Spiritual Awakening and Doubt: How To Tame The Doubting Mind

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • This video talks about a simple yet powerful approach for working with doubt that is simple and timeless.. but it works.
    1:1 sessions: samroff.com/sessions.
    Website: www.samroff.com/
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    My channel is a resource for helping you reduce suffering in daily life through the application of root level solutions. This is advocated with orientating toward Awakening/Non-Dual awakening, Source-code emotional integration using somatic (emotional) inquiry and taking on an empirical, open hearted investigation of core beliefs and perceptual overlays that innocently accrue in childhood and create suffering.
    If you resonate with teachers such as Angelo Dilullo, Ramana Maharishi, Jeff Foster, Suzanne Chang, Violet Synergy, Joseph Goldstein, Scott Kiloby, Michael Taft and Adyashanti - you’ll find this material very relatable.

Комментарии • 17

  • @Sashas-mom
    @Sashas-mom 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you Sam. 🙏🏻😊♥️
    This really hit- I’m going right back and replay b/c it’s immediate and precise. Doubt has been HIDING 😂 freaking in plain site!

    • @SamRoff
      @SamRoff  4 месяца назад +1

      Doubt is such a sneaky fella isn’t he/she!! 😒

  • @lizhisanchez
    @lizhisanchez 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for your authenticity and the love for the human beings.Your words are helpful and true.

    • @SamRoff
      @SamRoff  4 месяца назад

      You’re so welcome!

  • @namratabarman
    @namratabarman 4 месяца назад

    Fantastic video! I see it now. Thank you!

    • @SamRoff
      @SamRoff  4 месяца назад


  • @sonamtshering194
    @sonamtshering194 4 месяца назад +1

    I had given up meditation for a certain period of time because of what I felt was a lack of substantial progress. Also, I end my meditation whenever I face both frustration and doubt. So this video really resonated with me. P. S. Minor correction: Manjushri is not a deity but a Bodhisattva particularly of Prajna (Wisdom/Transcendent Knowledge) ans he is venerated in both Mahayana and Vajrayana

  • @VeritableVagabond
    @VeritableVagabond 4 месяца назад

    The end of suffering is real and available to you. Learn jhana.

  • @lawrencedistefano145
    @lawrencedistefano145 4 месяца назад


  • @iami2596
    @iami2596 3 месяца назад

    Thanks Sam. I have a lot of doubt, but feel that the doubt thoughts are subconscious and I can’t discern what I am thinking, but can feel the doubt/shame emotion there but can’t pinpoint on specific thought. Are the thoughts/programming a part of the shadow if I only am feeling a feeling a dread but no thoughts that seem to be going with the feeling?

    • @SamRoff
      @SamRoff  3 месяца назад

      This is more in the realm of preconceptual thought. It’s where you can sort of feel the doubt, but it’s before it actually forms into an overt thought - but it still has an energetic charge to it. My suggestion would be to put attention into the subtler spaces of where doubt is showing itself in the body and fully merge with it so that it occupies a large portion of your attention. You could also connect to more spaciousness around it by feeing into Awareness/Brahman around it. Fully feeing it will calm the polarity it holds in consciousness and soften its grip/buy in. Does that make sense?

    • @iami2596
      @iami2596 3 месяца назад

      Thank you Sam. I can feel doubt in my body, it is a familiar feeling. It does have a different charge from other emotions. I will try to rest in the feeling and see if I can learn something new.

  • @pedroba76
    @pedroba76 3 месяца назад

    Interesting video, but what If my doubt is about spirituality and enlightnement/awakening itself? The doubt that arose in the mind a lot today, as I saw neuroscience explaination about how meditation works, is:What if Nirvana/Awakening itself and profund meditative states are not ""real"" experiences, what if on a more fundamental level it's all just changes in hormones and brain chemistry and neuron pathways and brain functioning and such... It's all material changes? Then, how could there be A permament state of internal peace and non-attachment, if matter and physics always changes?
    I hate to have these doubts.
    What if there is no way to reach a "full/complete" non-attachment to the search of pleasure and to the avoidance of pain and disconfort, no way to reach a complete non-attachment to Dukkhas? A permament state of non-attachment, if the matter in our brain always changes? Only a partial non-attachment?
    Not a complete non-attachment.
    After reading a bit today about how meditation works by increasing baseline dopamine levels, good hormones and such, this arose once again with more strengh.

    • @SamRoff
      @SamRoff  3 месяца назад

      Yeah awesome question. You know what man? I think there’s always room to exercise a bit of discernment with the spiritual path. That said, the mechanism of doubt will use these sorts of beliefs (rooted in science are especially juicy) to keep identification with thoughts running.
      When you see that ‘it’s all just brain chemistry’ is just another thought, no different than the thought of a pink dragon (it’s made of the same ‘stuff’ but the content differs) and then look to what is aware of the thought of it being ‘just brain chemistry’, what do you find? That is your awake nature. The sensation of doubt may feel so intense and like you truly do have to believe the thought that it’s all just brain chemistry, and there might be a subsequent thought you believe like ‘but if I neglect the science, I’m just delusional and new-agey’.
      That’s where this approach described in the video really shines. Because you cut off all mind roads when you simply feel the doubt wholeheartedly. Then, don’t move. Feel it all the way.
      What we’re looking for with spiritual awakening is not to neglect the science, but a shift in identity from what you take yourself to be. Those thoughts can still arise, and the science may even be true, but who’s aware of the thoughts?
      Hope this helps

  • @MartyRabbit
    @MartyRabbit 4 месяца назад

    I noticed that a comment I posted on your video from 8 days ago "Non-Dual Practice /w Ongoing Suffering" is no longer there. Did you remove it Sam? I was hoping to open a dialog with you.
    What exactly are you calling non-dual practice? Please help me understand. After my 47 years of practice I've never heard of this before. Non-duality, as I understand it, as spoken about by people who have spent decades in solitary retreat with many hours of meditation and study per day, non-duality occurs when after long practice one lives 24/7 in pure awareness and that awareness so permeates the ego driven mind the two become one; subject and object become one.
    This is easy to achieve but takes a long time. One must develop the ability to focus the awareness on a chosen object with an uninterrupted flow of effortless concentration that the boundary between perceiver and perceived dissolves and the two become one. No more duality.
    I've watched many of your videos and my head is spinning with your many concepts. It's like you are trying to reinvent the wheel. Mankind has known for thousands of years how to become awakened and many great teachers have come along. They all have the same message. First, learn to quieten the mind by focusing on an object and each time the mind wanders ge try put the attention back on the object. Practice that simple thing for a few months and the mind will become still enough that when focused on an object the mind will perceive that object at finer and finer levels till at most still flashes of pure awareness will occur. Do that day by day and over time the experience of pure awareness will become longer and longer in duration till at last pure awareness is stable and constant. Voila! Non-duality. No need for a lot of intellectual wanking. Nothing could be simpler or easier. It doesn't matter that it takes a long time because dawning awareness grows ever more pleasant. Each month is better than the last, there is nothing to lose.
    You should give up those "new approaches" and go back to what has worked for countless yogis and illiterate farmers. You should seek out proper instruction from a bona fide teacher which I doubt you will do because from what I've seen every few months you latch on to some new thing you think is the answer. There has never been a better time to find a genuine teacher. You don't have to go to the Himalayas, you can learn in your home. One last thing, I notice you are selling spiritual advice for $200 an hour. Do you really think you are more qualified to do this than yogis two or three times your age who spent more than half their lives in retreat and charge nothing, sharing their knowledge for the good of all beings?

    • @SamRoff
      @SamRoff  4 месяца назад

      Hi. No I did not remove it.
      I’m calling non dual practice the embodied recognition of awareness, a shift in identity from the small self to the big Self.
      Your description for practice may work for some but not everyone.
      Yes I charge (99 max per 70 min session at the moment vs 200 as you say??) because I need to make a living.

    • @MartyRabbit
      @MartyRabbit 4 месяца назад

      ​@SamRoff my description for practice works for everyone who has ever performed it correctly. It's not for people looking for quick solutions, those people will always live in misery. Non-duality is the union of the incomprehensible absolute pure awareness and the relative mind of the temporal world. That's what the word yoga means.
      I saw on your site you charge $99 for a 30 minute phone call. That's $198/hour. That's kind of disingenuous charging $99. Be bold and get the extra dollar.
      As a rule I distrust anyone who charges for spiritual advice. There is a loooong list of people doing that, ignorant people defrauding gullible people.
      I think you are well meaning but confused. You say as much. Your videos are interesting. I urge you to read Vivekananda's commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I also urge you to expose yourself to Mingyur Rinpoche and compare his simplicity, humility and humor to the over-intellectualization of the people you are fond of, all those authors. Problems of the sort you discuss cannot be solved on the level on which they were created.
      Please keep dialog open, I'm interested to hear about your trauma and how you came to terms with it. I had a severely traumatic childhood and would like to compare notes on how you handled it.
      Hopefully you provide a valuable service to those who contact you, if nothing more than a kind ear and reassurance which can heal many ills. Forgive my confrontational tone. Knowing what I do about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Rajneesh, Sadhguru, Satchidananda and others I'm really wary of people claiming to have special knowledge. Be at peace my friend.
      My email is marvin.ellerbe1957@gmail.com