አዲስ መድሐኒት Introduce ማድረጌ ከትርፍ በላይ ነው - Dr. Mohamed Nuri, the CEO of Medtech Ethiopia - S09 EP98

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 192

  • @sarahirpa9148
    @sarahirpa9148 16 дней назад +2

    ዶ/ር ፈጣሪ እድሜ ሰጥቶህ ከልጅነት ጀምሮ ያለህ መልካም ጅምር አድጎ ዛሬ በዚህ መልክ ለ2ተኛ ጊዜ በውጤታማው ጉዞህ ምክንያት በሚዲያ አየሁህ እጅግ በጣም ደስ አለኝ በልጅነት ዘመናችን የማውቅህ ቀና ጎበዝ እና ብልህ ልጅ እንደነበርክ እና በማትሪክ ውጤትህ የተሰማኝን ደስታ መቸም አረሳም በዛ ጊዜ ጅማ ከተመደብክ በኋላ እስከዛሬ ባላገኝህም ዛሬ ድረስ የማስታውሰው መልካም ልጅነትህ እንድኮራብህ አድርጎኛል::

  • @ultimateworld353
    @ultimateworld353 Месяц назад +57

    As a pharmacy student studying abroad with a scholarship, i have been able to partially grasp the knowhow of the pharmaceutical industry, supply chain system and healthcare system of my host country. In comparision to the country i'm in, Ethiopia has a lot of catch-up to do in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector, i aspire to fill that gap in the future inshallah. Being able to listen to a sucessful individual in this sector was really inspiring. Thank you Dr.Mohammed for sharing your expirence and as always keep it up to the meri podcast team. Ethiopia tlemlm🇪🇹🇪🇹

  • @abelabdella2670
    @abelabdella2670 20 дней назад +2

    ዶክተር መሀመድ ኑሪ አብሮ አደግ ወንድሜ እዚህ ደረጃ በመድረስህ በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል ቪድዮውን ሳየው ልጅነታችን ሁሉ አይኔ ላይ መጣ አንተ በልጅነትህም አስተዋይና ፈጣን አእምሮ አለህ ገና ከዚ በላይ ላገራችን ትሰራለህ ፈጣሪ ረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
    ወንድምህ መሐመድ አብደላ ከደሴ

  • @haregabebe1728
    @haregabebe1728 Месяц назад +28

    ዶክተር መሐመድ ኑሪ የሜድቴክ ቤተሰቦች ናችሁ ያልከን ዛሬ አይደለም እኛም በጣም የምናከብርህ አለቃችን ነህ ፈጣሪ እረጅም እድሜ ጤና ሰጥቶህ ከዚህ የበለጠ ለሀገራችን እንደምትሰራ ተስፋ አለኝ !!

  • @shimelismamuye5002
    @shimelismamuye5002 Месяц назад +27

    የእዉነት ትምህርት ቤት የማታገኘው እውቀት ነው ሰርተህ ያሳየኸን ዶክተር !!

  • @khalidyusuf783
    @khalidyusuf783 Месяц назад +9

    " ማን ያውራ የነበረ ማን ያርዳ የቀበረ " ::
    " Whatever language one may use, one can not speak but who one is. " Everything Dr.mohammed shares on the interview is simply true. No exaggerations . The life he passed through, and the success stories are also true.Beside all this,Dr.Mohammed has
    an incredible personality. His beautiful mind, his
    kind heart, the soft and friendly behavior he owned has won him love and respect among his friends. As a childhood friend,I'm truly proud to witness Dr.Mohammed's very good nature for I am one of the living beneficiaries from this great personality.
    He is really a friend in need.
    May Allah protect him from evil eyes.

  • @haymanotambe1394
    @haymanotambe1394 Месяц назад +12

    የኢትዮጵያ ኩራት የድሆች አባት ከአንተ ብዙ እንማራለን እየተማርንም ነው እግዚአብሔር እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ጨምሮ ይስጥህ ኑርልን

  • @MKE3294
    @MKE3294 Месяц назад +5

    ምንአይነት የተረጋጋ ዶክተር ነው የሀገር ኩራት አስተዋይ ቅን ለእውነት የቆመ ለሀገሩ ለሕዝቡ ለወገኑ የሚሰራ ለሰው ልጅ ኢወት የሚጨነቅ የእውቀቱ ከፍታ የአደገበት ኢወት በኩራት የሚናገር ምርጥ የሀገሬ ልጅ ኮራውበህ ኦቦ ከነልጆችህ ከነቤተሰብ አብዝቶ ይባርክ ሞዴል ነክ ለኛ ለወጣቶች 1 ቀን እተዋወቅሀለው ደሞ ያቅሜን ሥጦታ እሰጥሀለው አቦ ይመችህ ከድሬዳዋ ነኝ

  • @Tube-ot3nk
    @Tube-ot3nk Месяц назад +5

    ምን አይነት ግራሚ ሰው ነው ማሻአላህ 2 ሰዓት ቆይታ የለውን podcast በጣም ተመስጬ ነበር ስከታተል የነበረው እራሴን በብዙ እንድመለከት አድርጎኝል ከዚህ የበለጠ አላህ ይግራለህ ዶ/ር በኣካል ባውቅህ ብዬ ተመኘው የተማርኩትን profession እንድወደው አድርገህኝል

  • @seidyasin6736
    @seidyasin6736 Месяц назад +14

    እጅግ አስተማሪ ቃለመጠይቅ ነበር። ኢትዮጵያ ካፈራቻቸው ጥቂት እና ልዩ አገራዊ አስተዋጽኦ ካላቸው ዜጎች አንዱ ሆነህ በመገኘትህ እንኳን ለዚህ አበቃህ ማለት እወዳለሁ ዶ/ር መሃመድ ኑሪ።

  • @FreAweke
    @FreAweke Месяц назад +15

    ዶክተር መሀመድ ማለት ንግድን በዕውቀት የሚመሩ ትህትናን የባህሪ ገንዘባቸው ያደረጉ ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ናቸው።

  • @MulatuYosef
    @MulatuYosef 23 дня назад +1

    በውነት በጣም የተደነኩበት ኘሮግራም ነው፤ ኢትዮጸጵያ እንደነዚህ ያሉ ሰዎች ቢያበዛላት ምናለ ከሚያጫርሷት ይልቅ! እግዛብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይባርክ!!!

  • @HildanaTadesse-h2f
    @HildanaTadesse-h2f Месяц назад +13

    I'm proud to be a member of the MEDTECH holding company family! Thank you very much DOC!

  • @factsoflife72
    @factsoflife72 Месяц назад +8

    Dr. Mohammed Nuri Osman, my close friend and truly inspiring brother advisor, is a leader and a role model for youths and entrepreneurs. Over the past 25 years, he has led the pharmaceutical industry in Ethiopia with unmatched dedication and vision. His work with Meditech Ethiopia, modernizing the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Factory, and ensuring the availability of essential medicines has profoundly impacted the healthcare sector. His vision to position Meditech among the top three pharmaceutical companies in Africa showcases his ambition. Dr. Mohammed's risk-taking and problem-solving abilities, combined with his humility, humor, and respect for others, make him exceptional. He thinks both inside and outside the box, always ready with innovative solutions. He loves, supports, inspires, teaches, and brings joy to his country and colleagues. I am incredibly proud of him.
    With lots of love and regard,
    Dr. Bewketu"

  • @user-em3jw6sk5e
    @user-em3jw6sk5e 23 дня назад +1

    ዶክተር ሙሀመድ ቅን ፣ ደግ ፣ በሥራው ጠንካራ ሰው ነው። ሠራተኞችን እንደ ቤተሰብ የሚቀርብና የሚያበረታታ እንጅ ቁጭ ብድግ ካላላችሁ ብለው ሠራተኞች ላይ እንደሚያቅራሩ ቁም ቀር አሠሪዎች አይደለም። ያኔ ሞባይል ብርቅ በሆነበት ዘመን ሞባይል ስልክ ሸልሞኛል። እረጅም ዕድሜና ጤና ከነመላ ቤተሰብህ እመኛለሁ። ከ ረጅም ጊዜ በኃላ ስላየህ በእውነት ተደስቻለሁ። ይመችህ ዶክተር ክበርልን።

  • @dichagena3726
    @dichagena3726 Месяц назад +3

    ዶክተር መሀመድ እጅግ ቀና ታታሪና ደግ ሰው ነዉ።ለዚህ ነው የተሳካለት።ለመጅመሪያ ግዜም በኢንተርቪው አየሁት።እድሜ ይስጥህ ወንድማችን።

  • @user-le8sl8wd1s
    @user-le8sl8wd1s Месяц назад +4

    2:04:39 የቆየ ቃለ-መጠይቅ።አንድ ሙሉ የእግር ዃስ ከ ተጨማሪ 30 ደቂቃ ጋር በሚያጫውተው በዚህ ጊዜ ውስጥ ቁርጠኝነት ከስጋት: የረጅም ጊዜ ህልም ከአጭር ጊዜ ጥቅም: ድፍረት ከፍርሃት: መልካምነት ከክፋት ጋር የተፋለሙበት የሕይወት ሜዳ ሆኖ ጨዋታው በዶ/ር መሀመድ አሸናፊነት ተጠናቋል።
    Dr. Mo., you are the champion !

    • @DrMohammedNuri
      @DrMohammedNuri Месяц назад

      Thank you so much, dear ....I always adore the ward champion 🏆 🥇

  • @user-ky9sw3zm6b
    @user-ky9sw3zm6b Месяц назад +3

    አአወወ!ዶ/ር ቃለ መጠይቆቹን በጥሞና አዳምጨዋቸዋለሁ!ይህን ድንቅ ትምህርትና ለዕድገት የሚያነሳሱ ዕውቀቶችህን ይዘን!የወላጄቻችንን ድካም!የተማርነውን በዓልባሌ ቦታ ባናውለው!ግን የለም ውድ ወጣቶች በራሳችን ላይ ለመስራት አርቀን እንመልከት!!ውድ የሐገራችን ዕንቁ ዶ/ር እንሻ!አላህ!ሰላምና ጤና ከነመላቤተሰቦችህ ይወፍቅህ!!

  • @wubishetdessalegn2167
    @wubishetdessalegn2167 Месяц назад +5

    በጣም በጣም ኮርቼብሀለው ውድ ባቼ (ከዑመር ሰመተር እስከ አዲስ ከተማ) በርታልን ፈጣሪ ከዚህ በላይ ያሳካልህ!

  • @sirgutnigatu9966
    @sirgutnigatu9966 Месяц назад +5

    ዶር መሐመድ በጣም ጥሩ መሪ ጥሩ ስብእና ያለው እንደ ወንድም እንደጓደኛ እንደአለቃ ሁሉን የሆነ የድርጅታችን መሪ ነው።
    የስራ ነፃነት ምን ማለት እንደሆነ ሜድቴክ
    መጥቶ ማየት በቂ ነው ።
    ለዚህ ነው ትልቅ ደረጃ የደረስነው።
    የሜድቴክ ቤተሰብ በመሆኔ ኩራት ይሰማኛል
    ከዶ/ር መሐመድ ብዙ ነገር ተምረናል።
    ሜድቴክ ማለት ትምህርት ቤት ነው
    እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ።

    • @tameratgutema9834
      @tameratgutema9834 Месяц назад

      እውነት መናገር ለራስነው። መመስከርም ተገቢ ነው።

    • @tilahunassefa5953
      @tilahunassefa5953 Месяц назад

      Well said Sirgut, I agree totally. What a kind , positive and generous person he is.

  • @mulualemamare2044
    @mulualemamare2044 Месяц назад +6

    Significantly insightful interview with all rounded knowledge and adventure demonstrated with unwavering commitment from Dr. and a huge recognition to the Meri-Podcast for your ability to dig and share such priceless models who inspire us to follow their dedication to leave a legacy to the next generation. Congrats to Dr. + Meri-Podcasts!

  • @RahelHailu-j6x
    @RahelHailu-j6x Месяц назад +12

    I am very proud to be a memeber of Medtech family.

  • @ayana9852
    @ayana9852 Месяц назад +5

    As a biomedical engineer I appriciate your talent and strong business ideas those you didn't mentioned. I am a good witness you have strived a lot to change the country in medical fields. In addition to pharmecetical field you have also done a lot in medical equipment importing and giving service business I wish you all the best and longer life.

  • @abdidino2856
    @abdidino2856 Месяц назад +6

    I never seen strong & kind person like dr.mohmmed Nuri
    God help you for your dreams 🙏

  • @mfiseha1
    @mfiseha1 Месяц назад +4

    ከውጭ የሚገባ መድሀኒትም ሆነ መሳርያ "quality control " ማድረግ ያያስፈልጋል እንጂ ነጻ ገበያ ኣስፈላጊ ነው የጥራት ቁጥጥር ለመድሀኒት ያስፈልጋል በተረፈ በርቱልኝ

  • @birhanteshome9063
    @birhanteshome9063 27 дней назад +2

    አንዴት ድሰ የሚል ተሰፋ ስጭ ነገር ኣሳየህን ዶክተር ሀገራችን እንዳንተ ኣይነት ጀግና ልጅ ስላላት ተስፋ ኣደርኩ ተመስገን ኣልኩ ፈጣሪየን

  • @AfeworkDesta-n9k
    @AfeworkDesta-n9k Месяц назад +3

    ዶክተርመሐመድን የማውቀው ዱባይ መሄድ ሲጀምር ነው ከዚህያ በኃላ ደግሞ ፋር ማሲ ሲከፍት ደንበኛው ነበርኩ ስብእናው ለሰው ያለው አክብሮት የሚገርም ነው ከስንት ዓመት በዓላ እንተርቪ ስተደረግ በማየቴ በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል

  • @areyayonas6222
    @areyayonas6222 Месяц назад +9

    I listened attentively to this interview and learned many valuable lessons. However, one moment that truly touched my heart was when you asked the last question, and his response was, "Be generous." ደግ ሁን This simple yet profound advice resonated deeply with me and reminded me of the importance of kindness and generosity in our daily lives. Thank you for sharing such inspiring insights ደግ ሁን ደግ ሁን

  • @fasika9507
    @fasika9507 2 дня назад +1

    ዶ/ር መሐመድ ምርጥ አኢትዮዺያዊ ነህ🙏🏾
    እግዚአብሔር ቤተሰብህን ሥራህን እስከመጨረሻው ይባርክልህ!

  • @eleninigusie3636
    @eleninigusie3636 Месяц назад +3

    በጣም ድንቅ ኢንተርቪው ለሌላው ትምህር የሚሰጥ ሰው የድካሙን ውጤት ከለፋ ከጣረ ከተማረ እንደማያጣ ማሳያ ነው ዶክተር መሃመድ ከዚህም በላይ በሃገራችንም በአለምም በርተህ እንድትታይ በ 44 በሰፈራችን ስም መልካም ምኞቴን እገልፃለሁ

  • @romangaredew5976
    @romangaredew5976 Месяц назад +7

    What an amazing interview, I’ve known Dr Mohamed when he was young in Addis and until this day we have remained friends. He has many admirable qualities; honesty, discipline, kind, humble and realness. He is a very hard working person who loves his family and is a wonderful father. He is also a great visionary. Betam tihut deg. I have not been able to stop listening to these interviews because of how good they are. I am a witness to your words. Thank you so much for everything you have done for your family, employees, friends, and your overall community!

  • @yohannesabera7789
    @yohannesabera7789 Месяц назад +7

    Dr what a great guy you are...
    Generous, handsome, down to earth Great Ethiopian....may god bless you abundantly, really really proud to see you ...
    What a great guy really... thank you

  • @mohammedkelifa3845
    @mohammedkelifa3845 Месяц назад +7

    Awesome! Just watched Dr. Mohammed's interview and was thoroughly impressed. His responses were nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Mohammed exemplifies the pinnacle of leadership, seamlessly blending exceptional intelligence with profound humility. His emphasis on being “humane and good-hearted” is not only inspiring but also serves as a powerful lesson for young entrepreneurs and the broader business community.
    Dr. Mohammed embodies the finest qualities of exceptional leadership: he empowers others with responsibility, fosters exceptional teamwork, and instills a profound sense of belonging in his employees. He advocates for delegating authority and creating an enabling environment by eschewing hierarchical power distances.
    Moreover, his sincere contributions to the pharmaceutical industry, particularly his pioneering efforts in importing COVID-19 vaccines to the country, highlight his dedication as a compassionate businessman committed to the health and well-being of his people. His leadership style establishes a new benchmark for success and integrity in the industry. Kudos to Dr. Mohammed for his visionary and exemplary leadership!

  • @netsanetworkneh5728
    @netsanetworkneh5728 Месяц назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Indeed, you are kind.

  • @enanuayano3969
    @enanuayano3969 Месяц назад +3

    መሪዎች በምታቀርቡት ፕሮግራም እጅግ ደስተኛ ነኝ ዶ/ር መሐመድ የሚደነቅ ልጅ ነው ለእኔ መርካቶ ማደጉ ጓደኞቹ እሱ እንዳለው ደግሞ ቤተሰብ አድርጎ ቢዝነሱን ማየቱ በጣም ትልቅ ነገር ነው ዶ/ር ልጅ አለኝ ጤና አብይ ትባላለች ለእሷ ይሄንን ማሳየት አለብኝ የጎበዝ ምሳሌ ዶ/ር መሐመድን አመሰግናችሀኋለሁ መሪዎች በርቱ !!!

  • @selamawittato4773
    @selamawittato4773 18 дней назад +1

    ዶክተር ስለ እውነት ተባረክ ዘርክ ይባረክ አንተ የ እውነት ሰው ነክ እኔ ከተማርኩት ሁሉ የዛሬው ይበልጣል i appreciate you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mekonnen2384
    @mekonnen2384 Месяц назад +3

    የተደበቁ ጀግናችን ማቅረባችሁ ሳላደንቃችሁ አላልፎም በርቱ አብዟቸወ

  • @tinsaekasu9361
    @tinsaekasu9361 Месяц назад +7

    I want to express my sincere gratitude for your tireless efforts in enhancing the Ethiopian pharmaceutical sector, particularly your impactful collaboration with Julphar Pharmaceuticals.
    Your dedication has ensured that vital medications reach those who need them most, improving health outcomes and alleviating suffering for countless Ethiopians. Am deeply grateful for your commitment to providing quality healthcare and for the positive impact you have made on our nation.
    Your leadership and mentorship have also inspired a new generation of healthcare professionals, setting a high standard for excellence in the industry.
    Thank you for your unwavering service. Your legacy as a champion of Ethiopian healthcare will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.

  • @hidethaylemariyam1484
    @hidethaylemariyam1484 Месяц назад +6

    እግዚአብሔር ሁሉንም ጨምሮ ይስጥህ

  • @mayetmelkamzeyede5029
    @mayetmelkamzeyede5029 Месяц назад +3

    I would like to thank bothe the hosts and guest !

  • @kemalkemal3919
    @kemalkemal3919 Месяц назад +6

    ዶክተር በጣም ጀግና ሰው ነህ
    እጅግ በጣም አስተማሪ የሆነ ህይወት

  • @user-dm2xy8sw9g
    @user-dm2xy8sw9g Месяц назад +5

    proud of u DR

  • @zerubistegni3272
    @zerubistegni3272 Месяц назад +4

    በርታልን ወንድሜ እውነት እዳተ አይነት ሰው ያብዛልን ልጆችን ይባርክልህ

  • @habtamubiru5326
    @habtamubiru5326 Месяц назад +3

    “ደግ ሁን” ። ምን ዓይነት የተባረኩ ሰው ናቸው?

  • @mekeyhassen2914
    @mekeyhassen2914 Месяц назад +4

    It is a master class lecture. Ethiopia is blessed to have you Dr. Muhammed!

  • @ermiasg3256
    @ermiasg3256 Месяц назад +2

    This man is a real deal. Pharma sector is a very challenging as regulated and also capital intensive.
    I am super proud of this man dealing with all challenges but still operational .

  • @Btybe
    @Btybe Месяц назад +5

    የሰፈሬ ልጅ በጣም ነው የምኮራበሕ።

    • @TheDamoges
      @TheDamoges 24 дня назад

      Sdsdif😊and 😊😊😊

  • @dawitzemen9398
    @dawitzemen9398 Месяц назад +6

    Excellent interview. Dr. Mohammed you are a good role model & I appreciate you, be involved efficiently & effectively on different sectors. Thank you meri.

  • @Koke01-24
    @Koke01-24 Месяц назад +2

    Dr.Mohmed exzactley your mom history my history about my mom,exctley my mom pass away because of shotratage medication now i leve Florida on day i help our community.

  • @hyderkemal9441
    @hyderkemal9441 Месяц назад +4

    Keep up your good job!

  • @nardosjaleta2194
    @nardosjaleta2194 Месяц назад +4

    Your positive attitude and friendliness made the interview very attractive .you spoke knowledgeably about the topics covered in the interview and demonstrated expertise in the field.
    You were confident and comfortable during the interview. It looks like you're at home & chatting with a family . I learned a lot of things from you, and you are the best human being. God bless you abundantly !😍

  • @yaze3104
    @yaze3104 Месяц назад +2

    That was one of the quality podcast i have watched with full intention. In the first place keep it up Meri podcast ! 👏👏 Plus to that i have 💯big respect for Dr. Mohamed Nuri you are one of the few, who are well educated business person in our country. You have really given us multiple life, education, business and many more knowledge with this 2 hour interview! Thank you Dr. may God fulfill all of your ambitious plan.🙏🙏🙏

  • @user-vk8fv7ls1h
    @user-vk8fv7ls1h Месяц назад +4

    The most generous man I ever know!!!

  • @hhstyuihggfv
    @hhstyuihggfv Месяц назад +2

    Insightful! I can't imagine the challenges he have gone through.

  • @HaileAsefa-c2g
    @HaileAsefa-c2g Месяц назад +3

    It's a very, very good interview. It's a great lesson for everyone. It's a great contribution to the country and the world. May God bless you a thousand years. Thank you very much dr.

  • @solomonendale9843
    @solomonendale9843 Месяц назад +3

    A humble , intelligent, and family person who paves the way to the industry and many peoples as well.Your ambition, dedication and out of the box way of thinking is extraordinary. Your kindness and human nature glows is blended with passion. You are a true role model!! I am lucky to know you in person .

  • @selamawittato4773
    @selamawittato4773 18 дней назад +1

    የሁሉም ነገር ቁልፍ ከቁሳቁስም ከሁሉም በላይ ቅድሚያ ጤና ጤና ውድ ነው በተገኘው እራስን መጠበቅ ነው

  • @emebetlemma4589
    @emebetlemma4589 Месяц назад +2

    እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅህ የመንግስት አካላት ግን በራስ ተነሳሽነት ህዝብን ሚጠቅም ነገር ሲመጣ ሁልጊዜ እንቅፋት ይሆናሉ ምቀኝነት የመንግስት መገለጫ ሆኗል ያሳዝናል

  • @Abusumeya2317
    @Abusumeya2317 Месяц назад +2

    ዶግተር በጣም ነው የኮራውብ ብቃት አለህ አላህ ይጨምርልህ አላህ ይጠብቅህ ይርዳህ

  • @NegatuWesego
    @NegatuWesego Месяц назад +3

    dr. mohamed say it is true about medicine come from other country is the stand of medicine . ethiopian goverment should have regulatory control center when any medicine come to ethiopia.

  • @abdurahmanarebo8358
    @abdurahmanarebo8358 9 дней назад +2

    Amazing personality!
    An indispensable asset to the country!!

  • @abayegashe4665
    @abayegashe4665 Месяц назад +5

    Thank you Meri podcast showed us Ethiopia hidden impact entepriners

  • @AbebeSimeneh
    @AbebeSimeneh Месяц назад +2

    Dr. you contributed a significant role,You did it what you thought when you had been a student.
    You are exemplary for those who have deep thoughts and vision, and
    Your activities indicate that nothing is goal unachievable.
    Wishing you more success and health.
    Finally, I thank you, meri podcast.

  • @UnityisPower-er3dl
    @UnityisPower-er3dl 14 дней назад +1

    Dr. Mohammed Nuri🎉🎉🎉Great respect and wishing for you more bright future and success 🎉🎉🎉. It is so great and blessed producing 150 types of medicine locally.

  • @elaybright8884
    @elaybright8884 Месяц назад +3

    Yes this is just smart man for the nations big heart guy bless u we need more like this guy every sectors

  • @seifeshimels1530
    @seifeshimels1530 Месяц назад +3

    Dear My Leader, Your contributions leave a lasting impression. It's clear that you've pursued the dreams and aspirations you held dear even as a student. Your dedication and long-term vision serve as an inspiration to all those who harbor ambitions and possess the foresight to see them through.
    Through your tireless efforts, you demonstrate that with resolute dedication and a well-defined vision; even the most challenging goals can be achieved. It's truly remarkable!
    I extend my heartfelt wishes for continued success and good health in all your future endeavors.
    Thank you for sharing your story on the Meri podcast!

  • @mominadino5777
    @mominadino5777 Месяц назад +3

    Mashallah excellent interview. Dr. Mohammed you are a good role model and I am proud of you.Thank you Meri.

  • @seifedemissie4675
    @seifedemissie4675 Месяц назад +2

    WOW, thank you for taking my morning session with such fruitful lessons!
    Above all, you end up the discussion with my life principle, which usually I passionated with, ደግ ሁን, at any cost!

  • @AnimalFarm-sz5ov
    @AnimalFarm-sz5ov 19 дней назад +1

    ዶክተር መሐመድ 🎉🎉🎉🎉ትልቅ ክብር ይሁንልህ 🙏😍🙏

  • @areyayonas6222
    @areyayonas6222 Месяц назад +2

    Dear Dr. Mohamed Nuri,
    Thank you for your inspiring words and dedication. God bless you and your family abundantly.

  • @hnfsrj
    @hnfsrj Месяц назад +3

    My favorite so far. Listened to this one at 1x speed, used to do it at 2x

  • @haimanothailmariam3849
    @haimanothailmariam3849 Месяц назад +2

    What an informative interview! Your leadership skills and your diverse professional experiences are very helpful and have highly impact on the country. You are a good role model and proud to see you.

  • @meklitdegu4294
    @meklitdegu4294 Месяц назад +2

    Thanks Dr. for sharing us your experiences
    This will be a big lesson for us.

  • @fetunure4639
    @fetunure4639 Месяц назад +2

    👏 WOW what amazing dr.Mohammed's professional working skills and ideas.

  • @behriaawol6112
    @behriaawol6112 Месяц назад +2

    We proud dr.

  • @birukkifle4990
    @birukkifle4990 Месяц назад +3

    One of the top 5 best 👌 interview/podcast. Thanks Dr and Meri !!!!

  • @MohammedAbdulkader-j4x
    @MohammedAbdulkader-j4x Месяц назад +2

    Wow Dr Mohammed great

  • @yeshiworkgashu3192
    @yeshiworkgashu3192 Месяц назад +3

    When I see people like him it gives me hopes about our country besides what is happening in our country ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @semamintesnot7681
    @semamintesnot7681 Месяц назад +4

    እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር መሀመድ❤❤❤

  • @ebrahimfuad9180
    @ebrahimfuad9180 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you Meri podcasts and thank you dr mohammed for your life experiences it was very educational , I wish we had more people like you , u really motivated me , hope one day I will be in this show and share my story ! I'm gonna mention u as inspiration for what I will achieve in shaa allah !

  • @dagnachewtegegne9482
    @dagnachewtegegne9482 Месяц назад +3

    በጣም አስተማሪ ነው መሪዎች እናመሰግናለን

  • @abbakoouop
    @abbakoouop Месяц назад +2

    Thanks, Doc. Really appreciate you it's a great visionary job, and I wish you more best. T.U.❤

  • @merongetahun753
    @merongetahun753 Месяц назад +2

    Good program! Please bring Ato Girma of Bamacon Engineering, a very humble diversified business man.

  • @user-hp1wy6ef1q
    @user-hp1wy6ef1q Месяц назад +3

    ዶር እጅግ በጣም ጎበዝ ነህ

  • @borumint
    @borumint Месяц назад +6

    ♾️ደግ ሁን♾️🙏🫡☮️‼️

  • @addisababamyhome903
    @addisababamyhome903 19 дней назад +2

    ደግ ሁን 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹ማሻአላህ

  • @eliasm.167
    @eliasm.167 Месяц назад +2

    Wow, what a beautiful podcast and what a beautiful way to end the podcast by saying “deg hun”.

  • @fanoayele3189
    @fanoayele3189 Месяц назад +2

    Wow what a great professional... much respect to Dr.Mohamed and the Meri podcast team

  • @DagimKiflay
    @DagimKiflay Месяц назад +3

    'ደግ ሁን'
    Dr. Muhammed & Meri podcast all of Thanks

  • @gullilateshetu379
    @gullilateshetu379 Месяц назад +2

    Smart Entrepreneur.

  • @Anon-ob9ji
    @Anon-ob9ji Месяц назад +5

    ምኞትክን አላህ ያሳካልህ በስኬት ላይ ስኬት ይጨምርልህ

  • @AbdiRedwan-y9x
    @AbdiRedwan-y9x Месяц назад +2

    I will always be proud of you because you are my uncle the hero our family

  • @shemsushafi4099
    @shemsushafi4099 Месяц назад +2

    It is an interesting and learning interview.
    Good Luck.

  • @hustlerset950
    @hustlerset950 Месяц назад +2

    You guy (meri pc ) are my favorite but this interview is the most powerful episode you ever had !!!
    And doc you are the master, salute you for your heroism, adventurous life!
    Thank you 🙏 both of you
    Zemenachuh yetafte!

  • @samuelgebreselassie6022
    @samuelgebreselassie6022 Месяц назад +1

    I saw many of your podcasts, but this person is really a true inspiring man/አራዳ/ who love 🇪🇹 and his background!

  • @awalhamza4917
    @awalhamza4917 27 дней назад +2

    Wow bro u so amazing person dok we love u this is awol from Canada

  • @dawitorlandopiga152
    @dawitorlandopiga152 Месяц назад +2

    This is the only broadcast I can see and follow with proud keep it up.

  • @chicago9458
    @chicago9458 Месяц назад +2

    Development of a novel drug is estimated to cost 10 billion dollars.

  • @Mely-v3c
    @Mely-v3c Месяц назад +1

    Another very good interview Meri! Especially in the most important sector for Ethiopia.

  • @abrahamdegu5267
    @abrahamdegu5267 Месяц назад +1

    Such a great interview ... Please invite Ato.Woldeher Yizengaw of Ghion Industrial ... He started from the bottom and now he is one of the wealthiest businessman in the country ... His life experience is very inspiring ... He he is one of the very few people who built factories during the Emperor Hailesilassie regime