@@zairnermullerarin9208 If there's no bad, are you going to let the local pedophile ring take your kids back to their meeting house for some biscuits and milk and a bit of camera time?
That music is cruelty and suffering. In the future don’t make the music 400% of the background volume, especially if you are doing commentary. Perhaps even better to remove it entirely.
The wildebeest migration happens annual and these wildebeest cross this river to look for pasture at another end but as they are crossing the river some are killed by the crocodiles others broke there legs in the process. It is one of the best safari highlights while at Serengeti national park in Tanzania because around 1 million wildebeest participate in this migration.
I can't imagine how it felt to be in that tipped over 4x4 in a river full of crocs you watched just minutes earlier disembowling wildebeests. Then you find yourself in a similar situation as the herd.
It's not a Hollywood production for the theater that needs a music score... just record it live and don't talk all the time and try to keep your camera focused and still. 😊
@@LionHeart_. And that is the most painless death. Eating isn't a crime, it's nature and as you can see, nature doesn't always rely on good feelings. That animal had its abdomen torn apart....
For over 95% of them, it is. Crocs only get a few out of a thousand or more that cross at the same time. So the numbers are with the wildebeest. Of course that doesnt comfort the ones who get drowned and shredded.
One day the water will dry and the wildebeast will die before even crossing the river from starvation and the croc will be but a skeleton. Appreciate these scenes and precious moments.
حين وصف ﷲ القمر قال:"وقَمَرًا مُّنِيرًا " وحين وصف الشمس قال:"سِرَاجًا وهَّاجًا " أماحين وصف النبي محمد قال:"ودَاعِيًا إِلَى اللَّهِ بِإِذْنِهِ وسِرَاجًا مُّنِيرًا "فجمع له بين الوصفين ليكتمل الجمال بالجلال وليلتحمُ الضياء بالنور فيشرق للعالم كُله صلوا على النبي وآله الطاهرين
I was hoping for some really graphic kill scenes as i love them cos they show the real side to crocs and nature that most tv shows never do. There are many on youtube of zebra, one where the croc death rolls and rips all of the flesh off of the zebra's face leaving just bone while it was standing up fully awake. Grusome but awesome.
No chance to survive for unlucky wildbeast! It escaped from the larg jaw of the crocodile in the river 🐊 But now it wouldn't not be able to escape from the other merciless predators of the open savannah........... 🐺🦁🦊🐆🐾
أفضل١٢ أطباء في العالم هم:🕊️ 1- القران الكريم 2- كثرة شرب الماء 3- النوم الكافي ليلاً 4 الهواء الطلق النقي 5- المشي نصف ساعة يومياً 6- الغذاء الصحي المتوازن 7- اشعة الشمس 8- العسل 9- الحبة السوداء 10-عدم الشكوى للناس 11- الرضا بالقدر خيره وشره 12- تنفّس بـ ..." لا إله إلا الله " و عاتب نفسك .. بـ " استغفر الله و تألّم .. بـالحمد "لله و تعجّب .. بـ " سبحان الله " و افرح .. بالصلاة على رسول الله واحزن .. بـ إنّا لله وانا إليه راجعون " واكسر سمّ عينك بـ " ما شاء الله تبارك الله " و ابدأ .. بـ " بسم الله " و اختم بـ " الحمد لله " أسال الله أن يرضى عنيَ وعنكمَ ، فليس بعد رضى الله إلا الجنة أنت الآن ( متصل ) ؟ مادمت متصلاً فأبعثها لمن تحب ..
To me, there is no shortage, of Wildebeest, for the Crocodile's. The Crocodile's, were waiting, for this special occasion. They knew, that they were coming. The Croc's, have to eat as well. I really don't blame them, for being soo hungry. There's just too many Willdebeest's.
There needs to be a bridge for these helpless animals to cross over! I would not be heartbroken if alligators were extinguished forever! This video was so sad 😪
Millions of wildebeest cross over just fine. Crocs only get a few out of probably 2-3 thousand at a time. It almost overwhelms the crocs where they dont know which one to take. Too many to choose and they keep moving. There are many more wildebeest than crocodiles in africa. Not even close.
مشهد رهيب يرجى حضور القلب والعقل عند قراءته... مقال للتدبر: معنى: (إنا كنا نستنسخ) كتب الأستاذ/ محمد صلاح عابدين: عندما كنت أعيش في أمريكا (نيويورك)، أتاني خطاب بالبريد (بأني ارتكبت مخالفة مرور.. حيث قطعت الإشارة الحمراء بالشارع الفلاني، في الساعة الفلانية، في اليوم الفلاني).. ويسألونك في الخطاب كم سؤال.. وهل تقر بهذه المخالفة أم لا.. وهل لديك أي اعتراض؟ وكانت قيمة المخالفة حوالي 150 دولاراً.. ولأني لا أذكر إن كنت قد قطعت الإشارة أم لا.. ولا أعرف أسماء الشوارع بالضبط في الولاية.. رديت عليهم: "نعم عندي أعتراض.. فأنا غير متيقن أني سرت فى هذا الطريق.. ولا قطعت هذه الإشارة".. بعدها بأسبوع، وصلني خطاب، وبه ثلاث صور لسيارتي: واحدة قبل قطع الإشارة، وهي حمراء.. والثانية وأنا في منتصف الإشارة، وهي حمراء.. والثالثة بعد ماعديت الإشارة بمتر واحد، وهي حمراء أيضا! يعنى متلبس لا مفر .. الصور هي الدليل القاطع! دفعت ال 150 دولار، بعد إقراري بالمخالفة وسكت.. وفي يوم ما، بعد هذه الحادثة، وأنا أقرأ في "سورة الجاثية"، تذكرت هذه الحادثة والمخالفة عندما وصلت إلى قوله تعالى: " هَٰذَا كِتَابُنَا يَنطِقُ عَلَيْكُم بِالْحَقِّ ۚ إِنَّا كُنَّا نَسْتَنسِخُ مَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ" (الجاثية : 29) أي أن الله سبحانه وتعالى لديه نسخ مما فعل البشر في الحياة الدنيا! هذا المقطع من الآية: " إنا كنا نستنسخ ما كنتم تعملون"... أصابني بالذهول والقشعريرة والخوف من الله! يا إلهي.. هذه آلة تصوير من صنع البشر.. ولا تستطيع أن تهرب أو تفر منها! فما بالك بتصوير وتسجيل واستنساخ لأعمالنا من رب الناس أين المفر؟ هذا الإستنساخ لأعمالنا: في كتاب لا يضل ولا ينسى.. ويُحفظ فى مكان مأمون.. لا يتلف بفعل عوامل المناخ، من أعاصير أو رياح او أمطار.. ولا يُسرق ولا يُقرصن.. يا إلهي.. كل المعاصي مستنسخة: بتواريخها.. بوقائعها.. بأشخاصها.. بمكانها.. بزمانها.. بألوانها.. بأهدافها.. بملابساتها.. بخلفياتها.. ببواعثها.. كلها مسجلة، بالصوت والصورة.. وبالنوايا، كذلك.. فهو سبحانه وتعالى، يعلم خائنة الأعين وما تخفي الصدور.. أي أنه يعلم ما لا تستطيع كاميرات البشر تسجيله! كل هذا سيعرض على الإنسان يوم القيام، يا للهول! " وَوُضِعَ الْكِتَابُ فَتَرَى الْمُجْرِمِينَ مُشْفِقِينَ مِمَّا فِيهِ وَيَقُولُونَ يَا وَيْلَتَنَا مَالِ هَٰذَا الْكِتَابِ لَا يُغَادِرُ صَغِيرَةً وَلَا كَبِيرَةً إِلَّا أَحْصَاهَا ۚ وَوَجَدُوا مَا عَمِلُوا حَاضِرًا ۗ وَلَا يَظْلِمُ رَبُّكَ أَحَدًا" .. *اللهم مغفرتك أوسع من ذنوبنا، ورحمتك أرجى عندنا من عملنا*
Zebra always a smart animal..they never cross ing at 1st.. Zebra : hey wilderbeast you go first.. W.beast : no way..all of u can go first Zebra : you go first..we will watch out for you..come on man...if we shout you can turn back Wilderbeest : ok..watch me men..i"ll jump.. Zebra : god be with you all..we should go in the middle of them..if the croc bite,we will be saved.. And then crocodile bit their ass..
Nossa que dó 😕😔😔 olha o olhar dele dizendo me ajuda me socorre muito triste mesmo sabendo de todo o conhecimento da natureza animal 💔😢mais que benção se salvou 😭
كفار قريش أعطو حسان بن ثابت قبل إسلامه مبلغاً مـن المال ليهجو النبي (ليذمه بالشعر) (صلى اللّـه عليـه وعلى آله وسلـم). فوقف حسان على ربـوةٍ ينتظر مجيئ الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لينظر إلى صفه من صفاته فيهجـوه بها .. ومـرّ الحـبيب المصطفى صل الله عليه وآله وسلم ، فلما رآه حسان رجع إلى قريش فـرّدَ لهـم المـال وقال : هـذا مالكم ليس لي فيه حاجه، وأما هذا الذي أردتم أن أهجوه .. فاعلموا أني أشهد أنه رسول اللّه فقالوا : ما دهاك ..؟؟ ما لهذا أرسلناك ..!! فأجـابهـم بهذا الشعر : لـمّـا رأيــتُ أنــواره سـطـعــت ، وضعت من خيفتي كفّي على بصري خـوفـاً على بصري من حسن صورته ، فلـستُ أنـظـره إلا عـلـى قـدري.. روح من النـور في جسم من القمر ، كحلية نسجـت مـن الأنجـم الـزهرِ.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا وقائدنا وقدوتنا وغرة اعيننا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين @@ جمعة مباركة طيبة بذكر الله والصلاة على رسول الله @
Is it only me? I don't know but I watch with a lot of cringe, like holding my belly in angst. Great picture though. More raw than nature shows. Also think, if you are alone walking there it would be very dangerous, very very dangerous.
Love these nature shows. The worst makes us appreciate the best. We can't define what good is unless we know what bad is.
l c
There is no good or bad
Máster Oogay
@@zairnermullerarin9208 If there's no bad, are you going to let the local pedophile ring take your kids back to their meeting house for some biscuits and milk and a bit of camera time?
No objective good or bad exists in the natural world.
What other soundbites and slogans can you bleat to us?
You are very right, we see this as suffering and cruelty, but when you ponder over it it teaches us many lessons to appreciate and be thankful.
That music is cruelty and suffering. In the future don’t make the music 400% of the background volume, especially if you are doing commentary. Perhaps even better to remove it entirely.
No music plz
The wildebeest migration happens annual and these wildebeest cross this river to look for pasture at another end but as they are crossing the river some are killed by the crocodiles others broke there legs in the process. It is one of the best safari highlights while at Serengeti national park in Tanzania because around 1 million wildebeest participate in this migration.
The guts hanging out of that Wildebeest. Not sure how long he can survive after that, even if he got away from croc.
If he got to a general practitioner on the same day he’d have been alright.
Its the adrenaline that keeps em stand up.
@@mortusak4776 What we see here is they don't give up. however they get weak and become food for the hyenas. This is mother nature.
@@Mastechin I agree
FYI the crocs we see now have looked like that since the triassic period. They are so badass that they didn't even bother improving on the model
They were so well adapted to their environment they didn’t even need to evolve
@sasukeuchiha8801 WHAT
Birds like shoe bills and heron go back even further..Prehistoric creatures are just eating machines lol
I love how you capture these animals in their natural habitat
I can't imagine how it felt to be in that tipped over 4x4 in a river full of crocs you watched just minutes earlier disembowling wildebeests. Then you find yourself in a similar situation as the herd.
Damn he dragged that crocodile clear across the river trying to live. He earned that extra couple hours he gets until something else gets ahold of him
I learned so much from this. Thank you!
better without the music, but cool video
Love this video. Great shots of these powerful animals! 💚
Buffalos,Zebras and other need to construct a bridge lol
Or pay the hippos to escort them
😆 they need tp start thinking smarter than against they predators
We should build one for them,
but then the Crocodiles might loiter around on the bridge waiting for Zebras and Wildebeests to come.
It's not a Hollywood production for the theater that needs a music score... just record it live and don't talk all the time and try to keep your camera focused and still. 😊
Amazing animals and good Video. Thanks.
"That voice saying: they never help each others "
Crocodilians are the second most ruthless animals on earth, second only to human beings.
I don’t know… usually we don’t tear and eat wilderbeasts alive…
@@TheLOL4DUDE but we hunt, shoot wilderbeasts, butcher & eat them
@@LionHeart_. And that is the most painless death. Eating isn't a crime, it's nature and as you can see, nature doesn't always rely on good feelings. That animal had its abdomen torn apart....
@@TheLOL4DUDE We are the only species that have extinct entire species and maybe the only one which kills in mass animals for trophies or for fun.
Can't believe all his guts are out not gonna survive long poor thing
Music drowns out everything.
I like that, I like this kind of documentaries
5:24 when you get lost at the grocery store and can’t find your mom
Wild animals are nature's precious gems.
And ppl complain that animals are kept in zoos. At least in a zoo they don't have to worry about any of this
At least in prison people don't have to worry about living up to societies standards, pay bills, and buy food.
Jesse, your comment is the most stupid and out od context i have ever read....
@@insertcreativenamehere7377 Not a good comparison. The animal kingdom is more brutal than human society.
Definitely. Zoo animals are privileged
I think if given the choice they’d want to be free. Like they always should be
Wow 6million views congrats
Thank you
Thank God
The road crossing looks perfect for them to cross.
For over 95% of them, it is. Crocs only get a few out of a thousand or more that cross at the same time. So the numbers are with the wildebeest. Of course that doesnt comfort the ones who get drowned and shredded.
nature doesnt need music.
Everyone is an expert on these videos. 8:56
Thanks for the Video
One day the water will dry and the wildebeast will die before even crossing the river from starvation and the croc will be but a skeleton. Appreciate these scenes and precious moments.
Takes alot of "guts" to cross that river.
There's plenty of that too.
Chilling hippo accompanied by a croc on the river side, what a peaceful scene
No animal is harmed in the making of this video
Yeah he was a paid actor. 😜
Great Video
Real and authentic!!
Music RUINS nature documentaries.
Natura spietata coccodrillo ultimo animale dinosauro sulla terra
Especially The People Talking
Then don't watch. It's that simple.
@@mcdarkness4779 Don't read my comments.
@@rayubinger9780 What comments? : )
Crocodile and sharks one of ruthless animals on earth
É a natureza mano
@@henriquesouza6253 O cara digitou inglês e você digita português, ai não né KKK.
@@XRochaZ tecleame esta
Humans are the most ruthless especially the one who thinks like this guy
حين وصف ﷲ القمر قال:"وقَمَرًا مُّنِيرًا "
وحين وصف الشمس قال:"سِرَاجًا وهَّاجًا " أماحين وصف النبي محمد قال:"ودَاعِيًا إِلَى اللَّهِ بِإِذْنِهِ وسِرَاجًا مُّنِيرًا "فجمع له بين الوصفين ليكتمل الجمال بالجلال وليلتحمُ الضياء بالنور فيشرق للعالم كُله
صلوا على النبي وآله الطاهرين
Бог не съществува
I was hoping for some really graphic kill scenes as i love them cos they show the real side to crocs and nature that most tv shows never do. There are many on youtube of zebra, one where the croc death rolls and rips all of the flesh off of the zebra's face leaving just bone while it was standing up fully awake. Grusome but awesome.
Hello love from Assam India🙏🙏🙏
This must be the equivalent of a safari drive in theatre. The cars almost outnumbered the crocs.🤣🤣🤣
Wonder what would happen if every car there beeped their horn at the same time.
@@zuziiice8907 all of them would probably either scatter a bit in fear or, as a whole, they’d run. Not sure what the croc would do, though..
Love from jugsalai jamshedpur jharkhand chaprahiya Mohala indian 🇮🇳♥❤😍😋
और मैं मुज़फ्फरपुर बिहार कांटी कुशी हरपुर होरिल से
Por k no le ayudan esperan k lo coma ese cocodrilo
@@jorgeluismendietacristobal367 tarde o temprano algun animal se lo comera.
That sounds like the noise my car makes.
@@sifeest7666 साले तेरा नाम भी तो साफी जैसा है
those are a lot of wildebeest, wow how does the other side manage to feed them all along with other herbivores
That's why they migrate with the dry / raining season to let the land refurbish
Music was a horrible idea
I knoooww 😅😭
야생이란.......후덜덜한 곳......살기위해 죽이고 살기위해 분투하는..치열함만이 존재하는 곳....
Goood...i like .from Indonesia 👍👍🙏🙏
No chance to survive for unlucky wildbeast!
It escaped from the larg jaw of the crocodile in the river 🐊
But now it wouldn't not be able to escape from the other merciless predators of the open savannah...........
أفضل١٢ أطباء في العالم هم:🕊️
1- القران الكريم
2- كثرة شرب الماء
3- النوم الكافي ليلاً
4 الهواء الطلق النقي
5- المشي نصف ساعة يومياً
6- الغذاء الصحي المتوازن
7- اشعة الشمس
8- العسل
9- الحبة السوداء
10-عدم الشكوى للناس
11- الرضا بالقدر خيره وشره
12- تنفّس بـ ..." لا إله إلا الله "
و عاتب نفسك .. بـ " استغفر الله
و تألّم .. بـالحمد "لله
و تعجّب .. بـ " سبحان الله "
و افرح .. بالصلاة على رسول الله
واحزن .. بـ إنّا لله وانا إليه راجعون "
واكسر سمّ عينك بـ " ما شاء الله تبارك الله "
و ابدأ .. بـ " بسم الله "
و اختم بـ " الحمد لله "
أسال الله أن يرضى عنيَ وعنكمَ ، فليس بعد رضى الله إلا الجنة
أنت الآن ( متصل ) ؟
مادمت متصلاً فأبعثها لمن تحب ..
Es triste ver ese tipo de situaciones pero debemos de entender de qué la creación de nuestro amado Dios
Es así y Dios ha hecho todo muy perfecto
Great work 💪💪
Fk it ..Poor Crocs can't have a fiest today
To me, there is no shortage, of Wildebeest, for the Crocodile's. The Crocodile's, were waiting, for this special occasion. They knew, that they were coming. The Croc's, have to eat as well. I really don't blame them, for being soo hungry. There's just too many Willdebeest's.
Yup. It's sad to see, but nature is cruel in that regard, if every creature was an herbivore then there would be too little plants.
Agreed everything is balance.. You must put emotions aside to accept that this is just how nature is
And over 95% of the wildebeest cross the river just fine. The numbers are still with them to keep doing it.
This is very funny ><
I love this so much.
Please no music 🙉
Всегда задавался вопросом, что их заставляет форсировать реку, зная что она таит смертельную опасность
Идут раз в год вслед за дождями
В поисках новых пастбищ
Неразумное животное, живущее просто инстинктами. Кочуют с пастбища на пастбище в поисках еды, особенно в засушливый сезон.
Great video
go around the river: ❌
Swimming in the river full of crocodiles: ✅
Yeah because going around and getting picked up by lions, wild dogs, and hyenas is not the same!
“Go around the river” by definition there is no “around the river” xD youre thinking of a pond
"It's holding him"..Yes yes the crocccccadile....lmao
Awesome video
Thank you, its encouraging to get such comments.
A natureza seguindo seu curso como deve ser.
Espetáculo da criação Divina!
The name of the river is Mara, which is the name of the Demon in the Buddhist context!
Mara name on vvhich relations vvith bhuddists?İt s interesting
There needs to be a bridge for these helpless animals to cross over! I would not be heartbroken if alligators were extinguished forever! This video was so sad 😪
Too bad it'd be destroyed by your fellow humans during their annual mass murder and genocide events
Millions of wildebeest cross over just fine. Crocs only get a few out of probably 2-3 thousand at a time. It almost overwhelms the crocs where they dont know which one to take. Too many to choose and they keep moving. There are many more wildebeest than crocodiles in africa. Not even close.
Are you joking in this
The pure amount of wilderbeest lmao
Why stupid music? Just let the footage roll without any stoopid sound effects music
hahahaha so true..😁
Some of us don’t mind it
Dang somebody is angry
Make your own videos then
1:10 bro he looks COMFORTABLE!
Imagine crossing that shit at night and the car falls into the water. Free food for crocs. No thanks 😂
big would shit
Real picture of SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST...
The birds are like, let me ride! Hehehe! 😆
go as a tourist to Africa to see such terrible things. I understand such people
This narration is hillarious
Очень приятный отдых
Bro background music 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Forest fire maybe
مشهد رهيب
يرجى حضور القلب والعقل عند قراءته...
مقال للتدبر:
معنى: (إنا كنا نستنسخ)
كتب الأستاذ/ محمد صلاح عابدين:
عندما كنت أعيش في أمريكا (نيويورك)، أتاني خطاب بالبريد (بأني ارتكبت مخالفة مرور.. حيث قطعت الإشارة الحمراء بالشارع الفلاني، في الساعة الفلانية، في اليوم الفلاني)..
ويسألونك في الخطاب كم سؤال..
وهل تقر بهذه المخالفة أم لا..
وهل لديك أي اعتراض؟
وكانت قيمة المخالفة حوالي 150 دولاراً..
ولأني لا أذكر إن كنت قد قطعت الإشارة أم لا.. ولا أعرف أسماء الشوارع بالضبط في الولاية.. رديت عليهم: "نعم عندي أعتراض.. فأنا غير متيقن أني سرت فى هذا الطريق.. ولا قطعت هذه الإشارة"..
بعدها بأسبوع، وصلني خطاب، وبه ثلاث صور لسيارتي:
واحدة قبل قطع الإشارة، وهي حمراء..
والثانية وأنا في منتصف الإشارة، وهي حمراء..
والثالثة بعد ماعديت الإشارة بمتر واحد، وهي حمراء أيضا!
يعنى متلبس لا مفر .. الصور هي الدليل القاطع!
دفعت ال 150 دولار، بعد إقراري بالمخالفة وسكت..
وفي يوم ما، بعد هذه الحادثة، وأنا أقرأ في "سورة الجاثية"، تذكرت هذه الحادثة والمخالفة عندما وصلت إلى قوله تعالى:
" هَٰذَا كِتَابُنَا يَنطِقُ عَلَيْكُم بِالْحَقِّ ۚ إِنَّا كُنَّا نَسْتَنسِخُ مَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ" (الجاثية : 29)
أي أن الله سبحانه وتعالى لديه نسخ مما فعل البشر في الحياة الدنيا!
هذا المقطع من الآية: " إنا كنا نستنسخ ما كنتم تعملون"... أصابني بالذهول والقشعريرة والخوف من الله!
يا إلهي.. هذه آلة تصوير من صنع البشر.. ولا تستطيع أن تهرب أو تفر منها!
فما بالك بتصوير وتسجيل واستنساخ لأعمالنا من رب الناس أين المفر؟
هذا الإستنساخ لأعمالنا:
في كتاب لا يضل ولا ينسى..
ويُحفظ فى مكان مأمون..
لا يتلف بفعل عوامل المناخ، من أعاصير أو رياح او أمطار..
ولا يُسرق ولا يُقرصن..
يا إلهي.. كل المعاصي مستنسخة:
بتواريخها.. بوقائعها.. بأشخاصها.. بمكانها.. بزمانها.. بألوانها.. بأهدافها.. بملابساتها.. بخلفياتها.. ببواعثها..
كلها مسجلة، بالصوت والصورة..
وبالنوايا، كذلك.. فهو سبحانه وتعالى، يعلم خائنة الأعين وما تخفي الصدور..
أي أنه يعلم ما لا تستطيع كاميرات البشر تسجيله!
كل هذا سيعرض على الإنسان يوم القيام، يا للهول!
" وَوُضِعَ الْكِتَابُ فَتَرَى الْمُجْرِمِينَ مُشْفِقِينَ مِمَّا فِيهِ وَيَقُولُونَ يَا وَيْلَتَنَا مَالِ هَٰذَا الْكِتَابِ لَا يُغَادِرُ صَغِيرَةً وَلَا كَبِيرَةً إِلَّا أَحْصَاهَا ۚ وَوَجَدُوا مَا عَمِلُوا حَاضِرًا ۗ وَلَا يَظْلِمُ رَبُّكَ أَحَدًا" ..
*اللهم مغفرتك أوسع من ذنوبنا، ورحمتك أرجى عندنا من عملنا*
Ay love serengeti
Everyone cheering for the wildebeests that get away...I always root for the the crocs! They are trying to survive too.
Aprix 1.1 million wild beast mugrate from masai mara to serengiti national park and 80 k will hunt during migration mostly by luons amd crocs
Waaaoooooo Amazing....
What was that
Очень приятный отдых😅
10:57 "It's like a draggin." I see what you said there.
Wildebeest running around like no problem...just has an outboard stomach now instead of inboard.
Que difícil ver como los pobrecitos son comidos por un cocodrilo 😪😢
Zebra always a smart animal..they never cross ing at 1st..
Zebra : hey wilderbeast you go first..
W.beast : no way..all of u can go first
Zebra : you go first..we will watch out for you..come on man...if we shout you can turn back
Wilderbeest : ok..watch me men..i"ll jump..
Zebra : god be with you all..we should go in the middle of them..if the croc bite,we will be saved..
And then crocodile bit their ass..
Terror na selva 🇧🇷
That is not a jungle
Why are you guys blocking their way?
It's sad, all safari vehicles are lined up on the banks to watch the crossing. In doing so they are blocking the wildebeest crossing
Nossa que dó 😕😔😔 olha o olhar dele dizendo me ajuda me socorre muito triste mesmo sabendo de todo o conhecimento da natureza animal 💔😢mais que benção se salvou 😭
Crocodile dinners cross the river!
I m like my friend ❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾
The silly music makes the ENTIRE VIDEO UNWATCHABLE. Most ppl with sense will stop after a few mins.
es ist der Lauf der Natur. Aber das sich Urlauber sich das antun um das zu Filmen und zu Fotografieren. Wahnsinn 😔
verry nice
They should build a walkway for them. Aww. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
i love carnivores with a passion
Is he rushing to see his surgeon?
Kenya 🇰🇪
Wooow amazing
This Buffalo 🐃 🐃 🐃 Daily Migrating River Still They Don't
How To ByPass!!!
#11:38 That One Buffalo saved
Many Buffalo Lives
But Slow death
not Buffalo,its wildbeest
why does this nature video have club dance music playing over it? It's kinda silly.
كفار قريش أعطو حسان بن ثابت قبل إسلامه مبلغاً مـن المال ليهجو النبي (ليذمه بالشعر) (صلى اللّـه عليـه وعلى آله وسلـم).
فوقف حسان على ربـوةٍ ينتظر مجيئ الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لينظر إلى صفه من صفاته فيهجـوه بها ..
ومـرّ الحـبيب المصطفى صل الله عليه وآله وسلم ، فلما رآه حسان رجع إلى قريش فـرّدَ لهـم المـال
وقال : هـذا مالكم ليس لي فيه حاجه، وأما هذا الذي أردتم أن أهجوه .. فاعلموا أني أشهد أنه رسول اللّه
فقالوا : ما دهاك ..؟؟
ما لهذا أرسلناك ..!!
فأجـابهـم بهذا الشعر :
لـمّـا رأيــتُ أنــواره سـطـعــت ،
وضعت من خيفتي كفّي على بصري
خـوفـاً على بصري من حسن صورته ،
فلـستُ أنـظـره إلا عـلـى قـدري..
روح من النـور في جسم من القمر ،
كحلية نسجـت مـن الأنجـم الـزهرِ..
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا وقائدنا وقدوتنا وغرة اعيننا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين @@ جمعة مباركة طيبة بذكر الله والصلاة على رسول الله @
Nice view
Is it only me? I don't know but I watch with a lot of cringe, like holding my belly in angst. Great picture though. More raw than nature shows. Also think, if you are alone walking there it would be very dangerous, very very dangerous.