This podcast has grounded me in my faith that once was a struggle for me. I have removed so much from my life that was a huge distraction from God. No more social media, no more temptations. I work everyday on my faith, my dedication and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I was saved when I was 12 but strayed over the years. Thank you so much for this podcast. It has been a punch in the gut that brought me back to where I need to be.
I need a 👊 punch in the gut. sigh... and a hug 🤗 in the heart. 💔 I agree, these brothers in Christ help me enormously. Brothers and sisters in the comments do to. Love to all... 😍
Never feel, your all alone as myself am your brother in faith...Then, when I realized we get 2 baptism's, just as the disciples experience in Jerusalem.. As, humans we all fall short, before we die...
Since listening to Phil Robertson pod cast it has changed my life for the better. I am very grateful God bless the Robertson clan and God bless the USA
Wow, I did a lot of crying in this one. Phil talking about when he finally really heard the message of Jesus and eternal life. Brought back so many memories for me. Sadie's wedding. And when I sit and take in every episode now, I feel like I'm part of the family. Can't wait to see you guys in heaven!
Thanks again for bringing me closer to Jesus and the Lord! After many sessions of this show I am looking to join a church nearby to continue on and learn. Appreciate it.
Good luck to you in finding one! A lot of people dont join a church cuz they think they can worship God only by themselves- "oh churches are full of hypocrites". One of the best things about being a Christian is the fellowship of your local church and the ability to serve them with your talents as much as they help you! Follow the Lord's leading and don't give up when you find put they're human too (they make mistakes just like the rest of us). I pray you find a good one!
My eldest son was wounded in Iraq 12 years ago, it left him a quadriplegic. His dog Motley knows when he's starting to become ill quicker than his nurses do. He becomes glued to his side, whenever he does that. His nurses pay extra attention because within 48 hours he will start showing symptoms.
I hope he's ok. . I'm so sorry . Thank him for me for keeping our country safe and secure His service was not unwarranted. So many of us Love and Revere our Soldiers. Men and Women. Thank you Sir . God Bless you Ma'am you and your Family now and Always. Thank you. ❤️🌷
You guys help people in more ways than you probably know, I'm going through a really tough time in my life and I've listened to every episode so far. I know that just listening to y'all makes my day better and try to do better. Thank you so much
That's amazing that they did communion for their wedding. I've never heard of that and that's amazing and I want to do that if I ever get married. You're right, it is a worship service, as every moment in life should be. Thanks again for doing what you do!
Go my gosh, the funniest line in this podcast is "most of us don't have a eunuch." Al, said this, didn't miss a beat, and just kept going with no laughter at all!!!! Great podcast! I'm here up in Canada, and loved Dyck Dynasty when it was on t.v. thanks for your faithfulness to Jesus!
Brother's remember me when you all pray.. I have had it had since last year were a Dr messed me up through a sugery I have had 12 sugery's altogether from june of last year all the way up to januaury 2020 of this year been out of work as well. Jesus as supplyied my need's.. Pray for me and I thank you for the the prayers.. God is amazing all of the time this I know.. Praise the Lord.. Amen.. God is good to us all.. Shine and Smile on in the Lord.. 😊...
Thank you so much for these podcast guys. I've binge watched these over the last few months and I have learned a lot. I lost faith years ago but after listening to y'all for hours and hours I'm ready to get back in church and regain my faith. Thank you Alan, Phil and Jase. May your 2020 be great and wonderful! God bless.
Will you pray for me, Joshua Atkinson in Ohio. I am having impulse control sins. ( alcohol ) you guys are helping me as I exercise while I listen to you. Thank you
Gentlemen, your matter-of-fact discussion of the greatest story of all time is so refreshing, and certainly sharpens this iron. I thank you. Blessings to you all.
I love your family. I've watched all the Duck Dynasty episodes. I always pray with you all, when you say grace. I wish Phil could baptise me in the river. GOD bless your family always.
I was busy starting and tending a fire this morning - a very cold morning - however, this was an anointed podcast, especially the part about Sadie's wedding. It kept my attention throughout all that I was doing. (I am hoping that I can find a video of the wedding; surely Willey had it filmed.) Thank you all for sharing this with us and allowing us to praise GOD along with you!
Get my daily dose of the message here. These podcast's have given me the motivation and the drive to read the Book and spread the message. Keep the podcasts coming, in these times this is the best way to spread discipleship
I look forward to listening to the podcast twice a week I was a huge fan of the show because of your faith in god I have always been a follower of god but now with your podcast I’ve been sending out a daily verse that I find most days on my own but I was listening to some of the older podcast last week and one of the verse you talked about on the podcast spoke to me enough to share with my group of friends later that night one of the members of the group called me and shared that he’s going throw dark times but because of the verses I send and my faith in god helps him keeps his faith in god God spoke to me throw your podcast with the verse I sent “So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.” Ephesians 4:17 NIV Thank you guys P.s god is good
It’s like watch a younger version of Phil and older version of Phil talking with Alan. Jase is Phil mini me. Thank you for all you do for the kingdom of my Lord Jesus. Joe NC
This is so great!!!! I like this so much better than even the duck dynasty. This is real. And so laid back! And talk about the Lord! Thank you for this channel!!!
Wishing Phil a Blessed Birthday....not sure where comments are four months old on a premiered show, just joined so may be out of the loop. Love ya'll and thankyou for making it easier to understand the Word.
Such a Good reminder that death is not something to worry about, although we miss our loved ones, they are happier than we could ever be on earth. Reminded me of the loss of my husband. I miss him very much, yet as a Christ follower I know he is not missing this earthly life. I know that my future on earth and eternal stands with Christ!
Hey guys! My name is Tyler Smith from Knoxville TN. Y’all remember when Y’all we’re talking about Moses in Exodus and Jase said, “someone should write a song about this”? I’m a songwriter and when I heard it I thought, “sure let’s do it!”. So with the help of the Lord, it’s finished and I want to share it with you guys but I’m not quite sure how. If you could find a way to get back to me, I would love for y’all to hear it! God bless you, and keep being unashamed for the Gospel!
I look forward to this podcast everyweek. I listen to it in the gym, and at work. I wonder what your stance or thoughts are about drinking, growing up I lived in a very strict not drinking house hold, but as i became older I found my own opinions on it aren't the same as my parents when growing up. I dont see what would be wrong if i had a couple beers or glasses of wine before bed or if im grilling. It would be awesome to hear you guys talk about it in the podcast. Thank you, and God bless Brian Miller - Sahuarita / Tucson, Arizona
They have discussed this in earlier podcast my friend. They see nothing we wrong with drinking. They say Jesus Christ himself drank. But so not overindulge yourself. “Of a sober mind” so don’t drink enough to alter your mind.
I love my brother's in Christ, but, I do not agree with their belief that is is ok to drink in moderation. The modern church believes that the water that Jesus turned into wine, was intoxicating wine, but it was not! The Bible does teach total abstinence from alchohol. Both the main Hebrew word for wine and the Greek word for wine can mean either fermented grape juice or intoxicating wine. The English word wine originally had two meanings also-unfermented juice or alchoholic drink. Verses to show God approves of wine are speaking about unfermented juice. Verses that expose the evils of wine are speaking about intoxicating wine. I was just studying and researching this very same topic in my KJV bible. Who decides what is moderation? One drink, two drinks? Why does Jesus deliver Christian's from alcohol , and then turn around and say it is ok to drink a little? He is perfect, and would never be hypocritical! As Christian's, we are to study the scriptures, and dig deeper into the bible, not just go by one scripture about Jesus turning water into wine. There are so many scriptures warning of the evils of drinking. Read Genisis 9:20-26, as a good example. Noah became drunk; the result was immorality and family trouble. Sorry this is lengthy, I say this in love brother. It just saddens me that the church believes this lie.
Patriot America Jg drinking means alcohol my friend or he would of not said drinking because if it was juice there would of never been a reason for him to say drinking because it would of not been significant.
I sure do miss your family on Duck Dynasty. So ive been watching reruns. Jase your beard is getting grey. Remember you where getting on to Godwin about spooking the ducks cause of his white beard. Love you guys. Lots of fun watching you. I live in Tennessee and a hunter and tracker.
Kevin Lehman is an awesome counselor and author, funny guy and so knowledgeable as well! And that he has a dog and that helps at counseling, that’s amazing. God made us relational, never to go through life alone. And He gave us animals to care for, since the beginning with Adam. Great show!
You should have at least all your family members on 1 time , those we know and those we don't. Your lights all shine brightly for the Lord and each light resonates with one person or another. God bless you all!
My greatest wish in all the wishes I could make would be to meet y'all. No...I'm not looking for money!! I was just saved on March 27th of this year. It was towards the beginning of the quarantine. I was baptized on November 9th, 2002, but I knew I had not received the Holy Spirit. Well...lemme tell you. On that day back in March, the Lord got a hold of me, and He took me on a journey I will never forget! It was scary at times, but mostly, it was... more than I can put into words. I even saw the face of Jesus. I know I stopped breathing when that happened because after that part was over, I felt myself starting to breathe. My problem is that I don't know anyone who is saved so I can't turn to anyone to explain the bible to me.
That is why the Lord designed the Church, if one is able to attend. A Bible-believing, reaching out, disciple-making Church, as in Acts. The Bible teaches us that we, as Christ followers, are the church, His Church, the Bride of Christ. And it is awesome!
It's always so good and a blessing to see you boys on a Sunday, even though it's been done it appears a week preceeding. It's just such a build up to guys who feel isolated sometimes in PC areas, and contemplating an escape, lol. But, mainly to ABIDE IN THE WORD OF GOD, EVERY ONE, TO GET TO KNOW IT, AND THE ABSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ARE TRULY, REALLY THERE. THEY ARE, HONEST. IF YOU LOOK AND DO YOUR HOME WORK, AND MOST OF IT HAS BEEN DONE,, EVEN THE MOCKERS KNOW THAT. Bless you brothers, keep looking up, Jesus is coming back, sooner than anyone thinks 👍👍👍👍👍, Maranatha, Walter
I haven't seen Bill Smith in 20 years. He was one of my parents' teachers at WFR. I have heard his name mentioned so much in my life. He's like a rock star. Ha!
the first counseling session I had my daughter in for severe depression, the counselor asked, Does she have a pet ? a dog is best. n I said yes we have 2 dogs
I give God all the Glory for this understanding. It was God that allowed me to understand this a couple years ago. I share it because I want to give God all the Glory & Praise. God allowed me understand this through the Holy Spirit. Jesus was God in Flesh (The Word), who separated from His Glory (Father) to come an be our Atonment for sin. The price only God could pay, because He is the Only One without sin. When Jesus prayed, He was getting strength from His Glory, because He knew what He was about to face. Not for His sins but ours. Moses wrote about Trinty in the Torah Genesis 1:26 Let (((US))) create man in (((OUR))) image in (((OUR))) likeness. We was also created in His image. You can't understand the Trinty, you should be able to understand this. When we die our body (flesh) get buried in the ground. Our Soul goes to Heaven or Hell Just because we are in two.different places at once (Like Jesus) we are still one. And the God I worship Is ONE. The Father is God in (His Glory) The Son is God in Flesh (The Word) Isaiah 55:11: So my word that goes out of my mouth will be. It will not return to me without results. It will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight. And it will certainly succeed in what I send it to do. The Holy Spirit is Gods Spirit. 1 Tim 3:16. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (Jesus) Exodus 33:11 And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle. (Holy Spirit) Exodus 33:14 And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. (Father) Exodus 33:18 Can I see Thy Glory no one can see My Face an live No one goes to the Father except through Jesus. My God My God why has thou forsaken me Psalms 22:1 The wisemen came to WORSHIP Jesus. He humbled Himself down last time an came to pay a debt only He could pay for us. Fortold in the Tanakh Old Testment. God told Abraham He Himslef would provide the LAMB. An a RAM was in the bushes. Jesus was The Lamb God told Moses put the blood on the top an 2 sides of the door (like a cross), an who ever had that would be passedover an death would not have no power. If you are covered with the Blood Of Jesus you will be Passedover The whole Bible points to Jesus Messiah God in Flesh. Works don't save you. The wages, (penalty) of sin is death. But the Gift of God is Everlasting Life. Christianity is NOT a Religion Its A Relationship with God. Don't Limit God, He created everything He created us. If God is 3 then we are 2 God is One and so are we.. We are created in Gods image. Flesh, soul, at the rapture Glorified bodies Jesus loved us enough HE came an laid His life down so we can be set free. Who Christ sets free is free indeed. Jesus Loves you. You are worth it the cross says so.
First off, Y’all have changed my outlook and perspective on what it means to truly be unashamed and spread the good news of Jesus to everyone. I grew up watching duck dynasty and have always loved your family. My question is, what is y’alls the on speaking in tongues and the gifts of the spirit. I know y’all have touched on acts 2:38 and other verses that relate... would love to hear your feedback. Love you all. Napa Valley, CA
It really doesn't matter what anyone's outlook or opinion is on a subject (an opinion is the belief that you are correct, but it is still not absolute truth). Always go with what the scriptures say:When gift of speaking in tongues was first mentioned in the Bible, the people found it a wonder. "And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?" (Acts 2:8). Hence, the proper definition of "tongues" is "languages." By that definition, of course tongues still exist. I speak American English, others speak Spanish, Italian, Tagalog, and a wealth of other languages.However, most people asking this question are not interested other languages but whether the Holy Spirit miraculously gives the gift of tongues (the gift of languages) to people today. Paul answers this in I Corinthians 13:8-10, "Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away." Some object saying, "But we still have knowledge!" True, but we don't have miraculous knowledge -- knowledge that comes to an individual without ever having to study. Just as we still have languages (or tongues), but we don't have the miraculous gift of languages. What is generally presented as "tongues" today is not the ability to speaking in a person's native language, but simple babbling of sounds.Others, strongly desiring to justify their "tongue" speaking, argue that the perfect has not come. By this they mean that Christ has not returned. The argument fails because Paul is not speaking of a perfect person but a perfect thing. It is not "he who is perfect" but "that which is perfect." Yes, the Bible speaks of Christ being perfect, but there is also something else that is called perfect as well. "But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does" (James1:25). It makes perfect sense that when God's perfect law was fully delivered, the gifts that sustained Christians during the interim of its delivery would end; for that was the purpose of the gifts -- to confirm the word. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?" (Hebrews 2:3-4).
Well congratulations to Sadie I'm sure it was a very nice wedding and I wish we could have shared it with you I always loved your shows and I love what you're truly stand for Nat is the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ God bless you all
Freeze cubes of peanut butter to keep his mouth busy, and have the dog get a few hours of swimming in before blind time, he will tire out and only use his energy for work!
This is Carl from northeast ohio I am an advid outdoorsman hunting fishing and camping.its just how I was raised. I was brought to Christ in August I was not a good person I can resonate with Mr Phil. Believe me when I tell you I am all in.but I have a major major delimma that I am dealing with. I know this is a stretch. I really need to talk to one of you guys. I ain't no crazed fan but I know in my heart that you guys can help me. Please let me know how I can talk with one of you I know you all are busy but please. Thank you for your time.
Phil's beard is darker because they put on that black for duck season. Also congratulations to Sadie for getting married! Finally I wish I could get a dog but I just can't handle that your dog isnt in your life 24/7, I feel guilty that we use the dogs and then they go outside or stay in a cage until the hunt. Kinda feel guilty that the dog gets put on the shelf until you need it because its alive. I can hunt or kill an animal for food but I can't stomach having a dog and using him for 2 hours a day and then getting on with my life after it. Wish I didn't feel that way because I love dogs.
Ralph Morales I know, my brother in UK does the same. The dogs are in the kennel ( let out twice a day) unless it's duck season and they go with him. Doesn't seem right. He says it would spoil a dog. I feel being with you more would create a stronger bond and the dog would want ever more to please you and work harder when retrieving.
Jesus changed my life 🙏 people don't even realize when you are saved and baptized in the blood he is with you every step of the way you might not see but you know he's there you're just a different person 😉 it will change your life
Roy I believe it's The New International Version (NIV). 1986 version. I have an app on my phone, it is the NIV 50th Anniversary app. It has a 1 year reading plan, each day a reading comes up. Plus you can read the bible by tapping at the top of the page and scrolling through the books and chapters of the Bible. When they read scripture mine seems to be the same. I am sure you can get the bible from some place.
This podcast has grounded me in my faith that once was a struggle for me. I have removed so much from my life that was a huge distraction from God. No more social media, no more temptations. I work everyday on my faith, my dedication and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I was saved when I was 12 but strayed over the years. Thank you so much for this podcast. It has been a punch in the gut that brought me back to where I need to be.
Lone Whispers God Bless you for telling this. Think that is something I need to work on!! Praise You Jesus!!! My Lord and Savior!!
Thank you for sharing that Lone Star. I am with you brother.
I need a 👊 punch in the gut. sigh... and a hug 🤗 in the heart. 💔 I agree, these brothers in Christ help me enormously. Brothers and sisters in the comments do to. Love to all... 😍
Never feel, your all alone as myself am your brother in faith...Then, when I realized we get 2 baptism's, just as the disciples experience in Jerusalem..
As, humans we all fall short, before we die...
Since listening to Phil Robertson pod cast it has changed my life for the better. I am very grateful God bless the Robertson clan and God bless the USA
Thank you Robertson family for taking the time out of your day to teach us the good news in computer land.
Wow, I did a lot of crying in this one. Phil talking about when he finally really heard the message of Jesus and eternal life. Brought back so many memories for me. Sadie's wedding. And when I sit and take in every episode now, I feel like I'm part of the family. Can't wait to see you guys in heaven!
Thanks again for bringing me closer to Jesus and the Lord! After many sessions of this show I am looking to join a church nearby to continue on and learn. Appreciate it.
Good luck to you in finding one! A lot of people dont join a church cuz they think they can worship God only by themselves- "oh churches are full of hypocrites". One of the best things about being a Christian is the fellowship of your local church and the ability to serve them with your talents as much as they help you! Follow the Lord's leading and don't give up when you find put they're human too (they make mistakes just like the rest of us). I pray you find a good one!
My eldest son was wounded in Iraq 12 years ago, it left him a quadriplegic. His dog Motley knows when he's starting to become ill quicker than his nurses do. He becomes glued to his side, whenever he does that. His nurses pay extra attention because within 48 hours he will start showing symptoms.
I hope he's ok. . I'm so sorry . Thank him for me for keeping our country safe and secure His service was not unwarranted. So many of us Love and Revere our Soldiers. Men and Women. Thank you Sir . God Bless you Ma'am you and your Family now and Always. Thank you. ❤️🌷
Dogs always know, somehow.
You guys help people in more ways than you probably know, I'm going through a really tough time in my life and I've listened to every episode so far. I know that just listening to y'all makes my day better and try to do better. Thank you so much
Thank you for that Shannon.
That's amazing that they did communion for their wedding. I've never heard of that and that's amazing and I want to do that if I ever get married. You're right, it is a worship service, as every moment in life should be.
Thanks again for doing what you do!
Go my gosh, the funniest line in this podcast is "most of us don't have a eunuch." Al, said this, didn't miss a beat, and just kept going with no laughter at all!!!! Great podcast! I'm here up in Canada, and loved Dyck Dynasty when it was on t.v. thanks for your faithfulness to Jesus!
Brother's remember me when you all pray.. I have had it had since last year were a Dr messed me up through a sugery I have had 12 sugery's altogether from june of last year all the way up to januaury 2020 of this year been out of work as well. Jesus as supplyied my need's.. Pray for me and I thank you for the the prayers.. God is amazing all of the time this I know.. Praise the Lord.. Amen.. God is good to us all.. Shine and Smile on in the Lord.. 😊...
I was so moved when you described Sadie's wedding. so proud of her. I was so touched by that and it made me admire her relationship with Christ.
Invite Sadie on the podcast.
Mary Jones yes!!
Thank you so much for these podcast guys. I've binge watched these over the last few months and I have learned a lot. I lost faith years ago but after listening to y'all for hours and hours I'm ready to get back in church and regain my faith. Thank you Alan, Phil and Jase. May your 2020 be great and wonderful! God bless.
keep the faith, believe in the word, love and trust in Christ.
there is no name better than JESUS CHRIST, THE WAY THE TRUTH AND LIFE.
Will you pray for me, Joshua Atkinson in Ohio. I am having impulse control sins. ( alcohol ) you guys are helping me as I exercise while I listen to you. Thank you
Gentlemen, your matter-of-fact discussion of the greatest story of all time is so refreshing, and certainly sharpens this iron. I thank you. Blessings to you all.
I love your family. I've watched all the Duck Dynasty episodes. I always pray with you all, when you say grace.
I wish Phil could baptise me in the river.
GOD bless your family always.
I was busy starting and tending a fire this morning - a very cold morning - however, this was an anointed podcast, especially the part about Sadie's wedding. It kept my attention throughout all that I was doing. (I am hoping that I can find a video of the wedding; surely Willey had it filmed.) Thank you all for sharing this with us and allowing us to praise GOD along with you!
Best way to start out the work week is with these 3. A medicine for its Monday beginning
Get my daily dose of the message here. These podcast's have given me the motivation and the drive to read the Book and spread the message. Keep the podcasts coming, in these times this is the best way to spread discipleship
Wow, I'm so blessed to find this channel. These guys are awesome. Great discussion.
I look forward to listening to the podcast twice a week I was a huge fan of the show because of your faith in god I have always been a follower of god but now with your podcast I’ve been sending out a daily verse that I find most days on my own but I was listening to some of the older podcast last week and one of the verse you talked about on the podcast spoke to me enough to share with my group of friends later that night one of the members of the group called me and shared that he’s going throw dark times but because of the verses I send and my faith in god helps him keeps his faith in god
God spoke to me throw your podcast with the verse I sent
“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.”
Ephesians 4:17 NIV
Thank you guys
P.s god is good
Thank you for your ministry. Said a prayer tonight for your family
For protection,provision, health and wisdom in every decision. We love your family!
Thank you so much. God bless us all.
Invite Sadie, she is a decent speaker for her peers for sure.
I actually heard her speak at winter jam 2017 in Ohio. She is an excellent speaker
Cant wait for Sunday
Thank you all! Wonderful as usual. 🌹
It’s like watch a younger version of Phil and older version of Phil talking with Alan. Jase is Phil mini me. Thank you for all you do for the kingdom of my Lord Jesus. Joe NC
My eyes are open; so open!! Thank you!!
This is so great!!!! I like this so much better than even the duck dynasty. This is real. And so laid back! And talk about the Lord! Thank you for this channel!!!
Wishing Phil a Blessed Birthday....not sure where comments are four months old on a premiered show, just joined so may be out of the loop. Love ya'll and thankyou for making it easier to understand the Word.
Phil dyed his beard for hunting season 👍🏼
I loved it as usual ! God bless y'all and thank you for the soul food !
Such a Good reminder that death is not something to worry about, although we miss our loved ones, they are happier than we could ever be on earth. Reminded me of the loss of my husband. I miss him very much, yet as a Christ follower I know he is not missing this earthly life. I know that my future on earth and eternal stands with Christ!
Hey guys! My name is Tyler Smith from Knoxville TN. Y’all remember when Y’all we’re talking about Moses in Exodus and Jase said, “someone should write a song about this”? I’m a songwriter and when I heard it I thought, “sure let’s do it!”. So with the help of the Lord, it’s finished and I want to share it with you guys but I’m not quite sure how. If you could find a way to get back to me, I would love for y’all to hear it! God bless you, and keep being unashamed for the Gospel!
I look forward to this podcast everyweek. I listen to it in the gym, and at work. I wonder what your stance or thoughts are about drinking, growing up I lived in a very strict not drinking house hold, but as i became older I found my own opinions on it aren't the same as my parents when growing up. I dont see what would be wrong if i had a couple beers or glasses of wine before bed or if im grilling. It would be awesome to hear you guys talk about it in the podcast. Thank you, and God bless
Brian Miller - Sahuarita / Tucson, Arizona
They have discussed this in earlier podcast my friend. They see nothing we wrong with drinking. They say Jesus Christ himself drank. But so not overindulge yourself. “Of a sober mind” so don’t drink enough to alter your mind.
I love my brother's in Christ, but, I do not agree with their belief that is is ok to drink in moderation. The modern church believes that the water that Jesus turned into wine, was intoxicating wine, but it was not! The Bible does teach total abstinence from alchohol. Both the main Hebrew word for wine and the Greek word for wine can mean either fermented grape juice or intoxicating wine. The English word wine originally had two meanings also-unfermented juice or alchoholic drink. Verses to show God approves of wine are speaking about unfermented juice. Verses that expose the evils of wine are speaking about intoxicating wine. I was just studying and researching this very same topic in my KJV bible. Who decides what is moderation? One drink, two drinks? Why does Jesus deliver Christian's from alcohol , and then turn around and say it is ok to drink a little? He is perfect, and would never be hypocritical! As Christian's, we are to study the scriptures, and dig deeper into the bible, not just go by one scripture about Jesus turning water into wine. There are so many scriptures warning of the evils of drinking. Read Genisis 9:20-26, as a good example. Noah became drunk; the result was immorality and family trouble. Sorry this is lengthy, I say this in love brother. It just saddens me that the church believes this lie.
The son of man came eating and drinking
Patriot America Jg drinking means alcohol my friend or he would of not said drinking because if it was juice there would of never been a reason for him to say drinking because it would of not been significant.
Patriot America Jg look at John the Baptist.
Most dogs love to have a job. They’re so helpful🥰
Psalm 51. One of my favorites.
We all must do our part and spread the good news
I sure do miss your family on Duck Dynasty. So ive been watching reruns. Jase your beard is getting grey. Remember you where getting on to Godwin about spooking the ducks cause of his white beard. Love you guys. Lots of fun watching you. I live in Tennessee and a hunter and tracker.
Kevin Lehman is an awesome counselor and author, funny guy and so knowledgeable as well! And that he has a dog and that helps at counseling, that’s amazing. God made us relational, never to go through life alone. And He gave us animals to care for, since the beginning with Adam. Great show!
Amen.. don’t over think things folks..come to him as a little child. Just BELIEVE !
You should have at least all your family members on 1 time , those we know and those we don't. Your lights all shine brightly for the Lord and each light resonates with one person or another. God bless you all!
Walking Trails 777 .. check out the older podcast. Miss Kay , Willie and Si have been all on.
All been on.. LOL
Another awesome podcast! Love you guys! You are a huge, positive influence in my life!
Thanks boys! Love the show. gotta turn up Phils mic.
My greatest wish in all the wishes I could make would be to meet y'all. No...I'm not looking for money!! I was just saved on March 27th of this year. It was towards the beginning of the quarantine. I was baptized on November 9th, 2002, but I knew I had not received the Holy Spirit. Well...lemme tell you. On that day back in March, the Lord got a hold of me, and He took me on a journey I will never forget! It was scary at times, but mostly, it was... more than I can put into words. I even saw the face of Jesus. I know I stopped breathing when that happened because after that part was over, I felt myself starting to breathe. My problem is that I don't know anyone who is saved so I can't turn to anyone to explain the bible to me.
That is why the Lord designed the Church, if one is able to attend. A Bible-believing, reaching out, disciple-making Church, as in Acts. The Bible teaches us that we, as Christ followers, are the church, His Church, the Bride of Christ. And it is awesome!
New Subbie here. Thank you for this video I love ❤️ Jesus Christ
Jase thank you for the reminder of John 21:25!
It's always so good and a blessing to see you boys on a Sunday, even though it's been done it appears a week preceeding. It's just such a build up to guys who feel isolated sometimes in PC areas, and contemplating an escape, lol. But, mainly to ABIDE IN THE WORD OF GOD, EVERY ONE, TO GET TO KNOW IT, AND THE ABSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ARE TRULY, REALLY THERE. THEY ARE, HONEST. IF YOU LOOK AND DO YOUR HOME WORK, AND MOST OF IT HAS BEEN DONE,, EVEN THE MOCKERS KNOW THAT.
Bless you brothers, keep looking up, Jesus is coming back, sooner than anyone thinks 👍👍👍👍👍,
“Most of us don’t have a eunuch!” 🤣🤣🤣
I haven't seen Bill Smith in 20 years. He was one of my parents' teachers at WFR. I have heard his name mentioned so much in my life. He's like a rock star. Ha!
A wonderful song taken from Revelation 7:9 is “Every Tribe” performed by Joshua Aaron & Chief RiverWind.
Thank you for doing this!!!
god bless this program that's for what you do
2 Timothy 2:3 God Bless you all my brothers and sisters in Christ 🙏
the first counseling session I had my daughter in for severe depression, the counselor asked, Does she have a pet ? a dog is best. n I said yes we have 2 dogs
I gotta take a leak but aint no cracks in this building 😂😂😂 - Phil Robertson
Bless you all.
Great discussion, glorifying our Lord, thank you brothers.
I love these podcast
If I ever could afford to take the trip, I’d love ole phile to baptize me in that river
We lost our dog about 2 months ago. She was a Yorkie and I’m lost without her. I want another one but my husband wants to wait. I miss her so much.
Amen thank you gentlemen
Dogs turn our fieldcraft and marksmanship of hunting into a thing of teamwork. Dogs make the hunt complete.
I give God all the Glory for this understanding. It was God that allowed me to understand this a couple years ago. I share it because I want to give God all the Glory & Praise. God allowed me understand this through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was God in Flesh (The Word), who separated from His Glory (Father) to come an be our Atonment for sin.
The price only God could pay, because He is the Only One without sin.
When Jesus prayed, He was getting strength from His Glory, because He knew what He was about to face. Not for His sins but ours.
Moses wrote about Trinty in the Torah
Genesis 1:26 Let (((US))) create man in (((OUR))) image in (((OUR))) likeness.
We was also created in His image.
You can't understand the Trinty, you should be able to understand this.
When we die our body (flesh) get buried in the ground.
Our Soul goes to Heaven or Hell
Just because we are in two.different places at once (Like Jesus) we are still one.
And the God I worship Is ONE.
The Father is God in (His Glory)
The Son is God in Flesh (The Word)
Isaiah 55:11: So my word that goes out of my mouth will be. It will not return to me without results. It will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight. And it will certainly succeed in what I send it to do.
The Holy Spirit is Gods Spirit.
1 Tim 3:16. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
(Jesus) Exodus 33:11 And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.
(Holy Spirit) Exodus 33:14 And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
(Father) Exodus 33:18 Can I see Thy Glory no one can see My Face an live
No one goes to the Father except through Jesus.
My God My God why has thou forsaken me Psalms 22:1
The wisemen came to WORSHIP Jesus.
He humbled Himself down last time an came to pay a debt only He could pay for us.
Fortold in the Tanakh Old Testment.
God told Abraham He Himslef would provide the LAMB. An a RAM was in the bushes.
Jesus was The Lamb
God told Moses put the blood on the top an 2 sides of the door (like a cross), an who ever had that would be passedover an death would not have no power.
If you are covered with the Blood Of Jesus you will be Passedover
The whole Bible points to Jesus Messiah God in Flesh.
Works don't save you. The wages, (penalty) of sin is death. But the Gift of God is Everlasting Life.
Christianity is NOT a Religion
Its A Relationship with God.
Don't Limit God, He created everything He created us.
If God is 3 then we are 2
God is One and so are we..
We are created in Gods image. Flesh, soul, at the rapture Glorified bodies
Jesus loved us enough HE came an laid His life down so we can be set free. Who Christ sets free is free indeed.
Jesus Loves you. You are worth it the cross says so.
Put Jesus First!!! amen 🙏🏼
@@jesusiscomingsoon7711 He certainly is.. We all have sinful blood in our bodies none of us is perfect. We all are sinners in need of a Savior.
Jace you made me under stand it a lot better man keep doing what you do
Merry Christmas Brothers
First off, Y’all have changed my outlook and perspective on what it means to truly be unashamed and spread the good news of Jesus to everyone. I grew up watching duck dynasty and have always loved your family. My question is, what is y’alls the on speaking in tongues and the gifts of the spirit. I know y’all have touched on acts 2:38 and other verses that relate... would love to hear your feedback. Love you all. Napa Valley, CA
Y’alls OUTLOOK on speaking in tongues. Sorry for the typo
It really doesn't matter what anyone's outlook or opinion is on a subject (an opinion is the belief that you are correct, but it is still not absolute truth). Always go with what the scriptures say:When gift of speaking in tongues was first mentioned in the Bible, the people found it a wonder. "And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?" (Acts 2:8). Hence, the proper definition of "tongues" is "languages." By that definition, of course tongues still exist. I speak American English, others speak Spanish, Italian, Tagalog, and a wealth of other languages.However, most people asking this question are not interested other languages but whether the Holy Spirit miraculously gives the gift of tongues (the gift of languages) to people today. Paul answers this in I Corinthians 13:8-10, "Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away." Some object saying, "But we still have knowledge!" True, but we don't have miraculous knowledge -- knowledge that comes to an individual without ever having to study. Just as we still have languages (or tongues), but we don't have the miraculous gift of languages. What is generally presented as "tongues" today is not the ability to speaking in a person's native language, but simple babbling of sounds.Others, strongly desiring to justify their "tongue" speaking, argue that the perfect has not come. By this they mean that Christ has not returned. The argument fails because Paul is not speaking of a perfect person but a perfect thing. It is not "he who is perfect" but "that which is perfect." Yes, the Bible speaks of Christ being perfect, but there is also something else that is called perfect as well. "But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does" (James1:25). It makes perfect sense that when God's perfect law was fully delivered, the gifts that sustained Christians during the interim of its delivery would end; for that was the purpose of the gifts -- to confirm the word. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?" (Hebrews 2:3-4).
God is GOOD all the time! Despite our human shortcomings!! Even for those that followed Chris in His time!
God please grant me the blessing of Stability as well as anyone else who reads this
Well congratulations to Sadie I'm sure it was a very nice wedding and I wish we could have shared it with you I always loved your shows and I love what you're truly stand for Nat is the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ God bless you all
I would like to purchase one of those coffee mugs! To cool ...God Bless
Al has a beard! The other bros can't razz him now. LOL
Enjoy your videos
Thumbs👍 up #443 for Phil Robertson!🙏✌💙 Congratulations to Sadie🌷
#davesandersstepdaughter 🦋
Thank You Jesus !!
Nice beard Al enjoying lessons on Old Testament
🥰 Well wishes Sadie. Go with God.
Love your family.
How I get that Unashamed merchandise?
Thanks for asking, Brenda. Check it out here:
-Team Phil
I had to look up what a eunuch is, from what I saw I can’t picture one hanging around Phils place.😆
I used the promo code, PHIL, for the free tactical bag. They subtracted $.01 yes, just one penny.
I'm so sad.
Be thankful for that! God Bless!
Get Sadie on the podcast!!
Freeze cubes of peanut butter to keep his mouth busy, and have the dog get a few hours of swimming in before blind time, he will tire out and only use his energy for work!
This is Carl from northeast ohio I am an advid outdoorsman hunting fishing and camping.its just how I was raised. I was brought to Christ in August I was not a good person I can resonate with Mr Phil. Believe me when I tell you I am all in.but I have a major major delimma that I am dealing with. I know this is a stretch. I really need to talk to one of you guys. I ain't no crazed fan but I know in my heart that you guys can help me. Please let me know how I can talk with one of you I know you all are busy but please. Thank you for your time.
Please know what a necessity you are to so many thank you
My army of watchers pointers and howling out at the time
Phil's beard is darker because they put on that black for duck season. Also congratulations to Sadie for getting married! Finally I wish I could get a dog but I just can't handle that your dog isnt in your life 24/7, I feel guilty that we use the dogs and then they go outside or stay in a cage until the hunt. Kinda feel guilty that the dog gets put on the shelf until you need it because its alive. I can hunt or kill an animal for food but I can't stomach having a dog and using him for 2 hours a day and then getting on with my life after it. Wish I didn't feel that way because I love dogs.
Ralph Morales I know, my brother in UK does the same. The dogs are in the kennel ( let out twice a day) unless it's duck season and they go with him. Doesn't seem right. He says it would spoil a dog. I feel being with you more would create a stronger bond and the dog would want ever more to please you and work harder when retrieving.
Like the new beard color Phil.
Jesus changed my life 🙏 people don't even realize when you are saved and baptized in the blood he is with you every step of the way you might not see but you know he's there you're just a different person 😉 it will change your life
Al I love your beard🤘
Phil go buy some foam rubber pipe insulation and put s piece on ole blues tail. When he wags his tail it won't make no sound.
I never noticed how much alan looks like willie when he has a beard.
The Forefathers didn't ask for permission...
I Do Not Ask Permission.
Al : “Most of us don’t have a eunuch.”
What do you guys think about organ donation? Also, I tend to use profanity more than I should how do you refrain from using profanity?
Phil's bible is a bit different than mine. what version and Printer distributor do you call for
Roy I believe it's The New International Version (NIV). 1986 version. I have an app on my phone, it is the NIV 50th Anniversary app. It has a 1 year reading plan, each day a reading comes up. Plus you can read the bible by tapping at the top of the page and scrolling through the books and chapters of the Bible. When they read scripture mine seems to be the same. I am sure you can get the bible from some place.