The CRT filter added by the Retrotink 5x looks way too dark on most displays, though if you max out your brightness levels it may look a lot better. I appreciate that someone uploaded how this ROM runs on original hardware. It looks amazing! I have now tested it myself on original hardware (with a flash-cart), and I can confirm that it looks and runs great.
Thanks! I actually decided to stop using CRT filters after uploading this video. I also uploaded a playthrough of version 1.06 (this video is 1.03) without CRT filters, which you can watch here:видео.html
The CRT filter added by the Retrotink 5x looks way too dark on most displays, though if you max out your brightness levels it may look a lot better. I appreciate that someone uploaded how this ROM runs on original hardware. It looks amazing!
I have now tested it myself on original hardware (with a flash-cart), and I can confirm that it looks and runs great.
I actually decided to stop using CRT filters after uploading this video. I also uploaded a playthrough of version 1.06 (this video is 1.03) without CRT filters, which you can watch here:видео.html