(FREE) Omar Apollo x Daniel Caesar Type Beat - "Silk"

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @etalaf
    @etalaf Год назад +30

    this is really cool sir or lady Lilac. especially running at 125 bpm and no samples and NO watermark! you're talented, and generous and thank you. i subscribe.

    • @theestarkeeper.7620
      @theestarkeeper.7620 Год назад +6

      Somehowsir or lady lilac was very adorable of you ngl lmao

    • @lilymajors2719
      @lilymajors2719 Год назад +1

      @@theestarkeeper.7620that’s what i was thinking😭

  • @nicolerod6486
    @nicolerod6486 Год назад +19

    Hopeless lover girl
    When will you stop dreaming
    open your eyes
    It’s know it’s hard to believe it
    No one’s gonna love you like you’ve seen in the movies
    That never stops you
    Cause you love the feeling
    You savor each moment
    Pretend time is frozen
    Chose love when your not chosen
    You just love to love
    Cant make this up
    I hope you learn to love yourself

    • @Realmoodyfck
      @Realmoodyfck Год назад +2

      Hopeless lover girl
      wont you fall for me
      we could talk all night
      until you go to sleep
      maybe even we
      could runaway and see
      everything you believe
      just trust and follow me
      I’ll lead you to your dreams
      wherever that may mean
      you’re my little
      b a b y (why ) you wanna leave?

    • @Realmoodyfck
      @Realmoodyfck Год назад +1

      Issa duet its not a solo

    • @nicolerod6486
      @nicolerod6486 Год назад +1

      @@Realmoodyfck where can I message you ? I want to hear it lol


      Focused on us too much
      Till I just lost myself
      I’m wishing you don’t leave
      I sacrificed my health
      I’m giving you the world

    • @Kelly.Callahan
      @Kelly.Callahan Год назад +1

      hopeless lover girl. I hope that you can see, the best part of you is me. Me, myself, and I- we’ve been spending time

    @VEJJIETALES Год назад +2

    This makes me cry I love this so much thank you for your incredible work because it truly touches my heart!!!!!

  • @f14sh
    @f14sh Год назад +1

    insane brotha!

  • @cde7402
    @cde7402 Год назад

    y es que te siento tan diferente,
    como si no fueras tú
    complicada en su forma de ser
    pero no quiero otra en el amanecer
    pero aprendí amarte, con todo y ese dolor
    con esa sensación

  • @yacine5516
    @yacine5516 Год назад +3

    Amazing beat bro! You’re really talented! That bass line is sick, if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly are you playing?

    • @LilacBeats
      @LilacBeats  Год назад +2

      appreciate that bro do you mean the notes or what kind of bass?

    • @kee04O
      @kee04O 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@LilacBeatsyeah the note

  • @StoneSoWavy
    @StoneSoWavy Год назад


  • @makkiasingletary630
    @makkiasingletary630 Год назад

    I love this

  • @imensmusicinsync
    @imensmusicinsync 10 месяцев назад

    waw 😍😍

  • @sinodasodyssey
    @sinodasodyssey Год назад

    I love this beautiful masterpiece!!!

  • @theblindsideduo
    @theblindsideduo Год назад


  • @CaviarKubrick
    @CaviarKubrick Год назад

    Rock hard 🚀

  • @DknDggy
    @DknDggy Год назад +2

    Comenze un día amargo mmm
    Lloré cuando no había a nadie
    Y en las ventanas de mi habitación se encuentra sol iluminandonos mi pared no habla
    Aunque me llama , si no me registra le hablo a la almohada

  • @Zzzulllyyy
    @Zzzulllyyy Год назад

    Question, so could I for example put a song out w this beat on Apple Music or any other app n it would be fine as long as ur credited or??

    @ROBBIERUNWILD 4 месяца назад

    How much do I need to pay you to buy this from you outright?

    @MrMAITRAY Год назад

    Never in my wildest dreams, I would have chased my sorrow for retribution.
    But there’s her luring me in her silence.
    I’m lost.
    I found a wrong direction to set my foot towards. Baby, lost.
    I found myself in the middle of Hokkaido ,
    I found myself in the midst of my souls, emptying like a volcano,

  • @adis_film.
    @adis_film. Год назад

    can i use this in my vlogs if i give credits on the screen and in the description? i feel like it totally fits my vibe!

    • @LilacBeats
      @LilacBeats  Год назад +1

      yea of course go for it

    • @adis_film.
      @adis_film. Год назад

      @@LilacBeats awesome! thanks so much 🫶🏻

  • @aminmellassi3810
    @aminmellassi3810 7 месяцев назад

    e sei così bella
    Che a vederti mi emoziono
    E ti chiederei perdono
    ma mi si fermano le labbra
    Quando fermo sono
    e davanti a me ho una tua foto o la tua faccia
    Del pudore non c'è traccia
    Quando immersa dentro i tuoi pensieri
    Sembri immersa in mezzo al traffico
    Sopra una macchina
    E fai a gara coi miei sentimenti
    Al taglio del traguardo e quando e quando
    Tu mi guarderai coi tuoi occhi grandi
    Spero solo non saranno occhi spenti
    conteniamo quello che proviamo come portaceneri
    E dicerto non ti merito
    e non prenderò dei meriti
    Quando solo nel deserto non saprò come proteggermi

  • @MM-jw4um
    @MM-jw4um Год назад +2

    This shit hard as fuck

  • @abelbrendley97
    @abelbrendley97 Год назад +1

    This is so good. The chorus/hook is definitely dragged out though. Would’ve been perfect if it was 4-8 bars shorter. Great job still

  • @D-Reality
    @D-Reality Год назад


  • @SFG-Official
    @SFG-Official Год назад

    I hope you think of me
    When your him
    When he’s all over you
    Your teeth is sinking in
    No there’s no movin on
    I hold my breath until my skin is blue

  • @gorgalstian
    @gorgalstian Год назад

    hi can you section the video btwn choruses and verses 🙏🏼

  • @hopenf5796
    @hopenf5796 Год назад +4

    today i thought of you again,
    dreaming about us together
    even if it’s a mirage
    us, you and me i think that it’s true
    and i still believe in you
    but please call me tonight i wanna hold you so tight
    but even if it’s the end, i hope you know that i’ll never forget you
    you made me so happy and full of memories, full of memories
    when i close my eyes i can image you near me
    you beside me with our hands entangled
    but it’s all in my fucking imagination i ll never get back to you because you don’t want me to
    but please understand that i miss you
    and you
    and you you you
    i don’t know if it was real love but it was real enough to stay in my mind constantly
    my heart beating when i see you from afar
    this is a love song but is it, real love ? all i know is that i want you in my arms !!!
    so please call me back

  • @jotaTxxz
    @jotaTxxz 7 дней назад

    por que você nao atende o telefone?
    as minhas mensagens não chegam mais
    você se foi, me deixou pra trás
    e agora, não me resta mais... nada
    eu juro... que ta tão dificil
    sem você do lado, tudo ficou mais chato

  • @Isadrew6
    @Isadrew6 Год назад

    Que delicia de beat , amei demais ❤

  • @tkierohan
    @tkierohan Год назад

    aaaaaa esta hermoso lptmr

  • @savtaius1016
    @savtaius1016 Год назад

    Uurlahgui, urilgagui zoochin
    Durlaj bi dursamjiig tsoojlono

  • @karanakushi6054
    @karanakushi6054 Год назад