During the rhodeia era, non whites had f1(academic) and f2(practically oriented) secondary schools. Grade 7 results would determine who goes where. Only 30% of grade sevens (Africans) were allowed to proceed to secondary school. I also played for ycc(youth contact centre) in 1979, l still remember mdara Hillary and Stanley the coach
Smooth interview.Well delivered.A football icon indeed.
Very well spoken and seems like a real pro. I used to like him as a player as well. Good interview.
Used to immobilize great strikers muChibuku stadium during his Darryn T days
During the rhodeia era, non whites had f1(academic) and f2(practically oriented) secondary schools. Grade 7 results would determine who goes where. Only 30% of grade sevens (Africans) were allowed to proceed to secondary school. I also played for ycc(youth contact centre) in 1979, l still remember mdara Hillary and Stanley the coach
Where is bro Machona Sibanda
Gaza please bring Robert Godoka takango kura tichimunzwa blaz iyeye
He was on the show about 6 weeks ago... he is in UK so the interview was done via video-link.. if u scroll back,u will find it.
Your advertising breaks are more entertaining now than before
Former DT
Most ex players from Bulawayo speak well and they look less wasted than those from Harare and all.