  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 103

  • @cheyou
    @cheyou Месяц назад +1

    i'm impressed how you mount back cover!

  • @pinguinopicahielo
    @pinguinopicahielo 2 года назад +4

    I´m glad you´re back! Great work!!!

  • @melodybales2038
    @melodybales2038 Год назад +1

    You work hard, ALO works harder

  • @xavihernandez9119
    @xavihernandez9119 5 месяцев назад +2

    Ya tienes un nuevo suscriptor saludos desde Puebla Puebla México 🇲🇽

  • @marcelosandri5999
    @marcelosandri5999 2 года назад +6

    Parabéns , daren perfeito trabalho de um excelente profissional.

  • @georginav.dixonortiz4478
    @georginav.dixonortiz4478 Год назад +7

    Me encantan tus trabajos y tu forma de trabajar, absolutamente impecables!!
    Gracias por compartir🙏 😍

  • @chantalsmalley400
    @chantalsmalley400 10 месяцев назад

    Amazing work … such a craftsman!!!

  • @-ThePREACHER-
    @-ThePREACHER- Год назад +1

    That's INSANITY...
    And a GORGEOUS couch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @paularojas6077
    @paularojas6077 Год назад +1

    De cuantos centímetros es la madera q hace de patas, gracias.❤

  • @alainperez1904
    @alainperez1904 3 месяца назад +1

    Fantastic job. Can I ask how many metres of fabric do you have to use for this project? Thank you very much

  • @kareemakkas6129
    @kareemakkas6129 Год назад +4

    Can you mention the layers you are using to cover the frame, that cover the structure under the seatting cushions. Fiber, darcon stuff like those.

  • @Sohelrana-ns3du
    @Sohelrana-ns3du 9 месяцев назад +3

    hello sir Nice to see your work. I can do these things, I am a Bangladeshi citizen. I worked in Saudi Arabia for eight years. I am currently in Singapore. How can I contact you?

    • @tijaniarbi5599
      @tijaniarbi5599 22 дня назад +1

      Are you interested in working in mauritania? You can earn lot of money making sofas

    • @tijaniarbi5599
      @tijaniarbi5599 22 дня назад

      I will help you with everything

    • @tijaniarbi5599
      @tijaniarbi5599 22 дня назад


    • @mahmudbilal1742
      @mahmudbilal1742 19 дней назад

      I'm from Sudan but I resident in Saudi Arabia how can I contact you please reply me

  • @malcolm4458
    @malcolm4458 3 дня назад

    Where can I learn to do this? Is there a trade school for this? I'm in NYC...😊

  • @sagn1962
    @sagn1962 5 месяцев назад

    Great job. Sofas made with zig zag springs on the seat are much better than those that use belts.

  • @RoussaElsey0515
    @RoussaElsey0515 3 месяца назад

    Gracias por compartir todos los enlaces de tus equipos. ¿Podría decirme dónde comprar tela de alto rendimiento? Tu canal me hace sentir seguro para trabajar en mi silla de comedor y sofá.

  • @ferzanaakram5881
    @ferzanaakram5881 11 месяцев назад +1

    The guy is a professional

  • @laylaraye21
    @laylaraye21 Год назад +3

    You should make matching chairs. Also great job it looks amazing

  • @Nicholas-po5hr
    @Nicholas-po5hr 10 месяцев назад

    Hello Mate, amazing craftsman ship!!
    Could you please tell me what the 2 guns are called that you use for the spring clips and the one to hold the springs together

    • @joshualeonard2141
      @joshualeonard2141 6 месяцев назад

      First is a Brad nailer and second is hog ringer

  • @BatsiraiMusuka
    @BatsiraiMusuka Год назад

    Beautifully done…you get a new follower from 🇿🇼

  • @tuesdaychannel
    @tuesdaychannel 24 дня назад

    love that sofa!

  • @andrewmorris9499
    @andrewmorris9499 Год назад +2

    Very nice work. Is that a water based contact adhesive glue that you spray? I want to ‘try’ to reupholster my old sofa and was wondering about glues. Thanks

    @THEGIFTED101 Год назад

    Welcome back you do a great Job

  • @kevinfire6755
    @kevinfire6755 Год назад +1

    Do you sew the arm sleeves and couch cushions to shape before reupholstering the couch? Or do you buy them like that from the store?

    • @Jen.O
      @Jen.O 10 месяцев назад

      usually these are custom shaped to the sofa measurements after primary padding has been stapled onto the frame so the exact measurements are known, then the arm sleeves and cushions are cut to size and fit that area. If you are recovering an existing sofa, use the original pieces as your pattern (deconstruct the cushion covers to get the pattern and save the zipper for the new cover.

  • @carolksen8977
    @carolksen8977 11 месяцев назад

    Hello! Very nice sofa! Can you show how to make the frame of this particular sofa? link? thank you

    • @Jen.O
      @Jen.O 10 месяцев назад

      while this is obviously custom designed, you can deconstruct a similar existing sofa to have a frame. The wooden arm details can be custom made by a carpenter to fit the front area of arms.

  • @deckard5pegasus673
    @deckard5pegasus673 Год назад +2

    6:14 how the hell is that being stuck on? obviously he isn't using staples like the rest of the sofa.

  • @maimbokaala40
    @maimbokaala40 Год назад

    Learnt a whole bunch in 7mins

  • @arora_for_life
    @arora_for_life Год назад +1

    Can you please show us clearly, how you installed the front wooden trim?

    • @MadisonAngell
      @MadisonAngell 11 месяцев назад +1

      I don’t know for sure but I’ve stripped lots of upholstered furniture to reupholster.
      He drilled holes and then they sort of hammered it on there and held pressure for a minute. So based on that, I’d have to assume he was drilling holes for dowels, applied glue on them, hammered it on by hand and then held pressure to allow glue to set.
      Hope this helps 🙂

  • @kabelondaba709
    @kabelondaba709 8 месяцев назад

    Can I ask what fabric did you use

  • @Jovienne
    @Jovienne 6 месяцев назад

    Do you have a video of how you made the frame from start to finish?

  • @travisdemonbreum8505
    @travisdemonbreum8505 11 месяцев назад +1

    Love it!

  • @banganimay1526
    @banganimay1526 11 месяцев назад

    Anyone know what type of wood this is that he is using?

  • @Soufiantappissie
    @Soufiantappissie 2 месяца назад

    هل من فرصة عمل معك

  • @bdanc
    @bdanc Год назад

    Keren kawan bekerja
    Bekerja dengan cepat

  • @J-Chong
    @J-Chong Год назад

    Buen trabajo!!... 👏👏👏👏 🇵🇪

  • @DaddyEdibles
    @DaddyEdibles 6 месяцев назад

    This is beautiful

  • @mertkalemci3613
    @mertkalemci3613 Год назад +64

    it is a really cool video. hands down to the craftsmanship, however, there is a misunderstanding about diy concept between youtubers. that is not a diy video.

    • @harpreet_wilkhu
      @harpreet_wilkhu Год назад

    • @briankillebrew
      @briankillebrew Год назад +41

      He has given you all the instruction you need to do it yourself.
      The misconception is that diy all has to be dollar store garbage with hot glue and popsicle sticks

    • @Whitestoneofficial
      @Whitestoneofficial Год назад +1

      Good work

    • @zcm3790
      @zcm3790 10 месяцев назад

      I think he’s pretty clear, if u want to do it yourself I guess you can copy what he’s probably better to first practice somewhere

    • @pbat118
      @pbat118 10 месяцев назад +1

      If you build it with your own hands it's diy you divy

  • @floridabeardedwoodworker
    @floridabeardedwoodworker Год назад

    How do you attach the wood to the front?

  • @AdriPrado
    @AdriPrado Год назад +3

    Precioso, muy elegante y de buen gusto.

  • @shauntaesaddler2902
    @shauntaesaddler2902 Год назад

    Whats the type of material/cloth used?

    • @markjapan4062
      @markjapan4062 Год назад


    • @shashanktyagi4322
      @shashanktyagi4322 Год назад +1


    • @Jen.O
      @Jen.O 10 месяцев назад

      and it appears to be heat fused to a heavy backing or interfacing (notice the black surface are the fabric is applied to sofa arms and back)

  • @mdshakilahmed3559
    @mdshakilahmed3559 10 месяцев назад

    Please upload. How to make a frame this sofa?

  • @ViDesiVlogs
    @ViDesiVlogs 8 месяцев назад

    Please confirm approximately price of this

  • @antonymatamoros
    @antonymatamoros 2 года назад

    Hello! excellent work!!, can you show how the cushions of the seat and the back of the sofa are made?
    Excuse me for the language but I'm using a translator

    • @ALOUpholstery
      @ALOUpholstery  2 года назад

      Ok no problem. Next time we’ll do one.

  • @salwahussein2673
    @salwahussein2673 Год назад

    نوع القماش

  • @Vitalii_9
    @Vitalii_9 Год назад

    Классный диван, просмотрел Ваши видео, и не увидел диванов с выдвижными механизмами.(для сна двухместные) вы такие не делали?

  • @kishorjc
    @kishorjc Год назад

    Hi. I want to learn ..

  • @jitusharma6034
    @jitusharma6034 4 месяца назад

    Very good

  • @delealgladney2423
    @delealgladney2423 Год назад

    So, how can I just buy this from you?

  • @gerli777
    @gerli777 Год назад

    excelente trabajo¡¡¡

  • @irisarce2503
    @irisarce2503 2 года назад

    How much they charge for a wing chair..

  • @belarminoskills6007
    @belarminoskills6007 9 часов назад


  • @fatrinandi936
    @fatrinandi936 8 месяцев назад


  • @akramwannous4456
    @akramwannous4456 Год назад

    Good job

  • @ange7885
    @ange7885 Год назад

    How much this sofa

  • @jerrykingham3695
    @jerrykingham3695 Год назад


  • @hellenc.b.r.2586
    @hellenc.b.r.2586 Год назад


  • @fabiangeovannytorresastudi7845
    @fabiangeovannytorresastudi7845 Год назад +1

    Excelente trabajo

  • @DuncanOdhiambo-b5e
    @DuncanOdhiambo-b5e Год назад

    Can you please provide the measurements too.

  • @JamesMbwanaJaloo
    @JamesMbwanaJaloo 8 месяцев назад

    Welcome back 😂😂😂

  • @marialauraavantaggiati8366
    @marialauraavantaggiati8366 11 месяцев назад


  • @atelieencantar-tebyerica
    @atelieencantar-tebyerica Год назад


  • @AS-rc1jr
    @AS-rc1jr 8 месяцев назад


  • @mayconsouza8298
    @mayconsouza8298 5 месяцев назад


  • @nadafarag8206
    @nadafarag8206 9 месяцев назад


  • @Belastore2023
    @Belastore2023 Год назад

    Muy buen trabajo también los invito a conocer mis proyectos de tapicería saludos
    #belastore 👍

  • @TheSixoul
    @TheSixoul Год назад +1

    For a how to there's not really any instructions.

  • @babytramp1
    @babytramp1 2 года назад


  • @RaleignEli-h7l
    @RaleignEli-h7l 2 месяца назад

    Lee Margaret Thompson Melissa Thompson Patricia

  • @Goat-un7mc
    @Goat-un7mc 3 месяца назад

    Папке! Кг; 😮 нет но 😅😅😅

  • @AliKhan-fz2ls
    @AliKhan-fz2ls Год назад

    i am a sofa maker i need job

  • @suyelahmad2376
    @suyelahmad2376 9 месяцев назад

    I'm Sofa mekar

  • @rogercarvajal1672
    @rogercarvajal1672 Год назад +1


  • @GwjejGsgsjj
    @GwjejGsgsjj 3 месяца назад

    Johnson Christopher Brown Brian Robinson Larry

  • @sassytheclassy_rose9778
    @sassytheclassy_rose9778 10 месяцев назад

    What woman would want a white couch?

  • @cocomoss8930
    @cocomoss8930 5 месяцев назад

    Great job 🎉terrible music

  • @ronneyrendon
    @ronneyrendon Год назад

    Why on earth would ANYONE reupholster a sofa WHITE?!! That is the worst color for a couch! All you need is a drunk friend with a glass of red wine to ruin it! Got kids? Say goodbye to that white couch. I would say dark grey or dark (navy?) blue. They tend to hide accidents a lot better thus looking newer LONGER.

    • @ExtraordinaryE901
      @ExtraordinaryE901 11 месяцев назад +4

      Plenty people don’t have kids and don’t hang around drunk people.

    • @ry.j
      @ry.j 7 месяцев назад

      also, there is something called aesthetics. If doesnt fit with the theme, it would create a very weird feeling and view of the environment. It defeats the whole purpose of relaxation.

  • @NY_RSK
    @NY_RSK 3 месяца назад

    I repeat this is not a DIY

  • @МухаммадМухаммадов-н2л
    @МухаммадМухаммадов-н2л 10 месяцев назад

    Music nooooooooo, fuuuuuuuu