пыток 4-х разовым питанием, массажем, душем Шарко.
Измученные и обессилевшие люди надеялись, что, хотя бы вечером, их оставят в покое…
Но, не тут-то было! Вечером начинались уже моральные пытки. Танцы, массовик-затейник, и прочие...
Особого упоминания достойны издевательства над детьми. Не в силах избежать своего рабского положения, они вынуждены были в школе получать бесплатные учебники, бесплатные или почти бесплатные завтраки и обеды.
Естественно, так же, как и взрослых, летом детей тоже не оставляли в покое. Их насильно свозили в пионерлагеря, чтобы и там продолжать подвергать их пыткам.
Попав в кровожадные лапы пионервожатых, дети были лишены таких естественных детских прав, как пить, колоться, курить, ругаться матом…
Их мучали спортом, конкурсами, кормили 4-е раза в день… В общем, не расскажешь всех издевательств, которым подвергались дети…
И наглое, циничное советское государство, ещё и заставляло платить родителей за всё это. От 8-ми до 12-ти рублей за смену.
Обожжённые Солнцем (это пытки на пляже), вытянувшиеся (это их на дыбе) они, даже не взглянув на еду (сказались пытки едой), бежали во двор, чтобы обменяться с друзьями мнением о том, чей лагерь был самый жестоким и невыносимым…
В общем, нет прощения советскому государству за то, что пережил советский народ и советские дети!
Но, даже в этих нечеловеческих условиях жесточайшего ограничения свобод и рабства, они все-таки выжили!
1 копейка - коробка спичек.
2 копейки - позвонить девушке.
3 копейки - стакан воды с сиропом.
4 копейки - позвонить девушке и один раз не туда попасть.
5 копеек - стакан семечек.
22 копейки - мороженое шоколадное, "Ле-нин-град-ско-е".
56 копеек - один доллар.
1 рубль 12 копеек - два доллара.
2.87, 3.62, 4.12 - три бутылки водки.
8.80 - ночью на такси до вокзала и обратно. По дороге купить цветы девушке, дать таксисту на чай и три рубля потерять.
44 рубля - стипендия. Просто бешеные деньги!
160 рублей - цель жизни! Можно "грязными"...
5 тысяч - "Жигули".
10 тысяч - "Волга".
15 тысяч - десять лет с конфискацией.
1 миллион - нет такой цифры...
300 миллионов - население Союза Советских Социалистических Республик!
☭ Мы из СССР☭
Society has screwed entire generations so much that we have to make a joke out of it all or go mad.
There's a phrase for that: gallow's humor.
@Hi How Are You? Kek, back in those days life was easier, there was no rat race. Farming and hunting was comfy.
@Hi How Are You? Im not interested in changing your opinion, there's google to look for that stuff.
@@comicsans3845 the vast majority of people before the industrial revolution lived, at most, one or two points above the poverty line.
Yes, i think we should all get money for free
The best Union piece since the '30s, this will rock the next IWW songbook
I was just thinking this, lol. But less pro-union than just anti-bossman.
@@Swenthorian I mean, it's understandable, more people today are open to work in coops, and we understand that we have less than half a century before automation takes over the lion's share of jobs, be it robots or AI, and in both cases, a union wouldn't be able to do much, since it's already endemic as a process to one situation, and totally irrelevant to the other
@@Swenthorian honestly, if a good solid UBI was put in place, not having a job would be kinda cool, having time to get good at your hobbies, spend time with family, explore new things, I just hope to live long enough to see it start on the right path
@@giordanocoresi2934 Ehhh UBI has *problems*; I think a better solution would be gradually reducing the number of hours in full-time work. As automation takes over, we're able to produce the same by working less and less; and by reducing the hours worked, we keep job opportunities open for others. However, this comes at the cost of the robot-owners reaping the vast majority of that production; so we may need measures to ensure that surplus is shared with workers. While cooperatives would be a perfect solution in this situation; a less-good but still viable option is to implement an earned-income tax-credit, or even a payout with that same philosophy.
But we should not, imho, reward not working.
Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains
everywhere he’s in drains
@i hate anime the man who agreed to shackle himself with those chains has nobody to blame but himself. The resources necessary to learn advanced skills are freely available on the web, and there are countless career paths that are available to those who are willing to take the effort to learn them. Save money and rent properties. Learn carpentry and renovate homes. Invest your savings. Learn essential IT skills and get a certification and get an easy, exceptionally alright sedentary IT job. Learn a number of programming languages and make cheats for popular videogames. learn to fix computers, learn to fix cars, etc etc. All of these jobs except carpentry are for the most part casually paced jobs that do not require you to sell your soul to bezos or a university debt. Most have promotion opportunities, and some (particularly home renovation & carpentry, and software development) can make you quite well off - but only if you are capable of self-starting and self-employment.
@i hate anime you don't need any degrees to get a job in construction; you only need to have your own tools, and the ability to learn. This trade alone is capable of earning you an eternally scale-able amount, so long as you have the skills to back up your earnings.
I mean if you don't have a GED, then you're likely lacking some basic math skills that are essential, and you're going to have to compensate for this fact. Chances are high that you won't require a degree to get into a trade, but it would do you well to have one.
@i hate anime because it requires genuine effort and physical labor to work a trade. The amount of people doing trades are so low because everyone is being funneled into universities, they're told that uni is everything, and they feel that trades are dead ends, and that they'll be working them for life.
Truth is, they're not wrong. Trades are overall dead ends. Most won't start up their own carpentry firm, and even if they do, chances are low they'll succeed. It's a guarantee that they'll have to work hard labor for years that will grind their joints to dust, and leave them liable to cancer.
However, it's the skills that you learn that make you the money. You could buy a house, and rent the entire thing out to airBnb for an exceptional amount of money. You could potentially live in a van while doing this and make as much as a doctor would get in spending money - granted you'd be saving that money to buy more rentals to continue expanding your portfolio with. Getting rich is literally just about asset management. Doesn't matter if you're 200k in debt or have no money; you always start by saving.
Man has nothing to lose but their chains.
This is a work of art.
Everything is possible for the NEET who has ample time to devote to his artistic pursuits, as opposed to the wagie and his cramped schedule.
this will be a section in history book in 3020
@@ThatCaretakerGuy JEW
this melody stuck in my head
@@ThatCaretakerGuy יהוד!
Some rumours have surfaced recently that I am a wagecuck. I can right now guarantee you with 100% certainty that I am not, or have ever been in possession of a j*b. This would interfere with my creative pursuits as an intellectual NEET, and I would never stoop so low as to have to work to live. FUCK JANNIES and thank you.
Brah....y u lie? I saw you in wage cage last week...LOL
I wish I was a neet. I hate working
based, milk the ZOG for all it's worth
@@стрелок-ч7рim on disability 😅😅
why i'll never work in a amazon warehouse. A fuxking 4chan meme is affecting my financial decisions lmao
FloorFungus420 my brother works in one lol
King Slushie101 what’s its like
Raditya Pamarta honestly, he secretly calls me sometimes/FaceTimes me during some of the shifts so they are not too bad. He just stacking shelf’s and books and although he gets a bit tired they give him free Gatorade and Ice popsicle. He listen to music a lot to pass the time.
But it’s a lot better than how this song portrays it lol.
King Slushie101 thanks
Raditya Pamarta no problem, lol
Amazon was inspired by this post so much they made it into a real thing
I made this song my morning alarm as a joke.
It ain't funny no more.
Time take whar belongs to you from bourgeoisie!
Workers of the world, unite!
Based I want to sing this in public.
Then do it
Better hurry before the new soundproof model comes out
@@The_Ballo too late
If the Dead Kennedys were a modern band, this is what they would write. Masterpiece.
This is the final boss of black pills
*Hard work pays off.*
Biggest fucking joke
Someone do the wage cage live concert where everyone is in their cages watching a pop star perform this song on stagie
This literally just happened, we all wish I was joking.
@@diegoivbe where?
"stagie" hahahhaa im dying 😂😂😂😂
We have nothing to lose but our chains.
Neets of all sides, unite!
Fuck it, one struggle
Corporatism "Capitalism" has the wage cage but you're allowed to be a NEET off of someone else's dime. Your whole life revolves around making money for a company and acquiring material babbles for your amusement. Don't have gods, don't have a family, don't have opinions, just consoom and distract yourself from your lack of meaning with mindless entertainment.
In practice, "Communism" has work voucher cages and requires you to work or else you get the gulag. Your whole life revolves around what's best for the collective. If the collective would benefit from your death, you die. The Dear Leader needs your kidneys. Oh, you're gay? Sorry, we need to up the baby production for the current 4 year plan. We're killing you to make room for more brood mares.
You're just taking the abusive megacorp and putting it under the ownership of a one-party state. "The people" or "the workers" don't get to own anything. They're just slaves trading masters.
As The Who said: "Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss."
The only way to win is to own your own small business and destroy all these government agencies that are designed to regulate the little guy out of existence. Get practical skills, buy a gun, buy land, be the king of your own castle. No one else is coming to rescue you from the urban wage cage hellscape.
@@TheGreenKnight500 Is this a copypasta I missed or do you genuinely believe all that garbage LMAO
@@terriblehumanbeing8117 Don't worry about it, dude. Just keep pushing for communism and see where it gets you. I'm sure if Antifa burns down one more pawn shop, the wage cage will be abolished and we'll all live in harmony.
despite all my rage im still just an amazon workhouse employee in a cage
I would rather kill myself
Here from Hell World. Great melody!
“the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the dust from which you were made.”
I won't work in a cage, I won't live in a pod and I won't eat bugs
Denial, one of the hardest to overcome in the 5 stages of grief
Yes you will
@@thegodofsilence5580 in the words of Patrice O'Neal, "I'd die first, n*gga"
@@poinendev2932 you’re already living in a pod eating bugs you just think you’re not
they think its just neet or wagie, really its just pod or cagie
Add 10 minute guitar solo and now you have a sick pink floyd song
"Job instruction and corporate propaganda screen" (Cannot be turned off)
Had me laugh for a minute.
If I works for 50 years in cagie mr bezos says I might get weekend off
Nothing to lose but our cages !
No land no freedom
wagie, 5 minute venting break is over! look, someone put some peanuts in cagie, come, come here, wagie!
Being a pirate isnt as stable as a wagie job but MAN is it exciting
So instead of the wagecage its the brig
@kueacybtguicyregfibubkueacybax and equal chances of avoiding it
I love how the singer sounds sorta like a 40k ork
AFTER POPULAR DEMAND: The Wage Cage is now on Spotify (only after two years). Go and listen to it so the CEOs can make more advertising money off of you, wagie
>implying that we do crack
The american dream baby!
About to go to my very first job in a couple of hours as writing this, wish me luck fellas!
Hope your cage is prepped.
@R R It’s quite fine, easy job for some easy money.
@@Iciclefairy What's your job?
@@albertoftasmania simple warehouse job where I stack and organize boxes.
@@Iciclefairy Nice. Glad you don't have to deal with customer service.
Thanks for pointing us to the OG, Shoe!!!
This one deserves just as much, if not _more_ credit for establishing such a catchy freaking tune that you guys were able to revamp and animate on Hell World.
Love both versions of this incredible tune ♥️🔥
Who's here after the amazon cage?
Their workers have to piss in bottles and take a shit in plastic bags, but those mental help cages are apparently higher on the priority list.
Really, if Amazon isn't the most stereotypical evil big corp, I don't know what is.
Sleep, live little and WORK A LOT, WAGIE !!!
This is my weekday alarm to get up in the morning
This close to disappearing to the woods never to be seen again
Good luck all the water and air is poison
Property tax is the worst/ you have to pay every year just to keep what you already slaved to own.
i always keep coming back to this
Eat the bugs wagie
ב''ה, bugs are not Kosher
When I worked at Walmart, a lot of the associates were brainwashed into believing that their job is their life, but I didn’t fall for that bullshit. However simply doing my job and going home wasn’t good enough for the Walmart community.
They ostracized me for not being as dedicated to the job as they were. Associates and managers alike were not on my side and were united in trying to find reasons to fire me. The day I quit that job was the happiest day of my life, but it was probably what those people wanted to happen all along. I wouldn’t be surprised if they organized a celebration after I left.
i keep coming back to this
This is modern Art
thx man
Straight over from Shoe's Hell World 4.
This is quite something you got there CrazyCod. Have a view and a like, you earned them.
The wage cage is just an irl SCV from starcraft
This is a certified retail classic
NEET is love
NEET is life
Listening it from my cagie.
Ok subhuman
The singing and lyrics were both excellent!
Can't wait to be a wagie after few years!
I hope my boss rewards my obedient behaviour!
Great song. I currently work 2/3 days a week for 1800 eurobucks a month and it is the nicest employment I have ever had. I am gonna drop that job to go to college and become a full time wagie eventually. Completely idiotic but I am gonna do it anyway.
@Тициан racist
@Тициан That is exactly what I mean, I have a super nice employment that leaves me lots of time and income and I am gonna throw that shit at the wall because I am a greedy bitch.
DoubleDicksDanzel VanDOOM. What kind of work is this, and what are you going to study?
@@miragemirage3670 Sorry for the late reply, I disabled notifications. I am working in a Semiconductor factory and I am hopefully studying technical computer sciences (loose translation) in the hope of re-entering as an Engineer. My job is not exactly easy, it demands a certain amount of durability and attentiveness but it is not excessively hard either. What helps is that I am just a good fit with the people and generally well liked and also enjoy the constant overload of work (way better then boredom). Got a couple of promotions and am currently roughly at 2k after taxes.
A lot of jobs are far more demanding and have a way bigger detrimental effect on a persons health and life quality. I am excessively lucky to have this job. I wish all the other robots here the best of luck.
We all gonna make it
Don’t fuck it up, anon.
who needs money when i could just eat sleep for dinner
I fucking love the indominable human spirit
join the iww! solidarity forever!
@@userasdf807 yes
This is the modern day “which side are you on,” I’m fully sure it’ll carry on into the public sphere of music with enough folksy people with banjos and guitars playing it.
I also see the potential
CAGE'D you mad wagie
Damn they made it real now lmao
*Everyone stand up for the global Amazon anthem*
Sailing, sailing, jumping off the railing
Drinking, drinking, till the ship is sinking
Gambling, stealing, lots of sex appealing
Come, let us sing the sailor song
Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains!
Meanwhile communism promises nothing but chains.
Yeah we have nothing to lose except our money,our home,our car,and clothes off our backs.
Communism is not the solution to capitalism. It's just the same soul-crushing dystopia with a different flag.
Now i know how a workplace of the perfect cybertruck creator should look like.
This totally sounds like something Ween would sing.
Didn’t expect this comment
This is legit fantastic, if you'd gone off script a little structure-wise for a chorus you'd have a really sick complete composition on your hands. Great work regardless!
One year this will have at least a million views
Older Generations had 16 tons we have this
Shit is shit. Doesn’t matter if it’s less shit.
>no face rag glued to the face
>no daily gene therapy injection module
Outdated design
At the moment im not working
I don't intend to get a job either
I am living the life
All of you work for me so i don't have to
Wagies of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your cagies!
they are pussies
SWAGDAWG SWAGSON same side of the jewish shekel
This was my theme song for my drive to my corporate job before I quit
Insanely based OP, good work lad, jannies won't catch me wagin
Sup, Shoe0nHead fans. Thanks for checking my stuff out.
Shoe0nhead brought me here
This guy has the most chad deep voice ever.
Modern day "16 Tons"
Is there an 8 hour version of this?
This is ART!
so this is where bizonacci is stuck
The price of freedumb
W-workers of the wo-orld, u-unite! :'(
Start of the song, I see the picture and think it might be some satirical invention where workers can be forced into and be kept during work hours. End of the song and I realize the cage is for our minds that we will willingly stay inside.
this song is stuck in my head
the flat metal seat is so real. no cushions.
wonderful. this is my new opening theme.
Shoe0nHead featured a cover of this song and it slaps. Thanks for this masterpiece
This is so Frank Zappa. May you have a great day and many tendies.
Beautiful, very nice.
perhaps in the distant future this song will be shown as an indicator of the state of society in this century. And damn it, it will be true.
I’m not saying that lighting fires in the video game Minecraft is the solution or anything.
NEET for life
That's why I'm going into real estate renting and investing in some stonks. At least then my debt results in passive income and I'm not 100% stuck with that debt for the rest of my life like students loans. College was such a damn scam LOL. Schools never teach you about leveraging your money and that's precisely because their only goal is to fuel the system, not to better their students.
The market just crashed now would be the time to invest.
BOSS ROSS buy the dipping market nigga
College is a scam if you waste it on useless degrees, grab your red seal and laugh all the way to the bank.
Perpetuating this system is kinda cringe tho.
I mean its fine if you're a class traitor to the upper class by using some of that stonk money to support unions and shit, but if you're just stonking it up and not trying to do something about this bullshit nothing's ever going to change.
Nicolas DeGrâce tldr “pls give free gibs”
amazing 11/10 subbed