anthems without any sound?? oh man...... best idea is to delete the first part of the footage and to start with the item at 17.00 when the sound is back again
I cut this from various news reports. Some of these clips had a reporter talking about something totally irrelevant. For the ceremony infront of the royal palace, it was sound on it, but it was only the background sound of a news reporter who had forgotten to turn off her mic, so I cut it off. For the ceremony at Akershus castle, in the second half of my video, I have left the sound on.
Ja, jeg har bare klipt og limt litt fra tv2 sine klipp. På slottsplassen var det mest bakgrunnsstøy fra en kommentator som ikke hadde slått av mikrofonen, derfor fjerna jeg lyden. Kunne nå hvertfall holdt kjeft under nasjonalsangene, men nei da. På klippet fra Akershus festning har jeg beholdt lyden.
anthems without any sound?? oh man...... best idea is to delete the first part of the footage and to start with the item at 17.00 when the sound is back again
was this originally also without audio?
I cut this from various news reports. Some of these clips had a reporter talking about something totally irrelevant. For the ceremony infront of the royal palace, it was sound on it, but it was only the background sound of a news reporter who had forgotten to turn off her mic, so I cut it off. For the ceremony at Akershus castle, in the second half of my video, I have left the sound on.
hadde vært gøy med lyd
Ja, jeg har bare klipt og limt litt fra tv2 sine klipp. På slottsplassen var det mest bakgrunnsstøy fra en kommentator som ikke hadde slått av mikrofonen, derfor fjerna jeg lyden. Kunne nå hvertfall holdt kjeft under nasjonalsangene, men nei da. På klippet fra Akershus festning har jeg beholdt lyden.