Same Supreme court told to open the century old closed doors of sri padmanabha temple while temple priest and royal family was against it. Same principle is applicable here that time court doesnt told to go and research and do PHD.... Its very clear every one knows the truth..
Exactly bro milords didn't hesitate to pass an Order to open Padmanaba Swamy underground rooms. But when it comes to Taj they sing different song. Hypocrisy of milords has no limits.
The people who requested To open the Doors of Sri Padmanaswamy temple were Hindus, there was no communal angle there. But in Taj Mahal case, there us big communal angle, thats why SC has not yet given order. Besides, no credible historian in India attest to the Tejo Mahalay theory, even Archeological Survey of India refutes those claims.
Manusmriti is that scripture which is most worship-able after Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for centuries has codified the spiritual and divine march of our nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores of Hindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law. That is fundamental. [VD Savarkar, ‘Women in Manusmriti’ in Savarkar Samagar (collection of Savarkar’s writings in Hindi), Prabhat, Delhi, vol. 4, p. 415 मनुस्मुर्ति" में क्या कहा हैं =============== यह देखिये- १- पुत्री,पत्नी,माता या कन्या,युवा,व्रुद्धा किसी भी स्वरुप में नारी स्वतंत्र नही होनी चाहिए. -मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-२ से ६ तक. २- पति पत्नी को छोड सकता हैं, सुद(गिरवी) पर रख सकता हैं, बेच सकता हैं, लेकिन स्त्री को इस प्रकार के अधिकार नही हैं. किसी भी स्थिती में, विवाह के बाद, पत्नी सदैव पत्नी ही रहती हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४५ ३- संपति और मिलकियत के अधिकार और दावो के लिए, शूद्र की स्त्रिया भी "दास" हैं, स्त्री को संपति रखने का अधिकार नही हैं, स्त्री की संपति का मलिक उसका पति,पूत्र, या पिता हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४१६. ४- ढोर, गंवार, शूद्र और नारी, ये सब ताडन के अधिकारी हैं, यानी नारी को ढोर की तरह मार सकते हैं....तुलसी दास पर भी इसका प्रभाव दिखने को मिलता हैं, वह लिखते हैं-"ढोर,चमार और नारी, ताडन के अधिकारी." - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-८ श्लोक-२९९ ५- असत्य जिस तरह अपवित्र हैं, उसी भांति स्त्रियां भी अपवित्र हैं, यानी पढने का, पढाने का, वेद-मंत्र बोलने का या उपनयन का स्त्रियो को अधिकार नही हैं.- मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-२ श्लोक-६६ और अध्याय-९ श्लोक-१८. ६- स्त्रियां नर्कगामीनी होने के कारण वह यग्यकार्य या दैनिक अग्निहोत्र भी नही कर सकती.(इसी लिए कहा जाता है-"नारी नर्क का द्वार") - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-११ श्लोक-३६ और ३७ . ७- यग्यकार्य करने वाली या वेद मंत्र बोलने वाली स्त्रियो से किसी ब्राह्मण भी ने भोजन नही लेना चाहिए, स्त्रियो ने किए हुए सभी यग्य कार्य अशुभ होने से देवो को स्वीकार्य नही हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-४ श्लोक-२०५ और २०६ . ) वर्णानुसार करने के कार्यः - - महातेजस्वी ब्रह्मा ने स्रुष्टी की रचना के लिए ब्राह्मण,क्षत्रिय,वैश्य और शूद्र को भिन्न-भिन्न कर्म करने को तै किया हैं - - पढ्ना,पढाना,यग्य करना-कराना,दान लेना यह सब ब्राह्मण को कर्म करना हैं. अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८७ - प्रजा रक्षण , दान देना, यग्य करना, पढ्ना...यह सब क्षत्रिय को करने के कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८९ - पशु-पालन , दान देना,यग्य करना, पढ्ना,सुद(ब्याज) लेना यह वैश्य को करने का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९०. - द्वेष-भावना रहित, आंनदित होकर उपर्युक्त तीनो-वर्गो की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा करना, यह शूद्र का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९१. ११) महिलाओ के साथ गैरकानूनी संभोग करने हेतू:- - ब्राह्मण अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो सिर पे मुंडन करे. - क्षत्रिय अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो १००० भी दंड करे. - वैश्य अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये और १ साल के लिए कैद और बाद में देश निष्कासित. - शूद्र अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये , उसका लिंग काट लिआ जाये. - शूद्र अगर द्विज-जाती के साथ अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसका एक अंग काटके उसकी हत्या कर दे. (अध्यायः८:श्लोक:३७४,३७५,३७ ९) (१२) हत्या के अपराध में कोन सी कार्यवाही हो?:- - ब्राह्मण की हत्या यानी ब्रह्महत्या महापाप.(ब्रह्महत्या करने वालो को उसके पाप से कभी मुक्ति नही मिलती) - क्षत्रिय की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का चौथे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं. - वैश्य की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का आठ्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं. - शूद्र की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का सोलह्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.(यानी शूद्र की जिन्द्गी बहोत सस्ती हैं) - (अध्यायः११:श्लोक:१२६)
@@maheshtambe9535 blind beliefs are a dangerous game sir, Manusmriti does contain lot of discriminatory verses which doesn't suit the present world we are living in, so, stop trying to bring the same discrimination back to present society
@@saisrinivasv.d136 Dude Savarkar suggested manusmriti instead of current constitution. Caste is one aspect of Manusmriti which you will find everywhere.
@@maheshtambe9535 this is called Blind belief, Savarkar might suggest anything, simply doesn't mean it is right, Manusmiriti is a Law book, but as Indian we already have a Law book called Constitution, and Cast system might be one part of the Manusmiriti, but it doesn't change the Discriminatory nature of it, and it is not trivial matter either, we are dealing with real people with real life and feelings, are you gonna tell the same thing if you belong to the lower cast, and allow yourself to be treated in a discriminatory manner
It doesn't matter if it was a temple or a palace! Everyone has the right to know history, by accessing those rooms, a good investigation should give us more details regarding everything from its structure, dating the underground to see if it was built on anything or if the whole structure itself is older! And also we can have access to more information regarding the era.
Absolutely . Let it be what it is , but once for all its history should be revealed and the speculation should be kept to rest forever ….what kind of society we live it , always keep the controversy alive just to keep fighting for no use of anything or anyone
@@VBG9284 mugals had no architecture really no Hindus built anything like taj mahal before mughal its islamic art u can see with the side minarets(minarah) floral designs or patterns on tiles of this world wonder.....Atleast appreciate the art after coming out of kattar hindu ideology
@@mohammedsharjeel5622 dekho, it was built by indian architecturers not mughals, you are saying tak mahal like structure look at southern indian temple where temples are more wonderful than your 7 the way why did he not built the tajmahal in Arabian region? ,is there any proof how taj mahal has constructed...bhai dekho mano ya na mano mughalo ne Sare ke sare structures temple ko demolish karke banaye, jo demolish nahi ho paye unhe thoda sa badlav karke islamic roop de diya.... Last thing tum bhai converted ho par apne purvajo ka samman karo, na ki invaders ka 🙏
Exactly. This is what surprises me. The entire structure is made of red sandstone. But inside renovation work is done in plaster work. Who knows what is inside ?
@@deepika2644 A Shudra who has an intercourse with a woman of the higher caste guarded or unguarded shall be punished n the following manner; if she was unguarded, he loses the offending part; if she was guarded then he should be put to death and his property confiscated.” (Manu VIII. 374.)
@@GREATTHOUGHTSAI Please give sanskrit worse also stop copy pasting whatsapp forwards which you haven't read yourself. This has been debunked decade ago lmao!
@@GREATTHOUGHTSAI Manusmriti Chapter 10 Shloka 65 शूद्रो ब्राह्मणतामेति ब्राह्मणश्चैति शूद्रताम् । क्षत्रियाज् जातमेवं तु विद्याद् वैश्यात् तथैव च ॥ ६५ ॥ śūdro brāhmaṇatāmeti brāhmaṇaścaiti śūdratām | kṣatriyāj jātamevaṃ tu vidyād vaiśyāt tathaiva ca || “The Śūdra attains the position of the Brāhmaṇa and the Brāhmaṇa sinks to the position of the Śūdra; the same should be understood to be the case with the offspring of the Kṣatriya or of the vaiśya.” Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 shloka 13 चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागश: | तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् || 13|| chātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛiṣhṭaṁ guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśhaḥ tasya kartāram api māṁ viddhyakartāram avyayam “The four categories of occupations were created by Me according to people’s *qualities and activities.* Although I am the Creator of this system, know Me to be the Non-doer and Eternal.” Skanda Purana Chapter 239 Shloka 31 जन्मना जायते शूद्रः संस्कारात् द्विज उच्यते। वेदाभ्यास भवति विप्र ब्रह्मम जानति ब्राह्मणः janmanā jāyate śūdraḥ saṃskārāddvija ucyate | śāpānugrahasāmarthyaṃ tathā krodhaḥ prasannatā || 31 || “Everyone is born Sudra, by accepting Samskara (Purificatory process) one becomes a Dvija(Twice Born), By study of Veda one becomes Vipra, Knower of Brahman(Supreme) is Brahmana”
Don't make a conclusion on the basis of pictures of just 2 rooms. Let the court give order to open all the 20 rooms so the truth (whatever it is) comes out..
This is not Modi’s curiosity nor is he doing the investigation. Tomorrow if your undies gets lost, you will blame it on Modi. Stop ridiculing yourself. Secondly this is what nation wants to know. The fake biased history in the NCERT books spewed by the leftist historians need to be unfolded. This is high time. No wonder the first Education minister of India was a Chus-lim himself and it paved way for the history books Chus-lim friendly. Not a single page on Maratha’s history when I was in school. While they dedicated 3 chapters on Chus-lim invaders. I read Baburnama myself and Babur was so frightened of Rana Sanga that he wrote “Sanga is coming” like 15 times in 15 pages. I had to recall “The Winter is coming” from the Game of Thrones. 😂😂😂 And no mention of such brave Hindu kings in the history books. We want to know the real history and not this fake history. Even if it leads to tearing down the Tajmahal, so be it.
ASI will never disclose the truths behind the Tajmahal. Because they know that if reality will comes out it will make biggest controversy in India as well as in the world . But we should know the truth.
@@avisangray Believe even after the survey of all the closed rooms if you will not find anything to support your claims you will say that it is underground those rooms, this is human nature that human wants to get all the things in their favour it doesn't matter they are right or wrong.
A lot of people have nothing to do. This is good entertainment for them. They are frustrated and their frustration can be very very easily given direction. It's so easy to play with such people. They become like dogs, so faithful and obedient and will do anything their owner asks them to do.
@@nihalvinayak4850 Bhai. Be scared of these ghobar fans. They are a cult SS brigade. They will murder anyone who comes in their way. They are the army of the devils creating a divide and chaos and spreading hate where ever they go.
We know.. You are lier and most corrupted will also claim Egyptian pyramids.. You will also claim Burj khalifa by saying Burjo Mahalya.. You will claim quthab minar by saying qutho mahalya.. If Shah jahan builded BlackTajmahal with black marble then it will also BlackTejomahlya.. History is making by saying with mouth.. There is no evidence from history about Tejomahlya.. Taj Mahal is arabic word.. Mumtaz have the name mumtaz mahal.. Like Taj means crown.. So Tajmahal.. Then you right wing people saying Tejomahalya without any connection.. Atleast have some sense.. Low level iq atleast required for an argument... Tajmahal is muslim's private and public property which build by Shah jahan.. Shah jahan and mumtaz is resting there.. Don't disturb them.. Shah jahan or aurangazeb will never remain any idols if they build over a temple.. Now fake rightwing archeologists are putting there old idols from museum and claiming its tejo mahlya.. Its claiming like pregnancy of unknown women's kid's fathership..😂😂😂
We want this to be opened. It’s our right. There is proof in ancient books and stone slabs found on which there is written inscribed proof as well that this so called “ monument “ is built on the Hindu temple. Court should not deny this fact in such way.
@Nikhil do you know how much UP govt earns with Taj Mahal that why they will never end up ruining it, and other than you many have much more important thing to do than digging each monument to know what was before that !
@@adityasinghyadav78 Here petitioner clearly stated it's not abt Allah or Shiva ...the history books of Bharath is corrupted with wrong information..and the real heros should be glorified..instead of invaders who simply gave a classic touch to existing monuments ...and renamed it ...
From a neutral perspective, I think the rooms should be opened because if there is nothing then there isn't really any point of keeping them close and doing maintenance of something that is not even seen is just so baseless. Not trying to insert religion in this... but Taj Mahal is India's jewel, It is a symbol for India in the world, thus, it should remain away from the temple-mosque claims because now nothing can happen even if it is declared as a past temple, just remove all religion aspects from it and turn it into just a bare monument which should be under protection of government and ASI. I am saying this because I havee lived in agra for 4 years and muslims r allowed to do namaz there on Friday....
The rooms were open before for everyone but the conditions of the Detroit due to heavy tourism so they decided to close them if there were ideal in the rooms you have already Known.
I disagree. I want it to be known whether it was built by Hindu kings. because we were fed lies ( if these pics are true) & our ancestors great legacy has been stolen. Truth should be known. if it is proven it is built by Shahjahan we will accept it. This was a big conspiracy by British & Nehru & Communists to just pacify Muslims. we are tired of being treated as 2nd class citizens. And look what we are getting in return. r u aware that only Hindu temple Funds are controlled by govt ( & redistributed to other religions)? Other religions are free to run their institutions any way they want.Although Muslims form 15% of population, they contribute to less than 1% tax. We want equality in a place where we are majority, in the only Hindu country in the world.
These old heritage buildings needs to be renovated from time to time to keep the building intact. One fault, and there might be destruction.. Don't you know basic physics also? Basic common sense at least.. And you didn't want to insert religion, but eventually you did. So your comment is no longer neutral. Don't be neutral, be unbiased..
A neutral perspective would be to let law takes it's own course. If it is a Hindu Structure, there is no reason to be scared to claim it as one, rename it and restore it's past heritage. Just because it is currently used for a certain purpose does not mean truth and justice should not prevail in the long run. Tomorrow some rogue element will come into your home and say he built it and he will live in it moving forward..will you allow it?
Actually your type of islamophians are the main root problem of our country. Kabhi apne baap dada ki history mein bhi interest dekhao bhai kab tak sirf musalmaan ka pichwada saaf karte rahogey. Hamein to tum mein koi interest hi nahi isliye koi problem nahi
It is every Indian's right to know what was there before the Taj or any monument built by the people who tried to diminish the great Hindu culture. It is the World's right to know about these buried ancient sights. JAI HIND TO ALL 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Manusmriti is that scripture which is most worship-able after Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for centuries has codified the spiritual and divine march of our nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores of Hindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law. That is fundamental. [VD Savarkar, ‘Women in Manusmriti’ in Savarkar Samagar (collection of Savarkar’s writings in Hindi), Prabhat, Delhi, vol. 4, p. 415 मनुस्मुर्ति" में क्या कहा हैं =============== यह देखिये- १- पुत्री,पत्नी,माता या कन्या,युवा,व्रुद्धा किसी भी स्वरुप में नारी स्वतंत्र नही होनी चाहिए. -मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-२ से ६ तक. २- पति पत्नी को छोड सकता हैं, सुद(गिरवी) पर रख सकता हैं, बेच सकता हैं, लेकिन स्त्री को इस प्रकार के अधिकार नही हैं. किसी भी स्थिती में, विवाह के बाद, पत्नी सदैव पत्नी ही रहती हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४५ ३- संपति और मिलकियत के अधिकार और दावो के लिए, शूद्र की स्त्रिया भी "दास" हैं, स्त्री को संपति रखने का अधिकार नही हैं, स्त्री की संपति का मलिक उसका पति,पूत्र, या पिता हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४१६. ४- ढोर, गंवार, शूद्र और नारी, ये सब ताडन के अधिकारी हैं, यानी नारी को ढोर की तरह मार सकते हैं....तुलसी दास पर भी इसका प्रभाव दिखने को मिलता हैं, वह लिखते हैं-"ढोर,चमार और नारी, ताडन के अधिकारी." - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-८ श्लोक-२९९ ५- असत्य जिस तरह अपवित्र हैं, उसी भांति स्त्रियां भी अपवित्र हैं, यानी पढने का, पढाने का, वेद-मंत्र बोलने का या उपनयन का स्त्रियो को अधिकार नही हैं.- मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-२ श्लोक-६६ और अध्याय-९ श्लोक-१८. ६- स्त्रियां नर्कगामीनी होने के कारण वह यग्यकार्य या दैनिक अग्निहोत्र भी नही कर सकती.(इसी लिए कहा जाता है-"नारी नर्क का द्वार") - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-११ श्लोक-३६ और ३७ . ७- यग्यकार्य करने वाली या वेद मंत्र बोलने वाली स्त्रियो से किसी ब्राह्मण भी ने भोजन नही लेना चाहिए, स्त्रियो ने किए हुए सभी यग्य कार्य अशुभ होने से देवो को स्वीकार्य नही हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-४ श्लोक-२०५ और २०६ . ) वर्णानुसार करने के कार्यः - - महातेजस्वी ब्रह्मा ने स्रुष्टी की रचना के लिए ब्राह्मण,क्षत्रिय,वैश्य और शूद्र को भिन्न-भिन्न कर्म करने को तै किया हैं - - पढ्ना,पढाना,यग्य करना-कराना,दान लेना यह सब ब्राह्मण को कर्म करना हैं. अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८७ - प्रजा रक्षण , दान देना, यग्य करना, पढ्ना...यह सब क्षत्रिय को करने के कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८९ - पशु-पालन , दान देना,यग्य करना, पढ्ना,सुद(ब्याज) लेना यह वैश्य को करने का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९०. - द्वेष-भावना रहित, आंनदित होकर उपर्युक्त तीनो-वर्गो की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा करना, यह शूद्र का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९१. ११) महिलाओ के साथ गैरकानूनी संभोग करने हेतू:- - ब्राह्मण अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो सिर पे मुंडन करे. - क्षत्रिय अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो १००० भी दंड करे. - वैश्य अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये और १ साल के लिए कैद और बाद में देश निष्कासित. - शूद्र अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये , उसका लिंग काट लिआ जाये. - शूद्र अगर द्विज-जाती के साथ अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसका एक अंग काटके उसकी हत्या कर दे. (अध्यायः८:श्लोक:३७४,३७५,३७ ९) (१२) हत्या के अपराध में कोन सी कार्यवाही हो?:- - ब्राह्मण की हत्या यानी ब्रह्महत्या महापाप.(ब्रह्महत्या करने वालो को उसके पाप से कभी मुक्ति नही मिलती) - क्षत्रिय की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का चौथे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं. - वैश्य की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का आठ्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं. - शूद्र की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का सोलह्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.(यानी शूद्र की जिन्द्गी बहोत सस्ती हैं) - (अध्यायः११:श्लोक:१२६)
We just want to know the truth and history behind Taj. We are not saying to demolish it and build a temple. Just tell the truth. I don't see any problem in showing what's inside it.
That's the problem there was nothing inside of it It was regularly opened and cleaned by the authorities but the media spoke so much utter bullshit and created conspiracy theories with no proof.
@@hasiburrahaman8143 abe chutiya gawar padhai karle thodi….jo workers ne taj mahal banaya vo Indians hi the..sha jhan lode ne apne hatho se banaya ho bol to aise rah he
@@hasiburrahaman8143 China मे तो मुस्लिमों ने मस्जिद बनाते बनाते toilet बना दिया, gajab की कलाकारी है और मुगल जहां से आए वहाँ पे toilet तक नहीं बना पाए खुद से सायद मस्जिद बनाने की कोशिश करना चाहिए वहाँ भी क्या पता toilet बनाने me सफलता मिल जाए 🤣🤣🤣🙏
It is a fact that the Sultanate dynasty Muslim kings demolished so many Hindu temples and instead built Mosque..But we should not do the same mistake..Let Taj Mahal remain as it is as this brings many visitors to India as well..
So what? You will keep this issue as secret? Everyone has rights to know whats inside the taj mahal! But i also agree that opening those doors can result in political rivalry* and the tourism of Indian might be get affected, but dont you think that by opening the remaining doors, the shit that people(s) are talking about taj mahal might be get solved? For example some are saying that it was before a shiv temple, some are saying that it was just a taj mahal built by Shah* jahan, not by destroying Shiv temple? *sorry for any grammar mistakes
Just can't believe the extreme stupidity of people here in comment section, giving their justifications on Mandir & Masjid. Be mature enough to realise the true agenda. Focus on real problems rather than fighting over religion!
Their education is obsolete, and that's only bcz of hypocrite govt that works on divide and rule policy. Furthermore our country is full of Illiterates and educated illiterates. No one debates about development, rising inflation and economic problems faced by the country just religion and religion
I just can't believe the extreme stupidity of a person here writing comments on things he doesn't even care about while lecturing others on why he is smarter and hence people should think like him. Brother, like how multiple organs of you body are are working in tandem there are multiple things going on in the country and different departments of government are working on those. History, religion, economy, democracy etc are all important in this country. Some people are inclined towards one topic compared to others based on their interests. If you are so worried about "real problems" then implement some solutions for those yourself. No need to virtue signal here.
Whether we open or not, Hinduism will never gain or lose anything. Because everyone knows that Hinduism is a class apart from other religions. I respect other religions too. But the comments section is filled with lot of hatred towards one religion ( Islam). let us keep religion in a personal sphere and focus on science &tech to make INDIA THE SUPER POWER OF THE WORLD. ! JAI HIND !
I am from another religion. I don't think my religion is a class apart neither do I think others Religions are classes apart. However, I respect your opinion and attitude.
My comment might come as weird to some liberals - but in my opinion Taj Mahal should be converted to a temple regardless of the fact whether there is an idol or not cause Erdogan did the same thing in Turkey so why not? This Jew supports you Hindus.
@@karthikchandran858 Bro I know that there is no evidence of idols yet. But read my first main comment because there I have mentioned one thing and that is this: "regardless of the fact whether there is an idol or not." What does that mean, bro? Do I still need education or you dear?
@@karthikchandran858 Bro I am not talking about its destruction. I would never want to damage such a nice infrastructure. I am talking about just converting it to a temple just like Erdogan converted Church of Hagia Sophia to a mosque? What's my reason? Cause Mughals demolished many Hindu temples and converted to mosque so why can't Modi Dynasty do the same? And I am not even talking about demolition like Mughals did with temples. Now what does education has anything to do with it?
what is the problem in opening the locked 20 rooms, court should convince the public regarding the difficulties. If no difficulty the it should be opened and shown to the public as it is. if any safety risk is there let the advocates take a video coverage and present it to the supream Court. Let the nation know what is hidden inside.
@@softcopiesonline9232 plus why would go through so that trouble if converting in into a mosque but forgot to empty out the 20 rooms of the Hindu statues... Makes no sense
@@softcopiesonline9232 let me answer your all points debate me 1)counting of 850 million Hindus let me remind you of islamic invasion Shah jahan Aurangzeb Akbar Babur And so many islamic leaders ruled india at that point of time 2)u think if temples were demolished Hindus could have done something ? Yes they did that's the reason chatrapati Shivaji maharaja started ruling but they kept on expanding kingdom rather then builting temples cause for them hindu swaraj was first 3) i think u have very low iq or something Under islamic rulers u think hindu's were able to live like kings are u out of your mind In period where even if hindus didn't bowed their head against islamic rulers their heads were chopped off How could u not understand rule of mughals? How many times shall i remind u that hindus were cut and women were raped if they didn't accepted islam I *if hindus were forced to death or to start working what would they choose sir ?*
@@softcopiesonline9232 u are just an idiotic person U think that when muslims were building mosque they never fucking reviewed what they have built U think murtis , and other hindu designs were tolerated in islam cause u said they never knew it was hindu design Dumb fucker In hindu religion U do murti puja Show ramayana scenes on wall Show lotus flower All of above are banned and are included in haram as per quran
Not really. 1 culture is just animalistic. Literally. One is spiritual. Peace, charity, ibadat. One is just myth and legend. Old is not gold. Just that.. old. Plus Islam is the final message not first. First was from Adam as.
Don't fool us the basement rooms are sealed with limestone from the inside by shahjahan and later by the government from the backside. Earlier from the backside there used to be wooden doors.
@@abdulnasirkhan6523 Tum logo ki to apne 10 10 Bacho ko khana khilane ke paise nahi, chale jihad karne. Padhai likhai Karo, kuch zindagi mein Karo. Par nahi, jaanwar Banna hai tum jahilo Ko.
If mughals had such skills and resources they surely would have built a mosque at that scale. Very suspicious.This video is very misleading and betrayal of trust.
@@zamanasif5766 no need to prove pislam is jst a shit who build there mosques on temples and try to steal name .. yahi bola kya bey tera bhagwan aajj pakada gaye saala gyanvapsi masjid mein shiva idol hai etc itna gira hua religion kya bey tera ... terrorist khey alava aur kisi khaam kha nahi thumlog
Noise media really hyped hindu vs muslim Modi succeeded. No one talks about oil prices No one want Government jobs Everything is just fine! Noise work Modi
@@g-gon8869 who TF told u that Taj Mahal was built after destroying a temple brother ?? Were u there or were your ancestors there ?? And who the tf knows what's gonna happen if the gates are gonna open ..can u tell ?? U will not be there during the opening of the gates of Taj Mahal ..u know what I am saying ..what if there's nothing inside but one can put a shivaling or maybe something related to a hindu culture and then they will get a topic that "TAJ MAHAL WAS ALSO BUILT AFTER DESTROYING A TEMPLE ".. idk why TF gov is trying to poke each and every monuments or I can ISLAMIC monuments ...
Common sense. Which Landbhakt does not have. Saw a mosque bordering a temple and Landbhakt thinking a temple demolished. Why would a Muslim ruler leave the bordering temple?
We're not interested in just seeing the images of those locked rooms... We want all those rooms to be opened at the earliest... We were so close to doing that... But unfortunately.. The great Mia-lord refused our plea🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
At least that mia-lord is far educated and knowledgeable than you. You are no-one. I don't think you have the right knowledge to criticize someone that educated. (U can always criticise illiterate propaganda loving politicians). Judiciary has no hidden motive. But politicians do.
@@AnupamChaudhury are dimag ke dhakkan.....I don't need your certificate... Who the hell are you to certify me? Well.. You're talking about Indian judiciary and its so-called unbiased nature... Lol.. There are plenty of examples where your so-called unbiased judges failed to deliver... Is being optimistic a crime in this country? I don't think so... Nonsense fellow... Aajate Bin bulaye barati... 😏😏😏😏😏
What was the purpose of constructing these 22 rooms below the Tajmahal?Were they built just to keep them vacant? Are there any photos taken when opened first time to renovate them to show that they were vacant at that time?Or were the rooms vacated purposely by the so called secular congress govt to hush up the existence of Hindu temple below the tomb? Some thing fishy.An indepth analysis by the unbiased experts in the presence of a Supreme Court judge is required to unearth the real truth to put an end to this mystery lingering for decades among both the Hindu and Muslim brothern once and for all.
Open all the doors and research genuinely about it .Find the truth and if its truly sits upon ancient temple just demolish it and apologise. As a Muslim we don't value taj mahal as a religious symbol but surely we ❤ love it as a world wonder. Not only this but we don't have any issue to return anything that is not belongs to us. For us a tree shade is better musjid. The more simple the more better. God bless all and victory to truth. "Sathyame va jayathe - Yatho dharma sthatho jaya "
Taj Mahal is located on North-East Side i.e. facing towards Himalayas in which Lord Shiva lives. While all Mosques are built in world facing west. Proofs will be released Time to Time. Jai shree Ram🚩🚩🚩
@Hazrat Ayesha RUNDI(PBUH)😭🤲 Iran bhi Hindu hi tha bhai. Saudi Arab ka puch. Saudi mein bhi pehle log idols worship karte the. Ek din popat Muhammad aya bola mujhe guffa mein Allah mile hai unhone kaha hai idol worship nhi karne fir Saudi ke logo ne usko madina bhaga diya😂😂 Saala fir agaya army lekar 20 saal baad.
When there is nothing there as per ASI then why it's not allowed to be public. Why the petitioner's are not being allowed to survey??? Indian Government should act immediately to relax the question mind's and bring out the truth.🙏
It is not permitted to go there because the real tombs of the deceased is in the underground and it is sort of disrespectful to have people, and noise at a resting place of two dead persons.
Court always rely on facts and proof how you proove in front of them....but that doesn't mean you can overlook Islamic terrorism and looting in history... which everybody knows
When there are thousands of girls unsafe in the country, when the rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer, when the country's gdp is getting lower and lower, when the govt is spreading hate and communalism look at what we are preferring to see and fight for.
Haan be green chaddi. The things that government needs to worry about are being taken care of. Your organs needed for breathing need not worry about what the kidneys are doing. Similarly the government has different departments to take care of all the issues. This is a curiosity of knowing our history and it’s our job to find it irrespective of which government is in power or doing whatever they want. I can feel your pain that the government is not appeasing your community anymore and that’s healthy for the nations growth. First thing they should do is remove all the minority benefits that you people are reaping. 25 crore and still getting funding by the ministry of minority. Shameful. 🤮
Has the ASI kept video graph of the said 2 rooms before and after renovation ? If not why not ? Why release photos after renovation ? If there is nothing in the locked 22 rooms that would cause history to be rewritten why doesn't the ASI do a full videography of the entire floors below the graves and the nature of the well next to the Taj ? All Hindustanis have a right to know the TRUTH !
Haan didi. Jab tumhari favourite government nahi aa rahi power mein toh sablog tumko fools hi lagenge. Tumhare ancestors bade vidwan the jinhone talwar ki nok pe salwar utar di aur convert ho gaye aur tum aaj unhi talwar walo ka talwa chaat rahi ho. Remember the history. You were a Hindu. Original Muslims jo Arabic hain wo tumko Muslim bhi nahi maante. 😂😂😂
I can't say anything to the one's who still are arguing that why only the photos of 2 rooms released. I don't know how they still have the confidence to argue that taj mahal too is made upon a temple like bruhh wtf
The room is sealed with bricks 🧱 and lime . The photo is the prove that they are hiding everything behind those rooms and sealed it permanently so that common people will never know it's a hindu temple
Just a mockery of world's greatest piece of art India thinks by discovering idols they can claim Taj Mahal from Muslims What sort of obsession is it? Muslims are true heirs of this legacy
Rooms were opened until 1980’s and also minarets. In 1980 the flood almost spoiled the inside rooms and it was closed at that time after some repairs. The crowd is so huge almost 20-30k every day who visit taj mahala nd if they allow such huge crowd in such old monuments where the basement rooms are delicate, do u think Taj would survive? How can u all people dont use brain before believing any such non sense of it was temple n blah blah? Why don’t u visit Jaipur palace and witness the documents of Taj mahal? For ur information, the name was not taj mahal in those days, later it was changed..
@@khanspiro Lies! If the doors were opened until then, the learned historians would hv known, no one knows & ASI too refuses to explain reciting security reasons! Stop fooling the public!!!
The ASI should open the rooms and let the world know what's inside them. As a citizen of India, we should know the facts about history when our history books are manipulated.
@@morning_star92 the confidential files released in 2018 revelas a lot information about indian history. These files were kept as national secret for decades my dear. More over our history books only talk about mughal empire. what about India before mughal invasion.
Fascinating few replies ....As if building a Temple over Taj Mahal will make India Vishavguru....Nobody is talking about bad roads, electricity, jobs, environment .... Well may be that's what our rulers want and surely they are succeeding...God save this Nation 🙏
Kashi Gnanvapi, Taj mahal, Mathura idgah, qutub minar, Red fort are all simply ancient converted Hindu temples & forts which were all falsely labelled as mughal structures without any scientific & archeological study by distorians. The current Hindu Generation will restore them all just like Ayodya, it's only a matter of time...
@@hasiburrahaman8143 Mughal invaders who came from middle East & elsewhere like dgs to loot & invade Bharat, not only forcibly converted people at Gun point, they converted many Hindu buildings like Taj mahal, Qutub minar, Red fort etc ... That's a fact.. Because that is the way to conquer & lord over other nation's land, wealth & people & civilization using religious conversion.
I believe in the Tejo Mehal History , Cuz the death body inside this , Music room , Floral and hindu architecture signs are strictly prohibited in islam and everyone know how much shah jahan hated other religions. He in reality just did the modification to it nothing else
Lol now as usual the L***bhakts will try to make their own story by saying that the stones are nothing but a part of Hindu Culture and blah blah blah... A monument which was known as the symbol of "Love" is now being used for the hatred purpose! Even this great monument isn't safe from these fake Hindus so called L***bhakts! Everything is their temple. They get each and every proof below the monument in totally great condition wow! 😂👍🏻 Just change the name a little bit and here is your new fucking temple! Wow! I wonder whether you really worship your Gods and do your Gods accept your prayers by destroying others' beautiful history and giving it your own name? Oh! You guys don't even respect your Gods truly because now instead of being your Gods' followers you people are becoming Modi Yogi BJPee Followers! 🤡 Yes the truth shall be prevailed! And i hope that it's only the TRUTH and nothing else!
Doors were not closed from past many years.... Recently they done renovation of 6 lakh. It is closed for public, because of security reason, idk why there is such a big deal... If you really want to open doors, go for balaji Temple, I think those doors can revive our economy. Never expected that during such a recession, economic issues, price hikes in everything, we are going for these doors.
Abe gadhe. Tumhare papa report card pe tumhari class lenge toh tum bologe ki school hi acha nahi hai. School jaane ka road kharab hai. Jab baat hoti hai economy ki tab economy pe gyan do. Abhi jo baat ho rahi hai uspe economy ka gyan mat do. Isi govt ne Forex reserves ko 5 saal me double kiya tha. Agar nhi hai kuch important 20 doors ke andar then isko public domain me le aao and mamla over. Jab chor ki dadhi me tinka hota hai toh aise hi topic change karte hain.
A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of the Taj subjected to the carbon 14 test by an American Laboratory, has revealed that the door to be 300 years older than Shahjahan. Well known Western authorities on architecture like E.B.Havell, Mrs.Kenoyer and Sir W W Hunterhave have gone on record to say that the Taj Mahal is built in the Hindu temple style.
Bro the person who came with this idea also sed dat kaaba and vatican are of hindus cmon man u cant say all goood things r of one religion and about that almost every historian claims that it is indo islamic architecture.....
@@umaimahkhan3777 The Quran has a number of passages that support military action against non-Muslims and lots in Hadiths too. Just one example. Shahih Muslim (969) “Shall I not send you with the same instructions as the Messenger of Allaah sent me? ‘Do not leave any image without defacing it or any built-up grave without leveling it.’ Check out these channels to know more. Exmuslim sahih official and Deen e murtad
@@phoiaikonyak8672 to use a temple for a mosque is not allowed as a place that has contained idols is unclean and filthy so no worship can be accepted in said area.
@@bebinca Honestly I felt bad when Buddhas of Bamiyan heritage in Afghanistan was destroyed in March 2001, by the Taliban government . They declared that they were idols. That's bad 😞
Taj (Tomb)cannot represent your country.... because it is remains of fact Varanasi should be icon of your country...which is great place of spiritual and meditation... oldest symbol of Sanatan...
Some people here questioning about the incidents of claiming as hindu idols , temples etc., You people instead of building new ones destroyed the old ones and converted those epic architecture to your religious structures ex:- qutub minar, Never in the history of India , temples were destroyed during conquers instead they built and made them improve. But after these peacefools , our architecture ruined, yes we agree there are some superstitious activities prevailed , but not the ones as yours, still suffering people of your own religion, we came consistently changing our beliefs with the changing generation, but never forgot our sanathana dharma. Please dear Peacefools, you have no Right to talk about india.
This is what Mughals have done but liberals thinks they are savior because they saved India from Mongols lol - even if mongols had invaded India, it would have given rise to a Shivaji in those days. This is what liberals fail to understand and they praise someone like Khilji lol.
Bruh stfu most hindu rulers used to raid each other's temple because that is where most of the wealth was🤥 Which is why even muslims or other communities targeted temples, not because they were a place of worship but a place of fortune and easier to raid than forts 2. Even now hindu people fight about superiority of gods Gujaratis worship krishna mostly Maharashtrians worship ganesha North-india worships ram Some north states prefer shiv/hanuman The east worships maa-kaali 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
This vedio looks that 1 ASI actually covered up the key evidences by doing a lime plastering. Door way .... And two enclosures on either side .... Those enclosures housed idols . It's a clearing evidences job, doesn't look for work to maintain our upkeep!
I read in a book that the closed rooms should not be opened It's a bad sign for the country. Sometimes the evil spirits are locked in those rooms and it will get released. This happened in Kerala as well. The old monuments or the prohibited areas in the ancient times should not be demolished ,destroyed forcefully we have to allow them to get burried themselves it is the sign that it was allowed for someone else's usage..
This needs to be opened so everyone knows the truth. Stop making excuses if there's really nothing then there's no need to worry and even if it's there tajmahal can not be messed with because it's source of economy around agra. And it's literally national treasure.
I support Ayodhya temple, Kashi, Mathura, etc. but I really don't think the Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple. There were many Hindu artisans and they could've inserted their own artistic ideas stemming from their religion. Having said that, the gov't should investigate the structure simply for the purposes of historical truths and maintenance of the structure.
@@prime5816 Nope, just because someone doesn't agree with everything you believe in does not make the person a "pseudo-liberal". A pseudo-liberal wouldn't praise Ayodhya temple construction you fool. Don't be so delusional to immediately believe that Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple.
@@silentstorm718 fool u first go see how many temples were demolished to build mosques on top… and what makes u so sure about taj mahal not being the tomb built on a hindu temple?u are mr/ms know evrytg i suppose?🤣
@@prime5816 what makes u so sure that its a temple just because a person named oak wrote this Even ur bjp denied that a temple is their in the parliament back in 2017
@@prime5816 You moron, the burden of proof lies upon the person making the claim. You are claiming that the Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple therefore it's YOUR job to provide substantiating evidence. Plenty of temples were destroyed to make mosques and those temples should be reclaimed (Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi, etc.). Claiming that the Taj Mahal was some Shiva temple just makes us Hindus look foolish and uneducated (similar to someone like you).
Taj Mahal was built by a man for his wife & him to rest after her death. I think it is technically a government property and not public property. It would be shameful to break into someone's coffin just to see what is in there. Taj Mahal is one of our heritage. Let's not disgrace it by opening the doors that were meant to be closed just because of someone's agenda. If Taj Mahal was not as popular and big like it is, nobody would have cared if there are closed doors, hindu idols or mosques or temples or church inside it. Before feeding into hatred, open your minds. And if you feel like you are paying taxes for the maintenance of a muslim monument Taj Mahal then don't you worry because you are not, Taj Mahal generates a revenue of around 70 crore a year itself enough to pay for it's own maintenance. Because of religion you folks would someday even doubt your own parents. Religion is a construct of human beings.
It doesn’t really matter what’s inside What is the benefit if we dig them out and feel proud? History is history and we should try to change it and argue about it If we argue about taj mahal for many years,one day, it will be demolished So pls, let’s not argue about taj mahal being a hindu temple or whatever thay r saying Just let it be how it was And focus on important issues like jobs,inflation,gdp etc…
This things are also important those who can't dare to know the truth are the biggest failures take the example of Israel and if you have problems with this then demolish all the structures no one will argue in this and we will think about the future or take out the history from the syllabus right. what we will achieve by reading fake history.
This things are also important those who can't dare to know the truth are the biggest failures take the example of Israel and if you have problems with this then demolish all the structures no one will argue in this and we will think about the future or take out the history from the syllabus right. what we will achieve by reading fake history.
I am Hindu Whether it is temple or Mahal it should be forever If they invest that leads to destruction of One of the wonders by the religious agitation
India as a country should know their history.
@Sher Khan before that
@Sher Khan bikharistani 😂😂😂😂😂kya bachha......u want another baloch bombing in ur house????😂😂stay underground.....ur country is gonna explode 😂😂😂😂
@Sher Khan lil boy don't forget any maharana pratap shivaji maharaj. Who merciless halaled the chus-lim rulers.
@Sher Khan in the slavery .you guys converted mullahs in akhand bharat. Now u talking about slavery go and aks your father or fore father
@Sher Khan kaise faat rhe gand 😁🤣🤣🤣
Same Supreme court told to open the century old closed doors of sri padmanabha temple while temple priest and royal family was against it. Same principle is applicable here that time court doesnt told to go and research and do PHD.... Its very clear every one knows the truth..
Exactly bro milords didn't hesitate to pass an Order to open Padmanaba Swamy underground rooms. But when it comes to Taj they sing different song.
Hypocrisy of milords has no limits.
The people who requested To open the Doors of Sri Padmanaswamy temple were Hindus, there was no communal angle there. But in Taj Mahal case, there us big communal angle, thats why SC has not yet given order. Besides, no credible historian in India attest to the Tejo Mahalay theory, even Archeological Survey of India refutes those claims.
@@gopipadmakrishnan9121 call them " MiyaLord"
@@rembrantwithagrenade171 Even ASI itself is not accepting the face of temple theory then why cant open the closed doors???
The difference is Padmanabasamy Temple is owned by the Royal family of Travancore and hence a private property while Taj Mahal is a national monument
If this is the case then the treasure of jaigarh fort of Jaipur that was allegedly stolen during the emergency should also be investigated
Manusmriti is that scripture which is most worship-able after Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for centuries has codified the spiritual and divine march of our nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores of Hindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law. That is fundamental.
[VD Savarkar, ‘Women in Manusmriti’ in Savarkar Samagar (collection of Savarkar’s writings in Hindi), Prabhat, Delhi, vol. 4, p. 415
मनुस्मुर्ति" में क्या कहा हैं
यह देखिये-
१- पुत्री,पत्नी,माता या कन्या,युवा,व्रुद्धा किसी भी स्वरुप में नारी स्वतंत्र नही होनी चाहिए. -मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-२ से ६ तक.
२- पति पत्नी को छोड सकता हैं, सुद(गिरवी) पर रख सकता हैं, बेच सकता हैं, लेकिन स्त्री को इस प्रकार के अधिकार नही हैं. किसी भी स्थिती में, विवाह के बाद, पत्नी सदैव पत्नी ही रहती हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४५
३- संपति और मिलकियत के अधिकार और दावो के लिए, शूद्र की स्त्रिया भी "दास" हैं, स्त्री को संपति रखने का अधिकार नही हैं, स्त्री की संपति का मलिक उसका पति,पूत्र, या पिता हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४१६.
४- ढोर, गंवार, शूद्र और नारी, ये सब ताडन के अधिकारी हैं, यानी नारी को ढोर की तरह मार सकते हैं....तुलसी दास पर भी इसका प्रभाव दिखने को मिलता हैं, वह लिखते हैं-"ढोर,चमार और नारी, ताडन के अधिकारी."
- मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-८ श्लोक-२९९
५- असत्य जिस तरह अपवित्र हैं, उसी भांति स्त्रियां भी अपवित्र हैं, यानी पढने का, पढाने का, वेद-मंत्र बोलने का या उपनयन का स्त्रियो को अधिकार नही हैं.- मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-२ श्लोक-६६ और अध्याय-९ श्लोक-१८.
६- स्त्रियां नर्कगामीनी होने के कारण वह यग्यकार्य या दैनिक अग्निहोत्र भी नही कर सकती.(इसी लिए कहा जाता है-"नारी नर्क का द्वार") - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-११ श्लोक-३६ और ३७ .
७- यग्यकार्य करने वाली या वेद मंत्र बोलने वाली स्त्रियो से किसी ब्राह्मण भी ने भोजन नही लेना चाहिए, स्त्रियो ने किए हुए सभी यग्य कार्य अशुभ होने से देवो को स्वीकार्य नही हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-४ श्लोक-२०५ और २०६ .
) वर्णानुसार करने के कार्यः -
- महातेजस्वी ब्रह्मा ने स्रुष्टी की रचना के लिए ब्राह्मण,क्षत्रिय,वैश्य और शूद्र को भिन्न-भिन्न कर्म करने को तै किया हैं -
- पढ्ना,पढाना,यग्य करना-कराना,दान लेना यह सब ब्राह्मण को कर्म करना हैं. अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८७
- प्रजा रक्षण , दान देना, यग्य करना, पढ्ना...यह सब क्षत्रिय को करने के कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८९
- पशु-पालन , दान देना,यग्य करना, पढ्ना,सुद(ब्याज) लेना यह वैश्य को करने का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९०.
- द्वेष-भावना रहित, आंनदित होकर उपर्युक्त तीनो-वर्गो की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा करना, यह शूद्र का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९१.
११) महिलाओ के साथ गैरकानूनी संभोग करने हेतू:-
- ब्राह्मण अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो सिर पे मुंडन करे.
- क्षत्रिय अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो १००० भी दंड करे.
- वैश्य अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये और १ साल के लिए कैद और बाद में देश निष्कासित.
- शूद्र अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये , उसका लिंग काट लिआ जाये.
- शूद्र अगर द्विज-जाती के साथ अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसका एक अंग काटके उसकी हत्या कर दे.
(१२) हत्या के अपराध में कोन सी कार्यवाही हो?:-
- ब्राह्मण की हत्या यानी ब्रह्महत्या महापाप.(ब्रह्महत्या करने वालो को उसके पाप से कभी मुक्ति नही मिलती)
- क्षत्रिय की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का चौथे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.
- वैश्य की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का आठ्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.
- शूद्र की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का सोलह्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.(यानी शूद्र की जिन्द्गी बहोत सस्ती हैं)
- (अध्यायः११:श्लोक:१२६)
@@maheshtambe9535 blind beliefs are a dangerous game sir, Manusmriti does contain lot of discriminatory verses which doesn't suit the present world we are living in, so, stop trying to bring the same discrimination back to present society
@@saisrinivasv.d136 I don't understand why he cite manusmriti ?? I don't think any hindu follow or even know about manusmriti
@@saisrinivasv.d136 Dude Savarkar suggested manusmriti instead of current constitution. Caste is one aspect of Manusmriti which you will find everywhere.
@@maheshtambe9535 this is called Blind belief, Savarkar might suggest anything, simply doesn't mean it is right, Manusmiriti is a Law book, but as Indian we already have a Law book called Constitution, and Cast system might be one part of the Manusmiriti, but it doesn't change the Discriminatory nature of it, and it is not trivial matter either, we are dealing with real people with real life and feelings, are you gonna tell the same thing if you belong to the lower cast, and allow yourself to be treated in a discriminatory manner
It doesn't matter if it was a temple or a palace! Everyone has the right to know history, by accessing those rooms, a good investigation should give us more details regarding everything from its structure, dating the underground to see if it was built on anything or if the whole structure itself is older! And also we can have access to more information regarding the era.
It matter, because every mosque in india is constructed by demolishing hindus temples... Mughals had no architecture
You are wrong bro. It matters. World needs to know the truth. People are going Gaga on Taj for fake reason. Truth must come out.
Absolutely . Let it be what it is , but once for all its history should be revealed and the speculation should be kept to rest forever ….what kind of society we live it , always keep the controversy alive just to keep fighting for no use of anything or anyone
@@VBG9284 mugals had no architecture really no Hindus built anything like taj mahal before mughal its islamic art u can see with the side minarets(minarah) floral designs or patterns on tiles of this world wonder.....Atleast appreciate the art after coming out of kattar hindu ideology
@@mohammedsharjeel5622 dekho, it was built by indian architecturers not mughals, you are saying tak mahal like structure look at southern indian temple where temples are more wonderful than your 7 the way why did he not built the tajmahal in Arabian region? ,is there any proof how taj mahal has constructed...bhai dekho mano ya na mano mughalo ne Sare ke sare structures temple ko demolish karke banaye, jo demolish nahi ho paye unhe thoda sa badlav karke islamic roop de diya.... Last thing tum bhai converted ho par apne purvajo ka samman karo, na ki invaders ka 🙏
Room within a room …. And now that’s deep
It's a corridor so there are rooms with rooms and there are multiple rooms. But I agree all of them should be opened so we can know the truth.
That's what she said
Saito :- I'm Impressed! ... ... Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
What's the purpose of rooms under someone's deadbody ??
Kuch deep nai hai chup hoja andhbhakt job search kar.
22 rooms, monstrous monument, multiple intricate designs, a whole basement in the path and all of us has given a Lollipop of 4-5 photos. Well done 🙏🙏🚩
Wow yes
Exactly. This is what surprises me. The entire structure is made of red sandstone. But inside renovation work is done in plaster work. Who knows what is inside ?
Let the truth prevail. 🙏
@@deepika2644 A Shudra who has an intercourse with a woman of the higher caste guarded or unguarded shall be punished n the following manner; if she was unguarded, he loses the offending part; if she was guarded then he should be put to death and his property confiscated.” (Manu VIII. 374.)
@@GREATTHOUGHTSAI Please give sanskrit worse also stop copy pasting whatsapp forwards which you haven't read yourself. This has been debunked decade ago lmao!
@@GREATTHOUGHTSAI Manusmriti Chapter 10 Shloka 65
शूद्रो ब्राह्मणतामेति ब्राह्मणश्चैति शूद्रताम् ।
क्षत्रियाज् जातमेवं तु विद्याद् वैश्यात् तथैव च ॥ ६५ ॥
śūdro brāhmaṇatāmeti brāhmaṇaścaiti śūdratām |
kṣatriyāj jātamevaṃ tu vidyād vaiśyāt tathaiva ca ||
“The Śūdra attains the position of the Brāhmaṇa and the Brāhmaṇa sinks to the position of the Śūdra; the same should be understood to be the case with the offspring of the Kṣatriya or of the vaiśya.”
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 shloka 13
चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागश: |
तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् || 13||
chātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛiṣhṭaṁ guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśhaḥ
tasya kartāram api māṁ viddhyakartāram avyayam
“The four categories of occupations were created by Me according to people’s *qualities and activities.* Although I am the Creator of this system, know Me to be the Non-doer and Eternal.”
Skanda Purana Chapter 239 Shloka 31
जन्मना जायते शूद्रः संस्कारात् द्विज उच्यते।
वेदाभ्यास भवति विप्र ब्रह्मम जानति ब्राह्मणः
janmanā jāyate śūdraḥ saṃskārāddvija ucyate |
śāpānugrahasāmarthyaṃ tathā krodhaḥ prasannatā || 31 ||
“Everyone is born Sudra, by accepting Samskara (Purificatory process) one becomes a Dvija(Twice Born), By study of Veda one becomes Vipra, Knower of Brahman(Supreme) is Brahmana”
@Schrödinger's cat if you don't know about someone other's religion don't disrespect them too!
Don't make a conclusion on the basis of pictures of just 2 rooms. Let the court give order to open all the 20 rooms so the truth (whatever it is) comes out..
Agar Mandir bhi nikla to gov Taj Mahal todne nehi degi Taj Mahal one of the seven wonders hai
@@mrstarlight6589 Ye bata todne ki baat ayi kaha se?
@@mrstarlight6589 Kyu nahi todne degi Taj Mahal se bhi acha Mandir banayege sare andhbhakt milke Jai 2GB RAM
@@bobby4395 babri masjid ka yaad karke randi rona shuru hai. pehle hi burnol laga lete to aaj itna na jalte
@@UnknownPerson-np2jy Taj mahal ko dekhne ke liye foreign se tourist aate h koi itna bhi pagal nhi h jo taj mahal todne ka baat kare...
How every time Modi does this kind of "Investigation" thing right before election time???
But now UP elections over and UP state has given mandate to Yogi....and now we have central election in May 2024 still 2 years....
This is not Modi’s curiosity nor is he doing the investigation.
Tomorrow if your undies gets lost, you will blame it on Modi. Stop ridiculing yourself.
Secondly this is what nation wants to know. The fake biased history in the NCERT books spewed by the leftist historians need to be unfolded. This is high time.
No wonder the first Education minister of India was a Chus-lim himself and it paved way for the history books Chus-lim friendly. Not a single page on Maratha’s history when I was in school. While they dedicated 3 chapters on Chus-lim invaders.
I read Baburnama myself and Babur was so frightened of Rana Sanga that he wrote “Sanga is coming” like 15 times in 15 pages. I had to recall “The Winter is coming” from the Game of Thrones. 😂😂😂
And no mention of such brave Hindu kings in the history books. We want to know the real history and not this fake history. Even if it leads to tearing down the Tajmahal, so be it.
If the court allows to open, the media should go live so that people of the world knows what's really is inside.
Media live krne pr bhi bhadwa giri karegi 😂😂
What is there to hide everything should be investigated there is no harm in checking
Wo kerala temple ka bhi vault b kholo
@@waliabbas4391 yeah and similarly, eidgah masjid ki bhi khudai karao. bsdk mausoleum ko kyu mandir se compare kar raha hai
Reveal all the 22 rooms
@Rishabh Chaudhary bhai conspiracy theories wallo ko yahi toh kaam hai aaj kal
❤️❤️❤️ from 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩 .
Jai Hind Jai Bharat 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
I have uploaded a new video 📷📷📷📷👌👌👌👌
@Arpan He was Unisexual
Wo bhadwa rha hoga Muhammad isiliye sab ki Kati rahti hai wo ......#Katua 😭😳🤣🤣🤮🤮🤮🤮🤡🤡🤬🤬🤬👍👍❤😬
Bhai theek to ho vah pe. Jai sri Ram.
Dada Bangladesh a thik achen? Hindu der ki obostha?
ASI will never disclose the truths behind the Tajmahal. Because they know that if reality will comes out it will make biggest controversy in India as well as in the world . But we should know the truth.
U only go n see..
Too wise🤯 Rascals ‼️
It can create a unstability in this country which is bad for the countrypeople irrespective of religion...
You are living in another world. What about these pics??/ are they fake?
Shut up there are no hindu idols, Don't spread fake propaganda of BJP.
Who said the survey would be done by ASI let the chosen representatives do the survey let it be unbiased, photos from just 2 rooms wont suffice .
The ASI is literally
the chosen people idiot
@@avisangray inko nhi jamega ye sb.... inko to kuch dino me court b jhoota lagne lagega agr bychance inke against aaya decision
@@avisangray Believe even after the survey of all the closed rooms if you will not find anything to support your claims you will say that it is underground those rooms, this is human nature that human wants to get all the things in their favour it doesn't matter they are right or wrong.
@@believer-mumin Then people must resist this human nature of acting like a hypocrite especially by Muslims.
What do you think?
@@believer-mumin no they will say all evidences were their but removed lol....andhbhakts can say anything never know
I hope opening the sanctums will solve this country's problems like unemployment, poverty and inflation
The deshbhakt fan spotted
@@atulparihar2 the gobar sanghi fan spotted
A lot of people have nothing to do. This is good entertainment for them. They are frustrated and their frustration can be very very easily given direction. It's so easy to play with such people. They become like dogs, so faithful and obedient and will do anything their owner asks them to do.
@@nihalvinayak4850 Bhai. Be scared of these ghobar fans. They are a cult SS brigade. They will murder anyone who comes in their way. They are the army of the devils creating a divide and chaos and spreading hate where ever they go.
@@atulparihar2 atleast hum aur wo deshbhakt Hain, tum to sirf ek number ka chutiya ho
*Gyanvapi Masjid survey over; Shivling* *found in well, The shivling is 12 feet by* *8 inches in diameter.*
Wrong information
Can't expect any truth from you
@@mohammedarafatlone mullo ko kucch scch lgta hii nhi hai
@@Anubhav_6444 update yourself he is saying truth
We know.. You are lier and most corrupted will also claim Egyptian pyramids.. You will also claim Burj khalifa by saying Burjo Mahalya.. You will claim quthab minar by saying qutho mahalya.. If Shah jahan builded BlackTajmahal with black marble then it will also BlackTejomahlya.. History is making by saying with mouth.. There is no evidence from history about Tejomahlya.. Taj Mahal is arabic word.. Mumtaz have the name mumtaz mahal.. Like Taj means crown.. So Tajmahal.. Then you right wing people saying Tejomahalya without any connection.. Atleast have some sense.. Low level iq atleast required for an argument... Tajmahal is muslim's private and public property which build by Shah jahan.. Shah jahan and mumtaz is resting there.. Don't disturb them.. Shah jahan or aurangazeb will never remain any idols if they build over a temple.. Now fake rightwing archeologists are putting there old idols from museum and claiming its tejo mahlya.. Its claiming like pregnancy of unknown women's kid's fathership..😂😂😂
We want this to be opened. It’s our right. There is proof in ancient books and stone slabs found on which there is written inscribed proof as well that this so called “ monument “ is built on the Hindu temple. Court should not deny this fact in such way.
Name of the book
@Nikhil do you know how much UP govt earns with Taj Mahal that why they will never end up ruining it, and other than you many have much more important thing to do than digging each monument to know what was before that !
@@karthikchandran858 not allowing to open could be Islamic conspiracy ...
@@Blackpersontd2345 correct. Just like tumhara mazab se kuch ganta farak padta hai na???
@@adityasinghyadav78 Here petitioner clearly stated it's not abt Allah or Shiva ...the history books of Bharath is corrupted with wrong information..and the real heros should be glorified..instead of invaders who simply gave a classic touch to existing monuments ...and renamed it ...
From a neutral perspective, I think the rooms should be opened because if there is nothing then there isn't really any point of keeping them close and doing maintenance of something that is not even seen is just so baseless.
Not trying to insert religion in this... but Taj Mahal is India's jewel, It is a symbol for India in the world, thus, it should remain away from the temple-mosque claims because now nothing can happen even if it is declared as a past temple, just remove all religion aspects from it and turn it into just a bare monument which should be under protection of government and ASI.
I am saying this because I havee lived in agra for 4 years and muslims r allowed to do namaz there on Friday....
The rooms were open before for everyone but the conditions of the Detroit due to heavy tourism so they decided to close them if there were ideal in the rooms you have already Known.
I disagree. I want it to be known whether it was built by Hindu kings. because we were fed lies ( if these pics are true) & our ancestors great legacy has been stolen. Truth should be known. if it is proven it is built by Shahjahan we will accept it. This was a big conspiracy by British & Nehru & Communists to just pacify Muslims. we are tired of being treated as 2nd class citizens. And look what we are getting in return. r u aware that only Hindu temple Funds are controlled by govt ( & redistributed to other religions)? Other religions are free to run their institutions any way they want.Although Muslims form 15% of population, they contribute to less than 1% tax. We want equality in a place where we are majority, in the only Hindu country in the world.
These old heritage buildings needs to be renovated from time to time to keep the building intact. One fault, and there might be destruction.. Don't you know basic physics also? Basic common sense at least..
And you didn't want to insert religion, but eventually you did. So your comment is no longer neutral.
Don't be neutral, be unbiased..
A neutral perspective would be to let law takes it's own course. If it is a Hindu Structure, there is no reason to be scared to claim it as one, rename it and restore it's past heritage. Just because it is currently used for a certain purpose does not mean truth and justice should not prevail in the long run. Tomorrow some rogue element will come into your home and say he built it and he will live in it moving forward..will you allow it?
Actually your type of islamophians are the main root problem of our country. Kabhi apne baap dada ki history mein bhi interest dekhao bhai kab tak sirf musalmaan ka pichwada saaf karte rahogey. Hamein to tum mein koi interest hi nahi isliye koi problem nahi
It is every Indian's right to know what was there before the Taj or any monument built by the people who tried to diminish the great Hindu culture. It is the World's right to know about these buried ancient sights. JAI HIND TO ALL 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Teri maa ki gaand kodh waha bhi idol milega
Manusmriti is that scripture which is most worship-able after Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for centuries has codified the spiritual and divine march of our nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores of Hindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law. That is fundamental.
[VD Savarkar, ‘Women in Manusmriti’ in Savarkar Samagar (collection of Savarkar’s writings in Hindi), Prabhat, Delhi, vol. 4, p. 415
मनुस्मुर्ति" में क्या कहा हैं
यह देखिये-
१- पुत्री,पत्नी,माता या कन्या,युवा,व्रुद्धा किसी भी स्वरुप में नारी स्वतंत्र नही होनी चाहिए. -मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-२ से ६ तक.
२- पति पत्नी को छोड सकता हैं, सुद(गिरवी) पर रख सकता हैं, बेच सकता हैं, लेकिन स्त्री को इस प्रकार के अधिकार नही हैं. किसी भी स्थिती में, विवाह के बाद, पत्नी सदैव पत्नी ही रहती हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४५
३- संपति और मिलकियत के अधिकार और दावो के लिए, शूद्र की स्त्रिया भी "दास" हैं, स्त्री को संपति रखने का अधिकार नही हैं, स्त्री की संपति का मलिक उसका पति,पूत्र, या पिता हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-९ श्लोक-४१६.
४- ढोर, गंवार, शूद्र और नारी, ये सब ताडन के अधिकारी हैं, यानी नारी को ढोर की तरह मार सकते हैं....तुलसी दास पर भी इसका प्रभाव दिखने को मिलता हैं, वह लिखते हैं-"ढोर,चमार और नारी, ताडन के अधिकारी."
- मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-८ श्लोक-२९९
५- असत्य जिस तरह अपवित्र हैं, उसी भांति स्त्रियां भी अपवित्र हैं, यानी पढने का, पढाने का, वेद-मंत्र बोलने का या उपनयन का स्त्रियो को अधिकार नही हैं.- मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-२ श्लोक-६६ और अध्याय-९ श्लोक-१८.
६- स्त्रियां नर्कगामीनी होने के कारण वह यग्यकार्य या दैनिक अग्निहोत्र भी नही कर सकती.(इसी लिए कहा जाता है-"नारी नर्क का द्वार") - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-११ श्लोक-३६ और ३७ .
७- यग्यकार्य करने वाली या वेद मंत्र बोलने वाली स्त्रियो से किसी ब्राह्मण भी ने भोजन नही लेना चाहिए, स्त्रियो ने किए हुए सभी यग्य कार्य अशुभ होने से देवो को स्वीकार्य नही हैं. - मनुस्मुर्तिःअध्याय-४ श्लोक-२०५ और २०६ .
) वर्णानुसार करने के कार्यः -
- महातेजस्वी ब्रह्मा ने स्रुष्टी की रचना के लिए ब्राह्मण,क्षत्रिय,वैश्य और शूद्र को भिन्न-भिन्न कर्म करने को तै किया हैं -
- पढ्ना,पढाना,यग्य करना-कराना,दान लेना यह सब ब्राह्मण को कर्म करना हैं. अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८७
- प्रजा रक्षण , दान देना, यग्य करना, पढ्ना...यह सब क्षत्रिय को करने के कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:८९
- पशु-पालन , दान देना,यग्य करना, पढ्ना,सुद(ब्याज) लेना यह वैश्य को करने का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९०.
- द्वेष-भावना रहित, आंनदित होकर उपर्युक्त तीनो-वर्गो की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा करना, यह शूद्र का कर्म हैं. - अध्यायः१:श्लोक:९१.
११) महिलाओ के साथ गैरकानूनी संभोग करने हेतू:-
- ब्राह्मण अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो सिर पे मुंडन करे.
- क्षत्रिय अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो १००० भी दंड करे.
- वैश्य अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये और १ साल के लिए कैद और बाद में देश निष्कासित.
- शूद्र अगर अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसकी सभी संपति को छीन ली जाये , उसका लिंग काट लिआ जाये.
- शूद्र अगर द्विज-जाती के साथ अवैधिक(गैरकानूनी) संभोग करे तो उसका एक अंग काटके उसकी हत्या कर दे.
(१२) हत्या के अपराध में कोन सी कार्यवाही हो?:-
- ब्राह्मण की हत्या यानी ब्रह्महत्या महापाप.(ब्रह्महत्या करने वालो को उसके पाप से कभी मुक्ति नही मिलती)
- क्षत्रिय की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का चौथे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.
- वैश्य की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का आठ्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.
- शूद्र की हत्या करने से ब्रह्महत्या का सोलह्वे हिस्से का पाप लगता हैं.(यानी शूद्र की जिन्द्गी बहोत सस्ती हैं)
- (अध्यायः११:श्लोक:१२६)
first get a phd in that matter lol
@@hellofkn3282 Got one & F U Lol 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
@@hellofkn3282 ur statement made no sense.
We just want to know the truth and history behind Taj. We are not saying to demolish it and build a temple. Just tell the truth. I don't see any problem in showing what's inside it.
That's the problem there was nothing inside of it
It was regularly opened and cleaned by the authorities but the media spoke so much utter bullshit and created conspiracy theories with no proof.
This release of only 2 rooms pictures tells everything that there is something big going on 🙏
Pehle ek banake dikha taj mahal ki tarha fir bol
@@hasiburrahaman8143 are lode korand main dharti chapti hain
@@hasiburrahaman8143 lol converted k2A's got no chill 😂😂😂😘😘😂
@@hasiburrahaman8143 abe chutiya gawar padhai karle thodi….jo workers ne taj mahal banaya vo Indians hi the..sha jhan lode ne apne hatho se banaya ho bol to aise rah he
@@hasiburrahaman8143 China मे तो मुस्लिमों ने मस्जिद बनाते बनाते toilet बना दिया, gajab की कलाकारी है और मुगल जहां से आए वहाँ पे toilet तक नहीं बना पाए खुद से सायद मस्जिद बनाने की कोशिश करना चाहिए वहाँ भी क्या पता toilet बनाने me सफलता मिल जाए 🤣🤣🤣🙏
It is a fact that the Sultanate dynasty Muslim kings demolished so many Hindu temples and instead built Mosque..But we should not do the same mistake..Let Taj Mahal remain as it is as this brings many visitors to India as well..
So what? You will keep this issue as secret? Everyone has rights to know whats inside the taj mahal!
But i also agree that opening those doors can result in political rivalry* and the tourism of Indian might be get affected, but dont you think that by opening the remaining doors, the shit that people(s) are talking about taj mahal might be get solved?
For example some are saying that it was before a shiv temple, some are saying that it was just a taj mahal built by Shah* jahan, not by destroying Shiv temple?
*sorry for any grammar mistakes
Please tell your opinion after my reply
Destroy it. Make something new and more interesting. It will attract more visitors. Destroy everything old. We need to build a new country.
Destroy your ancient mythological characters temples first!
@@mikimy4969 Are you mad or what?
Are you drunk?
I say open up every room with all parties concerned and let them see for themselves.
Jindegi me kuch banaya kiya
@@abdulnasirkhan6523 शी जिनपिंग के शौचालय से अल्लाह को मुक्त करो
Nobody build rooms inside a grave. This definitely a Hindu temple.
Ja na lau*e
Just can't believe the extreme stupidity of people here in comment section, giving their justifications on Mandir & Masjid. Be mature enough to realise the true agenda. Focus on real problems rather than fighting over religion!
Their education is obsolete, and that's only bcz of hypocrite govt that works on divide and rule policy. Furthermore our country is full of Illiterates and educated illiterates.
No one debates about development, rising inflation and economic problems faced by the country just religion and religion
Exactly bro
Jai Bhole
Ye apane pass rakho, justice should be delivered, it's hindu temple converted by muslims to mosque.....
I just can't believe the extreme stupidity of a person here writing comments on things he doesn't even care about while lecturing others on why he is smarter and hence people should think like him.
Brother, like how multiple organs of you body are are working in tandem there are multiple things going on in the country and different departments of government are working on those. History, religion, economy, democracy etc are all important in this country. Some people are inclined towards one topic compared to others based on their interests. If you are so worried about "real problems" then implement some solutions for those yourself. No need to virtue signal here.
Whether we open or not, Hinduism will never gain or lose anything. Because everyone knows that Hinduism is a class apart from other religions. I respect other religions too. But the comments section is filled with lot of hatred towards one religion ( Islam). let us keep religion in a personal sphere and focus on science &tech to make INDIA THE SUPER POWER OF THE WORLD. ! JAI HIND !
Yaaa true
I am from another religion. I don't think my religion is a class apart neither do I think others Religions are classes apart.
However, I respect your opinion and attitude.
My comment might come as weird to some liberals - but in my opinion Taj Mahal should be converted to a temple regardless of the fact whether there is an idol or not cause Erdogan did the same thing in Turkey so why not? This Jew supports you Hindus.
Love you bro! Hail Jews! Hail Israel! :)
@@karthikchandran858 Sorry bro what happened? Your comment has no argument. How should I educate myself if you could please elucidate?
@@karthikchandran858 Bro I know that there is no evidence of idols yet. But read my first main comment because there I have mentioned one thing and that is this: "regardless of the fact whether there is an idol or not." What does that mean, bro? Do I still need education or you dear?
@@James-qf8gz don't worry bro that guy is radical Islamist.
@@karthikchandran858 Bro I am not talking about its destruction. I would never want to damage such a nice infrastructure. I am talking about just converting it to a temple just like Erdogan converted Church of Hagia Sophia to a mosque? What's my reason? Cause Mughals demolished many Hindu temples and converted to mosque so why can't Modi Dynasty do the same? And I am not even talking about demolition like Mughals did with temples.
Now what does education has anything to do with it?
what is the problem in opening the locked 20 rooms, court should convince the public regarding the difficulties.
If no difficulty the it should be opened and shown to the public as it is.
if any safety risk is there let the advocates take a video coverage and present it to the supream Court.
Let the nation know what is hidden inside.
Woh historical room hai teri maa ka bur nhi jo koi bhi khol ke chale jye.
UNESCO plays big roll brother.
@@softcopiesonline9232 plus why would go through so that trouble if converting in into a mosque but forgot to empty out the 20 rooms of the Hindu statues... Makes no sense
@@softcopiesonline9232 let me answer your all points debate me
1)counting of 850 million Hindus let me remind you of islamic invasion
Shah jahan
And so many islamic leaders ruled india at that point of time
2)u think if temples were demolished Hindus could have done something ?
Yes they did that's the reason chatrapati Shivaji maharaja started ruling but they kept on expanding kingdom rather then builting temples cause for them hindu swaraj was first
3) i think u have very low iq or something
Under islamic rulers u think hindu's were able to live like kings are u out of your mind
In period where even if hindus didn't bowed their head against islamic rulers their heads were chopped off
How could u not understand rule of mughals?
How many times shall i remind u that hindus were cut and women were raped if they didn't accepted islam
*if hindus were forced to death or to start working what would they choose sir ?*
@@softcopiesonline9232 u are just an idiotic person
U think that when muslims were building mosque they never fucking reviewed what they have built
U think murtis , and other hindu designs were tolerated in islam cause u said they never knew it was hindu design
Dumb fucker
In hindu religion
U do murti puja
Show ramayana scenes on wall
Show lotus flower
All of above are banned and are included in haram as per quran
One culture is more than 7500 years old and the other one is only 1500 years old... Even a child can say which one is older...
Not really. 1 culture is just animalistic. Literally. One is spiritual. Peace, charity, ibadat. One is just myth and legend. Old is not gold. Just that.. old. Plus Islam is the final message not first. First was from Adam as.
And yet your people are still superstitious.
@@Loljilol yeah when one culture kills millions of innocent people in name of jihad then we know which one is the animalistic one...
@@Loljilol Modi is your ibadat
@@Loljilol yeah and thats how terrorist (Adam) born
Don't fool us the basement rooms are sealed with limestone from the inside by shahjahan and later by the government from the backside. Earlier from the backside there used to be wooden doors.
Jihad hoga insallah jihad
@@abdulnasirkhan6523 Abe sale, tere baap ka desh nahi hai jo tu jihad karega
@@abdulnasirkhan6523 Tum logo ki to apne 10 10 Bacho ko khana khilane ke paise nahi, chale jihad karne.
Padhai likhai Karo, kuch zindagi mein Karo. Par nahi, jaanwar Banna hai tum jahilo Ko.
In mangalore when a masjid was demolished for renovation a temple emerged....
Yes, then we built a Gurudwara and Church.
There r much national issues... India is going nowhere with this😐
True af🤦🏻♂️
1% news
99% music
Some people saying that ASI is biased, so what about Ram mandir janm bhumi 😂😂
If mughals had such skills and resources they surely would have built a mosque at that scale. Very suspicious.This video is very misleading and betrayal of trust.
They built an ugly mosque called Babri Mosque.
Mughals didnt build it. it was the architects, engineers and mistries who built it. You dont have to be skilled you just have to have money thats all
@@Rajukumar-en2nv Then why was Babri Mosque so ugly??
@@abhijeetkundu5453 trying very hard to prove that taj mahal was built hindu rulers 😂
@@zamanasif5766 no need to prove pislam is jst a shit who build there mosques on temples and try to steal name .. yahi bola kya bey tera bhagwan aajj pakada gaye saala gyanvapsi masjid mein shiva idol hai etc itna gira hua religion kya bey tera ... terrorist khey alava aur kisi khaam kha nahi thumlog
Noise media really hyped hindu vs muslim
Modi succeeded.
No one talks about oil prices
No one want Government jobs
Everything is just fine!
Noise work Modi
Agar Mandir bhi nikla to gov Taj Mahal todne nehi degi Taj Mahal one of the seven wonders hai! It represents Indian architecture in global stage 🇮🇳
nobody is saying to demolish it anyway..
Tod phod se jyada jaruri hai 22 rooms kholna.
Yes but WO dono Jo andar soo rahe hai vo jarur todenge😂
@Arpan yea 😂😂 those two bloody sleeping beauties
Good to know that Sha Jahan copied Hindu architecture.
Anyway that place looks so good
The truth is finally coming out.
You talk shit. Try and tell the World to change there history books. Dream on.
Okay so what do u think what the truth lol?
Once again a shivaling ?
@@tanaazsheikh6790 that our temples were destroyed and other "buildings" were erected upon them.
@@g-gon8869 who TF told u that Taj Mahal was built after destroying a temple brother ?? Were u there or were your ancestors there ?? And who the tf knows what's gonna happen if the gates are gonna open ..can u tell ?? U will not be there during the opening of the gates of Taj Mahal ..u know what I am saying ..what if there's nothing inside but one can put a shivaling or maybe something related to a hindu culture and then they will get a topic that "TAJ MAHAL WAS ALSO BUILT AFTER DESTROYING A TEMPLE ".. idk why TF gov is trying to poke each and every monuments or I can ISLAMIC monuments ...
These 2 rooms are also similar to garvgriha of God. And two altar beside the door is used for keeping burning diya.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lagta hain aapne design kiya tha
@@AnupamChaudhury 🤣🤣🤣
I agree with you... But it's was not only done in temples... Older days they used to do in almost all's too early to make such claim...
Konsa nasha karte ho🤣🤣🤣
True history of Bharat and Hindu civilisation needs to be uncovered
Glad to see that girls are also taking interest in Hindu civilization. Good 👍
Podi thayoli myre BjP myre
Common sense. Which Landbhakt does not have. Saw a mosque bordering a temple and Landbhakt thinking a temple demolished. Why would a Muslim ruler leave the bordering temple?
Because they were also brainless and senseless like u to leave entire shivling and part of mandir behind😶
We're not interested in just seeing the images of those locked rooms... We want all those rooms to be opened at the earliest... We were so close to doing that... But unfortunately.. The great Mia-lord refused our plea🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
At least that mia-lord is far educated and knowledgeable than you. You are no-one. I don't think you have the right knowledge to criticize someone that educated. (U can always criticise illiterate propaganda loving politicians). Judiciary has no hidden motive. But politicians do.
@@AnupamChaudhury are dimag ke dhakkan.....I don't need your certificate... Who the hell are you to certify me? Well.. You're talking about Indian judiciary and its so-called unbiased nature... Lol.. There are plenty of examples where your so-called unbiased judges failed to deliver... Is being optimistic a crime in this country? I don't think so... Nonsense fellow... Aajate Bin bulaye barati... 😏😏😏😏😏
What was the purpose of constructing these 22 rooms below the Tajmahal?Were they built just to keep them vacant? Are there any photos taken when opened first time to renovate them to show that they were vacant at that time?Or were the rooms vacated purposely by the so called secular congress govt to hush up the existence of Hindu temple below the tomb? Some thing fishy.An indepth analysis by the unbiased experts in the presence of a Supreme Court judge is required to unearth the real truth to put an end to this mystery lingering for decades among both the Hindu and Muslim brothern once and for all.
I think your father built taj mahal 🌚
@@hiheloByby6902 ya our forefathers gave money to built it
Shah jahan didn't have money on it's own
I won't be surprised if this stupidity goes any further longer
Crying to see how our country is going back to 1800s
Suddenly the eagerness to know history has succeeded the aim to declare it a temple. The shit people are willing to put themselves through!
I know right😑
Open all the doors and research genuinely about it .Find the truth and if its truly sits upon ancient temple just demolish it and apologise. As a Muslim we don't value taj mahal as a religious symbol but surely we ❤ love it as a world wonder. Not only this but we don't have any issue to return anything that is not belongs to us. For us a tree shade is better musjid. The more simple the more better. God bless all and victory to truth. "Sathyame va jayathe - Yatho dharma sthatho jaya "
Wow, such a beautiful monument build by a Muslim King for his lady Love. Today, evil people are envy about it's beauty.
Yes.. Taj Mahal should be vandalized as soon as possible
Someone please give them proper education
Taj Mahal is located on North-East Side i.e. facing towards Himalayas in which Lord Shiva lives.
While all Mosques are built in world facing west.
Proofs will be released Time to Time.
Jai shree Ram🚩🚩🚩
who said taj mehal is mosque
@@Saurabhkumar-gx2wu andhbhakts say it you have a problem with that go to pakistan then
@Sher Khan JusticeForAisha
She was Raped by Prophet Muhammad.
6year old girl was raped by 54year men.
Justice need to be served.
@Sher Khan 👌
@Hazrat Ayesha RUNDI(PBUH)😭🤲 Iran bhi Hindu hi tha bhai.
Saudi Arab ka puch.
Saudi mein bhi pehle log idols worship karte the.
Ek din popat Muhammad aya bola mujhe guffa mein Allah mile hai unhone kaha hai idol worship nhi karne fir Saudi ke logo ne usko madina bhaga diya😂😂
Saala fir agaya army lekar 20 saal baad.
Har Har Madadev Jai Bholanath Ki
@Hindu toilet cleaner in Saudi Arabia Randipan
Allah ki ma ka?
@@breezemont1161 don't make fun to any religion ...any religion doesn't teach to make fun other
@@ShahrukhKhan-me8cp muslim do the same
Jai Donald Trump❤️❤️
When there is nothing there as per ASI then why it's not allowed to be public. Why the petitioner's are not being allowed to survey??? Indian Government should act immediately to relax the question mind's and bring out the truth.🙏
It is not permitted to go there because the real tombs of the deceased is in the underground and it is sort of disrespectful to have people, and noise at a resting place of two dead persons.
Also clicking a picture of the tomb is a bit disturbing
Yes it is disturbing for the dead once I took a photo of the dead ,the dead body suddenly wakes up and says it is distributed.
@@karna6651 people like you can only mock insensibly everywhere only if you had some manners and respect
Why not open the rooms for archeologists and scientists to carry out research? This is important for India's history and culture!
Ja ke gobar kha pahele.
Manmade religion is for the weak, but the wise and strong walks through his spirit to love people and be truthful...
Superbly said, great respect to you, may all human kind think like you!!!
Manmade gods need protection. But the one who made men don't need protection.
You are really weak to say religion is for weak..... religion always tell people to love and peace....Om Shanti 🙏
The court had clearly said! Go and study and then come! 😂
Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Court always rely on facts and proof how you proove in front of them....but that doesn't mean you can overlook Islamic terrorism and looting in history... which everybody knows
When there are thousands of girls unsafe in the country, when the rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer, when the country's gdp is getting lower and lower, when the govt is spreading hate and communalism look at what we are preferring to see and fight for.
Haan be green chaddi. The things that government needs to worry about are being taken care of.
Your organs needed for breathing need not worry about what the kidneys are doing. Similarly the government has different departments to take care of all the issues.
This is a curiosity of knowing our history and it’s our job to find it irrespective of which government is in power or doing whatever they want.
I can feel your pain that the government is not appeasing your community anymore and that’s healthy for the nations growth. First thing they should do is remove all the minority benefits that you people are reaping. 25 crore and still getting funding by the ministry of minority. Shameful. 🤮
Do you really want to debate about hatred? Shall I educate you what you have been taught in your madrassas?
Has the ASI kept video graph of the said 2 rooms before and after renovation ? If not why not ? Why release photos after renovation ? If there is nothing in the locked 22 rooms that would cause history to be rewritten why doesn't the ASI do a full videography of the entire floors below the graves and the nature of the well next to the Taj ? All Hindustanis have a right to know the TRUTH !
Get ready for jihad we are comming illegally
Soon BJP of UP will rename it Modi Mohal or Yogi Mahal or Shah Mahal or RSS mahal...
Why not go inside and check it out.
What's true will be true.
So people were fooled so badly, just for the petty poltical gains. And the same people keep on being fooled again and again.
Haan didi. Jab tumhari favourite government nahi aa rahi power mein toh sablog tumko fools hi lagenge.
Tumhare ancestors bade vidwan the jinhone talwar ki nok pe salwar utar di aur convert ho gaye aur tum aaj unhi talwar walo ka talwa chaat rahi ho.
Remember the history. You were a Hindu. Original Muslims jo Arabic hain wo tumko Muslim bhi nahi maante. 😂😂😂
@@takingShortcuts religious fools spotted
I can't say anything to the one's who still are arguing that why only the photos of 2 rooms released. I don't know how they still have the confidence to argue that taj mahal too is made upon a temple like bruhh wtf
The room is sealed with bricks 🧱 and lime . The photo is the prove that they are hiding everything behind those rooms and sealed it permanently so that common people will never know it's a hindu temple
Well there are enough proof pointing towards that taj mahal built using temple
what is the fear of knowing the truth? The Supreme court should stop acting as a obstacle and be a medium for progress.
Guys my lord spaghetti 🍝 was buried there. I say we replace the Taj Mahal with a big giant bowl of spaghetti. Respect my HISTORY
Show the pics of shiv linga 🙄😢
Guys chill, Truth shall set everyone free. Truth cannot be hidden. If something is there, it will eventually come out.
Or someone will plant it there to make it "true" .
You know like, in babri 😅
Nice joke
More please
@@SatoruGojo442 sir can u say who does terrorism in india,it is Known by whole world.
Before closing tajmahal they might removed everything that present in those rooms...
Who the Government get some education The great Taj Mahal is under the government protection.Foolish comment.
Learn how to write properly in English.
Love your name it fits .😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤔🙄😅😜😅😜
@@daredevil1079 i didn't get, What do you mean by that...
Brother what is it you don't understand please clarify.
Am waiting
Just a mockery of world's greatest piece of art
India thinks by discovering idols they can claim Taj Mahal from Muslims
What sort of obsession is it?
Muslims are true heirs of this legacy
Please help Allah😭
शी जिनपिंग के शौचालय से अल्लाह को मुक्त करो
Wow shameful
Why are the rooms locked if there is nothing to hide? Why is the court not allowing the rooms to open? WHY???
Rooms were opened until 1980’s and also minarets. In 1980 the flood almost spoiled the inside rooms and it was closed at that time after some repairs. The crowd is so huge almost 20-30k every day who visit taj mahala nd if they allow such huge crowd in such old monuments where the basement rooms are delicate, do u think Taj would survive?
How can u all people dont use brain before believing any such non sense of it was temple n blah blah?
Why don’t u visit Jaipur palace and witness the documents of Taj mahal?
For ur information, the name was not taj mahal in those days, later it was changed..
@@khanspiro Lies! If the doors were opened until then, the learned historians would hv known, no one knows & ASI too refuses to explain reciting security reasons! Stop fooling the public!!!
The ASI should open the rooms and let the world know what's inside them. As a citizen of India, we should know the facts about history when our history books are manipulated.
शी जिनपिंग के शौचालय से अल्लाह को मुक्त करो🚽
How do you know your history books are manipulated ?
@@morning_star92 the confidential files released in 2018 revelas a lot information about indian history. These files were kept as national secret for decades my dear. More over our history books only talk about mughal empire. what about India before mughal invasion.
@@morning_star92 शी जिनपिंग के शौचालय से अल्लाह को मुक्त करो🚽
Fascinating few replies ....As if building a Temple over Taj Mahal will make India Vishavguru....Nobody is talking about bad roads, electricity, jobs, environment .... Well may be that's what our rulers want and surely they are succeeding...God save this Nation 🙏
this is going to change the history of India...
Waiting to see in which room "Ling" is going to be found 😂
Kashi Gnanvapi, Taj mahal, Mathura idgah, qutub minar, Red fort are all simply ancient converted Hindu temples & forts which were all falsely labelled as mughal structures without any scientific & archeological study by distorians.
The current Hindu Generation will restore them all just like Ayodya, it's only a matter of time...
Ek statue bana ne ke liye China ko contract jate hai tum mc wo ye sab chij bana paoge???😆😆😆
@@hasiburrahaman8143 Mughal invaders who came from middle East & elsewhere like dgs to loot & invade Bharat, not only forcibly converted people at Gun point, they converted many Hindu buildings like Taj mahal, Qutub minar, Red fort etc ... That's a fact..
Because that is the way to conquer & lord over other nation's land, wealth & people & civilization using religious conversion.
@@sathu108 first get cevlized.. your all statement are false...
stop lying, andbkh
@@hasiburrahaman8143 hey C o w k i ll e r, how it is false, pls explain
I believe in the Tejo Mehal History , Cuz the death body inside this , Music room , Floral and hindu architecture signs are strictly prohibited in islam and everyone know how much shah jahan hated other religions.
He in reality just did the modification to it nothing else
Lol now as usual the L***bhakts will try to make their own story by saying that the stones are nothing but a part of Hindu Culture and blah blah blah... A monument which was known as the symbol of "Love" is now being used for the hatred purpose! Even this great monument isn't safe from these fake Hindus so called L***bhakts! Everything is their temple. They get each and every proof below the monument in totally great condition wow! 😂👍🏻 Just change the name a little bit and here is your new fucking temple! Wow! I wonder whether you really worship your Gods and do your Gods accept your prayers by destroying others' beautiful history and giving it your own name? Oh! You guys don't even respect your Gods truly because now instead of being your Gods' followers you people are becoming Modi Yogi BJPee Followers! 🤡 Yes the truth shall be prevailed! And i hope that it's only the TRUTH and nothing else!
not really...
Good to know, if there is nothing - what is Stopping them to open the room?
Mai photos toh dikhai nahi gayi,video hi release kar dete
Petrol price hike ,un employment ,Rupee depreciates.duscDiscuss all this and let the court talk about all this
Lvde nikal Pakistan
Tum mullo ko dia hai Pakistan, Bangladesh
Doors were not closed from past many years.... Recently they done renovation of 6 lakh. It is closed for public, because of security reason, idk why there is such a big deal... If you really want to open doors, go for balaji Temple, I think those doors can revive our economy. Never expected that during such a recession, economic issues, price hikes in everything, we are going for these doors.
Abe gadhe. Tumhare papa report card pe tumhari class lenge toh tum bologe ki school hi acha nahi hai. School jaane ka road kharab hai.
Jab baat hoti hai economy ki tab economy pe gyan do. Abhi jo baat ho rahi hai uspe economy ka gyan mat do. Isi govt ne Forex reserves ko 5 saal me double kiya tha.
Agar nhi hai kuch important 20 doors ke andar then isko public domain me le aao and mamla over. Jab chor ki dadhi me tinka hota hai toh aise hi topic change karte hain.
A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of the Taj subjected to the carbon 14 test by an American Laboratory, has revealed that the door to be 300 years older than Shahjahan. Well known Western authorities on architecture like E.B.Havell, Mrs.Kenoyer and Sir W W Hunterhave have gone on record to say that the Taj Mahal is built in the Hindu temple style.
Kuch bhi?
Bro the person who came with this idea also sed dat kaaba and vatican are of hindus cmon man u cant say all goood things r of one religion and about that almost every historian claims that it is indo islamic architecture.....
@@umaimahkhan3777 The Quran has a number of passages that support military action against non-Muslims and lots in Hadiths too.
Just one example. Shahih Muslim (969) “Shall I not send you with the same instructions as the Messenger of Allaah sent me? ‘Do not leave any image without defacing it or any built-up grave without leveling it.’
Check out these channels to know more.
Exmuslim sahih official and Deen e murtad
@@phoiaikonyak8672 to use a temple for a mosque is not allowed as a place that has contained idols is unclean and filthy so no worship can be accepted in said area.
@@bebinca Honestly I felt bad when Buddhas of Bamiyan heritage in Afghanistan was destroyed in March 2001, by the Taliban government . They declared that they were idols. That's bad 😞
Some of the rooms are so newly painted that they don't even have spider webs on them or any dirt.
They look spotless & clean.
Sad that up govt has removed Taj Mahal from tourist place
Taj (Tomb)cannot represent your country.... because it is remains of fact Varanasi should be icon of your country...which is great place of spiritual and meditation... oldest symbol of Sanatan...
@@shimomar1 we can't change the past ifnit is beautiful it's beautiful
Some people here questioning about the incidents of claiming as hindu idols , temples etc.,
You people instead of building new ones destroyed the old ones and converted those epic architecture to your religious structures ex:- qutub minar,
Never in the history of India , temples were destroyed during conquers instead they built and made them improve.
But after these peacefools , our architecture ruined, yes we agree there are some superstitious activities prevailed , but not the ones as yours, still suffering people of your own religion, we came consistently changing our beliefs with the changing generation, but never forgot our sanathana dharma. Please dear Peacefools, you have no Right to talk about india.
This is what Mughals have done but liberals thinks they are savior because they saved India from Mongols lol - even if mongols had invaded India, it would have given rise to a Shivaji in those days. This is what liberals fail to understand and they praise someone like Khilji lol.
Bruh stfu most hindu rulers used to raid each other's temple because that is where most of the wealth was🤥
Which is why even muslims or other communities targeted temples, not because they were a place of worship but a place of fortune and easier to raid than forts
2. Even now hindu people fight about superiority of gods
Gujaratis worship krishna mostly
Maharashtrians worship ganesha
North-india worships ram
Some north states prefer shiv/hanuman
The east worships maa-kaali
bro these things happened centuries ago n u r blaming muslims currently does this make sense
@@mohammedfaraz3498 It is not about blaming but making sure it doesnt happen again
असत्य कितना भी सुंदर हो सत्य के सामने सदा कुरूप हैं, कुरूप रहेगा ❤️
Imagine if Sahajahan were a Sakth lauda then such a beautiful structure wouldn't have existed.
shah jahan was actually a fornicator....and also had multiple wives.....he was character dheela type of guy
he was a Ayaish malkesh jisne apni beti ko bhi ni choda because she used to look like her mother.
Also this complex was not built by him .
There are doubts that whether he even built it or not. Let the truth come out. History is written by victors and Mughals were the ones who wrote it.
@@James-qf8gz he didn't bulit it . It has been clearly documented in Badshahnama.
@@James-qf8gz there is literally mughal architecture present in it , I am not saying this historians are saying this
Truth must be told to everyone
Bus yehi hoga humlog ki country yeh development nhi . We should make our country peaceful
This vedio looks that 1 ASI actually covered up the key evidences by doing a lime plastering.
Door way .... And two enclosures on either side .... Those enclosures housed idols .
It's a clearing evidences job, doesn't look for work to maintain our upkeep!
I read in a book that the closed rooms should not be opened It's a bad sign for the country. Sometimes the evil spirits are locked in those rooms and it will get released. This happened in Kerala as well. The old monuments or the prohibited areas in the ancient times should not be demolished ,destroyed forcefully we have to allow them to get burried themselves it is the sign that it was allowed for someone else's usage..
That's what we expect from people of most literate state 🤣😂
Happened in pyramids also 😊
kha pe padha asmani kitab me 😂😂😂
It's written in Hebr
This needs to be opened so everyone knows the truth. Stop making excuses if there's really nothing then there's no need to worry and even if it's there tajmahal can not be messed with because it's source of economy around agra. And it's literally national treasure.
I support Ayodhya temple, Kashi, Mathura, etc. but I really don't think the Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple. There were many Hindu artisans and they could've inserted their own artistic ideas stemming from their religion. Having said that, the gov't should investigate the structure simply for the purposes of historical truths and maintenance of the structure.
Oh spotted a pseudo liberal who knows everything…
@@prime5816 Nope, just because someone doesn't agree with everything you believe in does not make the person a "pseudo-liberal". A pseudo-liberal wouldn't praise Ayodhya temple construction you fool. Don't be so delusional to immediately believe that Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple.
@@silentstorm718 fool u first go see how many temples were demolished to build mosques on top… and what makes u so sure about taj mahal not being the tomb built on a hindu temple?u are mr/ms know evrytg i suppose?🤣
@@prime5816 what makes u so sure that its a temple just because a person named oak wrote this
Even ur bjp denied that a temple is their in the parliament back in 2017
@@prime5816 You moron, the burden of proof lies upon the person making the claim. You are claiming that the Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple therefore it's YOUR job to provide substantiating evidence. Plenty of temples were destroyed to make mosques and those temples should be reclaimed (Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi, etc.). Claiming that the Taj Mahal was some Shiva temple just makes us Hindus look foolish and uneducated (similar to someone like you).
It's quite sad that India supreme court is not able to provide a correct justice to it's people. Bias over religion is the last thing we want
I saw the Shivalingam inside the Tajmahal..
Taj Mahal was built by a man for his wife & him to rest after her death. I think it is technically a government property and not public property. It would be shameful to break into someone's coffin just to see what is in there. Taj Mahal is one of our heritage. Let's not disgrace it by opening the doors that were meant to be closed just because of someone's agenda. If Taj Mahal was not as popular and big like it is, nobody would have cared if there are closed doors, hindu idols or mosques or temples or church inside it. Before feeding into hatred, open your minds. And if you feel like you are paying taxes for the maintenance of a muslim monument Taj Mahal then don't you worry because you are not, Taj Mahal generates a revenue of around 70 crore a year itself enough to pay for it's own maintenance. Because of religion you folks would someday even doubt your own parents. Religion is a construct of human beings.
It doesn’t really matter what’s inside
What is the benefit if we dig them out and feel proud?
History is history and we should try to change it and argue about it
If we argue about taj mahal for many years,one day, it will be demolished
So pls, let’s not argue about taj mahal being a hindu temple or whatever thay r saying
Just let it be how it was
And focus on important issues like jobs,inflation,gdp etc…
This things are also important those who can't dare to know the truth are the biggest failures take the example of Israel and if you have problems with this then demolish all the structures no one will argue in this and we will think about the future or take out the history from the syllabus right. what we will achieve by reading fake history.
This things are also important those who can't dare to know the truth are the biggest failures take the example of Israel and if you have problems with this then demolish all the structures no one will argue in this and we will think about the future or take out the history from the syllabus right. what we will achieve by reading fake history.
"Sanathan Dharm" will rise again.
😆😆😆kam hota jayega aysi harkat chalu rahato.
@@hasiburrahaman8143 isi sooch ki wajah se tum logo ko bhagana hai. Saale Khate Hindustan ka par support pakistan ko.
Kya chal rha hai yaar desh mein 🤦♂️
Kuch bahana chahiye bas logo ko Hindu vs Muslim karne ke liye
I am Hindu
Whether it is temple or Mahal it should be forever
If they invest that leads to destruction of One of the wonders by the religious agitation