Apple, the World’s Best Unnovator

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 3 тыс.

  • @bedelian
    @bedelian 10 месяцев назад +3555

    This is actually a perfectly reasonable and accurate commercial if you consider that the commercial is for Apple investors and not customers.

    • @SigFigNewton
      @SigFigNewton 9 месяцев назад +128

      Not really. It suggests that a lot of their earnings growth in recent years is due to unrepeatable unnovation. For example they already started selling everything separately, so they no longer have that option available to them to extract more from their customers. Past earnings growth that can’t be replicated suggests slowing earnings growth going forward, suggesting that the company is overvalued.

    • @sparking023
      @sparking023 9 месяцев назад

      You're not unnovating enough, they still sell phones with the OS preinstalled. Think ​@@SigFigNewton, think!

    • @billwestrick343
      @billwestrick343 9 месяцев назад +65

      I think you nailed it. The only thing Apple I own that I am actually happy with is their stock. I hate that that is true but the other thing Apple is good a unnovating is their customers. As soon as I saw that "you're just holding it wrong" actually worked for their core customer base, I knew these people would buy anything Apple sold them.

    • @SigFigNewton
      @SigFigNewton 9 месяцев назад

      @@billwestrick343 I wonder whether Apple share price will be higher in five years

    • @NB-gu9rs
      @NB-gu9rs 9 месяцев назад +13

      @@billwestrick343 Somehow my sympathy for you is limited.

  • @adilshoukat
    @adilshoukat 10 месяцев назад +2195

    My Fav: They removed LAN port, USB ports, etc. and increased the price of laptop because it's slim. Then you separately need to buy the things they took out, in the form of docking station.

    • @Ph34rNoB33r
      @Ph34rNoB33r 10 месяцев назад +76

      Sadly the other manufacturers do the same. My current thinkpad is the 3yo non-slim version, and is way slimmer than the 10yo slim one. Anything more flat than that and RJ45 will no longer fit in. (Also means their keyboards have less travel distance, thinkpads are still way better than average, but I would gladly accept a few millimetres more if it meant better cooling and more ports)

    • @delimitnc
      @delimitnc 10 месяцев назад +106

      Indeed. I don't really see the point of having a thinner device when you are required to haul around a giant power supply, assortment of dongles, dock, mouse so you don't have to use the horrific trackpad (in before apple trackpads are actually good), etc. Inch thick laptops are fine, much thinner and shit starts getting far too delicate for a device that's supposed to be taken everywhere.

    • @Ph34rNoB33r
      @Ph34rNoB33r 10 месяцев назад +12

      @@delimitnc Laptop power supplies have shrunken down recently when everyone switched to GaN. Still not exactly tiny, but very noticeable.
      (Doesn't invalidate the argument, we still need a bunch of adapters and/or a docking station of some kind)

    • @delimitnc
      @delimitnc 10 месяцев назад +10

      @@Ph34rNoB33r True. I'm not even singling out Apple, either. I have a ThinkPad X13, and the power supply, while small compared to historical bricks, is still double the thickness of the laptop itself. Lenovo has also been on a port elimination crusade, though it's not been as vigorous as the one Apple's engaged in.

    • @MrLuffy9131
      @MrLuffy9131 10 месяцев назад +2

      To be fair I actually came back to apple after the m1 because it was somewhat affordable even though not being able to upgrade storage is stupid but it's at least better than paying $2000, for something that overheats and has a malfunctioning butterfly keyboard

  • @necurrence1776
    @necurrence1776 9 месяцев назад +1458

    I always rely on Apple products whenever I need half the features at double the price

    • @B7R8
      @B7R8 8 месяцев назад +82

      *Giving you less.*
      *Charging you more.*
      _- Apple_

    • @Mart77
      @Mart77 8 месяцев назад +42

      "just be a good customer and buy your annual new phone" - Tim Cook, Apple CEO

    • @christopher9727
      @christopher9727 5 месяцев назад

      Romans 6:23
      For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Come to Jesus Christ today
      Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
      Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
      Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
      Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today
      John 3:16-21
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
      Mark 1.15
      15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      Hebrews 11:6
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

  • @luiscarlosvieira3966
    @luiscarlosvieira3966 10 месяцев назад +8847

    Instead of being an unhappy Apple customer.... I am a happy Apple "uncustomer"...

    • @djross95
      @djross95 10 месяцев назад +153

      Me as well, just got tired of dealing with this sort of b.s. ...

    • @SubTroppo
      @SubTroppo 10 месяцев назад +78

      I shall try to remember that one the next time I have to contact un-help-desk.

    • @helloken
      @helloken 10 месяцев назад +59

      Well said and same... voting with my wallet

    • @roger58679
      @roger58679 10 месяцев назад +143

      I've been a happy Apple uncustomer my whole life.

    • @akin242002
      @akin242002 10 месяцев назад +46

      Same here. Left iPhone for Samsung and haven't looked back. Or a better way of saying, I haven't un uncustomer.

  • @cherrypepsi2815
    @cherrypepsi2815 10 месяцев назад +3606

    The sad part is, every other company is following apple on this and are making their stuff less user friendly

    • @MP-vc4nu
      @MP-vc4nu 10 месяцев назад +94

      I mean the only designers who actually tried died off health problems because of overworking,
      Not to mention money cutting, it just thins down and leaving out worst of worst workers now for most part there.
      And! Not to forget even if there are actual great suggestions, they’re overshadow by “investors’ interest” instead.

    • @ajamudc
      @ajamudc 10 месяцев назад +68

      Absolutely! The other companies see Apple's bottom line and think we should do that...

    • @muhsalihu
      @muhsalihu 10 месяцев назад +11

      No lies detected!

    • @darthwolfius7746
      @darthwolfius7746 10 месяцев назад

      Yeah but there is still hope, like new EU legislation that will reverse this bullshits and the right to repair act in US. Maybe just maybe things will improve soon.

    • @Ted_Kenzoku
      @Ted_Kenzoku 10 месяцев назад

      Because people are stupid and will buy anyway, so when other companies se apple able to sell stuff at a high price while reducing the produciton cost, obviously they're gonna copy that they want to be a trillion $ company too

  • @TheRealSykx
    @TheRealSykx 9 месяцев назад +549

    the charging port on the bottom of the mouse is top tier unnovation, only a truly gifted unnovator could conceive of such magnificence

    • @DanDanDoe
      @DanDanDoe 8 месяцев назад

      Back sometime around 2015 I worked in a store where we’d also fix devices and home appliances people brought in. One day someone came in with an Apple mouse, and he couldn’t figure out how to swap the batteries out. I told him I’d take a look and make sure there’s new batteries when he returns. I couldn’t figure it out either, so started googling.
      Turns out you need to take it apart to switch out the two AAA batteries. And with taking it apart I don’t mean removing a screw. No, I mean actually tearing apart glued bits. The battery compartment was glued shut. So Apple produced a wireless mouse that’s charged with non-rechargeable AAA batteries, but no way to switch out the batteries once they’re empty without actually breaking parts off the mouse. I think Apple hoped you’d just buy another mouse.
      When the customer returned I told him what I found online, and his reply was “Wow, that’s so dumb.” He could hardly believe Apple would design something like that, but it really changed his opinion on Apple for the worse. He let me tear it apart to change the batteries and that did work, though, but it shouldn’t be that complicated.

    • @Rocknoob49
      @Rocknoob49 5 месяцев назад +63

      i loved it, my boss got those for us. every now and then i just had a 30 minute break while the mouse charged

    • @StuermischeTage
      @StuermischeTage 5 месяцев назад +21

      It was done on purpose, because the apple team didn't want photos of the mouse being connected to a cable go around, so they placed the charging spot so awkwardly that it's impossible to use the mouse while charging.

    • @itzkiblo
      @itzkiblo 5 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@StuermischeTage it was done on purpose bc they wanted the very slick look on the mouse. Thats why they added the mouse sleeve that lifts it up so you can charge it while using it instead of changing the design until later on from all the complaints.

    • @AndrooUK
      @AndrooUK 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@itzkibloComplaints after the fact, blindly buying a product without inspecting it or reading its specifications, instead of just not buying it in the first place. 😅

  • @Elektronijaenis
    @Elektronijaenis 10 месяцев назад +1106

    Before removing the headphone jack they actually broke it for everyone. There was a need to add another contact to the three contact plug/jack that had been in use in consumer devices from the 1970's. Some other brands decided to keep the ground/common at the base of the connector and use the second ring contact for the microphone. That was very nicely compatible with almost all older devices, because the contact for the ground on most older headphone jacks is very close to the base of the plug. However, Apple decided to use the second ring contact for the ground and the contact near the base for the mic, and almost alll the headphone manufacturers were too afraid to make anything that wouldn't be compatible with Apple. So... They all started to make headphones that are not compatible with older stereo devices. There are ways around that but most people probably just try it and when it doesn't work, just give up... And maybe throw the old stuff away and just use the phone they "upgrade" every year or two to listen music. And after this they removed the headphone jack from their devices. TL; DR: Apple broke the headphone jack for everyone and then left from the crime scene.

    • @MrLuffy9131
      @MrLuffy9131 10 месяцев назад +44

      it's like you can't even get apple car play on a freakin lexus (though newer models supposedly has them) so good thing we have an aux...oh wait lol

    • @dayjeremy
      @dayjeremy 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@MrLuffy9131All modern vehicles have bluetooth per federal law so Carplay and aux jacks don't matter for media playback.

    • @CHMernerner
      @CHMernerner 10 месяцев назад +8

      ALL These.. Streaming services...and no aux.

    • @Tara-Maya
      @Tara-Maya 10 месяцев назад +30

      For the best part of 10 years now this has been a noticeable problem in the tech industry; people trying to fix things that aren't broken, changing things for changing-things-sense, with little understanding of why things were designed a certain way in the first place. Coupled with Apple's arrogance they they believe they are the ones to set standards. Goodbye FireWire & Lightning.

    • @trashyraccoon2615
      @trashyraccoon2615 9 месяцев назад +21

      @@RichardLucas The iPod was a giant hit because it was well designed and simple to use. I tried the other MP3 players. The iPod blew them away across almost every metric. The combination of iTunes and the iPod was fantastic at the time and made using the device a lot of fun. That’s not “infantilization” that’s simply good design and user experience. Nobody gives a damn about “file types” as long as the thing just works. And trust me, just because a person knows how to use unnecessarily complicated devices or software doesn’t make them smarter! ;) I noticed lots of PC tweaker types think it does.

  • @LRM12o8
    @LRM12o8 10 месяцев назад +1060

    My favorite apple unnovation was when they sold a monitor for FIVE GRAND and not only did they remove the monitor stand from the box and sold it separately for ANOTHER GRAND, but they also removed any and all buttons from the monitor so that it only works with the Mac and no other other computer! 🤦‍♂️
    That's two massive unnovations for just one massive price-hike! 😂
    Yet somehow all the tech journalists and influencers _still_ found nice things to say about that crazy deal... 🥴👍

    • @retrocomputing
      @retrocomputing 10 месяцев назад +6

      It was competitive compared to the stuff with the same tech. You could also buy any stand you want, it's a standard VESA mount. You don't understand the target audience, it wasn't the first apple monitor, it was a continuation of the older displays, Mac only, buttonless and so on.

    • @pootispiker2866
      @pootispiker2866 10 месяцев назад +236

      @@retrocomputing "You could also buy-" Shut the h ell up right there. You know what didn't need me to spend any extra money on a monitor stand? The $600 HDR monitor I bought. It even came with with its own displayport cable! I wonder how they ever made a profit with such benevolence!
      No, YOU don't understand.

    • @retrocomputing
      @retrocomputing 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@pootispiker2866 this is not for you, man. That's easy. Don't be angry at something that wasn't made for you. You don't understand the context of this display, nothing in your price range was comparable to it because it's niche stuff for pro application.

    • @pootispiker2866
      @pootispiker2866 10 месяцев назад +242

      @@retrocomputing You're the reason why this industry is getting worse.

    • @retrocomputing
      @retrocomputing 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@pootispiker2866 this industry? Industry of professional displays that you don't care about because you aren't a part of the industry? Alright pal

  • @MrDeVooluff
    @MrDeVooluff 9 месяцев назад +259

    Ah... the stylus was genius. Totally designed to break the charge port. It's like printing money! :)

    • @l.m.thegeorgian
      @l.m.thegeorgian 7 месяцев назад +1

      how is galaxy book 3 pro 360 or note 20 gonna be used for work then? for more precise handwriting than fingerwriting? is samsung shitty to you?
      to me: never

    • @roberine7241
      @roberine7241 4 месяца назад +2

      well I haven't had it break in a good two years of almost daily usage. still hate apple cause you need a phd to transfer files from your IPad to a PC.

  • @JL-wf2wp
    @JL-wf2wp 10 месяцев назад +1038

    Duuuude "we downgraded our CEO" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    What a boss 😎

    • @mityaboy4639
      @mityaboy4639 10 месяцев назад +1

      they had no choice as Steve Jobs unalived himself (according to his biography, he unmedicated himself with sh*t)

    • @beowulf1417
      @beowulf1417 10 месяцев назад +24

      But they really didn't since all of these issues with Apple quite literally began under the direction of Steve Jobs.

    • @chillinJohnny
      @chillinJohnny 10 месяцев назад +23

      no where close to what they are doing today; back then, they were actually innovative

    • @DJAJ101
      @DJAJ101 10 месяцев назад +12

      Tim "the bean counter" Cook is a downgrade! Thought Steve was a money hog till Cook became CEO!

    • @PyromancerRift
      @PyromancerRift 10 месяцев назад +12

      Not sure about that. The last one had a factory deffect. This one already got past warranty the period.

  • @Bertie_Ahern
    @Bertie_Ahern 10 месяцев назад +436

    The different shaped screws is one of my favorite unnovations. I now have dozens of different screwdrivers, a new one for every new generation, for screws nobody even knew could be unnovated!

    • @williamw7134
      @williamw7134 10 месяцев назад +41

      I'm a repair tech and I swear to got apples proprietary screws are always the ones that strip the easiest. No matter what I do my screw driver tip never registers well with Apples screws and I have to be really careful getting them out.

    • @LordNelsonkm
      @LordNelsonkm 10 месяцев назад +16

      And on top of the new pentalobe, on the MBP 15", there's TWO different lengths of fastener for the base plate. Most are 3.0mm, but there's two stupid 2.3mm length screws. WWHWWHHWYYYYYYY does that 0.7, **0.7**!!! millimeter make that much difference??!?! MAKE THEM ALL 3.0! And then, they go back and use Torx T5 for the inside SSD screw.

    • @hilcup1ify
      @hilcup1ify 10 месяцев назад +63

      Out of all companies I’ve observed as a consumer, Apple is possibly the most anti-repair company on the planet. They make it such a pain to become certified to repair their products and they only allow you to do certain repairs. The EU needs to rattle their cage like they did with the USB-C charging cause they deserve every L they receive.

    • @We_Are_Borg_478
      @We_Are_Borg_478 9 месяцев назад +8

      And you still keep buying them?

    • @BillAnt
      @BillAnt 9 месяцев назад +12

      Just swap the screens on two brand new iPhone 13/14 or 15. Popups galore "We do not recognize the screen as an original part" even though you just swapped it on two identical units, along with losing TrueTone. Oh, gawd forbid you break the earpiece ribbon, you'll even lose FaceID and other features. Replace any of the cameras and the phone blows up. It's absolutely nuts!

  • @BWilks
    @BWilks 9 месяцев назад +30

    being old, my unfav was removing CD Burning from iTunes, which started life as a catalog for one's CD collection.

  • @ThunderbolttheFox
    @ThunderbolttheFox 10 месяцев назад +718

    Apple has always been the leader in "We give you less options because we'll decide what you want and need"

    • @Danimal28
      @Danimal28 9 месяцев назад +14

      Fewer options

    • @christian9540
      @christian9540 9 месяцев назад

      @@Danimal28 They were less, apple made them fewer. Think about it.

    • @YATESA8
      @YATESA8 9 месяцев назад

      ....and companies like these are behind the climate bs, because they are so friendly.

    • @PistonAvatarGuy
      @PistonAvatarGuy 9 месяцев назад +24

      Capitalists: Let the market decide.
      Also capitalists: We'll decide what you want.

    • @christian9540
      @christian9540 9 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@PistonAvatarGuy Only a small portion of capitalists have a proper impact on their own.
      However: Monopolies dictate. Advertisements tell you want to do. Etc.
      Pretty normal for capitalism if you ask me.

  • @crispyandspicy6813
    @crispyandspicy6813 9 месяцев назад +513

    "So you know how Steve Jobs took off the keys of a phone and made us billions?"
    "By the same logic, removing the screens will make us trillions"
    "Consider yourself promoted, you have a bright future at Apple, boy"

    • @MrMarkjams
      @MrMarkjams 9 месяцев назад +14

      Don’t give them ideas!

    • @fireice5406
      @fireice5406 9 месяцев назад +30

      It’s the iPhone shuffle

    • @cooiecub
      @cooiecub 8 месяцев назад +19

      screens sold separately

    • @modernfiddler5475
      @modernfiddler5475 8 месяцев назад +3

      Guess what - 99% of phones now have no keys. How's that for innovation? Your dedication to hating on apple is irrelevant. It is a wildly successful company with millions of loyal, enthusiastic customers. How many loyal, enthusiastic customers exist for microsoft and google? Not nearly as many. I support your freedom to hate, just know your hate is irrelevant.

    • @not_kes
      @not_kes 8 месяцев назад +37

      ​@@modernfiddler5475If their hate is irrelevant, why are you upset?
      It's true that Apple makes generally good products. The problem: Apple could be giving you something even better. Instead, they choose an "ecosystem" mentality - which translates to hostile, exclusionary design. If Apple spent their energy working for you - the customer - instead of playing mind games and maximizing profit, your Apple devices could be magnitudes better in both quality and design. If you like Apple products now, just imagine how much better they could be if only Apply was willing to put all that energy into actual innovation instead of cooperate chess.

  • @timgoodwin90
    @timgoodwin90 9 месяцев назад +187

    Apple really cares about the environment. Which is why they release 4 new identical iPhones every single year.

    • @thisislocombia
      @thisislocombia 8 месяцев назад +28

      and creates lots of e-waste by making their hardware as unrepairable as it can humanly get

    • @Moonflush
      @Moonflush 5 месяцев назад +18

      They are not identical! >:[
      They come with unnovations

    • @abdulhameedal-sikafi8944
      @abdulhameedal-sikafi8944 5 месяцев назад +2

      Apparently the charger is the problem, which has no harmful chemicals so they take that away………

  • @TheAkashicTraveller
    @TheAkashicTraveller 10 месяцев назад +368

    My favourate unnovation is the one where they put a data line that goes directly to the CPU right next to a power line in a connector directly underneath the keyboard so that if so much as a droplet of liquid gets in there it'll fry the CPU.

    • @SensSword
      @SensSword 10 месяцев назад +78

      Rossmann repair group fan detected.

    • @nichderjeniche
      @nichderjeniche 10 месяцев назад +20

      ​@@SensSwordThe bigger the blob, the better the job...

    • @dayjeremy
      @dayjeremy 10 месяцев назад +38

      How else are they supposed to maximize profits for their shareholders?

    • @nichderjeniche
      @nichderjeniche 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@dayjeremy With making quality products, to convince people with other phone brands to change to them?! But looks like they have a different strategy. Looks like they want to get rid of customers as fast as possible.

    • @OatmealTheCrazy
      @OatmealTheCrazy 10 месяцев назад +41

      ​@@nichderjeniche No, no, that's how you get things like people using their fridge and toaster from 1957 until now.
      That might be sustainable. Can't have that _and_ ever increasing quarterly profits

  • @marcfuchs6938
    @marcfuchs6938 10 месяцев назад +389

    Give it a couple more unnovations, and you will purchase an empty box. Charging 3,000 bucks, and it takes courage to do so. Other manufacturers will follow and the e-waste problem will be solved.

    • @A1stardan
      @A1stardan 10 месяцев назад +23

      Digital phone only, you buy a new phone for 3000$ from your current phone and it gets upgraded

    • @Ted_Kenzoku
      @Ted_Kenzoku 10 месяцев назад +27

      new iphones will just be OS updates, because it's a miracle they didn't start charging money for OS updates until now

    • @marcfuchs6938
      @marcfuchs6938 10 месяцев назад +12

      @@Ted_Kenzoku Great, it's people like you giving Apple the ideas, which make them the "great" company it is. =)

    • @heythisaintebay
      @heythisaintebay 10 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@A1stardanshhh... Don't give Tim ideas 🤫

    • @southernflatland
      @southernflatland 10 месяцев назад +15

      No no, you'll purchase an NFT image of an empty box, duh.

  • @AlienSensei
    @AlienSensei 4 месяца назад +74

    Whoever invented that charging port at the bottom of the mouse probably got the idea when removing their buttplug.

  • @magnus88se
    @magnus88se 10 месяцев назад +580

    The funniest thing is that this isnt even a parody 😅 Great vid Sam!

    • @B7R8
      @B7R8 8 месяцев назад +7

      *Giving you less.*
      *Charging you more.*
      _- Apple_

    • @mvmlego1212
      @mvmlego1212 8 месяцев назад +1

      It literally is a parody.

    • @Mernom
      @Mernom 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@mvmlego1212How can it be a parody where literally every fact presented is true?

    • @mvmlego1212
      @mvmlego1212 8 месяцев назад

      @@Mernom -- The concrete things that Apple has done with their product lines are true; it's the way that it's framed (a feel-good corporate promo that Apple definitely wouldn't write about itself) that makes it a parody.

  • @SpaceChimes
    @SpaceChimes 10 месяцев назад +1788

    They force you to throw all your devices away every two years then host an event that goes for two hours talking to “mother nature” about how eco friendly they are.

    • @MaticTheProto
      @MaticTheProto 10 месяцев назад +111

      That mother nature part made me facepalm when I saw it

    • @nickplays2022
      @nickplays2022 10 месяцев назад +38

      Well my iPad is 4 and kicking, nobody forced me to throw it away

    • @alanharper23
      @alanharper23 10 месяцев назад +39

      Every two years? What are you doing to your devices?

    • @beowulf1417
      @beowulf1417 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@nickplays2022 dude, just google "planned obsolescence" and "apple", they didn't invent the concept but they certainly are responsible for aggressively advancing and popularizing its use in high-end consumer tech.

    • @IIISentorIII
      @IIISentorIII 10 месяцев назад +108

      @@nickplays2022 and what if you devise get slower and slower because they made it slower with forced updates. so so you wont really notice it and on top of that they add a feature that you phone drain way more battery around a new devise release ;)

  • @RJay207
    @RJay207 9 месяцев назад +24

    Old School operating system analogy I heard decades ago: "Windows is an electric shaver, Linux is a straight razor, and Apple is a bowling pin."

  • @ScaledWurm18
    @ScaledWurm18 10 месяцев назад +321

    Hilarious, but also sad. My favorite unnovation would have to be when they changed the home button to a fake button that used software to simulate button presses. Then the kicker was it was made of glass. I tried to fix one for someone and I replaced the “button” with a new one but it was software locked by Apple and in order for them to unlock it they had to replace the whole screen and button again for a small charge of $129.99…

    • @AJ-zv7ng
      @AJ-zv7ng 10 месяцев назад +7

      Apple will do that bcoz people like u think apple if a symbol for luxury and style and shiwofff😅

    • @Samuel-wl4fw
      @Samuel-wl4fw 10 месяцев назад +35

      @@AJ-zv7ng he fixed it for someone else, presumably, though

    • @ulfseidl1216
      @ulfseidl1216 10 месяцев назад

      It's apple... If you want it then pay for it! Smart people buy Asian devices what last over 6 years without scratches or cracks, and should a accident happen the repair is in the area of 20 usd or 50 for a new screen, what's all better than Apple! And takes less than max. A day...
      Please be happy to pay more with our western politics. Pay more and get less.
      I'm smart I pay less and get more

    • @gh00al
      @gh00al 10 месяцев назад +5

      I see this one as a legit improvement. The fake buttons don't tend to wear out and break nearly as much as the old mechanical ones do, they feel much nicer to push, and they're perfectly waterproof because after all it's just solid class. I don't hesitate to grab my phone when my hands are wet. I would never have done that with an older phone. Win win win.

    • @robant5578
      @robant5578 10 месяцев назад

      @@AJ-zv7ng NOt just that. It actually works. I had Imac for 12 years .. no issues. Got imac pro few years ago it will probbaly outlast me. MY iphone 6 plus i was using for 7 years and only upgraded to 12 pro max.. still on 12 and will nto chnage soon. When there issue we go to Apple and they quikcly fix, like give us new phone , or fix damage. .. And yes software is the best, it actually WORKS. My days when i had to cut holes in my old win 98 tower to stop win from freeing are far over and i never look back. to go on win. In other words im too poor to buy none-Apple cheap products that need to be repurchased every year. or 2

  • @betchaos7383
    @betchaos7383 10 месяцев назад +106

    Remember when they just decided to invert the scroll wheel on all their computers for no reason despite it literally making zero sense by any metric and making every IT worker, or general person who has to jump between multiple machines and OSs life miserable?
    Or when they renamed the Alt key to "option" even though that takes longer to say, is more liable to verbal misunderstandings, and they end up printing both names on the key anyway half the time so like what was the fricking point?

  • @MuffTuglick
    @MuffTuglick 8 месяцев назад +56

    you forgot to mention "you begged and forced us to move to USB-C because its faster, well we did it AND we took the speed away"

    • @HepauDK
      @HepauDK 2 месяца назад +8

      Well, unless you buy the original Apple cable for a gazillion dollars.
      Yes, the cable has a chip that identifies it as a genuine Apple product that unlocks the full potential.
      You could have the best USB-C cable on the market, it will still only run USB-2 if the chip is not there...
      It's Apple's way of saying "F*** you for making us ditch our proprietary cable, we will make money on it anyway".

    • @MuffTuglick
      @MuffTuglick 2 месяца назад +1

      @@HepauDK word? I was under the impression that they hid the speed behind the Pro Max models. I swear Ive seen people mad that you had to buy the Highest end model of iPhone in order to fast charge.

    • @MuffTuglick
      @MuffTuglick 2 месяца назад +1

      @@HepauDK Just looked into it, they haven't used MFI in their chargers since the intro of the lighting cable. they wanted to with the USB-C but the EU shot that down since it would be against the entire reason they where forced to switch. They do however throttle your data transfer speeds across the cable if you don't have the top tier model of phone, but thats more to do with the way they have the pins of the charge port hooked in then the cable.

    • @HepauDK
      @HepauDK 2 месяца назад +1

      @@MuffTuglick Ah, my source must have been wrong then.
      Still a d**k move though.

  • @mtheory85
    @mtheory85 10 месяцев назад +245

    I like how Apple was like, "Oh crap, we don't actually make money on USB-C. We better force everyone back onto a prioprietary port." And the EU replied, "Hmm. No, I think you'll be sticking with USB-C." And Apple went, "Oh! Yeah actually USB-C is fine."

    • @WalkMrJ
      @WalkMrJ 9 месяцев назад +4

      I like the part where apple created the USB C and everyone else said that it was stupid and they won't use it because it's apple's design so apple kept using the thunderbolt until the rest of the world caught up. Good times.

    • @jennyjohn704
      @jennyjohn704 9 месяцев назад

      @@WalkMrJ What is it with Apple fanboys that they keep pretending that Apple invented everything? No, they didn't invent USB-C. They were a small part of the development program, but that doesn't mean they invented it. They no more invented it than they invented the smartphone.

    • @vargsvansify
      @vargsvansify 9 месяцев назад +90

      ⁠​⁠@@WalkMrJand here I thought USB-C was developed by the USB Implementers Forum. Thanks to this random RUclips comment, I now know it was actually all made by Apple.

    • @cmdrHeliaxx
      @cmdrHeliaxx 9 месяцев назад +18

      ​@@WalkMrJ what 💀

    • @m_6866
      @m_6866 9 месяцев назад +29

      @@WalkMrJ Apple had just as much of a role in making USB-C as any other collaborator in the USB-IF. Kind of like Thunderbolt being an Intel invention that was reworked to be cheaper for license by Apple.

  • @Jayden-lr2mm
    @Jayden-lr2mm 10 месяцев назад +348

    Honest Apple commercial 🥴😮‍💨

    • @impulseproman
      @impulseproman 10 месяцев назад +1

      Apple rubbing American

    • @MP-vc4nu
      @MP-vc4nu 10 месяцев назад +2

      Sadly the new Apple mouse looks something more of R34 weird fetish thought up, instead of an actual design…..
      Who’s even in Apple as an employee on design or product teams now 💀

    • @ENDER_ELSA_1817
      @ENDER_ELSA_1817 10 месяцев назад

      Im the 69th liker

    • @zafran20
      @zafran20 10 месяцев назад +1

      I wonder if Apple will ever try to buy SAM’s channel for millionsss to shut him down, and whether SAM will accept the offer he cannot refuse.

    • @lilypad429
      @lilypad429 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@MP-vc4nuthey forgot to pay the quality testing team

  • @thebubbacontinuum2645
    @thebubbacontinuum2645 9 месяцев назад +8

    Just sent this to my favorite Apple polisher. Predictable response. Mission accomplished.

    • @thebubbacontinuum2645
      @thebubbacontinuum2645 9 месяцев назад

      He says you look like a pedo. I stood up for you. I said, "At least he's an Android pedo."

  • @FrotLopOfficial
    @FrotLopOfficial 10 месяцев назад +921

    My fav unnovating is how Apple is aggressively trying to prevent sideloading apps from 3rd party stores. Just let people have the damn option and make your OS more secure.

    • @GoolagThemTube
      @GoolagThemTube 10 месяцев назад +86

      Buy Apple and get scammed like no other.

    • @OleJanssen
      @OleJanssen 10 месяцев назад +135

      I mean, the whole security thing also completely falls apart when you consider that adding the *option* to sideload doesn't mean that everyone suddenly *has to* sideload.

    • @fredrickbambino
      @fredrickbambino 10 месяцев назад +85

      And those defending apple somehow think they'll be forced to side load apps when this gets added.

    • @GoolagThemTube
      @GoolagThemTube 10 месяцев назад +53

      @@OleJanssen It's about money and control and nothing else.

    • @GoolagThemTube
      @GoolagThemTube 10 месяцев назад

      @@fredrickbambino Most people are complete retards when it comes to technology, especially IPhone users, so they buy into whatever bs Crapple is telling them.

  • @MrPhantomPC
    @MrPhantomPC 9 месяцев назад +118

    I can say with personal experience; Omega (they make drink mixers) is the biggest criminal of this, I fix restaurants in the USA, and Omega’s newest line of mixers is ungineered to the point where; out of the box, they riveted plates up to cover any access hole for hands, pre stripped every screw inside round (yes, round), leave the metal shavings inside the box, then have no way of contacting the company. It’s literally like someone’s job was “make this impossible to fix” and they did.

    • @platty9237
      @platty9237 4 месяца назад +10

      So that’s where ex Apple engineers ended up!

    • @eplanti
      @eplanti 4 месяца назад +1

      just looked them up, seems like you could do better with a cordless dremel and a special bit

  • @stian222
    @stian222 9 месяцев назад +27

    I love how they made it take more clicks to actually shut off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth so that most people will keep ‘em on and wear out their batteries quicker cause that makes Apple a crap load of money when people either have their battery replaced or are talked into a new phone. Control center will just disconnect you from your current Wi-Fi or Bluetooth device but won’t actually turn it off like it used to. Great Unnovation!

    • @BlackSonicShadow
      @BlackSonicShadow 5 месяцев назад +1

      I know this is an old comment but to my understanding they made the wifi search-only probably because Airdrop needs it, same as bluetooth. And for the bluetooth if it is in search only it will help the AirTags to be tracked better since it gets more accurate by the use of other iphones. I still hated it and made a automation for it, but then, I dont have an iphone anymore. But I doubt they made it to drain your battery, since that would make no sense as they try to optimize the crap out of battery performance to not having to put bigger batteries in their phones.

    • @AndrooUK
      @AndrooUK 4 месяца назад

      ​@@BlackSonicShadowIt's important to optimise for making claims of battery efficiency and life, but then bloat it up with additional software and features that make real life conditions much worse, so you wear out your non-replaceable battery sooner.

    • @BlackSonicShadow
      @BlackSonicShadow 4 месяца назад

      @@AndrooUK I assume you're not wrong. Although I do doubt that it was the main reason for this. I still have an iPad, and, compared to the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra that I now have, there is almost no bloatware on the ios device. On the samsung there were an insane amount of apps, and lots of them I couldn't even uninstall, only "deactivate". In the end though I am sure companies have shady ways to make the battery wear down, as its a good reason to switch device. it's just that I doubt that these are main reasons for that.

    • @roberine7241
      @roberine7241 4 месяца назад

      @@BlackSonicShadow at least with android devices you can access the bootloader and load a bloatware free version of android onto the device.

    • @robloxianmapper13
      @robloxianmapper13 Месяц назад

      Thats why i switched to samsung

  • @dxd42
    @dxd42 10 месяцев назад +111

    This video is better than a bunch of "Tech Channels" that create hype for "New" tech products and NEVER question how society will deal with e-waste.
    At the same time, Apple has the audacity to say they care about the environment while create even more unrepairable products.

    • @pierrex3226
      @pierrex3226 9 месяцев назад

      Their customer base does a lot of virtue signalling, which includes pretending to care for the environment, and so apple pretends as well to care about that. People who repair apple products have commented on the amount of waste they produce using apple parts, with packaging and what not. It's the side customers don't see, so apple doesn't care.

    • @ProbablyLying
      @ProbablyLying 9 месяцев назад

      Glad that you pointed that out. From some of these channels, the levels of just flat out promoting a company are insane.. take all the recent tech youtuber and car youtuber videos about the Cybertruck. nothing but praise... even though issues have already been made public.

    • @zoyadulzura7490
      @zoyadulzura7490 9 месяцев назад +2

      Yes. Apple needs to be held accountable for all the e-waste they produce and the tactics they use to require customers to constantly replace their products every year or two.

    • @zoyadulzura7490
      @zoyadulzura7490 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@ProbablyLyingThere's more money in being a shill than in pointing out valid problems, unfortunately.

    • @Xahnel
      @Xahnel 8 месяцев назад

      @@ProbablyLying Issues are 100% expected on the very first launch of a new product line, so people are more forgiving of fuckups, because it's a brand new product line, the company would have failed to hire proper advisors _somewhere_ and missed _something_ major and seemingly obvious.
      It could be worse. The Cybertrucks could be catching fire.
      Give it a few model years for all the negatives to be found, and for the company to have the time and money to correct issues, and fail to do so, and you can be as nitpicky as you like.

  • @Nienormalny
    @Nienormalny 10 месяцев назад +103

    I also remember old MacBooks. They were prime example of reparability. Everything easy accessed and that… touch of servicing aesthetics. Opening those things was a pleasure.

    • @GeddyRC
      @GeddyRC 10 месяцев назад +8

      They became obsessed with form over function and making everything ultra thin, so it needed to use all this custom hardware, which meant it could get thinner, which meant losing all the ports, which meant the dongles, etc etc. I love my work M1 MBP, thing is an absolute beast, but I’d never pay that kind of money for my own device. My company paid for it lol, and I won’t ever have to fix anything.

    • @kaduisaui4596
      @kaduisaui4596 9 месяцев назад +1

      The G3 Pismo was perfect.

    • @HappyBeezerStudios
      @HappyBeezerStudios 9 месяцев назад +9

      I can absolutely understand making the macbook air all about being slim. That's the whole shtick with it. It's supposed to be super light, like air.
      But the normal and especially the pro should be upgradable. Pro implies prosumer, someone who might do video editing, or rendering, or music production on it. The creatator side has always been a big part of the userbase. Because stuff just worked.

    • @1stCallipostle
      @1stCallipostle 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@HappyBeezerStudiosIsn't rendering literally the only use for MACs?
      Since the OS has terrible compatibility issues making them ill suited to general purpose use

    • @JohnSmith-qy1wm
      @JohnSmith-qy1wm 9 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah I used my non-retina 2012 MBP for like 8 years. Tore it apart and put it back together several times to replace faulty (but easily fixable and acquirable) parts.

  • @justincase4812
    @justincase4812 9 месяцев назад +11

    Remember that infamous ad Apple ran during 1984's Superbowl? The one where Apple blamed IBM for being a monolithic overbearing unnovator? Apple has always been exactly what they said IBM was. A scourge, who bakes intentional obsolescence and compliance into their "business" model. Revolting really.

  • @chrispotterfan
    @chrispotterfan 10 месяцев назад +222

    Sam never disappoints :D

    • @XeZrunner
      @XeZrunner 10 месяцев назад +10

      he doesn't unnovate

      @ARTKING_CREATIONS 10 месяцев назад

      Sometimes Samtime sums up my boring time😂

  • @avinash7978
    @avinash7978 10 месяцев назад +68

    There you go. Apple's business model explained in simple terms. Kudos 👏

  • @pw6002
    @pw6002 5 месяцев назад +3

    "We downgraded our CEO"
    The whole video was excellent, but this line just killed me !🤣

  • @illliiiiillliii6265
    @illliiiiillliii6265 10 месяцев назад +35

    This video gives me so much nostalgia for like 2012 RUclips.
    Whats especially funny is that the content would make perfect sense even back then.

    • @Dpmt
      @Dpmt 10 месяцев назад +4

      I like to think that 2012 would have been horrified by the idea of losing the headphone jack and having to pay $129 for earbuds with the same sound quality they used to get for free.

    • @illliiiiillliii6265
      @illliiiiillliii6265 10 месяцев назад +8

      @@Dpmt non removable batteries, planned obsolescence, iPhone 4 couldnt get signal if you held it in your palm.
      Plenty of unnovetion if you ask me.

    • @mjc0961
      @mjc0961 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@illliiiiillliii6265 The classic Steve Jobs "you're holding it wrong"
      People like to give Tim Cook s*** and claim Steve Jobs was better. Steve Jobs was not better.

  • @DerpsWithWolves
    @DerpsWithWolves 9 месяцев назад +88

    The classic move of deciding to let one of their early computer models constantly overheat, because the inclusion of a vent wasn't 'aesthetic' enough.
    Or to have their system save every single document type *slightly* different from a PC - so that if you ever have to share things between there's a higher chance of file corruption just because they felt like it.

    • @rgerber
      @rgerber 8 месяцев назад

      someone once said that every business is basically "psychopathic" and Apple is the prime example of pushing exactly what makes a business psychopathic to the absolute extreme.

    • @AndrooUK
      @AndrooUK 4 месяца назад

      Then it was ruined with standardised formatting that even Microsoft embraced. 😉

  • @24Alien
    @24Alien 9 месяцев назад +5

    Very well said. Same thing is done for camera quality. Old phones had less megapixels with better lense, newer ones just reverse. Taking consumer for a ride...

  • @hola-hl8yi
    @hola-hl8yi 10 месяцев назад +87

    Apple likes to make existing things with less useful characteristics and call it innovation.
    The trackpad is an example
    Apple was (I think) the first to mix the left and right buttons, you can't click both at the same time, they did the same with the Mac's mouse.
    And the worst thing is some companies were imitating that.

    • @username7763
      @username7763 10 месяцев назад +13

      What buttons? They got rid of the touchpad buttons. They made the arrow keys teeny-tiny, got rid of the home and end keys. You'd think we could at least get a touchscreen out of the deal.

    • @sparking023
      @sparking023 9 месяцев назад +1

      My Dell has a singular touchpad but the left-right buttons are still independent under the singular thing, and still mechanical. Granted its a bit old, a humble Inspiron 15, but hey, still usable

    • @HappyBeezerStudios
      @HappyBeezerStudios 9 месяцев назад +6

      One of the best laptop designs (and not by Apple) was the trackpoint. The nipple. And that was IBM, when they still made consumer devices. You could move the cursor without having to take the hands of the typing position. Combined with mouse buttons directly below the spacebar and you don't even need a touchpad. It's like a keyboard that can also fully navigate the mouse.

    • @sparking023
      @sparking023 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@HappyBeezerStudios hmmm, maybe for small movements, but I never was a big fan of that miniature "joystick" slapped in the middle of the keyboard

    • @rascta
      @rascta 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@username7763 Well at least the insert and delete keys work - oh wait, no they don't. But who needs to edit anything when you're using a mac? When you have a mac, you can just type gibberish and smugly assume that other people who can't figure it out are inferior.

  • @zuksontheline
    @zuksontheline 10 месяцев назад +51

    I don't care what Apple does. The problem is when the competition copies Apple 🤦

    • @zeniktorres4320
      @zeniktorres4320 10 месяцев назад +5

      Yes. I guess they see the money Apple is making and how much they can get away with so they want to copy that.

    • @nichderjeniche
      @nichderjeniche 10 месяцев назад +5

      Like Samsung first makes jokes about Apple and then copy all their shít

    • @darkwoodmovies
      @darkwoodmovies 9 месяцев назад +3

      Because there is no competition. They're all competing for second place, Apple dictates the rules and sets the standards for tech pretty much. Everything from UX to hardware design to manufacturing techniques to supply chain logistics... Apple basically dominated the world by pioneering this stuff (and it's why Tim Cook is so effective, he's not as much an inventor as a business genius).

    • @ang9303
      @ang9303 2 месяца назад

      Apple is the KING of stealing the entire company is where it is today because of it.

    • @Patriciasalazars
      @Patriciasalazars 2 месяца назад

      You mean never right jaja

  • @Lessenjr
    @Lessenjr 9 месяцев назад +14

    I was at Microcenter just before Christmas and asked a staff member about a particular product. As hes searching to see if they had what i was interested in the Apple mouse died and he had to move to an adjacent computer to finish thr search. I couldnt help but chuckle. What better scenario could that possibly happen

  • @m0rthaus
    @m0rthaus 9 месяцев назад +18

    I'm so old I can remember the Unnovation from back in 2013 when they quietly banned & removed all the apps that let you use your camera flash as a flashlight - just weeks before they added the 'Flashlight' lockscreen button feature to their next iOS update.

    • @DanDanDoe
      @DanDanDoe 8 месяцев назад +4

      Yet still no calculator on ipads, solely because Jobs thought the calculator in the first ipad wasn’t aesthetically pleasing.

  • @diogoandrade6894
    @diogoandrade6894 10 месяцев назад +42

    I love the unnavative remove of the headphones jack. It's such a great unfeature

    • @nichderjeniche
      @nichderjeniche 10 месяцев назад +3

      Just don't buy apple.
      My phone has a headphone jack.

    • @diogoandrade6894
      @diogoandrade6894 10 месяцев назад +9

      @@nichderjeniche nah ... I don't need to buy apple to have their unnavative features. Thanks to them, all flagship phones from every brand (?) have that amazing unfeature 🥰 wohoo

    • @nichderjeniche
      @nichderjeniche 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​​@@diogoandrade6894that's not true. Again you just buy the wrong brands.
      There's more than Samsung, apple and Xiaomi

    • @diogoandrade6894
      @diogoandrade6894 10 месяцев назад +7

      @@nichderjeniche dude you're missing the point forget it

    • @nichderjeniche
      @nichderjeniche 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@diogoandrade6894 alright, keep buying Samsung and continue complaining... 🤪

  • @Isomreacts
    @Isomreacts 9 месяцев назад +34

    As someone who has always recognized Apple for the scam artists they are, this video had me cheering!

  • @saxonjf
    @saxonjf 10 месяцев назад +63

    "... we downgraded our CEO."

    • @gregorymoore2877
      @gregorymoore2877 9 месяцев назад +1

      Didn't have a choice about that one. 😢

    • @Grim_Beard
      @Grim_Beard 9 месяцев назад

      Steve Jobs downgraded himself from alive by ignoring medical science. Quite the unnovator!

  • @rocketmunkey1
    @rocketmunkey1 10 месяцев назад +22

    The pinnacle of "Unnovation" is when you sell cheap disposable products that are uneconomical to fix when they break, as a Luxury brand at sky high prices.
    It's a lot like buying a Ferrari which you take to the scrap yard when you get a puncture, or a Rolex that you pop in the bin when the winding spring snaps. You know "disposable luxury " or "unnovation"

  • @JK-hf3tp
    @JK-hf3tp 9 месяцев назад +5

    My laptop has 3 USBA ports, 2 USBC ports, HDMI, DVI, ethernet, headphone jack, and a micro SD slot. And the trackpad has all 3 mouse buttons on it... twice! Thats like, 30 apple products worth.

    • @fuzzblightyear145
      @fuzzblightyear145 10 часов назад

      wow. at $200 each, you've saved loads of money.

  • @jevgenkova
    @jevgenkova 10 месяцев назад +27

    It's nice to see that they finally reached the pinnacle of unnovation that finally enabled them to reach their actual goal - the pinnacle of innovation in predatory business practices.

  • @NoName-ik2du
    @NoName-ik2du 10 месяцев назад +78

    Apple: World's best unnovator of hardware.
    Google: World's best unnovator of the internet.

    • @Zembie1
      @Zembie1 10 месяцев назад

      But apple silicon is the opposite of “univation” legit one of the first 3nm process computer chips and the M series are some of the first ARM based processors

    • @MickenCZProfi
      @MickenCZProfi 10 месяцев назад +21

      @@Zembie1First ARM based processors? Really? We have had those since the 1980s...

    • @zachk6932
      @zachk6932 10 месяцев назад +5

      To be fair, the M chips are legit awesome. Too bad they only work with fuggin Mac and osX/macOS. Even Linux doesn't work on that shit, tho there is a project...

    • @bramvanduijn8086
      @bramvanduijn8086 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@Zembie1 Unnovation and innovation are two different processes so your use of the word "But" doesn't make sense. A company can do both.

    • @bramvanduijn8086
      @bramvanduijn8086 9 месяцев назад

      There's a technical term for how companies become like that: Enshittification. Look it up.

  • @screeperz9965
    @screeperz9965 9 месяцев назад

    Best video I've ever seen, the truth. Thank you for putting it so elegantly!

  • @windowsxpdude
    @windowsxpdude 10 месяцев назад +83

    stopping you from upgrading your pc isnt a feature, its a unnivation

    • @conorrennard8628
      @conorrennard8628 10 месяцев назад

      Why you have windows xp???

    • @TheGrundigg
      @TheGrundigg 10 месяцев назад

      @@conorrennard8628Because there is nothing better. That is the final upgrade!

  • @Uatemysoul
    @Uatemysoul 9 месяцев назад +59

    The first apple product I purchased was a Ipod shuffle without any buttons. I didn't know they had unnovated the buttons and attached them to 75$ headphones.
    This was also the last apple product I ever purchased.
    If only everyone learned this lesson so easily.

    • @DanDanDoe
      @DanDanDoe 8 месяцев назад +1

      Gotta admit I really liked that one. It was so tiny, but still had more storage than many larger models. One button for on/off/shuffle and the rest just on the headphones, which was a lot more convenient when cycling. Might also help that it was a Christmas present, so I didn’t actually pay for it.

  • @keshava8597
    @keshava8597 9 месяцев назад +1

    Another brilliant observation

  • @TrailBikeMike
    @TrailBikeMike 10 месяцев назад +35

    Sam, you have some serious talent to come up with this stuff! ‘Un-unnovate’ 😂

  • @Nightscream72
    @Nightscream72 9 месяцев назад +11

    Thanks for posting this. I thought I was the only one who observed that tech companies like Apple constantly make arbitrary design changes to their products --- often taking away beneficial functions --- for no goddamn reason. Watching this was a reassuring breath of fresh air.

  • @CBlargh
    @CBlargh 8 месяцев назад +4

    "Why think different when you can just not think at all?"
    I felt that.

  • @qwertyCandy
    @qwertyCandy 9 месяцев назад +7

    I've been a fan for many years, Sam, but this is one of your best videos ❤
    You summed up my feelings about Apple so perfectly that the next time someone asks me what I think of the company, I'll just send them this video 👍

  • @MdAminulIslam-un3pi
    @MdAminulIslam-un3pi 10 месяцев назад +90

    Apple has become the best money moving role model company from customer account to Apple account.

    • @ХузинТимур
      @ХузинТимур 10 месяцев назад +5

      Don't forget that they also take 30% from the money users sent to app developers, and they keep remaining 70% for a month before delivering them to app devs (which allows them to use that money for stock market speculation in the meanwhile).

    • @SuperMurxus
      @SuperMurxus 10 месяцев назад +1

      At what point does it just constitute money laundering and nothing else?

  • @Rowrin
    @Rowrin 7 месяцев назад +3

    Whenever I see a magic mouse upside down, charging, I picture in my head a roach that is stuck on it's back, unable to get back up lol.

  • @DesdinovaCrux
    @DesdinovaCrux 10 месяцев назад +30

    My biggest gripe is related, the retreat back into the walled garden. With the switch to Intel, there was a lot more openness about the earlier laptops. Bootcamp, bung Linux on it or whatever. But they've seemed to forget that that walled garden nearly cost them it all in the 90's and they're rushing back to it without a second thought.

    • @texasyankee6915
      @texasyankee6915 9 месяцев назад

      Yes. I made an iPhone my primary for the first time ever a couple years back and was shocked at the amount of garbage in the app store. For being "walled", it sure does suck. I don't expect everything to be free like Android users used to, but it's nearly impossible to find "best in class" apps unless you do a separate Google search. I love my M1 Mac Mini, but if it didn't allow me to install software from outside the junky app store, I'm not sure I'd love it so much. On the Mini, I struggled to find a good audio player similar to Media Monkey and still really haven't. Don't talk to me about the pathetic built-in Music app.

    • @Shvetsario
      @Shvetsario 9 месяцев назад

      wtf is bung, did you mean bing

    • @Kausan1
      @Kausan1 9 месяцев назад

      @@Shvetsario put, throw, dump, place, ....

  • @CeeJay591
    @CeeJay591 10 месяцев назад +5

    Videos like this is why I subscribe - man speaks the truth

  • @sunchildgaia
    @sunchildgaia День назад

    You are funnier than most comedians these days. Love hearing you! :) Not an Apple users, I dont think I will ever buy one after watching all these RUclips videos.

  • @Spoonfed78
    @Spoonfed78 10 месяцев назад +6

    😂 gets better and better.
    Watching the frustration at work with the mouse of stupidity is the most entertaining part of the day 😂

  • @gblargg
    @gblargg 10 месяцев назад +22

    I experienced this unnovation: they lock your phone like you're a thief then demand the original receipt. I guess I don't have to worry about it getting stolen because it's of no use to me anymore.

    • @roflBeck
      @roflBeck 10 месяцев назад

      Wait, who demanded a receipt? The phone? Lol.

    • @gblargg
      @gblargg 10 месяцев назад

      @@roflBeck Apple. They shut down the AppleID I created when moving the phone to a new account, then said I had to present the receipt to be able to get around this.

    • @gantmj
      @gantmj 8 месяцев назад

      Did you buy it used?

    • @Erowens98
      @Erowens98 5 месяцев назад

      People who work at apple will actually sell unlocking services unofficially for a few hundred euros. So it's not even a security thing. It does nothing to prevent stolen phones being resold since the phone thieves has insider deals to unlock the stolen devices. It only harms honest users.

  • @malypetu1409
    @malypetu1409 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great podcast, educating an Innovative way to clear the issue about Big, Bad and Bold companies.

  • @AlperKaya67
    @AlperKaya67 10 месяцев назад +10

    I’ve been waiting for that “the old new….” Hahaha thank you for always bringing a big smile Sam

  • @earthwormzim
    @earthwormzim 10 месяцев назад +9

    I love how they took Cover Flow out of iTunes for no reason. I guess it looked too nice and people liked it too much.

  • @wilsvgaddiction4456
    @wilsvgaddiction4456 5 месяцев назад +4

    This could not be a more accurate depiction of not just Apple, but all modern tech companies.

  • @drewzero1
    @drewzero1 10 месяцев назад +31

    Because every company innovates, but to unnovate takes Courage!

  • @curtis1397
    @curtis1397 10 месяцев назад +7

    This perfectly sums up Apple business practices. Do one for how they screw developers with fees and their steal their tech once its good enough/popular.

  • @kendrickjobe2149
    @kendrickjobe2149 День назад

    This is spot-on

  • @alexis0a
    @alexis0a 10 месяцев назад +30

    "We downgraded our CEO" HAHAHAHAHA

    • @Zembie1
      @Zembie1 10 месяцев назад

      Do you know that there was a reason that Steve Jobs wasn’t CEO anymore right?

    • @brinckau
      @brinckau 10 месяцев назад

      Technically, they upgraded their CEO. Apple is now making much more money.

    • @thecapone45
      @thecapone45 10 месяцев назад

      I do like Tim. I think overall he’s done a great job.

    • @deaddycruel
      @deaddycruel 10 месяцев назад

      @@Zembie1because he earned billions of senseless bucks and not invested them in needed medical researches?

  • @seanbragger7035
    @seanbragger7035 9 месяцев назад +21

    Got my first PC in 91. My flatmates all went apple Mac. They were not happy when they realised I could configure my machine any way I wanted while they needed to get permission from Apple support to adjust their screen brightness. If the people supplying my multi-thousand dollar computing device get to dictate how I use it then it's just a very expensive lease agreement. Apple need to design more streamlined products in order to make it easier to stick em where the sun don't shine.😊

    • @beardy-techie
      @beardy-techie 9 месяцев назад +4

      Yes, I don't know why Apple don't simply declare their devices are really just rentals until they refuse to support them any more.

  • @volkhergoetz
    @volkhergoetz 10 месяцев назад +11

    Amazing skit! Absolutely on point😂

  • @Mongaloose
    @Mongaloose 9 месяцев назад +8

    There needs to be a study on how Apple users experience Mass Stockholm Syndrome.

  • @aeneas116116
    @aeneas116116 9 месяцев назад

    Greet video. Agree and well done on the critique

  • @bobclarke5913
    @bobclarke5913 10 месяцев назад +16

    This is Sam's finest work.

  • @nathansharma87
    @nathansharma87 10 месяцев назад +5

    Innovation lies at the heart of most corporations. The thing to take away from that is "lies" and innovation in the sense of how can we get more of your money for less and less effort.

  • @TJ-hg6op
    @TJ-hg6op 7 месяцев назад +4

    Hate how they removed the headphone jack, the worst part is some phones technically still allow you to plug in headphones… THROUGH THE CHARGING PORT. Like wtf?

  • @kozgazdok
    @kozgazdok 10 месяцев назад +18

    .... aaand people still buys these products for thousands of dollars! This one really hits apple Sam, great job as always! The preview photo is the best, because this magic mouse was truly a "think different" idea from Apple. How they couldn't stopped it? The solution was so simple but they love making things different, right?

    • @nickplays2022
      @nickplays2022 10 месяцев назад +1

      At least nobody stops you from buying from other companies

    • @beowulf1417
      @beowulf1417 10 месяцев назад +14

      @@nickplays2022 no but unfortunately when the majority of consumers blindly make bad choices regularly then that does impact intelligent consumers. Whether that's seeing Apple cause an exponential spike in the prices of high-end flagship devices or the removal of standard features like a 3.5mm audio jack...people like yourself who continue to choose poorly actually negatively impact life for the rest of us because unfortunately for people like me, people like you are the majority.

    • @texasyankee6915
      @texasyankee6915 9 месяцев назад

      @@beowulf1417 Yes. Apple does it, and by golly Samsung has to follow. Samsung phones had a headphone jack and micro SD slot forever, plus more affordable beautiful high-end devices that included nice corded earbuds. Now Samsung is on the no accessories train and competing with Apple for ultra high prices.

    • @kaden-sd6vb
      @kaden-sd6vb 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@beowulf1417except buying from other companies *isnt* a poor choice.

    • @IVIRnathanreilly
      @IVIRnathanreilly 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@beowulf1417and then laughably try to defend their purchases, because it's not about the device they bought to carry out a task. It's about being seen with apple products.

  • @JoonasD6
    @JoonasD6 10 месяцев назад +8

    MacBook Pro combo headphone jack used to also have mini-TOSLINK support; the same 3,5 mm port for headphones also had optical. That was dope.

    • @texasyankee6915
      @texasyankee6915 9 месяцев назад +1

      Cool. I had forgotten about mini TOSLINK.

    • @krzysztofczarnecki8238
      @krzysztofczarnecki8238 8 месяцев назад +1

      It's not an entirely unheard of thing, so far I've had that in one motherboard (the rest had a normal Toslink), a Sony Minidisc player and a Creative SoundblasterX G6 (that one has two, one input and one output). But it's far from being a default, and surely a pleasant addition.

    • @JoonasD6
      @JoonasD6 8 месяцев назад

      @@krzysztofczarnecki8238And it was so... convenient, and cool. I get optical is a niche, but such a form-factor execution is just, aaah 🤌🤌

  • @ruvimgd4415
    @ruvimgd4415 2 дня назад

    It was just icing on the cake the fact that I had a kamala Harris ad play right before this video so much unnovating 😂

  • @andraspalatinus145
    @andraspalatinus145 10 месяцев назад +14

    I could not laugh for a single moment. That's how accurate this is.

  • @TheMnwlkr
    @TheMnwlkr 10 месяцев назад +20

    You do, however, have to admit that they do keep innovating new ways to present old techs as new, and "same-as-last-gen" as "all new", and actually get people to believe them.

    • @thecapone45
      @thecapone45 10 месяцев назад +4

      I’m an apple fan, but I watched a recent video summarizing their iPhone 15 event and I scoffed at them presenting the USB C as a move they’re doing now and how they’ve been upgrading their products with usb c for years! As if it was something they wanted to do all along.

    • @SigFigNewton
      @SigFigNewton 9 месяцев назад +1

      Their product is a sense of status. People happy to be exploited if they’re convinced a competitor product would make them appear inferior to other people.

    • @thecapone45
      @thecapone45 9 месяцев назад

      @@SigFigNewton it’s definitely less about that and more about receiving value from the features and the ecosystem. I’ve never been forced to buy an apple product. I gifted and received apple products this Christmas. Each of us sat down and looked over the features and were amazed, especially me, at how well everything synced up and how well each of the products “talked” to each other. From a phone, to the watch, to AirPods, they work so, so well together.

    • @SigFigNewton
      @SigFigNewton 9 месяцев назад

      @@thecapone45 super easy, like connecting my $15 wireless earbuds. Somehow I doubt I’ll have to replace them ten times as often as AirPods. Goin strong

    • @rascta
      @rascta 9 месяцев назад +1

      Also getting people to rave over the latest brand new features - which PC and Android users have been using as standard for 5+ years.

  • @Moonerang
    @Moonerang 8 месяцев назад +2

    I quit Apple more than a decade ago. I'll never forget how amazing it was when ipods and smartphones first came onto and changed the scene drastically. Especially solo or with friends in cars and at get togethers/parties. Just amazing that I was able to be a teenage musician when all this stuff was first coming around, coupled with Napster and other services. Good F'ing times man the world was such a cool place back then before everything was complicated and trying to hack or steal everything from you.

  • @Hakkurio
    @Hakkurio 10 месяцев назад +8

    This is hilarious! Well done sir :) The absolute worst part however, is that almost all of this is true. :(
    It feels like satirical humor, but in actuality it is very accurate to how they operate their business. 10/10

  • @brk922
    @brk922 10 месяцев назад +8

    Apple was finished when they introduced notch, but some Android companies started copying it and thus we are stuck with stupidity.

  • @FerdinandRosario
    @FerdinandRosario 6 дней назад +1

    Sure, here's the rewritten text:
    Liquid crystal display: When there is a small spot on the screen, the rest of the screen will also become black. To replace the screen, we have to replace the lidar sensor and all the hardware connected to the display because they are tightly coupled. I recently experienced this when I got my laptop back without the display replaced and had to start using it with an external monitor.

  • @Teckstudio
    @Teckstudio 10 месяцев назад +18

    This is (by far) one of your best fitting UNparodys ever 🤩 Awesome ... you put the bar that high already ... keep pushing the limits ... we need you! 💐

  • @elvinlee7592
    @elvinlee7592 10 месяцев назад +8

    "how consumer friendly it was" lol.

  • @zoyadulzura7490
    @zoyadulzura7490 9 месяцев назад +2

    "Apple: Just buy a new one." That really is perfect.

  • @NeverlandSystemZor
    @NeverlandSystemZor 10 месяцев назад +4

    Amazing how they can innovate so amazingly... then turn around and entirely "unnovate" equally as amazingly.

    @ARTKING_CREATIONS 10 месяцев назад +9

    The “courage” that Apple has 😂😂😂😂

    • @MrThebigcheese75
      @MrThebigcheese75 10 месяцев назад

      Kind of like the courage car manufacturers had to remove spare wheels, to save weight they say, so nothing to do with saving a few quid white you wait hours in the rain for the breakdown company to come and tow you to a garage for a new one. The gunk doesn't always work and makes them irreparable.

  • @AndrewFriedberg
    @AndrewFriedberg 8 месяцев назад

    Instant subscriber for life

  • @extrageneity
    @extrageneity 9 месяцев назад +11

    Some of the most notorious for me personally:
    1. Batteries that aren't consumer replaceable. 20 years ago, nearly every mobile phone you could buy shipped with a user-replaceable rechargeable battery, and third party chargers were available that would charge the party outside the device. So you didn't just have the option to replace a battery that had gotten old, you had the option to swap in a new battery when your phone was low on charge, if you were on the go and didn't have anywhere to charge it.
    2. Proprietary cables, designed to fail. With both the original Dock connector and the replacement Lightning connector, Apple cables were simultaneously more expensive and less durable than the competition... but also shipped in a bright white heatshrink that ages to a dirty gray if you either touch it or leave it in direct light for too long. The cables are literally designed to fail, and aren't compatible with anything other than Apple equipment.
    3. Software update lifecycle permits even paid apps to become unusable on existing hardware. With the original iPad, Apple didn't just stop releasing OS updates for it after the second generation came out; they released new versions of Safari and many App Store software versions which _were_ permitted to go to the original iPad which exhausted available memory on the system so that the application you were using in the foreground would routinely be jettisoned while you were using it. The consequence was that basic iPad features which had always worked, from games to web browsing to email, just... went away, even before the device became unusable due to its aging battery or unsafe to use due to Apple failing to release critical security updates for the OS. This plus Apple permitting third party developers to have server-side error messages saying, simultaneously, "Your software version is too old to talk to our servers," and "Your operating system is too old to run a current version of our software," while also failing to release current operating system versions for that hardware. All in a walled garden ecosystem which doesn't permit me to build my own software, install my own operating system, or alter software to talk to nonstandard servers. The result? A device as expensive as a laptop, going from brand new to expensive, unusable e-waste in approximately five years. And it isn't labeled as such at time of sale!
    There are BlackBerry phones that remained usable for 15 years, until the 3g networks they were talking to literally went away, because everything that could wear out could be replaced, and because the system developers were careful never to push software updates needed by new devices in a way that would break old devices. The cables and batteries and holsters all got harder to source, and the third party app ecosystem ran down until there wasn't much reason to have the device any more, but the company that sold the device never pushed a succession of software updates which actually broke what you paid for. I don't understand how this didn't result in a giant class action suit against Apple, or fines from the FTC. But it didn't.
    And here I am, still buying Apple products, because the user experience on a device that's less than 3 years old is still pretty much unbeatable. I've tried Android. I work in tech so it isn't excessively confusing for me. And some of the features and capabilities beat what Apple offers. But there are basic things in Android that are just unbearably clunky in comparison with the Apple experience, at least for me and my family.
    Apple is far from the only company guilty of any of this. Microsoft's failure to build far more durable analog thumbsticks and user-replaceable batteries into their Elite gamepads is something I think a lot about. Samsung is guilty of many of the same things in the design of their consumer devices--not just phones, but things like their Smart TVs. Just recently, I got an email from the manufacturer of Instant Pot telling me that they were going to stop supporting the mobile app that the Instant Pot was integrated with, and shut down the servers that the app needed to talk to, without replacing it. The only remedy for me other than to just use the buttons on the front of the machine? A coupon for a discount on a replacement product. Again, zero interest from any government entity in punishing businesses which push software updates or discontinue server-side infrastructure in a way which strips functionality away from you. A pressure cooker my dad bought when he was younger than I am can still be in good working order today, with care and maintenance of the seals and valves, which paper documentation tells you how to do. The one my mom gave me for Xmas less than six years ago is already a less capable product than it was when I bought it... and the QR code on the small paper manual that came with it points at a documentation URL which no longer exists.
    It's hard to imagine that things will stay this anti-consumer forever. At some point, especially as Moore's Law starts to break down, it seems like there will be opportunities for businesses to win by sucking less--especially as manufacturing technology advances on the supply side make it easier and easier to produce small batches of products as ordered, breaking some of the existing economies-of-scale considerations which have instance currently make it impossible for Fran Blanche to continue making and selling Frantone guitar pedals given how small the addressable market for those products is.
    But a lot of things have to happen to get us from here to there. Right-to-repair, right to jailbreak, open APIs, open schematics, rights to save and republish abandonware, etc. And there's currently a lot of money arrayed against those policy changes.
    Apple is nowhere near the whole problem. But they are a particularly obnoxious example of it.

    • @Kiboxxx
      @Kiboxxx 8 месяцев назад

      Lol such an intelligent comment and only so few likes. I guess most people don't like reading

    • @extrageneity
      @extrageneity 8 месяцев назад

      @@Kiboxxx This isn't really the platform for it. If I said all the same things while dressed nicely, speaking clearly, and making eye contact with the camera, I could probably find an audience for my rants.

    • @orchard111
      @orchard111 8 месяцев назад +1

      Can you give some examples for those user experiences that still makes you use Apple products. I sincerely want to know what I am missing.

    • @extrageneity
      @extrageneity 8 месяцев назад

      @@orchard111 The blended "just works" ecosystem between iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS, with Apple ID, Find My, iCloud Keychain, etc. is incredibly valuable to me as the only highly-technical person in a household full of people (including a child) with security needs, password sharing needs, location sharing needs, document and media sharing needs, etc. which they don't know how to deliver for themselves. Even Apple Pay.
      All that is incredibly easy to get working across a family unit, not just for the techie setting it up, but for the people who just want the benefit and don't want to do their own tech management.
      I can find my way around Android pretty well, but in my experience there's a lot more in Android which is just closed and inaccessible to users who aren't willing to grow their own tech knowledge.
      If it's ever just me, and I don't have any women or children in my life who don't know this stuff and don't want to but still need to be able reap the benefits, I might consider switching to Android in order to be nearer to the state of the art on mobile hardware features and in order to be able to make lower level decisions about my own tech life. But as long as I have an elder mother, a domestic partner / housemate, and a stepdaughter, none of whom have the temperament to learn or troubleshoot tech, the premium I pay for Apple products and the occasional frustration I feel with trying to escape its "dummy mode" defaults are a worthy exchange.
      The one compromise I've made toward Android as a household so far was Fire TV instead of Apple TV, because I was able to get streaming media on five separate TVs for the same price as getting it on one TV using Apple TV tech. But I really miss the Apple TV I had been using when we were just streaming from a single screen. Finding shows on it across all the apps just worked way, way better than it works on Fire TV.
      As a power user in my day job, I like MacOS over Windows. I have yet to find an IT organization that doesn't make dog's breakfast out of fleet management including Linux support, but MacOS is a first class citizen most places, especially ones that employ a lot of people who have to write code for a living. The OS and the applications are more stable. and the native BSD command line is just a way better experience than I have yet found trying to work in Windows under WSL, or especially trying to do as much in PowerShell as an interactive CLI as I can do in ZSH on MacOS with the full power of Homebrew behind me.
      I want to be clear: Android, Linux, and Windows are all entirely valid choices over Apple's ecosystem, and in the 2020s, you can get an equally secure "walled garden" from any of the major companies if you value application safety over freedom of choice. And there's a lot to recommend Apple's competitors over Apple.
      But I don't believe there's any such thing as "computers for the sake of computers." Ultimately, it's all about the people using them. And Apple gets a lot of things about the user experience right, for people who aren't as technical as I am. From the concierge "Genius Bar" experience which starts the purchase process, through day to day use, all the way through end of device life and how seamless upgrade and migration are kept, my family is able to live a more technically interconnected life with Apple than they would be willing to live without it. And that keeps me more connected to them than I would be able to be otherwise.

    • @tvctaswegia497
      @tvctaswegia497 8 месяцев назад +1

      To support your point I have a Nokia n97 mini still in great working order with refurbished battery. It outlasted the networks that it used and the original os (2009!) is still rock solid, zero defects.
      Meanwhile day 2 of Nokia G22 the Amazon Prime app constantly hangs android, or crashes back to console cold reboot with a scary warning about how my os has been damaged and I should do a factory reset!
      Edit: Sorry about multiple reply. How ironic that android should flip out just as I was writing a rant about it. Had to come to PC to fix it...

  • @bibasik7
    @bibasik7 10 месяцев назад +10

    Watching this on my MacBook Air with no USB-A ports, so I have to use an adapter to plug anything in!

    • @MrThebigcheese75
      @MrThebigcheese75 10 месяцев назад +3

      Apple girl at work has adapters for HDMI, often they fail to work and she keeps hassling me to fix it. Get a normal laptop with a real full size port. Thin looks great but then you have to use it.

    • @Zembie1
      @Zembie1 10 месяцев назад

      Imagine using USB-A 🤢

    • @akin242002
      @akin242002 10 месяцев назад +1

      @Zembie1 It's nice to have it in case you need it. I use it for USB sticks to upload a fresh install of Windows or Linux with every new laptop.
      Otherwise, USB Type C ports.

    • @jamesphillips2285
      @jamesphillips2285 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@Zembie1 Most mice and keyboards still use it.

  • @maxdoom3521
    @maxdoom3521 9 месяцев назад +2

    My favorite apple unnovation, is more of a general tech unnovation, which is that EVERYTHING is wireless and it all has a battery that needs to be charged.
    The phrase “recharging my headphones” would have been the dumbest thing uttered by man 10 years ago.

  • @smol5601
    @smol5601 10 месяцев назад +27

    I'm sure the EU could find a justification to bring back these features

    • @izoyt
      @izoyt 10 месяцев назад +9

      it's called common sense.

    • @Zembie1
      @Zembie1 10 месяцев назад

      Ah yes ur gonna bring back the headphone jack bro why u so dumb 💀

    • @watchbreaker1706
      @watchbreaker1706 10 месяцев назад +8

      Just stop buying Apple.

    • @alanharper23
      @alanharper23 10 месяцев назад +15

      I mean, they've already forced the adoption of USB-C, they've set a deadline to allow sideloading, and another deadline to adopt user replaceable batteries which is great.

    • @deeomayall
      @deeomayall 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@alanharper23 If only they made Apple pay some tax too...! But let's not get ahead of ourselves I guess.

  • @coladict
    @coladict 8 месяцев назад +2

    I've heard Apple fans say that the MacBook having the exact same performance when it's plugged in vs when it's on battery is a *feature* they like. It's literally an artificial limitation. All other laptops let you push the power limit on the system when it's plugged in. Apple is artificially limiting it to the same power constraint as on battery.