when i played that matchup a couple days ago, singed kept trying to proxy and i just let him do it. Early levels i had to farm under tower but once i got sheen i'd just tank the minions in front of my tower and stack every last of them, got 500 stacks by 20 min (not a amazing amount but it's pretty high for my standards) and carried the game
when i played that matchup a couple days ago, singed kept trying to proxy and i just let him do it. Early levels i had to farm under tower but once i got sheen i'd just tank the minions in front of my tower and stack every last of them, got 500 stacks by 20 min (not a amazing amount but it's pretty high for my standards) and carried the game
Why is there a sweaty asol jg?
That Singed represents most Americans
Dumb as hell inhaling fumes ?