Dolmen Drumming

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2015
  • Shamanic Drumming at Aideen's Dolmen Howth. This dolmen marks the spot where Aideen, the wife of Fionn Mac Cumhaill's grandson Oscar, heard of her husbands death at the Battle of Gabhra in the Tara Valley 284 AD. That was to be the final battle and the demise of the legendary Fianna Warriors. Aideen died of grief at this place and the dolmen was erected in her honour.
    from LAYS OF THE WESTERN GAEL By Sir Samuel Ferguson
    A clear pure air pervades the scene,
    In loneliness and awe secure;
    Meet spot to sepulchre a Queen
    Who in her life was pure.
    Here, far from camp and chase removed,
    Apart in Nature's quiet room,
    The music that alive she loved
    Shall cheer her in the tomb.
    The humming of the noontide bees,
    The lark's loud carol all day long,
    And, borne on evening's salted breeze,
    The clanking sea bird's song
    Shall round her airy chamber float,
    And with the whispering winds and streams
    Attune to Nature's tenderest note
    The tenor of her dreams.
    Sacred Ireland Tours / sacredirelandtours

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