Excedrine If he is he cannot be honest about it and have any chance at higher office. You have to placate the bankers and chickenhawks right up until swearing in.
AKlover True enough. Still, with *very* few exceptions, *everyone* who is in office weren't so much as placating the bankers and chickenhawks but were *purchased* mind, body, and soul altogether by them.
TRAXXAS took a old design used freely since the 80s and took the patent as their own in 2010, a design not theirs. I'd like to know who invented it and know what they think or if they can take it back because i think that is a shitty move for a company to steal another persons design or even a free design for anyone to make and use. And now TRAXXAS is now preventing other from using the design and moving forward.
Undoubtedly patents/copyrights have mostly become a corporate scam far removed from any legitimate protections, I don't think they can be eliminated altogether but when patents are created the beneficiary should self assess the price of buying out that patent, then pay a tax as a % of that figure, which should rise as the patent matures. That way if they over assess they pay a good amount of tax for the privilege, and if they under assess competitors will simply buy them out - hence they will always have an incentive to choose the right price. The most damaging patents to the economy by far are land patents. Notice 'freehold' fits the definition given hereof copyright to a T. A 'government granted monopoly... legally defined as the right to exclude', in this case to exclude others from a plot of land for eternity regardless of whether you use that land or just leave it to parasitically collect capital gains. And people wonder why the Asian tigers are so successful when the state owns most of the land, in short 'they primarily lease it to business and let the free market function without privilege. An even more efficient way would be to levy the land directly based on market rental prices.
I like your idea of taxing patents, but your claims about 'Asian Tigers' land ownership doesn't fly. There is a 'market failure' (look it up if you are unfamiliar) in any monopoly arrangement, including the government monopoly on land that you suggest.
Drug companies make the case for patents because the FDA makes it so expensive to bring drugs to market. Without the FDA the cost of producing a new drug would fall and they would no longer need these massive 20 year patents where at the end of the 20 years they will evergreen the patent by slightly changing the drug. Since these drug companies have government granted monopolies, naturally the drug prices skyrocket making many life saving drugs unattainable without health insurance or for people in 2nd / 3rd world countries. It's a real shame and I don't know how to fix patents. any interested comments welcome :)
You'd think Patent scummers stealing money from businesses would not only be illegal, but would be instantly dismissed from court trials and payouts to the companies, if any evidence can be shown that it's a forced or scam patent cash grab. anything at all. but nope. We gotta make it all complex and ruin things for the smarter people WHO USE COURTS CORRECTLY.
One, they are too expensive. Two, you should not be allowed to withhold a patent that you are not using from the public. 3 it should only be used for new inventions. And as a bonus pharmaceutical patents should always have competition.
Disagree. We need a means to ensure that those who innovate and produce good works can profit from their efforts. It doesn't matter if we are talking about music, books, vids, or invention of items. The current patent/copyright system however grants a monopoly - and that is always very bad for markets. I think it might be possible to create a 'patent' system that did not include the monopoly scheme. Maybe an inventor would be required to offer limited rights up for bid in an auction system. What is needed are market forces creating price discovery for the invention - not a monopoly arrangement setting an arbitrator price that inhibits use of the invention. This price discovery would also create an obvious market price for a patent, and so unused patents (as held by patent trolls) would have near-zero value, and any violations would have minimal recovery cost..
Eliminating the FDA would also alleviate the billion dollars it costs pharmaceutical companies to bring a new drug to market, and thus reduce the need for monopoly patents. Private regulators, like Underwriters Laboratories (UL) which manages safety guidelines for electrical appliances, could compete and set standards for drug testing, eliminating the bloat of the FDA. Furthermore, pharmaceutical companies could decide to bring their drugs to market without the stamp of approval from one or more private regulators, leaving the decision to take the risk with the individual, where it should be.
+SweetLiberty01 And when people die from ineffective medications you will wish the FDA were back. Are you people crazy? The companies already have to withdraw medicines from the market that turn out to be dangerous or ineffective!
Microsoft has abused the patent system to patent things they did not create. this includes virtual desktops in 2002 (www.google.co.uk/patents/US7010755) when Linux has had them since 1998 (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
What?? Government fucking shit up??
Patent and IP reform. Unfortunately there is nobody qualified to write that legislation in DC. Re-doing it legislatively now would make things worse.
AKlover Hell, there's *nobody* qualified to write ANY legislation in D.C. There *never* was, quite frankly.
Excedrine Ron Paul would have been the obvious choice, but he is no longer among the den of liars, murderers, and thieves known as congress.
AKlover Indeed. It's too bad his son Rand isn't much like him at all.
Excedrine If he is he cannot be honest about it and have any chance at higher office. You have to placate the bankers and chickenhawks right up until swearing in.
AKlover True enough. Still, with *very* few exceptions, *everyone* who is in office weren't so much as placating the bankers and chickenhawks but were *purchased* mind, body, and soul altogether by them.
TRAXXAS took a old design used freely since the 80s and took the patent as their own in 2010, a design not theirs. I'd like to know who invented it and know what they think or if they can take it back because i think that is a shitty move for a company to steal another persons design or even a free design for anyone to make and use. And now TRAXXAS is now preventing other from using the design and moving forward.
Undoubtedly patents/copyrights have mostly become a corporate scam far removed from any legitimate protections, I don't think they can be eliminated altogether but when patents are created the beneficiary should self assess the price of buying out that patent, then pay a tax as a % of that figure, which should rise as the patent matures. That way if they over assess they pay a good amount of tax for the privilege, and if they under assess competitors will simply buy them out - hence they will always have an incentive to choose the right price.
The most damaging patents to the economy by far are land patents. Notice 'freehold' fits the definition given hereof copyright to a T.
A 'government granted monopoly... legally defined as the right to exclude', in this case to exclude others from a plot of land for eternity regardless of whether you use that land or just leave it to parasitically collect capital gains. And people wonder why the Asian tigers are so successful when the state owns most of the land, in short 'they primarily lease it to business and let the free market function without privilege. An even more efficient way would be to levy the land directly based on market rental prices.
I like your idea of taxing patents, but your claims about 'Asian Tigers' land ownership doesn't fly. There is a 'market failure' (look it up if you are unfamiliar) in any monopoly arrangement, including the government monopoly on land that you suggest.
Drug companies make the case for patents because the FDA makes it so expensive to bring drugs to market. Without the FDA the cost of producing a new drug would fall and they would no longer need these massive 20 year patents where at the end of the 20 years they will evergreen the patent by slightly changing the drug. Since these drug companies have government granted monopolies, naturally the drug prices skyrocket making many life saving drugs unattainable without health insurance or for people in 2nd / 3rd world countries. It's a real shame and I don't know how to fix patents. any interested comments welcome :)
There’s no such thing as “government granted monopolies”. Monopolies come from the corporation who essentially bribes the government to let it exist.
You'd think Patent scummers stealing money from businesses would not only be illegal, but would be instantly dismissed from court trials and payouts to the companies, if any evidence can be shown that it's a forced or scam patent cash grab. anything at all. but nope. We gotta make it all complex and ruin things for the smarter people WHO USE COURTS CORRECTLY.
One, they are too expensive. Two, you should not be allowed to withhold a patent that you are not using from the public. 3 it should only be used for new inventions. And as a bonus pharmaceutical patents should always have competition.
The only valid IP is trademark and then only in the protection of the consumer from fraud.
Excellent point.
Disagree. We need a means to ensure that those who innovate and produce good works can profit from their efforts. It doesn't matter if we are talking about music, books, vids, or invention of items. The current patent/copyright system however grants a monopoly - and that is always very bad for markets.
I think it might be possible to create a 'patent' system that did not include the monopoly scheme. Maybe an inventor would be required to offer limited rights up for bid in an auction system. What is needed are market forces creating price discovery for the invention - not a monopoly arrangement setting an arbitrator price that inhibits use of the invention. This price discovery would also create an obvious market price for a patent, and so unused patents (as held by patent trolls) would have near-zero value, and any violations would have minimal recovery cost..
Not my government .
the best database are open source.
Going to trademark "quicklier"...
Rider Redux Derek already has a copyright in it. ;-)
Eliminating the FDA would also alleviate the billion dollars it costs pharmaceutical companies to bring a new drug to market, and thus reduce the need for monopoly patents. Private regulators, like Underwriters Laboratories (UL) which manages safety guidelines for electrical appliances, could compete and set standards for drug testing, eliminating the bloat of the FDA. Furthermore, pharmaceutical companies could decide to bring their drugs to market without the stamp of approval from one or more private regulators, leaving the decision to take the risk with the individual, where it should be.
+SweetLiberty01 And when people die from ineffective medications you will wish the FDA were back. Are you people crazy? The companies already have to withdraw medicines from the market that turn out to be dangerous or ineffective!
Are you all just as confused as I am ? Of course you are, it was an attorney speaking.
The world patent system is broken.
Microsoft has abused the patent system to patent things they did not create.
this includes virtual desktops in 2002 (www.google.co.uk/patents/US7010755) when Linux has had them since 1998 (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
Virtually all countries have patent system. Getting rid of it would be very hard.
However the patent system has been considerably modified and overhauled since the 1980s.