Vietnam have China/ have Russia/ have U.S but no country say any thing about but Cambodia have China for military drill Cambodia have problem ? is Problem from Cambodia ? or other have problem against Cambodia ? I don't know Cambodia who start problem, the problem is other who want to start problem want Cambodia to turn away from other and take another that is the problem they not go but want to push other away from Cambodia.
ម៉េចបានអ្ហែងមិនថាធ្វើដើម្បីប្រឆាំងប្រទេសផ្សេងទៀតផង ?
កម្ពុជា ស្វាគមន៍ អាមេរិក អីស្ត្រាលី និងបណ្តាប្រទេសទាំអស់ទូទាំងសកលលោក បើចង់ធ្វើសមយុទ្ធជាមួយកម្ពុជា ប៉ុន្តែត្រូវស្នើសុំទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជាជាមុនសិន រាល់ការចំណាយគឺភាគី អ្នកបបួលជាចំណាយ
សព្វាវុធយកមកធ្វើ សមយុទ្ធត្រូវទុកអោយខ្មែរការពារប្រាសាទ និងទឹកដី
Vietnam have China/ have Russia/ have U.S but no country say any thing about but Cambodia have China for military drill Cambodia have problem ? is Problem from Cambodia ? or other have problem against Cambodia ? I don't know Cambodia who start problem, the problem is other who want to start problem want Cambodia to turn away from other and take another that is the problem they not go but want to push other away from Cambodia.