I was in the nuclear and chemical weapons unit the gentleman referred to. One small piece of information not told was the Warsaw Pact had a 6:1 superior advantage in ground forces. The option to having the deterrence of special weapons was a much larger standing army which is vastly more costly and more volatile option. Eisenhower was wise when he warned of a large military complex and made the decision to deploy the special weapons. The threat of the Eastern Block was soberly real.
Not true. Warsaw Pact never outnumbered NATO during the entire Cold War. 60% of the former Soviet Unions forces had difficulty with the Russian language, reserves were too far in the Urals to arrive in a quick European conflict; Warsaw Pact nations were not considered loyal to the Soviet Union and the technological advantage of NATO were too costly for the USSR to match. In 1989 NATO/US excluding 500,000 French Forces had a total of 8.5M troops facing 4.6M USSR/Warsaw Pact forces poorly equipped/badly trained and poorly integrated.
@@juicyfruit4378 I don't disagree that we had a vast technological advantage. But to think they remotely had numerically had equivalent forces is to call the entire military apparatus of NATO a liar. To add French forces into the equation is naive. They weren't ever considered in our war plans because they have not been a part of NATO since 1966. We couldn't rely on them for a good reason. We even had to radically rework our war plans because of the ineptness of the Dutch. I have witnessed it personally and they were ate up from the neck up. III Corps Capstone mission was changed. They were the least capable but defended some of the most important terrain. You also don't understand the Eastern Block order of battle. Sounds like you are reading "facts" from a book.
@@buggyapp Sorry but no - France downgraded its NATO position in 1966 by Charles DeGaulle but never withdrew from the Alliance and in 2009 fully reintegrated into NATO. During the entire Cold War period 500,000 French Troops were an integral part of NATO - they were not there as tourist. The Dutch were always a part of NATO and was mainly used as a staging area until 1967 when it’s forces were fully up to par - it’s main responsibility was to have tied down enemy forces in the northern Germany region of Hamburg until NATO secured the entrance/exit of the Baltic Sea. The Netherlands was never an unreliable ally nor can it’s position be compared to to military upheavals of former Warsaw Pact and its forced participation by the former Soviet Union. Has it occurred to you that you’re not the only one here with prior military service in Europe? For you to suggest I’m making “textbook” comments is not only premature, but an assumption you shouldn’t have made without knowing who you’re conversing with. I retired in 1995 as Director, European Electronic Security Division/Cryptologic Support Group to NATO, Colonel. 1995-2005. Deputy Director, European Technical Center, NSA, GG15, Wiesbaden/Mainz Kastel 2005-2013; Chief, Special Projects , NATO JSIR Intelligence Fusion Center, SES-1, and now retired as a consultant to NATO/US State Department living as a permanent residence in Frankfurt Germany. I have served my entire career in Europe as an Intelligence Commander, Defense Attache - London, Bonn, Berlin, Athens and a 12 month stint at the US Embassy in Moscow 1987-1988. I wasn’t selected for these positions because I’m tall, handsome or dashing - I’m none of those. I do however posses a Doctorate Political Science, Stanford University with emphasis on International Relations, 30 years military service, Intelligence/Cryptologic linguist (German, French, Spanish & Russian) and NATO Defense Attaché. In short, I believe I qualify to be a reliable source/expert regarding NATO, former Warsaw Pact/USSR history. I possessed a Top Secret Security Clearance with access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Cosmic Top Secret (NATO) CWNDI, SIOP-ESI and internal Agency VRK clearances with the White House Communications Agency, Bolling AFB, DC. On a special note, I was assigned to the NATO Tactical Fusion Center Börfink which controlled, postured and oversaw ALL US/NATO military assets regarding USSR/Warsaw Pact forces, border incidents and exercise Reforger where I participated in the last one in 1993 after returning from Berlin-Marienfelde when the wall fell - I was not in Berlin as a tourist - rest assured. Now that I’ve introduced myself, please give me the pleasure of knowing you, military service, rank achieved, academics, integration at NATO, defense attaché experience if any? Assignments in Germany ( I’ve been to every base in Germany) or NATO/US units which specialized in defense posture/structuring as that’s where the decisions are made in lieu of ”boots on the ground“ personnel who do as their told by higher echelon. I really look forward to our future communications and I’m certain you do too. Will Bender, SES (retired) Consultant NATO/AAFCE
The fact that we are closer to midnight now than during this period is insane...our leaders don't seem to realize our threatened our beautiful planet is with their reckless acts..
It's not that they don't realize, they just don't care, because they will survive, they can nuke everything and live a full happy life in their underground fully stocked bunkers. They care not about anyone else, they only care about what someone tells them they can't do, so they can do it just to show everyone they can.
As a young person, I thought we would have already had a global nuclear war by now. I'm 56 now and still the sabres rattle. It's coming, "don't know where, don't know when"....
I'm only 20, I wasn't even alive for 9/11, but I still feel a great sense of relief and bewilderment that we somehow made it this far, especially looking back at all the close calls we had with the soviets.
Yep, I was born on 08.22.1967 and I still recall how close we were in the 70's when, as an elementary school student, we learned what to expect if our country was bombed. Scary times indeed.
A very dear friend of mine, who is Hungarian was right there in the midst of everything when this happened. History has always been a favorite subject of mine so when I was talking to her regarding this matter it was like I was talking to a walking history book. Hate would be a proper word to describe what she felt towards the Russians. She was forced to speak the Russian language over the Hungarian language which only fueled the hatred that the Hungarians had towards the Russians even more.
They said rise up, and we'll come, but they didn't. How many times do people have to witness this before they realise that promises like that just are.
Usually, this series (in particular) comes out every Thursday? is there another episode after this one? I've seen 3 so far - I would imagine there's a 4th....?
Dictatorships, is a great word for describing the ancient methods of ruling. Kings, Queens, Czars, Empors, are all Dictators. The greatest danger to the people was the leader who would not listen to the people and could not be replaced without war. War was always the most dangerous, and civil war the worst. Intelligent people created democracy. Democracy unifies nations and makes them stronger.
now if only we could combine the genius that is democracy with the original ideals of communism. a country with resources equally owned and developed by all its people, governed by freely and fairly elected peers
@@TheRealDieYoung I wonder also, in your version of democratic communism, would I be allowed to vote or push for capitalism? Because I’m guessing not 😂
@@TheRealDieYoung To get that right we need to move to a post scarcity society. There is a reason, that most don't realise, why Star Trek is such a popular long running show as it is chock full of metaphorsd about the society we live in today. It portrays a utopian society based on social equality, anti-racism and post scarcity. There is no mention or need of money, and the only capitalists in the Trek multiverse, the Ferengi, are seen as venal, petty and childish rascals whose trade revolves around the buying and selling of replicators, the very antithesis of scarcity.
The US is not a democracy. it started out as a Constitutional Republic , but it's now a corporatocracy, It is ruled by an oligarchal Uniparty, who have no inkling of representing the voting public.
It must be scary being a bomber, submarine commander or underground silo just waiting for that call to end the world as we know it. It must be a daunting task to kill millions of your fellow humans. I for one would never be able to take this order and thank god I don’t have this immense responsibility
Bro I love the hour videos, but something I wish we could get a 10-20min version just incase someone doesn’t have much time at the moment but wants to soak in all the information 😅
If Russia had missiles on the Mexican border, pointing at Washington D.C., would American government be upset? And how does the "Declaration of America" factor into this, long-term? (Asking for a friend....)
May the Great Spirit protect us all from the ongoing threat of Nuclear annihilation!! Our World Leader's should be concentrating on World Peace than attempting to invade sovereign Countries and stealing their land. We are all related (Mitakuye Oyasin), and we should be treating each other as Brother and Sister as The Creator had originally intended. I am a Native American and I live my life in a spiritual way. You see, everything has a Spirit, life is so precious that a monetary value cannot truly be put on a human life. We believe the human life is only for God to take. The World is so close to WWIII that we humans Worldwide need to come together NOW to put a stop to this evil before us. When Nuclear weapons are being moved and launched, we are in some serious trouble. There is NO Winners in the Nuclear War!! I wish you ALL Peace, Love, and Harmony. ❤❤❤ May the Great Spirit watch over you ALL!! 🙏 Shoshone Nation, USA 🇺🇲
My understanding is, that the Hungarian representatives were told by the Soviet reps, that they would pull their tanks out of the city and return to Moscow. (which they cleverly did, as the many Russian troops were sympathetic and often took the Hungarian side) once they were seen to be withdrawing their forces, the Hungarian people became more relaxed, However, the Soviets had assembled a tank force who were alien to the Hungarian people, and had no sympathy, and they quickly drove into Budapest, slaughtering as they went. It was by dint of an invasion force, bereft of former occupiers, who had lived a far freer and better provisioned life in Hungary, that they were able to subdue the Hungarian people. The bitterness toward the US was a desperate one. As the belief and trust toward the Americans was in earnest indeed.
Kind of like how Ukraine will feel when they realize they were used by the west in a proxy war that the west has no intention of directly entering, after egging them on and training for 8 years
Considering our world now---------The PRC---------Russia-------Iran------North Korea-------& our own homegrown terrorists -----the days of the USA Vs The USSR seem like sweet, good old days ! ------MJL< 76 y/o
We are 90 seconds till midnight right now, the closest mankind has ever been to the end of the world as we know it. I can't speak for anyone else on the planet, but i am going to sit back and relax, and watch the show even Holly Wood can't write
There used to be somewhat of a balance between those who set that clock. Now, it's a bunch of closeted Socialist. It's only as close as it is because there's a worldwide opposition against Socialism (Russia-Ukraine) and all out Communism (China and Twain) how dare anyone oppose those very ideologies (the clock keeper's think) it's insane, thus the postion.
Interesting to consider why it took 8 years and a new president for the US to bounce back in the space race.......wonder what difference the focus was.
whats with the ww2 era prop plane sound effects put behind the jets?....ha ha....someone didnt pay attention in this production.....but otherwise, good stuff.
I always wonder why the US fear them that much if they had a better military i understand nukes are no joke but other than that were they really that scary the soviet ?
Nuclear arsenals make militaries pointless on a certain level. If one were to use the WW2 concept of “total war” with modern-day weapons, the entire human race would be wiped out in the space of a few minutes
They were brutal towards their enemies and pows in ww2....so much history for you all to learn! They also lost the most during ww2, more Russians died than the holocaust victims times 2! FYI
6:56 "The B-52 should make any aggressor think twice before making trouble." Since 1952, those words are still true. My 85 year old dad was in the USAF from 1956 to 1960. He remembers seeing brand new shiny B-52's being rolled out onto the tarmac for the first time in 1956 and couldn't even imagine anyone going to war with the US at that time. The with ongoing modernization upgrades, the B-52 could be 90 to 100 years old before it is finally retired! Incredible the original airframes are still rock-solid. Things were just built to last back then
@@AmericaIsEvil Considering that people have been saying that ever since America became a superpower, I’m going to assume that statement is false. There is challenges the US faces, but there isn’t any currently that could end the US status as a superpower. That’s just my opinion though.
Fun Fact : Just after it was established, Russia asked " If NATO is a defensive alliance, can we join ? " Needless to say, the answer was no. Russia simply asked this to highlight the hypocrisy.
An important element of suppressed history is that Japan was actively seeking to negotiate a surrender as early as 1944 and throughout 1945. In April 1945, the war party of Japan was diminished, and a peace group headed by Kantaro Suzuki took office with the mission of ending the war. The Secret MacArthur Memorandum Revealed In a front-page article that appeared in The Chicago Tribune and Washington Times-Herald in Aug. 19, 1945, writer Walter Trohan reported that seven months earlier (on Jan. 20, 1945) President Roosevelt had received a 40-page memorandum from Gen. Douglas MacArthur outlining five separate surrender overtures from high-level Japanese officials just two days prior to his departure for the Yalta meeting with Stalin and Churchill. Admiral William D. Leahy, FDR’s chief of staff, leaked the MacArthur communication to Trohan in early 1945 for fear it would be classified as top secret for decades or even destroyed. The authenticity of Trohan’s article was never challenged by the White House. Former President Herbert Hoover personally queried Gen. MacArthur on the Tribune’s story and the general acknowledged its accuracy in every detail. The memo showed that the Japanese were offering surrender terms virtually identical to the ones ultimately accepted by the Americans at the formal surrender ceremony on Sept. 2 - that is, complete surrender of everything but the post of the emperor. Specifically, the terms of these peace overtures included: Complete surrender of all Japanese forces and arms, at home, on island possessions, and in occupied countries. Occupation of Japan and its possessions by Allied troops under American direction. Japanese relinquishment of all territory seized during the war, as well as Manchuria, Korea and Taiwan. Regulation of Japanese industry to halt production of any weapons and other tools of war. Release of all prisoners of war and internees. Surrender of designated war criminals. Historian Harry Elmer Barnes in an article titled “Hiroshima: Assault on a Beaten Foe” (National Review, May 10, 1958) wrote: The authenticity of the Trohan article was never challenged by the White House or the State Department, and for very good reason. After General MacArthur returned from Korea in 1951, his neighbor in the Waldorf Towers, former President Herbert Hoover, took the Trohan article to General MacArthur and the latter confirmed its accuracy in every detail and without qualification. It is generally known that as WWII wound down, brain-addled President Roosevelt was surrounded by pro-Soviet elements. In February 1945 at Yalta, FDR was prepared to subject all of eastern Europe to the communist Soviet Union. He blathered: “I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, ‘noblesse oblige’, he won’t try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace.”
The US screwed the Cuban problem up in the 40's. What they should've done was replace Batista with a good man. A fair man. Keeping the people happy. Then there'd be a fantastic democracy off the coast of fla
I'd rather use nuclear weapons too first, rather than surrender to the enemies and lose my freedom and get tortured. There's too much excessive sacrifices already in the past to current. Russia should be warned too.
The more I watch these documentaries, the more I'm convinced that the USA was the aggressor in virtually every (cold war) confrontation. They were spoiling for a fight and pushed and prodded the USSR until they got a response, then they'd jump up and down yelling about how the dog bit them. As my mother always asked when I said a dog bit me, "what did you do to the dog?" Stalin wasn't an expansionist (Trotsky was!) and as such he was happier to just close the USSR borders and stop the rest of the world getting in. But the USA wouldn't leave it alone, constantly provoking! And they didn't learn anything, did they? STILL provoking conflict in countries they should keep they noses out of! Bad USA!
i look at what happened in HUngary, and whats happening in the Ukrane today, and its sad that we still pay lipservice to them, before shrugging and refusing to lift a finger to help.
1956 was not Hungarian Revolution , but Fascist Contrarevolution . Do not forget that Hungarians were Nazis , and they were not liberated by Soviets , but occupied by them . And , after enjoying light of Socialism , this is how they said thank you .
Folks It's like one my favorite songs Keep Talking from my favorite bands Pink Floyd when Stephen Hawking did his famous Commercial in the 90s saying as long as Mankind keeps communicating the human race still has a chance to turn it around no matter how close we get to another catastrophic global disaster like now we face in 2023. Like some of my family who faught in WW2 so this never happens again unfortunately they now see all the ingredients are again like it was in 1937 only with hypersonic nukes and way more powerful and devastating warfare weapons on terrifying scale never thought possible it's almost incomprehensible to the mass destruction this will cause you think the most disturbing and scary movie in history threads about a nuclear war aftermath and a radioactive ☢️ wasteland on a apocalyptic scale that even surpasses another great WW3 ending of a movie . On the Beach made in the 1950s.
Alot of parallels and similarities between this and currently in Ukraine vs Russia 2023.. Same old story , same as the old bosses, won't risk Nuclear War with the bear but still sending aide and support to the people.. History Repeats itself.. again and again
Isn't fun that the cold War could have end in the all-melting hot fires of nukes?!! It's a good thing that we have cool wars nowadays... Or is the temperature's getting higher?
Timeline gave us the best documentary, this is amazing!.
there are 8 episodes of this series, they only uploaded the first 3 unfortunately.
Too bad RUclips feels the need to censor everything for 'my protection'.
This channel is so dope, Love it.
I was in the nuclear and chemical weapons unit the gentleman referred to. One small piece of information not told was the Warsaw Pact had a 6:1 superior advantage in ground forces. The option to having the deterrence of special weapons was a much larger standing army which is vastly more costly and more volatile option. Eisenhower was wise when he warned of a large military complex and made the decision to deploy the special weapons. The threat of the Eastern Block was soberly real.
how much nukes they have
@@rajveerkanojiya2985 We were not overly concerned about their nukes. My unit, because of our nuclear mission, made us the #1 target of the Spetsnaz.
Not true. Warsaw Pact never outnumbered NATO during the entire Cold War. 60% of the former Soviet Unions forces had difficulty with the Russian language, reserves were too far in the Urals to arrive in a quick European conflict; Warsaw Pact nations were not considered loyal to the Soviet Union and the technological advantage of NATO were too costly for the USSR to match. In 1989 NATO/US excluding 500,000 French Forces had a total of 8.5M troops facing 4.6M USSR/Warsaw Pact forces poorly equipped/badly trained and poorly integrated.
@@juicyfruit4378 I don't disagree that we had a vast technological advantage. But to think they remotely had numerically had equivalent forces is to call the entire military apparatus of NATO a liar. To add French forces into the equation is naive. They weren't ever considered in our war plans because they have not been a part of NATO since 1966. We couldn't rely on them for a good reason. We even had to radically rework our war plans because of the ineptness of the Dutch. I have witnessed it personally and they were ate up from the neck up. III Corps Capstone mission was changed. They were the least capable but defended some of the most important terrain. You also don't understand the Eastern Block order of battle. Sounds like you are reading "facts" from a book.
@@buggyapp Sorry but no - France downgraded its NATO position in 1966 by Charles DeGaulle but never withdrew from the Alliance and in 2009 fully reintegrated into NATO. During the entire Cold War period 500,000 French Troops were an integral part of NATO - they were not there as tourist. The Dutch were always a part of NATO and was mainly used as a staging area until 1967 when it’s forces were fully up to par - it’s main responsibility was to have tied down enemy forces in the northern Germany region of Hamburg until NATO secured the entrance/exit of the Baltic Sea. The Netherlands was never an unreliable ally nor can it’s position be compared to to military upheavals of former Warsaw Pact and its forced participation by the former Soviet Union. Has it occurred to you that you’re not the only one here with prior military service in Europe? For you to suggest I’m making “textbook” comments is not only premature, but an assumption you shouldn’t have made without knowing who you’re conversing with. I retired in 1995 as Director, European Electronic Security Division/Cryptologic Support Group to NATO, Colonel. 1995-2005. Deputy Director, European Technical Center, NSA, GG15, Wiesbaden/Mainz Kastel 2005-2013; Chief, Special Projects , NATO JSIR Intelligence Fusion Center, SES-1, and now retired as a consultant to NATO/US State Department living as a permanent residence in Frankfurt Germany. I have served my entire career in Europe as an Intelligence Commander, Defense Attache - London, Bonn, Berlin, Athens and a 12 month stint at the US Embassy in Moscow 1987-1988. I wasn’t selected for these positions because I’m tall, handsome or dashing - I’m none of those. I do however posses a Doctorate Political Science, Stanford University with emphasis on International Relations, 30 years military service, Intelligence/Cryptologic linguist (German, French, Spanish & Russian) and NATO Defense Attaché. In short, I believe I qualify to be a reliable source/expert regarding NATO, former Warsaw Pact/USSR history. I possessed a Top Secret Security Clearance with access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Cosmic Top Secret (NATO) CWNDI, SIOP-ESI and internal Agency VRK clearances with the White House Communications Agency, Bolling AFB, DC. On a special note, I was assigned to the NATO Tactical Fusion Center Börfink which controlled, postured and oversaw ALL US/NATO military assets regarding USSR/Warsaw Pact forces, border incidents and exercise Reforger where I participated in the last one in 1993 after returning from Berlin-Marienfelde when the wall fell - I was not in Berlin as a tourist - rest assured.
Now that I’ve introduced myself, please give me the pleasure of knowing you, military service, rank achieved, academics, integration at NATO, defense attaché experience if any? Assignments in Germany ( I’ve been to every base in Germany) or NATO/US units which specialized in defense posture/structuring as that’s where the decisions are made in lieu of ”boots on the ground“ personnel who do as their told by higher echelon.
I really look forward to our future communications and I’m certain you do too.
Will Bender, SES (retired)
Consultant NATO/AAFCE
The fact that we are closer to midnight now than during this period is insane...our leaders don't seem to realize our threatened our beautiful planet is with their reckless acts..
The genie is out of the bottle, and he’s not going back in
It's not that they don't realize, they just don't care, because they will survive, they can nuke everything and live a full happy life in their underground fully stocked bunkers. They care not about anyone else, they only care about what someone tells them they can't do, so they can do it just to show everyone they can.
Yes because biden has Alzheimer's , and they can't remove him
Not our leaders. Amazingly just one ex kgbee.
nobody knows when the end of the world.... don`t know why everybody is talking about "60 seconds to midnight". just talk.
This is an incredible overview of history! You’re a huge inspiration to us! ⭐
Please keep going with the cold war series M.A.D World, its really good and shows different parts that arent always fully explored in other docs.
Amazing Documentary 👍. Waiting for the next part.
Excellent series.
Each episode better than the last one.
Brings back memories.
there are 8 episodes total.. wonder if they're going to upload the rest.
Nice work, as always!
Thank you History, for giving weights in tons, and not pounds or pecks or hogsheads.
This is scary though still in a cold silent war.
And possibly about to go hot.
Silent for those who can't see maybe!
ya think it sounds scary try living through it
As a young person, I thought we would have already had a global nuclear war by now. I'm 56 now and still the sabres rattle. It's coming, "don't know where, don't know when"....
I'm only 20, I wasn't even alive for 9/11, but I still feel a great sense of relief and bewilderment that we somehow made it this far, especially looking back at all the close calls we had with the soviets.
I can't wait to watch them crisp up!
dude, it's not coming. face it, it's a weapon that we can't use since the two sides achieved parity.
I cant tell you when, but I can tell you there will be no leafs on the trees in the UK. So between December and Early March is all I can say.
Dude this is interesting and very confusing. Thanks for the video 😎👍
Growing up as a child in the 60s we were terrorized by the fact that we could blown to Smithereens at any second... now I'm an old man. 👀✌️
Nothing has changed lol
Are you THEE BILLY G?!
@@Most_Trustworthy_Weasel No not THEE. just a BILLY G.
Yep, I was born on 08.22.1967 and I still recall how close we were in the 70's when, as an elementary school student, we learned what to expect if our country was bombed. Scary times indeed.
As an teenager we feel the exact same way lol
A very dear friend of mine, who is Hungarian was right there in the midst of everything when this happened. History has always been a favorite subject of mine so when I was talking to her regarding this matter it was like I was talking to a walking history book. Hate would be a proper word to describe what she felt towards the Russians. She was forced to speak the Russian language over the Hungarian language which only fueled the hatred that the Hungarians had towards the Russians even more.
There is no Nuclear crisis. Stop eating what the main stream is feeding you. 60 seconds till midnight? Give me a break.
A excellent video on all wars that lead to a A bomb war and no one left 😮
This is defo the type of content that has random communities of people, stocking piling up on toilet rolls, without the coupons
I wonder how much longer this war we living through now will last.
They said rise up, and we'll come, but they didn't. How many times do people have to witness this before they realise that promises like that just are.
I literally grew up in wildenrath in the 90s, we went into the empty Facility many times as children after nato left
This is a great documentary
Is this the last episode of MAD World that you all are uploading?
Classic 🌹
Damnit......When is Pt 3 coming out? 😁
Usually, this series (in particular) comes out every Thursday? is there another episode after this one? I've seen 3 so far - I would imagine there's a 4th....?
39:56 the first vanity plate ever?
Dictatorships, is a great word for describing the ancient methods of ruling.
Kings, Queens, Czars, Empors, are all Dictators.
The greatest danger to the people was the leader who would not listen to the people and could not be replaced without war.
War was always the most dangerous, and civil war the worst.
Intelligent people created democracy.
Democracy unifies nations and makes them stronger.
now if only we could combine the genius that is democracy with the original ideals of communism. a country with resources equally owned and developed by all its people, governed by freely and fairly elected peers
@@TheRealDieYoungyou sure don’t sound like every commie who says “that wasn’t real communism” 😂
@@TheRealDieYoung I wonder also, in your version of democratic communism, would I be allowed to vote or push for capitalism? Because I’m guessing not 😂
@@TheRealDieYoung To get that right we need to move to a post scarcity society. There is a reason, that most don't realise, why Star Trek is such a popular long running show as it is chock full of metaphorsd about the society we live in today. It portrays a utopian society based on social equality, anti-racism and post scarcity. There is no mention or need of money, and the only capitalists in the Trek multiverse, the Ferengi, are seen as venal, petty and childish rascals whose trade revolves around the buying and selling of replicators, the very antithesis of scarcity.
The US is not a democracy.
it started out as a Constitutional Republic ,
but it's now a corporatocracy,
It is ruled by an oligarchal Uniparty, who have no inkling of representing the voting public.
Why aren’t these episodes on History Hit? I subscribed and was disappointed to find that most of the stuff I watched on RUclips is not on History Hit
Can’t wait to watch
Took the words out of my mouth haha
It must be scary being a bomber, submarine commander or underground silo just waiting for that call to end the world as we know it. It must be a daunting task to kill millions of your fellow humans. I for one would never be able to take this order and thank god I don’t have this immense responsibility
Muito bom
Is this the the third, or second, installment of the series?
I like how they dubbed propeller plane sounds onto jet planes.
Bro I love the hour videos, but something I wish we could get a 10-20min version just incase someone doesn’t have much time at the moment but wants to soak in all the information 😅
May I ask why all jet aircraft footage (that I've seen so far) is accompanied by the soundtrack of piston engined aircraft?
If Russia had missiles on the Mexican border, pointing at Washington D.C., would American government be upset? And how does the "Declaration of America" factor into this, long-term? (Asking for a friend....)
Do you mean the Declaration of Independence?
@@tmswood78 Oops! No, I mean "The Declaration of North America". Signed mid January 2023. Check it out.... 👃✌️🥰🇨🇦
As long as the missiles start exchanging soon, I'll be a happy person!
You are not asking for a "friend" why write this? WHY WHY WHY!?
@@lennarthagen3638 ??? "ANY" thoughts on the question posed??? 🤣🤣🤣👃✌️🥰🇨🇦
May the Great Spirit protect us all from the ongoing threat of Nuclear annihilation!!
Our World Leader's should be concentrating on World Peace than attempting to invade sovereign Countries and stealing their land.
We are all related (Mitakuye Oyasin), and we should be treating each other as Brother and Sister as The Creator had originally intended.
I am a Native American and I live my life in a spiritual way. You see, everything has a Spirit, life is so precious that a monetary value cannot truly be put on a human life. We believe the human life is only for God to take.
The World is so close to WWIII that we humans Worldwide need to come together NOW to put a stop to this evil before us. When Nuclear weapons are being moved and launched, we are in some serious trouble. There is NO Winners in the Nuclear War!!
I wish you ALL Peace, Love, and Harmony. ❤❤❤
May the Great Spirit watch over you ALL!! 🙏
Shoshone Nation, USA 🇺🇲
Completely unwatchable because of the incessant adverts.
They needed revenues
How they would get money ? You buy your daily newspaper
Pay them a little money
Here you are getting all free ?
This aged well during 4 weeks.
My understanding is, that the Hungarian representatives were told by the Soviet reps, that they would pull their tanks out of the city and return to Moscow. (which they cleverly did, as the many Russian troops were sympathetic and often took the Hungarian side) once they were seen to be withdrawing their forces, the Hungarian people became more relaxed, However, the Soviets had assembled a tank force who were alien to the Hungarian people, and had no sympathy, and they quickly drove into Budapest, slaughtering as they went. It was by dint of an invasion force, bereft of former occupiers, who had lived a far freer and better provisioned life in Hungary, that they were able to subdue the Hungarian people. The bitterness toward the US was a desperate one. As the belief and trust toward the Americans was in earnest indeed.
Kind of like how Ukraine will feel when they realize they were used by the west in a proxy war that the west has no intention of directly entering, after egging them on and training for 8 years
Why the invasions of cuba or panama is considered different than Hungarian or check ??
Considering our world now---------The PRC---------Russia-------Iran------North Korea-------& our own homegrown terrorists -----the days of the USA Vs The USSR seem like sweet, good old days ! ------MJL< 76 y/o
Who's more terrorist than the US and their vassal NATO States.
“It’s in your nature to destroy yourselves.” The Terminator 🔥 💀
We are 90 seconds till midnight right now, the closest mankind has ever been to the end of the world as we know it. I can't speak for anyone else on the planet, but i am going to sit back and relax, and watch the show even Holly Wood can't write
90 seconds *
I say let’s get it over with. Earth needs a reset.
There's many attitudes to have in the death row, sit and relax is a good one, but for myself I shall not do it until I try to fight a little bit more.
There used to be somewhat of a balance between those who set that clock. Now, it's a bunch of closeted Socialist. It's only as close as it is because there's a worldwide opposition against Socialism (Russia-Ukraine) and all out Communism (China and Twain) how dare anyone oppose those very ideologies (the clock keeper's think) it's insane, thus the postion.
Was this made in Australia?
1:40 Resembles V.P...
Interesting to consider why it took 8 years and a new president for the US to bounce back in the space race.......wonder what difference the focus was.
What Space Race!
whats with the ww2 era prop plane sound effects put behind the jets?....ha ha....someone didnt pay attention in this production.....but otherwise, good stuff.
Cold War is nothing compared to NOWWWWW!!!!
Was at first confused; I thought this video was about ww3 today
It is.
Yep. Time for pop corns and get vaporize
I always wonder why the US fear them that much if they had a better military i understand nukes are no joke but other than that were they really that scary the soviet ?
Nuclear arsenals make militaries pointless on a certain level. If one were to use the WW2 concept of “total war” with modern-day weapons, the entire human race would be wiped out in the space of a few minutes
Exactly as you said. Nukes. Nothing else.
@@jacobholmes5392 thanks !
They were brutal towards their enemies and pows in ww2....so much history for you all to learn! They also lost the most during ww2, more Russians died than the holocaust victims times 2!
@@theghost4729 and Ukraine was on the German side helping exterminate Jews and Russians so no wonder they hate each
"The B-52 should make any aggressor think twice before making trouble."
Since 1952, those words are still true. My 85 year old dad was in the USAF from 1956 to 1960. He remembers seeing brand new shiny B-52's being rolled out onto the tarmac for the first time in 1956 and couldn't even imagine anyone going to war with the US at that time. The with ongoing modernization upgrades, the B-52 could be 90 to 100 years old before it is finally retired! Incredible the original airframes are still rock-solid. Things were just built to last back then
Sehr Gut !! Ich ist ein Burqueno🌶🥑🌮🌮🍻🍹
Two commercials in first five minutes? WTF
Get RUclips premium 👍
Well there is only one super power now The other one turned out not to be
They still have the power to end the world with the push of a button, we can’t forget that.
@@SMarti018 yup
Lol the remaining superpower will soon disappear but economically and other wise
China enters the chat
@@AmericaIsEvil Considering that people have been saying that ever since America became a superpower, I’m going to assume that statement is false. There is challenges the US faces, but there isn’t any currently that could end the US status as a superpower. That’s just my opinion though.
Fun Fact : Just after it was established, Russia asked
" If NATO is a defensive alliance, can we join ? "
Needless to say, the answer was no. Russia simply asked this to highlight the hypocrisy.
An important element of suppressed history is that Japan was actively seeking to negotiate a surrender as early as 1944 and throughout 1945. In April 1945, the war party of Japan was diminished, and a peace group headed by Kantaro Suzuki took office with the mission of ending the war.
The Secret MacArthur Memorandum Revealed
In a front-page article that appeared in The Chicago Tribune and Washington Times-Herald in Aug. 19, 1945, writer Walter Trohan reported that seven months earlier (on Jan. 20, 1945) President Roosevelt had received a 40-page memorandum from Gen. Douglas MacArthur outlining five separate surrender overtures from high-level Japanese officials just two days prior to his departure for the Yalta meeting with Stalin and Churchill.
Admiral William D. Leahy, FDR’s chief of staff, leaked the MacArthur communication to Trohan in early 1945 for fear it would be classified as top secret for decades or even destroyed. The authenticity of Trohan’s article was never challenged by the White House. Former President Herbert Hoover personally queried Gen. MacArthur on the Tribune’s story and the general acknowledged its accuracy in every detail.
The memo showed that the Japanese were offering surrender terms virtually identical to the ones ultimately accepted by the Americans at the formal surrender ceremony on Sept. 2 - that is, complete surrender of everything but the post of the emperor. Specifically, the terms of these peace overtures included:
Complete surrender of all Japanese forces and arms, at home, on island possessions, and in occupied countries.
Occupation of Japan and its possessions by Allied troops under American direction.
Japanese relinquishment of all territory seized during the war, as well as Manchuria, Korea and Taiwan.
Regulation of Japanese industry to halt production of any weapons and other tools of war.
Release of all prisoners of war and internees.
Surrender of designated war criminals.
Historian Harry Elmer Barnes in an article titled “Hiroshima: Assault on a Beaten Foe” (National Review, May 10, 1958) wrote:
The authenticity of the Trohan article was never challenged by the White House or the State Department, and for very good reason. After General MacArthur returned from Korea in 1951, his neighbor in the Waldorf Towers, former President Herbert Hoover, took the Trohan article to General MacArthur and the latter confirmed its accuracy in every detail and without qualification.
It is generally known that as WWII wound down, brain-addled President Roosevelt was surrounded by pro-Soviet elements. In February 1945 at Yalta, FDR was prepared to subject all of eastern Europe to the communist Soviet Union. He blathered:
“I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, ‘noblesse oblige’, he won’t try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace.”
Sidebar : is anyone else getting a half-speed Godfather 🎶 here and there, in the soundtrack ?
Fun Fact...The cold war never ended
It had like a half time or brief respite during the 90s? When Yeltsin was in office and their military strength wained?
Naw the west won what we're witnessing is the publication of the 2nd
The US screwed the Cuban problem up in the 40's. What they should've done was replace Batista with a good man. A fair man. Keeping the people happy. Then there'd be a fantastic democracy off the coast of fla
'But they never did'. Says it all, really.
We should of kept pushing during world war 2.
And get crushed by Stalin.
We had nukes at that time, they didn't.
+@@beyerley449 We had none at that time. End of 45-beginning of 46. We had used all 3 in 1945.
I'd rather use nuclear weapons too first, rather than surrender to the enemies and lose my freedom and get tortured. There's too much excessive sacrifices already in the past to current. Russia should be warned too.
18 months is 1 - 1/2 years. Stop calling people by their last names, Call them by their first names.
Blurred images?....Seriously?....come on, get serious.
Yuri Gaganin would have made a great leader...the West and East might have gotten along a little better.
Hmm, I suspect the theory behind toss-bombing would not have been borne out by fact.
The north atlantic treaty alliance …NATO, is obliged to protect every country in the alliance *caugh caugh* and Ukraine.
yeah...without getting the world destroyed...
Oppenheimer was more right than he could have ever imagined.
Do not let childs play with fire!
46:13 Es gibt nur ein Berlin
There is only one Berlin
There has never been a safe place and there will never be one
The cold war has become hot in Ukraine 🇺🇦
...and, with the dangers of increasing escalation, is it not becoming hotter all the time?
Think it should be described as the first Cold War
We living in a world that is doomed !
Cant see that West and East will ever be friends again
War is “good business”…. President Eisenhower warned his people about the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX… same with JFK.
too many commercials
The more I watch these documentaries, the more I'm convinced that the USA was the aggressor in virtually every (cold war) confrontation. They were spoiling for a fight and pushed and prodded the USSR until they got a response, then they'd jump up and down yelling about how the dog bit them. As my mother always asked when I said a dog bit me, "what did you do to the dog?" Stalin wasn't an expansionist (Trotsky was!) and as such he was happier to just close the USSR borders and stop the rest of the world getting in. But the USA wouldn't leave it alone, constantly provoking! And they didn't learn anything, did they? STILL provoking conflict in countries they should keep they noses out of! Bad USA!
i look at what happened in HUngary, and whats happening in the Ukrane today, and its sad that we still pay lipservice to them, before shrugging and refusing to lift a finger to help.
1956 was not Hungarian Revolution , but Fascist Contrarevolution . Do not forget that Hungarians were Nazis , and they were not liberated by Soviets , but occupied by them . And , after enjoying light of Socialism , this is how they said thank you .
Le Bombe 💣
We have to draw the line between intelligence and mentally deranged , SAVAGES or normal behavior ! 😑😣
If Prince Mateen then Princess Anisha 2:08
2 ads in the first 4 minutes...despicable
Save Our Planet
Planet will be fine.
Life on earth may not.
I'm not gonna lie... I find Castro looks like Liam Neeson
Hello Gulden how are you doing,
where are you from?
28:41 they are here to what?😂😂
That guy looks like our Canadian prime minister..uncanny
Folks It's like one my favorite songs Keep Talking from my favorite bands Pink Floyd when Stephen Hawking did his famous Commercial in the 90s saying as long as Mankind keeps communicating the human race still has a chance to turn it around no matter how close we get to another catastrophic global disaster like now we face in 2023.
Like some of my family who faught in WW2 so this never happens again unfortunately they now see all the ingredients are again like it was in 1937 only with hypersonic nukes and way more powerful and devastating warfare weapons on terrifying scale never thought possible it's almost incomprehensible to the mass destruction this will cause you think the most disturbing and scary movie in history threads about a nuclear war aftermath and a radioactive ☢️ wasteland on a apocalyptic scale that even surpasses another great WW3 ending of a movie .
On the Beach made in the 1950s.
And yet nothing has been learned from this absolutely nothing
Nuclear war not one can run away!!?!
Alot of parallels and similarities between this and currently in Ukraine vs Russia 2023..
Same old story , same as the old bosses, won't risk Nuclear War with the bear but still sending aide and support to the people..
History Repeats itself.. again and again
it has to be that way...can't risk nuclear war...because it's just not the US and Russia at stake...fallout travels...
amazing they got away with ,
Let's hope this video isn't too foreshadowing...
At least "nothing happened" back then.
Lol he did not have the Davey Crockett he wishes
Isn't fun that the cold War could have end in the all-melting hot fires of nukes?!!
It's a good thing that we have cool wars nowadays... Or is the temperature's getting higher?