nice, soulful rant in the description. anypony that is truly well versed in the Friendship is Magic mythos already knows all that, but it's nice that someone had the courage to actually come out and say it.
Though you're missing one thing. It's generally accepted without the fourth-wallism, that's what continuity immersion details. Rather than look at their world as a "children's cartoon", in the lives of the characters they're living their realistic lives as-is. Everyday can't be cupcakes and parties unless you're Pinkie Pie, so some realistic gritty hash gets applied to each character and the world in general by each brony with something to contribute to the fandom.
nice, soulful rant in the description. anypony that is truly well versed in the Friendship is Magic mythos already knows all that, but it's nice that someone had the courage to actually come out and say it.
Though you're missing one thing. It's generally accepted without the fourth-wallism, that's what continuity immersion details. Rather than look at their world as a "children's cartoon", in the lives of the characters they're living their realistic lives as-is. Everyday can't be cupcakes and parties unless you're Pinkie Pie, so some realistic gritty hash gets applied to each character and the world in general by each brony with something to contribute to the fandom.
@Kayriel That said, the music isn't bad.