i feel like i missed out on my partying days.

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 126

  • @riebeck_8171
    @riebeck_8171 24 дня назад +12

    I didn't start drinking until I was 23 and didn't start partying until I was like 26 (I'm 28 now). There is no reason you can't go start partying now if you want. I have friends in their 30's who are still partying and doing stupid shit. I encourage you to go out and try if you want to. "My personality doesn't allow me to be that type of person." Bullshit - let your personality expand in unexpected ways.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +4

      Mmm you're right, fuck it honestly.

    • @aleksiwilson2295
      @aleksiwilson2295 24 дня назад +1

      ​@@AnLittleAlexI started drinking and doing drugs at 14 (pretty normal in my country). I ended up with some pretty bad addictions and in many stupid situations. You're a lot better off going out when you're older and more responsible trust me.

    • @myronkoster58x
      @myronkoster58x 23 дня назад +1

      ​AnLittleAlex you didn't miss out on anything back then because you didn't want to party. It sounds like you want to go party now. Go do it!
      I'm also in my 30s partying several times per month with (fe)male friends. We are free and have fun indeed :D.

  • @jimmyeatsbread8471
    @jimmyeatsbread8471 23 дня назад +1

    You have an empathetic soul, and the energy around you when “partying” can be intense. For people who can shake off energy quickly it seems fun, but people who absorb can get overwhelmed. Thank you for letting us experience You untainted from that. It gives fresh perspective for many of us that may have not enjoyed the party years, but also validation that the “quiet things” we wanted to do (ie Go to the library. Hang out and watch movies with friends. Go listen to tunes at a chill bar, etc) are perfectly fine to do. Peer pressure even as a young adult is a bear especially when wanting to keep friends.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  23 дня назад +1

      @@jimmyeatsbread8471 definitely know what you mean ! I guess it’s a side of life that may be experienced later if I so choose to:)

  • @KristopherStidd
    @KristopherStidd 24 дня назад +8

    Thank you for the video Alex ❤ probably better you didn't! Need that awesome mind of yours 😁💯

  • @jameellamar
    @jameellamar 24 дня назад +3

    sometimes i think about what my life would've been like if i had been involved in the partying/nightlife scene when i was in college but i'm glad i chose the path i did. drinking and partying could've turned into a personal addiction that would've affected me physically and financially. i've learned to accept that no one will ever experience everything life has to offer so it's best to just enjoy what you can

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +2

      @@jameellamar I like that mindset, it’s what I’m trying to tell myself too

  • @nood1le
    @nood1le 24 дня назад +2

    Thats why I started drinking and doing drugs at 13 so I could feel like I'm never missing out.

  • @Vixctor13
    @Vixctor13 23 дня назад +1

    I think I understand. Recently, I'd had two drinks in a bar and was about to leave when two guys started talking to me. One of the guys got two girls to join us and we drank and talked until the bar closed. Felt weird the whole time and I couldn't stop thinking "this isn't me".
    I'm 34 and I've never really done something like that before.

  • @leecanadyii890
    @leecanadyii890 24 дня назад +5

    Former extrovert here, who right now is going through the realization of how much of an introvert I really am. Very weird to process lol. Also disabled, with...a few years on you lol. As I sit here in my Charlie Brown PJ's with a glass of scotch, I'm here to tell ya, there really is no time limit to do what you want. My trajectory didn't quite go like most people's so I was in this era in my mid to late 20's. Not one person gave a single shit, and definitely not those that mattered.
    I get it. There are things you've missed out on that you just want the knowledge from experience on. Me too, and to your point, some things may never happen, but if you wanna know, go do it (no sarcasm at all here). I've been carried out of parties before, and on the extremely unlikely occasion I may feel like partying that hard, I'll do it again, zero fucks given. But I do get it, cuz there are still many internal walls I'm still trying to break, but go for it. Find a solid friend or 2, you know, just in case, and knock yourself out. Don't get too hung up on it. I still do a lot of those things, I just do them quietly at home with a friend or 2.
    Although, I will say I'm too old and bougie now to drink cheap shit. It at least has to taste good. And back to my drinking and gaming I go lol! :)

  • @Phoenixguy357
    @Phoenixguy357 23 дня назад +1

    im someone who partied a ton from 18-22. like almost every day some months both in highschool and in college. In highschool it was with some very close friends, in college it was very surface level friendships and I made a ton of financial mistakes around my partying in college because i was desperate to fit in. Im not going to lie, these times in my life were some of the most fun Ive ever had, now at 29. Even when I visited Europe for the first time the best part was the parties and the short term friends I made along the way. Ill always cherish those memories. Honestly though the puking, passing out and 2-day hangovers were not fun though. The emotional turmoil of finally coming to terms that it all had to end, that those people in college werent really my friends, that was really tough. I would absolutely party again and be wild and child-like if i could just like once in a while but only with people that I genuinely connected with and trusted and enjoyed being with.
    If you really want to experience this then I would recommend finding friends at clubs or finding a college program that seems easy yet interesting to you, living on campus and engaging in those atmospheres then you have the experiences and gained a diploma or certificate in something you might like. for me it would be like art or something.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  23 дня назад +1

      @@Phoenixguy357 I’ve been to university in art and unfortunately half of it got ruined because of Covid. Now I’m going back to do a masters degree but I doubt I would find those people in the program I have chosen. I really enjoy travelling to and I’ve done it quite a bit, the best moments I had were when I would meet those acquaintances too. I remember being drunk sitting amongst a bunch of strangers from all over the world and it felt so blissful. I cherish that moment a lot, and am planning a solo Europe trip for next summer :)

    • @Phoenixguy357
      @Phoenixguy357 23 дня назад +1

      @@AnLittleAlex that sounds very exciting and Im glad youve had the opportunity to experience that feeling at least once.
      To specify, in college I didnt find those people and atmospheres from the people in my class. Class was entirely seperate. I found those people living on campus. Id make the effort of attending as many social clubs, events and spontaneous community things as I could. For example: I joined student council and organized and attended social events, I would keep my eye out for people playing manhunt or ultimate frisbee or some sort of ice breaker game organized by the RA's and ask to join even if it was kinda late. (they always said yes) id also walk down the dorm halls and if i heard a rowdy party id knock and ask to join. (They always said yes, especially if i had alcohol in hand, especially if it was tequila) lastly if i saw some people that seemed like they would be fun to hangout id just approach them, introduce myself and ask if theyd want to hangout. It usually worked. I found that being friendly, outgoing, matching peoples energy and making the first move almost always worked out in my favor and I wound up in multiple friend groups within the first month or 2. The crazy thing is im also introverted and I was mostly a loner in highschool but that year i made the decision to put myself out there as much as possible. The thing to keep in mind is that if they are undergrads they are probably finally out of highschool and their small town and they also just want to make as many friends as possible. Its like kindergarten all over again where its as easy as basically saying "wanna be my friend?". In my humble opinion, you get what you give. I can understand if youre a bit older now and hanging out with 18-20 year olds seems less appealing but if your goal is just to experience some party life then im willing to bet itll be a positive experience.

  • @PromisingPod
    @PromisingPod 24 дня назад +1

    I've felt the same way. When I was a younger adult, I avoided all partying and immaturity and doing crazy stuff. I think what you need to realize is that this can seem like you missed out, but this also might be the reason why you are who you are now. It's a blessing also, because you are able to grow and expand in ways that people who are partying all the time do not. Partying comes with a cost. It's risky, many don't last long. Partying is not safe. Being immature can cause problems that could have been avoided. If you party too much, you risk becoming the person that never takes anything seriously.
    Little Alex, maybe the reason why you are where you are now and can say such insightful things, is because you avoided all of the things that could have held you back.
    Jeff Bezos is a good example of this. If you look at old videos of him, he was a total geek nerd, very weird and awkward and funny. And he spent his time working and building an empire. He wouldn't have been able to build Amazon, without all of that happening. If Jeff Bezos had partied, he wouldn't have revolutionized an entire industry. In the same way, you Little Alex, might not have had the discipline to make videos or say interesting things, if you had lost your mind partying away.
    Now, just like Jeff Bezos, now he's trying to look hard and tough with his bald and exercised body, with the way he acts and dresses, and now that he's succeeded, he's now a multi-billionaire and can do whatever he wants. He can host his own parties now. Be like that, Little Alex. That's my suggestion. First build the empire, have some form of stability. Then, relax and have fun, in a safe way, of course.
    It might seem freeing to act out when you're young, but the truth is that those crazy things, can cause permanent problems and prevent those partying young people from ever succeeding or learning.
    However, some people really do like the party and going-out lifestyle so much that they value it above money and success and for those people, I say keep on partying. If you enjoy being in crowds of people and being around all of that commotion, talking about whatever, then do that. You could do that at any age.
    So basically, everyone should do what they feel is right and works for them. Me personally, I have zero interest in parties or rowdy places. I like special events, but in nice and safe venues. It's an easy choice for me, but everyone is different and different people can succeed in different ways. Thanks for asking the question, Little Alex.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  23 дня назад +1

      What a wonderful and thoughtful provoking comment, thank you for putting in the time. I think you’re right in many ways, and I did t look at it from that perspective. I guess we will see where life takes me, all I’m doing is trying to follow my joy:)

  • @ajpollard529
    @ajpollard529 23 дня назад +2

    Oh you can party at any age. Your still very young too. You didn’t miss anything.

  • @lolmaster8093
    @lolmaster8093 24 дня назад +2

    I think missing out on clubbing is something you should be proud of, at least in my opinion. i think what you really want is a sense of belonging and community, which you can get in dozens of other ways besides partying

  • @snesbagel
    @snesbagel 20 дней назад

    28 year old guy here but this video is a major vibe for me. I've kept to myself for pretty much my whole life because I felt like I would just come across as a creep to other people and now I'm sitting here at the end of my 20s feeling like I really missed out on being young. Sucks, but it's really motivated me to make some big changes in my life to try and enjoy what's left. This video was kind of cathartic lol.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  20 дней назад +1

      I love that for you, I truly do. It's in these moments where we figure out how to change for the better. Being alive is to be always evolving :)

  • @pablooso1941
    @pablooso1941 3 дня назад

    You didn't miss much. I missed out as well and am nearly 80. Not burning out my youthful brain with alchohol and drugs while getting more mature paid off. I created a life most can only dream of and am beyond happy every single day. I feel fulfilled and realize each day can be anything I make to be while others are still stuck in the party mode. Relax. you will be fine.

  • @DragonMan5731
    @DragonMan5731 24 дня назад +1

    And there goes another thing that I thought made me different. I thought all people were different but we're all more alike than we think.

  • @ericchan5055
    @ericchan5055 24 дня назад +1

    Start now, cause as you get harder, it gets harder to have make plans with friends to go out. Go experience it. You’re still young. I think it’s overrated as an introvert but you’ll never know until you do it.

  • @gshooting2
    @gshooting2 24 дня назад +1

    People grow at different paces but unfortunately what you hear most is what the type A experienced at then that's all of a sudden supposed to be the standard. It's only worth doing when you're around people you like and you'll need other experiences to shift out that regret. For me it was living abroad and travelling solo. You might end up partying but they're probably not going to form special memories. It's what's new that's going to be a memory for you.

  • @bigbizniz
    @bigbizniz 24 дня назад +1

    As a 30 year old dude pretty much in the same shoes, whenever I tell people that I've never really went out clubbing (only a couple times and I fucking hated it), they look at me like I'm a complete weirdo. Like you, I've had that feeling that I missed out too. It's like I have this frustration that I can't let go of my inhibitions the same way other people can, but I care about it less as the years pass.

  • @blackwersus
    @blackwersus 24 дня назад +1

    I have partied heavily since I was 16 and honestly I don't feel like I have fully filled any need. If anything I crave it now more than ever. Maybe it's just me but I feel like the more I feed this beast the bigger it becomes. The few years where I focused on my career more it started to calm down slowly but for me partying and acting crazy is dangerously addictive and part of me wishes I would've been more on the straight path in my younger days. If it wasn't for a very specific event in my life that guided me away from it I'd probably be a homeless addict by now. It's probably due to the massive amounts of dopamine the combination of hard liqour, socializing, doing stupid adrenaline-inducing stuff and optionally drugs give you. Hard to fill these shoes with other more rational things in life.

  • @Herofromspace2
    @Herofromspace2 24 дня назад +1

    These are fantasies similar to returning to your childhood as an adult and experiencing past events whilst being more knowledgeable and mature. You are who you are because of the experience you've had, if you had it different, you'd be a different person, potentially wondering how your life could've formed if you were less of a party-goer.
    You form firm bonds with activities you partake in early years and they never leave you. There are no former alcoholics, there may be alcoholics who stopped, but it's still at the back of their mind. The brain wrinkle that's responsible for fun is occupied for life and cutting it out of adult life means cutting out fun.
    If you had a different past, you'd be a different person. If you were birthed by your neibour's parents, you'd be that neighbour.

  • @Rascal-of-War
    @Rascal-of-War 24 дня назад +1

    Better feeling like an adult that missed out on part of their youth, than an adult who has yet to grow up

  • @spencers-adventures
    @spencers-adventures 24 дня назад +1

    I have felt a similar regret at different times in my life, but echoing what a lot of people have said in these comments, it's never too late to start something! I feel like even when I was 18, I thought that I was too old for partying, and in my early 20s I felt really too old for it. Retrospectively that was silly, but who's to say future me won't say the same things about me now? Iterating on the "what ifs" is a great way to miss the golden years that are right in front of you, and I'm trying to keep that in mind nowadays (but it's not easy)

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  23 дня назад +1

      @spencers-adventures definitely not easy. Im trying my best to.

  • @axl1002
    @axl1002 24 дня назад +2

    It's not societal standards. I've partied a lot in my late teens, drugs, alcohol, one night stands - you name it. After that you can't trust people anymore and you need to gaslight yourself to stay in relationship and that makes you vulnerable to emotional blackmail and every next relationship you have will be worse. In the end you start avoiding people all together to protect yourself. You can't swim in cesspit and come out clean.

  • @CeeZee001
    @CeeZee001 24 дня назад +1

    I was a late bloomer to the party scene in my mid 20s. Which was kind of weird, only thing that saved me was having a baby face people thought i was in college... To be honest, there was a lot of cringey moments for me so at least you didn't make a fool of yourself. Also, i did a lot of stuff i should of went to jail for, mostly petty stuff, and even some times cops let me off. If you really feel like you missed out why not dip your feet in that scene a little? with close friends of course. i'm 30 now and i cringe and am thankful to not be in a bad position considering all the goofing around we did a decade ago. nowadays, sobriety and peace are top priority.
    Oh and also, those one night stands wrecked me. I thought i was a player lol but i got burned by fire. Even more trust issues now lol.

  • @JayPlayToonZ
    @JayPlayToonZ 24 дня назад +1

    Alex I whole heartedly feel like in a sense you are like me. When I made friends as an adult it made me both happy and sad, happy because I finally have a social circle, but sad because I never had friends before I became an adult.

  • @Gaz12345
    @Gaz12345 24 дня назад +1

    Honestly I wouldn't worry about it but I understand you because I used to worry about it years ago as well but it's only as you get older that you realize it's not that important, you'll get to that stage too. Personally speaking I am 39 now but rarely went out drinking and partying in my late teens/early 20s when most that age do it mostly because I had issues with depression etc. So I spent a lot of time on the internet and in chat rooms at weekends, made more friends that way and that was how I met guys online too but it was really dumb meeting them and sleeping with them at their places because anything could have happened to me. I was young and stupid but in terms of drinking I don't miss it because it makes you feel absolutely awful the next day anyway, sometimes two days! Alcohol isn't the be all and end all. My auntie used to say you can have fun without it.

  • @DynamicVlogs69
    @DynamicVlogs69 24 дня назад +1

    I grew up partying since like 14 years old. Turned 21 and stopped going to bars cause it was legal at 21 and became boring. I've done a lot of drinking, a lot of drugs but not the heavy heavy stuff. I'm 38 now. Got sober for like 10 years. Relapsed a year ago and started partying a lot. Now I'm winding down from it. I was never into the sex thing that everyone was doing around me. Like sleeping around with each other and just having friends with benefits, I never got into that. I'm still a virgin and I'm waiting until I meet someone worthy that we both actually have real feelings for and want to be together for the rest of our lives.
    Imo, if you want to go out and see what the party thing is, be careful.
    Btw when you talk about missing out, I feel like that at 38 years old and most my friends are married with kids now. I get that feeling that I'm missing out on that and I might never have that because of my standards. I've contemplated lowering my standards by a lot just to be in a relationship. But I know I'll be unhappy by just settling to settle. I've had friends so that and they don't ever seem happy.
    My idea of going out these days are visiting museums, parks, outdoors stuff, riding motorcycles and going to those events, race tracks. Otherwise I work, watch movies and TV shows and play video games to avoid going out partying because drugs and alcohol aren't good. I've lost really close friends to overdosing.
    I would love to go to comedy clubs and more concerts. Go boating, maybe sky diving. Art shows. My current friend group isn't into that stuff so if I do any of those things I have to do it solo and try making new friends already doing those things, but I'm also kind of introverted.

  • @dreamingthelife
    @dreamingthelife 24 дня назад +1

    26! are your insane, peer pressure is killing you, if you cant do it in your home town go do it somewhere else, societal standards are a mind killer
    I did none of those things in my youth, I never drank, no intoxicants, no parties, raves never did anything of that nature
    I'd say you are missing out, those borders are your own to keep up or to let go of
    in my late late 20's I found festivals, places with workshops, loud music and art well into the AM where there was no pressure to drink or do anything really
    I lost a lot of fear, opened up so much, learned some partner arco and that I could actually dance pretty good when I wasnt being so dam self conscious...
    I dont know how to close this
    I just, I don't want you to feel like you're a piece that can't move in certain directions or go on certain squares because of your past or how you look or feel in this moment
    You can do whatever the you want
    to me you are young but the clock never stops
    if you go out and try things and find you dont like them then at least you'll actually know
    and along fhe way you might end up finding out you're not what you thought you were
    I'm not completely void of societal pressure but the more free of it I become the better I feel❤
    sorry for the long rant
    I was a basement dweller once and sometimes, a lot of the time I still am😊

  • @JohnnyPunchClock
    @JohnnyPunchClock 24 дня назад +1

    I'm fifty and I do what I want, nobody questions me, but I am a giant dude so there's that.

  • @crazedking
    @crazedking 24 дня назад +1

    It's never too late to party, seriously, go out stay safe obviously, but you can go make new friends- I've had the most fun going out on solo raves

  • @Deshxnnn
    @Deshxnnn 24 дня назад +1

    This kinda just goes back to not caring and doing what u want

  • @powerjae4651
    @powerjae4651 24 дня назад +1

    You’re 26 you can still do that stuff if you want. I’am older 38 and have adopted a new life philosophy which is this. “I live my life how I want to and if people don’t like it well then F em.”

  • @bane6724
    @bane6724 24 дня назад +1

    I missed out on my 20s, and just started to go out right now at 31; if anything my social development is stunted for 15 years, reason why is because I moved to three different high schools.

  • @PrayTellGaming
    @PrayTellGaming 23 дня назад +1

    I partied quite a bit between 16 and 20 and... Meh. Its fun, but you need to do it with the right people. I always ended up with people who drink 2 beers and start to fight, or get argumentative, or jealous, or just negative. Then id walk home in a shitty mood lol the real party is playing board games until 3am with true friends. And yes you can still "party" at 26, a few years ago there were many mid 20s women out there and a decent handful of women in their 30s too.

  • @eight7934
    @eight7934 17 дней назад

    I never did either, but now a days I find I'm actually the hip or cool one in clubs because I know what's going on. Though I still prefer a good view with a good meal and a good friend over party scene.

  • @williamcainjr8496
    @williamcainjr8496 24 дня назад +1

    I agree with Herr Stidd; it's probably better that you passed it up. While parts CAN be fun, there are dark things that can arise all too quickly and easily. Especially when alcohol and other items become involved. (and those can be involved whether you want them or not)
    Even when the only thing you're trying to do is enjoy the sheer mindless fun surrounded by decent folk. Which is a shame. We are given the gift of life. Dance, music, laughter, and joy should be a part of it..
    This is just my take/experience/observations. Just no regrets. Hm? They will do you no good. (But do good and BE good)

  • @eugenekrabs3837
    @eugenekrabs3837 24 дня назад +1

    There's something alluring about going to a club or a party seeing everybody get stupid and letting go for me personally I'd watch from the outside I'd stay sober but I'd be taking care of my friends getting into fights the promiscuous sex doesn't interest me but the rest is very alluring however saying that lifestyle is living your way off there's far better things to do for fun that have nothing to do with losing control for example adrenaline based activities or doing something like "noodling" that's catching fish with your arm as bait or even exploring a cave and gathering crystals or rocks there's lots of activities that one can do that has nothing to do with gender you blame society far too much you're the one listening and choosing to do so the girls that sleep around aren't happy they're not living they'res a difference between partying and hurting yourself through promiscuous sex and drugs you don't need that to feel alive you know what else helps you feel alive helping people doing what others don't do this is the first video I've seen from you but from what I've seen you're really hung up on gender don't use that as an excuse for not doing something don't blame others don't blame society if you wanna do something wild and crazy that's out of character go ahead but don't hurt yourself there's no need to whens the last time you had a mud fight in the rain with your friends if you wanna get out of your comfort zone then do it don't sit back and dream but be safe and smart because the world isn't kind to people who aren't

  • @endlessnameless6494
    @endlessnameless6494 16 дней назад

    I didn't start "properly" partying until I was 21. As a 45 year old, I can tell you honestly: drinking, dating and partying from 21-30ish were the best days of my life. 18, 19, though...yeah, it's a bit young. Plus you aren't old enough to get into bars. It's never too late if you want to; you are cute, plenty of people at bars or clubs would chat you up. Also, it's a false stereotype that you "aren't like that". Not everyone out at bars or clubs is a Jersey Shore d-bag: plenty of introverted, creative and nerdy people go out to bars and clubs. Or at least drink in the backyard with friends. Anyways, you do you!

  • @jackmiddleton2080
    @jackmiddleton2080 24 дня назад +1

    So far for me my thoughts about age are always wrong in hindsight when I reach an older age. I remember feeling really awkward and out of place starting college at 22. In hindsight that was completely ridiculous. Virtually no one would notice or care. And I should have known that because I would occasionally see a 40+ age person in a class and nobody cared. It was obvious they were just upgrading their earning potential. I sat next to mid twenties people that just wanted a change of career out of more or less boredom. I sat next to a cop that had 10 years experience and wanted to get into something more academic so he was studying medicine, a nurse that wanted to get out of serving individuals and do something bigger was studying engineering, and an old European guy that just needed to get his American license for his field which required an American school accreditation.

  • @IvyANguyen
    @IvyANguyen 18 дней назад

    Wear earplugs at any loud environments (like music events) you go to. Tinnitus is no joke & there is no cure! I missed out in a way as I went clubbing only 3 times in my life despite trance music being my favourite genre, though I didn't know at the time I should have been wearing earplugs anyway. My tinnitus began many years after the last time I was at a club, but just passing on advice in case you decide to go now.

  • @user-sf5iq2fl1l
    @user-sf5iq2fl1l 9 дней назад

    I did that clubbing a lot when i was younger, but i never had a girlfriend. A neighbour same age as me barely did but managed to have a girlfriend. Some people long for friendships, i never had a problem with that. Everyone has their own missed chances id say

  • @ericsmith6677
    @ericsmith6677 24 дня назад +7

    driking partying and dncing left me feeling empty you didnt miss anything i promise

  • @user-ef3ob8sd4b
    @user-ef3ob8sd4b 24 дня назад +11

    It’s not too late. Let’s go out.

  • @joelharris4399
    @joelharris4399 24 дня назад +1

    The honorable, free-thinking Mr John Keating would turn with a smile and say, "carpe diem" Seize the moment Little Alex, seize it🙃

  • @thesummaryguy3911
    @thesummaryguy3911 24 дня назад +1

    i feel ya on this. Im in my mid 30s now and i kinda have similar regrets

  • @GreedAndSelfishness
    @GreedAndSelfishness 24 дня назад +1

    Got exact same thing. It's very conflicting, part of me wants to have extroverted wild experiences but I mostly actually dont. I think it's just some societal expectation you you must have had wild 20's. But ultimately I feel much more me and comfortable when I'm basically indoors, doing my creative things.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +1

      You get it!! That’s exactly what I mean.

  • @ChristopherHawkins-j5m
    @ChristopherHawkins-j5m 24 дня назад +1

    Ohhh no you can still get out there !

  • @REZZA2020
    @REZZA2020 17 дней назад

    You're not missing much. You can still have all of this if you wish too.

  • @johnnyr19026
    @johnnyr19026 24 дня назад +1

    If you really wanted it Im sure you would find it very easily. No one would ever bat an eye except you. If thats what you really want. But seems like you dont REALLY Want it at your Core. Brings on Much Drama from many angles that is not needed. Dont get stuck in the What IFs. Your Awesome as you and continue as you. No Regrets. But I do Understand. Thank U and Staying Tuned

  • @UnseemlyGenie00
    @UnseemlyGenie00 24 дня назад +1

    I've barely been sober a day in my life since I was 17 lol.

  • @WaryofExtremes
    @WaryofExtremes 24 дня назад +1

    Plenty regret the time, money, health, accomplishment, dignity, etc. that partying too much took away from them.
    Plenty are pretty neutral on it.
    26 isn't too old to go clubbing...if you want...just saying.

  • @RocketBlastGaming
    @RocketBlastGaming 24 дня назад +1

    I WAS KINDA THE SAME WAY, BUT I LOVE PLAYING VIDEO GAME, GREAT VIDEO YIPPEE YAHOO!!! Did you buy that pizza hut pizza pizza yet, no pressure, It's all diffrent for everyone, Have a great day Wooppieee

  • @popspops3795
    @popspops3795 24 дня назад +1

    Hi, Alex. Hope all is well. I can take you out and party like there is no tomorrow. Saturday afternoon, there is a bingo that we can go and have a blast. Bring you reading glasses and hearing aids that we are going to party (bingo) hard.
    Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay happy!

  • @couerl
    @couerl 24 дня назад +1

    You didn't miss anything.

  • @TheWeekendYogurt
    @TheWeekendYogurt 24 дня назад +1

    It’s never too late to party! Come to Wisconsin in the summer. People will turn up for anything here.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +1

      Totally, where I live it gets crazy too! I genuinely and fundamentally relate the most with those who aren’t of this type so most of the people I know aren’t party goers. And as a woman it’s tough to go to these things alone just because of that constant worry for our safety.

    • @TheWeekendYogurt
      @TheWeekendYogurt 24 дня назад +1

      I’m pretty much the same. UNLESS it’s a dance party. Then I’ll drink a Yerba mate and go nuts all night long aka till 11pm.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +1

      @@TheWeekendYogurt Stop!!! I love that! I need a few drinks in me before I can tear up the dance floor but that sounds like a hell of a good time.

    • @TheWeekendYogurt
      @TheWeekendYogurt 24 дня назад +1

      In Milwaukee my fav events are Slayground and Goth Barge. They’re very inclusive to the extent that people of all identities (LGBTQIA+) can dance in whatever clothes they feel and I frequently see people dancing by themselves which makes me happy to know that there are spaces that marginalized people feel safe to be.

  • @pattayaesl7128
    @pattayaesl7128 24 дня назад +1

    You can party with me anytime Ms. Alex

  • @cc_par
    @cc_par 24 дня назад +1

    you didnt, partying is like sex. its good while its happening but its not really memorable or meaningful unless you really REALLY like the person. in this case you have to really like partying which is rare. most people party as a form of escapism.

  • @txmeats
    @txmeats 24 дня назад +1

    The downside is that you do feel lonely and out of place.

  • @uppercutgrandma4425
    @uppercutgrandma4425 24 дня назад +1

    You're soo young and overly confident. I didn't start getting into parties till my late 20's then after that it was house parties, after bars (where the bartenders let select people stay in the bar and drink for free), 14 nights in a row beach parties, bon fires...etc. The only regrets I have are that I go out more. Also, about "women going out" you guys don't go out alone like dudes do, you go in groups. Men are more nomadic and please show examples of a majority of people marking fun of ladies going out. It's typically encouraged ie: ladies night. Where you cats would get cheaper bar pricing just for showing up.

  • @heroldjaras9909
    @heroldjaras9909 24 дня назад +1

    doesnt really matter to me. i missed the party years, you mean the drugs alcohol smoking? i couldnt care less. and i could still go on parties in my 30s. but why should i take drugs with some 18 year old kids?

  • @Sierra-Whiskey22
    @Sierra-Whiskey22 23 дня назад +1

    Just remember, turtle shell.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  23 дня назад +1

      @@Sierra-Whiskey22 turtle shell? 🤔

  • @txmeats
    @txmeats 24 дня назад +1

    Until you start college the world can seem dull and pointless at times.

  • @codingrules
    @codingrules 22 дня назад

    You can easily go to clubs at 26. That's nothing. My wildest party years were 28 to 33 for the same reasons as you. Albeit as a man, but I'm confident that doesn't matter in this regard.

  • @universome511
    @universome511 24 дня назад +1

    I knew of a Toronto Woman who died of Alcohol poisoning at 50 at a music festival
    Never too late i guess

  • @Armored_Saint
    @Armored_Saint 24 дня назад

    It's a party and nobody cares
    What we're doing there
    Baby, it's a party as long as you're there
    It's a party, party, party! ~ Boston (1978)

  • @MilkForASnack
    @MilkForASnack 24 дня назад +1


    • @MilkForASnack
      @MilkForASnack 24 дня назад

      Actually of course I got plenty more to say but for now you just get a long staaaahhhhppppp. Because I don't feel like typing heeheehaha

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад

      WHYYYY 😭😭

  • @harebrain5239
    @harebrain5239 24 дня назад +1

    This is about friend groups, maybe your friends aren't all that exciting?

  • @SquallSZ
    @SquallSZ 24 дня назад +1

    You mean you missed out on what comes with them ?...

  • @sstpkk
    @sstpkk 23 дня назад +1

    You don't need to rationalize and analyze everything before you do it. Some things are to be experienced just go do it

  • @rex_8618
    @rex_8618 24 дня назад +1

    I wish I had people to go out partying and clubbing with. I feel like I missed out on so much life. I wish I had gotten drunk more often, it felt nice.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +1

      Yeah!! Lot of the people I actually fundamentally relate with on a deeper level aren’t the party types so I think I missed out on that too. But maybe that means it’s not fruitful in the first place, but I guess it would’ve been nice to experience that.

  • @jasonkennedy3517
    @jasonkennedy3517 24 дня назад +1

    I suggest you go out and sow some wild oats now. It's better to do it at 26 than in your late 40s. I am 50 and see a lot of people ruining their lives, marriages, families at my age because they feel they missed out.

  • @mohienamjad3271
    @mohienamjad3271 24 дня назад +1

    She's insane

  • @RocketBlastGaming
    @RocketBlastGaming 24 дня назад +1


  • @Danster82
    @Danster82 24 дня назад +1

    Oh well next lifetime.

  • @user-sf5iq2fl1l
    @user-sf5iq2fl1l 9 дней назад

    I see this in most women... always fearful what others are thinking of them... nobody cares!

  • @bhewi1982
    @bhewi1982 21 день назад

    Just go do it. You're still in your 20's you got plenty of time

  • @alistairmaleficent8776
    @alistairmaleficent8776 24 дня назад +1

    You can definitely do that as a 26 year old woman. I'm still doing it at 39, as well as having a career and doing all the adulting stuff.

  • @txmeats
    @txmeats 24 дня назад +3

    It's called you matured faster than your peers.

  • @JasonSlazak
    @JasonSlazak 24 дня назад +1

    is that lean Beef Patty?

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +1

      Bruh I always get this comment lmao

  • @flyaway6671
    @flyaway6671 24 дня назад +4

    Where did you get the idea that you can't go to bars and clubs when over 25 lol. I reckon most of the people who are there are 25-30 and the younger crowd mostly only appear at the beginning of the college semester.
    Girls who go regularly are of a certain character but you get people who party with work colleagues, celebrate birthdays etc.
    You can meet decent people in clubs believe it or not.
    Unless partying is a euphemism for fooling around.

    • @AnLittleAlex
      @AnLittleAlex  24 дня назад +3

      @@flyaway6671 I guess I was never surrounded by people who do that. It’s not that I can’t it’s just that I wish I experienced it earlier than later. That’s all:) The first and last time I went out to a club was with work colleagues.

    • @flyaway6671
      @flyaway6671 24 дня назад +1

      @@AnLittleAlex Oh right, you probably did miss out doing it whilst being young and immature.
      I wouldn't do the things I did in my youth now and it would be unappealing as well.
      Not that any of those nights were treasured memories but you're maybe just missing that bit of time exclusive life experience.

  • @REZZA2020
    @REZZA2020 17 дней назад

    You do not need to 'hold yourself up" to 'societal standards' it is these beliefs that have been placed upon you that are restricting you from knowing your truest self. You are FREE to be who you want to be. It is conditioning. Begin to explore these deeper parts of you- but in a way that does not put you at risk of harm.
    IT IS ABSOLUTELY YOU LOL!! Your experiencing internal cognitive dissonance

  • @travelerfinder7840
    @travelerfinder7840 16 дней назад

    where do you live I'm 31 and go out partying and see old people in the club as well. All those standards and shit is in your head. Go to the club go party there's another 26 yr old there lonely looking for you to be friends with.

  • @aimansalman2709
    @aimansalman2709 24 дня назад +1

    Find God

  • @Kron-j3k
    @Kron-j3k 24 дня назад +15

    You missed out on nothing. Why would you think you missed out on something that is a complete waste of time. It's a bad environment. Nothing good comes from party and alcohol.

    • @universome511
      @universome511 24 дня назад +7

      Except for fun and memories

    • @thetruth9816
      @thetruth9816 24 дня назад +7

      Love, friends, networking, bravery, creativity, you actually learn a lot from that.
      I’m not saying do it everyday but if I have to predict who’s more likely to live a happy successful life I’ll bet on a guy who’s partied and learned from his mistakes over a dork in his mom’s basement watching sigma male videos any day

    • @SquallSZ
      @SquallSZ 24 дня назад +2

      ​@@universome511fun and memories...it sounds sweet right ? But in her head its.not as.sweet.

    • @fyoutube2294
      @fyoutube2294 23 дня назад +2

      I hate parties too but It’d be pretty ignorant of me to say that absolutely nothing good comes from partying especially a party made up of friends and close acquaintances. Sure your random run of the mill college party may be more tumultuous but it is still a great opportunity for fun and meeting new friends, especially if you’re more the extrovert type.

    • @RealEyes-ff9kj
      @RealEyes-ff9kj 17 дней назад

      ​@@thetruth9816 is that how u cope with your failures

  • @CatDad6392
    @CatDad6392 14 дней назад

    My party days were the 80s, and I didn't enjoy them at all. You haven't missed anything in your generation. They're all the same people are cruel. Users abusers liars cheaters and cons They want to use you. Your place as a crash pad to party But when the party's over and you're down, they'll leave you high and dry.

  • @Lothaii
    @Lothaii 24 дня назад

    first world problems

  • @tylerdavis6203
    @tylerdavis6203 24 дня назад

    You seem very conflicted and double minded. Don't hold yourself "to the perceived standard". Live your life the way you see fit.Give me a break 26???? You are still young ! and BTW. I think if you were happy you would not be making this vid. Peace to you Alex :)

  • @rsddoge9452
    @rsddoge9452 24 дня назад +1


  • @captaindeabo8206
    @captaindeabo8206 24 дня назад +1

    Thats make no sense. There peopel who are in there 30 and 40 and go clubing. And you can decide yourself how far do you wanna go. You dont need to drink alcohol in order to go to a club and enjoy yourself.

  • @TheFriendlyPsychopath.
    @TheFriendlyPsychopath. 22 дня назад +2

    You missed out on drinking and doing drugs as well as taking turns with different men using your body. I think it’s safe to say it could have only benefited you to not experience that.

  • @walkingthroughghosts
    @walkingthroughghosts 24 дня назад +1

    You didn't miss anything.