Detective Conan - This is war

  • Опубликовано: 8 янв 2025

Комментарии • 98

  • @smithertoddsforge2625
    @smithertoddsforge2625 8 лет назад +93

    One of the best anime shows of all time

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  8 лет назад +4

      Defenetly :D I think I like Inuyasha just a little bit better, but it's almost a tie xD

    • @christopherstrickland1363
      @christopherstrickland1363 Год назад

      ​What if...
      Superman & Batman were in the Detective Conan universe?
      What I think
      Batman would figure out Conan & Shinichi are the same person & divulge this to Ran
      Batman (with Haibara & Agasa) would create a permanent cure for Conan
      Shinichi would team up with the duo to permanently take down the Black Organization

  • @luckseven9483
    @luckseven9483 3 месяца назад +1

    We can feel the passion and love you have for the series, thank you for this moment.

  • @fabwolves6461
    @fabwolves6461 5 лет назад +40

    I spent months looking for this song with the only lyric i could remember being 'soldier' and here i am, after searching with 'soldier amv detective conan'. My life is complete.

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  5 лет назад +4

      I know the feeling, happened to me with some songs before. Glad you managed to find it and ...I could kinda help? Somehow? XD

  • @misterfire1065
    @misterfire1065 7 лет назад +37

    Akai is love akai is life, he is the coolest character of all time in Detective Conan. Good Video , keep your work going. ^^

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  7 лет назад +1

      Mister Fire Thank you so much 😊 I love Akai as well, he's defenetly one of my favorits 😄

    • @saraesposito8257
      @saraesposito8257 3 года назад

      No lies detected

  • @JenamDrag0n
    @JenamDrag0n 7 лет назад +14

    At 3:49, when was Gin holding a sniper rifle with his hair blowing all over the place? The animation style tells me some time after Raven Chaser, but I can't for the life of me remember when that scene actually occurred.

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  7 лет назад +1

      JenamDrag0n I'm not sure when that scene happened from the top of my head... I'll try looking through my material again as soon as I can ;)

    • @JenamDrag0n
      @JenamDrag0n 7 лет назад

      Any luck?

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  7 лет назад +1

      Yes actually, it's from the trailer of the 20th movie, The Darkest Nightmare. The scene is shown at the very end of the trailer

    • @JenamDrag0n
      @JenamDrag0n 7 лет назад

      That explains it! I never actually saw the trailers for Darkest Nightmare. Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly!

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  7 лет назад

      You're welcome :3 I don't even remember if that scene actually made it into the movie but it's a great scene :D

  • @bbferdl
    @bbferdl 8 лет назад +4

    Dann bin ich mal dein erster Kommentar:
    Du bist unglaublich gut bei dem Typen neben mir angekommen^^
    Laut ihm passen die Schriftzüge(Prophet, Messiah, Soldier, etc.) inhaltlich super dazu~ (was das wichtigste bei diesem Song ist)
    Meine Meinung ist noch das die Schriftzüge zwar nicht mein Stiel sind, aber farblich in die Szene passen, aber farblich angepasst sind und nicht still stehen. (auch wenn "the Honest" bei sekunde 1:28 kurz stehen (Ja ich geh das Frame für Frame durch :D))
    Generell hast du immer drauf geachtet das die Szenen "bewegt" sind (außer bei z.b.: 0:47, 0:58 was den "Flow" killen KANN (nicht unbedingt tut :3))
    Wo wir bei Flow sind: der ist ziemlich gut, genauso wie der Großteil deiner Scenenwahl.
    und nun zur Negativkritik:
    Es ist zwar schwierig bei Conan, aber das Quellmaterial schwankt in der Qualität, wie im Seitenverhältnis (wobei du schwarze Ränder vermieden hast was Top ist für Anfänger :3)
    Das Lied ist so extrem Overused^^
    Und als Ratschlag: die Ideale Länge eines AMV's beträgt 2,5 bis 3,5 Minuten, nur ganz wenige (Our Tapes von Umika, und ähnlich heftige Projekte) haben Konzepte die den Zuschauer so lange beim Video halten. Es ist weniger Schlimm wenn dein Video plötzlich mit einem fade out endet, als wenn es 5einhalb minutn dauert und die Aufmerksamkeit schwindet, (+ weniger Länge = weniger Arbeit ;)) das musste ich auch auf die harte Tour lernen.
    So um die Wall of Text noch zu erweitern^^:
    Bitte mach (wenn du die Zeit hast) weiter, weil du SEHR VIEL richtig machst, und Sachen wie Quellmaterial, oder Songwahl bei Anfängern kaum Relevanz hat.
    Du hast ne richtige Show abgeliefert, und einen tollen Flow + Style. Schau dir Sachen wie "AMV-Zoom Effekt", oder generell ein paar Übergänge an, und lass dich beim nächsten Contest wieder blicken. Du hast wirklich Potenzial :3
    Dein Ferdl~

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  8 лет назад

      Irgendwie war ich der festen Überzeugung ich hätte bereits geantwortet, da ich mich riesig über diesen Kommentar gefreut hatte, aber anscheinend hat RUclips mich entweder geärgert, oder ich hatte die Antwort nur im Kopf formuliert... na gut, dann kommt sie jetzt eben Monate später.
      Es freut mich riesig, dass ich gut angekommen bin. Da dies mein erstes AMV war, war mein einziger Traum auf der Hauptbühne gezeigt zu werden und das hab ich ja erreicht. Jetzt auch noch gutes Feedback zu bekommen, ist natürlich umso besser.
      Vielen Dank also für das tolle Lob.
      Und danke auch für die Kritik. Ich möchte in Zukunft sehr gerne weitere AMVs schneiden, wenn ich die Zeit habe (was ja leider bei Studenten nicht immer der Fall ist) und an genug Material komme. Und da freut es mich natürlich, wenn ich Tipps bekomme, wie ich mich verbessern kann.
      So werde ich zum Beispiel in Zukunft versuchen besser auf die Qualität zu achten und vielleicht Songs zu nehmen, die weniger oft benutzt wurden. (Wobei ich This is war einfach liebe und perfekt für Conan fand :D)
      Auch die Tipps bezüglich Länge und Seitenverhältnisse fand ich sehr hilfreich. Ich werde definitiv versuchen daran zu arbeiten.
      Noch einmal vielen vielen Dank und es tut mir Leid, dass die Antwort so spät erst kam.
      xoxo Rainfairy

    • @bbferdl
      @bbferdl 8 лет назад

      Brauche etwas weniger als ein paar monate ;) und kein Problem :P
      Yt is wirklich scheiße zum schreiben :3 i know dat feel >->
      Kenne Leider den Anime nicht und weiß kaum wer da jz gut oder böse is, aber es scheint gepasst zu haben und du hast auf jeden Fall einiges richtig gmacht :3 Hauptbühne is schon ein geiles Achievement das stimmt (da muss schon etwas Zeit ins Video geflossen sein)
      Bezüglich Qualität von Material solltest du dir Nyaa se anschauen, grad bei "neueren" Serien habn die alles in der besten zu habenden Quali *_* (sind allerdings torrents Y-Y). Zeitlich hoffe ich für dich das du in den Semesterferien welche finden kannst als Student, ich selber hab für meine Menge von AMV's leider meine Leidenschaft fürs Zocken aufgeben müssen (bin da aber nicht der einzige^^')
      Mit ein paar originellen Ideen, einer Steigerung der Qualität vom Source Material und einiges an Übung, würdest sicher was reißen können. Hoffentlich sieht man deinen Namen bei ein paar Contests aufblitzen, denn neue Leute braucht man immer. Leuten wie Miso, Bauzi und jüngstens auch Arcothy sollten mal von dort oben runtergeholt werden ;).
      Mit freundlichsten Grüßen
      dein Ferdl~ :3

  • @marmarsxx
    @marmarsxx 6 лет назад +3

    Awesome video!! Loved it, you deserve a like :D
    Btw, and you dont have to answer if you dont know, but do u know where 2:40 when Haibara widens her eyes is from? And maybe even the clip of conan after that is connected but idk.. It was probably BO related but i just dont remember.... id appreciate it so thanks in advance!

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you so much for your nice comment, you just made my day a lot better 😊💙
      I really wish I could tell you, but... I honestly don't know anymore, I'm so sorry. Problem with Conan is that you've got so much material... there are some scenes I know exactly where they came from, mostöy movie scenes, but the one with Ai... I'm so sorry, I have no idea ._. Might have been something with the BO so maybe a movie? But it could also be one of the newer storyarcs like mysterie train...

    • @marmarsxx
      @marmarsxx 6 лет назад

      Rainfairy Cosplay aw glad to hear that! I still appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to let me know that you dont remember so thank you for that!! Most channels just leave me hanging, i guess cuz they just dont know maybe lol 😂, so youre great for that!!

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  6 лет назад

      @@marmarsxx Awwww thank you :* I don't know about others, but I sctually tend to forget to answer quit often 🙈 Maybe that's the case with them as well^^

    • @decayingstar4869
      @decayingstar4869 Год назад

      @@marmarsxx 2:40 is from Countdown to Heaven (movie 5)

  • @saja6573
    @saja6573 4 года назад +3

    Detective Conan 💖💖

  • @ainhoaainhoa1481
    @ainhoaainhoa1481 4 года назад +3

    Rainfairy Cosplay🤗
    Ich finde dein AMV einfach super😍💖 ich habe dein AMV voll verschlungen und die umgebung bei mir nicht mehr mal war genommen😁 ich finde das war ein super AMV🤗👍🏻💖 weiter so😘
    Kannste mir nur kurz sagen welche folge das bei 0:34 war?🤗 ich habs vergessen😅
    Ah und folge dir jetzt hier und Insta🤗

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      Aus unerfindlichen Gründen hat mir YT deinen super lieben kommentar nie angezeigt 😱 Vielen vielen Dank und es tut mir unglaublich leid, dass ich erst jetzt antworte! 💕
      Es freut mich sehr, dass dir das Video so gut gefallen hat 😊
      Zu deiner Frage: du meinst die Szene mit Shinichi? Ich erinnere mich nicht an die genaue Episodennummer, aber es dürfte eine der ersten gewesen seien, in denen er sich zurück verwandelt hat. Icv glaube, es war eine mit Heiji? Vielleicht sogar sein erster Auftritt? Aber ich kann mich irren, es ist extrem lange her, dass ich dieses Video genacht habe...
      Vielen vielen Dank auch für die Follows 😊💕

    • @ainhoaainhoa1481
      @ainhoaainhoa1481 4 года назад

      @@RainfairyCosplay gerngeschehen ^-^ 💖
      Ja das is typisch youtube😒 bin dir nich böse keine sorge^-^
      Wenn du dich fragst wer ich in Insta bin frag mich hier und ich antworte in Insta ^-^
      Macht nix ^-^ es is ein super AMV und man merkt das dus mit viel leidenschafft gemacht hast ^-^
      Und zu deiner antwort^-^: also jain😅 ja es war am anfang als Shinichi zurück verwandelt wurde aber in ne rückblende also is es nich ganz ne alte folge😅
      Und ich danke dir auch sehr für die antwort und s'herz :3
      Bitte lösche diesen amv nie😢

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      Schreib mir sehr gerne bei insta, das würde mich sehr freuen 😊
      Danke, das freut mich sehr zu hören 😍
      Wow, dann weißt du das besser, als ich gerade xD da siejt man mal, ab wie wenig ich mich hier erinnere...
      Nichts zu danke 😊
      Und keine Sorge, das habe ich definitiv nicht vor!

  • @emily-ry9ss
    @emily-ry9ss 3 года назад +3

    AMAZING 🔥😉💞

  • @lalitasingh139
    @lalitasingh139 4 года назад +4

    All scenes are of movie or you taken from episode

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      I also took a lot of scenes from episodes of all three anime, as well as some opening scenes... people in the comments tend to ask after movie scenes though, so it might seem like that's all there is.

  • @fauzafauza8123
    @fauzafauza8123 Месяц назад

    Ini sumpah dah keren banget ini ❤❤😊

  • @christopherstrickland1363
    @christopherstrickland1363 9 месяцев назад

    Crossover AU idea
    Detective Conan / Pretty Cure Super Stars
    ("Pretty Cure Super Stars" is an idea series of mine that serves as a crossover between "Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart", "Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star", and "Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!". No need to confuse this with the 2018 film with the same name)

  • @lantran-do9hf
    @lantran-do9hf 4 года назад +3

    lan tran
    1 giây trước
    the good: FBI
    the evil: B. O
    the soldier: Sera Masumi
    the civilian: Sonoko Suzuki
    the martyr: Akemi Miyano
    the victim: Ran Mori
    the prophet: Shiho Miyano (I think?)
    the liar: Vermouth
    the honest: Jodie Starling
    the leader: Akai Shuichi and/or Gin Kurosawa
    the pariah: Sera Mary
    The victor: Kaito Kid
    the messiah: Shinichi Kudo/Edogawa Conan
    my opinions
    the reason Sera is the soldier cause she will do anything to get her family back. the civilian is Sonoko because she hasn't done anything so far. Akemi is the martyr cause she gave up everything just to get her sister out of the organization, and get killed when she was promised otherwise. She sacrificed her life. The prophet is Shiho is because she is the one who creates APTX-4869 problems, and therefore will most likely be the one to end it. The honest being Jodie because she is the opposite of Vermouth. The reason Ran is the victim because she got Shinichi taken away from her and just waiting for him to come back. Vermouth being the liar because she got the best ability to be a completely different person and, well, she lies. The leader being Gin and Akai because they got the highest leadership skill in both organizations, for me anyway. Mary being the pariah cause she is different, and she is the biggest missing links in the story, and is forgotten by almost everyone. the victor being Kaito Kid because he is confident, and i believe he will does something that get him the Pandora stone and beat Snake. the reason Conan is the messiah cause he will be the one to end this B. O bull crap.

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад +1

      I like your version a lot and we do have some characters in common. Hope you don't mind that our ideas went into different directions with some others but I guess that just shows that people can be described in more than one word or more than one person can match a title. Pretty sure others like Mary were sadly not yet introduced back when I made this so I could not have chosen her even if I wanted to...
      If you'd like, I could give you explenations for my desicions as well but if you just wanted to pitch your own idea, that's fine as well, I really liked reading it 😊

    • @alisaykingme8
      @alisaykingme8 4 года назад +2

      I love your version too ❤

    • @lantran-do9hf
      @lantran-do9hf 4 года назад +2

      thanks, i really appreciated the comment

  • @nuntichathongphanlek3060
    @nuntichathongphanlek3060 3 года назад +1

    I like this song

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  3 года назад

      Me too 😁 And I thought it fit the fandom perfectly, even if it is a rather often used AMV song...

  • @Uniquesuccessor
    @Uniquesuccessor 3 года назад +1

    I love it

  • @AnaClara-js2to
    @AnaClara-js2to 3 года назад +1

    Ficou perfeito amei e gosto muito do akai

  • @AnaClara-js2to
    @AnaClara-js2to 3 года назад +1

    Ficou perfeito amei😊😊😊😊😊😘😘

  • @miya2610
    @miya2610 6 лет назад +2

    Which episode : 1:34 ?

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  6 лет назад +1

      Majikku That short shot of Chicage? I'm not sure myself right now... I'll look it up, promise

    • @misterfire1065
      @misterfire1065 5 лет назад +1

      And did you look it up?

    • @mimioracle
      @mimioracle 4 года назад

      It from the kaito kid anime

  • @yashbawankar1351
    @yashbawankar1351 4 года назад +2

    0:49 which episode ??

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      The one with the police cars? That one's tricky, I honestly don't know anymore, I'm so sorry 😔 It might have been an opening, it could have been one of the movies... don't really think it was one of the regular episodes, but I might be wrong. I'm really sorry but it's been years since I made this so I don't really remember everything. I'll tell you if I remember or come across this scene somewhere...

    • @yashbawankar1351
      @yashbawankar1351 4 года назад

      @@RainfairyCosplay it's okay mate..we'll find out soon 😉😊😊

  • @kv2938
    @kv2938 7 лет назад +3

    what episode is 4:19 - 4:20

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  7 лет назад

      Kurt Vergara You mean that scene with Conan, Ran, Kaito and Aoko? I think that's from the 4th OVA - Conan, Kid and the Crystal Mother. It's after a Magic Kaito episode but with Conan and Ran in it.

  • @Uniquesuccessor
    @Uniquesuccessor 3 года назад +2

    Good job

  • @christopherstrickland7954
    @christopherstrickland7954 2 года назад +1

    What if...
    Tomb Raider (Lara Croft) was in the Detective Conan universe?

    @PREPPISCOLA 2 года назад

    0:05 wat this ep

  • @Rachel-sk3vn
    @Rachel-sk3vn 4 года назад +2


  • @NikoBlazeWind
    @NikoBlazeWind 4 года назад +1

    At 0:49 what is that from???

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      I've answered this exact question before but sadly, I can't tell you any more then what I told that person: I honestly don't remember. It's been years since I made this video and I used a lot of material, so... lots of stuff was actually from the movies so it might have come from one of them? But I really can't say, I'm sorry 😔

    • @NikoBlazeWind
      @NikoBlazeWind 4 года назад

      Rainfairy Cosplay i just watched all the movies that scene was not in them to my knowledge but thanks for trying to answer

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      Damn it, I really hoped I'd be able to help 😔 I'm really sorry, I'll tell you if I ever stumble across that scene in my source material or while rewatching, I promise

    • @NikoBlazeWind
      @NikoBlazeWind 4 года назад

      Rainfairy Cosplay no worries im currently rewatching the series so i might run across it or i mightve missed the bit of the movie it was in

    • @NikoBlazeWind
      @NikoBlazeWind 4 года назад

      @@RainfairyCosplay found the bit its from Season 19 Opening so not actually a Episode or movie

  • @jessicaimhof2525
    @jessicaimhof2525 4 года назад

    from which episode is 0:09

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      That shot of Heiji? I honestly don't remember at all, I'm so sorry 😔 I'd love to tell you but it's been years since I made this and I used so many episodes plus the movies... I'm really sorry.

    • @jessicaimhof2525
      @jessicaimhof2525 4 года назад

      @@RainfairyCosplay i mean thats with kaito kid thank you

  • @otgontuya536
    @otgontuya536 4 года назад

    2:14 ep??, pls

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      The one on the roof were Conan has a gun? That's from one of the movies but I forgot the name right now 🙈 It's the one were people are attacked in the order of playing cards? I'll look it up.
      If you wanted to know about the scene after that one, with Vermouth... that's from one of the Episodes in the "Who is Bourbon" arc, I believe, but I really can't remember which one. It's been years since I made this.

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад

      So, I looked it up and the movie I meant is the second one, called "The 14th Target". Hope that helps 😊

    • @ainhoaainhoa1481
      @ainhoaainhoa1481 4 года назад

      This is Movie 2😉
      Das ist Film 2😉

  • @salt4ker688
    @salt4ker688 4 года назад


  • @avvwashington1430
    @avvwashington1430 6 лет назад +2

    doofen war .......

  • @mukrizhsmukmuk9252
    @mukrizhsmukmuk9252 5 лет назад +5

    I love DC but the plot progressing is too slow and it seem endless with only cases in every episode

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад +2

      If you like the story and just get annoyed by the filler cases, I'd suggest trying the manga. Sure, it's still extreamly long but the pacing is a bit faster.
      Love your username by the way ;)

  • @alicescattolini9315
    @alicescattolini9315 6 лет назад +1

    What episode is 1:53

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  6 лет назад

      You mean that scene with Ran and Masumi? Pretty sure it's from the first episode Masumi ever appeared in, but I'd have to look up the number myself...

    • @jun7659
      @jun7659 6 лет назад +1

      Alice Scattolini Episode 646

  • @rye5725
    @rye5725 4 года назад +2

    What episode is 3:42

    • @RainfairyCosplay
      @RainfairyCosplay  4 года назад +1

      I am not entirely sure without looking it up, it's been years since I made this video and I had a LOT of source material I'd have to look through but it might have been the second movie "The fouteenth Target"? Haven't watched that one lately though, so I'm not sure...

    • @FrogOnTheSidewalk
      @FrogOnTheSidewalk 4 года назад +1

      It might be The Last Wizard of the Century, but I'll check soon.

    • @decayingstar4869
      @decayingstar4869 Год назад

      @@FrogOnTheSidewalk Yes, it's from The Last Wizard of the Century (movie 3)