I've been trying for hours and days to duplicate this. Any suggestions? I've visied these other websites that describe the same knot. www.animatedknots.com/stopperloop/index.php?Categ=typestoppers&LogoImage=LogoGrog.png&Website=www.animatedknots.com#ScrollPoint l-36.com/button_knot_top.php
Excellent video - thank you for sharing!
I've been trying for hours and days to duplicate this. Any suggestions? I've visied these other websites that describe the same knot. www.animatedknots.com/stopperloop/index.php?Categ=typestoppers&LogoImage=LogoGrog.png&Website=www.animatedknots.com#ScrollPoint
Tacblades channel goes into very easy detail for this.
This is also illustrated in Brion Toss’ book