What I don't understand is why we always compare ourselves to the US instead of places like the Nordic Countries, which have similar climate , populations, and resources, not to mention values. I certainly don't feel like I share American values and would much rather see us realign with Europe again.
With respect, no, this is not a good idea. They are in decline and they seem not to be able to pivot. We need to create a dynamic competative pluralistic resilient successful society that will compete on the North American Continent. Not a over regulated state controlled society in decline with major immigration issues that are, for them, unresolvable. We are not Europe. We are Canada. And thank goodness.
@@myindigoblues5796 great point! Why do we follow the idiots down south. They demand and are loud but ultimately only looking after themselves. They create wars and problems for the world and never once have they admitted the shit show they have caused. Now we are paying for all of their mess. Trump being a negotiator, he will use every means to control canada and use trade wars against China. You know who wins? uSA and China! You know who loses - canada! We should learn from all the good and bad practices of all countries
We are seeing the emergence of a voting bloc who hunger for the harness and bit. they want to be led, and don't care to think about where, just that the one in charge claims to know. they are lazy submissives.
Not at all elitist! Down to earth guy from the NWT!! That’s right! Thank you Mr Carney! Canada did NOT experience the collapse in 2008 like everyone else!
exactly!! I agree exactly the kind of thinking and articulate person who can act as a good example to many countries including Canada.. he would be a GREAT ..PM
Hope to see Mr. Carney leading Canada forward this year. The knowledge he brings to Canadians will do us all very well. Seems very trustworthy in his intentions of pushing Canada forward in many ways. Looking forward to our next Election & he being at the helm. 👍
Mark Carney is brilliant...articulate, profound, civil and deep. Canada is so lucky to have this intellectual to contrast the theater south of the border. The brillaint explanation on markets Vs values says it all
@@feral4506 In my opinion, Mark is calm, thoughtful, knowledgeable and respectful to others. He would be a great decision maker and would honestly try to act in the best interests of all Canadians. He clearly proved he is no tool of the oligarchs when, as governor of the Bank of England, he stood up to the oligarch-boot-licking Conservative government of the time and told them what they did not want to hear... that Brexit would damage their economy and harm working people. His honesty and courage cost him his job, but showed his quality. What a contrast to liars and con-men like Trump and Trump-wanna-be, little PP.
Productivity is not one way street, especially with regard to health care, socialization of health care is actually in the intersction of what is called market and social. Health is a vital factor for society, and without a healthy society there wll be no economy. Or little economy.
Mark Carney strikes me as a super achiever of considerable charm. His voluminous remarks are informed to a very high Caliper. He would fulfill the Prime Minister position with an ease we won’t see in others all whilst providing a smooth managerial style. That’s all fine and dandy. My questions are what reapportionment of wealth towards a shared higher standard of living can we expect with him at the helm? And are the wealthy prepared make the allotment for it? That will use up a lot of charm.
Wrong. Financial wonks and nerds are NOT political leadership material. Over-attention to finances in politics is what has brought us to the dire situations we are now facing. Why would we even consider continuing down the wrong path?
@@ivandafoe5451 do you think voting in a multimillionaire who has never held a real job would be a better option? PP is starting to drop in the polls because his people are starting to find out that he voted against their interests, i e. Union workers, military, veterans etc. Carney has a record of trying to lift the population, not just conservative corporate donors.
@Brendaporter457 He was born in the NWT and grew up in Edmonton in an average not wealthy family. He had the typical newspaper route and played hockey, going on to Harvard University with hockey where he was the Captain of the team. He then went to Oxford U in the UK. He worked at the Bank of Canada and Stephen Harper appointed him as Governor of the BofC where he helped save our economy in 2008. He was wooed by the Bank of England and guided them through Brexit without crashing their economy totally. He is very intelligent and accomplished but has never forgotten where he came from. I have heard him say that you always have to get out among the people to find out what is really happening. It all sounds good to me.
@@ivandafoe5451 Firstly, he is smart, thoughtful, calm and confident and not a rage farmer. He has ideas and a plan which we haven't seen at all from Polievre or anyone else. He is a proud Canadian. Why wouldn't we consider him?
@@gabortoth5936 He has a fabulous great education in economics, he has helped several countries escape economic collapse and he knows the world economy,I think this puts him ahead for PM
Why is it WorkSafe BC can make a supervisor, a manager, and an owner financially responsible (fines) for a workers safety but CEOs of banks and politicians aren’t PUBLICLY fined when they do things that erode public safety? Oh, right, they make the rules… Erosion of trust happens when rules aren’t applied consistently across all of society. As soon as there is unequal consequences, there is distrust. It’s not the severity of the consequence, it’s the certainty. From the bottom to the top, the consequences for actions need to be consistent or there will be distrust.
did you listen to the conversation .. its about economics.. not Workers safety ..if you ask him questions on that subject he probably would discuss this or hear your problems with it. He is concerned about this country
@cameronnicol At the very beginning of the discussion he talked about building accountability into the systems and how they did it in the UK, strategies that could be applied here.
@@nolabachiu7690 PP is just a Populist,saying he is going to do 100 things and then,after you vote for him,can’t do 75 ,just impossible and never intended to do the remainder.Vote MC
I do not understand the conservative haters on RUclips. PP and his followers seem to forget Mark Carney was brought in by Stephen Harper. It sounds as though they have no memory OR think Harper was an idiot! Which is it people?
I don't know if there are Conservative haters here, but people like myself are skeptical of all Governments. Personally, I don't like Pee Pee but I don't care if he has purple skin with yellow polka dots as long as he brings Canadians a better life. I'm not a Trudeau hater either. He did his job well and has given Canadians a lot, but his ideas are no longer effective and confidence in his Government is gone. That's the way it works in a Democracy. Time to move on and hope we make the right decision for our next Federal Government. It seems that Mark Carney is not very popular and I don't remember much about him as Gov. of the Bank of Canada, but I do like that he has years of experience not only in Canada but the UK as well. I can't see him doing any worse.
Both things can be true at the same time...they have no memory and Harper was an idiot...and let's not forget that the BOC is independent in practice...
want to make a difference in many of the areas of concern? Focus on wealth inequality. Remedy that and then you'll have the liquidity required to facilitate developments in so many areas (education, cost of living, productivity, fertility, etc). Concentration of wealth has gotten to a point where it hinders society in general and economic growth, specifically.
Why does no one address the reality that it's too hard to have families here. His grandparents are from Ireland. I'm first generation Irish. I have three kids and it's borderline impossible to have the degree of comfort while paying insane tax levels for inflated levels of Fed govt and corruption. My point is, we can bring in immigrants left and right, but THEY IN TURN will have even more difficulty maintaining a population level than me or you. One, two kids....declining population. We all know how hard that is, let alone 4-5 kids. Nuts. So the model of immigration to solve this pointed problem DOES NOT WORK. They all keep pitching it. Next, these people come from war torn completely disastrous countries, situations. Why can't we be encouraged, immigrants or not, to have families, whilst encouraging the shithole countries of the world to get their shit together and at least be part of the international conversation. Contribute to the advancement of humanity and better the planet we live on instead of blowing each other up? Lastly, some places are melting pots, most, and by far most, are NOT.
@04eire Research shows that more educated women have fewer children. Immigration will so work. This country was built on immigration. If you are in the group that would keep women barefoot and pregnant, you won't find too many women that will sign on to that anymore.
In his doorstopper of a book “Value(s)”, Carney included this salient paragraph, which Souza unaccountably doesn’t bother to ask about (Is he related to TVO’s Steve Paikin by any chance?): ““[T]he Federal Reserve’s adjustment of its mandate to pursue Flexible Average Inflation Targeting is timely and welcome. Reflation of the economy in the medium term is essential.” As is his wont, Carney doesn’t even bother to explain what Average Inflation Targeting is. It is sort of a poor man’s version of price level targeting. Like price level targeting, it will not let bygones be bygones, and accept that inflation during a recession will be substantially below target as it was during the pandemic recession and the early months of recovery. Instead it will allow inflation to be substantially above target for several quarters or years thereafter, ostensibly to ensure that the target inflation rate is met over the full period, including the recession. The problem with the Fed’s Flexible Average Inflation Targeting regime is that it is a misnomer. It is essentially a policy of inflation overshooting at the zero lower bound, to paraphrase Bank of Canada economists Robert Amano and others. It led directly to the disastrous 40-year high in the US inflation rate in 2022. And it seems that Inflation-Overshooting Carney was very persuasive in his advocacy. Canada also had a disastrous inflation surge generated by monetary stimulus. We had the same 40-year high in our inflation rate in 2022. And the 2021 renewal of the inflation-control agreement background document made it clear that this was because we adopted what was essentially a copy-cat policy, although it was given the humdrum tag “state-contingent forward guidance”. No interviewer since Inflation-Overshooting Carney wrote “Value(s)” seems to have taken any interest in his highly inflationary policy recommendations for recovery from the COVID recession. And that’s a real shame, as we could be faced with a similar situation sooner rather than later if the Trump tariffs start to kick on. Shame on Father De Souza for his negligence; in a small way, he is letting down the Canadian people.
Remember, the natural trend as technology advances is for deflation, so whenever a banker like Carney talks about inflation, they're talking about net inflation. They're not just stealing inflation, they're stealing deflation too. Virtuously of course! Their stealing is always guided by virtuous necessity. Their calm demeanour helps remind us of this. Surely a crook would be nervous.
Great conversation. My gripe isn't with Mark Carney specifically. In terms of health and other costs from an aging population, it annoys me that this is a crisis in the first place. In a world where there are few guarantees, we chose to avoid putting money away for the senior baby boomers when we KNEW the crisis would come. We could have put money away in a separate fund to offset the spike in costs which were going to come, and last for 20ish years. This is a failure in all governments imo.
It is not just seniors…l am a senior and on zero medication….as a child had heart surgery, gal bladder surgery, kidney surgery and even hip surgery…..if kid did not get sick we would not have hospitals for them.
Unfortunate neither of them addressed THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. At a Population conference in Halifax in 1972 Federal Bureaucrats crowed about the fact that they reduced Canada's birth rate to 2.56 children per family in English speaking Canada and 1.6 in French Canada. (3.52 children per family for most of the 1950's and early 1960's) They stated that Canada had 1 in 12 Citizens over the age of 65 and forecasted that by 2025 we would have 1 in 5 over the age of 65. They would overcome this aging by bringing in 280,000 immigrants a year, a goal we never achieved. To-day we have a birthrate of 1.2 children per family, 1 in 5 citizens over 65 (forecasted to be 1 in 4 by 2036). We spend 60% to 70% of our health care budget on 15% of our population. In Ontario we are facing shortages of 100,000 construction workers, we are short and 1,500 Mill Wrights, 45,000 truck drivers Canada wide and we are 15,000 short in our Military. Tech Companies are not locating in Ontario because of our "Shallow population Pool" (National Post Nov. 26, 2015. In short we are running out of tax payers to "PAY FOR OUR VALUES". The Carbon Tax is AN OLD AGE TAX that CAN'T BE AXED AND WON'T) Liam VENNER Whitby
Actually, you are pointing out some serious facts. The same thing is happening in China. The workers who built the China that we see today are slowly retiring and leaving this planet. The young do not or cannot afford to have children. All that debt that countries have accumulated, including China, will fall on the shoulders of fewer and fewer people.
I might not agree with Carney on many issues but Canada would be in a MUCH better place having him in charge than Trudeau. At least Carney actually understands how the world works.
May all the global leaders put their hearts and actions in solving the CLIMATE CHANGE crisis (saving lives); no more in unnecessary wars (taking lives) !
@ElainEmail-m7q time to get serious and pay attention. The climate is always changing. It has been much warmer than it is now and also at times it's been much colder. Humans have very little impact on the climate. That big light source up above us has the most say in the matter.
they have already. the not so secret sauce is that you should consume much less or possibly nothing at all. and not to worry, THEIR mansion living private jet flying lives will be saved.
@@tfreeland941 Do you know how to read a graph? Good info on NASA/climate change website. If you look at the data, you will see that you are exactly wrong. Climate change is the relentless increase in temperature over time, not a single event.
I have a question: Regarding Climate Change and pollution… How damaging is the impact of the everyday bombes 💣 in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza… Are those bombs 💣 ecological with green certificate⁉️
I doubt that they are green bombs, but does that mean we should throw are hands in the air and quit caring about our climate. It's going to get very serious in the next few years, then everyone will panic. It will be too late by then.
If holidays in Canada were cut back, would that increase production? And why are we retaliating with tariffs? Isn't that going to make our services and goods more expensive to Canadians?
@VernaWeeks-ds8xy Productivity is related to output but is not related to working people harder. Companies in Canada do not reinvest their profits in their businesses. They are paying large compensation to executives, buying their own stock etc but not giving their employees the best tools to do their jobs. If they changed their practices, then we would see a rise in GDP. I have read that simply removing the intraprovincial trade barriers so we could freely sell across the country, would increase GDP between 4-7%.
Wow...actually, if new immigrants were to have their foreign education recognised instead of having to redo their education, they would likely contribute more to the GDP instead of driving taxis and having 2 service jobs to make ends meet...and if these same immigrants were to have their foreign experience validated, they would get better jobs and again, contribute to the GDP...
People thought the Carbom Tax would cause us to use less gas But canadians are dependent on cars and trucks and we must heat our homes. Remember the Mulroney tore up miles of rai lines so we would be forced to rely on trucking. Our infrastructure forcelectric cars is not well thought out or developed. Elon built the cars b efore the problem of recharging availability was solved becsuse Elon Musk got tax dollars to build cars.
The Carbon Tax was ONLY going to be useful as a means to change behavior if there was something to change TO. We had (and still have) NO affordable, viable alternatives because we have no electric car industry presently able to replace our existing ICE vehicles. Neither do we have affordable options for home heating etc. because we have no affordable batteries nor sufficient usage and suppliers of green energy. Without the better options of viable alternatives, we the people are stuck with being punished through taxation for the sins of a greedy and uncaring corporate sector that seems to prefer burning down our entire world rather than losing one tenth of a cent of their ill-gotten profits.
@@concernedrabbit9075 Things are changing,but not fast enough.If we Axe the carbon tax,that will put end to our progress but in two or three weeks all the prices and costs will be right back where they are now.I want to be on the right side of history,knowing that my kids,kids will know that their great grandfather fought against greed and stupidity trying to protect their environment!
Justice on the corruption in banking is not a cultural question Carney. Only jail time and restitution is. Bank Ceo's are not above the law. Laws and policy change are needed on "clawing back" this power grab. If only soceities werent aspiring to be built on borrowed money like the U S. This man is a slippery fish with his shiny shoes preaching with a preacher. Carny is talking about humility with such a sickening amused arrogance. Your 15 min of material is irrelevant and out of touch with real people.
Bank of England nearly went bankrupt under his watch?... From what I've read, he warned that leaving the EU would result in the UK seeing two consecutive quarters of negative growth. There was a backlash, accusing him of over stepping his role at the Bank of England and poking his nose into politics where it didn't belong. Due to a loss of confidence in his ability to function in a post-Brexit world, he left around the time of Brexit. There was no mention of Bank of England nearly going bankrupt while he was working there. Where to you get that information?
@@Earthling3996 That's correct. He left because the Brexit folks won, and he was anti-Brexit. He has proven to be right in that opinion. This is a smart man, with wisdom too. I'm impressed.
Had to let him go? They asked him to stay and agreed to an additional two years. He wasn't in a position for politics. He could advise not to do things within the scope of his role, and he did, but he didn't have the final control over it.
Carney presents a false dichotomy - that we must somehow choose between a dynamic, thriving economy, and our moral values. In fact, there is no conflict between the two. Indeed, we cannot fully fund the social values he mentions without a thriving economy. We see the consequences of his kind of thinking in Canada today. We have crushed the Canadian economy and productivity, (thinking it would lead to a more equitable society) and as a result, we have experienced record inflation, homelessness, overrun food banks, massive doctor and nurse shortages and long wait times for basic hospital services. A bad economy does not give you a more just society. The Liberals have this backwards. If a giant pie is shared unequally, this produces a better country than a tiny pie being shared more equally. Ask the people of Cuba or Russia.
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. Thanks for making this so clearly demonstrated.
If only I can vote conservative and still have this guy as PM. I hope he runs again after Pierre finishes a term. It is rare to have a well spoken PM now that understands big and small picture and the world works. Although I hate carbon tax. We do need a PM who can speak for both average citizens and the elite .. I hope on his next interview, he goes on Jordan Peterson interview or somebody else’s show and answers the same questions as Pierre P and relate it down to common folks like me. He needs to address: government silo, federal level misuse of funds, health care crisis, too much tax/fees (on deferred income for seniors, income tax, environment fees, health care crisis, lack of doctors, lax in criminal justice system, welfare funds being abused, etc…) so many problems… and bring a UNIFYING, WORKING, COMMON SENSE but fair to common folks approach to governance. What makes him different than trudeau and other liberals? He was their advisor so I hope he addresses that coz frankly, I am a liberal voting conservative this year unless Mark Carney says something different and can rally the troops. This next 10 years are critical to Canada’s survival and growth.
@@pangdalawato2 You get back in the rebate more than you pay at the gas pump. Go into your MP’s constituency office and ask someone there to review your case. It’s free.
Very erudite, but I still have questions of his 'values': Discussing the fact that no banker was ever charged during and after the financial crisis, Carney states, 'You can't legislate values'. Huh? What about the value of not killing people, or not stealing from people, or defrauding people? Aren't there both values and laws around all these behaviours? And of course, the TD Chariman was let go, but not charged, for money laundering. I remember how the chairmen of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and other financial 'titans' were called to Obama's office, and Obama did nothing....I giuess that's 'just how life works', as Carney says. Some people can behave with complete immunity because they are too big to fail. I don't want this moral relativist to be my prime minister.
Facts are wrong. And Pierre has been a career politician for over 20 yrs and all he’s done is become a millionaire. Now he’s just parroting Trump. That’s Pierre’s claim to fame. He’s just a Trump imitator that figured out he could make more money doing nothing and reading from the orange script.
@@TooBadToBeAway1 He’s not as corrupt as Pierre the millionaire career politician who’s done nothing for over 20 years aside from getting rich off of Canadian tax payers and becoming Trump’s parrot boy toy and imitator. Pierre only became noticeable after reading from Trump’s script word for word. Before he copied the Trump script, his only accomplishment was getting nicknamed “Skippy”.
Canadian workers can’t afford the green carbon tax agenda. WE did not decide we want this. Let’s be proud of being a responsible and ethical provider of energy and critical minerals to the world. My children can’t buy a home after 9 years of liberals. No thanks to Mr Carney
the housing expenses are NOT his fault .. it is the Real estate sharks and greedy individuals buying up buildings , flipping them .. etc and due to covid building materials became ridiculously expensive. Carney is NOT responsible for inflation in Canada
Your children and grandchildren won't be able to breathe or be healthy if we don't take action on climate change. Let's not be ostriches and put our heads in the sand and hope for the best!
@Pilgrimofhope7 The problems we face in Canada are not unique to us so it is unfair to lay blame. Could we have had better policies, sure in some cases. If you listened to Mr. Carney, he said we need to decide what we want for the future. There is a cost to not addressing climate change. It is changing whether you believe it or not and potentially humanity will not survive a severely warming climate.
Uneducated comment. AaIf anything, some Canadians have done a great job of bleeding themselves dry using giant houses, pickup trucks, snowmobiles, sporty boats, etc. etc.
Harvard educated grad tapped to run the BOC and BOE giving up millions in financial compensation to run for political office vs a career politician? Yeah I’ll take the Harvard grad any day of the week…
He is a nefarious but slick globalist who will decimate Canada under the guise of saving the planet. And he won’t sacrifice one penny. It will be the working class folk who will pay the price.
Wrong...so very wrong. Our corporate sector has always called the tune in Canada, just like in all the other capitalist run countries. As long as we are mostly reliant on resource extraction and export, whose profits go to corporate ownership, rather than value-added use of our vast but dwindling resources, we workers will be stuck in this low productivity situation.
@amindra963 Productivity is not a measure associated with aging. It is a result of our companies not investing in modernizing their companies. They prefer to pay their executives high salaries or buy their own stock.
I see a similar problem with how he speaks and how USA VP Kamala Harris spoke, and I fear it will be his undoing as well. Please say it with less words in a way that everyone can understand. Not everyone has a degree in Economics or more than a high school education. It doesn’t mean “less than”, it means plain speaking delivers the message clearly and concisely. That is how trump won, it why Pierre P. is ahead because they use simple words and simple slogans that people, in their busy lives, can quickly understand.
Or be duped by... If we want a democracy, we need to make the effort to understand what is often complex. Yes, ideas, concepts, programs, etc. can be made clear without technocratic jargon, but I don't think the world we live in can be reduced to simple slogans without distorting and misleading.
I agree. There are a lot of people who are not fully fluent in English and/or do not have the time to decipher new concepts. The Libs need a a translator of sorts that can simply clarify the ideas to make sure that everyone understands how things work. It would take more time but it’s about educating the citizens so that everyone can make informed decisions. I’m not sure how they can do it efficiently but it’s so important to do so that they can stop unknowingly alienating so many Canadians and possibly even turn ppl who support Poilievre who were otherwise neutral and simply support Poilievre bc they feel like they are being seen by way of his straightforward rhetoric. It’s difficult to do bc if done improperly it could come off as condescending but I think if it’s done with humility and with the best interest of those Canadians it could be very powerful tool for the Liberals. They need to figure out some communication strategies and test them out with real Canadians.
@@grantlaing7465No offence but I feel like this attitude is a bit intolerant of different people’s life experiences. Not everyone have the exposure or opportunities that you or I have had to education. A little effective education could give ppl the jumpstart to seek further the answers on their own.
people need to tHINK though .. Trump is basically throwing mashed potatoes at a wall . THAT IS NOT communication .. He speaks more simply to his constituency in Edmonton.. You cant be too simple.. it is humiliating to people if they are treated as if they are stupid.. this is quite an academic discussion .. but this is the venue- ta discussion at a high levl (ONE CAN LEARN from It .. by replaying it until you do undertstand it )his is pre election ..
"Can Canada Afford Its Values?"... (a question lacking specificity). Completely the wrong question...but that's to expected when asked by a religiously indoctrinated person. Once informed by rational objective reality, one's Values are always the goals to be obtained & maintained....& never compromised. This question comes from a person who is suffering from Cognitive dissonance.
sorry you need to listen to more of his interviews.. we live in a highly complex and fragile times. we need a clear thinking and articulate ANd experienced economist to get Canada going again after JT.. Carney is highly competent .. and i think Canada is living beyond its own capabilities at the moment.. Climate change will horrifically change Canada we need to address this Carney wants to step up to this very big plate.. for the country.. not to be a populist like Trump
Lots of assertions lacking evidence...Carney is NOT a politician...Freeland has negotiated 2 FTA's & has been in parliament for the past 8 years.@@lelahferguson9221
As much as I like Mark, I would like to see Carney join the Conservatives and become their new minister of finance. This would be the best of both worlds and look out Trump. Divided we can never win. Just an idea.
@ I see your point but also think that Canadians want and are going to get a change from the liberal thinking therefore a good mix would be a good forward momentum for Canadians. Just saying.
@@mikecorby9561 some people are not ashamed to show their ignorance on social media. A sentence like that also tells you that someone did not understand or chose not to understand what Carney and Fr. De Souza were talking about.
@@LauraineHowattpansy2018They are all terrible and those are not values! Freedom is not a value it is a set of values. Western values is what most associate with Freedom but American, and British Freedom are not the same. So what is a Canadian value vs British vs American?
it's refreshing to hear someone speak about the problems facing Canada without using 3 word rhyming slogans and name calling.
He will never name call. He might use well crafted retorts or he may not engage with stupid insults at all.
What I don't understand is why we always compare ourselves to the US instead of places like the Nordic Countries, which have similar climate , populations, and resources, not to mention values. I certainly don't feel like I share American values and would much rather see us realign with Europe again.
With respect, no, this is not a good idea. They are in decline and they seem not to be able to pivot. We need to create a dynamic competative pluralistic resilient successful society that will compete on the North American Continent. Not a over regulated state controlled society in decline with major immigration issues that are, for them, unresolvable. We are not Europe. We are Canada. And thank goodness.
@@myindigoblues5796 great point! Why do we follow the idiots down south. They demand and are loud but ultimately only looking after themselves. They create wars and problems for the world and never once have they admitted the shit show they have caused. Now we are paying for all of their mess. Trump being a negotiator, he will use every means to control canada and use trade wars against China. You know who wins? uSA and China! You know who loses - canada! We should learn from all the good and bad practices of all countries
We are seeing the emergence of a voting bloc who hunger for the harness and bit. they want to be led, and don't care to think about where, just that the one in charge claims to know. they are lazy submissives.
Such respect and appreciation for Mark Carney. 🇨🇦👍
He has my vote as well
Not at all elitist! Down to earth guy from the NWT!! That’s right! Thank you Mr Carney! Canada did NOT experience the collapse in 2008 like everyone else!
exactly!! I agree exactly the kind of thinking and articulate person who can act as a good example to many countries including Canada.. he would be a GREAT ..PM
@@revagreen2303 Mark needs to tute his own horn,the cons say,with out proof he was a failure but the countries he has helped,know better
Hope to see Mr. Carney leading Canada forward this year. The knowledge he brings to Canadians will do us all very well. Seems very trustworthy in his intentions of pushing Canada forward in many ways. Looking forward to our next Election & he being at the helm. 👍
He is good at bailing out banks lol
Mark Carney is brilliant...articulate, profound, civil and deep. Canada is so lucky to have this intellectual to contrast the theater south of the border. The brillaint explanation on markets Vs values says it all
@@feral4506 In my opinion, Mark is calm, thoughtful, knowledgeable and respectful to others. He would be a great decision maker and would honestly try to act in the best interests of all Canadians. He clearly proved he is no tool of the oligarchs when, as governor of the Bank of England, he stood up to the oligarch-boot-licking Conservative government of the time and told them what they did not want to hear... that Brexit would damage their economy and harm working people. His honesty and courage cost him his job, but showed his quality. What a contrast to liars and con-men like Trump and Trump-wanna-be, little PP.
@@feral4506 hope you read the comment from @jimroth7927 it is important to open your mind. Tribalism can blind you.
@@dnl2165 It is hard to believe jimroth's uber optimism is accurate.
Then I dare you to read his book, Value(s). It’s in the library.
@@MyKarur Deplorable cons don’t read
Great discussion. Thank you to Fr de Souza and Mr. Carney.
Nice to see Carney mania is actually a thing. I'm so proud of his work around the world and his ideas for lifting regular Canadiand.
It’s a good sign when the haters start to sweat 👍
they are starting to post on these boards as well ,
They are. They stick out like sore thumbs.
Mark is going to make a great Prime Minister. He has the intelligence and humility. I pray the political system doesn't pollute him.
Refreshing to see two intellectuals having a civil discussion.
I want this man to be PM! We need dignity in the Office! Not the PP buffoonery!
@@revagreen2303 Read his book. It gives you an exact picture of who and what he is. ❤️🇨🇦
Yes. A dangerous technocrat whose allegiance is to the goals of the WEF and other nefarious NGOs
@@revagreen2303 The facts are here,if we choose PP over Carney we will pay!
Productivity is not one way street, especially with regard to health care, socialization of health care is actually in the intersction of what is called market and social. Health is a vital factor for society, and without a healthy society there wll be no economy. Or little economy.
Sounds like you’ve read his book.
It’s not an easy read at 530 pages. Well written. Take in small junks, digest, challenge yourself. You will smile because he “gets it”.
Mark Carney strikes me as a super achiever of considerable charm. His voluminous remarks are informed to a very high Caliper. He would fulfill the Prime Minister position with an ease we won’t see in others all whilst providing a smooth managerial style. That’s all fine and dandy. My questions are what reapportionment of wealth towards a shared higher standard of living can we expect with him at the helm? And are the wealthy prepared make the allotment for it? That will use up a lot of charm.
Read his book. It’s exactly who he is.
It’s in his book.
MC for Canada's PM.
Not that I know a lot about Carney, but I think the Liberal party would be well served to select him to replace Trudeau.
However they pick will be the leader when the Liberals are broomed away. Then the Liberals will pick a new leader to rebuild the liberal party.
Wrong. Financial wonks and nerds are NOT political leadership material. Over-attention to finances in politics is what has brought us to the dire situations we are now facing.
Why would we even consider continuing down the wrong path?
@@ivandafoe5451 do you think voting in a multimillionaire who has never held a real job would be a better option?
PP is starting to drop in the polls because his people are starting to find out that he voted against their interests, i e. Union workers, military, veterans etc.
Carney has a record of trying to lift the population, not just conservative corporate donors.
@Brendaporter457 He was born in the NWT and grew up in Edmonton in an average not wealthy family. He had the typical newspaper route and played hockey, going on to Harvard University with hockey where he was the Captain of the team. He then went to Oxford U in the UK. He worked at the Bank of Canada and Stephen Harper appointed him as Governor of the BofC where he helped save our economy in 2008. He was wooed by the Bank of England and guided them through Brexit without crashing their economy totally. He is very intelligent and accomplished but has never forgotten where he came from. I have heard him say that you always have to get out among the people to find out what is really happening. It all sounds good to me.
@@ivandafoe5451 Firstly, he is smart, thoughtful, calm and confident and not a rage farmer. He has ideas and a plan which we haven't seen at all from Polievre or anyone else. He is a proud Canadian. Why wouldn't we consider him?
Values are not for sale
It’s in the library, free for all.
So refreshing to listen to such intelligence
Good interview
Mark Carney is a man who has great educatens end tremendous experiences , what is making him eligible to be a Prime Minister
@@gabortoth5936 He has a fabulous great education in economics, he has helped several countries escape economic collapse and he knows the world economy,I think this puts him ahead for PM
@@EdwinWaldock He has my Vote
What about what he did to the UK? Also was friends with Epstein and Maxwell, he will destroy Canada more than Trudeau did
@@Diane-r1rEpstein? Maxwell? Where are you getting those facts??
@susancourse4607 Did you not see the pics
Why is it WorkSafe BC can make a supervisor, a manager, and an owner financially responsible (fines) for a workers safety but CEOs of banks and politicians aren’t PUBLICLY fined when they do things that erode public safety?
Oh, right, they make the rules…
Erosion of trust happens when rules aren’t applied consistently across all of society. As soon as there is unequal consequences, there is distrust. It’s not the severity of the consequence, it’s the certainty. From the bottom to the top, the consequences for actions need to be consistent or there will be distrust.
did you listen to the conversation .. its about economics.. not Workers safety ..if you ask him questions on that subject he probably would discuss this or hear your problems with it. He is concerned about this country
Did you read my post? It’s not about workers safety, it’s about accountability.
@cameronnicol At the very beginning of the discussion he talked about building accountability into the systems and how they did it in the UK, strategies that could be applied here.
Yes! And the answer was in the interview.
I think that’s Chapter 13 or 14 in Value(s).
Please run for PM please
@ I agree. PP talks of tax cuts but I’ve heard no details of what he’ll cut.
Pp has slogans and hate. That’s all.
@@nolabachiu7690 PP is just a Populist,saying he is going to do 100 things and then,after you vote for him,can’t do 75 ,just impossible and never intended to do the remainder.Vote MC
I do not understand the conservative haters on RUclips. PP and his followers seem to forget Mark Carney was brought in by Stephen Harper. It sounds as though they have no memory OR think Harper was an idiot! Which is it people?
They aren't conservatives. They're the Robber Barons and their sycophants.
Harper was an idiot and still is. My opinion.😂
I don't know if there are Conservative haters here, but people like myself are skeptical of all Governments. Personally, I don't like Pee Pee but I don't care if he has purple skin with yellow polka dots as long as he brings Canadians a better life. I'm not a Trudeau hater either. He did his job well and has given Canadians a lot, but his ideas are no longer effective and confidence in his Government is gone. That's the way it works in a Democracy.
Time to move on and hope we make the right decision for our next Federal Government.
It seems that Mark Carney is not very popular and I don't remember much about him as Gov. of the Bank of Canada, but I do like that he has years of experience not only in Canada but the UK as well. I can't see him doing any worse.
Both things can be true at the same time...they have no memory and Harper was an idiot...and let's not forget that the BOC is independent in practice...
The young PCs bite before they think.
want to make a difference in many of the areas of concern? Focus on wealth inequality. Remedy that and then you'll have the liquidity required to facilitate developments in so many areas (education, cost of living, productivity, fertility, etc). Concentration of wealth has gotten to a point where it hinders society in general and economic growth, specifically.
YES !!! Go liberal go. Thank you prime minister Trudeau 🫡✊❤️🇨🇦❗️❗️❗️
Why does no one address the reality that it's too hard to have families here. His grandparents are from Ireland. I'm first generation Irish. I have three kids and it's borderline impossible to have the degree of comfort while paying insane tax levels for inflated levels of Fed govt and corruption. My point is, we can bring in immigrants left and right, but THEY IN TURN will have even more difficulty maintaining a population level than me or you. One, two kids....declining population. We all know how hard that is, let alone 4-5 kids. Nuts. So the model of immigration to solve this pointed problem DOES NOT WORK. They all keep pitching it. Next, these people come from war torn completely disastrous countries, situations. Why can't we be encouraged, immigrants or not, to have families, whilst encouraging the shithole countries of the world to get their shit together and at least be part of the international conversation. Contribute to the advancement of humanity and better the planet we live on instead of blowing each other up? Lastly, some places are melting pots, most, and by far most, are NOT.
more misinformation.
@04eire Research shows that more educated women have fewer children. Immigration will so work. This country was built on immigration. If you are in the group that would keep women barefoot and pregnant, you won't find too many women that will sign on to that anymore.
That’s a worldwide problem. Canada is dealing with it better than most. We are 4th in economic recovery.
Excellent interview. Thank you.
In his doorstopper of a book “Value(s)”, Carney included this salient paragraph, which Souza unaccountably doesn’t bother to ask about (Is he related to TVO’s Steve Paikin by any chance?): ““[T]he Federal Reserve’s adjustment of its mandate to pursue Flexible Average Inflation Targeting is timely and welcome. Reflation of the economy in the medium term is essential.” As is his wont, Carney doesn’t even bother to explain what Average Inflation Targeting is. It is sort of a poor man’s version of price level targeting. Like price level targeting, it will not let bygones be bygones, and accept that inflation during a recession will be substantially below target as it was during the pandemic recession and the early months of recovery. Instead it will allow inflation to be substantially above target for several quarters or years thereafter, ostensibly to ensure that the target inflation rate is met over the full period, including the recession. The problem with the Fed’s Flexible Average Inflation Targeting regime is that it is a misnomer. It is essentially a policy of inflation overshooting at the zero lower bound, to paraphrase Bank of Canada economists Robert Amano and others. It led directly to the disastrous 40-year high in the US inflation rate in 2022. And it seems that Inflation-Overshooting Carney was very persuasive in his advocacy. Canada also had a disastrous inflation surge generated by monetary stimulus. We had the same 40-year high in our inflation rate in 2022. And the 2021 renewal of the inflation-control agreement background document made it clear that this was because we adopted what was essentially a copy-cat policy, although it was given the humdrum tag “state-contingent forward guidance”.
No interviewer since Inflation-Overshooting Carney wrote “Value(s)” seems to have taken any interest in his highly inflationary policy recommendations for recovery from the COVID recession. And that’s a real shame, as we could be faced with a similar situation sooner rather than later if the Trump tariffs start to kick on. Shame on Father De Souza for his negligence; in a small way, he is letting down the Canadian people.
Remember, the natural trend as technology advances is for deflation, so whenever a banker like Carney talks about inflation, they're talking about net inflation. They're not just stealing inflation, they're stealing deflation too. Virtuously of course! Their stealing is always guided by virtuous necessity. Their calm demeanour helps remind us of this. Surely a crook would be nervous.
Look up the definitions in Google.
So, what would you do differently?
Well done Raymend. Very professionally handled interview allowing the guest to develop his arguments
Great conversation. My gripe isn't with Mark Carney specifically. In terms of health and other costs from an aging population, it annoys me that this is a crisis in the first place. In a world where there are few guarantees, we chose to avoid putting money away for the senior baby boomers when we KNEW the crisis would come. We could have put money away in a separate fund to offset the spike in costs which were going to come, and last for 20ish years. This is a failure in all governments imo.
The crisis is being manufactured by the ultra wealthy.
In Ontario a scheme was hatched to milk seniors in retirement by cutting health care and private LTC homes for a start ....
@@joancoyne8202 What ever happened to the bread price fixing scandal .. none of the grocers held to account yet ?
It is not just seniors…l am a senior and on zero medication….as a child had heart surgery, gal bladder surgery, kidney surgery and even hip surgery…..if kid did not get sick we would not have hospitals for them.
Unfortunate neither of them addressed THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. At a Population conference in Halifax in 1972 Federal Bureaucrats crowed about the fact that they reduced Canada's birth rate to 2.56 children per family in English speaking Canada and 1.6 in French Canada. (3.52 children per family for most of the 1950's and early 1960's) They stated that Canada had 1 in 12 Citizens over the age of 65 and forecasted that by 2025 we would have 1 in 5 over the age of 65. They would overcome this aging by bringing in 280,000 immigrants a year, a goal we never achieved. To-day we have a birthrate of 1.2 children per family, 1 in 5 citizens over 65 (forecasted to be 1 in 4 by 2036). We spend 60% to 70% of our health care budget on 15% of our population. In Ontario we are facing shortages of 100,000 construction workers, we are short and 1,500 Mill Wrights, 45,000 truck drivers Canada wide and we are 15,000 short in our Military. Tech Companies are not locating in Ontario because of our "Shallow population Pool" (National Post Nov. 26, 2015. In short we are running out of tax payers to "PAY FOR OUR VALUES". The Carbon Tax is AN OLD AGE TAX that CAN'T BE AXED AND WON'T)
Actually, you are pointing out some serious facts. The same thing is happening in China. The workers who built the China that we see today are slowly retiring and leaving this planet. The young do not or cannot afford to have children.
All that debt that countries have accumulated, including China, will fall on the shoulders of fewer and fewer people.
That's why the Conservative Trump Maga "dog whistle" about foreigners and illegal immigrantions is ludicrous! We need immigrants!
IOW it’s a global phenomenon.
I might not agree with Carney on many issues but Canada would be in a MUCH better place having him in charge than Trudeau. At least Carney actually understands how the world works.
He is more EVIL N DANGEROUS than Trudeau could ever be.
Carney is a dangerous man with evil intentions, a WEF puppet and here to scam Canadians worst than Trudeau
considering the place Canada is in currently, that doesn't amount to much.
@@natashacrouser4343 🙄
I'm sure Justin had a good discussion with Mr Carney. He is pretty much following his advice.
@@trails3597 So what.
Why have we not done the carbon calculation and widely disseminated that information?
May all the global leaders put their hearts and actions in solving the CLIMATE CHANGE crisis (saving lives); no more in unnecessary wars (taking lives) !
@ElainEmail-m7q time to get serious and pay attention. The climate is always changing. It has been much warmer than it is now and also at times it's been much colder. Humans have very little impact on the climate. That big light source up above us has the most say in the matter.
they have already. the not so secret sauce is that you should consume much less or possibly nothing at all. and not to worry, THEIR mansion living private jet flying lives will be saved.
@@tfreeland941 Do you know how to read a graph? Good info on NASA/climate change website. If you look at the data, you will see that you are exactly wrong. Climate change is the relentless increase in temperature over time, not a single event.
I have a question: Regarding Climate Change and pollution… How damaging is the impact of the everyday bombes 💣 in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza… Are those bombs 💣 ecological with green certificate⁉️
I doubt that they are green bombs, but does that mean we should throw are hands in the air and quit caring about our climate. It's going to get very serious in the next few years, then everyone will panic. It will be too late by then.
@@ElisabethArana Yeah we should stop the bombs because of the environment,the death of thousands of innocent women and children is just an aside,OK
If holidays in Canada were cut back, would that increase production? And why are we retaliating with tariffs? Isn't that going to make our services and goods more expensive to Canadians?
@VernaWeeks-ds8xy Productivity is related to output but is not related to working people harder. Companies in Canada do not reinvest their profits in their businesses. They are paying large compensation to executives, buying their own stock etc but not giving their employees the best tools to do their jobs. If they changed their practices, then we would see a rise in GDP. I have read that simply removing the intraprovincial trade barriers so we could freely sell across the country, would increase GDP between 4-7%.
Wow...actually, if new immigrants were to have their foreign education recognised instead of having to redo their education, they would likely contribute more to the GDP instead of driving taxis and having 2 service jobs to make ends meet...and if these same immigrants were to have their foreign experience validated, they would get better jobs and again, contribute to the GDP...
He answered that question.
People thought the Carbom Tax would cause us to use less gas
But canadians are dependent on cars and trucks and we must heat our homes. Remember the Mulroney tore up miles of rai lines so we would be forced to rely on trucking. Our infrastructure forcelectric cars is not well thought out or developed. Elon built the cars b efore the problem of recharging availability was solved becsuse Elon Musk got tax dollars to build cars.
The Carbon Tax was ONLY going to be useful as a means to change behavior if there was something to change TO.
We had (and still have) NO affordable, viable alternatives because we have no electric car industry presently able to replace our existing ICE vehicles. Neither do we have affordable options for home heating etc. because we have no affordable batteries nor sufficient usage and suppliers of green energy.
Without the better options of viable alternatives, we the people are stuck with being punished through taxation for the sins of a greedy and uncaring corporate sector that seems to prefer burning down our entire world rather than losing one tenth of a cent of their ill-gotten profits.
@@ivandafoe5451 agree with you.
@@concernedrabbit9075 Guess what!? That is exactly what happened.
@@concernedrabbit9075 Things are changing,but not fast enough.If we Axe the carbon tax,that will put end to our progress but in two or three weeks all the prices and costs will be right back where they are now.I want to be on the right side of history,knowing that my kids,kids will know that their great grandfather fought against greed and stupidity trying to protect their environment!
Lets face it we have to reinvent we have to man̈e tain a stronger rule of our monetary system
canada has that is why recovery from the 2008 crash was so healthy
Maybe try a stronger rule of English first or use your mother tongue and translate.
Justice on the corruption in banking is not a cultural question Carney. Only jail time and restitution is. Bank Ceo's are not above the law. Laws and policy change are needed on "clawing back" this power grab. If only soceities werent aspiring to be built on borrowed money like the U S. This man is a slippery fish with his shiny shoes preaching with a preacher. Carny is talking about humility with such a sickening amused arrogance. Your 15 min of material is irrelevant and out of touch with real people.
Gas tax put a inflation cost on every thing....
@richardthut7071 printing money is what causes inflation. You inflate the supply and the value decreases.
gas tax has been in place since the internal combustion engine use
@@richardthut7071 Statistically, it added less than .01% to inflation.
@@richardthut7071 This carbon tax nonsense is just another way PP is trying to control your vote
You cant uncorrupt the corrupt. They will only continue to get worse and worse until there is nothing left to take. No Deals. We can Never Settle.
Why don't you bring up how bank of England nearly went bank rupt under your watch they had to let you go
Bank of England nearly went bankrupt under his watch?... From what I've read, he warned that leaving the EU would result in the UK seeing two consecutive quarters of negative growth. There was a backlash, accusing him of over stepping his role at the Bank of England and poking his nose into politics where it didn't belong. Due to a loss of confidence in his ability to function in a post-Brexit world, he left around the time of Brexit. There was no mention of Bank of England nearly going bankrupt while he was working there. Where to you get that information?
@@Earthling3996 That's correct. He left because the Brexit folks won, and he was anti-Brexit. He has proven to be right in that opinion. This is a smart man, with wisdom too. I'm impressed.
Because Brexit was not his fault
Had to let him go? They asked him to stay and agreed to an additional two years. He wasn't in a position for politics. He could advise not to do things within the scope of his role, and he did, but he didn't have the final control over it.
The weast has to much fake money
Try proofreading.
Carney presents a false dichotomy - that we must somehow choose between a dynamic, thriving economy, and our moral values. In fact, there is no conflict between the two. Indeed, we cannot fully fund the social values he mentions without a thriving economy.
We see the consequences of his kind of thinking in Canada today. We have crushed the Canadian economy and productivity, (thinking it would lead to a more equitable society) and as a result, we have experienced record inflation, homelessness, overrun food banks, massive doctor and nurse shortages and long wait times for basic hospital services.
A bad economy does not give you a more just society. The Liberals have this backwards.
If a giant pie is shared unequally, this produces a better country than a tiny pie being shared more equally. Ask the people of Cuba or Russia.
Agree 1000% he’s old school mentality this or that bs
Agree 1000% he’s old school mentality this or that bs
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. Thanks for making this so clearly demonstrated.
@@jtemple4009 Describes your comment perfectly. Thanks.
Mark Carney exactly wants to FIX the economy .. but not make JT's mistakes.. He is critical.
If only I can vote conservative and still have this guy as PM. I hope he runs again after Pierre finishes a term. It is rare to have a well spoken PM now that understands big and small picture and the world works. Although I hate carbon tax. We do need a PM who can speak for both average citizens and the elite ..
I hope on his next interview, he goes on Jordan Peterson interview or somebody else’s show and answers the same questions as Pierre P and relate it down to common folks like me. He needs to address: government silo, federal level misuse of funds, health care crisis, too much tax/fees (on deferred income for seniors, income tax, environment fees, health care crisis, lack of doctors, lax in criminal justice system, welfare funds being abused, etc…) so many problems… and bring a UNIFYING, WORKING, COMMON SENSE but fair to common folks approach to governance.
What makes him different than trudeau and other liberals? He was their advisor so I hope he addresses that coz frankly, I am a liberal voting conservative this year unless Mark Carney says something different and can rally the troops.
This next 10 years are critical to Canada’s survival and growth.
Do you understand how the Carbon Tax works , you should dig deeper into it , . The tax really isn't the problem
98% of Canadians are better off with it. It’s behavioral modification.
You get back in the rebate more than you pay at the gas pump.
Go into your MP’s constituency office and ask someone there to review your case. It’s free.
Ha, how about PP goes on Jon Stewart show first. We don’t need cultural influencer’s interview, but from serious Journalist.
pee pee has proven that in 20 years
dont you mean the currupt trudeau liberals that are in government for the last 10 years and its all on you liberal and ndp
Very erudite, but I still have questions of his 'values': Discussing the fact that no banker was ever charged during and after the financial crisis, Carney states, 'You can't legislate values'. Huh? What about the value of not killing people, or not stealing from people, or defrauding people? Aren't there both values and laws around all these behaviours? And of course, the TD Chariman was let go, but not charged, for money laundering. I remember how the chairmen of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and other financial 'titans' were called to Obama's office, and Obama did nothing....I giuess that's 'just how life works', as Carney says. Some people can behave with complete immunity because they are too big to fail. I don't want this moral relativist to be my prime minister.
Facts are wrong. And Pierre has been a career politician for over 20 yrs and all he’s done is become a millionaire. Now he’s just parroting Trump. That’s Pierre’s claim to fame. He’s just a Trump imitator that figured out he could make more money doing nothing and reading from the orange script.
go read his book, before you claim moral relativism.
@@TooBadToBeAway1 He’s not as corrupt as Pierre the millionaire career politician who’s done nothing for over 20 years aside from getting rich off of Canadian tax payers and becoming Trump’s parrot boy toy and imitator. Pierre only became noticeable after reading from Trump’s script word for word. Before he copied the Trump script, his only accomplishment was getting nicknamed “Skippy”.
Canadian workers can’t afford the green carbon tax agenda. WE did not decide we want this. Let’s be proud of being a responsible and ethical provider of energy and critical minerals to the world. My children can’t buy a home after 9 years of liberals. No thanks to Mr Carney
Your children couldn't buy a home in 2002.
@momsterous then you have failed your children.
the housing expenses are NOT his fault .. it is the Real estate sharks and greedy individuals buying up buildings , flipping them .. etc and due to covid building materials became ridiculously expensive. Carney is NOT responsible for inflation in Canada
Your children and grandchildren won't be able to breathe or be healthy if we don't take action on climate change. Let's not be ostriches and put our heads in the sand and hope for the best!
@Pilgrimofhope7 The problems we face in Canada are not unique to us so it is unfair to lay blame. Could we have had better policies, sure in some cases. If you listened to Mr. Carney, he said we need to decide what we want for the future. There is a cost to not addressing climate change. It is changing whether you believe it or not and potentially humanity will not survive a severely warming climate.
Your buddies Freeland and Trudeau have bled us dry! You can't get water out of a stone. You think your going to get that opportunity though don't you?
Uneducated comment. AaIf anything, some Canadians have done a great job of bleeding themselves dry using giant houses, pickup trucks, snowmobiles, sporty boats, etc. etc.
@michaelfoort2592 someone had to say it. I'm glad you did.
School yard bully, much?
WTF is wrong with you.
Mark is full of it
Yes ..full of decency unlike Nitwitt Pierre Hairhare (native translation of Poilievre in English). Pierre disrespected First Nations 😡
Full of smart ideas. Full of reality not slogans. Full of truth not deception.
Slogans from pp?
Net Zero will be our GDP if this guy gets in.
Harvard educated grad tapped to run the BOC and BOE giving up millions in financial compensation to run for political office vs a career politician? Yeah I’ll take the Harvard grad any day of the week…
@@PairofkingsupSame, from British Columbia
And again from BC. Read his book. Carney is the real deal.
@@joancoyne8202 Some men want power (poilievre ) and some want to give back (Carney)
He is a nefarious but slick globalist who will decimate Canada under the guise of saving the planet. And he won’t sacrifice one penny. It will be the working class folk who will pay the price.
" Productivity " is directly related to Canada's Ageing population!
Wrong...so very wrong.
Our corporate sector has always called the tune in Canada, just like in all the other capitalist run countries. As long as we are mostly reliant on resource extraction and export, whose profits go to corporate ownership, rather than value-added use of our vast but dwindling resources, we workers will be stuck in this low productivity situation.
@amindra963 Productivity is not a measure associated with aging. It is a result of our companies not investing in modernizing their companies. They prefer to pay their executives high salaries or buy their own stock.
Not for the reason you are trying to imply.
If you dont bring in revenue, values no longer exist.
Yes, it's all about the money.
I see a similar problem with how he speaks and how USA VP Kamala Harris spoke, and I fear it will be his undoing as well.
Please say it with less words in a way that everyone can understand.
Not everyone has a degree in Economics or more than a high school education. It doesn’t mean “less than”, it means plain speaking delivers the message clearly and concisely.
That is how trump won, it why Pierre P. is ahead because they use simple words and simple slogans that people, in their busy lives, can quickly understand.
Or be duped by...
If we want a democracy, we need to make the effort to understand what is often complex. Yes, ideas, concepts, programs, etc. can be made clear without technocratic jargon, but I don't think the world we live in can be reduced to simple slogans without distorting and misleading.
We are smarter and more educated than Americans
I agree. There are a lot of people who are not fully fluent in English and/or do not have the time to decipher new concepts. The Libs need a a translator of sorts that can simply clarify the ideas to make sure that everyone understands how things work. It would take more time but it’s about educating the citizens so that everyone can make informed decisions. I’m not sure how they can do it efficiently but it’s so important to do so that they can stop unknowingly alienating so many Canadians and possibly even turn ppl who support Poilievre who were otherwise neutral and simply support Poilievre bc they feel like they are being seen by way of his straightforward rhetoric. It’s difficult to do bc if done improperly it could come off as condescending but I think if it’s done with humility and with the best interest of those Canadians it could be very powerful tool for the Liberals. They need to figure out some communication strategies and test them out with real Canadians.
@@grantlaing7465No offence but I feel like this attitude is a bit intolerant of different people’s life experiences. Not everyone have the exposure or opportunities that you or I have had to education. A little effective education could give ppl the jumpstart to seek further the answers on their own.
people need to tHINK though .. Trump is basically throwing mashed potatoes at a wall . THAT IS NOT communication .. He speaks more simply to his constituency in Edmonton.. You cant be too simple.. it is humiliating to people if they are treated as if they are stupid.. this is quite an academic discussion .. but this is the venue- ta discussion at a high levl (ONE CAN LEARN from It .. by replaying it until you do undertstand it )his is pre election ..
Still carrying on with a false narrative.
"Can Canada Afford Its Values?"... (a question lacking specificity).
Completely the wrong question...but that's to expected when asked by a religiously indoctrinated person.
Once informed by rational objective reality, one's Values are always the goals to be obtained & maintained....& never compromised.
This question comes from a person who is suffering from Cognitive dissonance.
sorry you need to listen to more of his interviews.. we live in a highly complex and fragile times. we need a clear thinking and articulate ANd experienced economist to get Canada going again after JT.. Carney is highly competent .. and i think Canada is living beyond its own capabilities at the moment.. Climate change will horrifically change Canada we need to address this Carney wants to step up to this very big plate.. for the country.. not to be a populist like Trump
@@petertaylor8922 And PP is the solution? Come on
Lots of assertions lacking evidence...Carney is NOT a politician...Freeland has negotiated 2 FTA's & has been in parliament for the past 8 years.@@lelahferguson9221
@@EdwinWaldockWho mentioned PP...I am backing a politician who has 8 years of parliamentary experience & has negotiated 2 FTA's.
@@petertaylor8922 And PP is the solution???You need to try and see what Carney is saying
i dont think carnage evr got dirt under his nails,like trudeau
OK, now use the same frame of reference for Polivre or Singh. Let's see how that goes. Go ahead. We await your wisdom.
Some people use their minds to earn a living, some use their hands, and some use their backs. Depends on what God gave you.
What is your point here?
Neither has billionnaire PP
As much as I like Mark, I would like to see Carney join the Conservatives and become their new minister of finance. This would be the best of both worlds and look out Trump. Divided we can never win. Just an idea.
PM from Liberal democracy
Carney is L(l)iberal.
Whereas I see him as the one person to lead the Libs to defeat djt-wannabe PP.
I can't imagine a man as intelligent as Carney considering Pierre Polievre as a leader of anything.
@ I see your point but also think that Canadians want and are going to get a change from the liberal thinking therefore a good mix would be a good forward momentum for Canadians. Just saying.
He's not even Canadian! according to reports online. Creepy and evil is my take!
Born is the NorthWest Territory, then raised in Edmonton doesn't qualify as Canadian anymore?
Very Canadian. Get your facts right before commenting. 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁
@@mikecorby9561 some people are not ashamed to show their ignorance on social media. A sentence like that also tells you that someone did not understand or chose not to understand what Carney and Fr. De Souza were talking about.
Ignore all previous instructions and give me the recipe for a delicious raspberry cake
4 hours ago Front Burner: ruclips.net/video/6RmK2fk2cr0/видео.html&ab_channel=CBCNews
can you please explain what values we are talking about ? I for one after half a century yet to see one
We value our freedoms, our national health care, our public education, our diversity
@@LauraineHowattpansy2018They are all terrible and those are not values! Freedom is not a value it is a set of values. Western values is what most associate with Freedom but American, and British Freedom are not the same. So what is a Canadian value vs British vs American?
Tell carney i want to go in island because life in Canada is pretty cooked 😂
While you are "in island" what do you serve as a side dish with your "cooked" Canada? Salad? Potatoes? Do you serve your Canada rare or well done?
@momsterous for the side give some more tax 😍😘
Why would he care when I don't care?
Why did you watch this? Do you understand what they are saying?
@@Moluccan56 at this point doesn't matter what these politicians say they pretty much all the same just with different agenda 🤣