Miguel & Cesar need your help - GoFundMe.com

  • Опубликовано: 6 июл 2013
  • UPDATE::::: Our Story has been Picked up by several Media Outlets without our consent and twisted this whole project around making us seem like some thirsty animals wanting a lavish wedding, we created the Go Fund Me act to make it easy for friends and Family to help us out on expenses, it's tradition in Mexican families to do this, in all these media stories there is no mention in why we created the acct, ( the fact that our finances have taken a hit since we are preparing for our adoption, we paid for every bill and fee out of pocket, not from a Go Fund Me Acct) the fact that we have not received any donations from "the public" it's all family and friends that are invited to the wedding, and we are even working for that money with thank you contributions In desserts returns out of pocket. No mention of all the work we have done for our LGBT community, and false statements that we are spending Thousands to get married, it's just disgusting that people can continue to share and ask people for their opinion on a "story" when the facts are completely false.Our goal was to get a little help, not to be critiqued and bullied for wanting a small wedding to share with our family and friends, something to show our children we accomplished. Not to be the poster faces of media lies for their own benefit.
    ***********Our story began 4 years ago over a simple dinner date, that date became something that took over both of us and planted the seed of what would become our lives together. We became Domestic Partner's on July 13th, 2012 and have continued to fight alongside thousands of other couples against PROP 8. With the landmark ruling that came a few days ago we ran down to City Hall to attain a Marraige License, given we have 90 days to complete it and limited funds for the wedding we decided to ask for your help in making our wedding a reality. We are also in the process of adopting and have had countless bills to get our place ready for the arrival of our first child. Any amount (5$,10$,15$,20$) will have us a step closer to our dreams of starting a life together and a family. Help us have an Amazing Celebration!
    Thank You Miguel & Cesar

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