Just love how everyone here in this community feels happy for each other's results even though we haven't even met before... Isn't it just wonderful ❤💗
why do i have the clearest skin ever in the universe? when i look to the mirror, i feel confident because my skin is super smooth all the time. my skin is naturally healthy. i have the healthiest skin ever. my skin is perfectly flawless, i love to have clear skin. it is natural for me to have clear skin. my skin barrier is extremely strong and always healthy no matter what. my skin is glowing like moon, its amazing. i have glass skin forever. i am stuck with flawless skin forever. i am so happy to have flawless clearest skin. my skin is always radiant no matter what. when i touch my skin, i can literally feel that my skin is ultra smooth, it is amazing!
BROOOO skincare subs normally don't work for me idk why, but your sub is the BESTTTTTTESSTTTTT....My skin is literally so plump, smooth, pimple free & I'm currently on my period without a single pimple on my face, this is insane & unbelievable....Love you 💋
Day 2 - used it 10 x Day3 - didn't used Day4 - didn't used Day 5 - didn't used again but its really worked! My face is sooo clean have no pimples at all!
Im gonna listen to this before i sleep, i’ll update !! So i’ve been listening to like around 5 times and i feel slight tingles and i just feel so much more confident about my skin, im literally so excited to wake up tmr with glass clear skin!! OMG I WOKE UP AND LITERALLY WHEN I LOOKED INTO THE MIRROR MY PIMPLED WERE SO SMALL AND ALMOST SO UNNOTICEABLE AND GOSHHH IT WORKED PERFECTLYYY
THIS WORKS THIS WORKS THIS WORKS. I had a horrible break out today and i listened to this and other subs and now my skin is sooo clear, even clearer than it was before the break out ahhhashfowjfiwkejofwe
I'll update Y'ALL don't worry i won't die bc i have this in my daily playlist! Day 1- so I put on a sheet mask and put a timer for 30 mins snice for the best glowing skin the mask said to set it at that time and I'm going to update once I remove the mask🌊🌱 Update- OMGG wthh a few pimples that were on my forehead Cleared up oml I love thiss Day 2- listening to this 2 times and then going to another subliminal and going to sleep gn y'all I'll update tom update- I'm going to cryyy my forehead is so much clearer 😫😫 Day 3- didn't use :( Day 4- currently looping my whole playlist let's see results :) Day 5- didn't use Day 6- used overnight 6 times and oml y'all i can't the blackheads on my nose are almost gone
@@Jaderozaxx how do u listen to this while u shower like I have to make rlly loud (I put it on the sink next to the shower) so I can hear it and my whole family would hear it
i’ve listened to this so many times and it was on loop so idk how much but my skin is so soft and clear and i love it! im gonna be using this so the one pimple goes away. ilysm❤
My skin is clear My skin is dewy My skin is glass My skin is deep cleansed My skin glows in light My skin is moisturize and hydrated all the time My skin is insanely dewy and clear Everyone wants my skin My skin is smooth and hairless My skin is hairless This audio is relaxing my skin This audio is making my skin clear This audio is working perfectly I believe this subliminal works This subliminal is working I have no skin conditions My skin glow like the sun I have the most shinest skin people ever seen Im a real life filter I have no acne I have no pimples I have no scarring I have clear glass skin My skin is hydrated and glowy My skin is shiner then my mirror
- my skin is smooth - my parents buy me kawaii skin care supplies. -my skin is clear -my skin is hairless -I have no pimples -my skin is always moisturized and hydrated at all Times.
used this, next day my sister told me my skin’s been getting so much better, even toned and i’m getting prettier .. she taunted me on gatekeeping good products when all i did was use this sub💀. tysm this works rly well i also used the booster btw
My skin is clear I have my desired fair skin My skin is glowing My skin is attractive Everyone is attracted towards my skin I am pretty I have a pretty skin now I have my fair skin Fair skin suits on me My fair skin colour is so gorgeous My skin is magical now I have a gorgeous skin I have no white/dark spots I have no pimples My skin is soft My skin is white like milk My skin is beautiful My skin is gorgeous
my skin is so clear!! this works too fast like i didnt even look in the mirror and i felt my skin it was textureless and clear like crystal clear!!! my scars are all gone and even my milia is gone!!! ❤❤❤this works too well my skin is literally so clear i cantttt
Minha pele é 100% limpa 100% macia 100% livre de imperfeições como espinhas, acnes, rosáceas, manchas, olheiras, etc. Minha pele é brilhante, igual de uma porcelana, minha pele é perfeita, parece q minha pele foi cuidada por anos, eu tenho a melhor e mais limpa pele do mundo, todos elogiam minha pele, minha pele é totalemente livre de quaisquer doença, eu tenho uma pele saudável e hidratada ao extremo. eu amo minha pele, pq minha pele é tão perfeita? Obrigada universo pelos resultados !
Omg this works, I am actually saying it cuz I am listening to it in loop and I can literally feel my face tightening a little where the acnes are. This subliminal is powerful.
Oh my god It works so well, like... ALL my acne and acne scars dissapeared, they are inexistent My skin is flawless and clearer than the girl in the video, even my grandparents asked me what happened to me! This is amazing, my skin is so soft now... I wish everybody could find this sub so they have my super clear skin :)
meu rosto é livre de acne e manchas, a acne do meu rosto é removida toda agora mesmo, minha pele é limpa, minha pele é saudável, minha pele é clara, minha pele é livre de espinhas, manchas, acne, poros, cravos, pelos indesejados
No Hyper-pigmentation and even skin tone !! OML ilysm for this .💗🌺🌷🌸🦩 OMFG my hyper-pigmetion around lips and nose is gone wowwww yeah I don't have words ,thank you so much (virtual hugs)💚🍀🥝🪴🌿🍏 I got a pimple and also some bumps on face and my skin is looking so bad I'll update if I get results.✨🌷
I tried this yesterday since i wasn't able to wash my face and today my face looks sooo clean and clearrr and i think it could be this sub since it has an aff saying it makes the skin clean itself :)
omg i feel light burning sensation and tingles on my left side of my face i am currently listening to this and will update tmrw afternoon when i get back from school (currently its 12.05.2024 and time is 7.30 pm) ALSO, Y'ALL PLS REMIND ME😭🙏🙏 *EDIT* _REMINDERR_ : omg omg guys wtf this shi is so damn powerful like help- Also i forgot go listen after 2 days or smth of listening to this but the results, OMG😫 they stayed for more than a damn week✨
Guys I used this for first time I listened in loop for 60 times becoz i have more cystic acnes in my face around 15-20 pimples it was very painful last night I listened to this sub in loop next day morning my pimples started shrinking ❤iam happy to see my face
Yes, I will meet my friend tomorrow, but the acne and color tone inequalities on my face bother me a lot. I have been listening to this subliminal for a long time and I can say that I got the effect. I will listen to different subliminals and maybe I can write the results tomorrow. I hope I can be beautiful even for 1 day. What bothers me is my face. There are so many things, I will do everything I can to get through it in 1 day and I tell you this.....Never give up. Everything has a solution and no matter what, you will achieve it one day, this belief will make you ambitious. Just try, you can do it, I believe in you💖💕💕 I love you💕
I listened 11 times now, my skin is going to be CRYSTAL clear as soon as I look into the mirror next morning. :3 I'm gonna go sleep now, good night to all of you beauties!!
🌿 .. . تخيل أن يقول لك شخص هذه الكلمات _ الفوائد في شكل محادثة! احصلي على أنقى بشرة على الإطلاق. بشرتك محصنة ضد أي بثور أو حب الشباب أو أي من ندوبها. يصاب الناس بالصدمة عندما يرون بشرتك المتوهجة الصافية. تحصلين على مجاملات على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع على بشرتك! بشرتك لامعة ومتوهجة مثل الماس. تبدو بشرتك ناعمة مثل السطح المصقول! إنها حقيقة أن بشرتك تبدو جميلة ومتوهجة ومنتعشة وناعمة وناعمة.. . بشرتك ناعمة جدًا عند اللمس !! أوه، وبشرتك تبدو صحية للغاية. هذا التوهج المستمر على بشرتك مثير للإعجاب. يتمنى الناس أن يكون لديهم بشرة مثالية مثلك، بشرتك مثل بشرة الطفل! تخيلي أن يكون لديك بشرة دهنية وجافة.. لا يمكنك أن تتخيلي ذلك، لأن بشرتك تبدو رطبة طوال اليوم، كل يوم! ملمس بشرتك مثالي للغاية! بشرتك تنظف نفسها بسرعة كبيرة.. لقد رأيت السعادة على وجهك عندما ترين نفسك في المرآة! 💗 مع كل نفس ورمشة عين، تصبح بشرتك أكثر صفاءً ونقاءً!! أوه! وبشرتك محصنة ضد الانتفاخ في الصباح أيضًا!؟ أنا أحسدك على تزلجك!! كيف هي بشرتك رائعة للغاية... أنا مرتبكة للغاية! بشرتك محصنة أيضًا ضد أي مشاكل ++ بشرتك متساوية في جميع أنحاء جسمك ++ لا توجد عيوب أو تجاعيد؟! انظري إلى تلك الهالات السوداء تحت العينين!! مثالية للغاية!! لا يوجد فرط تصبغ أيضًا؟ كيف تشعرين بأنك المفضلة لدى الله؟ 🤔 (ميم) أنتِ مثالية! 💌 › مزيد من المعلومات . . . ! ⊱ لا بأس بالتسريع ⊱ لا تقم بالتحزيم دون إذني! ⊱ يمكن الاستماع طوال الليل ⊱ الاستماع بمستوى صوت منخفض ⊱ مكرر x6 (استماع واحد = 6 استماعات) ⊹ ily! - - إخلاء المسؤولية عن حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب القسم 107 من قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر لعام 1976، يُسمح بالاستخدام العادل لأغراض مثل النقد والتعليق والتقارير الإخبارية والمنح الدراسية والبحث. الاستخدام العادل هو استخدام مسموح به بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر والذي قد يكون منتهكًا بخلاف ذلك. الاستخدام غير الهادف للربح أو التعليمي أو الشخصي يميل الميزان لصالح الاستخدام العادل.
Okay i have st listening it today and will update yall don't forget to like so i get a reminder🙃✨️. Day 1= i will loop it for half an hour and update yall... Update=it worked 🎉🎉🎉yayy my skin is now cleared
i hope this work guys my face is so beautiful and clean but accidentally i don't know why but i just looked in the mirror and saw that my face was really bad small bumps on face I'll cry alott hope this workss 😭🥺
tener la piel más clara que existe. Nuestra piel es inmune a los granos, el acné o cualquiera de sus cicatrices. La gente se sorprende mucho cuando ve tu piel clara y brillante. ¡Obtienes complementos 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana en tu piel! . Tu piel es tan brillante y resplandeciente como un diamante. ¡Tu piel luce tan suave como una superficie pulida! Es un hecho que tu piel luce bonita, brillante, fresca, tersa y suave. . . ¡¡Tu piel es tan suave al tacto!! Ah, y tu piel tiene un aspecto aún más saludable. Ese brillo constante en tu piel es tan impresionante. La gente desearía tener una piel tan perfecta como la tuya. ¡Tu piel es como la piel de un bebé! Imagínese tener la piel grasa y seca. . . No te puedes identificar, porque tu piel luce humectada e hidratada todo el día, ¡todos los días! ¡La textura de tu piel es tan perfecta! Nuestra piel también se limpia sola muy rápidamente. . ¡He visto la felicidad en tu cara cuando te ves en el espejo! 💗 ¡Con cada respiración y parpadeo, tu piel se vuelve más y más clara! ¡oh! ¿¡Tu piel también es inmune a verse hinchada por la mañana !? ¡¡Envidio tu esquí!! ¿Cómo está tu piel tan perfecta? ¡Estoy tan confundida! Tu piel también es inmune a cualquier problema ++ Tu piel está uniforme en todo tu cuerpo ++ ¿Sin imperfecciones ni arrugas? ¡¡Mira esos ojos debajo de los ojos!! tan perfecto!! ¿No hay hiperpigmentación también? ¿Cómo se siente ser el favorito de Dios? 🤔 (memes)
Ben3ficios em português ✨️ imagine alguém dizendo essas palavras para você, beneficiando-o na forma de uma conversa! tem a pele mais clara que existe. sua pele é imune a espinhas, acne ou qualquer uma de suas cicatrizes. as pessoas ficam tão chocadas quando veem sua pele clara e brilhante. você recebe complementos 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana em sua pele! sua pele é tão brilhante e brilhante como um diamante. sua pele parece tão lisa quanto uma superfície polida! é um fato que sua pele parece bonita, brilhante, fresca, suave e macia... sua pele é tão macia ao toque!! ah, e sua pele tem uma aparência tão saudável que o brilho constante em sua pele é tão impressionante. as pessoas gostariam de ter uma pele tão perfeita quanto a sua, é claro que elas invejam você! sua pele é como a pele de um bebê! imagine ter pele oleosa e seca... você não consegue se identificar, porque sua pele parece hidratada e hidratada o dia todo, todos os dias! a textura da sua pele é tão perfeita! sua pele também se limpa tão rapidamente .. eu vi a felicidade em seu rosto quando você se vê no espelho! ❤ a cada respiração e piscada, sua pele fica cada vez mais clara !! ah! E sua pele também está imune a parecer inchada pela manhã!? eu invejo seu esqui!! como está sua pele tão perfeita... estou tão confuso! sua pele também é imune a qualquer problema ++ sua pele está uniforme em todo o corpo ++ sem manchas ou rugas ?! olha essas olheiras!! tão perfeito!! sem hiperpigmentação também? como é ser o favorito de Deus?
ah lol, nothing bad in the sense of listening to “this sub” . it’s just that ur ears will start hurting , or you will probably get a bad headache bc of the loudness.
I have unlimited power to have a glass skin I don’t have any skin diseases forever I’m forever glass My mission is completed I’m amazing man I’m reach I have a big man beauty I have so many money I have a big cash I’m free of everything AM PERFECT IM GLOWING IM UMBELIVEBLE IM A GOD MAN WITH POWERS GIVED BY GOD IM COMPLETED UNIVERSE LOVE ME ИСУС LOVED ME БОГ LOVED ME MY GOD CREATOR LOVED ME
i can easily confirm this works SO fast. used once, touched my facial skin, SO SOFTTT. I'm not even affirming bye.
Everyone reading this, including me:
Just love how everyone here in this community feels happy for each other's results even though we haven't even met before... Isn't it just wonderful ❤💗
it’s wholesome 🤍
subliminal community is so wholesomeee ❤
@@cynth1aFrr ✨😩
★ gonna update!
it worked so good! i had a big pimple on my cheek and it’s almost invisible after one day of using!!! love this (:
How much did you listened?
why do i have the clearest skin ever in the universe? when i look to the mirror, i feel confident because my skin is super smooth all the time. my skin is naturally healthy. i have the healthiest skin ever. my skin is perfectly flawless, i love to have clear skin. it is natural for me to have clear skin. my skin barrier is extremely strong and always healthy no matter what. my skin is glowing like moon, its amazing. i have glass skin forever. i am stuck with flawless skin forever. i am so happy to have flawless clearest skin. my skin is always radiant no matter what. when i touch my skin, i can literally feel that my skin is ultra smooth, it is amazing!
Are you Muslim?
claim 💘
Amen mark 10 27 my whole body forvever 1billion level max level mark 10 27 my whole body literally mark 10 27 amdn
BROOOO skincare subs normally don't work for me idk why, but your sub is the BESTTTTTTESSTTTTT....My skin is literally so plump, smooth, pimple free & I'm currently on my period without a single pimple on my face, this is insane & unbelievable....Love you 💋
Drinking a cup of water and listening for every like this gets!!💙
Does it actually work
Keep it up girl
@raixaaaaaaa_ well my skin is very clear now however I also use a lot of products too
I used it around 10 times and I woke up my face is really clear right now, Cynthia is the bestt
Day 2 - used it 10 x
Day3 - didn't used
Day4 - didn't used
Day 5 - didn't used again but its really worked! My face is sooo clean have no pimples at all!
Today I have 1 pimple so I'm here for use this 10x!
day2 - i used aroud 30 min !
Im gonna listen to this before i sleep, i’ll update !!
So i’ve been listening to like around 5 times and i feel slight tingles and i just feel so much more confident about my skin, im literally so excited to wake up tmr with glass clear skin!!
Congratulations babes💋🖤⛓️
It worked really well!! My skin it’s glowy and without acne, I love you fr 😭😭😭💗
THIS WORKS THIS WORKS THIS WORKS. I had a horrible break out today and i listened to this and other subs and now my skin is sooo clear, even clearer than it was before the break out ahhhashfowjfiwkejofwe
I'll update Y'ALL don't worry i won't die bc i have this in my daily playlist!
Day 1- so I put on a sheet mask and put a timer for 30 mins snice for the best glowing skin the mask said to set it at that time and I'm going to update once I remove the mask🌊🌱
Update- OMGG wthh a few pimples that were on my forehead Cleared up oml I love thiss
Day 2- listening to this 2 times and then going to another subliminal and going to sleep gn y'all I'll update tom update- I'm going to cryyy my forehead is so much clearer 😫😫
Day 3- didn't use :(
Day 4- currently looping my whole playlist let's see results :)
Day 5- didn't use
Day 6- used overnight 6 times and oml y'all i can't the blackheads on my nose are almost gone
@@godislove7410 done thanks for reminding me :))
Update? ???
Visualizing and listening during putting face pack ( Sandelwood + yogurt ) ... I wish i would have my best skin ever !
i dont know why but im listening to this while i shower. just imagining the water just clears all my skin problems it feels so good i love this sm!
are you listening on speaker?
@@diksharaisinghani907 uhh idk what you mean im sorry?
@@diksharaisinghani907if you mean without headphone then yeah uts without headphones of course
@@Jaderozaxx how do u listen to this while u shower like I have to make rlly loud (I put it on the sink next to the shower) so I can hear it and my whole family would hear it
i’m obsessed with ur channel 😭 this works so well
i’ve listened to this so many times and it was on loop so idk how much but my skin is so soft and clear and i love it! im gonna be using this so the one pimple goes away. ilysm❤
@@cynth1a got me blushing and all that 🙈
My skin is clear
My skin is dewy
My skin is glass
My skin is deep cleansed
My skin glows in light
My skin is moisturize and hydrated all the time
My skin is insanely dewy and clear
Everyone wants my skin
My skin is smooth and hairless
My skin is hairless
This audio is relaxing my skin
This audio is making my skin clear
This audio is working perfectly
I believe this subliminal works
This subliminal is working
I have no skin conditions
My skin glow like the sun
I have the most shinest skin people ever seen
Im a real life filter
I have no acne
I have no pimples
I have no scarring
I have clear glass skin
My skin is hydrated and glowy
My skin is shiner then my mirror
Claim 💖✨
But instead of using "no acne, pimples etc" let's use "free from acne pimples etc"
I had instant results and you will too. 💗
yess gal ! also 11 likes 💖
Thank you! And I hope so
IT REALLL! Before I went sleep yet last night, my grandmother told me that your face was fresh & wet
My skin became so soft and clear only in 3 listens omg!
Works. I've been listening to it for 6 days and I have almost no pimples. Thank you very much for this audio.
Claim x 100000000000
thanks so much!! so helpful because im so allergic to those skin products
- my skin is smooth
- my parents buy me kawaii skin care supplies.
-my skin is clear
-my skin is hairless
-I have no pimples
-my skin is always moisturized and hydrated at all Times.
used this, next day my sister told me my skin’s been getting so much better, even toned and i’m getting prettier .. she taunted me on gatekeeping good products when all i did was use this sub💀. tysm this works rly well i also used the booster btw
thanks for sharing
My skin is clear
I have my desired fair skin
My skin is glowing
My skin is attractive
Everyone is attracted towards my skin
I am pretty
I have a pretty skin now
I have my fair skin
Fair skin suits on me
My fair skin colour is so gorgeous
My skin is magical now
I have a gorgeous skin
I have no white/dark spots
I have no pimples
My skin is soft
My skin is white like milk
My skin is beautiful
My skin is gorgeous
perfection 🦋🦋
thaannnk uu
my skin is so clear!! this works too fast like i didnt even look in the mirror and i felt my skin it was textureless and clear like crystal clear!!! my scars are all gone and even my milia is gone!!! ❤❤❤this works too well my skin is literally so clear i cantttt
i listened once and my skin is perfect (manifesting)
thankyouu honey
So aesthetic,prob gonna listen
I just finished doing my skincare
Minha pele é 100% limpa 100% macia 100% livre de imperfeições como espinhas, acnes, rosáceas, manchas, olheiras, etc. Minha pele é brilhante, igual de uma porcelana, minha pele é perfeita, parece q minha pele foi cuidada por anos, eu tenho a melhor e mais limpa pele do mundo, todos elogiam minha pele, minha pele é totalemente livre de quaisquer doença, eu tenho uma pele saudável e hidratada ao extremo. eu amo minha pele, pq minha pele é tão perfeita? Obrigada universo pelos resultados !
Thx i have a pimpile and now its not seen i keep listening to this❤
i am going to listen to this subliminal 5 times today ❤❤❤
Omg this works, I am actually saying it cuz I am listening to it in loop and I can literally feel my face tightening a little where the acnes are. This subliminal is powerful.
ur theme is so cute nsjxkenj
aaaaaa tysm 💗💗💗!
So instantly relaxing 😌
Subliminal + panxol + healthy food = my skin is getting better everyday 😭✨
Beneficios en español!
gracias por tomar tu tiempo de traducir eso, se te quiere mucho personita, te agradezco demasiado
Love this need this ❤
Oh my god It works so well, like... ALL my acne and acne scars dissapeared, they are inexistent
My skin is flawless and clearer than the girl in the video, even my grandparents asked me what happened to me! This is amazing, my skin is so soft now... I wish everybody could find this sub so they have my super clear skin :)
Tengo la piel blanca
Tengo la piel blanca
Tengo la piel limpia
Tengo piel limpia
Tengo piel limpia
Tengo la piel limpia
Tengo la piel irreal, effecto borroso
Piel perfecta
Piel perfecta
Piel limpia, blanca
Gracias universo, gracias, gracias, gracias
meu rosto é livre de acne e manchas, a acne do meu rosto é removida toda agora mesmo, minha pele é limpa, minha pele é saudável, minha pele é clara, minha pele é livre de espinhas, manchas, acne, poros, cravos, pelos indesejados
Day 1 ✅💜 remind me 🌸
Day 2 ✅🌸💜
No Hyper-pigmentation and even skin tone !! OML
ilysm for this .💗🌺🌷🌸🦩
OMFG my hyper-pigmetion around lips and nose is gone wowwww yeah I don't have words ,thank you so much (virtual hugs)💚🍀🥝🪴🌿🍏
I got a pimple and also some bumps on face and my skin is looking so bad I'll update if I get results.✨🌷
Owww you replied so sweetly ❤
@@ananya8684 ❤️❤️
I tried this yesterday since i wasn't able to wash my face and today my face looks sooo clean and clearrr and i think it could be this sub since it has an aff saying it makes the skin clean itself :)
omg i feel light burning sensation and tingles on my left side of my face i am currently listening to this and will update tmrw afternoon when i get back from school
(currently its 12.05.2024 and time is 7.30 pm)
_REMINDERR_ : omg omg guys wtf this shi is so damn powerful like help-
Also i forgot go listen after 2 days or smth of listening to this but the results, OMG😫 they stayed for more than a damn week✨
Vamo ver, escutei 3 vezes! 💋 (fiquei com dor de cabeça ksks)
@@taisoliveira7272eai? Means
Thanks dear 🎉
Guys I used this for first time
I listened in loop for 60 times becoz i have more cystic acnes in my face around 15-20 pimples it was very painful last night I listened to this sub in loop next day morning my pimples started shrinking ❤iam happy to see my face
Yes, I will meet my friend tomorrow, but the acne and color tone inequalities on my face bother me a lot. I have been listening to this subliminal for a long time and I can say that I got the effect. I will listen to different subliminals and maybe I can write the results tomorrow. I hope I can be beautiful even for 1 day. What bothers me is my face. There are so many things, I will do everything I can to get through it in 1 day and I tell you this.....Never give up. Everything has a solution and no matter what, you will achieve it one day, this belief will make you ambitious. Just try, you can do it, I believe in you💖💕💕
I love you💕
I don't really lie to you this audio at the first listen it gives me very very soft skin and I feel less my pimples
using this to get rid of my acne scars
I listened 11 times now, my skin is going to be CRYSTAL clear as soon as I look into the mirror next morning. :3
I'm gonna go sleep now, good night to all of you beauties!!
@@lyrr08 UPDATE! Thank you for reminding!!
I woke up with my skin COMPLETELY CLEAR!
It was so soft and all, all of my acne and acne scars were GONE
@@Slaysubssss It's so good. (Sorry if is something wrong, I don't speak good enough english)
@@lyrr08 It's okay! I understand that your english isn't perfect but it's because it's not your native language
@@Slaysubssss thanks
Tysm 🤎
My skin is so freaking clear damn!!!!! I am so much beautiful!!!
I have a clear skin
I have a poreless skin
My skin is free from acne spots
My skin is glowing
It's deserve million of views but unfortunately 😢
This while wearing a face mask omg. HEAAAAVENLY.
Your channel is cute ;)
urs is cuter ;)
My skin is glowing.
My skin is clear.
My skin is soft.
Mu skin in perfect.
omg once I turned it on I felt pressure on my face 😨
.. . تخيل أن يقول لك شخص هذه الكلمات _ الفوائد في شكل محادثة!
احصلي على أنقى بشرة على الإطلاق. بشرتك محصنة ضد أي بثور أو حب الشباب أو أي من ندوبها. يصاب الناس بالصدمة عندما يرون بشرتك المتوهجة الصافية. تحصلين على مجاملات على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع على بشرتك! بشرتك لامعة ومتوهجة مثل الماس. تبدو بشرتك ناعمة مثل السطح المصقول! إنها حقيقة أن بشرتك تبدو جميلة ومتوهجة ومنتعشة وناعمة وناعمة.. .
بشرتك ناعمة جدًا عند اللمس !! أوه، وبشرتك تبدو صحية للغاية. هذا التوهج المستمر على بشرتك مثير للإعجاب.
يتمنى الناس أن يكون لديهم بشرة مثالية مثلك، بشرتك مثل بشرة الطفل! تخيلي أن يكون لديك بشرة دهنية وجافة.. لا يمكنك أن تتخيلي ذلك، لأن بشرتك تبدو رطبة طوال اليوم، كل يوم! ملمس بشرتك مثالي للغاية! بشرتك تنظف نفسها بسرعة كبيرة.. لقد رأيت السعادة على وجهك عندما ترين نفسك في المرآة! 💗
مع كل نفس ورمشة عين، تصبح بشرتك أكثر صفاءً ونقاءً!!
أوه! وبشرتك محصنة ضد الانتفاخ في الصباح أيضًا!؟ أنا أحسدك على تزلجك!!
كيف هي بشرتك رائعة للغاية... أنا مرتبكة للغاية! بشرتك محصنة أيضًا ضد أي مشاكل ++ بشرتك متساوية في جميع أنحاء جسمك ++ لا توجد عيوب أو تجاعيد؟! انظري إلى تلك الهالات السوداء تحت العينين!! مثالية للغاية!! لا يوجد فرط تصبغ أيضًا؟ كيف تشعرين بأنك المفضلة لدى الله؟ 🤔 (ميم)
أنتِ مثالية!
💌 › مزيد من المعلومات . . . !
⊱ لا بأس بالتسريع
⊱ لا تقم بالتحزيم دون إذني!
⊱ يمكن الاستماع طوال الليل
⊱ الاستماع بمستوى صوت منخفض
⊱ مكرر x6 (استماع واحد = 6 استماعات)
⊹ ily!
- -
إخلاء المسؤولية عن حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب القسم 107 من قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر لعام 1976، يُسمح بالاستخدام العادل لأغراض مثل النقد والتعليق والتقارير الإخبارية والمنح الدراسية والبحث. الاستخدام العادل هو استخدام مسموح به بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر والذي قد يكون منتهكًا بخلاف ذلك. الاستخدام غير الهادف للربح أو التعليمي أو الشخصي يميل الميزان لصالح الاستخدام العادل.
Okay i have st listening it today and will update yall don't forget to like so i get a reminder🙃✨️.
Day 1= i will loop it for half an hour and update yall...
Update=it worked 🎉🎉🎉yayy my skin is now cleared
11:11 x my skin is so clear people are gonna mistake me for glass 💋
i listened to this 3 times yesterday, today my skin is soft and a millium that i have near my cheek is small, almost disappearing
Love this 💟
i hope this work guys my face is so beautiful and clean but accidentally i don't know why but i just looked in the mirror and saw that my face was really bad small bumps on face I'll cry alott hope this workss 😭🥺
Gonna try this for a week!!
Day: 1
Mi piel luce perfecta
Mi piel es muy suave
Mi piel es lisa
Mi piel es hermosa
Mi piel siempre luce bonita
Nahh, because this works super fast?? Like Hello????
tener la piel más clara que existe. Nuestra piel es inmune a los granos, el acné o cualquiera de sus cicatrices. La gente se sorprende mucho cuando ve tu piel clara y brillante. ¡Obtienes complementos 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana en tu piel! . Tu piel es tan brillante y resplandeciente como un diamante. ¡Tu piel luce tan suave como una superficie pulida! Es un hecho que tu piel luce bonita, brillante, fresca, tersa y suave. . . ¡¡Tu piel es tan suave al tacto!! Ah, y tu piel tiene un aspecto aún más saludable. Ese brillo constante en tu piel es tan impresionante. La gente desearía tener una piel tan perfecta como la tuya. ¡Tu piel es como la piel de un bebé! Imagínese tener la piel grasa y seca. . . No te puedes identificar, porque tu piel luce humectada e hidratada todo el día, ¡todos los días! ¡La textura de tu piel es tan perfecta! Nuestra piel también se limpia sola muy rápidamente. . ¡He visto la felicidad en tu cara cuando te ves en el espejo! 💗 ¡Con cada respiración y parpadeo, tu piel se vuelve más y más clara! ¡oh! ¿¡Tu piel también es inmune a verse hinchada por la mañana !? ¡¡Envidio tu esquí!! ¿Cómo está tu piel tan perfecta? ¡Estoy tan confundida! Tu piel también es inmune a cualquier problema ++ Tu piel está uniforme en todo tu cuerpo ++ ¿Sin imperfecciones ni arrugas? ¡¡Mira esos ojos debajo de los ojos!! tan perfecto!! ¿No hay hiperpigmentación también? ¿Cómo se siente ser el favorito de Dios? 🤔 (memes)
Ben3ficios em português ✨️
imagine alguém dizendo essas palavras para você, beneficiando-o na forma de uma conversa!
tem a pele mais clara que existe. sua pele é imune a espinhas, acne ou qualquer uma de suas cicatrizes. as pessoas ficam tão chocadas quando veem sua pele clara e brilhante. você recebe complementos 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana em sua pele! sua pele é tão brilhante e brilhante como um diamante. sua pele parece tão lisa quanto uma superfície polida! é um fato que sua pele parece bonita, brilhante, fresca, suave e macia...
sua pele é tão macia ao toque!! ah, e sua pele tem uma aparência tão saudável que o brilho constante em sua pele é tão impressionante.
as pessoas gostariam de ter uma pele tão perfeita quanto a sua, é claro que elas invejam você! sua pele é como a pele de um bebê! imagine ter pele oleosa e seca... você não consegue se identificar, porque sua pele parece hidratada e hidratada o dia todo, todos os dias! a textura da sua pele é tão perfeita! sua pele também se limpa tão rapidamente .. eu vi a felicidade em seu rosto quando você se vê no espelho! ❤ a cada respiração e piscada, sua pele fica cada vez mais clara !!
ah! E sua pele também está imune a parecer inchada pela manhã!? eu invejo seu esqui!! como está sua pele tão perfeita... estou tão confuso! sua pele também é imune a qualquer problema ++ sua pele está uniforme em todo o corpo ++ sem manchas ou rugas ?! olha essas olheiras!! tão perfeito!! sem hiperpigmentação também? como é ser o favorito de Deus?
Hi can u plz make one for neat clean shaped eyebrows❤plz...humble request
the pimple on my chin is shrinking and decreasing in size. i never get acne due to stress or hormones.
Skin is no longer oily after a few listens
I listend 24 lets see
Your skin is going to shineeeeee
Novo inscrito❤
Can I bundle this?
Day 1: ✔️
What would happen if I don't listen on low volume and I listen louder??
ah lol, nothing bad in the sense of listening to “this sub” . it’s just that ur ears will start hurting , or you will probably get a bad headache bc of the loudness.
Oigan no les recomiendo jabon zote segun era para el acne pero cada que me lo lavo me arde la piel
Linda tal vez el jabón no es para tu tipo de piel
Does this work for skin conditions like ezcema
I believe it does.
Adminnnnnn what's that on the thumbnail???????
Its skincare
@@theyloveamyy lmafao ik 😭whichh oneeee?
I have unlimited power to have a glass skin
I don’t have any skin diseases forever
I’m forever glass
My mission is completed
I’m amazing man
I’m reach
I have a big man beauty
I have so many money
I have a big cash
I’m free of everything
Can boys use this?
Yes, it's an unisex subliminal! :3
stupid question 😭😭
@@Str4wP04tnot trying to hate but its not that stupid some subs have affirmations that are gender specific not trying to hate tjo
@@NotKassie even more stupid
@@Str4wP04tlowkey being a bitch for what?☠️
Do this also make skin bright and lighter??
can i bundle this?
@@cynth1a thanks for letting me know 🫶🏼
can i bundle??? plss respond fast
Will this work for any dkin problem and stretch marks?
What is the meme in the benafit section?
What is bundle ?????????
@@soradalmeida can I listen another wish