3 Types of Missed Approaches | Missed Approach Points | IFR Training
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- The missed approach point on an instrument approach can be identified in a number of ways, depending on the type of approach and different navigational aids used. We'll look at missed approach points on an ILS, as well as two different kinds of VOR approaches.
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Thanks for another great video
If you increase your indicated airspeed by 5 kts to make it 95 kts you now become a category B aircraft. This could change your minimums. The best way is to make a small chart for your off ground speed amounts. I used to have a chart for ground speed of 65, 75, 85, 95 ETC. you take your indicated airspeed plus or minus the wind and divide by 60. This will give you miles per minute. Take your distance to travel divided by your miles per minute and it will give you the time. If you maintain 90 kts indicated as the example with a five not headwind, (85 kts ground speed), you should fly to the missed approach point in approximately four minutes and 15 seconds. Remember unless you have a good true wind speed you’re going to be off your ground speed by a few kts. By the way, any ground speed time can be calculated using the E6B or any flight computer.
Aren’t categories based on Vref or VSo x 1.3
@@yukok2089Nominally yes, but if you fly faster you use the minimums for the higher category. But I think what avistortrucker is referring to is the FAF to MAP times, which are an estimate to the missed approach point on a non-precision approach. A strong headwind could get you coming up short, or a faster than normal approach could get you missing the runway threshold altogether. I hadn't thought of interpolating those times, I just try to stay close to 90 kts, but maybe I should.
Your approach category is based on the certified maximum landing weight. It does not change. So if you increase or decrease your approach speed, your approach category will always remain the same.
Excellent presentation. Thanks
Great explanations!
Great content as always
could you do a circling approach missed approach?
Nice presentation, but no information on CDFA missed approach points
For ILS, I cant decide to discontinue the approach and go around earlier due to loss of obstacle protection or other traffic flying outbound to intercept the final approach course, am I right? But isnt it so silly lets say DA is 200 ft with 3.00 angle ILS and Im inbound at 3000 ft, and for whatever reason I have decided to go around (failures, any other operational problems or anything else really) do I still have to pointlessly descend down to DA which Im already going to be climbing out of, following glide slope and then start the MA?
AIM 5-4-21(b): "However, no consideration is given to an abnormally early turn. Therefore, when an early missed approach is executed, pilots should, unless otherwise cleared by ATC, fly the IAP as specified on the approach plate to the missed approach point at or above the MDA or DH before executing a turning maneuver." If the MAP does not have a definite fix on the plate you need to reasonably approximate it.
So, no, you don't need to descend to DA.
@@M4dg04t Thank you
Then don't fly
If you decide to terminate your approach for any reason you should maintain heading and climb to to first altitude required before the turn. Next follow the missed approach procedure at that point. Of course first advise ATC you are executing a missed approach. If you approach is not a straight in or you executed a circle to land and lose visual sight, a general safe maneuver is always turn toward the runway to climb back to the initial missed approach altitude before preceding to the hold. You should know your MSA and can get vectors from ATC and state your intentions.
Unless specifically cleared to do so by ATC, when going missed prior to the DA or MDA, always climb to to the altitude stated in the missed approach procedure and then fly to the MAPt following the procedure detailed in the approach chart. Principally, the MAPt ensures that any standard missed procedure from that point, obstacle separation is guaranteed.
the best as alawys
when I got my IR in 1978. not only I flew the airways, using VOR'S . for navigation, or ADF.. never used GPS.
At 5:00 Why aren't cross radials used to identify the map?
The procedure designers decided it wouldn't work, for one reason or another. Perhaps reception of the second VOR was unreliable at the MDA or, perhaps, the radials crossed at too shallow an angle.
As a flight sim noob I can say with confidence that my missed approaches happen about 100 feet in the middle over the runway 👍
Going to sleep....
I hope the satellites the provide the global positioning system don't have a bad day!
Pays for an accurate altimeter.
GNSS/GPS receivers have detection of dodgy satellities using a system called RAIM. If you get a RAIM error while on approach you have to abort the approach and then try using another aid or go to a alternate airport. Some GPS receivers devices can also detect which satellite is causing the issue and remove it from its positioning. There are aids that will tell you relative position to the runway that don't rely on satellites such as VOR or NDB. I know in Australia if you are flying commercially you have to have support for additional aids.
Interestingly the airliners also usually have a system which is older than GPS called the Inertial Reference System (IRS) which uses gryoscopes to keep track of turns/movements of the aircraft and therefore keep track of the location of the aircraft without the use of external aids.
@@glennwatson In short, you should always pray for RAIM!
Great job! Very useful.