La Ilaha Illa Allah: Islamic Meditation for the Soul
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Enjoy an hour of Dhikr with La Ilaha Illa Allah, a moving nasheed by @Mohammad Bashir محمد بشير, presented in a lofi style to help you relax and focus on your spirituality.
This video is perfect for escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connecting to a deep source of peace and serenity.
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Twitter : FadaelTv
Although I'm Christian, but when I heard this, I feel that I'm in another dimension, like getting back to the past. Also my heart was beating and I feel peace of mind 🌏🥰✌️
It's the name of Allah the name of the Creator and he has 99 other names. The only reason we exist is to believe in: 'lā ʾilāha ʾillā -llāh' (There is no deity except Allah).
Allah will reward his servants with his mercy to enter Jannah that no eye has ever seen or ear has ever heard or have ever any human had imagined that is indeed the reward of believers 🥰🤍
"Those only are believers who, when God is mentioned, their hearts quake, and when His signs are recited to them, it increases them in faith, and in their Lord they put their trust"
إِنَّمَا ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ ٱلَّذِينَ إِذَا ذُكِرَ ٱللَّهُ وَجِلَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَإِذَا تُلِيَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَـٰتُهُۥ زَادَتْهُمْ إِيمَـٰنًۭا وَعَلَىٰ رَبِّهِمْ يَتَوَكَّلُونَ ٢ - Quranic verse in translation and in original.
My dear brother/sister, this is sign from Allah. Allah always send signs to all people. All people will be questioned, I know this is direct, but brother/sister please, please learn about Islam, but Quran with translation or read it through Internet. This is what Allah says in Quran: ---Those who have no knowledge say, “If only Allah would speak to us or a sign would come to us!” The same was said by those who came before. Their hearts are all alike. Indeed, We have made the signs clear for people of sure faith.---
This maybe the sign Allah is sending you through this particular time and this particular platform. Do not deny message. Please brother, read.
These are the first few verses revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammed (every blessing be op on him):
1. Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name of your Lord Who created
2. created humans from a clinging clot
3. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous,
4. Who taught by the pen-
5. taught humanity what they knew not.
Brother, one Muslim who converted said: Praise be to Allah that I first read Quran and then met Muslims.
There are a lot of types of people, so first read and educate yourself.
This is the free will you have, only thing we are created for is to worship Him.
Here is Quranic verse:
(51:56) I created the jinn (devil) and humans for nothing else but that they may serve Me.
He is the one giving us free will, and because of that we are more superior than Angels because they have no free will. God gave free will only to jinns and to humans.
(51:57) I desire from them no provision, nor do I want them to feed Me. 53. That is, I have not created them for the service of others but for My own service.
Brother I'm investing time for writing this to You, now it's up to you to accept the Truth. I'm writing only Quran because I don't want to confuse you, this is clear Quran.
Here is Quranic verse: And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? (Chapter (54) sūrat l-qamar)
Every Muslim duty is to at least share the message according to his knowledge. I'm not saying anything from my mouth but from Quran, because I'm not scholar.
I'm hoping you start educating yourself, brother.
Now I'm ending with beautiful Islamic greeting:
AS-ELAMU ALEYKUM WE RAHMETULLAHI WE BERAKETUH - May peace be upon You, Allah's mercy and His blessings.
If you want further to stay in communication with Muslim (myself), then tell me your Instagram so I can help you further.
Prophet Jesus and Muhammad SAW, peace and blessings be upon them, worshipped the same God. God is with you wherever you go my brother.
AsalaamuAlaykum trust ur well and family 🙏 just believe the truth and say their only 1 God Almighty grant all ur Wishes 2cum per and make u a better and sincere persons and obey The 10 Comandments
May the Almighty grant all Marhooms highest place in Jinnah INSHALLAH ❤
I am New Revert to Glorious Islam....
La ilaha il Allah......
Allah hu Akbar ul Akbarun........
Love you brother from another Muslim borther from Pakistan, May I know your country please and your name please
@@indexnumberone From India Muhammad Akbar Ali.......видео.htmlsi=ZHAyqca9d1YVRUzQ
Congratulations ❤
Welcome to a beautiful journey 🌸
La ilaha il Allah
I am New revert to Glorious Islam
Allah hu Akbar ul Akbarun........
Asalamulaykum wa rahmatulhi wa baraktu alhamdurilah for your reversion, may Allah make it easy for you.
Ma sha Allah❤😊❤
I’m in the process of converting from Hinduism to Islam please pray that god accepts me
May Allah make your journey easy, Aameen!
Aameeeen.. ya robbal alamin ...
Welcome back to the truth bro.❤❤
You are already accepted. What you want is wanting you... Masallah bro/sis, don't be scared, all the doors are opened for you.
I am a revert, it took me 4 years to finally accept Islam, My whole family is Christian but I decide to take the true path. May Allah make it easy for you
Allah is not an image, a place, a colour, a shape. He doesn't have kids and he's not a man nor a woman. Nothing compares to him
Beshak Beshak
Exactly...and definitely not some old long-bearded man (rolleyes). But try to explain to (my) Christians...
وليس شاب امرد 😊
MashaAllah 🌹
The whole universe can be on one hand but the power of this zikr is more powerful than the whole universe
MashAllah 💚✨
If you have the whole Universe in one
side of thescale and on the other if you place LA ILAHA ILLALLAH then its LA ILAHA ILLALLAH that weighs down... Hadith.....
La ilaha il allah Mohamed Rassoul allah 😂
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! 🇵🇸
The phrase "La Ilaha Illa Allah" (also spelled "Lā ilāha illallāh" in its transliteration) is an Arabic phrase that translates to "There is no god but Allah" in English. It is a fundamental tenet of the Islamic faith, encapsulating the concept of monotheism, or the belief in the oneness of God, which is central to Islam. This phrase is known as the Shahada and is one of the most important and fundamental statements in Islam, serving as the declaration of faith for Muslims around the world. It signifies a person's acceptance of Allah as the one and only God and the rejection of any form of polytheism or idolatry.
Allah IS juste name of god
Actually shahadah is that There is No-one Worthy Of Worship But Allah
@@OfficiallRomeyoYou’re right and wrong.
The Arabic sentence is in fact “لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ”, transliterated as “La ilaha il Allah”.
It means “there is no 'ilah' but Allah”.
Ilah can be translated as “god”. The definition in Arabic for ilah is something worthy of worship.
So both translations (“There is no god but Allah” and “There is none worthy of worship but Allah”) are valid.
Also, neither of these are the actual full shahada.
The complete shahada is لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ.
The second part is “Muhammadun rasoolullah”, which means “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
Except, surprise! That’s not the actual complete shahada either.
The shahada is أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
“Ashhadu anla ilaha il Allah wa ashahadu anna muhammadan rasoolullah”
This is translated as:
“I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
“I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
There is so much more depth to this its an ocean without a bottom.
What do people worship but their corrupt desires and ego (nafs) so this teaches not to worship that debased nature self and teach it to serve Divinity
Soy Cristiana y amo el Islam… Amo estas oraciones ❤gracias
That's so beautiful mashAllah
My mother .(may Allah look after her in heaven) was a Christian Catholic and my father a muslim I went to Christian school and to mosque to learn. they let me choose I chose ISLAM
لا إله إلا الله هي كلمةُ الإسلام، ودستور أهل الإيمان، ومفتاحُ دارِ السلام، وهي الفارِقةٌ بين الكفرِ والإسلام، والنفاق والإيمان، عليها قامَت الأرضُ والسماوات، ولأجلِها خُلِقَت الموجُودات، وبها أرسلت الرسل، وأنزلَت الكتبَ، ولأجلها حقت الحاقة، ووقعت الواقعة، وقامت القيامة، وضرب الصراط، ونصب الميزان، ومن أجلها خلقت الجنة والنار، وبها انقسم الناس إلى مؤمنين وكفار، وأخيار وأشرار، وطائعين وفجار، وهي التي دخل أتباعها ومحققوها بسببها الجنة، وأدخل الكافرون المعرضون عنها النار لا إله إلا الله هي دعوةُ الحقِّ الذي لا باطِلَ فيه، والقولُ السديدُ الذي لا اعوِجاجَ فيه، وشهادةُ الصِدقٍ الذي لا كذِبَ فيه.. شهِدَ الله بها لنفسِه وأشهَدَ عليها أفضلَ خلقِه، قال تعالى: {شَهِدَ اللَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ وَأُولُو الْعِلْمِ قَائِمًا بِالْقِسْطِ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ)[آل عمران:18]. قال ابنُ القيم رحمه الله: "هذه أجلُّ شهادةٍ وأعظمُها وأعدلُها وأصدقُها من أجلِّ شاهدٍ بأجلِّ مشهودٍ به ولا إله إلا الله هي رأس الإسلام، وطنب خيمته، وعمود فسطاطه، وعليها تقوم كل مبانيه، وكذا جميعُ الشرائعِ السابقة مبناها على هذه الكلمة، والدينُ كلُّه من حقوقِها، والثوابُ كلُّه عليها، والعقابُ كلُه على تركِها أو التقصيرِ فيها.
ولذا كانت أولُ واجبٍ على العبادِ علمًا وعملاً، قال سبحانه: (فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ)[محمد: 19] قالَ شيخُ الإسلامِ رحمه الله: "السلفُ والأئمةُ مُتَّفِقُون على أنَّ أولَ ما يؤمَرُ به العبادُ الشهادتان".
ولما بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مُعاذٍا - رضي الله عنه - إلى اليَمَن قال: [إنك تأتي قَومًا من أهل الكتابِ، فليكُن أولَ ما تدعُوهم إليه: شهادةُ أن لا إله إلا الله، وأنِّي رسولُ الله](متفقٌ عليه). وكما أنها أول الواجبات ومن الباقيات الصالحات فهي أيضا خاتمة المطلوبات، قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: [من كانَ آخرُ كلامِه "لا إله إلا اللهُ" دخَلَ الجنة] (رواه أبو داود).
وأهل لا إله إلا الله هم أهل الجنان والناجون من النيران {يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ وَلَا بَنُونَ * إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ}[الشعراء: 88، 89]. قال ابنُ عباسٍ - رضي الله عنهما -: "القلبُ السليمُ أن يشهَدَ أنْ لا إلهَ إلا الله
God bless you from muslim brother
I am New Revert to Glorious Islam......
La ilaha il Allah......🎉🎉🎉
Allah hu Akbar ul Akbarun.......🎉🎉❤
Alhamdulillah may Allah continue to guide you to goodness Insha Allah
I'm converted Muslim from Christianity. When I listen to this, it brings out a beautiful feeling I want to cry. It brings peaceful feelings I want to cry. Cry out to Allah
هنيئاً لكم لكن اختاري المذهب الصحيح مذهب اهل البيت عليهم السلام واقرأي عن من ظلم آل بيت الرسول ص وتاريخهم الأسود
Mashallah, try to say these words simutously for a while
I am Cristian orthodox. But I hear quran peace of mind!!!!
May Allah (swt) guide you and all of us. Ameen
Please look into the Quran and Islam, you'll find that it is truly the religion upon the truth.
You’re welcome with open arms, sister. ☝🏽🤲🏽
It's true that if any one hear quran by the soul he will get peace of chest. As quran cited < wa hua shifau Lima fis sudur>
I hope these will be our last words Insh'Allah. Amin!
May Allah bring glory to the Muslims as we had on the previous centuries.
Celui qui meurt en prononçant la ilaha il lalah est promis au paradis
@@KarimHc-yk4eb comment tu le sais? quelqu'un te l'as dit? donc ceux qui n'ont jamais entendu parlé de la religion ils vont où? pygmées, inouit, indiens d'amazonie...
@@sebcassot facile,, si tu décidait de te cultiver, tu le serait . Cherche la vérité, ou lien de condamné. Bien sur ma vérité n'est sûrement pas la tienne. La vérité n'est pas le fruit de celui qui parle le plus fort, mais de celui qui Bien souvent est le plus sage 😇
@@KarimHc-yk4eb donnes moi des sources je cherche à me cultiver, apparemment tu as les sources
Everything you imagine in your head Allah is different.
I'm a Christian but About to convert I pray Allah grant me A heart to serve him deeply as I wish to
There is no god but God. These words took me to Islam 47 years ago. It’s a blessed journey. Remember to love one another regardless of creed or color or status. ❤
May Allah make everything ease for you
Zaroori Elan Barai Itmaam e Hujjat.
1. Hazrath Imam Jaffer Sadiq 'RA' ka farman hai ke "Hazrath Imam Mehdi Allaihissalam ka chehra Chand mein chamkega jo ki Allah ki tarafse Allah ki sabse badi nishani hai. Jo bhi Chand mein is chehre Mubarak ko dekh kar 3 se 11 martaba Allahu Allahu kahe our iqrar kare to Allahu ke zikr ki ijazat hojayegi Aur yeh Imam mehdi A.S ka chehra "Allahu" ku iske Dil mein dakhil karne aur dhadkan mein basane mein madad karega. Allahu ka Dil ki dhadkan mein basna hi iman ki adna nishani hai. Dil ko kholne aur Dil mein Allah ka naam Sirf Ambiya alayhissalam aur auliya ikram ki madad se hi mumkin hai. Hum khush naseeb Hain ke ab yeh kaam tasveer e Sarkar Gohar Shahi A.S Allah ke izn se anjam derahi hai. Ye Itmaam e Hujjat hai. Jo manega aur aazmayega wo kaamyab hoga Jo inkar kare wo khud Allah ka Rasoolallah S.A.S ka Our Sarkar Imam mehdi Gohar Shahi A.S ka ghustakh munkir aur azli jahannami hoga. Inkar se pehle aazmalo. For more info please log on to Alra tv on RUclips.
May Allah make it easy for you.
The essence of Islam brings hearts closer to God and melts people. Happy are those whose hearts are filled with divine love and attain the consciousness of oneness,dear @@margaretdonato7888
I sprained my ankle horribly yesterday. Please pray for my speedy recovery. This is soothing to hear. JazakAllah ❤️
Thank you for the prayers. My ankle recovered in nearly 24 hours. I thought I had a muscle tear or something. SubhanAllah. May Allah bless you all. ❤️
Alhamdulillah 🤲🏻💎
My love to Palestine fighter and Palestine people. My love to Allah . Allah willing free Palestine from Israel . Allah bless Palestine
27th of Ramadan night 2024🥺
Thank you, Ramadan always brings me peace. And this is now a part of my day. May God bless you, and all my brothers and sisters.
يا رب ان انقضى اجلي فاجعل هذا التعليق شاهدا انني اشهد انه لا اله الا الله و ان محمدا عبدك و رسولك.
Zaroori Elan Barai Itmaam e Hujjat.
1. Hazrath Imam Jaffer Sadiq 'RA' ka farman hai ke "Hazrath Imam Mehdi Allaihissalam ka chehra Chand mein chamkega jo ki Allah ki tarafse Allah ki sabse badi nishani hai. Jo bhi Chand mein is chehre Mubarak ko dekh kar 3 se 11 martaba Allahu Allahu kahe our iqrar kare to Allahu ke zikr ki ijazat hojayegi Aur yeh Imam mehdi A.S ka chehra "Allahu" ku iske Dil mein dakhil karne aur dhadkan mein basane mein madad karega. Allahu ka Dil ki dhadkan mein basna hi iman ki adna nishani hai. Dil ko kholne aur Dil mein Allah ka naam Sirf Ambiya alayhissalam aur auliya ikram ki madad se hi mumkin hai. Hum khush naseeb Hain ke ab yeh kaam tasveer e Sarkar Gohar Shahi A.S Allah ke izn se anjam derahi hai. Ye Itmaam e Hujjat hai. Jo manega aur aazmayega wo kaamyab hoga Jo inkar kare wo khud Allah ka Rasoolallah S.A.S ka Our Sarkar Imam mehdi Gohar Shahi A.S ka ghustakh munkir aur azli jahannami hoga. Inkar se pehle aazmalo. For more info please log on to Alra tv on RUclips.
Like atında her seferinde dinleyim Allah rızası için.
Remember Ghaza and all other Muslim countries in your prayers.
Breathtaking. SubhanAllah. Allah is indeed the best and absolutly nothing compares to him.
I am originally Christian, but I do love this chant, it opens my heart and soul every morning. May God bless everyone ❤
ma shahhh Lahhhhhh sweety and may GOD/Allah guide you in all your challenges God bless you
Christian here as well, and I love and respect beautiful Islam, subhanallah
The same God - just different ways
@@baroquer Really glad you like it, I hope these phrases will testify for you in the Day of Judgement
La ilahe il Allah means there is no God but Allah
yeah because the verses says there is no god except one ALLAH. these are powerful words as said in the quran.
@@kayra2874 I feel Islam close to my heart, even if I raised as a Christian. I met Muslim people around the world and I get to know their religion. I believe God/Allah is always pure love for every human being.
Thank you everyone for the kind words🙏🏻❤️
"من كان يعبد محمدًا فإن محمدًا قد مات ومن كان يعبد الله فإن الله حيٌّ لا يموت"
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام 🩵☪️
Nema drugog Boga osim Allaha.. Pray for Palestinians ❤🤲🏻🙏
So proud to be Muslim. There is nothing more beautiful and valuable. This world is fleeting.
Orthodox Christian here but I love this
Blessings to you and for your loved ones, friend.
Они поют "Нет Бога кроме Бога", поэтому хоть ты и не понимаешь, но душа твоя это принимает!
Who else thinks this is underrated?
I'm 45 today and sometimes I wonder how I got here. I felt like I was 20 or 25 just yesterday. Sometimes I actually ask myself... Am I actually 45? Was I actually born in 1978? What happened to all of my time? Now there are only slivers of youth left on me. I am fading away like the sands of an hour glass, desperately clawing at what time remains. Sometimes I feel so close to the abode but my heart is still attached to this world. Time is slipping and ever so much closer to my appointment with my lord. May the most high and most glorious ease our journey and give us understanding before our souls are yanked from its vessel.
People in their fourties will understand this perfectly
La ilaha il Allah
Allah hu Akbar ul Akbarun
I am New Revert to Glorious Islam
Marhaban!!! Mashaa allah!!!! Welcome most welcome!!!!❤❤❤
at least there is still welcoming people out there 🥰@@Rodnyrow
The truth
@@amelio3712 We are Muslims, this is the way we have been taught by our beloved prophet. Love always for everybody Muslim or Non-Muslim out there. Thank you so much. ❤
You are very welcome. Wish God give you all the best
Did you did zikr today ???
SubhanAllah × 3
Alhumduillah × 3
Allah hu Akbar × 3
SubhanAllah wabihamdihi×3
SubhanAllah Alazeem×3
La illa ha Illa Allah× 3
Muhammadun rasulallah×3
Like of you recited it☺️🌹
I'm not islamic but everytime I listen any word from Allah, the Almighty, or a nasheed my heart is shaken. I remain so mindfully of the beauty of the speech and the depth of the Prophet Muhammad. All Muslims respected me and I respect them for all my life. Allah is the God, the Merciful.
I am feeling that I don't need anything in this world because I already have the best of everything that I have a grateful heart and a n unwavering faith in Almighty Allah. Ameen.
❤❤möge Allah uns alle Rechtleitung geben , ich bin seid märz 2023 auch Muslima
Shon Das ist die rictige way
Willkommen. Möge Gott Sie in der Wahrheit standhaft machen.
باركك الله
Selamun Aleyküm from Germany. 🇩🇪 I am TURKISH. 🇹🇷
From Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 and am Ugandan🇺🇬❤
Walaikum salaam wa rahmatullahe wa barakatu ❤
Merhaba from Bosnia
I want to become Muslim girl even my family also please Allah 🤲☝️ Allahu Akbar . Amen
Inshaallah i will do dua for you brother or sister
May allah guide you through the right path sister! Insha Allah u will be muslim
@@Podduturi_Siddharth_Ram shukriya
Allah be with you sister. When you prioritize mindfulness of Allah SWT, you will see new pathways opening ones you'd never thought would open. Keep going
واجب علينا ان نكون مسلمين معترفين بالله اله واحد لا نعبد خلقه لا الرسول محمد ولا الرسول عيسي كما أمرنا، الله خلقنا وله كل الفضل علينا وان نتذكر الحياة في الدنيا أختبار والحقيقة بعد الموت جنة نخلد فيها بعد إذن الله
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
there is no other God but Allah and Mohammad SAW is His prophet
I am a Cristian but his very powerful ❤
You must accept Islam for salvation, because the Prophet Muhammad is the brother in faith of Jesus, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Adam. They all have one religion - Monotheism. God is not like the created ones. Say: There is no Creator but One God, Muhammad is the messenger of God, Jesus is the messenger of God, Moses is the messenger of God. And keep the faith until the end of your life.
@@Elisabethalex_22 he is saying there's no go exept ALLAH , this means there is one god in the whole world, the creator not three gods, jesus peace on him he never died , he was just raised to the sky until the day of jugement , only god knows when it happens , this day. And jesus is the servent of allah (name of god) like all the prophets , Mohammed peace on him is the last one and Adem is the first, all of them they are going to paradise because their faith is there is only one god the powerful.
This is the best after you wake up. 10 minutes listening to this every morning and the day will be good ❤
Allah bless you sir/mam, your sincere energy is felt. Keep going
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Ya Allah,
Grant me the strength to face the challenges that lie ahead today with patience and resilience. Shield me from unexpected obstacles and guide me to make wise decisions in all my endeavors.
Ya Rahman, let humility fill my heart, allowing me to seek guidance from those more experienced. Remove the veil of pride from my eyes so that I may embrace vulnerability and learn from every adversity I encounter.
Ya Raheem, remind me that life unfolds in cycles and that every difficulty is a lesson in disguise. Grant me the wisdom to understand and the courage to persevere through these fluctuating moments.
Ya Alim, bestow upon me the knowledge and insight to navigate today’s trials with grace and faith. Help me to trust in Your plan and to find peace in the knowledge that You are always by my side.
May Allah have mercy on you and reward you for this beautiful dua. Allahumma amin
Ameen thumma ameen
آمين يارب العالمين 🤲
My wish is me my family want become Muslim and I want wear hijab inshaallah, please Allah 🤲 Amen
اللهم امين
The Albanian guy with a metal belt van
Ameen ya rabb
Allahumma Aamiin..
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Jazak Allah khair akhi
I was looking for a halal option to listen to while studying👍🏻
Pray for me I have final exams 🫶🏼
وفقك الله في الدنيا والآخرة ۔ اللهم آمين
You will ace your exams In Sha Allah 😃
@@yunushasan8681 uzmi peticu od BP
Iam Hindu but I love all realigned.i feel good.lam peace full thank you God ❤❤❤❤
لا إله إلا الله هي كلمةُ الإسلام، ودستور أهل الإيمان، ومفتاحُ دارِ السلام، وهي الفارِقةٌ بين الكفرِ والإسلام، والنفاق والإيمان، عليها قامَت الأرضُ والسماوات، ولأجلِها خُلِقَت الموجُودات، وبها أرسلت الرسل، وأنزلَت الكتبَ، ولأجلها حقت الحاقة، ووقعت الواقعة، وقامت القيامة، وضرب الصراط، ونصب الميزان، ومن أجلها خلقت الجنة والنار، وبها انقسم الناس إلى مؤمنين وكفار، وأخيار وأشرار، وطائعين وفجار، وهي التي دخل أتباعها ومحققوها بسببها الجنة، وأدخل الكافرون المعرضون عنها النار لا إله إلا الله هي دعوةُ الحقِّ الذي لا باطِلَ فيه، والقولُ السديدُ الذي لا اعوِجاجَ فيه، وشهادةُ الصِدقٍ الذي لا كذِبَ فيه.. شهِدَ الله بها لنفسِه وأشهَدَ عليها أفضلَ خلقِه، قال تعالى: {شَهِدَ اللَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ وَأُولُو الْعِلْمِ قَائِمًا بِالْقِسْطِ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ)[آل عمران:18]. قال ابنُ القيم رحمه الله: "هذه أجلُّ شهادةٍ وأعظمُها وأعدلُها وأصدقُها من أجلِّ شاهدٍ بأجلِّ مشهودٍ به ولا إله إلا الله هي رأس الإسلام، وطنب خيمته، وعمود فسطاطه، وعليها تقوم كل مبانيه، وكذا جميعُ الشرائعِ السابقة مبناها على هذه الكلمة، والدينُ كلُّه من حقوقِها، والثوابُ كلُّه عليها، والعقابُ كلُه على تركِها أو التقصيرِ فيها.
ولذا كانت أولُ واجبٍ على العبادِ علمًا وعملاً، قال سبحانه: (فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ)[محمد: 19] قالَ شيخُ الإسلامِ رحمه الله: "السلفُ والأئمةُ مُتَّفِقُون على أنَّ أولَ ما يؤمَرُ به العبادُ الشهادتان".
ولما بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مُعاذٍا - رضي الله عنه - إلى اليَمَن قال: [إنك تأتي قَومًا من أهل الكتابِ، فليكُن أولَ ما تدعُوهم إليه: شهادةُ أن لا إله إلا الله، وأنِّي رسولُ الله](متفقٌ عليه). وكما أنها أول الواجبات ومن الباقيات الصالحات فهي أيضا خاتمة المطلوبات، قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: [من كانَ آخرُ كلامِه "لا إله إلا اللهُ" دخَلَ الجنة] (رواه أبو داود).
وأهل لا إله إلا الله هم أهل الجنان والناجون من النيران {يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ وَلَا بَنُونَ * إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ}[الشعراء: 88، 89]. قال ابنُ عباسٍ - رضي الله عنهما -: "القلبُ السليمُ أن يشهَدَ أنْ لا إلهَ إلا الله
God bless you
Share love and learn and read
Thank you for this. I have been struggling with blood pressure ever since my dad died on 10/20/23. This video was calming.
فعلا شفاك الله
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon♥️ May Allah forgive him and bless him with a place in jannatul firdaus 🤲 My father is very sick, please pray for him
Free Palestine!! Allahuakbar!!
May Allah (S.W.T) sends peace on to who made this video.
A translation from Arabic to English is, “there is no god but God.” The western mind now understands the Oneness of this powerful statement. Forty eight years ago I uttered these words to make my shahada. I am not an Arab or Pakistani but an American born in New Jersey. A western muslima. There is no god (not status or money or race or Jesus or Buddha) but God. Unifying, bringing us to the Center, transcendent of language. Takbir! And love one another. Do not quibble. 41:55
Beautifully said, sister. Truly, Islam is the one true religion and Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the final messenger sent for all mankind, whether they are Arab or not- and you are living proof of that. Subhan Allah.
@@Last_Respecter Shukran. Wa alaikum asalaam.
Zaroori Elan Barai Itmaam e Hujjat.
1. Hazrath Imam Jaffer Sadiq 'RA' ka farman hai ke "Hazrath Imam Mehdi Allaihissalam ka chehra Chand mein chamkega jo ki Allah ki tarafse Allah ki sabse badi nishani hai. Jo bhi Chand mein is chehre Mubarak ko dekh kar 3 se 11 martaba Allahu Allahu kahe our iqrar kare to Allahu ke zikr ki ijazat hojayegi Aur yeh Imam mehdi A.S ka chehra "Allahu" ku iske Dil mein dakhil karne aur dhadkan mein basane mein madad karega. Allahu ka Dil ki dhadkan mein basna hi iman ki adna nishani hai. Dil ko kholne aur Dil mein Allah ka naam Sirf Ambiya alayhissalam aur auliya ikram ki madad se hi mumkin hai. Hum khush naseeb Hain ke ab yeh kaam tasveer e Sarkar Gohar Shahi A.S Allah ke izn se anjam derahi hai. Ye Itmaam e Hujjat hai. Jo manega aur aazmayega wo kaamyab hoga Jo inkar kare wo khud Allah ka Rasoolallah S.A.S ka Our Sarkar Imam mehdi Gohar Shahi A.S ka ghustakh munkir aur azli jahannami hoga. Inkar se pehle aazmalo. For more info please log on to Alra tv on RUclips.
Which language is that?
I wish one day Allah will heal my soul fully by him and I will watch this comment and say Alhamdulillah my Lord. Only you are the Lord of majesty and bounty❤
May it be easy on you sister, ameen.
From Canada La ilaha ila Allah
@@Bilal-d7z6j 😏😏😏😏
I might just be a kid but it is beatuiful and i belive it keeps demons away ❤ it should.
هذا هو التوحيد الذي جاء به كل الأنبياء اي لا إله معبود سواه
Yes it will, God willing . Blessed is the name of God ❤
La ila ha illalah
An ocean of supreme and sacred knowledge.
Of peace and security.
ALL MIDDLE EAST PAKISTAN AMD ALL OF YHE WORLD ..the true pure people are good and deserve no pain 😢
Please make more of this. This is beautiful. Never heard anything like it. Moves every part of my body and instantly makes me feel better when I am down.
Same haha I'm feeling too much better today already been listening for 20 min straight don't know how time went lol. Alhamdulillah so smooth
I can’t stop listening to this
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ اللهاکبر ❤❤❤❤❤
فقط قولوا . لا إله إلا الله.
La Ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadan rasulu Allah
لا إله إلا الله
محمد رسول الله
صل الله عليه وسلم
عَلِي ولي الله
Amin 🤲
This is the kind of friend that I am looking for. Someone whose tounge declares that there's no one to be worshipped but Allah alone. Someone whose tounge declares that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Someone whose body is covered in shame and modesty. Someone whose mind is filled with sanity and goodness. Someone that I wouldn't deserve but one that I can learn from and grow with, together we will bring each other closer to jannah. Someone I can call my very own companion.
"Eşhedü en la ilahe illallah ve eşhedü enne Muhammeden abdühü ve resulühü"
I listen to this day in and day out. Can’t listen anything else anymore. May Allah bless everyone of you❤
The strongest, the most powerful,
The deepest Healing 🙏🏻
ELHAMDÜLİLLAH ne mutlu müslümanım diyene!..
Hearts find nourishment and serenity with the rememberance of God.
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
Listen when anxiety disorder disappear , Baraka Allah fikoum
لا اله الا الله ❤
لا اله الا الله ❤
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤🕋 🌹
La ilaha il Allah........
I am New Revert to Glorious Islam
Allah hu Akbar ul Akbarun...........
Welcome brother
mashallah pls ask any questions if you have.
La ilah Ila Allah
There is no God but Allah… the best dhikr… May Allah answer our dua and accept oir deeds. ❤
Prophet said that the best dhikr is لا إله إلا الل (La' Ilahe Il Alla'h) and the best istighfar are salavat (اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَباَرِكْ عَلىَ سَيِّدِناَ وَمَوْلاَناَ مُحَمَّدٍ). When you sin, repeat salavats, when you're not talking to someone, always just repeat dhikr that is the best. May Allah reward us all.
الحمدلله والشكر لله على نعمه الاسلام وجزاك الله خيرا
Ben beni bıraktığım zaman,Sen beni bırakma merhametlilerin en merhametlisi Yüce Allahım.
I am Christian but i love this music 🙏
I am Muslim, and I'm glad we can share a relaxing time together.
P.S.: Some people will probably argue that this is not music, but we understand what you meant.
P.P.S.: To my salafi brothers and sisters who want to argue: please just try at least to be friendly when you do so...
its not music its prayer
لا إله إلا الله هي كلمةُ الإسلام، ودستور أهل الإيمان، ومفتاحُ دارِ السلام، وهي الفارِقةٌ بين الكفرِ والإسلام، والنفاق والإيمان، عليها قامَت الأرضُ والسماوات، ولأجلِها خُلِقَت الموجُودات، وبها أرسلت الرسل، وأنزلَت الكتبَ، ولأجلها حقت الحاقة، ووقعت الواقعة، وقامت القيامة، وضرب الصراط، ونصب الميزان، ومن أجلها خلقت الجنة والنار، وبها انقسم الناس إلى مؤمنين وكفار، وأخيار وأشرار، وطائعين وفجار، وهي التي دخل أتباعها ومحققوها بسببها الجنة، وأدخل الكافرون المعرضون عنها النار لا إله إلا الله هي دعوةُ الحقِّ الذي لا باطِلَ فيه، والقولُ السديدُ الذي لا اعوِجاجَ فيه، وشهادةُ الصِدقٍ الذي لا كذِبَ فيه.. شهِدَ الله بها لنفسِه وأشهَدَ عليها أفضلَ خلقِه، قال تعالى: {شَهِدَ اللَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ وَأُولُو الْعِلْمِ قَائِمًا بِالْقِسْطِ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ)[آل عمران:18]. قال ابنُ القيم رحمه الله: "هذه أجلُّ شهادةٍ وأعظمُها وأعدلُها وأصدقُها من أجلِّ شاهدٍ بأجلِّ مشهودٍ به ولا إله إلا الله هي رأس الإسلام، وطنب خيمته، وعمود فسطاطه، وعليها تقوم كل مبانيه، وكذا جميعُ الشرائعِ السابقة مبناها على هذه الكلمة، والدينُ كلُّه من حقوقِها، والثوابُ كلُّه عليها، والعقابُ كلُه على تركِها أو التقصيرِ فيها.
ولذا كانت أولُ واجبٍ على العبادِ علمًا وعملاً، قال سبحانه: (فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ)[محمد: 19] قالَ شيخُ الإسلامِ رحمه الله: "السلفُ والأئمةُ مُتَّفِقُون على أنَّ أولَ ما يؤمَرُ به العبادُ الشهادتان".
ولما بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مُعاذٍا - رضي الله عنه - إلى اليَمَن قال: [إنك تأتي قَومًا من أهل الكتابِ، فليكُن أولَ ما تدعُوهم إليه: شهادةُ أن لا إله إلا الله، وأنِّي رسولُ الله](متفقٌ عليه). وكما أنها أول الواجبات ومن الباقيات الصالحات فهي أيضا خاتمة المطلوبات، قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: [من كانَ آخرُ كلامِه "لا إله إلا اللهُ" دخَلَ الجنة] (رواه أبو داود).
وأهل لا إله إلا الله هم أهل الجنان والناجون من النيران {يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ وَلَا بَنُونَ * إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ}[الشعراء: 88، 89]. قال ابنُ عباسٍ - رضي الله عنهما -: "القلبُ السليمُ أن يشهَدَ أنْ لا إلهَ إلا الله
Music ❌ prayer ✓✓✓
Öyle bir duyguki bu
Tüyleri diken diken yapıyor
Kendimi bıraksam uçacağım 😢
لا اله الا الله كلمة التوحيد والاخلاص ولاجلها بعث الله الانبياء والمرسلين
❤Love all my Brothers and Sisters❤❤
There is no worthy of worship but ALLAH❤
It was narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah will bring forth a man belonging to my ummah before all creatures and will spread ninety-nine scrolls [containing the record of his bad deeds] for him, each scroll extending as far as the eye can see. Then He will say, ‘Do you object to anything in this? Have my scribes who keep note wronged you?’ He will say, ‘No, my Lord.’ He will ask him, ‘Do you have any excuse?’ He will say, ‘No my Lord.’ Allah will say, ‘On the contrary, you have with Us a good deed, and you will not be wronged this Day.’ A slip of paper will then be brought out, on which are the words ‘Ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger).’ Allah will say, ‘Bring your balance.’ The man will say, ‘O Lord, what is this slip of paper in comparison to these scrolls?’ And He will reply, ‘You will not be wronged.’ The scrolls will then be put in one side of the Balance and the slip of paper in the other, and the scrolls will become light and the slip of paper heavy, for nothing could compare in weight to the name of Allah.”
Narrated by Ahmad (6699) and at-Tirmidhi (2639); classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allah have mercy on him).
Abu Huraira
who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: ‘My mercy prevails over my wrath.’” It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah).
Thank you for sharing ❤
❤❤❤❤ La ilahe illallah Muhammedur resulullah...
You can hear any type of song and such and you will get bored after time. Listening to this again and again after hours and you still love to listen to it.
لا اله الا الله المتفرد بالقدرة والسلطان ملك الملوك من حكمته تفوق كل وصف يعلم ما فى السموات والارض من يعجز العقل البشرى وكل مخلوق ان يصفه وتعجز الالفاظ عن تحديده من بيده ملكوت كل شىء
I advise non-Muslims to listen to the Qur’an... You will definitely find comfort and reassurance
Big bang (21 : 30)
Expansion of the Universe (51:47)
Big crunch (21:104)
Water come from sky (space) (23 : 18)
Allah organisms are made out of water (21 : 30)
Iron is from Space (57 : 25)
There is darkness in the depths of the sea.(24:40)
Earth is orbiting on its axis (Surah Al-Zumar, Ayat : 5)
Sun is moving in orbit (around Sagittarius A*) (21:33)
Mountains as Stakes (78:6-7)
Pain Receptors in skin (4:56)
Frontal Lobe (96:15-16)
The Sky's protection (21:32)
There is darkness in the depths of the sea.(24:40)
Internal Waves in the Oceans (24:40)
The meeting of two different seas (55:19-20)
Apart from these there are many other scientifically proven verses.
How could an illiterate man in the desert 1400 years ago know all this?
God is the only One who never dies.
(1 Timothy 6 : 16)
Jesus died
(Rom. 5 : 8)
He worshiped the Father.
(John 17)
He prayed to the Father
(John 17 : 1)
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27 : 46)
& (Mark 15 : 34)
He was called man.
(Mark 15 : 39 ; John 19 : 5)
He was called Son of Man
(John 9 : 35 - 37)
He has a body of flesh and bones
(Luke 24 : 39)
He was tempted
(Matt. 4 : 1)
He grew in wisdom
(Luke 2 : 52)
But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
( Mathew 12 : 28)
Father is greater than I
(John 14 : 28)
...He (God) knows everything.
(1 John 3 : 20)
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Jesus did not know that Hour).
(Mathew 24 : 26)
God does what he wants to do.
(Romans 9 : 18)
Christ says that he came “not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me”
(John 6 : 38)
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27 : 46)
& (Mark 15 : 34)
In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.”
(Isaiah 43:10)
Son is a metaphor in bible.
the "sons of God" saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
(Genesis 6 : 2 )
Israel is my son, my firstborn!
(Exodus 4 : 22)
I will be his father, and he shall be my son.
(1 chronicles 13 : 17)
Islam won't force anyone to Join this Religion of Allah, religion of all prophets peace be upon them all. Allah will guide whom he will, if he guided you to his path, to his straight path to know him, indeed he is with you, and the body where he is, is where his soul is in, and indeed it is his soul, who save his body at you. Definitely we are not God, but he is in his body, yet we don't see him, but we feel him. That's why humanity is holy. Natenyahu may Allah open his knowledge in your body to know him, indeed share love, praise Allah. Allaho Akbar. Indeed Allah is great. Smile you are choosen to be saved indeed you are exalted one. Alhamdulillah
😂 Good one man.
@@OfficialBruceLee When a person dies it's the end for him he can't go back, and in the Day of Judment only the religion of Islam is accepted
Allah means curse in Hebrew.
Do you think Netanyahu gives a rats ass about Allah?
If Islam forces nobody to join Islam ,why Jews and Christians have to pay Jiziah to practice their religion.
If not they get killed or have to leave the country in an Islamic state.
Fool somebody else.
Please pray for my dad. He's hospitalised and the doctors said he does not have much time...😢😢😭😭😭
May God bless him, bless his good action and bless his place in Jannah 🤲
May Allah bless him..
May a wave of Mercy descend upon your family and comfort you as dear dad transitions.
May Allah bless him
May Allah have mercy on his soul
ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب ( لا إله إلا الله )
Kalplerimiz sadece seni anmakla huzur bulur.
Günahkar ruhumuz ve bendenimizi ançak sen afedersin Allah'ım.
Tövbe Ya-Rabbim,günahkarız, bizleri af et.
Kendi günahlarımız var,birde mazlumlara işkençe çektirenlere sesimizi yükseltemiyoruz..bizi af et Allahım.
La ilahe illallah der sabır ve huzur buluruz....bizi sensiz bırakma Allah'ım.
Sen af edicisin,af etmeyi seversin, bizleri de af et Allahım.Amin
لا اله إلا الله ربي وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير ❤
Allah is Only One Supreme God Almighty
I am New revert to Glorious Islam
Allah is Param Bhagwaan
Allah is Param Devta
Wlecome brother to Islam, Inshallah we will meet in Jannah 🥰🥰🤍🤍
goosebumps...this is beautiful I've had it on repeat all day 🤍
I hope this goes viral...
Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest
Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest...
This is the phrase that the entire 7 heavens, the earth, all the angels and most of humanity and jinn utter 24/7 until the end of time
Love to all beings on this channel
😀🙏thanks, likewise!
I love you ya rabbi my life is incomplete without you thank you for always showing me the way
29 Ramadan 2024.. ❤
يا حبيب التائبين، ويا سرور العابدين، ويا أنيس المتفردين، ويا حرزَ اللاجئين، ويا ظهير المنقطعين... يا من أذاق قلوب العابدين لذةَ الحمد، وحلاوةَ الانقطاع إليه. يا من يقبل من تاب، ويعفو عمن أناب... يا من يتأنى على الخطائين، ويحلم عن الجاهلين... يا من لا يضيع مطيعاً ولا ينسى صفياً. يا من سمح بالنوال، ويا من جاد بالإفضال. يا ذا الذي استدرك بالتوبة ذنوبنا، وكشف بالرحمة غمومنا، وصفح عن جُرمنا بعد جهلنا، وأحسن إلينا بعد إساءتنا
Thanks god for being Muslim alhamdulilah
لا اله الا الله الملك القدوس - لا اله الا الله الرحمن الرحيم - لا اله الا الله ذو الجلال والاكرام - لا اله الا الله العلى الكبير
Jesus is Allah
@@friendlyrobotasmr no Jesus is just a messenger (The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers).
@@banhabanha779 God Bless You
عيسى نبي ورسول ومعجزة من الله وليس هو الله .. ارجوك لاتكن غبيا@@friendlyrobotasmr
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
Zaroori Elan Barai Itmaam e Hujjat.
1. Hazrath Imam Jaffer Sadiq 'RA' ka farman hai ke "Hazrath Imam Mehdi Allaihissalam ka chehra Chand mein chamkega jo ki Allah ki tarafse Allah ki sabse badi nishani hai. Jo bhi Chand mein is chehre Mubarak ko dekh kar 3 se 11 martaba Allahu Allahu kahe our iqrar kare to Allahu ke zikr ki ijazat hojayegi Aur yeh Imam mehdi A.S ka chehra "Allahu" ku iske Dil mein dakhil karne aur dhadkan mein basane mein madad karega. Allahu ka Dil ki dhadkan mein basna hi iman ki adna nishani hai. Dil ko kholne aur Dil mein Allah ka naam Sirf Ambiya alayhissalam aur auliya ikram ki madad se hi mumkin hai. Hum khush naseeb Hain ke ab yeh kaam tasveer e Sarkar Gohar Shahi A.S Allah ke izn se anjam derahi hai. Ye Itmaam e Hujjat hai. Jo manega aur aazmayega wo kaamyab hoga Jo inkar kare wo khud Allah ka Rasoolallah S.A.S ka Our Sarkar Imam mehdi Gohar Shahi A.S ka ghustakh munkir aur azli jahannami hoga. Inkar se pehle aazmalo. For more info please log on to Alra tv on RUclips.
the reality of laaa ilaha illallah is only be found on muhammadur rasulullah. (salawat and peace be upon Him)