Great Decisions 2024 - Artic Panel - USAWC Students

  • Опубликовано: 31 мар 2024
  • Three Groups of USAWC students who are studying the Artic cover current challenges that face the US such as Artic Medicine, relationship in competition, and Chinese lawfare and the Marshall islands and Climate Migration.

Комментарии • 6

  • @pacifiquebusiness
    @pacifiquebusiness Месяц назад +1

    Thank you

  • @mikeformt
    @mikeformt Месяц назад +1

    0 seconds ago
    I am a Democrat. I am running against Jon Tester in Montana’s primary. What is wrong with my party must be corrected by us Democrats. The Senate race in Montana is critical. The only way to ensure Tester is defeated is to vote for me in the primary. Is anyone talking about it? If you want to know what is wrong with our country and how we can fix it, then go to mike for Montana. It is not too late, but we are getting close to brink.

  • @Exodus26.13Pi
    @Exodus26.13Pi 2 месяца назад +1

    ⭕ God told Moses on Mt. Sinai to use Pi 3.14 π as the cornerstone to build the Wilderness Tabernacle in 1440 BC. In 94 AD Josephus the historian wrongly described it as rectangular-shaped. Exodus 25-26-27 blueprints build a circular-shaped hendecagon outer courtyard. What is superior, the bible or confirmed secular/ecumenical history?
    330 Exodus 26:8 eleven curtains each 30 cubits long
    15 Exodus 26:12 one curtain is folded in half to 15 cubits long
    - 1 Exodus 26:13 curtain hang over/seams add to 1 cubit long
    = 314
    3.14 = 314 circumference/100 diameter ≈ π ratio (100 cubit court per Exodus 27:9-18)
    Is this discovery like the Dead Sea Scrolls or even Martin Luther's 95 Theses? How did we miss this for 1900 years and does it even matter anymore? Pi is 3 or 3.14... very small difference.
    History of finding π:
    -(1900-1680 BC) Babylonian 3.125 for π
    -(1650 BC) Egyptians gave the approximate value of π 3.1605
    -(1440 BC) Moses recorded Pi in the Exodus blueprints 3.141592653... Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi
    -(500 BC) India's Aryabhata approximation was 62,832/20,000, or 3.141
    -(429-501 BC) Zu Chongzhi a Chinese mathematician 3.1415926 - 3.1415927
    -(250 BC) Archimedes from Syracuse showed between 3.1408 and 3.1429
    More than a thousand years removed Josephus did NOT know Exodus 26:13 approximated Pi. He was describing the Temple's structure and NOT, and NOT the Tabernacle from Exodus 25-26-27. See?
    Pi is coded in your DNA.
    Consider King Josiah & the Prophetess Huldah rediscovering the forgotten scriptures, right? Will Pharaoh let this go? Almost 3500 years ago "Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi" was lost on Mt. Nebo when Moses died. How will religious and non-religious acknowledge this systemic seed-changing paradigm shift? We going back in time in real-time to change history to line up the Word as it should've been.
    Moses recorded Pi 1000 years before Archimedes from Syracuse's Pi. Everyone including myself rejects this text/arithmetic until studied personally. Please use consistent hermeneutics along with the scientific method for our non-religious friends. After confirmation please repent then rejoice. Please remember this is God's big tent.
    Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi ⭕ כְּכֹ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֲנִי֙

  • @lynewestbrook7435
    @lynewestbrook7435 2 месяца назад +2

    Thanks for the data...very informative/good slide presentation.🌍🌎🌏💻📡🛰