Sacraments #11: Concerns About the New Rite of Confirmation w/ Fr. Goldade

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @mauramillay5039
    @mauramillay5039 2 года назад +6

    2 oldest children confirmed by SSPX last year. This coming weekend our third child is being confirmed by SSPX! It was by far the most beautiful service we have witnessed since becoming traditional Catholics, besides being part of the SSPX triduum!!! So grateful for this society!!!

  • @horizon-one
    @horizon-one Год назад +2

    Thank you Father. God bless you.

  • @joan5856
    @joan5856 Год назад +2

    I live in a village that has no Catholic Church. There are many Catholics who are starving for the Mass. I am praying the SSPX
    see us and send us a priest. We are a mixed community in South Africa.

  • @arthurdevain754
    @arthurdevain754 2 года назад +11

    I have NEVER received a Sacrament in any of the the "New Rites." At my GodFather's funeral "Mass of the Resurrection" in the Novus Ordo, I did not go up to receive "Communion." I stayed in my pew and made a Spiritual Communion, and while the fat soprano sang "On Eagles' Wings" I very ostensibly took out my beads and prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries!
    My daily Rosary always includes the intention that the good God will give His Church a good and courageous Pope who will have the fortitude to totally repudiate the Robber Council and all of the wickedness that has been committed in its name!

  • @swedishcrusader
    @swedishcrusader 2 года назад +39

    Im getting confirmed in the traditional rite in two weeks, please pray for me

  • @lovesrlady2
    @lovesrlady2 2 года назад +23

    In the Novus Ordo Confirmation class; the children are doing community service work. They are not even required to memorize
    what a Sacrament is!🤦‍♀️ These children are "confirmed" in "lukewarmness" They don't know how to pray. Did I mention this is the case in the Diocesan school as well? God help us.

    • @LUIS-ox1bv
      @LUIS-ox1bv 2 года назад

      Perfectly in conformity with the agendas and priorities championed by the New Church. A Church bereft of the recognition of the supernatural and supramundane realms.

    • @briantorsell
      @briantorsell 2 года назад +1

      I can confirm this is true.

    • @okj9060
      @okj9060 12 дней назад

      This is so true! I know someone who doesn’t even go to church but they go to the confirmation classes 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • @BujangMelaka90
    @BujangMelaka90 2 года назад +12

    Pray that i can be confirmed during the visit of Bishop Alfonso Galaretta to Singapore in a few months.

  • @laurent-8235
    @laurent-8235 Год назад +1

    thank u Fr

  • @thetraditionalthomist
    @thetraditionalthomist 2 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for this lecture!

  • @brayden6901
    @brayden6901 2 года назад +8

    Archbishop Lefebvre and even articles available on the SSPX website written just a few years ago state that the new rites of sacraments can be considered doubtful because they do not manifest the intent of the Church on account of their ambiguity. E.g., the Archbishop asking “will we have valid Masses? Will we have valid priests?” Fr. Peter Scott wrote that practically all Novus Ordo confirmations are doubtful. Etc. So I’m not sure why the SSPX has recently adopted the position that ordinarily there is nothing to worry about unless the minister strays from the rubrics.

    • @brayden6901
      @brayden6901 2 года назад +3

      From the catechism on the crisis, by Fr. Gaudron, SSPX: “because of the defects presented above, one should not receive the sacraments in the new rites, but only in the traditional rites, which alone are worthy and certainly valid.“ I’m sorry, one of these views is incorrect; Fr. guadron’s position has historically been that of the Society’s as far as I can tell.

    • @TheArrowheadVenom
      @TheArrowheadVenom 2 года назад

      @@brayden6901 "worthy and certainly valid" means the new rites can be valid but it's just uncertain.

    • @brayden6901
      @brayden6901 2 года назад

      @@TheArrowheadVenom I know. In other words, in the past the SSPX has said the new rites are doubtful. Now these priests are apparently saying the news rites are always certain unless the minister ad libs.

    • @brayden6901
      @brayden6901 2 года назад

      Viz., in the past they’ve said the new rites are valid so long as the priest has the correct intent; but the rites of themselves do not guarantee validity on account of their ambiguity and being non-Catholic, and therefore, are doubtful per se. But in these recent podcasts, some of the priests have seemed to say it doesn’t really matter what the ministers of the new rites think, so long as they act according to the rubrics. Either the new rites explicitly manifest the Catholic Church’s intention or they don’t, both of these views can’t be right.

    • @user-ht9fr6eh9u
      @user-ht9fr6eh9u 2 года назад

      You know I would think Our Beloved knows the confusion and fracas in His Church especially amongst unaware newly confirmed and baptised. Our Beloved knows the heart and intention and desire of each one of us and I am sure in the ocean of mercy justice and Love will be applied perfectly+

  • @armidaescareno3923
    @armidaescareno3923 Год назад +2

    So much information I plan to have my 3 oldest children confirmed in the SSPX but how can I prepare them? I am so used to the NO I want to break away from that protestant mentality

  • @mikefromflorida8357
    @mikefromflorida8357 Год назад +1

    If you’re going to do these remote interviews, please get all parties some descent audio equipment. The message is too important.

  • @HoagsObject00
    @HoagsObject00 2 года назад

    Does this mean we shouldn’t attend the new rite of Confirmation? I know it may seem obvious to some but I’ve been wondering these things for a while now and haven’t gotten any clear answers (although everything I see certainly points in the direction of not attending).
    Basically: should we go to any of the new rites? I know you have said in your podcast before that we shouldn’t attend the Novus Ordo Mass because it is damaging to one’s faith, but what about the other rites (specifically Confession and Confirmation)?

  • @MrJking1962
    @MrJking1962 2 года назад +1

    If the Confirmation oil is a big question mark then I would think that the oil used in ordinations is also a big question mark.

    • @cjjm17
      @cjjm17 2 года назад

      Although that is true, chrism oil isn’t required matter and form for a valid ordination

  • @briandillon8041
    @briandillon8041 2 года назад

    I was in second grade in Catholic school when all the changes happen. I barely remember the priest facing the tabernacle. Feel really cheated that I grew up so poorly formed and pass that on to my children who were never confirmed.
    That’s great you’re doing these videos but I’m having a really hard time understanding father because his microphone is so awful. This is too important to not make the sound quality at least passable.

  • @MrJking1962
    @MrJking1962 2 года назад

    The Indult groups rely of the matter from the local Bishop. A chance they get Canola oil.

  • @Lppt87
    @Lppt87 2 года назад

    In spanish it does say fear “temor”
    Dios todopoderoso,
    Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
    que regeneraste, por el agua y el Espíritu Santo,
    a estos siervos tuyos
    y los libraste del pecado;
    escucha nuestra oración y envía sobre ellos el Espíritu Santo Paráclito;
    llénalos de espíritu de sabiduría
    y de inteligencia,
    de espíritu de consejo y de fortaleza,
    de espíritu de ciencia y de piedad,
    y cólmalos del espíritu de tu santo temor. Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.
    R. Amén.

    • @rmp7400
      @rmp7400 Год назад

      ..HOLY fear
      The fear of doing evil is a grace.