Now he knows what european politics are like. That what it takes to makes one voice be heard in a modern society. And he also see the less pretty part of that action like some oportunistic political parties that tries to be the face of the protests.
Know he knows how the left prpaganda works in Germany. In the meantime it has been proved, that there has never been a "masterplan" from the "far right". "Wird der Bürger unbequem, punziert man ihn gleich rechtsextrem." - "If the citizen becomes uncomfortable, he is branded as a right-wing extremist."
The specific context for these recent austerity cuts: the government (the "Ampel" coalition of the liberal FDP [yellow], the Greens, and the center-left Social Democrats [red]) attempted to use leftover pandemic funds (strictly speaking a very low interest loan IIRC) for climate-related policies. The center-right CDU/CSU then sued the government about misappropriation of funds, won this lawsuit, and then the government had to find ways to still fund those policies. The CDU is also positioning itself as one of the parties following the interests of the farmers, even though 1) they indirectly led to these subsidy cuts and 2) a lot of the issues plaguing German farmers that are now compounded by this reduction of subsidies stems from CDU policies because they were in power from 2005 to 2021. In general EU agricultural policies favor larger and larger farms, as well as an export-heavy business model. Most vegetables and fruit grown here are sold within the EU single market, and instead we import stuff from the Netherlands and Spain (mostly). So even signs like at 6:56 are inaccurate, because already a lot of food is getting imported already because of decades-long policies. PS: I of course used the term subsidy here even though this is mostly about tax breaks, but still.
I also wanna reiterate some stuff that you mentioned in the beginning regarding the memes you've seen about the AfD: 1) yes, the AfD is indeed anti-subsidy, so them defending farmers here goes against their party program (s. 10.7 & 13.6 of their 2016 "Programm für Deutschland" and #13 of their current Grundsatzprogramm, "Landwirtschaft: Mehr Wettbewerb, weniger Subventionen" = "Agriculture: More competition, fewer subsidies" 2) three out of the sixteen state branches of the AfD have been labeled as "gesichtert rechtsextrem" (assuredly right-wing extremist). The same applies to its youth wing Junge Alternative, and the party at large is classified as a suspected case of right-wing extremism. This should help to explain why the spokesman in that video pivoted to immigration, which is the topic the AfD is most comfortable talking about.
and 80% of all citiziens dont want the AMPEL phahahah CDU=Right? in which world are u living? CDU/CSU was Right yep but Today they are not Right they get Left with Angela Merkel.
for the moment yep ^^ for now because it needs time to lose all :) nothing happening from today to the next day ^^ und den schau ich auch ^^ aber bin gespaltener meinung von ihm. Er sagt zwar vieles was stimmt aber so richtig eier hat er nicht in der hose ^^ :D mit normalen protesten wird man diese bewegung nicht zum abtreten bekommen ^^ das bedeutet dann wohl abwarten und tee trinken ^^ Ich weiß wie ich mich schütze und ich bin ein Mann also bin ich unwarscheinlicher ein Opfer von so bestimmten cliente ^^ auch wenn ich in einer heißen zone wohne ^^ dir noch einen Schönen Tag ^^@@SELBLINK_in_your_area
Well in the EU diffrent Countries specialized in diffrent Agricultural Products for Example Germany has a Huge Meat and Diary Industry and imports Vegetables From Spain and the Netherlands and others they buy our Meat. This was Necesary across the Whole of Western Europe because The Eastern States like Poland and Hungary Export Huge Amounnt of Cheap Grain. But Theoratically Germany Can Still feed its People alone if we ate a shitton of Meat and Diary Products (with Potatoes and Beer of Course ^^)
7:35 The trees might look weird because they are cut regulary. Those small branches sticking in the air will be cut down until only the thick ones remain. I believe they are cut once per year but you are only allowed to do it in a certain timeframe because of animal nesting times and other factors. They will probably trimmed down in the coming months.
That's right. Here in Heidelberg, we have a lot of Platanen (Platanus acerifolia) and some of those we cut once a year, around January/February. They are taken back to the thick Branches to form "Heads" (the thick part mostly at the end). Whole Reason is to produce "Schirmplatane" (something like an Umbrellatree) so that the Branches only go to the sides and give Shadow underneath.
@@Vizewelle It's interesting that Palatanen are named after maples (genus Acer), but the most common native maples in Germany are named after (the non-native) Platanen, e.g. _Acer_ pseudoplatanus_ .
Example from last year: farmers left their strawberries to rot ordug them over. No harvest, because they couldn't earn money with them. This keeps happening with more crops. Meanwhile we import berries from Peru, apples from New Zealand and pears from Chile... Something is very broken.
yes, instead of throwing these strawberries away or letting them rot they could have sold them at a cheaper price or given to the homeless shelter. The system is indeed broken
@@SuperHawk0413 Erntehelfer kosten auch Geld , wer bezahlt die , wenn kein Gewinn erzielt wird ? Melde dich doch im nächsten Sommer freiwillig für umsonst zu arbeiten , dann kannst du die Beeren verschenken an Obdachlose.... Junge, Junge , was fürn Traumtänzer....
@@SuperHawk0413harvesting costs money. (Manhour, material, fuel) Who s gonna pay for the harvesting, even if you want to donate produces? That s why it s cheaper to let it rot. Main issue is free trade and lack of customs. You can t compete with countries with no social or environnemental protections, nor with cheap/detaxed fuel for ships and planes. The only winners are the few big traders, the losers are farmers, citizens and environnement.
Yes those berries will magically walk to their designated baskets. You have never worked a day in your life in any agriculture thats for sure... Homeless shelter lmao.@@SuperHawk0413
This isn't even about the subsidies. It's about at least 16 jears of agrarpolitical mismanagement. The cut in subsidies was what made the situation boil over. These protests aren't new, we already had them in 2019 and there probably have been some even sooner (Key word: Milchproteste, Milk protests), so they're not the current governments fault, as some people like to claim. The problem is that farmers barely earn money for their work as big food companies force the farmers to sell their products to them at low costs. This is why the farmers in the Milk-Protests rather spilled all their milk on the ground than to sell it, as they wouldn't have made money from it anyways. Smaller farms economically dying has been a problem for a long time, and it's unlikely to get better any time soon. The farmers would much rather not be dependant on subsidies. Sorry, I know this is clumsily written and I'm not great at explaining things either, but blaming everything on the current government, as many media likes to do, is way too shortsighted and dishonest.
yep, thats correct. The farmers dont want subsidies, they want to be able to make a living from their work. there is a farmers lobby, but the small farmers have not time descussing politics if they have to break their backs to make some money. so most farmers active in the farmers lobby are representing big farms. a lot of the current "subsidies" are favoring lagre farms (better subscribed as "food coorporations"). we had nearly 2 million farms in germany about 20-30 years ago - mostly family run since generations. now we are at about 700.000. and its projected it will be 250.000 soon. not small local farms that genarate local fresh clean foods, but rather big farms, highly industrialized with a lot of chemicals and so on. the big farms are doing fine its the small family farms that are suffering. the policies that lead to all this problems are nearly 20 years old and were mostly implemented during CDU + coalition partners they had at the times. now the cdu is not in the goverment the fist time since 2005 and now they are condemming the very policies that they made themself. dont get me wrong, i think the tax cuts are stupid, but how you said, its not the main problem. i think we need financial incentives for clean fresh local food from small farms that generate jobs and supply the local markets. If I remember correctly there were similar problems in the US where large food coorporations were suing small farmers over GMO crops till the small farmers gone broke and had to sell thair family farms to the coorporatoins. a lot of family farms that were owned by the family for generations got destroyed that way. In the US the food coorporations used GMO crops and the leagal systems, here the big ones use lobby work to favor them so they can take over small farms. same problem - other tactics - big coorporations try to break small farms so they can buy their land and market share for cheap to further scale their bussiness in industrialized food production.
"so they're not the current governments fault, as some people like to claim." True. But it's not like they made anything better either. I think you've described it mostly accurately, however, I would add that the government is strangulating the farmers with more and more regulations, many of which are not applied based on current or local measurements but apparently based on guestimations. I think it needs to be looked into, local food production is important.
@@MusikCassette because it was the Ampel that put the last drop of water in an overflowing bucket with the "no more tax breaks for Diesel" bullshit and it doesnt matter who made the bad policies its always the current goverment that get blamed. Let me give you 2 examples: 1. there was a coal energy plant planned and approved by an SPD-Green coalition in NRW (one german state). At the time the greens were the ones that had the office (ministerium) to approve it. a couple years later there is a CDU-FDP coalition in NRW at the time the plant is ready to start and is opened. the greens go absolutly crazy how its possible that new coal plants are build by the evil CDU-FDP. the start and attands protests and so on and condem the coal plant. 2. that one is from the US. When the first COVID vaccines hit the market Trump was president. All the Trump fans were like "oh its the Trump vaccine; he will stop covid; first 100 mio doses go on trump; best vaccine ever; etc). The leftists were all "its not tested; just were masks; dont take the trump vaccine; he is pushing it to use it in the next election, etc". than biden got president and all the sides completly changed. I mean there were multiple vaccines from different countrys and companys. no us president had anything to do with the vaccines but the mindeset of the pupulaten did a 180° turn.
The AfD is not in charge of the government. I don't understand why people only talk about the AfD and not about the people who are responsible for this chaos.
Why are the farmers actually demonstrating against the current government and not against the food companies or the CDU/CSU, which has almost always held the Ministry of Agriculture in recent decades and has supported the large food companies instead of small farmers?
because the current gov wants even more from them and they had enough after all this milking for years. The gov now wants to take the money from farmers and apperently even fishers bcs they themself CANT HANDLE MONEY AT ALL. Freaking gov is the biggest failure of modern germany by a landslide.
they are demonstrating against them too. the focus on the current gouverment is because its proposals are by far the biggest hit to farmers, and by all means people of the nation, yet: cutting tax relieves on transport, agrarian fuel, etc. would result in an inflation of all goods, with food inflating the most. thats beyond local vs. monopoly, thats basic necessity endangering. furthermore our current gouverment is censorious and inept in all regards: education, security, migration, energy, etc... and people are fed up. that was simply the last drop missing for many.
expect teh proposal was totaly reasinable and now they listen to afd who wanna GET RID OF ALL SUBSTITUTIONS FOR AGRAR ... many farmers are a bit stupid it seems @@semiramisubw4864
@@Chrisspru It's not that big of a hit actually, Farmers still get around 9 bn in subsidies from the german government alone, so the subsidy they are cutting is rather small.
You are right imho but I think it is like that because the people are more concerned with their immediate problem, missing the money because of the cancellation of the subsidies. But actually they should be able to support themselves without these subsidies. That they can't is a cue of the actual underlying problem: the big food companies taking the major share of the money and small farmers forced to sell or grow to fit the ever increasing demands and having no power to control the pricing or even get a fair share.
A farmer gets offered 3€ each ton of potatos he has produced. Meanwhile Aldi is selling his potatos for 3€ each kilogram. So one year of growing potatos will give you roundabout 70k € income. But you still have to pay your workers, machine, taxes and have to buy food yourself. This results in the framer SPENDING money to work 10 hours a day, every day. It's complete nonsense to continue working as a farmer
Why don't the farmers protest in front of Aldi, REWE etc. but instead paralyze half the country? These conditions did not arise in 2 years but in the 60 years before that and have nothing to do with the current government.
The dutch policeman actually fired his gun, aiming at the driver of the tractor. He missed the 16 year old kid by just a few inch. The bullet pierced the metal frame of the cabin. It happened when protesting farmers were obeying the police by leaving the blocked road. It was then at the roundabout the policeman opened fire at the tractor, later claiming he felt threatened by it. The whole incident was filmed and the video told a very different story. The Dutch were outraged as it showed how far things can get out of hand when peacefully protesting against goverment plans. Farmers protest had the sympathy of many in the Netherlands. Now its our neighbours turn. Take care!
The management of protesters inthe netherland has been a catastrophe (at least for democracy) in recent years. Nothing new. Sadly, it is the same in many countries (France, italy)... Failing democracies is the issue.
A police man is not necessarily protecting government plans at gun point, to assume such things not just a little bit far fetched. A situation like this is more complex than a video can show. Or does the video show magically what the shooting policeman was thinking in the moment he pulled the trigger? If I have learned one thing over the last 20 years about populism and propaganda, every time you think you understand a situation by watching a video, you most probably don't.
Love how that one line on wiki actually explained the reason better than that whole video. Also it's great to see that someone actually tries to look at both side's version with the fake news too.
Actually ALL ministers had to save money. That means there were many other cuts as well, not only on the farmers. Also on things like subsidies for electric vehicles and buildings and everything else ...
Yo, the cuts in Familien/Bürgergeld and for children's funds are forgotten, it's assumed only those "illegal stinky lazy immigrants" get that, all the while single parents, people unable to work due to disabilities or chronic/letal sicknesses are the most common. But whatever. I'm done discussing with people that doesn't even know about people without big machines.
While taxincomen is riseing from year to year the gouvernment need more and more money for less service but more coruption... HELLOOO!?! Every year MORE taxincomen but less service?!?! MERKT IHR NOCH WAS?!
Yeah there are a lot of people that are angry about the government, but it is actually a problem made by the last governments that were run by the CDU. There is also the problem, that the subsidies are for farming companies, not for small farmers. So it is not only the stop of these subsidies, but the system of the subsidies. Thats why I support the normal farmers, but I dont like the head of the "Deutscher Bauernverband", because he is on the side of the big farming companies and now he says that he would support the small farmers even though he made them suffer for a long time. And it is because the government cant make debts, so they have to save money, but this is also a mistake by the CDU, because they made the law that restricts the government from making debts. The CDU is in my opinion a shitty party that is like a person that damages a house, and when it breaks down they accuse the homeowner for breaking it down, even though they are the reason.
Most problems of a government are only really seen about 10 years after it, the Ampel just had a shitty time to get into power. End of Corona, Ukraine war and everything still being under paid by the CDU
I certainly support the statement that the CDU is shit, however I think the debt break is one of the few good things they did. Germany basically is more than rich enough to not need to always make more debt, we just have to stop throwing all this money out of the window. Instead of cutting farming subsidies we could save more than enough by stopping to pay millions of euros in development aid for china and India or the billions of military aid for Ukraine.
@@robind.8695 You have to make debts in a recession. They are used to build the path on which the economy in the upswing goes. Debts are nothing bad, as long as you are making debts in your own currency. You could make as much debts as you are able to use, just like Japan is doing. You wont end in an inflation.
Regarding 'Spending more money than they have' - actually Germany has a constitutional law that limits strictly how much debt it's allowed to take. There are ways around in crisis situations as the pandemic was, but in general, it's not easy to take up debts anymore. This now leads to the paradox situation in which most experts strongly advise to take up debts to invest in structural improvements, but the government is not allowed to. And the biggest oppsing party, which did exactly teh same thing they sued the government for on state level now prefers using the chance to give the ruling parties a blow instead of working together to overcome the crisis, while the coalition is killing itself in endless arguments about how to solve this, not having a plan b for a situation that was foreseeable since at least a year...
Its not the government as a whole but the deficit hawks But thats also typical for germans. The don't want more debt, they don't want to pay more taxes, but they also don't want austerity. They want to keep the cake and eat it, too. To üut it imn in US terms, they want to tax like republicans and spend like democrats.
We have a lot of very small farms in the south and he west ; mostly in the mountains; that are smaller than the 61 hectar average. Then there are a few hugh farms that use around 53% of the agricultur space in germany with hundreds of hectars. These are mainly in the east but to some extent there are also found anywhere in germany. The Bauernverband (farmers association ) is ; in theory; a lobby for all farmers but in reality they work for the big farms. Ruckwied is a crook, his policies are at least partly responsible for this situation. The real problem are not the subsidies, it comes out to 25 Euro per hectar less per YEAR... so not a big deal, the problem are Aldi, REWE, Lidel and Edeka, they dictate prices that are shit to keep record profits.These guys are the only game in town if you want to sell industrie level. Some smart , small farmers sell directly to the endconsumer and earn pretty decent but that is not posible for a lot of farms. If the supermarkets would pay decent sums our farmers wouldn´t need that pity money from the gov but nobody wants to touch corporations at the moment because of our "economic crisis"...🤬
The size of German farms has to be seen in a historical context: - Erbrecht / inheritance = oldest son/child gets it all or farmland is split between the siblings - LPGs in Eastern Germany bought up after the fall of the Wall And I agree re power of corporations aka the dark side of our Marktwirtschaft.....
@@irminschembri8263 The milkprice is at the moment at 44 cents per liter. I pay around 1,50 to 2,50 Euro for a liter in a supermarket... Sure the corps pasturize, deliver, store , advertise, etc.. they add value. But is all that more worth than the actual product?
@@jancleve9635 No, you're right. But everything in the agricultural sector is earned by traders, not by the farmers. Just like an oil rig doesn't earn much money for the oil, but the guys trading that oil will make the profit. And like everywhere else in our economy. But farmers got the big problem, that they can't rise the prices for their products. They can't even react to inflation. Most prices for agricultural goods for farmers is the same for the last 5 years. This can't be right.
@@dnocturn84 Farmers should do whatever necessary to be able to control their prices. In this case, collective bargaining though farmers associations could work.
@@szaszm_ Yes, sure, but this problem is far more complicated than this. First and most importantly: they produce too much. Sounds like a solvable problem, right? But next problem is, that their production isn't stable and depends on many uncontrollable factors, such as weather, location, insect damage, illnesses of plants and lifestock. If you scale back, next year they might produce too little and still sell your goods for the rediculous little price. And farmers aren't really a united group. Too much diversity, size, disagreement. A decade ago farmers protested against way to small milk prices. They threatened to rather destroy their milk production, than to gift it away to traders. So a bunch of them destroyed their monthly milk production. But with little effect, because other farmers, who were desperate for income, sold theirs and the public destruction had absolutely no effect.
I would like to explain to you how vehicle tax in Germany works for farmers. Generally, farmers have green license plates, and these vehicles are either tax-exempt or subject to lower taxes, depending on their use. In the legal text, it is described as follows: "These are plates with green lettering on a white background and are otherwise identical to regular vehicle license plates. They are issued for tax-exempt vehicles such as agricultural vehicles, work machines, and vehicles of aid organizations. Prior approval for tax exemption must be obtained from the tax office for this purpose."
In my opinion a chart that shows *inflation* always needs to be next to a chart showing *revenue and profits* of the price-setters in those industries!
You crazy? People might start to understand what s going on. There is a reason why most medias are owned by billionaires. Control what people get to know and through which lense.
Let me clarify two things here: 1) It was not the government that decided to cut agricultural subsidies, but the Audit Committee (Rechnungsprüfungssauschuss) of the Bundestag, and the government is only implementing this decision as the executive branch. All parties are represented in the Audit Committee and it has clearly spoken out in favor of the abolition, i.e. all CDU/CSU and AfD members of this committee also voted unanimously in favor! So the CDU/CSU and AfD don't back the farmers; if that had been the case, they would have had to vote against it and could even have blocked the whole thing. In fact, however, with their decision they have called on the Federal Ministry of Finance to implement these measures and now both are ducking away and want to blame the government for this. 2) And the AfD even states in its party manifesto that it wants to completely abolish all agricultural subsidies, supposedly to strengthen competition between farmers. This shows once again how little the AfD understands about what is actually going on in Germany. There is no competition between farmers because they cannot set their own prices at all, that is done by the wholesalers who dictate the prices to them (you sell for the price they offer you or you don't sell at all) and they in turn are bound by the prices they have negotiated with supermarket chains and therefore cannot pay more because otherwise they would make a loss and would have to import the goods.
Your 2nd point 2) is out of context. The AfD wants to abolish all agricultural subsidies, but only as a second step after cutting a lot of taxes they have to pay first.
bullshit the decisions from the goverment from germany have the choice how they use the money and not any committee. The Committee said this because of they must hold on a rule that they not give more money out then they have. They use the Money for other countrys and not for the own citizens and that is what happening here. stop ur bullshit with extra fake informations only because u like far left goverments.
@@weltraumvogel2 But taxes have never been the problem. Farmers are not dependent on subsidies because of high taxes, they are dependent on subsidies because food prices are too low and that has nothing at all to do with taxes and any tax cuts will not solve or even improve this problem. To solve this problem, you have to make sure that farmers can finally decide on the prices of their products themselves, just like any other producer of products can. And I have already explained in detail why they are currently unable to do this. I live in the countryside, all my neighbors are farmers, so I know how it works: The wholesaler says "We offer you ... per ..." and then it's take it or leave it. You sell at that price, or you don't sell at all, because no wholesaler will offer you a different price and if the price is too low, then you're stuck with the goods and have a 100% loss. But even if you sell at this price, you still make a loss because this price doesn't even cover your expenses and you can already deduct these expenses from your taxes today, i.e. lowering the tax doesn't help at all! Only with subsidies can farmers sell at this price and make a small profit and that is the flaw in the system and everything the AfD proposes doesn't help at all or would make it even worse for farmers.
The cuting on the "subsedarys" for the farmers was just the straw that broke the camels back. German gouvernment was ruled in by the supreme court of germany that their fiscal plan was unconstitutional. Now they where ordered to cut down a huge sum. Instead of cutting down on spending they decided to increase the inflow. That turned a lot of people against them. Yes the AfD had a topic of cutting down subsedys as well on the european level and give that autonomy back to the states. Thereby less german money would flow into other states and stay in germany for their farmers.
The AfD that claims here, that they don't support that change, also wrote in their program, that they will remove all subsidies. They said there, that they want no subsidies at all. So they would do even worse things to the farmers. But they don't say it publicly to get the farmers on their side.
They could have cut the over 200000000€ we send each year to peru, which is meant to be used to build bycicle lanes and ways there (dunno how the peru government actually spends that money) but they for whatever reason went for our farmers subsidies.... Dont ask me why ..
"Economy in freefall" is indeed a big exaggeration. But then again, that video is from one of Britains most biased conservative tabloids. What to expect?
We are literally the only country in a recession out of all the G20 states. Prices are sky high, inflation is sky high, half of germans are earning under 2500 Euro pre-tax a month. Are you denying we are in a economic free fall? The worst thing is, this is just the start. You calling that one media outlet "biased conservative" is a joke. I assume you are calling the other 90% of media outlets biased left then, who are denying we are in an economic free fall? Sounds like you have never worked a day in your life.
"Stoppt die Ampel!" (lit. "(Y'all) stop the traffic light") referes to the "Ampel-Koalition" ("traffic light coalition") which is the current governing coalition in our parliament. In Germany parties are given colors and this coalition consists of SPD (social democrats, red), FDP (liberals, yellow) and Die Grünen (the greens, green).
Because they are to stupid to make better deals with the sellers. Also the "Deutscher Bauernverband" causes the problems by producing cheap mass products and now plays the hero who wants to save the small farmers. Thats so hillarious.
Having German farmers as friends, they have been complaining for decades that the gov't has been trying to force the small farms off the land to make way for larger, more automated farms or to leave the land fallow and import food from afar where middlemen can earn more money. Also, farmers are the keepers of German tradition, things like Tracht and certain celebrations, like Leonhardifahrt. Eliminating them pushes Germany further into the international mono-culture.
Knowing where your goods in the supermarket come from: how could you hate farmers? Or truck drivers. Immer kräftig Halbwahrheiten inhalieren und schrägen Ideologien nachhängen und sich von ARD, ZDF, SZ, FAZ und dem Spiegel verdummen lassen. Dann klappt's auch mit der kompletten Zerstörung des Wohlstands.
Actually, the reason for the protests ist not the cutting of the current tax discounts. This is merely the final nail in the coffin. The reason for the protests is the decade long misgovernment, and that the "Bauernverband", being a giant lobby-organisation, is mainly supporting the real big players, not the farmers in total. Especially the smaller farms are having a rough time for decades since they have no representation.
11:09 - For context: A few years a go, the then conservative gouvernment implemented a law, that makes it illegal for gouvernments to come to make new debt, the "Schuldenbremse" or "debt brake" with exceptions for crisis situations. So when the pandemic hit the planet, that was lawfully declared as such a criss situation and the gouvernment financed a lot of things with new debt, but after some time some of the debt already approved by parliament wasn't needed anymore for the dedicated purpose so the new "traffic light"-coalition (social democrats - red, free democrats (radical free market ultras) - yellow, and the green party - pink😜) decided to use it for other purposes, so the consercative party, being the worst loser possible sued a constitutional complaint at the german supreme court claiming that this dept was only approved by former parliament for the dedicated purpose and it would be unconstitutional to use it for anything else and at the end of last year they won, so current gouvernment suddenly had a budget deficit of an estimated 60 billion €, so they had so save a lot of money very fast and a few weeks later it feels like we're on the edge of starting another world war, because all these Hitler 2.0s and their so called alternative for Germany think three time's a charm...
@@deutschermark3974 Wer spricht von GEZ? Lesen und verstehen! Für Propaganda empfehle ich ansonsten Wikipedia, da scheint es auch mit dem Verständnis nicht weit her zu sein!
Red diesel (agricultural and off road use) is common across the world. It can be half or less of the cost of white diesel. If you add a euro to every litre of diesel that a tractor, sprayer combine harvester or other piece of equipment uses, then you will double the cost of production. Europeans are addicted to cheap food. If food costs more, people will source it from the global market, increasing costs and driving global inflation. Domestic agriculture will disappear, thanks to the free market, then when world events disrupt global trade and supply dries up, or becomes exorbitantly expensive and there is no domestic alternative to turn to, Europe starves.
if you double the cost of fuel, you double the cost of fuel, not the total cost of production. Items like labor, seed, fertilizers, maintenance of the equipment, as well as salaries are not also suddenly doubled. I am sure there would be an impact. Someone stated a billion euro as the value of the fuel surcharge. the total revenue from food production is near 200 billion. i am not saying it is not important, but .5 percent of the revenue is not the same as doubling the cost of production. Obviously farmers are at the bottom end of the revenue here, just checking your math or maths if your are british.
Did I just understand that correctly? Migration? So the migrants have nothing to do with the farmers' protest. So then this post is apparently just clickbait. Generally speaking, farmers in Germany are only interested in getting their producer prices. The fact that the government now has a budget deficit due to mistakes and wanted to cut agricultural subsidies as a result is why the farmers took to the streets. However, the farmers' association and the large supermarket and discounter chains: Aldi, Netto, Lidl, Rewe, Edeka and Co, are keen to push prices down further.
The problem was that organized right-wing protesters took over the farmers' protests to draw the attention away from the concerns of the farmers to the concerns of the right-wing protesters - namely migration, as usual... Fortunaltely, the farmers start to realize that they have been exploited by the right-wing protester.
HiRyan, Our farmers suffer from many actually growing burdons: the announced agricultural diesel tax rise - which has been announced suddenly without warning, new stricter regulations about better animal treatment (which is a good thing but means expensive upgrades of the farmer`s facilities - and guess who has to pay for that), additionally the regulations for the use of pesticides and chemicals are more and more complicated and restricting (good for the environment but also affects the farmer“s profit and the amount of bureaucracy). Additionally small farmers (which e.g. make the majority of farmers here in Bavaria) are only under-proportionally supported by subsidies which forces a lot of small farmers to give up their farms.
I myself am ambivalent about the farmers' protests. I grew up in a rural area myself and think that small farmers really are in a miserable financial situation and need more support, but on the other hand I find the protest itself very controversial when an anti-constitutional, right-wing party is involved and unfortunately very fnot many people are concious about that. Due to the secret conference, uncomfortable fellow (German!) citizens who do not conform to the AfD's ideal are also to be deported and/or harassed, which is why there are currently so many demonstrations against right-wing extremism. There will also be one in my nearest town on Saturday and I will be marching with them. We all know from our history lessons what happened almost 100 years ago and how it developed; it simply must not happen again in our actually very beautiful country.
Moin, Moin.....nice to see a fellow countryman with common sense, which is a rare "breed" these days, as you can see in many comment sections. Thanks! Greetings from Frankfurt.
There´s a anti-constitutional left-wing party in the government and nobody knows exactly, what was discussed at "the secret conference", the deportation-theme is only a baseless accusation. It´s the Antifa and government-financed NGOs protesting against so called right wingers, the normal people demonstrate with the farmers.
For more background: 1. The government had to save money, so they looked around, were to save. 2. The farmers get about half of their money they make through subsidies (by the EU of the government). The average farmer has about 83.000€ at the end of the year and around the half are subsidies and the tax on Diesel fuel is on average 1.800,-€ a year. 3. The law he mentioned, 70 years ago, was designed to motivate the farmer to use more tractors and engines, instead of horse coaches. Therefore the farmes had not to pay the tax on fuel. 4. Under the government of Angela Merkel politicians of the CSU (Bavarian kind of CDU / conservatives) lead the ministry for agriculture, but did this very conservative and didn't prepared it for the future. 5. The ministry is now lead by a politician of the Greens (pro environment) and wants to prepare them for the future, but at the same time, today there are a lot of problems. - war in Ukraine - not prospering / declining economy - old infrastructure to be renewed - shortage of housing in big cities - lots of migrants / refugees of war and therefore much to spend, but few money available. 6. In a commitee on this topic in December, all politicians, from all parties including CDU / CSU and AfD voted for the cut in subsidies. 7. The first Idea, was to cut the tax-free Diesel and also to to take taxes for the vehicles. After start of the protests the governnment, took back the taxes on the vehicles, and plans to make that step by step in the next years. So, if you are not really a farmer, you cannot say, how much impact that would be. At the same time, many right wing groups, wanted to step in that protests, as they always want to protest against the government, but the farmer made clear, it is just against these cuts and a general farming policies, not against the government in general. And the conservatives like to talk about migration a lot, to take that topic from the far right wing, like the AfD, in hope, they get back voters from that side. The actual government is a coalition of SPD (social-democrats), Greens and FDP (liberals), what makes it difficult, as SPD and Greens like to protect people and environment, with regulations to emphazise people to do the right things, while FDP like to lower regulations to give people and the economy more freedom. FDP like to lower taxes and let the companies do more things, while SPD and Green prefer to led the state do the important things. In the past the government was often led by coalitions of CDU/CSU and FDP or SPD and Greens, but after the first years of Angela Merkel that switched, as fewer people voted for the FDP, more for the Greens and the newly created AfD. So CDU/CSU and SPD as the former biggest parties, had not enough voters to make a government with one of the two smaller parties. Especially the CDU/CSU and Greens are not the best buddies. We had several years under Merkel with a big coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD and now the "Ampel" (literally traffic light for the colours red, yellow and green, for the three parties.) The other both parties in the Bundestag are the Linke (Left) and the AfD (on the far right), and no one wants to deal with them, as both stand, at least a part outside the Basic Law or have sometimes very good connections to Russia.
13:15 i don't think thats not how money works. New Money is given out by the Central Bank (FED in the US, ECB in Europe) as Loans to other Banks and usually not the Goverment itself (in the Eurozone that actually is forbidden by law). Correct me, if i am wrong.
Of course it's going downhill! Our taxes end up all over the world! Our government is borrowing more and more! Why? They want to supply Ukraine with weapons and money at any price! And we also pay billions in development aid to China and India! Why? I do not know! All I know is that our schools are in need of renovation and more and more people are becoming poor
I am a homeowner in Germany and with the new laws I may be forced to sell my house. We have to renovate the house to make it more energy-efficient, but these are enormous costs that we will have to pay 200.000€ - 500.000€. Underfloor heating, heat pump, insulation, ventilation system. My house is over 100 years old, I don't even have a proper floor in it. I have to get an energy consultant and because the walls are sloping also a structural engineer, I/we in the countryside don't know how to pay for it, and the food prices will rise again this year.😢
Hi Ryan, I as a german think that they should prioritize to cut subsidies that only profit the richer people that can afford it. For example we have deductables for companys that give their employees cars for private and buisness usage. These usualy are given to employees with the higher paychecks. Sadly this won't happen because the goverment is also including the liberal pro company FDP party (the yellow part of the ampel goverment) that blocks all efforts to take money from the richer people and (big) companys.
And again....wrong, wrong, are NOT subsidised by the cars are for business use OR part of the salary (specially for higher managers) and in case of private use the employee had to pay tax for it........ The principle, that rich people (what is rich?) has to pay more (meaning in percentage more) is a socialist principle which will never work on the long run. The riches 10% in germany pay >50% of income-tax......the riches 10% pays ca. 32% of all taxes in germany......I agree in the point, that there should be a point where rich people or big companies (like Apple for instance) cannot reduce their taxable income to zero. Please dont forget, that the tax in germany during the Kaiserzeit (1871-1914) had been ca. 12,5%.....lets make an agreement.....everybody in germany pays 12,5% from the rich to the poor....from company or private.....profit-shifts from one country to another country (like apple via license-payment) will not be possible anymore. Today every german pays between 20-40% income-tax and 19% vat and ca. 15% other tax-shit just like Energy-tax, sparkling-wine-tax, and so on....... The government is taxing much to much....lets reduce them to 12,5-15% for inner and outer security, for general administration, legal-system.....thats it....and they are limited to these 12,5-15% (exception could be made in case of catastrophy like Ahrtal)
I too am German, living in Switzerland. Switzerland is emigration country number 1 for Germans. In particular well educated germans move to Switzerland also a lot of German doctors live and work here. I have German friends here too. Most came because of higher salary and lower tax, and just in general better infrastructure
@@SuperHawk0413 ....Switzerland should take more people from Syria or Afghanstan...all rocket-scientist, medial doctors or atomic-plant-specialists...LOL
@@keinervondaoben720 Was ist an deinem Kommentar "LOL"? Your comment isn't funny at all. What I am saying is true. And yes there are also people from Turkey and the Middle East here
@@keinervondaoben720 also I said "in particular".... last time we had a German Handwerker in our house, originally from NRW (I'm from BW), he moved here with his family
Economic output in Germany has shrunk slightly, everyone has to tighten their belts and can buy less. If the government now takes away the subsidies from the farmers, then they will be forced to increase prices. This would mean that the population would have to pay more for food. Alternatively, many farmers give up and the farms die. - I don't know what this has to do with immigration - There is growing concern among the population about their own situation and dissatisfaction with the government. The government promised to socially cushion changes in the law, but instead it will become more expensive for many. The reasons for this include the fact that cheap natural gas is no longer available and the war in Eastern Europe.
The reason why the issue of migration plays a role in the protests is that it costs us almost 50 billion euros. Each year! Ascending trend. And that taxpayers have to bear more and more costs and receive less and less services from the state. Starting with infrastructure, education and pensions. Is that ok? We are a welfare state, we protect and support each other. This is how our system works. But that only works if enough citizens pay into this system. At the moment, however, there are fewer and fewer depositors versus more and more recipients. And that is a consequence of migration. Almost 60% of all citizen benefit recipients have a migration background. And the state simply gambled away and we have to pay for it! But that has to end now. That's why the Germans are finally taking to the streets. The farmers are just the beginning...
You got it right, afd brings in migration politics as a "solution" even though it doesn't have a causal impact on the agricultural debate. It just happens to cost money to care for refugees and integrate immigrants so they argue that if we're throwing out all people with migration background (28,7% of the German population) we'd save sooo much money. That would mean the farmers get to keep their tax break. But yeah afd conveniently ignores that correlation isn't causation and that immigrants are not the root of all evil.
Big respect, mister Ryan you are so much more informated and into German politics than most of the germans at this moment... I love America... Big ups 😊
It's strange that a lot of people are realy angry when Last Genereation is blocking roads for everyons benefit. But when farmers are blocking roads for just their farmer's benefits it's ok for these people.
Far too much party politics that bypasses the original problem. The original problem: the Federal Government had adopted a budget for 2023, of which the Federal Constitutional Court said: it is unconstitutional. The problem is a fund that was originally set up for emergency aid for the Corona pandemic, and from which 60 billion euros were not called up. The Federal Government has "redirected" these 60 billion euros for climate protection measures. And that was unconstitutional. The problem: due to this ruling, the Federal Government is now missing 60 billion euros, which were actually planned. In order to somehow save this money, the federal government has also removed subsidies for farmers. This is about two subsidies: Because the farmers hardly use public roads with their tractors, they only had to pay a small car tax or were even completely exempt from it. In Germany, this tax is calculated according to displacement, and since the tractors all have high-capacity engines, we are not talking about small sums here. The second subsidy that will be cancelled is the tax reduct on diesel. This also hits the farmers hard because their high-capacity machines consume a lot of fuel. One reads that the deletion of these two subsidies will cost an average farm 15,000 to 20,000 euros per year. The problem is that this is only the drop that made the barrel overflow. The program of the Federal Government under Chancellor Scholz is anything but agricultural-friendly. Some unthought-out laws have already been passed in advance, which have harmed agriculture in various ways. Now a point has been reached where the farmers say, up to here and no further, the water is up to our necks. And the majority of Germans are behind them. The problem in Germany is the Greens, who are driving the other two parties of the federal government. The Greens are ideologues who put their ideology above everything else, also over the well-being of the country and its population. The mindset of the Greens is: "We are right, we know what to do, and that's why we can tell others what they have to say, do and think, regardless of whether we are just a minority." In Germany, there was recently a representative survey that asked people how satisfied they are with the federal government and whether they believe that you can still freely express your opinion in public. The survey has brought two interesting results: the majority of people are dissatisfied. However, it stands out that a group of people is essentially satisfied and also of the opinion that one can still express one's opinion openly and freely: the voters of the Greens. Everyone else no longer sees it that way. Chancellor Scholz only has an approval value of 19% - the worst value a Federal Chancellor has ever received.
They also forget that "all the regulations!!!!" are stuff already pinned down somewhere in 1995, like, changing agriculture to some more environmentally aware approach. None of this is reality so far, Glyphosat is still used (people try to normalize it again by stating it doesn't harm people, the point is, it still harms insects, by this birds, by this whole ecosystems) and the constant pretending that it's "just now all these regulations!!!" is so exhausting and wrong. And yeah, "oooh migranzs", when foreign season workers and "immigrants" are basically the existential field workers in agriculture, care and health care and such, is like, dudes...
What ??? ... well, for me the automatic system translates what is said. Maybe wrong, but ... the farmers' protests have nothing at all to do with migration, not even remotely. On the one hand, it's about subsidies, but also about requirements that farmers have had for years. The small farmers (the farms) are dying away from us, they are giving up because they can no longer work economically. Due to cheap competition from abroad, it is now impossible for German farmers to get by without subsidies, which in turn are tied to further requirements. In the last 10 years, we have lost around 50% of our farmers. a farmer calculated the average net wage to be €13, from which they have to pay for the purchase of land, health insurance (compulsory and expensive in Germany) and their retirement provision. An example of nonsensical requirements. ... our farmers have to collect the harvest on time, while a farmer has to adapt to the weather. Last year, we had a lot of rain, which meant that the farmers were unable to meet this deadline. the consequence of this regulation. ... part of the potato harvest is lying in the fields and rotting. So it has completely different reasons than migration. ...this translation comes from Google Translate because my English isn't nearly sufficient. I hope it was translated correctly. 4:23 ... The inflation table is nonsense because it includes areas that you only need once or twice in your life. ... our food prices have increased by an average of 65% in the last two years. Sometimes by more than 100%. For some, wages have risen by up to 8% over the same period, and for many by 0%. Our politicians treated themselves to 3 increases in the same period and a special payment of €3,000 on top. They have no idea what our food costs and, when asked, sometimes respond with prices that were current 20 years ago. 6:16 ... “Stopp die Ampel” means “Stop the government” our parties have colors. Red stands for the SPD, yellow for the FDP and green for “the greens”. hence the term...traffic light government. ------------------------- was ??? ... also, bei mir übersetzt die Automatik das Gesagte. vielleicht ja falsch, dennoch ... mit Migration, haben die Bauernproteste überhaupt nichts zu tun, nicht im entferntesten. es geht zum einen um Subventionen, aber auch um Auflagen, welche die Bauern seit Jahren bekommen. die klein Bauern ( die Höfe ) sterben uns weg, sie geben auf, weil sie nicht mehr wirtschaftlich Arbeiten können. durch die billige Konkurrenz aus dem Ausland, ist es deutschen Bauern mittlerweile unmöglich, ohne Subventionen auszukommen, welche wiederum an weiteren Auflagen gebunden ist. in den letzen 10 Jahren, haben wir rund 50% unserer Bauern verloren. ein Bauer rechnete den durchschnittlichen Nettolohn auf 13€ aus, von dem sie den Kauf von Land, die Krankenversicherung ( in Deutschland Pflicht und teuer ) sowie ihre Altersvorsorge zahlen müssen. Ein Beispiel für unsinnige Auflagen. ... unsere Bauern müssen die Ernte auf Termin einholen, während sich ein Bauer nach dem Wetter richten muss. im letzten Jahr, hatten wir extrem viel Regen, was dazu führte, das die Bauern diesen Termin nicht einhalten konnten. die Konsequenz dieser Regelung. ... ein Teil der Kartoffelernte liegt auf den Feldern und verfault. Es hat also völlig andere gründe, als Migration. ... diese Übersetzung stammt vom Google Übersetzer, da mein Englisch nicht ansatzweise ausreicht. ich hoffe es wurde korrekt übersetzt. 4:23 ... Inflationstabelle ist blödsinn, da dort Bereiche mit eingerechnet werden, die man nur ein oder zweimal im Leben braucht. ... unsere Lebensmittelpreise sind in den letzten zwei jahren im Durchschnitt um 65% gestiegen. Teilweise um mehr als 100%. bei manchen sind die löhne im selben Zeitraum um bis zu 8% gestiegen, bei vielen um 0%. unsere Politiker haben sich im selben Zeitraum 3 Erhöhungen gegönnt und eine Sonderzahlung von 3000€ oben drauf. Sie haben keine Ahnung was unsere Lebensmittel kosten und antworten auf Nachfrage zum Teil mit Preisen, die vor 20 Jahren aktuell waren. 6:16 ... " Stopp die Ampel " meint " Stoppt die Regierung" unsere Parteien haben Farben. rot steht für die SPD, gelb für die FDP und grün für " die grünen ". daher der Begriff... Ampelregierung.
@@suenaable You don't seem to be familiar with the structure of public broadcasting in Germany. Probably not your own fault. While noone is perfect and no system is perfect, the incentives for bad reporting are minimized. It's also not a branch of government directly of indirectly. It is, what's lacking in other countries, especially those, whose news industry is based on commercial news networks, that have primary commercial interests in mind, more so than reporting independently about facts. Let me say it this way: Neither DW nor any reporter there is making a fortune of it. The costs are covered and do not depend on the kind of reporting they do.
farmers are subsidiesed like no other group in germany, otherwise they couldn´t sell their stuff to the big discount chains like LIDL and Aldi. They should protest against the politics protecting these companies.
11:33 You wouldn't be so surprised if you knew that the coalition party that has the finance ministry is the liberal party FDP which is mainly focused on the big players in the financial and industrial sector and not so much on small businesses that really produce something essential or offer vital services. Their mantra is "The market will regulate itself. There's no government regulation needed. Well, maybe a little tax cut here and there but only if it helps our own portfolio or that of our closest friends." They're late stage capitalists and would love to see everything - including the social system - privatised.
The Farmers in Germany do the right thing it’s their human right in Germany to start a Protest against the crazy Government. France is a good example.over there the people of france way more enthusiastic and aggressive when it comes to unfair politics.
Yet in the end we still get screwed by the rich... Boomers elect fat right politicians, and if you protest, police is just sent to hurt you. A great number of french lost an eye or hand in recent years during protests. And in the end the "reforms" were pushed anyway...
The trees are called "Platane" in German. Translate says "plane tree" in english. They are very common in German cities and will look a bit different after the spring cut. They will freeze back a bit, but look quite nice in full foilage
simply said germany has been and is in a major state of decay do to political mismanagement in all aspects of life...the problems are effecting every single german citizen and business...there are so many problems i would´nt even know were to start to explain them all without writing a comment as long as a book...anyway people are slowly waking up to this reality in germany and are sick and tired of it all!!! and despite all our internal problems, german politicians just don´t give a sh*t about solutions and rather invite more problems in with things like the migration crisis, and throw out billions and billions of our taxes with open hands for foriegn agendas for example multi millions for bike and bus ways in peru, just to name one of the hundreds of senseless payments german politicians made to foriegn countries insted of fixing national problems...everybody and everything seems to be more importent then our own people and country...we have become nothing more then the piggybank for our politicians and there international intrests, as we all are going broke and quality of life is going down the drains!!! germany is a shadow of what it once was and become a real sh*thole...many german people and businesses are concidering leaving this sinking ship before we go down with it...unfortunatly not everybody has that option and has no choice but to take the front row seat and go under with the country!
The cuts in agriculture and the migrant problem are linked. The government needs money to pay for the many illegal migrants, but the government doesn't have the money. That's why taxes on farmers are now to be increased (subsidies removed)
The „EU Reserve“ called EZB European Central Bank in Frankfurt can by bond issues and is not allowed to print money when there are problems in economies. That works different and i think better in the EU because on buying bonds you have strict rules to follow so you really want pay back very early.
Im living in germany. Here are the farmers are angry with the goverment because they need money but at the same time the goverment spent millions of euros to support things outside of goverment or also milloins to help the migrants who often get money here fir living or sometines bus tickets or so on. So they think the goverment should first think about the persons inside of germany an using the money they have for them not for matters outside of it. The afd always goes with the opposite sites of the goverment so siding with the farmers was to be expected. Also the farmers in germany do not even earn enough money so they can live from beeing farmers. They all need to get a secound or third job. But if you have multible jobs you also need to pay back more money back to the goverment because with that they take a job from someone that does not work in the perspektive of the goverment. Now the goverment rushed back with the idea taking the money from the farmers and did go to the fishers. The fishers told the goverment if they do that they all stopped working. The goverment here always tries since ventuaries to take from the people that have not that much because they fear if they take from the big companys they will just leave germany. But now the people start to have enough of it and demonstrate. My oponion is that the politians that get lots of money should get less like a normal working person. Like that they could easier understand the opinion of the people that they should be there for and also the goverment would have more money for example schools system or optimisong their county without taking more from the people that already have a proplem with having enough money to live
The migrants (mostly refugees) who gets support in germany by money, bus tickets etc. are also persons living inside germany. So the first paragraph you wrote makes no sense at all.
@@philippprime6844 that thing youm mentioned is exactly what i meant that there are people who think this people should work istead of getting this money simply by beeing in germany. For my persenal opinion on it i think let them do the same as others here do nothing else. But thank you for worting the thing i mean in more detaiö and with that helping me explain what i meant
How much biofuel is produced in Germany? It is my understanding that Rudolph Diesel engineered this engine to be able to use locally sourced fuels made from plants, etc. The farmers in the US do not pay road tax on their fuels. Which where I live is $0.57 per gallon(3.8l). If that changed I am sure you would see the same uproar here.
From Germany spread the Informations please ! And its not only the German Farmers, Its the entire middle class, Doctors, craftsmen, fire departments, shipping companies and many others are there and are helping with the strike. Thanks for making a Video for that Topic that will help spread the infos 👍
Sky News, "Farmer protests sweeping across Germany" is good to watch. They go into detail about what's going on, without weirdly talking about immigration
Well already seeing this "documentary" being produced by the sun made me doubt the value of it. The tragical music is just another indicator. Then again, I can somehow understand the AfD representing themselves as a casual right wing party - but simply conservative? lmao
I don’t like the we don’t drive on the roads argument. Of course they don’t drive on the autobahn but every single road in the rural area I live in need repairs because the tractors are constantly driving on it as they need to get to the fields using these roads. And even roads that got repaired 5 years ago look like shit again.
German farmers pay taxes for Diesel - it was only 21 cent less than others- without taxes costs one Liter Diesel 72 cent! How the price is made up :An example price of 2.08 euros for a litre of diesel is made up as follows: 19% VAT: 33.2 cents/litre Energy tax: 47 cents/litre CO₂ pricing: approx. 9.5 cents/litre Petroleum stockpiling levy: 0.39 cents/litre Value of goods, profit: 117.9 cents/litre
When you need more money, you can not just print out more Euros or Dollars. That's not how it works. Germany does that in the 1920s lead to a hyper hyper hyper inflation. The prices for a loaf of bread raised from minute to minute and were about 1.5 Billion Mark.
That's a neoliberal view that is outdated for at least 30 years. "We" have been printing a LOT of money. But it didn't lead to inflation - in fact the 201X were the lowest inflation decade period in history. That is because the money for the most part didn't flow into the real economy where it could have "heated" anything, but instead went into "financial products" that made the rich richer while the amount of GDP that went into salaries dropped.
hello,Ryan...The Ampel coalition means the colour of a Traffic light in base of the colours of the plolitical Parties: The Green ones, The SPD IS Red ( social democrats) and the FDP the yellow one( free liberales)....and the AFD is rightextreme...( And Plans in Secret the Deportation:() i think AFD is more right as the American republicans..
The farmers here in Germany are in a very special situation. The market economy simply does not work in the agricultural sector. The political side constantly presented patchwork but no solutions to the fundamental problem. Namely, *deciding* what you want. Either you want to adhere to the romantic cliché of small agricultural businesses close to the people, or you want to improve the market economy position of the businesses using just such means. Do you want locally produced products or not? And if so, which ones and how many? In the end, agricultural businesses are businesses... even if in Germany the fact is always ignored that in a functioning market economy, businesses *ARE* allowed to go bankrupt. Even though our farmers are always extremely quick to support protests, the industry can only be subsidized as little as possible and the competitiveness compared to other countries is improved in other ways (something that people in this country are apparently not prepared to do.)
Germany has little debt compared to its competitors, such as the USA, China, Japan and, the major EU countries. While all of them are using debt-financed economic support measures, luring investors away from Germany and getting through the crisis quite well, Germany is saving itself into the ground.
Last year the prices for electricity was so high,that some farmers shut down,and destroyed their crops.Seems like some politicians want us to eat moore imported food .....of lover quality.I'm from Norway.We have strict policies about pesticides,use of antibiotics,ans other chemicals.
This is not about subsidies. This is about continuous financial and bureaucratic restraints on European farmers in order for a planned takeover of farmland by big corporations.
To be frank, as an outsider, I support the government here: farmers collectively should just build their costs into their prices and go on with differently balanced books. If they can somehow compete by reducing their diesel use, good for them and good for everyone. On the other hand, during last year's Dutch farmer protests, I supported the farmers, because cutting NOx emissions isn't a greenhouse gas, so regulating it under climate policies doesn't make much sense. They're bad for human health, but there aren't many people out there on the farms where this was about. On the other side, the Dutch agriculture heavily depends on nitrogen fertilizers, and by cutting fertilizer use, they would almost directly cut yields.
the citizens and police are largely on board with the farmers. the farmers blocking roads let ambulances, police and firefighters pass freely for example, and behave non violent which is well received.
@@steemlenn8797 i'm from germany. and my personal experience fits what surveys say: 60% are on board with the farmers, 15% are against, 25% have mixed or indifferent opinions.
@@philippprime6844 thats horrible and should be adressed. in my region they behaved excelently towards emergency services. and from what i hear in even the most criticsl news, thats the majority. the ones that block rescuers should be held accountable for any damage though indeed.
You need to know from where it all started. German government raised a separate emergency budget to cover covid-19 issues in 2020, which was not fully spent. So government decided to use the rest of the money to help on economic and ecologic topics like supporting renewable energy production extension, replacement of house heating systems based on oil, coal and gas to newer ones, only to mention two of several programs. Oppositional party gained court decision that taking the covid money for this was not allowed, so the government had to stop the programs and feed the money already spent back into the system which resulted in ~€ missing. This is why the government started to cut subsidies in SEVERAL areas, and agriculture (taking away the tax priviledge for agricultural machines not having to pay the taxes for cars, and taking away the partly refunding of Diesel used in agriculture)was only one of them.
The AfD wants to lower subsidies thats right but they also want to cut alot of other taxes. Dont need subsidies when the market for farmers is a fair playing ground
I think this topic is big, there is a lot of space to discuss. As a son of a farmer, i think we should see both sides, of course the government needs money, because the time was hard, but to get the money from the farmers away isn't the right decision, i think there are other options to restore their money.
Its not just about higher taxes. Were upset that our government is spending billions to other non european countries but our pensioneers who have worked for 45 years have to pick bottles from the trashcan to pay their rent
Since i have started to follow German politics for nearly 20 years now, and also the people watching TV have than been bombarded with renewable energy sources for years, i taught that Germany was not as nearly dependant on Russian gas as it showed after the attack on Ukraine. But plot twist on migrations, Germany is in need of millions of more people needed to work on farms, health and educational facilities.
@@morganfreeman8618 Nor are native gremans willing either. Numerous times i have seen in punkt 12 that farmers have been searching for workers some 10-12 years ago to help around famrs, but there was nearly no one interested from the job center.
@@morganfreeman8618 Nonsense, those causing trouble are by far the minority. Many people, especially in the East, have a fundamental xenophobic attitude due to their history and although the foreign population there is around 5%, they see migrants as the biggest problem in the country. That's just ridiculous.
The first video is from The Sun, a Rupert Murdoch channel like your Fox News. No surprise, that it was so misleading. The second politician interviewed is a right wing AFD politician. That is, how the refugee nonsense came into play. They try to use the farmers protests for their own agenda. The farmers protests have nothing to do with refugees, as you found out later fortunately. I like your content. When you are amazed about something quite normal for me, I also learn a lot about Americans and cultural differences. For this video it was a pity, that because of the sun video, one possibly gets a wrong impression of german farmers. Yes, they are more conservative than the german average, but not like the AFD politician mentioned above.
The police actually stood behind the Farmers, and it wasn't just the farmers, the logistics people and the general Public where protesting as well, and will again. Its not just the subsidies, they where just the last straw. Its everything, the truckers need to pay more Maut now as well, and that further increases the prices for groceries, many people have problem with getting food on the table since covid and the prices keep increasing.
The article viewed here has about as much to do with reality as dictator states have to do with democracy. The farmers' protests have nothing to do with a right-wing sentiment, but are based on the fact that the government is depriving the farmers of their livelihoods by imposing significant additional costs on the farmers. The agricultural industry in Germany can no longer be competitive in the international market, which will lead to the loss of a large number of agricultural businesses. It's not just farmers who are affected, people in Germany are doing very badly, costs are rising significantly in every area and despite a record level of tax revenue, the government has a budget hole. People are seeing the massive immigration of people into the welfare system, which is causing costs to skyrocket. Many can no longer finance their lives, bankruptcies are rising rapidly, as are rents, due to the significantly increased demand from additional immigrants. There is a shortage of over 900,000 affordable social housing units and the housing that the government promised has not even begun to be built. The strict refusal to limit immigration is pushing people away from the democratic parties and directly into the arms of the AfD. Most of these people are by no means right-wing, but desperation is leading to a massive migration of voters from the established parties to the AfD. 3 of the 4 largest parties are currently part of the government and the fourth party also did not show any great performance in the previous term, leaving people in a political no man's land. Germany is no more right-wing than any other country, it is pure desperation that brings people to this kind of protest vote. Like every other party, the AfD is trying to take advantage of the situation, but the protest is not right-wing motivated. I am by no means right-wing and I do not support the AfD in any way, but I think there needs to be a regulation that handles for example immigration better than is the case now. Unfortunately, the government shows more arrogance and ignorance than taking the suffering and concerns of its citizens seriously.
Whenever people change from opposition to ruling party they will be confronted with reality and REALPOLITIK and realize It's not all puppies and unicorns. So they will have to decide stuff that might be against their idiology. Welcome to democracy 😂😂
In case you didnt know why this coalition is called "Ampel": Its a coalition of the centre left leaning SPD, whos color is red, the liberal party FDP (yellow) and the "Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen" aka the greens, whos programm is mostly basted on enviroment and sustainability. So we have a coalition of the red party, the yellow party and the green party, hence traffic lights coalition. In case you are wondering, yes there is a connection between the soviet union and the SPD. Both have their origin in the workers movements of the late 19th century. The SPD is germany oldest still existing political party, going as far back as 1869 as the SDAP ("Sozialdeomikratische Arbeiterpartei" or the Sociral Democratic Workers Party of Germany) which was based on the ideas of marxism. The ideas of marxism were later used to develope communism in the soviet union. I admit, im not sure why the color of marxism and communism is red, but its probably something about blood sweat and tears of the working class or something. Also, keep in mind that "left" and "right" are in the german sense. compared to US politics, they are basicly all left, apart from the far right parties, which would probrably seen as normal right in america. the spectrum in its entirety is more left compared to the US version.
Well Ryan, now you know more about German politics than the average American knows about US politics.
He even knows more than many Germans know about german politics.
That is sadly true😂
Now he knows what european politics are like. That what it takes to makes one voice be heard in a modern society. And he also see the less pretty part of that action like some oportunistic political parties that tries to be the face of the protests.
Know he knows how the left prpaganda works in Germany. In the meantime it has been proved, that there has never been a "masterplan" from the "far right". "Wird der Bürger unbequem, punziert man ihn gleich rechtsextrem." - "If the citizen becomes uncomfortable, he is branded as a right-wing extremist."
yea he's already been fed as much anti AfD propaganda as all Germans have
The specific context for these recent austerity cuts:
the government (the "Ampel" coalition of the liberal FDP [yellow], the Greens, and the center-left Social Democrats [red]) attempted to use leftover pandemic funds (strictly speaking a very low interest loan IIRC) for climate-related policies. The center-right CDU/CSU then sued the government about misappropriation of funds, won this lawsuit, and then the government had to find ways to still fund those policies. The CDU is also positioning itself as one of the parties following the interests of the farmers, even though 1) they indirectly led to these subsidy cuts and 2) a lot of the issues plaguing German farmers that are now compounded by this reduction of subsidies stems from CDU policies because they were in power from 2005 to 2021.
In general EU agricultural policies favor larger and larger farms, as well as an export-heavy business model. Most vegetables and fruit grown here are sold within the EU single market, and instead we import stuff from the Netherlands and Spain (mostly). So even signs like at 6:56 are inaccurate, because already a lot of food is getting imported already because of decades-long policies.
PS: I of course used the term subsidy here even though this is mostly about tax breaks, but still.
I also wanna reiterate some stuff that you mentioned in the beginning regarding the memes you've seen about the AfD:
1) yes, the AfD is indeed anti-subsidy, so them defending farmers here goes against their party program (s. 10.7 & 13.6 of their 2016 "Programm für Deutschland" and #13 of their current Grundsatzprogramm, "Landwirtschaft: Mehr Wettbewerb, weniger Subventionen" = "Agriculture: More competition, fewer subsidies"
2) three out of the sixteen state branches of the AfD have been labeled as "gesichtert rechtsextrem" (assuredly right-wing extremist). The same applies to its youth wing Junge Alternative, and the party at large is classified as a suspected case of right-wing extremism. This should help to explain why the spokesman in that video pivoted to immigration, which is the topic the AfD is most comfortable talking about.
and 80% of all citiziens dont want the AMPEL phahahah CDU=Right? in which world are u living? CDU/CSU was Right yep but Today they are not Right they get Left with Angela Merkel.
But it's said that more than 80% of our food is still non-imported. (source: Vermietertagebuch Alexander Raue)
for the moment yep ^^ for now because it needs time to lose all :) nothing happening from today to the next day ^^ und den schau ich auch ^^ aber bin gespaltener meinung von ihm. Er sagt zwar vieles was stimmt aber so richtig eier hat er nicht in der hose ^^ :D mit normalen protesten wird man diese bewegung nicht zum abtreten bekommen ^^ das bedeutet dann wohl abwarten und tee trinken ^^ Ich weiß wie ich mich schütze und ich bin ein Mann also bin ich unwarscheinlicher ein Opfer von so bestimmten cliente ^^ auch wenn ich in einer heißen zone wohne ^^ dir noch einen Schönen Tag ^^@@SELBLINK_in_your_area
Well in the EU diffrent Countries specialized in diffrent Agricultural Products for Example Germany has a Huge Meat and Diary Industry and imports Vegetables From Spain and the Netherlands and others they buy our Meat. This was Necesary across the Whole of Western Europe because The Eastern States like Poland and Hungary Export Huge Amounnt of Cheap Grain. But Theoratically Germany Can Still feed its People alone if we ate a shitton of Meat and Diary Products (with Potatoes and Beer of Course ^^)
Ryan tips a toe into German politics, what a brave man!
7:35 The trees might look weird because they are cut regulary. Those small branches sticking in the air will be cut down until only the thick ones remain. I believe they are cut once per year but you are only allowed to do it in a certain timeframe because of animal nesting times and other factors. They will probably trimmed down in the coming months.
That's right.
Here in Heidelberg, we have a lot of Platanen (Platanus acerifolia) and some of those we cut once a year, around January/February.
They are taken back to the thick Branches to form "Heads" (the thick part mostly at the end).
Whole Reason is to produce "Schirmplatane" (something like an Umbrellatree) so that the Branches only go to the sides and give Shadow underneath.
@@Vizewelle It's interesting that Palatanen are named after maples (genus Acer), but the most common native maples in Germany are named after (the non-native) Platanen, e.g. _Acer_ pseudoplatanus_ .
Example from last year: farmers left their strawberries to rot ordug them over. No harvest, because they couldn't earn money with them.
This keeps happening with more crops.
Meanwhile we import berries from Peru, apples from New Zealand and pears from Chile... Something is very broken.
yes, instead of throwing these strawberries away or letting them rot they could have sold them at a cheaper price or given to the homeless shelter. The system is indeed broken
@@SuperHawk0413 Erntehelfer kosten auch Geld , wer bezahlt die , wenn kein Gewinn erzielt wird ?
Melde dich doch im nächsten Sommer freiwillig für umsonst zu arbeiten , dann kannst du die Beeren verschenken an Obdachlose....
Junge, Junge , was fürn Traumtänzer....
@@SuperHawk0413harvesting costs money. (Manhour, material, fuel)
Who s gonna pay for the harvesting, even if you want to donate produces?
That s why it s cheaper to let it rot.
Main issue is free trade and lack of customs.
You can t compete with countries with no social or environnemental protections, nor with cheap/detaxed fuel for ships and planes.
The only winners are the few big traders, the losers are farmers, citizens and environnement.
Yes those berries will magically walk to their designated baskets. You have never worked a day in your life in any agriculture thats for sure... Homeless shelter lmao.@@SuperHawk0413
Thats also a consequence of overproduction and people buying more local and seasonal produce would solve a lot of issues,
This isn't even about the subsidies. It's about at least 16 jears of agrarpolitical mismanagement. The cut in subsidies was what made the situation boil over.
These protests aren't new, we already had them in 2019 and there probably have been some even sooner (Key word: Milchproteste, Milk protests), so they're not the current governments fault, as some people like to claim.
The problem is that farmers barely earn money for their work as big food companies force the farmers to sell their products to them at low costs.
This is why the farmers in the Milk-Protests rather spilled all their milk on the ground than to sell it, as they wouldn't have made money from it anyways.
Smaller farms economically dying has been a problem for a long time, and it's unlikely to get better any time soon.
The farmers would much rather not be dependant on subsidies.
Sorry, I know this is clumsily written and I'm not great at explaining things either, but blaming everything on the current government, as many media likes to do, is way too shortsighted and dishonest.
yep, thats correct. The farmers dont want subsidies, they want to be able to make a living from their work. there is a farmers lobby, but the small farmers have not time descussing politics if they have to break their backs to make some money. so most farmers active in the farmers lobby are representing big farms. a lot of the current "subsidies" are favoring lagre farms (better subscribed as "food coorporations"). we had nearly 2 million farms in germany about 20-30 years ago - mostly family run since generations. now we are at about 700.000. and its projected it will be 250.000 soon. not small local farms that genarate local fresh clean foods, but rather big farms, highly industrialized with a lot of chemicals and so on. the big farms are doing fine its the small family farms that are suffering. the policies that lead to all this problems are nearly 20 years old and were mostly implemented during CDU + coalition partners they had at the times. now the cdu is not in the goverment the fist time since 2005 and now they are condemming the very policies that they made themself. dont get me wrong, i think the tax cuts are stupid, but how you said, its not the main problem. i think we need financial incentives for clean fresh local food from small farms that generate jobs and supply the local markets.
If I remember correctly there were similar problems in the US where large food coorporations were suing small farmers over GMO crops till the small farmers gone broke and had to sell thair family farms to the coorporatoins. a lot of family farms that were owned by the family for generations got destroyed that way. In the US the food coorporations used GMO crops and the leagal systems, here the big ones use lobby work to favor them so they can take over small farms. same problem - other tactics - big coorporations try to break small farms so they can buy their land and market share for cheap to further scale their bussiness in industrialized food production.
"so they're not the current governments fault, as some people like to claim." True. But it's not like they made anything better either.
I think you've described it mostly accurately, however, I would add that the government is strangulating the farmers with more and more regulations, many of which are not applied based on current or local measurements but apparently based on guestimations.
I think it needs to be looked into, local food production is important.
if it is about the last 16 years, why do they complain about the "Ampel" ?
@@MusikCassette because it was the Ampel that put the last drop of water in an overflowing bucket with the "no more tax breaks for Diesel" bullshit and it doesnt matter who made the bad policies its always the current goverment that get blamed.
Let me give you 2 examples:
1. there was a coal energy plant planned and approved by an SPD-Green coalition in NRW (one german state). At the time the greens were the ones that had the office (ministerium) to approve it. a couple years later there is a CDU-FDP coalition in NRW at the time the plant is ready to start and is opened. the greens go absolutly crazy how its possible that new coal plants are build by the evil CDU-FDP. the start and attands protests and so on and condem the coal plant.
2. that one is from the US. When the first COVID vaccines hit the market Trump was president. All the Trump fans were like "oh its the Trump vaccine; he will stop covid; first 100 mio doses go on trump; best vaccine ever; etc). The leftists were all "its not tested; just were masks; dont take the trump vaccine; he is pushing it to use it in the next election, etc". than biden got president and all the sides completly changed. I mean there were multiple vaccines from different countrys and companys. no us president had anything to do with the vaccines but the mindeset of the pupulaten did a 180° turn.
The EU is probably the biggest problem for the farmers.
The Sun = Murdoch press, the advocate of Brexit.
DW = foreign broadcaster of the Federal Republic of Germany, Propaganda press.
Yes BREXIT, the best thing we Brits did in a long time!
Please call it by its real name: The Scum.
@@anglosaxon5874 You must think that putting sanctions on yourself is a good thing. 🤡
In Romania and Serbia there are also farmers protests for a week now and starting next week, the Italian farmers will start their protests as well
The AfD is not in charge of the government. I don't understand why people only talk about the AfD and not about the people who are responsible for this chaos.
it's quite simple they need a scapegoat to stay in power and don't want to share tax money with other parties.
Because the many nazis make it a thing. Why are refugees at fault when the agriculture is managed like shit?
The answer is in your question. Not talking about the actual issues is the goal, not the side effect.
Why are the farmers actually demonstrating against the current government and not against the food companies or the CDU/CSU, which has almost always held the Ministry of Agriculture in recent decades and has supported the large food companies instead of small farmers?
because the current gov wants even more from them and they had enough after all this milking for years. The gov now wants to take the money from farmers and apperently even fishers bcs they themself CANT HANDLE MONEY AT ALL. Freaking gov is the biggest failure of modern germany by a landslide.
they are demonstrating against them too.
the focus on the current gouverment is because its proposals are by far the biggest hit to farmers, and by all means people of the nation, yet:
cutting tax relieves on transport, agrarian fuel, etc. would result in an inflation of all goods, with food inflating the most.
thats beyond local vs. monopoly, thats basic necessity endangering.
furthermore our current gouverment is censorious and inept in all regards: education, security, migration, energy, etc...
and people are fed up. that was simply the last drop missing for many.
expect teh proposal was totaly reasinable and now they listen to afd who wanna GET RID OF ALL SUBSTITUTIONS FOR AGRAR ... many farmers are a bit stupid it seems @@semiramisubw4864
@@Chrisspru It's not that big of a hit actually, Farmers still get around 9 bn in subsidies from the german government alone, so the subsidy they are cutting is rather small.
You are right imho but I think it is like that because the people are more concerned with their immediate problem, missing the money because of the cancellation of the subsidies. But actually they should be able to support themselves without these subsidies. That they can't is a cue of the actual underlying problem: the big food companies taking the major share of the money and small farmers forced to sell or grow to fit the ever increasing demands and having no power to control the pricing or even get a fair share.
Oh Ryan is opening a can of Pandoras' Box-worms! Neat, let's watch.
A farmer gets offered 3€ each ton of potatos he has produced. Meanwhile Aldi is selling his potatos for 3€ each kilogram.
So one year of growing potatos will give you roundabout 70k € income. But you still have to pay your workers, machine, taxes and have to buy food yourself. This results in the framer SPENDING money to work 10 hours a day, every day.
It's complete nonsense to continue working as a farmer
Why don't the farmers protest in front of Aldi, REWE etc. but instead paralyze half the country? These conditions did not arise in 2 years but in the 60 years before that and have nothing to do with the current government.
The dutch policeman actually fired his gun, aiming at the driver of the tractor. He missed the 16 year old kid by just a few inch. The bullet pierced the metal frame of the cabin. It happened when protesting farmers were obeying the police by leaving the blocked road. It was then at the roundabout the policeman opened fire at the tractor, later claiming he felt threatened by it. The whole incident was filmed and the video told a very different story. The Dutch were outraged as it showed how far things can get out of hand when peacefully protesting against goverment plans.
Farmers protest had the sympathy of many in the Netherlands. Now its our neighbours turn. Take care!
The 'police' aren't police anymore but paid for goons of wef and the evil left!
The management of protesters inthe netherland has been a catastrophe (at least for democracy) in recent years. Nothing new.
Sadly, it is the same in many countries (France, italy)... Failing democracies is the issue.
what the hell
The boy was ordered to stop and didn't. The police response was out of order but the boy didnt follow orders, thats a fact.
A police man is not necessarily protecting government plans at gun point, to assume such things not just a little bit far fetched. A situation like this is more complex than a video can show. Or does the video show magically what the shooting policeman was thinking in the moment he pulled the trigger?
If I have learned one thing over the last 20 years about populism and propaganda, every time you think you understand a situation by watching a video, you most probably don't.
Love how that one line on wiki actually explained the reason better than that whole video. Also it's great to see that someone actually tries to look at both side's version with the fake news too.
Actually ALL ministers had to save money. That means there were many other cuts as well, not only on the farmers. Also on things like subsidies for electric vehicles and buildings and everything else ...
Yo, the cuts in Familien/Bürgergeld and for children's funds are forgotten, it's assumed only those "illegal stinky lazy immigrants" get that, all the while single parents, people unable to work due to disabilities or chronic/letal sicknesses are the most common. But whatever. I'm done discussing with people that doesn't even know about people without big machines.
While taxincomen is riseing from year to year the gouvernment need more and more money for less service but more coruption... HELLOOO!?! Every year MORE taxincomen but less service?!?! MERKT IHR NOCH WAS?!
Yeah there are a lot of people that are angry about the government, but it is actually a problem made by the last governments that were run by the CDU. There is also the problem, that the subsidies are for farming companies, not for small farmers. So it is not only the stop of these subsidies, but the system of the subsidies. Thats why I support the normal farmers, but I dont like the head of the "Deutscher Bauernverband", because he is on the side of the big farming companies and now he says that he would support the small farmers even though he made them suffer for a long time. And it is because the government cant make debts, so they have to save money, but this is also a mistake by the CDU, because they made the law that restricts the government from making debts. The CDU is in my opinion a shitty party that is like a person that damages a house, and when it breaks down they accuse the homeowner for breaking it down, even though they are the reason.
Most problems of a government are only really seen about 10 years after it, the Ampel just had a shitty time to get into power. End of Corona, Ukraine war and everything still being under paid by the CDU
Like the AFD
I certainly support the statement that the CDU is shit, however I think the debt break is one of the few good things they did. Germany basically is more than rich enough to not need to always make more debt, we just have to stop throwing all this money out of the window. Instead of cutting farming subsidies we could save more than enough by stopping to pay millions of euros in development aid for china and India or the billions of military aid for Ukraine.
@@robind.8695 I don't really like the Ampel but at least they get shit done.
@@robind.8695 You have to make debts in a recession. They are used to build the path on which the economy in the upswing goes. Debts are nothing bad, as long as you are making debts in your own currency. You could make as much debts as you are able to use, just like Japan is doing. You wont end in an inflation.
Regarding 'Spending more money than they have' - actually Germany has a constitutional law that limits strictly how much debt it's allowed to take. There are ways around in crisis situations as the pandemic was, but in general, it's not easy to take up debts anymore. This now leads to the paradox situation in which most experts strongly advise to take up debts to invest in structural improvements, but the government is not allowed to. And the biggest oppsing party, which did exactly teh same thing they sued the government for on state level now prefers using the chance to give the ruling parties a blow instead of working together to overcome the crisis, while the coalition is killing itself in endless arguments about how to solve this, not having a plan b for a situation that was foreseeable since at least a year...
Its not the government as a whole but the deficit hawks But thats also typical for germans. The don't want more debt, they don't want to pay more taxes, but they also don't want austerity. They want to keep the cake and eat it, too. To üut it imn in US terms, they want to tax like republicans and spend like democrats.
The best protest sign I saw was: without us you would be hungry, naked and sober 😂
We have a lot of very small farms in the south and he west ; mostly in the mountains; that are smaller than the 61 hectar average. Then there are a few hugh farms that use around 53% of the agricultur space in germany with hundreds of hectars. These are mainly in the east but to some extent there are also found anywhere in germany.
The Bauernverband (farmers association ) is ; in theory; a lobby for all farmers but in reality they work for the big farms.
Ruckwied is a crook, his policies are at least partly responsible for this situation.
The real problem are not the subsidies, it comes out to 25 Euro per hectar less per YEAR... so not a big deal, the problem are Aldi, REWE, Lidel and Edeka, they dictate prices that are shit to keep record profits.These guys are the only game in town if you want to sell industrie level. Some smart , small farmers sell directly to the endconsumer and earn pretty decent but that is not posible for a lot of farms. If the supermarkets would pay decent sums our farmers wouldn´t need that pity money from the gov but nobody wants to touch corporations at the moment because of our "economic crisis"...🤬
The size of German farms has to be seen in a historical context:
- Erbrecht / inheritance = oldest son/child gets it all or farmland is split between the siblings
- LPGs in Eastern Germany bought up after the fall of the Wall
And I agree re power of corporations aka the dark side of our Marktwirtschaft.....
@@irminschembri8263 The milkprice is at the moment at 44 cents per liter.
I pay around 1,50 to 2,50 Euro for a liter in a supermarket...
Sure the corps pasturize, deliver, store , advertise, etc.. they add value.
But is all that more worth than the actual product?
@@jancleve9635 No, you're right. But everything in the agricultural sector is earned by traders, not by the farmers. Just like an oil rig doesn't earn much money for the oil, but the guys trading that oil will make the profit. And like everywhere else in our economy.
But farmers got the big problem, that they can't rise the prices for their products. They can't even react to inflation. Most prices for agricultural goods for farmers is the same for the last 5 years. This can't be right.
@@dnocturn84 Farmers should do whatever necessary to be able to control their prices. In this case, collective bargaining though farmers associations could work.
@@szaszm_ Yes, sure, but this problem is far more complicated than this. First and most importantly: they produce too much. Sounds like a solvable problem, right? But next problem is, that their production isn't stable and depends on many uncontrollable factors, such as weather, location, insect damage, illnesses of plants and lifestock. If you scale back, next year they might produce too little and still sell your goods for the rediculous little price.
And farmers aren't really a united group. Too much diversity, size, disagreement.
A decade ago farmers protested against way to small milk prices. They threatened to rather destroy their milk production, than to gift it away to traders. So a bunch of them destroyed their monthly milk production. But with little effect, because other farmers, who were desperate for income, sold theirs and the public destruction had absolutely no effect.
I would like to explain to you how vehicle tax in Germany works for farmers. Generally, farmers have green license plates, and these vehicles are either tax-exempt or subject to lower taxes, depending on their use.
In the legal text, it is described as follows:
"These are plates with green lettering on a white background and are otherwise identical to regular vehicle license plates. They are issued for tax-exempt vehicles such as agricultural vehicles, work machines, and vehicles of aid organizations. Prior approval for tax exemption must be obtained from the tax office for this purpose."
In my opinion a chart that shows *inflation* always needs to be next to a chart showing *revenue and profits* of the price-setters in those industries!
You crazy? People might start to understand what s going on.
There is a reason why most medias are owned by billionaires. Control what people get to know and through which lense.
Ampel representing the colors of "ruling" parties the red (SPD), the yellow (FDP) , the green,
Let me clarify two things here:
1) It was not the government that decided to cut agricultural subsidies, but the Audit Committee (Rechnungsprüfungssauschuss) of the Bundestag, and the government is only implementing this decision as the executive branch. All parties are represented in the Audit Committee and it has clearly spoken out in favor of the abolition, i.e. all CDU/CSU and AfD members of this committee also voted unanimously in favor! So the CDU/CSU and AfD don't back the farmers; if that had been the case, they would have had to vote against it and could even have blocked the whole thing. In fact, however, with their decision they have called on the Federal Ministry of Finance to implement these measures and now both are ducking away and want to blame the government for this.
2) And the AfD even states in its party manifesto that it wants to completely abolish all agricultural subsidies, supposedly to strengthen competition between farmers. This shows once again how little the AfD understands about what is actually going on in Germany. There is no competition between farmers because they cannot set their own prices at all, that is done by the wholesalers who dictate the prices to them (you sell for the price they offer you or you don't sell at all) and they in turn are bound by the prices they have negotiated with supermarket chains and therefore cannot pay more because otherwise they would make a loss and would have to import the goods.
Your 2nd point 2) is out of context. The AfD wants to abolish all agricultural subsidies, but only as a second step after cutting a lot of taxes they have to pay first.
bullshit the decisions from the goverment from germany have the choice how they use the money and not any committee. The Committee said this because of they must hold on a rule that they not give more money out then they have. They use the Money for other countrys and not for the own citizens and that is what happening here. stop ur bullshit with extra fake informations only because u like far left goverments.
@@weltraumvogel2 But taxes have never been the problem. Farmers are not dependent on subsidies because of high taxes, they are dependent on subsidies because food prices are too low and that has nothing at all to do with taxes and any tax cuts will not solve or even improve this problem. To solve this problem, you have to make sure that farmers can finally decide on the prices of their products themselves, just like any other producer of products can. And I have already explained in detail why they are currently unable to do this. I live in the countryside, all my neighbors are farmers, so I know how it works: The wholesaler says "We offer you ... per ..." and then it's take it or leave it. You sell at that price, or you don't sell at all, because no wholesaler will offer you a different price and if the price is too low, then you're stuck with the goods and have a 100% loss. But even if you sell at this price, you still make a loss because this price doesn't even cover your expenses and you can already deduct these expenses from your taxes today, i.e. lowering the tax doesn't help at all! Only with subsidies can farmers sell at this price and make a small profit and that is the flaw in the system and everything the AfD proposes doesn't help at all or would make it even worse for farmers.
You’re right
@@xcoder1122 Taxes and useless regulations have become a problem in recent years.
The cuting on the "subsedarys" for the farmers was just the straw that broke the camels back.
German gouvernment was ruled in by the supreme court of germany that their fiscal plan was unconstitutional.
Now they where ordered to cut down a huge sum. Instead of cutting down on spending they decided to increase the inflow.
That turned a lot of people against them.
Yes the AfD had a topic of cutting down subsedys as well on the european level and give that autonomy back to the states.
Thereby less german money would flow into other states and stay in germany for their farmers.
The AfD that claims here, that they don't support that change, also wrote in their program, that they will remove all subsidies. They said there, that they want no subsidies at all. So they would do even worse things to the farmers. But they don't say it publicly to get the farmers on their side.
You forgot to mention that they will delete the diesel taxes which the farmers currently get a tax break for.
No taxes=no subsidiaries needed.
They could have cut the over 200000000€ we send each year to peru, which is meant to be used to build bycicle lanes and ways there (dunno how the peru government actually spends that money) but they for whatever reason went for our farmers subsidies.... Dont ask me why ..
"Economy in freefall" is indeed a big exaggeration. But then again, that video is from one of Britains most biased conservative tabloids. What to expect?
Its like the "Bild". Same way of communication.
We are literally the only country in a recession out of all the G20 states. Prices are sky high, inflation is sky high, half of germans are earning under 2500 Euro pre-tax a month.
Are you denying we are in a economic free fall? The worst thing is, this is just the start.
You calling that one media outlet "biased conservative" is a joke. I assume you are calling the other 90% of media outlets biased left then, who are denying we are in an economic free fall? Sounds like you have never worked a day in your life.
"Stoppt die Ampel!" (lit. "(Y'all) stop the traffic light") referes to the "Ampel-Koalition" ("traffic light coalition") which is the current governing coalition in our parliament. In Germany parties are given colors and this coalition consists of SPD (social democrats, red), FDP (liberals, yellow) and Die Grünen (the greens, green).
They argue about whether we pay the bill to the state or at the supermarket checkout.
That's an awfully short summary, but not wrong.
Because they are to stupid to make better deals with the sellers. Also the "Deutscher Bauernverband" causes the problems by producing cheap mass products and now plays the hero who wants to save the small farmers. Thats so hillarious.
Having German farmers as friends, they have been complaining for decades that the gov't has been trying to force the small farms off the land to make way for larger, more automated farms or to leave the land fallow and import food from afar where middlemen can earn more money.
Also, farmers are the keepers of German tradition, things like Tracht and certain celebrations, like Leonhardifahrt. Eliminating them pushes Germany further into the international mono-culture.
Hi Ryan, thank you very much for not hating on the Farmers. I'm from Germany and I deal a lot with our local farmers
Knowing where your goods in the supermarket come from: how could you hate farmers? Or truck drivers.
Immer kräftig Halbwahrheiten inhalieren und schrägen Ideologien nachhängen und sich von ARD, ZDF, SZ, FAZ und dem Spiegel verdummen lassen. Dann klappt's auch mit der kompletten Zerstörung des Wohlstands.
Just to make it a bit more clear: OUR ECONOMY IS IN A FREE FALL. BIG TIME. People (qualified workers) are leaving the countrry on record numbers.
The Secret Conference der AFD 😂, that wasn't one. They discussed what is publicly available in their party program. The German media twist everything.
Thats right! German media and the sun , cnn ......they are all send fakenews! Greetings from Germany
Actually, the reason for the protests ist not the cutting of the current tax discounts. This is merely the final nail in the coffin. The reason for the protests is the decade long misgovernment, and that the "Bauernverband", being a giant lobby-organisation, is mainly supporting the real big players, not the farmers in total. Especially the smaller farms are having a rough time for decades since they have no representation.
11:09 - For context:
A few years a go, the then conservative gouvernment implemented a law, that makes it illegal for gouvernments to come to make new debt, the "Schuldenbremse" or "debt brake" with exceptions for crisis situations. So when the pandemic hit the planet, that was lawfully declared as such a criss situation and the gouvernment financed a lot of things with new debt, but after some time some of the debt already approved by parliament wasn't needed anymore for the dedicated purpose so the new "traffic light"-coalition (social democrats - red, free democrats (radical free market ultras) - yellow, and the green party - pink😜) decided to use it for other purposes, so the consercative party, being the worst loser possible sued a constitutional complaint at the german supreme court claiming that this dept was only approved by former parliament for the dedicated purpose and it would be unconstitutional to use it for anything else and at the end of last year they won, so current gouvernment suddenly had a budget deficit of an estimated 60 billion €, so they had so save a lot of money very fast and a few weeks later it feels like we're on the edge of starting another world war, because all these Hitler 2.0s and their so called alternative for Germany think three time's a charm...
Followed your content a while ago. Keep going 😊
What I would be interested in: Is there a free fact check service in the USA like the one offered by Deutsche Welle (DW)?
Yes , there is a free fact check service in the US. It's namend Donald Trump (DT). I'm just not sure if it's a good one.
Yeah, which will be indirectly funded by the government and only ever seek to discredit criticism of the government.
Kostenlos!?😂 GEZ?
Fakten Check???Du meinst wohl eher Propaganda.😉
@@deutschermark3974 Go home russian troll
@@deutschermark3974 Wer spricht von GEZ? Lesen und verstehen!
Für Propaganda empfehle ich ansonsten Wikipedia, da scheint es auch mit dem Verständnis nicht weit her zu sein!
You seemed way more attentive and interested than in several other videos and I really liked that 😊 just my impression ofc
Red diesel (agricultural and off road use) is common across the world. It can be half or less of the cost of white diesel. If you add a euro to every litre of diesel that a tractor, sprayer combine harvester or other piece of equipment uses, then you will double the cost of production. Europeans are addicted to cheap food. If food costs more, people will source it from the global market, increasing costs and driving global inflation. Domestic agriculture will disappear, thanks to the free market, then when world events disrupt global trade and supply dries up, or becomes exorbitantly expensive and there is no domestic alternative to turn to, Europe starves.
if you double the cost of fuel, you double the cost of fuel, not the total cost of production. Items like labor, seed, fertilizers, maintenance of the equipment, as well as salaries are not also suddenly doubled. I am sure there would be an impact. Someone stated a billion euro as the value of the fuel surcharge. the total revenue from food production is near 200 billion. i am not saying it is not important, but .5 percent of the revenue is not the same as doubling the cost of production. Obviously farmers are at the bottom end of the revenue here, just checking your math or maths if your are british.
@RyanWass: I think it's "subsidies", not "substidies". 😅 Greetings from Berlin.
Did I just understand that correctly? Migration? So the migrants have nothing to do with the farmers' protest.
So then this post is apparently just clickbait. Generally speaking, farmers in Germany are only interested in getting their producer prices. The fact that the government now has a budget deficit due to mistakes and wanted to cut agricultural subsidies as a result is why the farmers took to the streets.
However, the farmers' association and the large supermarket and discounter chains: Aldi, Netto, Lidl, Rewe, Edeka and Co, are keen to push prices down further.
The problem was that organized right-wing protesters took over the farmers' protests to draw the attention away from the concerns of the farmers to the concerns of the right-wing protesters - namely migration, as usual...
Fortunaltely, the farmers start to realize that they have been exploited by the right-wing protester.
Our farmers suffer from many actually growing burdons: the announced agricultural diesel tax rise - which has been announced suddenly without warning, new stricter regulations about better animal treatment (which is a good thing but means expensive upgrades of the farmer`s facilities - and guess who has to pay for that), additionally the regulations for the use of pesticides and chemicals are more and more complicated and restricting (good for the environment but also affects the farmer“s profit and the amount of bureaucracy). Additionally small farmers (which e.g. make the majority of farmers here in Bavaria) are only under-proportionally supported by subsidies which forces a lot of small farmers to give up their farms.
I myself am ambivalent about the farmers' protests. I grew up in a rural area myself and think that small farmers really are in a miserable financial situation and need more support, but on the other hand I find the protest itself very controversial when an anti-constitutional, right-wing party is involved and unfortunately very fnot many people are concious about that.
Due to the secret conference, uncomfortable fellow (German!) citizens who do not conform to the AfD's ideal are also to be deported and/or harassed, which is why there are currently so many demonstrations against right-wing extremism. There will also be one in my nearest town on Saturday and I will be marching with them. We all know from our history lessons what happened almost 100 years ago and how it developed; it simply must not happen again in our actually very beautiful country.
Moin, Moin.....nice to see a fellow countryman with common sense, which is a rare "breed" these days, as you can see in many comment sections.
Thanks! Greetings from Frankfurt.
There´s a anti-constitutional left-wing party in the government and nobody knows exactly, what was discussed at "the secret conference", the deportation-theme is only a baseless accusation. It´s the Antifa and government-financed NGOs protesting against so called right wingers, the normal people demonstrate with the farmers.
For more background:
1. The government had to save money, so they looked around, were to save.
2. The farmers get about half of their money they make through subsidies (by the EU of the government).
The average farmer has about 83.000€ at the end of the year and around the half are subsidies and the tax on Diesel
fuel is on average 1.800,-€ a year.
3. The law he mentioned, 70 years ago, was designed to motivate the farmer to use more tractors and engines, instead
of horse coaches. Therefore the farmes had not to pay the tax on fuel.
4. Under the government of Angela Merkel politicians of the CSU (Bavarian kind of CDU / conservatives) lead the
ministry for agriculture, but did this very conservative and didn't prepared it for the future.
5. The ministry is now lead by a politician of the Greens (pro environment) and wants to prepare them for the future,
but at the same time, today there are a lot of problems.
- war in Ukraine
- not prospering / declining economy
- old infrastructure to be renewed
- shortage of housing in big cities
- lots of migrants / refugees of war
and therefore much to spend, but few money available.
6. In a commitee on this topic in December, all politicians, from all parties including CDU / CSU and AfD voted for the
cut in subsidies.
7. The first Idea, was to cut the tax-free Diesel and also to to take taxes for the vehicles.
After start of the protests the governnment, took back the taxes on the vehicles, and plans to make that step by step
in the next years.
So, if you are not really a farmer, you cannot say, how much impact that would be.
At the same time, many right wing groups, wanted to step in that protests, as they always want to protest against the government, but the farmer made clear, it is just against these cuts and a general farming policies, not against the government in general.
And the conservatives like to talk about migration a lot, to take that topic from the far right wing, like the AfD, in hope, they get back voters from that side.
The actual government is a coalition of SPD (social-democrats), Greens and FDP (liberals), what makes it difficult, as SPD and Greens like to protect people and environment, with regulations to emphazise people to do the right things, while FDP like to lower regulations to give people and the economy more freedom.
FDP like to lower taxes and let the companies do more things, while SPD and Green prefer to led the state do the important things.
In the past the government was often led by coalitions of CDU/CSU and FDP or SPD and Greens, but after the first years of Angela Merkel that switched, as fewer people voted for the FDP, more for the Greens and the newly created AfD. So CDU/CSU and SPD as the former biggest parties, had not enough voters to make a government with one of the two smaller parties. Especially the CDU/CSU and Greens are not the best buddies.
We had several years under Merkel with a big coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD and now the "Ampel" (literally traffic light for the colours red, yellow and green, for the three parties.)
The other both parties in the Bundestag are the Linke (Left) and the AfD (on the far right), and no one wants to deal with them, as both stand, at least a part outside the Basic Law or have sometimes very good connections to Russia.
And, Ryan ...Do you see any Lederhosen?...😅😅😅😅😅;)
13:15 i don't think thats not how money works. New Money is given out by the Central Bank (FED in the US, ECB in Europe) as Loans to other Banks and usually not the Goverment itself (in the Eurozone that actually is forbidden by law). Correct me, if i am wrong.
It's not subsidies but tax cuts
Of course it's going downhill! Our taxes end up all over the world! Our government is borrowing more and more! Why? They want to supply Ukraine with weapons and money at any price! And we also pay billions in development aid to China and India! Why? I do not know! All I know is that our schools are in need of renovation and more and more people are becoming poor
The 'Sun'? Really? Didn't you find a serious source?
That energy prices are falling...not true! They climb!
I am a homeowner in Germany and with the new laws I may be forced to sell my house. We have to renovate the house to make it more energy-efficient, but these are enormous costs that we will have to pay 200.000€ - 500.000€. Underfloor heating, heat pump, insulation, ventilation system. My house is over 100 years old, I don't even have a proper floor in it. I have to get an energy consultant and because the walls are sloping also a structural engineer, I/we in the countryside don't know how to pay for it, and the food prices will rise again this year.😢
Thats just wrong. please inform yourself ...
5:48 😂😂😂 yes, that was exactly the way we looked at these news, too. What the…?
Hi Ryan, I as a german think that they should prioritize to cut subsidies that only profit the richer people that can afford it. For example we have deductables for companys that give their employees cars for private and buisness usage. These usualy are given to employees with the higher paychecks. Sadly this won't happen because the goverment is also including the liberal pro company FDP party (the yellow part of the ampel goverment) that blocks all efforts to take money from the richer people and (big) companys.
And again....wrong, wrong, are NOT subsidised by the cars are for business use OR part of the salary (specially for higher managers) and in case of private use the employee had to pay tax for it........
The principle, that rich people (what is rich?) has to pay more (meaning in percentage more) is a socialist principle which will never work on the long run.
The riches 10% in germany pay >50% of income-tax......the riches 10% pays ca. 32% of all taxes in germany......I agree in the point, that there should be a point where rich people or big companies (like Apple for instance) cannot reduce their taxable income to zero.
Please dont forget, that the tax in germany during the Kaiserzeit (1871-1914) had been ca. 12,5%.....lets make an agreement.....everybody in germany pays 12,5% from the rich to the poor....from company or private.....profit-shifts from one country to another country (like apple via license-payment) will not be possible anymore.
Today every german pays between 20-40% income-tax and 19% vat and ca. 15% other tax-shit just like Energy-tax, sparkling-wine-tax, and so on.......
The government is taxing much to much....lets reduce them to 12,5-15% for inner and outer security, for general administration, legal-system.....thats it....and they are limited to these 12,5-15% (exception could be made in case of catastrophy like Ahrtal)
I too am German, living in Switzerland. Switzerland is emigration country number 1 for Germans. In particular well educated germans move to Switzerland also a lot of German doctors live and work here. I have German friends here too. Most came because of higher salary and lower tax, and just in general better infrastructure
@@SuperHawk0413 ....Switzerland should take more people from Syria or Afghanstan...all rocket-scientist, medial doctors or atomic-plant-specialists...LOL
@@keinervondaoben720 Was ist an deinem Kommentar "LOL"? Your comment isn't funny at all. What I am saying is true. And yes there are also people from Turkey and the Middle East here
@@keinervondaoben720 also I said "in particular".... last time we had a German Handwerker in our house, originally from NRW (I'm from BW), he moved here with his family
Economic output in Germany has shrunk slightly, everyone has to tighten their belts and can buy less. If the government now takes away the subsidies from the farmers, then they will be forced to increase prices. This would mean that the population would have to pay more for food.
Alternatively, many farmers give up and the farms die.
- I don't know what this has to do with immigration -
There is growing concern among the population about their own situation and dissatisfaction with the government.
The government promised to socially cushion changes in the law, but instead it will become more expensive for many.
The reasons for this include the fact that cheap natural gas is no longer available and the war in Eastern Europe.
Its ironic to see that a newspaper calling themselves "The Sun" are not the brightest around... what the reporter said was absolute bull crap.
The reason why the issue of migration plays a role in the protests is that it costs us almost 50 billion euros. Each year! Ascending trend. And that taxpayers have to bear more and more costs and receive less and less services from the state. Starting with infrastructure, education and pensions. Is that ok? We are a welfare state, we protect and support each other. This is how our system works. But that only works if enough citizens pay into this system. At the moment, however, there are fewer and fewer depositors versus more and more recipients.
And that is a consequence of migration. Almost 60% of all citizen benefit recipients have a migration background. And the state simply gambled away and we have to pay for it! But that has to end now.
That's why the Germans are finally taking to the streets.
The farmers are just the beginning...
You got it right, afd brings in migration politics as a "solution" even though it doesn't have a causal impact on the agricultural debate. It just happens to cost money to care for refugees and integrate immigrants so they argue that if we're throwing out all people with migration background (28,7% of the German population) we'd save sooo much money. That would mean the farmers get to keep their tax break. But yeah afd conveniently ignores that correlation isn't causation and that immigrants are not the root of all evil.
Big respect, mister Ryan you are so much more informated and into German politics than most of the germans at this moment... I love America... Big ups 😊
13:27 you got it. Ant that's the thing our right parties (CDU and AfD) do. Talk about migrants whatever the actual topic is.
It's strange that a lot of people are realy angry when Last Genereation is blocking roads for everyons benefit.
But when farmers are blocking roads for just their farmer's benefits it's ok for these people.
Far too much party politics that bypasses the original problem. The original problem: the Federal Government had adopted a budget for 2023, of which the Federal Constitutional Court said: it is unconstitutional. The problem is a fund that was originally set up for emergency aid for the Corona pandemic, and from which 60 billion euros were not called up. The Federal Government has "redirected" these 60 billion euros for climate protection measures. And that was unconstitutional. The problem: due to this ruling, the Federal Government is now missing 60 billion euros, which were actually planned. In order to somehow save this money, the federal government has also removed subsidies for farmers. This is about two subsidies: Because the farmers hardly use public roads with their tractors, they only had to pay a small car tax or were even completely exempt from it. In Germany, this tax is calculated according to displacement, and since the tractors all have high-capacity engines, we are not talking about small sums here. The second subsidy that will be cancelled is the tax reduct on diesel. This also hits the farmers hard because their high-capacity machines consume a lot of fuel. One reads that the deletion of these two subsidies will cost an average farm 15,000 to 20,000 euros per year. The problem is that this is only the drop that made the barrel overflow. The program of the Federal Government under Chancellor Scholz is anything but agricultural-friendly. Some unthought-out laws have already been passed in advance, which have harmed agriculture in various ways. Now a point has been reached where the farmers say, up to here and no further, the water is up to our necks. And the majority of Germans are behind them.
The problem in Germany is the Greens, who are driving the other two parties of the federal government. The Greens are ideologues who put their ideology above everything else, also over the well-being of the country and its population. The mindset of the Greens is: "We are right, we know what to do, and that's why we can tell others what they have to say, do and think, regardless of whether we are just a minority."
In Germany, there was recently a representative survey that asked people how satisfied they are with the federal government and whether they believe that you can still freely express your opinion in public. The survey has brought two interesting results: the majority of people are dissatisfied. However, it stands out that a group of people is essentially satisfied and also of the opinion that one can still express one's opinion openly and freely: the voters of the Greens. Everyone else no longer sees it that way. Chancellor Scholz only has an approval value of 19% - the worst value a Federal Chancellor has ever received.
They also forget that "all the regulations!!!!" are stuff already pinned down somewhere in 1995, like, changing agriculture to some more environmentally aware approach. None of this is reality so far, Glyphosat is still used (people try to normalize it again by stating it doesn't harm people, the point is, it still harms insects, by this birds, by this whole ecosystems) and the constant pretending that it's "just now all these regulations!!!" is so exhausting and wrong.
And yeah, "oooh migranzs", when foreign season workers and "immigrants" are basically the existential field workers in agriculture, care and health care and such, is like, dudes...
What ??? ... well, for me the automatic system translates what is said. Maybe wrong, but ... the farmers' protests have nothing at all to do with migration, not even remotely. On the one hand, it's about subsidies, but also about requirements that farmers have had for years. The small farmers (the farms) are dying away from us, they are giving up because they can no longer work economically. Due to cheap competition from abroad, it is now impossible for German farmers to get by without subsidies, which in turn are tied to further requirements. In the last 10 years, we have lost around 50% of our farmers. a farmer calculated the average net wage to be €13, from which they have to pay for the purchase of land, health insurance (compulsory and expensive in Germany) and their retirement provision.
An example of nonsensical requirements. ... our farmers have to collect the harvest on time, while a farmer has to adapt to the weather. Last year, we had a lot of rain, which meant that the farmers were unable to meet this deadline. the consequence of this regulation. ... part of the potato harvest is lying in the fields and rotting.
So it has completely different reasons than migration. ...this translation comes from Google Translate because my English isn't nearly sufficient. I hope it was translated correctly.
4:23 ... The inflation table is nonsense because it includes areas that you only need once or twice in your life. ... our food prices have increased by an average of 65% in the last two years. Sometimes by more than 100%. For some, wages have risen by up to 8% over the same period, and for many by 0%. Our politicians treated themselves to 3 increases in the same period and a special payment of €3,000 on top. They have no idea what our food costs and, when asked, sometimes respond with prices that were current 20 years ago.
6:16 ... “Stopp die Ampel” means “Stop the government” our parties have colors. Red stands for the SPD, yellow for the FDP and green for “the greens”. hence the term...traffic light government.
was ??? ... also, bei mir übersetzt die Automatik das Gesagte. vielleicht ja falsch, dennoch ... mit Migration, haben die Bauernproteste überhaupt nichts zu tun, nicht im entferntesten. es geht zum einen um Subventionen, aber auch um Auflagen, welche die Bauern seit Jahren bekommen. die klein Bauern ( die Höfe ) sterben uns weg, sie geben auf, weil sie nicht mehr wirtschaftlich Arbeiten können. durch die billige Konkurrenz aus dem Ausland, ist es deutschen Bauern mittlerweile unmöglich, ohne Subventionen auszukommen, welche wiederum an weiteren Auflagen gebunden ist. in den letzen 10 Jahren, haben wir rund 50% unserer Bauern verloren. ein Bauer rechnete den durchschnittlichen Nettolohn auf 13€ aus, von dem sie den Kauf von Land, die Krankenversicherung ( in Deutschland Pflicht und teuer ) sowie ihre Altersvorsorge zahlen müssen.
Ein Beispiel für unsinnige Auflagen. ... unsere Bauern müssen die Ernte auf Termin einholen, während sich ein Bauer nach dem Wetter richten muss. im letzten Jahr, hatten wir extrem viel Regen, was dazu führte, das die Bauern diesen Termin nicht einhalten konnten. die Konsequenz dieser Regelung. ... ein Teil der Kartoffelernte liegt auf den Feldern und verfault.
Es hat also völlig andere gründe, als Migration. ... diese Übersetzung stammt vom Google Übersetzer, da mein Englisch nicht ansatzweise ausreicht. ich hoffe es wurde korrekt übersetzt.
4:23 ... Inflationstabelle ist blödsinn, da dort Bereiche mit eingerechnet werden, die man nur ein oder zweimal im Leben braucht. ... unsere Lebensmittelpreise sind in den letzten zwei jahren im Durchschnitt um 65% gestiegen. Teilweise um mehr als 100%. bei manchen sind die löhne im selben Zeitraum um bis zu 8% gestiegen, bei vielen um 0%. unsere Politiker haben sich im selben Zeitraum 3 Erhöhungen gegönnt und eine Sonderzahlung von 3000€ oben drauf. Sie haben keine Ahnung was unsere Lebensmittel kosten und antworten auf Nachfrage zum Teil mit Preisen, die vor 20 Jahren aktuell waren.
6:16 ... " Stopp die Ampel " meint " Stoppt die Regierung" unsere Parteien haben Farben. rot steht für die SPD, gelb für die FDP und grün für " die grünen ". daher der Begriff... Ampelregierung.
The quality of your sources is very different. "The Sun" on one side, and "DW" on the other side. Night and day!
No. Same bad quality.
DW is the foreign broadcaster of the Federal Republic of Germany and receives money from the government. Not independent.
@@suenaable Not financially independent, but redactionally independent. And having excellent content!
TBC, "DW" has no incentive for bad reporting, "The Sun" has!
@@rainerzufall42 "Not financially independent, but redactionally independent" Sure! 🤭
@@suenaable You don't seem to be familiar with the structure of public broadcasting in Germany. Probably not your own fault. While noone is perfect and no system is perfect, the incentives for bad reporting are minimized. It's also not a branch of government directly of indirectly. It is, what's lacking in other countries, especially those, whose news industry is based on commercial news networks, that have primary commercial interests in mind, more so than reporting independently about facts. Let me say it this way: Neither DW nor any reporter there is making a fortune of it. The costs are covered and do not depend on the kind of reporting they do.
Yes printing more money is a fabulous idea✨ I always wanted to try going shopping with a wheelbarrow
farmers are subsidiesed like no other group in germany, otherwise they couldn´t sell their stuff to the big discount chains like LIDL and Aldi. They should protest against the politics protecting these companies.
11:33 You wouldn't be so surprised if you knew that the coalition party that has the finance ministry is the liberal party FDP which is mainly focused on the big players in the financial and industrial sector and not so much on small businesses that really produce something essential or offer vital services. Their mantra is "The market will regulate itself. There's no government regulation needed. Well, maybe a little tax cut here and there but only if it helps our own portfolio or that of our closest friends."
They're late stage capitalists and would love to see everything - including the social system - privatised.
The Farmers in Germany do the right thing it’s their human right in Germany to start a Protest against the crazy Government.
France is a good example.over there the people of france way more enthusiastic and aggressive when it comes to unfair politics.
Yet in the end we still get screwed by the rich... Boomers elect fat right politicians, and if you protest, police is just sent to hurt you. A great number of french lost an eye or hand in recent years during protests. And in the end the "reforms" were pushed anyway...
The trees are called "Platane" in German. Translate says "plane tree" in english. They are very common in German cities and will look a bit different after the spring cut. They will freeze back a bit, but look quite nice in full foilage
Platane? Das Wort habe ich als Deutsche noch nie gehört.
The Government is guilty not the Farmers.If a Government can’t handle Money well,So they’re should be blamed.
Hey Ryan, a question: Didn' t you move to your own room? Your studio? What happened?
simply said germany has been and is in a major state of decay do to political mismanagement in all aspects of life...the problems are effecting every single german citizen and business...there are so many problems i would´nt even know were to start to explain them all without writing a comment as long as a book...anyway people are slowly waking up to this reality in germany and are sick and tired of it all!!!
and despite all our internal problems, german politicians just don´t give a sh*t about solutions and rather invite more problems in with things like the migration crisis, and throw out billions and billions of our taxes with open hands for foriegn agendas for example multi millions for bike and bus ways in peru, just to name one of the hundreds of senseless payments german politicians made to foriegn countries insted of fixing national problems...everybody and everything seems to be more importent then our own people and country...we have become nothing more then the piggybank for our politicians and there international intrests, as we all are going broke and quality of life is going down the drains!!!
germany is a shadow of what it once was and become a real sh*thole...many german people and businesses are concidering leaving this sinking ship before we go down with it...unfortunatly not everybody has that option and has no choice but to take the front row seat and go under with the country!
The euro is printed by the european central bank (EZB) in Frankfurt. If germany needs money it issues bonds. The most bonds are bought by the
The cuts in agriculture and the migrant problem are linked. The government needs money to pay for the many illegal migrants, but the government doesn't have the money. That's why taxes on farmers are now to be increased (subsidies removed)
No one pays for "illegal immigrants". Being illegal means undocumented and therefore not qualifying for any payments. Just saying.
The „EU Reserve“ called EZB European Central Bank in Frankfurt can by bond issues and is not allowed to print money when there are problems in economies. That works different and i think better in the EU because on buying bonds you have strict rules to follow so you really want pay back very early.
Im living in germany. Here are the farmers are angry with the goverment because they need money but at the same time the goverment spent millions of euros to support things outside of goverment or also milloins to help the migrants who often get money here fir living or sometines bus tickets or so on. So they think the goverment should first think about the persons inside of germany an using the money they have for them not for matters outside of it.
The afd always goes with the opposite sites of the goverment so siding with the farmers was to be expected. Also the farmers in germany do not even earn enough money so they can live from beeing farmers. They all need to get a secound or third job. But if you have multible jobs you also need to pay back more money back to the goverment because with that they take a job from someone that does not work in the perspektive of the goverment.
Now the goverment rushed back with the idea taking the money from the farmers and did go to the fishers. The fishers told the goverment if they do that they all stopped working.
The goverment here always tries since ventuaries to take from the people that have not that much because they fear if they take from the big companys they will just leave germany. But now the people start to have enough of it and demonstrate. My oponion is that the politians that get lots of money should get less like a normal working person. Like that they could easier understand the opinion of the people that they should be there for and also the goverment would have more money for example schools system or optimisong their county without taking more from the people that already have a proplem with having enough money to live
The migrants (mostly refugees) who gets support in germany by money, bus tickets etc. are also persons living inside germany. So the first paragraph you wrote makes no sense at all.
@@philippprime6844 that thing youm mentioned is exactly what i meant that there are people who think this people should work istead of getting this money simply by beeing in germany. For my persenal opinion on it i think let them do the same as others here do nothing else. But thank you for worting the thing i mean in more detaiö and with that helping me explain what i meant
How much biofuel is produced in Germany? It is my understanding that Rudolph Diesel engineered this engine to be able to use locally sourced fuels made from plants, etc. The farmers in the US do not pay road tax on their fuels. Which where I live is $0.57 per gallon(3.8l). If that changed I am sure you would see the same uproar here.
From Germany spread the Informations please !
And its not only the German Farmers, Its the entire middle class, Doctors, craftsmen, fire departments, shipping companies and many others are there and are helping with the strike.
Thanks for making a Video for that Topic that will help spread the infos 👍
Sky News, "Farmer protests sweeping across Germany" is good to watch. They go into detail about what's going on, without weirdly talking about immigration
Well already seeing this "documentary" being produced by the sun made me doubt the value of it. The tragical music is just another indicator. Then again, I can somehow understand the AfD representing themselves as a casual right wing party - but simply conservative? lmao
I don’t like the we don’t drive on the roads argument. Of course they don’t drive on the autobahn but every single road in the rural area I live in need repairs because the tractors are constantly driving on it as they need to get to the fields using these roads. And even roads that got repaired 5 years ago look like shit again.
German farmers pay taxes for Diesel - it was only 21 cent less than others- without taxes costs one Liter Diesel 72 cent! How the price is made up :An example price of 2.08 euros for a litre of diesel is made up as follows:
19% VAT: 33.2 cents/litre
Energy tax: 47 cents/litre
CO₂ pricing: approx. 9.5 cents/litre
Petroleum stockpiling levy: 0.39 cents/litre
Value of goods, profit: 117.9 cents/litre
When you need more money, you can not just print out more Euros or Dollars. That's not how it works. Germany does that in the 1920s lead to a hyper hyper hyper inflation. The prices for a loaf of bread raised from minute to minute and were about 1.5 Billion Mark.
That's a neoliberal view that is outdated for at least 30 years.
"We" have been printing a LOT of money. But it didn't lead to inflation - in fact the 201X were the lowest inflation decade period in history.
That is because the money for the most part didn't flow into the real economy where it could have "heated" anything, but instead went into "financial products" that made the rich richer while the amount of GDP that went into salaries dropped.
11:41 - They want to cut subsidies very large agricultural companies profit from and sadly smaller farmers are also affected by this, too.
hello,Ryan...The Ampel coalition means the colour of a Traffic light in base of the colours of the plolitical Parties: The Green ones, The SPD IS Red ( social democrats) and the FDP the yellow one( free liberales)....and the AFD is rightextreme...( And Plans in Secret the Deportation:() i think AFD is more right as the American republicans..
The farmers here in Germany are in a very special situation.
The market economy simply does not work in the agricultural sector.
The political side constantly presented patchwork but no solutions to the fundamental problem. Namely, *deciding* what you want. Either you want to adhere to the romantic cliché of small agricultural businesses close to the people, or you want to improve the market economy position of the businesses using just such means.
Do you want locally produced products or not? And if so, which ones and how many? In the end, agricultural businesses are businesses... even if in Germany the fact is always ignored that in a functioning market economy, businesses *ARE* allowed to go bankrupt. Even though our farmers are always extremely quick to support protests, the industry can only be subsidized as little as possible and the competitiveness compared to other countries is improved in other ways (something that people in this country are apparently not prepared to do.)
Germany has little debt compared to its competitors, such as the USA, China, Japan and, the major EU countries. While all of them are using debt-financed economic support measures, luring investors away from Germany and getting through the crisis quite well, Germany is saving itself into the ground.
Germany trys to save money at the wrong end. Cut the Ukraine Support. Cut Money for Immagrants and nobody would protest
Last year the prices for electricity was so high,that some farmers shut down,and destroyed their crops.Seems like some politicians want us to eat moore imported food .....of lover quality.I'm from Norway.We have strict policies about pesticides,use of antibiotics,ans other chemicals.
This is not about subsidies. This is about continuous financial and bureaucratic restraints on European farmers in order for a planned takeover of farmland by big corporations.
To be frank, as an outsider, I support the government here: farmers collectively should just build their costs into their prices and go on with differently balanced books. If they can somehow compete by reducing their diesel use, good for them and good for everyone.
On the other hand, during last year's Dutch farmer protests, I supported the farmers, because cutting NOx emissions isn't a greenhouse gas, so regulating it under climate policies doesn't make much sense. They're bad for human health, but there aren't many people out there on the farms where this was about. On the other side, the Dutch agriculture heavily depends on nitrogen fertilizers, and by cutting fertilizer use, they would almost directly cut yields.
the citizens and police are largely on board with the farmers.
the farmers blocking roads let ambulances, police and firefighters pass freely for example, and behave non violent which is well received.
No, where I live, they don't let them pass.
That's not what I heard. Not that it really matters.
i'm from germany. and my personal experience fits what surveys say: 60% are on board with the farmers, 15% are against, 25% have mixed or indifferent opinions.
thats horrible and should be adressed.
in my region they behaved excelently towards emergency services. and from what i hear in even the most criticsl news, thats the majority.
the ones that block rescuers should be held accountable for any damage though indeed.
@@Chrisspru Wrong thread. This was about blockading.
You need to know from where it all started. German government raised a separate emergency budget to cover covid-19 issues in 2020, which was not fully spent. So government decided to use the rest of the money to help on economic and ecologic topics like supporting renewable energy production extension, replacement of house heating systems based on oil, coal and gas to newer ones, only to mention two of several programs. Oppositional party gained court decision that taking the covid money for this was not allowed, so the government had to stop the programs and feed the money already spent back into the system which resulted in ~€ missing. This is why the government started to cut subsidies in SEVERAL areas, and agriculture (taking away the tax priviledge for agricultural machines not having to pay the taxes for cars, and taking away the partly refunding of Diesel used in agriculture)was only one of them.
The AfD wants to lower subsidies thats right but they also want to cut alot of other taxes. Dont need subsidies when the market for farmers is a fair playing ground
I think this topic is big, there is a lot of space to discuss. As a son of a farmer, i think we should see both sides, of course the government needs money, because the time was hard, but to get the money from the farmers away isn't the right decision, i think there are other options to restore their money.
Its not just about higher taxes.
Were upset that our government is spending billions to other non european countries but our pensioneers who have worked for 45 years have to pick bottles from the trashcan to pay their rent
I live in the middle of berlin. They even honk at night -.- hope they give me a break xD
Since i have started to follow German politics for nearly 20 years now, and also the people watching TV have than been bombarded with renewable energy sources for years, i taught that Germany was not as nearly dependant on Russian gas as it showed after the attack on Ukraine. But plot twist on migrations, Germany is in need of millions of more people needed to work on farms, health and educational facilities.
@@morganfreeman8618 Nor are native gremans willing either. Numerous times i have seen in punkt 12 that farmers have been searching for workers some 10-12 years ago to help around famrs, but there was nearly no one interested from the job center.
@@morganfreeman8618 Nonsense, those causing trouble are by far the minority.
Many people, especially in the East, have a fundamental xenophobic attitude due to their history and although the foreign population there is around 5%, they see migrants as the biggest problem in the country.
That's just ridiculous.
The first video is from The Sun, a Rupert Murdoch channel like your Fox News. No surprise, that it was so misleading. The second politician interviewed is a right wing AFD politician. That is, how the refugee nonsense came into play. They try to use the farmers protests for their own agenda. The farmers protests have nothing to do with refugees, as you found out later fortunately.
I like your content. When you are amazed about something quite normal for me, I also learn a lot about Americans and cultural differences.
For this video it was a pity, that because of the sun video, one possibly gets a wrong impression of german farmers.
Yes, they are more conservative than the german average, but not like the AFD politician mentioned above.
The police actually stood behind the Farmers, and it wasn't just the farmers, the logistics people and the general Public where protesting as well, and will again.
Its not just the subsidies, they where just the last straw. Its everything, the truckers need to pay more Maut now as well, and that further increases the prices for groceries, many people have problem with getting food on the table since covid and the prices keep increasing.
The article viewed here has about as much to do with reality as dictator states have to do with democracy. The farmers' protests have nothing to do with a right-wing sentiment, but are based on the fact that the government is depriving the farmers of their livelihoods by imposing significant additional costs on the farmers. The agricultural industry in Germany can no longer be competitive in the international market, which will lead to the loss of a large number of agricultural businesses. It's not just farmers who are affected, people in Germany are doing very badly, costs are rising significantly in every area and despite a record level of tax revenue, the government has a budget hole. People are seeing the massive immigration of people into the welfare system, which is causing costs to skyrocket. Many can no longer finance their lives, bankruptcies are rising rapidly, as are rents, due to the significantly increased demand from additional immigrants. There is a shortage of over 900,000 affordable social housing units and the housing that the government promised has not even begun to be built. The strict refusal to limit immigration is pushing people away from the democratic parties and directly into the arms of the AfD. Most of these people are by no means right-wing, but desperation is leading to a massive migration of voters from the established parties to the AfD. 3 of the 4 largest parties are currently part of the government and the fourth party also did not show any great performance in the previous term, leaving people in a political no man's land. Germany is no more right-wing than any other country, it is pure desperation that brings people to this kind of protest vote. Like every other party, the AfD is trying to take advantage of the situation, but the protest is not right-wing motivated. I am by no means right-wing and I do not support the AfD in any way, but I think there needs to be a regulation that handles for example immigration better than is the case now. Unfortunately, the government shows more arrogance and ignorance than taking the suffering and concerns of its citizens seriously.
Whenever people change from opposition to ruling party they will be confronted with reality and REALPOLITIK and realize It's not all puppies and unicorns. So they will have to decide stuff that might be against their idiology. Welcome to democracy 😂😂
In case you didnt know why this coalition is called "Ampel": Its a coalition of the centre left leaning SPD, whos color is red, the liberal party FDP (yellow) and the "Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen" aka the greens, whos programm is mostly basted on enviroment and sustainability.
So we have a coalition of the red party, the yellow party and the green party, hence traffic lights coalition.
In case you are wondering, yes there is a connection between the soviet union and the SPD. Both have their origin in the workers movements of the late 19th century. The SPD is germany oldest still existing political party, going as far back as 1869 as the SDAP ("Sozialdeomikratische Arbeiterpartei" or the Sociral Democratic Workers Party of Germany) which was based on the ideas of marxism.
The ideas of marxism were later used to develope communism in the soviet union.
I admit, im not sure why the color of marxism and communism is red, but its probably something about blood sweat and tears of the working class or something.
Also, keep in mind that "left" and "right" are in the german sense. compared to US politics, they are basicly all left, apart from the far right parties, which would probrably seen as normal right in america. the spectrum in its entirety is more left compared to the US version.