Flat Earther Thinks Satellites Prove The Earth Is Flat

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 528

  • @qcontinuum514
    @qcontinuum514 2 года назад +80

    "No problem has ever been solved by claiming the Earth is flat."
    It has solved my problem of knowing who to avoid.

    • @RichWoods23
      @RichWoods23 2 года назад +14

      Partially solved. There are plenty of other loons who also need to be avoided.

    • @leeshackelford7517
      @leeshackelford7517 2 года назад +2


    • @Haytem.
      @Haytem. 2 года назад +7

      Solved my boredom problem

    • @qcontinuum514
      @qcontinuum514 2 года назад +3

      "The moon landing never happened."

  • @OLApplin
    @OLApplin 2 года назад +78

    - proceeds to show a picture of earth from a satellite
    Flerfers: "Nooooo!!!!! This is fake because it is showing a sphere!!!!"

    • @imdfox1774
      @imdfox1774 2 года назад +6

      - which would mean….
      Flerfs: (shocked Pikachu face) THEYRE LYING TO US, SAYING ITS A BALL!!
      - fp ffs

    • @thecubist3817
      @thecubist3817 2 года назад +2

      exactly, theres no pleasing these people. I feel like even a flat earther should be outraged this guy is saying that, it makes no sense at all.

  • @KentheDeer
    @KentheDeer 2 года назад +119

    Also LEO: Never does any science

    • @leonxpc1
      @leonxpc1 2 года назад +16

      also does not understand what science is, and it's not pointing and saying ""look big flat water"
      and it's also not saying pantomime on all the videos and demonstrable impossible, while there is thousands of demonstrations.
      and it's definitely not saying "look, fake", source: "trust me bro"

    • @Isolder74
      @Isolder74 2 года назад

      After all he ever does is parrot the talking points and nothing else. As far as any of these morons go is say the air should disappear into space and think that is all they need to say.
      They then parrot SW that Gravity isn’t a force therefore it can’t hold it back.

    • @paulglennie1991
      @paulglennie1991 2 года назад

      Hes nothing but a con, using flat earth as a cash cow

  • @johnsensebe3153
    @johnsensebe3153 2 года назад +14

    1) Take a flight on an aircraft.
    2) During flight, order a drink.
    3) Observe what the drink does in the cup while flying at over 500 MPH.

  • @thezenwizard
    @thezenwizard 2 года назад +35

    Satellites can take pictures of the weather. Weather balloons, because they are actually IN the weather system, can measure wind speed, temperature, humidity, air pressure and so on - all things you can't get from a satellite above the atmosphere.

    • @chrisantoniou4366
      @chrisantoniou4366 2 года назад +8

      The need for a speedometer in a car doesn't preclude the need for a tachometer. Both are needed but for different reasons and the existence of one doesn't make the other instrument impossible.

    • @wizardsuth
      @wizardsuth 2 года назад +5

      I wrote the software that the Canadian military uses to parse data from weather balloons for artillery fire control. And yes, they do measure all the things you mentioned, plus the altitude of the cloud ceiling (when there is one).

  • @jasongerke
    @jasongerke 2 года назад +61

    If Level Earth Observer thinks they faked the satellite, why doesn't he think they also faked the $11.7 billion price tag?

    • @tallyhorizzla3330
      @tallyhorizzla3330 2 года назад

      Where do you think the money comes from to pay everyone at NASA and the other space agencies to keep their mouths shut and lie about the earth being round!?(only joking,l did actually graduate from primary school so l know it's a sphere.(and hollow,inhabited by lizard people. Wake up sheeple!!!!)

    • @RichWoods23
      @RichWoods23 2 года назад +14

      Because that would require holding two thoughts in his head on the same day.

    • @Haytem.
      @Haytem. 2 года назад

      He doesn't trust government agencies... Maybe he made exceptions for the treasury or the IRS.. Anyway.. Not the first cherry flerfs are picking..

    • @arizonaexplorations4013
      @arizonaexplorations4013 2 года назад +3

      You beat me to it. I was just going to ask the same thing.

    • @ByzantineDarkwraith
      @ByzantineDarkwraith 2 года назад

      because then he can't cry about wasted money and do some moral grandstanding while invoking actual suffering people to push flat earth (a cult/quasi-cult based on lies that exists primarily to enrich flatearth priests by giving them views, money and followers)

  • @duncanmcneill7088
    @duncanmcneill7088 2 года назад +46

    His three fundamental truths :
    1) large bodies of water do not display convexity - so how do TIDES work?
    2) pendulums and tower cranes should be affected by the rotation of the earth - the direction of the force that acts to keep objects following a curved path is towards the centre of rotation (I.e. downwards)
    3) gas pressure next to a vacuum - first define how far “next to” is (i.e. microns, millimetres, metres or kilometres).
    Flat earth refuted, barely an inconvenience - now off to the pub.

    • @manuell3505
      @manuell3505 2 года назад +7

      I don't remember where I got it from, but the Eiffel tower bends slightly towards the south, due to centrifugal force and having a nice diagonal direction in relation to the equatorial plane.

    • @dorkangel1076
      @dorkangel1076 2 года назад +12

      1) *and you can't use the sun or moon in your explanation because you think they're small and local or holograms or some sort of spotlight and glowing lamp. Oh and remember you claim we're on a motionless plane so don't be using any tilting or rotating explanations. And don't be using wind in the explanation either since that requires high and low pressure which you claim can't exist next to each-other without a container.

    • @transient_
      @transient_ 2 года назад

      1) large bodies of water don't bulge, but there are waves. There's a wave that circles the flat earth every 12 hours. Or maybe there's a huge cavern below the sea floor with pumps installed by NASA (naturally) that take care of the sea level rise and fall. You might be interested to know that's also the reason for the disc wide rise in sea level. NASA installed defective pumps and now blames it on "global" warming.
      2) What rotation? There is no rotation on the flat Earth. And I didn't even have to invoke magic.
      3) What vacuum? the Earth is covered by a dome.
      If i can't give you a explanation... All explanations for a Flat Earth require a certain amount of belief in magic.
      Oh yeah, and NASA.

    • @ByzantineDarkwraith
      @ByzantineDarkwraith 2 года назад +4

      I wonder if he actually thinks that the atmosphere is contained within a dome or something insane like that...

    • @bigjules5139
      @bigjules5139 2 года назад +4

      @@ByzantineDarkwraith it's a common concept among flerfers and some religious types. These two sets aren't exclusive!

  • @Mandelbrot_Set
    @Mandelbrot_Set 2 года назад +16

    Weather balloons measure things that satellites cannot. Temperature, pressure and dew point.

    • @misterocain
      @misterocain 2 года назад +1

      but their tracking cannot be accurately predicted.

    • @feedingravens
      @feedingravens 2 года назад +5

      And that they do as gradient curve while they are climbing.
      A friend of mine wanted to investigate an unusual wind in a valley (only in one direction, usually such winds reverse during the day). But as the wind blew with up to 80 km/h, weather ballons are not working good, you get some slope and not a vertical layering.
      He had the idea to use his hobby, RC gliders, and build an electrified RC glider that could take up all the measurement equipment.
      And then they set out to their object of investigation, the 3000-meter high valley ground of the deepest valley on earth (the K2 and other >8000 meter high mountains form this valley.
      They climbed up to 2,500 meter above ground, Zeiss had provided them with glasses that had tiny telescopic lenses attached.

      Trouble with flerfs is that they have ZERO clue about technology, what is physically possible and what not.
      When in the movies they zoom in on a blurry image and it sharpens until you can count the hairs of the beard of the villain, they think this is reality.
      Therefore they constantly come with "Why don't they?" e.g put a camera on the moon and zoom in on the earth, so that they can read the headline of the newspaper they hold up in their backyard.
      A typical camera sensor has 4000 pixels width, so the earth would be resolved in pixels of 3 kms width.
      For 1 meter resolution you would need a sensor of 3000 times the size, to read a headline the resolution would have to be in the mm-range, so 4 billion pixels.
      But that is just one line,
      The whole image would have 4 billion x 4 billion pixels, 16 million trillion pixels that they want to have transmittied in realtime, so with at least 25 fps. and you need 4 byte (brightness and RGB), so you arrive at 16 million trillion x 25 x 4 x 8 to get to the bit per second. Makes 12.8 trillion trillion bit/second, or 12,800 trillion Mbit/s. Or let's take 5G as comparison, up to 3 Gbit/s.
      So the required bitrate for reading a text in a fullscale image of the earth is 12.8 trillion times higher than the state of the art.

    • @StringerNews1
      @StringerNews1 2 года назад +3

      And satellites can do things that weather balloons can't, like track full-disk cloud and lightning every day and night for years on end, and have a vantage point that no balloon can have.

    • @Isolder74
      @Isolder74 2 года назад +3

      Also a satellite can’t show local wind variations and updrafts and downdrafts thermals and so on. All things a weather balloon can gather.

    • @arctic_haze
      @arctic_haze 2 года назад +3

      True. Satellite measurements of atmosphere are averages of several kilometers of altitude and the lower ones are contaminated by the surface temperature. Humidity (the thing one needs to measure to calculate the dew point) measurements from space are even less accurate. On the other hand satellites can do things balloons cannot, like cloud coverage even on the night side of the planet (IR images), ocean waves (SAR radars) or aerosol optical depth (spaceborne lidars).

  • @jerry2357
    @jerry2357 2 года назад +14

    What is particularly ironic about LEO’s first statement is that it is scientifically impossible for a planet like the Earth NOT to be a spheroid.

  • @JohnM3665570
    @JohnM3665570 2 года назад +8

    Personal Incredulity and Dunning-Kruger. Two attributes needed to be a flat earther.

  • @alexmicco
    @alexmicco 2 года назад +18

    I’ve learned that vacuums are a difficult concept for flat earthers. Vacuum’s don’t suck. They’re just a lack of stuff in a given space. It’s the surrounding pressure that forces air inside a vacuum chamber once it’s open. It’s not the vacuum that exerts the force.

    • @breezyjr
      @breezyjr 2 года назад +1

      I saw an moon denier video recently that thought, because earth based vacuum chambers are reinforced, he thought space vehicle should have the same reinforcement because the vacuum was even stronger in space... lol

    • @moopelbay5631
      @moopelbay5631 2 года назад +1

      They confuse a vacuum with a vacuum cleaner

  • @harryworp
    @harryworp 2 года назад +23

    Weather satellites save lives by letting us observe storms as they form and track them so we can evacuate coastal areas or prepare for possible tornado weather.

  • @muskyoxes
    @muskyoxes 2 года назад +17

    "Prove that this picture of the globe is fake."
    "Easy - it shows a globe, and we know it isn't."
    Come to think of it, that can be used for any evidence at all.
    "Prove that this pendulum experiment doesn't show the earth is a globe."
    "Easy - we know it isn't."

    • @karelfinn2343
      @karelfinn2343 2 года назад +4

      That's exactly how their minds work. Truth has to be self-evident in order for their world view to make sense, so any evidence to the contrary MUST be a lie.

    • @chrisantoniou4366
      @chrisantoniou4366 2 года назад +9

      @@karelfinn2343 Except for seeing the South Celestial Pole, the Sun rising and setting, the sphericity of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars, the difference in weight of objects at the Equator and at the poles, the billions of images proving the Earth is a sphere, the ability to see further at a height, etc. etc. etc. The problem isn't that the truth must be "self-evident", for flat Earthers, the truth must be whatever agrees with their idea of reality, everything else, no matter how correct, is rejected outright.

    • @wizardsuth
      @wizardsuth 2 года назад

      "We have reason to believe that you robbed the bank."
      "No I didn't. I know I'm not a bank robber, therefore I didn't rob the bank."
      "But we have witnesses and surveillance camera footage showing you robbing the bank."
      "Well, obviously the witnesses are lying and the camera footage is fake. It's scientifically impossible for me to have robbed the bank."
      "We caught you running away from the bank shortly after it was robbed, and you had marked bills in your possession. The evidence..."

    • @ValirAmaril
      @ValirAmaril 2 года назад

      don't give them ideas

  • @dacutler
    @dacutler 2 года назад +18

    Not only he does not know enough to prove his claim about globe earth being impossible, but he doesn't know enough about his claim about a flat earth to know that it actually IS impossible!

  • @Paladwyn
    @Paladwyn 2 года назад +29

    LEO is a broken record. Despite how many times people show him to be utterly wrong and ignorant, he keeps repeating the same lines, over and over. Fingers in ears, eyes shut, mouth flapping nonsensically.

    • @chrisantoniou4366
      @chrisantoniou4366 2 года назад

      The insane outpourings of a diseased mind...

    • @martinaasandersen3775
      @martinaasandersen3775 2 года назад

      Pretty sure 90% of these people only do it for yt clicks, "clout" in the fe community and dont actually believe it. At least i almost hope so. But these days it's hard to tell since there's so many actual idiots too (like q anon and shit).

    • @richardvine5915
      @richardvine5915 Год назад

      He's a very lazy flerf

  • @dat2ra
    @dat2ra 2 года назад +10

    LEO: Have you ever been at sea? I worked 3 years with NOAA in the Pacific watching ships and landmasses appear and disappear over the horizon. Do us all a favor: take an ocean cruse then STFU.

  • @anderskarlsson9881
    @anderskarlsson9881 2 года назад +20

    LEO doesn't bother with small details as...... reality.

  • @PsychoticEwok
    @PsychoticEwok 2 года назад +34

    The day a flat earther realizes that "disproving" the globe doesn't mean flat earth is correct will be an interesting day

    • @CykoruKun
      @CykoruKun 2 года назад +10

      This is like with guys trying to "prove creationism" by attempting to debunk evolution while having no arguments for their actual position. Like "see, this dinosaur was a hoax = space man willed everything into existence".

    • @thezenwizard
      @thezenwizard 2 года назад +5

      Yep. Even if they disproved every one of the reasons we know the earth is a globe, it would only mean the earth's shape is indeterminate and could still end up being a sphere. They need to get working on their positive proof for flat earth.... Is that crickets I can hear?

    • @basedgamerguy818
      @basedgamerguy818 2 года назад

      i wish LEO would get sent to space

    • @phoenix-rising-86
      @phoenix-rising-86 2 года назад

      Ummm you're late to the party Nathan Oakley did just that. Stay up to date with the flat earth debate folks. 😂 ruclips.net/user/NathanOakley1980c

    • @phoenix-rising-86
      @phoenix-rising-86 2 года назад

      It's an apparent fact you need us for video content and it's sad af.

  • @chrisdurhammusicchannel
    @chrisdurhammusicchannel 2 года назад +12

    And speaking of redundancy, LEO! I mean we got younger, newer Flerfs like Jason. I mean, why do we need some old codger saying "Dear oh dear, it's all pantomime!" every 5 seconds when we have someone who believes the Catholic church was running things 500 years before Christ? LEO should be replaced by the newer model! Why is he even still flerfing????🤣🤣🤣

  • @LudosErgoSum
    @LudosErgoSum 2 года назад +14

    FLERFER: "Satellites do not exist!"
    A COUPLE MINUTES LATER...: "This satellite proves the Flat Earth!"
    What is it? Make up your mind on reality and evidence. 🤔

  • @AirForceNut
    @AirForceNut 2 года назад +33

    I think another important aspect of the Weather Balloon point is instrument calibration. Satellites are good at taking measurements over large areas, but like any instrument the instruments need to be repeatedly calibrated against reference. Even the best instruments age over time, impacting the raw measurements. For example it may gradually develop a bias where it reads 0°C as 1°C as a sensor age.
    The weather balloons provide an opportunity to take direct measurements in the atmosphere which can be compared against the satellite measurements of the same location and time. Scientists can then adjust the algorithms that process the satellite data. This ensures the satellite remote sensing measurements stay in sync with reality. The more direct measurements are available for calibration the more accurate and more certainty you have in the other satellite data you've collected.

    • @NZSpides
      @NZSpides 2 года назад +9

      The balloons are also sensing the atmosphere pressures and temperatures as they go up through the various layers, this is a little difficult for satellites to to do. (as far as I know anyway)

    • @Kualinar
      @Kualinar 2 года назад +7

      Wait for LEO to discover meteorological ground stations. It'll BLOW his «mind».

    • @RichWoods23
      @RichWoods23 2 года назад +5

      @@Kualinar Apparently we're all wasting our money by having rain gauges in our gardens and thermometers in our greenhouses.

    • @clivedavis6859
      @clivedavis6859 2 года назад +3

      @@NZSpides Indeed. They would also have difficulty measuring humidity. Satellites have an advantage being able to cover what is happening over the oceans, where most weather systems form and where balloons can't be sent up, except where there are islands. There are also weather stations in Antarctica where balloons are sent up.

    • @Isolder74
      @Isolder74 2 года назад +2

      @@RichWoods23 Nearly every university has a weather station located on their campus to be a part of the weather network in the US.

  • @joelgunderson396
    @joelgunderson396 2 года назад +6

    And yet every time a flat earther has tried to scientifically prove a flat earth they have proved a spherical earth

  • @tonyfisk8081
    @tonyfisk8081 2 года назад +4

    There is a reason that LEO is a crane operator rather than, say, an aircraft designer, or a particle physicist.

  • @TheKitsuneCavalier
    @TheKitsuneCavalier 2 года назад +3

    I wish that, when they mention funding social programs, flat earthers complained about unnecessary military spending, rather than what we spend so much less on: our space programs.
    Billionaires can afford to be taxed more, as well.

  • @snuffcore9686
    @snuffcore9686 2 года назад +4

    LEO: I am incredulous, and don't understamd science, therefore flat Earth. LoL.

  • @DemmyDemon
    @DemmyDemon 2 года назад +4

    I audibly groaned when you said "Level Earth Observer"
    He has to be the most obtuse content creator on this platform, hands down.

    • @ByzantineDarkwraith
      @ByzantineDarkwraith 2 года назад +1

      yeah... he thinks the earth is level, but I guess he's never seen a mountain before lmfao... what a silly boy

  • @TriggeredLimey
    @TriggeredLimey 2 года назад +13

    You had to do it, didn't you?! A bloody video about LEO! Now I'm torn between getting sick of his voice and enjoying your content! You're lucky I like your videos! But I'm invoicing you for my therapy bills! 🤣

  • @Mandelbrot_Set
    @Mandelbrot_Set 2 года назад +7

    LEO, it is pronounced, "GOES," as in "Dan goes running." It is not pronounced like Gomez from the _Addams Family._

    • @StringerNews1
      @StringerNews1 2 года назад +2

      "Morticia, you spoke French!" 😆

  • @Tempestwolf79
    @Tempestwolf79 2 года назад +12

    Good old LEO claims there's no scientific evidence while looking at scientific evidence.

  • @dacutler
    @dacutler 2 года назад +3

    Most of the 11.7 B dollars goes to pay people what they need to live and avoid becoming hungry and living on the streets. Does he want to take that away from them and make it worse.

    • @treepotato9273
      @treepotato9273 2 года назад

      These people don't see that, they don't look at (for example) NASA as a company who employs thousands of people, they don't think of all the companies that NASA are buying things from or paying for services from that overall would count for tens of thousands of people (maybe even more?), they don't think about the fact that those tens of thousands of people spend their earnings in shops and restaurants and whatever. All they see is money going to an organisation. I think it partly stems from a self-obsession making it harder for them to see other people as "real" and partly from their inability to picture and work with large concepts like how big the earth really is or how many people are in a country.

  • @arctic_haze
    @arctic_haze 2 года назад +7

    I will call LEO's crane a fraud if he does not provide live 24/7 video feeds from both inside and outside the crane!

    • @samuell.foxton4177
      @samuell.foxton4177 2 года назад +1

      Have we seen proof that LEO even knows anything about cranes?

    • @arctic_haze
      @arctic_haze 2 года назад +2

      @@samuell.foxton4177 A video shot from a crane cabin with his unthinking face reflected in the window. But that could be a CGI pantomime.

    • @samuell.foxton4177
      @samuell.foxton4177 2 года назад

      So LEO went in a crane once?

    • @arctic_haze
      @arctic_haze 2 года назад

      @@samuell.foxton4177 Possibly. By if we used his standard of evidence, it would be only a flat-earth pantomime.

  • @realcygnus
    @realcygnus 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely NO MRI for such people when that lump appears ! 👊🐒🤣

  • @Bunny99s
    @Bunny99s 2 года назад +7

    Weather balloons also are up there for completely different purposes. They can measure air pressure, and temperature at the local spot there are (not only the position on earth (lat /lon) but also at the designated elevation they're travelling).
    They can only give very localized information but to a higher precision. Satellites on the other hand only look down from above the earth. So at a single "pixel" of the data it collects there are several temperatures and airpressure levels at different elevations which are just stacked upon another in a satellite image. So you're loosing granuality in height but we get much better gradients across the surface. Apart from that, satellites can not measure the air pressure. They can only "see" the electromagnetic waves emmited from earth. So claiming weather balloons would be useless just shows you have no idea what those are actually used for.
    It's like claiming: "Why do we need land surveyors on the ground when we can simply fly with a plane above it and take pictures?" You get much more precise measurement locally, especially when you want to know the exact topography. You can partially extract / reconstruct height information from images, but it's extremely rough and unprecise. So we actually combine the technologies we have available and correlate the data from many sources.
    Weather balloons also are not the primary source for temperature and pressure readings. We have far more ground based weather stations which measure those things locally, on ground level. We use belloons to get "some" samples from the higher layers of the atmosphere to get a better picture of the weather as a whole.

    • @fromagefrizzbizz9377
      @fromagefrizzbizz9377 2 года назад

      You seem to be a bit behind aerial survey. "Taking pictures from planes" is a *long* way behind lidar, with resolutions down to a few centimetres, it can penetrate foliage, and build you a topogical map of the ground just as precise, as well as the canopy of foliage. The reason why they don't use satellites for fine precision work is resolution. Indeed, with satellites, mapping is more accurate with SAR (synthetic aperture radar) than photographs, and it can do topography quite nicely too.

  • @bluetoad2668
    @bluetoad2668 2 года назад +5

    have these flat earthers ever heard of Occam's razor? if he doesn't believe in the satellite then why does he believe that they told the truth about the cost?

  • @andriesm6552
    @andriesm6552 2 года назад +39

    Impossibility has to be proven, not just stated as LEO does in the shown clips.

    • @nukiradio
      @nukiradio 2 года назад +13

      Also, we have evidence of round planets like mars... so...
      Not scientifically impossible..

    • @Hunt8rJob
      @Hunt8rJob 2 года назад +10

      ​@@nukiradio He has a rebuttal for that as well. The almighty nuh-uh.

  • @Flappyduck22
    @Flappyduck22 2 года назад +7

    Why does LEO refuse to believe anything that NOAA says except that they spent 11.7 billion doing it? How does he decide what to believe and what not to? Or is it just what fits his narrative.

    • @slc40
      @slc40 2 года назад +4

      Why does the money matter to him? It isn't his money being spent.

    • @arizonaexplorations4013
      @arizonaexplorations4013 2 года назад

      Not even his country’s money. Isn’t he British?

    • @slc40
      @slc40 2 года назад

      @@arizonaexplorations4013 Correct. I don't know why it matters to him how NASA spends the money.

    • @arizonaexplorations4013
      @arizonaexplorations4013 2 года назад +1

      @@slc40 New conspiracy, the USSR was destroyed by the secret world cabal because it was going bankrupt and couldn’t pay its bill to NASA. Never mind it had its own space program and beat the USA in almost every aspect. LEO, “NASA faked the moon landing “. CCCP silently crying, “but, but we were there first”

    • @slc40
      @slc40 2 года назад

      @@arizonaexplorations4013 I'd keep that quiet. NASA will be out to get you now that you've uncovered the truth!

  • @TangoCharlieAlpha
    @TangoCharlieAlpha 2 года назад +2

    Even blowing a soap bubble produces a round shape. That is science. Now if you could produce a flat bubble......well, then they could be on to something.

  • @qcontinuum514
    @qcontinuum514 2 года назад +9

    Level Earth Observer makes a claim with no evidence.
    Therefore, Level Earth Observer can be dismissed with no evidence.

  • @PaulBennett
    @PaulBennett 2 года назад +2

    7:30 I thought you were going to say "why use hard drives when you can use the cloud?", but I guess that could have become meta quite quickly.

  • @xx3868
    @xx3868 2 года назад +3

    Very hard to fly a plane and navigate using Flat earth maps as i only use round earth maps and end up right on target and at the right time. I so glad FE's wont qualify to be pilots as they are in for a hell of a shock of their delusion! if they did!!

  • @Isaac-hg2uh
    @Isaac-hg2uh 2 года назад +5

    How does he think phones work? Do they not use satellites? And like TVs

    • @MrMichaelfalk
      @MrMichaelfalk 2 года назад +5

      well to be fair - phones do not use satellites (apart from the GPS) .. And of course - satellite phones... But not "normal" smartphones.

    • @Mandelbrot_Set
      @Mandelbrot_Set 2 года назад

      Cell phones don't use satellites. Special satellite phones do. Cell phones only work near cell towers. Satellite phones work everywhere on Earth.

    • @StringerNews1
      @StringerNews1 2 года назад +5

      @@MrMichaelfalk and if we're to believe every movie and TV copywriter, satphones work just fine indoors. Odd how that doesn't work IRL.

    • @Isaac-hg2uh
      @Isaac-hg2uh 2 года назад +3

      @@MrMichaelfalk Yeah, the GPS use in phones was what I had meant, wasnt super clear on that my bad. There's a lot that uses satellites

  • @UKAbandonedMineExplores
    @UKAbandonedMineExplores 2 года назад +2

    Gravity does not effect water? Dam, I must be delerious when I see waterfalls! He complains about spending, but why do I get the feeling he's on benefits himself?

  • @rjdrakon2492
    @rjdrakon2492 2 года назад +3

    Flerfers still don't understand that when they look at water on a ball, both the water and ball they are observing are on, (or negilebly near) the EARTH instead of in space, and Both are therefore overwhelmingly effected by the Earths gravity.

  • @leew8812
    @leew8812 2 года назад +4

    Hey ! It's the crane controller in his clown shoes

  • @TheZolon
    @TheZolon 2 года назад +2

    I always find it interesting how they don't beleive anything but the amount of money spent, which the nunbers of also comes from the same org they think is fake.

  • @ValpoPhysics
    @ValpoPhysics 2 года назад +2

    Hey Planarwalk, weather balloons still play a critical role in weather forecasting. Satellites do a great job of taking pictures of the tops of clouds, but they aren't able to profile the temperature, humidity, and wind speed/wind direction in the atmosphere. Weather balloon "soundings" still play a critical role in our ability to let you know if it's going to be rainy next Friday.
    Also, balloons wouldn't rise without a pressure gradient - not even a little bit. So I guess that balloons rising are proof that the earth is round since you need gravity to setup that pressure gradient in the atmosphere.

  • @mitHundundRad
    @mitHundundRad 2 года назад +3

    It's funny that he doesn't believe in satellites and all the recordings are fake. But he really thinks by googling that it cost that much to create the fake?

  • @ThisIsStapes7
    @ThisIsStapes7 2 года назад +1

    It’s so funny that he believes the first Google response on the cost of the satellite but won’t believe the first Google response on the images returned by said satellite.

  • @silentcaay
    @silentcaay 2 года назад +4

    The flat earther brain is built with multiple levels of redudancy. This is where each dud brain cell has multiple dud copies that way if one of them accidentally thinks something smart, it can be immediately corrected.

  • @Ahrpigi
    @Ahrpigi 2 года назад +2

    Calls the pictures fake, believes the price tag without hesitation.

  • @M4RC90
    @M4RC90 2 года назад +1

    Water does not curve? I can debunk that immediately by putting a drop of water on my table.

  • @BriarLeaf00
    @BriarLeaf00 2 года назад +1

    If LEO thinks 12 billion dollars is a lot of money NOBODY tell him what the US spends on its defense budget every year, his head would probably explode.

  • @tjjones621
    @tjjones621 2 года назад +4

    I asked LEO which map he uses to drive around and he blocked me... lol

  • @legion162
    @legion162 2 года назад +1

    I'm really beginning to appreciate Planarwalk channel for the amount of other channels I can go and troll 👍👍

  • @47f0
    @47f0 2 года назад +3

    Weather balloons are not at all redundant to satellites. They provide unique and detailed information about air pressure, temperature, humidity and wind velocities / directions that are not easily detected from orbit, at least not with the high level of granularity that we can get from weather balloons.

  • @seanb3516
    @seanb3516 2 года назад +1

    Remember...Jet Fuel Does Not Melt Steel...Unless you include all that ChemTrail Fluid. That Stuff Burns REAL HOT!

  • @teebosaurusyou
    @teebosaurusyou 2 года назад +1

    A weather satellite cannot determine the local ground (surface) air pressure, temperature, wind (speed and direction) and humidity ANYWHERE. THAT is why weather stations and balloons are still used all across the earth.

  • @moopelbay5631
    @moopelbay5631 2 года назад

    They say they have never proven a round earth. But they have. Millions of times

  • @doranku
    @doranku 2 года назад +5

    LEO is so obsessed with the unfortunate, but why does he not accept a debate that would as a result get a couple of thousands of pounds to a charity of his choice. It is almost as if he doesn't actually care.

    • @misterocain
      @misterocain 2 года назад

      What? A Flerf with double standards? Surely not.

  • @bloozee
    @bloozee 2 года назад +2

    Satelites are old technology. I used to receive weather images on a scanner fed to an FSK decoder into my Commodore 64. They were in low earth orbit.

  • @scisher3294
    @scisher3294 2 года назад +1

    I’m happy to see your incremental improvements coming along. Green Screen is going to be an awesome add-on to your creative capabilities. Rock on dude 👍

  • @Rosivok
    @Rosivok 2 года назад +8

    LEO needs to be sent to space, on a one-way ride. make certain that he has a good powerful radio so that he can communicate with Earth and tell everybody here exactly what the shape of the earth is. Already I am certain that he would lie and say it's flat. Because you've got to lie to flerf.

    • @zar3434
      @zar3434 2 года назад +1

      He needs to spacewalk (so the windows can't distort the earth) and without a helmet (so the glass can't distort the earth). I'm sure he'll still say the earth is flat, but not for long.

    • @TheRenofox
      @TheRenofox 2 года назад +1

      When one flat earther was building a rocket, they already pre-emptively pointed out that any observations of roundness should be dismissed because he was using an old NASA helmet with the distortion built into the glass.

    • @bunnykiller
      @bunnykiller 2 года назад +1

      I thought it was you lie when you flerf.. when you are a flerf, you are driven to lie, it becomes part of your nature, they cant help it, as hard as they may try to tell the truth, they lie, they are incapable of telling the truth even tho they think they are as they spread the flat earth lies.... if the back of the eye was flat and the light were to shine on it, it would be curved image since the lens has a curve.

    • @JohnSmith-ux3tt
      @JohnSmith-ux3tt 2 года назад +1

      @@zar3434 LEO would be happy to spacewalk without a suit. Maybe just a warm jacket. As the flerfs tell us, we are in a pressurized container, so it will be 15psi all the way to the top of the dome. Somebody should tell those Everest climbers that they don't need to waste money on oxygen tanks - it's all just a NASA trick.

    • @CykoruKun
      @CykoruKun 2 года назад +2

      He would just say that nasa curved fisheye windows/helmets distort the true image of the earth and in reality it is flat. I even saw arguments that you can't really see the true flat earth from space because your eyes are round and distort reality.

  • @attilathehamster6774
    @attilathehamster6774 2 года назад +3

    Did LEO manage to go a whole video without saying the word 'pantomime'? Oh, so close.

  • @grahamjones6712
    @grahamjones6712 2 года назад +1

    OK so how come I can only receive NOAA satellite signals on my sdr when the satellite is above my horizon? Oh wait because the world is a globe.

  • @simond.455
    @simond.455 2 года назад +1

    Adam's argument is basically: Why are there still cars when planes are much faster?

  • @michaelmccarthy4077
    @michaelmccarthy4077 2 года назад +2

    OK, let's give the 11.7 billion to the half million homeless. When the $24,000 runs out, what next? I'm not sure if LEO is aware, $24K doesn't go very far these days. Take where I live for example, fully 1/2 of that would go toward just paying for rent for a year. Have we provided these people with clothing, jobs, life training/mental health assistance (because some of them aren't capable of handling the stress of every day life, that's why they are homeless in the first place)?

  • @kulegkauluma3630
    @kulegkauluma3630 2 года назад +1

    The phone screenshot at 10:25 shocked me. 80 tabs in what seems Google Chrome? At this point it would be using RAM from the owner's brain!
    Well, it explains a lot of things...

    • @chrisantoniou4366
      @chrisantoniou4366 2 года назад

      It explains nothing... that particular owner's brain is fully employed making sure he breathes in... and out... in... and out... :D

  • @robj4078
    @robj4078 2 года назад +1

    Scientists: Earth is a globe.
    LEO: Its scientifically impossible for earth to be a globe.
    How can you have this opinion, it’s inane.

  • @olivier2553
    @olivier2553 2 года назад +1

    Maybe better education can help educe homelessness. But better education will defeat flatard conspiracy. Such a dilemma!

  • @taddybear4244
    @taddybear4244 2 года назад

    Man, I love to see a fellow Kiwi represent. Keep fighting the good fight, mate.

  • @murph8411
    @murph8411 2 года назад +3

    Why is leo so worried about how the us government spends its people’s money? He doesn’t pay towards NASA’s budget in England so why is he always complaining?
    I don’t hear him complain about the amount the US spends on its military which is way more than they spend on NASA. Not a word about how they charge ridiculous amounts for medical procedures and drugs and how poorly workers are treated in many cases.
    Not a word about their questionable prison system and how much it costs. The fact there are privately run prisons and judges have been found guilty of taking payments to send people to these jails, leo says nothing but NASA spending some money is a huge problem in his eyes.

  • @JohnSmith-ux3tt
    @JohnSmith-ux3tt 2 года назад +1

    I saw a comment from a flat earther under a flat earth video about the Chinese probe orbiting the moon and taking video of the earth. He said it was obviously fake because the earth wasn't rotating. In a 1 minute video clip. The slap mark on my head is still there.

  • @ateriana5116
    @ateriana5116 2 года назад +3

    LEO doesn't care about other people. If he did, he might have the debate Mr. Sensible to get about 3,000 £ for a charity of Adam's choice.

  • @skiffee1134
    @skiffee1134 Год назад +1

    I love that he google's literally anything about the Earth being a globe and immediately writes it off with whatever mental gymnastics, but he googles the cost of a satellite he just finished saying isn't real and is like, "Yup. 11.7b, that's accurate and factual right there. Google says so. They definitely spent that money."

  • @cygnustsp
    @cygnustsp 2 года назад +7

    He literally makes the worst arguments ever

  • @acerbicatheist2893
    @acerbicatheist2893 2 года назад

    The only thing that is facing redundancy is a certain superannuated crane operator whom we are more familiar with than I would like, really...! 📺🤔🌎❗😲😖❗

  • @chrispitchforth621
    @chrispitchforth621 2 года назад +5

    Is LEO claiming that the actual object in a video isn't real?
    He's just a bratty little child. Sulking in the corner.

    • @curbotize
      @curbotize 2 года назад

      But the cost is definitely real. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @BRUtahn
    @BRUtahn 2 года назад +1

    I can think of a problem that has been solved by someone saying the earth is flat.
    The problem of which way to swipe my finger.

  • @arturogarcia5755
    @arturogarcia5755 2 года назад +1

    I feel like LEO would sit in space on the ISS or a satellite, see the Earth is in fact a globe, but deny it and blame it on round windows. He would claim fake images (CGI) from holograms or something else completely ridiculous. He's so far down the rabbit hole, I feel nothing would ever convince him he's wrong.

  • @nerd3d-com
    @nerd3d-com 2 года назад +1

    Why aren't all those weather balloons collecting on the firmament like party balloons on the ceiling?
    Also the balloons can take direct pressure and temperature measurements that can only be inferred with the satellites' data.

  • @JavardoMusic
    @JavardoMusic 2 года назад +2

    Hey, about the redundancy....cranes actually have a lot of redundant safety systems!

  • @jameskelly3745
    @jameskelly3745 2 года назад +1

    The Earth is flat but yet the sun lights up half of it at one time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    How can it be dark in China and light in USA at the same time.

  • @Pooknottin
    @Pooknottin 2 года назад

    I suppose explaining RAID would have been too much to expect out of Level Flerf Absurder.

  • @stephan5279
    @stephan5279 2 года назад +1

    What you use 11 Billions? Helium for Balloons is expensive... And for parties, and fun with voice Helium is big fun too... So I think there were a huge part of the cost simply becasue of Helium, because Helium is fun ;)

  • @momentomori499
    @momentomori499 2 года назад +2

    I bet people who work on site with Leo are so happy when he has to go sit in his crane ,

  • @clivedavis6859
    @clivedavis6859 2 года назад +1

    Hey LEO, why do all flexible balloons inflate to a spherical shape? A sphere has the least surface area to contain the maximum volume, thereby requiring the least energy to form. That is why everything tries to form a sphere in the absence of other forces preventing it. A sphere is a preferred natural shape, fundamental fact and demonstrable reality.

  • @psibug565
    @psibug565 2 года назад +2

    LEO using the words “demonstratable facts” Considering his very loose relationship with reality, I don’t think he knows what those words mean! Where’s Akane Tendo when you need her? I think someone needs to be launched into LEO.

  • @rysacroft
    @rysacroft 2 года назад +2

    LEO is the thickest person on the planet. That's me being polite,

  • @harrisonhonda3745
    @harrisonhonda3745 Год назад

    Balloons also give spiders a rest while they fly around

  • @Kyrelel
    @Kyrelel 2 года назад +3

    Simpler argument: How can a satellite measure local winds patterns. It can't ... but weather balloons can

  • @seanb3516
    @seanb3516 2 года назад +2

    Water DOES NOT Lie Flat or find its Own Level. Water Rests Perpendicular to the Localized Gravitational Vector.

    • @clivedavis6859
      @clivedavis6859 2 года назад

      Water (actually everything) takes a shape according the forces acting on it.

    • @seanb3516
      @seanb3516 2 года назад +1

      @@clivedavis6859 NEVER!!! Oh wait, you're correct. :D
      That's why you can see the shapes of underwater mountains on the surface of the water.
      And then use Satellite Laser Telemetry to measure it and map it.

  • @CritThinkng
    @CritThinkng 2 года назад +1

    It's so frustrating when conspiracy-minded individuals have a decent question, but use the simple fact that they HAD a decent question as the end of the discussion and confirmation. Why do we still have weather balloons when we have satellites? Decent question... the thing to do here is ASK and LISTEN to the answer. There's always an ANSWER to their smug inquiries, they've just already got their fingers in their ears after asking.

  • @mhoover
    @mhoover 2 года назад

    The pressure in your tires keeps going down and you have to keep pumping them up. Ask LEO what pumps up the atmosphere.

  • @bunnykiller
    @bunnykiller 2 года назад +1

    ok so I rang the bell and it gave me choices, I chose none... what happens next?? Will LEO finally understand that the earth is a globe?? if so, then ringing the bell is worth it.. :)

  • @leeshackelford7517
    @leeshackelford7517 2 года назад

    The 11 billion was spent for the latest high tech coffee maker

  • @getahanddown
    @getahanddown 2 года назад

    The weather ballon question.
    I can buy one online + add an Arduino and GoPro then send my experiment to inner space easier and cheaper than buying rideshare on a Falcon9.
    Flat Earthers should get a weather balloon and camera and try for themselves!

  • @erics2133
    @erics2133 2 года назад +8

    I also suspect that there's a bit of non-overlap where weather balloons gather data that satellites can't, at least not effectively. It's probably easier to determine the air pressure or temperature at high altitudes with balloons than it is with sensors thousands of miles away.
    There's also the immediacy issue. Satellites return data fast enough that at least one fire was discovered via satellite. In order for that to happen with weather balloons, we'd be having to launch them hourly or better with enough of them to provide global coverage, and then we'd need something to combine the data fast enough to make it look like real time data.
    As usual, LEO's belief in a flat Earth tends to be the evidence he uses against all observations that would indicate something else. "It can't be that, because the Earth is flat."

      @LORDOFDORKNESS42 2 года назад +3

      To my layman understanding, a big thing is cost, too. Like, a weather balloon with a couple of instruments is a rounding error compared with even the most basic satellite.
      Heck, Barry Lewis sent freakin' garlic bread to space in a stunt a few years ago. That's how cheap weather balloons can be.

    • @Kualinar
      @Kualinar 2 года назад +2

      @@LORDOFDORKNESS42 Right, satellites do cost a lot. But, they are only a fraction of the budget of any space agency. Then, the daily budget of the NASA is less that the HOURLY budget if the UAS' military budget.

    • @erics2133
      @erics2133 2 года назад

      @@LORDOFDORKNESS42 Now factor in the number of weather balloons that would be required to gather ALL the data that one satellite can gather. Or rather, the rate of launches, since a satellite will gather data for years. Don't forget to include the labor involved in deploying them, losses due to inclimate weather, etc.
      I can definitely see cost being a factor for one-off experiments, but for the scale that LEO is talking about, the weather balloons would work out to be the more expensive solution.

    • @chrisantoniou4366
      @chrisantoniou4366 2 года назад +2

      Horses for courses. Satellites are expensive but last a long time and give an overview of the weather that balloons can't. Weather balloons can give information about wind speed, humidity, temperature, etc. that a satellite can't and are relatively cheap.

  • @panosgarg6094
    @panosgarg6094 2 года назад

    the flat earthers makes me dizzy !! makes me sick !!! i just......cant !!!

  • @AvantiHalfhorse
    @AvantiHalfhorse Год назад

    Ah yes, those modern weather balloons and their real time tracking of hurricanes/cyclones outside of the range of all land based, dopler weather radar stations, using visual light and infra-red, from above.

  • @IkarusKommt
    @IkarusKommt 2 года назад

    In his world, were USA and USSR filming each other's cities from weather balloons too?