A Gurdjieff exercise for opening to a different state of Being

  • Опубликовано: 25 июн 2024
  • Hello and a warm welcome, thank you for joining us. Gurdjieff considered this exercise one of his most important for opening to a new state of being. The exercise is to be found in section 112 of the reality of being , chapter 10 , a presence with its own life .
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    Lara & Noel

Комментарии • 15

  • @Centremoon3535
    @Centremoon3535 2 дня назад +2

    I just saw this! I will watch it now ❤

  • @Centremoon3535
    @Centremoon3535 2 дня назад +2

    Just woke up 6:30am

  • @Centremoon3535
    @Centremoon3535 2 дня назад +1

    I discovered the other day when I was invited to a Satsang….the connection to the depth of what was being spoken regarding the question ‘who am I?’ Was deep and still and reflected a spontaneous experience I had the day before. The instruction then was to not speak after the teaching but to stay quiet, inward with the question. I made the stupid error to speak with the woman who invited me to the Satsang after the instruction was clear not to speak, she wanted to talk about something she felt stressed about. This action by me to speak was taken out of obligation. Something I thought was no longer inside me….yet there it was. It had a negative and destructive effect on the beauty of the original experience and several days for me to come clear on this. However, as you quoted Morris Nickel the other day: ‘every situation is perfect for your development’.
    This exercise is timely and good! As I discovered after that error there requires a ‘ruthlessness’ to stay with truth. And a clear discrimination/discernment to what is truth and what is the minds idea or the other destructive ‘I’s’. I look forward to discovering this excercise thank you 🙏 ❤

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  2 дня назад +2

      Is a satsang similar to a satsuma , but more juicy ? I don't know , as I am no fruiterer , just a simple man 🍅
      On a serious note , do not allow people to download their woes onto you. They are transmitting emanations this way , which are not conducive to you benefiting from the work you do.
      Mr. Gurdjieff say in In search of the miraculous that the very best way not to remember yourself is to share your experiences with others. One needs to go deep into oneself and experience the bliss of the work. After all , it is known as the way of the sly man 😉

    • @Centremoon3535
      @Centremoon3535 2 дня назад +1

      @@hermesnoelthefourthway it is just an Indian word for creating stillness with music then a speaker (awakened man/woman) then sitting in stillness. Sometimes there are questions answered by the man/woman….

    • @Centremoon3535
      @Centremoon3535 2 дня назад +1

      I don’t really use that word…that is what the lady called it.

    • @Centremoon3535
      @Centremoon3535 2 дня назад +1

      Basically it was music, then sitting quiet then listening to a speaker, than staying with that quiet.

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  2 дня назад +2

      False personality and happiness.
      Maurice Nicoll , commentaries vol five. This paper by Nicoll is incredibly helpful with regards discerning what the truth is and the deceit of the false personality.

  • @johnnydez4392
    @johnnydez4392 21 час назад +1

    I think I have the gist of but would love to see it written out for clarity I will watch the video for a third time thanks

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  20 часов назад

      Good point.
      Here we go..........I say to myself , Lord , have mercy , each time with a sensation in the four limbs successively-right arm , right leg , left leg , left arm (rotating from your right hand side anti-clockwise) I do this three times (making sure that I feel.the full intonation of the "Lord , have mercy" in each limb , placing all my attention in each limb at each stage of the rotation) , and rest for one or two breaths. Then I breathe consciously , saying "I am" : with "I" , I take in the active elements of the air and mix them with the results obtained in the four limbs , and with "am" I exhale and distribute this into the sexual region. I repeat this second step three times. I then recover the results from the sexual region and send it to the spine , exhaling with "am".I begin again the filling of the four limbs , remix with the active elements of the air , recharge the sexual region , recover from the sexual region and send it to the solar plexus. And I do the same to fill the head. Then I feel the whole presence "I am" throughout the body. I nourish this presence by taking the active elements from the inhaling and sending them into the legs and the abdomen. Then in succession the chest , the right arm , the left arm and the head. I make an inner act of engagement saying to myself "I wish to be. I wish and can be. I will do everything to make this last for a specific time. I will take all necessary measures to crystalize in myself this result for being. I will do everything to be".
      The results are extraordinary and remarkable. As Mr. said , "one of the most important exercises for opening to a different state of being

  • @StephenGrew
    @StephenGrew 2 дня назад +1

    Good morning. I have done a similar thing, it's a strange andxreal experience.

    • @Centremoon3535
      @Centremoon3535 День назад +1

      I am not sure if I am rotating correctly? But there is a beautiful aliveness that is there.

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  День назад +1

      It takes lots of practise and fine attention to detail to fully gain from the exercise. Towards the end of the exercise you should feel a higher energy entering into you. It comes from directly above your head. As Michel de Salzmann so clearly stated....." a sacred energy coming into me."
      And you connect with something few of us have ever connected to...our real , true selves , shorn of the trappings of all that's been plastered onto us that is not YOU. I , e , The false personality and the negative emotions we imitate. A freedom like no other arises from such a connection.
      Maurice Nicoll refers to this experience as a person coming up from being submerged deep in the ocean and finally gasping air and seeing the sunlight.

    • @Centremoon3535
      @Centremoon3535 День назад

      @@hermesnoelthefourthway I do not know if the exact movements are necessary? But if they are it would be good to have a demonstration.