The putty falls off. I use a tube of copper rtv. The copper nased stuff is heavier than the black, blue, or grey rtv. Also, the closer the edge of the rim the weight is, the better it is. Also, so you dont have a huge blob, use your old hardware, nuts, and screws, and sink them in the rtv if you need alot of weight, and its a use for my old replaced rusty fasteners that would otherwise get thrown away.
I have that electric tire balancer , it will not balance off road 1/8 scale tires , I even returned it and got a new one does same thing. I have tried 3 deferent scales too , same outcome , any tips Adem?
I like the rc airplane prop balancers SO much better than those handhelds made for rc racing. And never buy the putty from an RC co. You can get a brick sized chunk for the same price as the half a stick of butter size they like to sell
Ty for this adam
The putty falls off. I use a tube of copper rtv. The copper nased stuff is heavier than the black, blue, or grey rtv. Also, the closer the edge of the rim the weight is, the better it is. Also, so you dont have a huge blob, use your old hardware, nuts, and screws, and sink them in the rtv if you need alot of weight, and its a use for my old replaced rusty fasteners that would otherwise get thrown away.
Also do it on a flat surface maybe do his vibration test
I have that electric tire balancer , it will not balance off road 1/8 scale tires , I even returned it and got a new one does same thing. I have tried 3 deferent scales too , same outcome , any tips Adem?
Basic balancer, it's bomb proof and not expensive. 👍 These nonsense things exists only to rip our money off with some not needed invention 😅
Just use the old school mechanical balancer
The Skyrc tire balancer, do not work with offroad tires. Contacted Skyrc, and they confirmesd, only onroad tires.
I like the rc airplane prop balancers SO much better than those handhelds made for rc racing. And never buy the putty from an RC co. You can get a brick sized chunk for the same price as the half a stick of butter size they like to sell