Friends: Thanks for showing your respect for me by indicating that I should have been addressed as “antu”. I do agree it is better that way. However I am used to such conversation with my grown up children and hence did not bother me. I felt I was talking to my family. Besides growing up in Woldia and Dessie it is easy to accept “ ante”since it is very common. So I respectfully suggest that we focus on the interview contents and develop our exchange of ideas. With respect to all. Arega
I learnt the value of excellent mindset, Integrity and wisdom flowing out of you. You have exceptional ability teaching the generation. Thank you Dr. Arega for your unreserved and selfless knowledge sharing.
Dr. Arega is among the most impactful and iconic CEOs our country has ever had. His kindness and the respect he shows to all employees make him exceptional. He is an incredibly intelligent and highly educated leader.
Dr.Arega is an individual with high IQ at least 180.I have been working with him for a long time .I learned a lot from him .Dr.Arega is one of the individuals in Ethiopia with high caliber management skills.
Please find Dr. Arega's books, Managing Organizational Structure: Practical Design and Application, Managing Gold Mine Production and Operation: A Practical Application, The Role of Governance in Quality of Education in Private Higher Education Institutions: Ethiopia as a Case Study on Amazon as well as Jafar Book Store and Unity Library at Gerji.
If we do have such technocrat mind in our political system, without doubt Ethiopia will be prosperous! Having, such a valued of technical expertise in governance is a blessing for the country. The importance of technocratic minds, who rely on knowledge, skills, and experience in specific fields to bring progress and prosperity. If we incorporates, technocrats into the political system, it helps to ensure evidence-based policy decisions, particularly in sectors like infrastructure, education, healthcare, and technology, leading to sustainable development and growth.
He is an honest, genuine, and well professional with a solid background man. I have never seen it so far as Dr. Arega is a leadership methodology 👏 👏 👏 . He is a research book by himself.
What an incredible explanation and insights he made. Dr. Arega Yirdaw , his efective leadership had a significant impact on our country Ethiopia's economy and Sheikh Mohamed Alamudin's wealth . Thank you Dr. Arega and Meri Podcast !!
I noticed that the timeline shows sections for Tax (01:48:30), Opinion on the Floating Policy (01:51:52), Painful Experience (01:57:31), Daily Routine (02:00:37), and Wisdom and Life Lessons (02:04:34), but those parts don't actually exist in the video. Could you check and update the timestamps?
Very graceful, always great lessons of leadership in practice from Dr. Arega He is a legend, and he is far beyond CEO . Dr. Arega is one of a few whom I am proud of and admire most. Thank you, Dr. Arega Thank you, MERI, for hosting . I know Dr. Arega is always supportive and there to share insights for the benefit of the community/ country
Waw he manifest true leadr! we Ethiopians rich in human capital. Optimist, holestic, authentic and consistant leader i have ever seen. he should coach and should learn the so called our political leaders if they are open to learn. You guys keep up podcasting our elites. 🎉💪💪💪
I just read Dr. Arega's book "Organizational Structure" Similar to that its my wish to see his another book "Effective Employees Management" as most of the time Dr. Arega speaks about the importance of employee mamagement, giving prior attention to the staff before anything else, as this should be a great lesson to many leaders and managers.
Dr Arega Yirdaw leadership experience conditioned through experience. He tried to teach us , we need to customized knowledge to local context. As we know Think globally act locally. Thank you again and again.
Wow,... am just saying wow, Dr. Arega, you are very amazing person the way he express the meaning of management in terms of your colleague and employees. He's fantastic manager with leader and Father. Thanks to @meripodcast for bringing this brilliant Dr. to us. Keep forward. With regards
If our country will get,even in small numbers like Dr.Arega,Am sure work culture of Ethiopian's will be completely changed. He is very respected person in my family.
It very interesting podcast , he is very vibrant , energetic , knowledgeable and skillful CEO with sound interpretations. Wonderful man, it didn't expected this man is such a very attractive. He is library after all. Appreciation!
Home growth leadership realy very important, realy i appreciate the way and actions how he did in this company . Thank you for your visionary leadership and for guiding ur company towards success.All CEO learn from this lesson!!!!!
Dear Dr. Areaga, I had the pleasure of listening to your interview, which felt like a masterclass in its depth and insight. Your thoughtful approach, passion, and unwavering commitment to your profession were evident throughout. It is clear that professionalism runs deep in your heart. As practicing engineer, I sincerely hope to see more engineers like you in leadership roles across every sector in my country. Your wisdom and expertise would be invaluable to future generations, and I encourage you to share them on more platforms. Thank you for your invaluable contributions. I wish you a long and healthy life, Sir. Warm regards, Ahmed Mohammednur
I found this discussion both insightful and educational. Dr. Arega shared valuable insights into the leadership and management strategies behind his success. However, I am particularly curious about how he has navigated the complex and restrictive political and legal landscape of an ethnically divided Ethiopia, where his companies operate. I would greatly appreciate it if Dr. Arega could address this.
It was an excellent interview, especially for those heading to leadership and management. This would potentially be used as a practical learning material if also supplemented with the current Midroc management team to study separately what worked and didn't work during his term also.
Dr Arega ,I am really inspired by your interview,here is how to manage with creative thinking,you are very big school .Thank you meri pod cast for your tiredness search for amazing human beings.please we want your books ,please refer us where we can get Dr Arega book.
ከዚህ ቪዲዮ ምን ተማራችሁ፧
በተጨማሪም በአንዳንድ ቪዲዮዎቻችን ላይ፤ እንደ እርሶ፣ እሳቸው እና ተመሳሳይ ክብርን ለመግለፅ የምንጠቀማቸውን ቃላት አለመጠቀማችን፣ አንዳንድ ተመልካቾቻችንን እንዳሳሰባቸው አስተውለናል።
ይህ ከካሜራ ጀርባ ተነጋግረንበት የሚሆን እና የእንግዶቻችን ምርጫ መሆኑን እና በእኛ በኩል ምንም አይነት አክብሮት የጎደለው ወይም የአክብሮት እጦትን እንደማያንጸባርቅ ለማሳወቅ እንፈልጋለን።
ክብርን ለመግለፅ ፍቃዳቸውን በታሳዩን
አንድ ስራ ከመጀመሩ በፊት ጊዜ ወስዶ ጥልቅ ጥናት ማድረግ : አሁን ገና 18ኛ ደቂቃ ላይ ነኝ ስጨርስ ጠቅለል አድርጌ አስቀምጣለው። መሪዎች ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ 🙏
It's common sense Meri, the moment you guys referred him as "አንተ", I personally got it Dr. preffered it that way.
Not really
ማንም ኢትዮጵያዊ አንቱ በሉይ እንደማይል እየታወቀ አንተ ልበል አንቱ እያልኩ ልቀጥል ይባላል መልሱ ያው ይታወቃል ። ጥሩ ሥራ ነው የምትሰሩት ግን ምን ችግር አለው በባህላችን አንቱ ብንል እኛ ኤርትራውያን አይደለንም እነሱ ፕሬዚዳንታቸውንም አንተ ነው የሚሉት።
Friends: Thanks for showing your respect for me by indicating that I should have been addressed as “antu”. I do agree it is better that way. However I am used to such conversation with my grown up children and hence did not bother me. I felt I was talking to my family. Besides growing up in Woldia and Dessie it is easy to accept “ ante”since it is very common. So I respectfully suggest that we focus on the interview contents and develop our exchange of ideas.
With respect to all.
Great Respect & Admiration. Confidence indeed is written all over the core structure of Dr. Arega. Kudos to you Sir!:).
Please write more books, especially on leadership. ሐገር በቀል እንፈልጋለን
Well said Dr Arega, with due respect!
Thank you Dr arega I respect that the way you think it's basic lecture for as it's not an interview for me .
I learnt the value of excellent mindset, Integrity and wisdom flowing out of you. You have exceptional ability teaching the generation. Thank you Dr. Arega for your unreserved and selfless knowledge sharing.
የሚያውቅ ሰው ሲያወራ እንደዚህ ነው Respect 🫡
ዶክተር አረጋ እናመሰግናለን!!!
ሚዲያውን የምትመሩት ወጣቶች ኢትዮጵያዊ ባህላችንን ዘንግታችሆል ዶክተር አረጋን የሚህል ትልቅ ሰው በእድሜም በስራውም የሚገባውን አንቱታ መንፈጋችሁ አግባብ አይደለም ይቅርታ ልትጠይቁ ይገባል
Talak sw antu aybalm. Kirstosnm ante aydel yemnl?
MERI NUMBER ONE PODCAST .....ጥጋቡ እና ከነዓን ባለ ብሩህ አእምሮ ባለቤቶች በብዙ እያፈራ ነው ስራችሁ በርቱልን አንድ ቀን እኔም እንግዳ መሆኔ አይቀርም
የሚገርም እውቀት እንደዚህ አይነት የአገር መሪ ኢትዮጵያ ያስፈልጋል እናመሰግናለን።
Dr. Arega is among the most impactful and iconic CEOs our country has ever had. His kindness and the respect he shows to all employees make him exceptional. He is an incredibly intelligent and highly educated leader.
The leadership library ,I can't drop even single word from his speech.Authentic and lived leadership👌👌👌
በጣም ደስ ይላ ዶ/ር አረጋ ስላቀረባቹልን መማር የሚችል ብዙ ይማራል ዶ/ር አረጋ የመሩትን ሚድሮክን እናውቀዋለን አሁን ደግሞ ያለው ሚድሮክ ደግሞ በአንዴ ትልቅ ደረጃ የደረሰ ነወሰ እባካቹ አሁን ሚድሮክን እየመሩ ያሉትን አቶ ጀማልን ጋብዛቹልን ልዩነቱን እንወቅ እንማርበት
ደስ ሲሉኮ ፣ ሀይ ብሪድ ዜጋ ።
እነዚህን መሰል ሰዎች ሰንት አሉን ይሆን ?
ጥንፍፍ ያሉ አዋቂ ና ደግ ። እድሜ ይስጥዎት አቦ 💚💛❤️
ዶ/ር አረጋ አንባገነን ገዢ እንጂ መሪነት የሚስማማቸው አይመስለኝም።ዩኒቲ በነበሩ ጊዜ አቤት ሰራተኛ ሲንቀጠቀጥላቸው።በአንድ ወቅት ቴምፓ ላወጣ ኼጀ ከታዘብኩት አንዱ ኤሌክትሪክ ሲጠፋ ጀነሬተር እንኳ የሚነሳው እሳቸው ቢሮ ካሉ ብቻ ነው።ልክ ከቢሮ ሲወጡ ጀነሬተር ይጠፋል።ራሳቸውን ብቻ እንደ አዋቂና ሠራተኛ የሚቆጥሩ ናቸው።እንዲህ አይነት ሰዎች ስኬታማ ሊባሉ አይችሉም።
እንደዚህ አይነት ትላልቅ ሰዎች በመጋ በዛቸው በጣም እናመሰግናቸዋለን መሪዎች ::
በልምድ የታሸ እውቀት ያለው ሰው ሲያወራ ለጆሮ ይጣፍጣል፣ ዶ/ር ያነሱት የሚጣል የለውም። እንዳሉትም በእውነት ሰራተኛን ገፍቶ ውጤት የሚጠብቁ መሪዎች ናቸው ድርጅቶችን እስር ቤት እያስመሰሉ ያሉት።
አቅራቢዎች በጣም እናመሰግናለን፣ ፖድካስቶቻችሁን ማድመጥ ብቻ ሳይሆን ማጥናትም ይዘናል።
ዶር አረጋ የሰራተኛ አባት በሳልና አስተዋይ መሪ
አገር መምራት የሚችሉ ናቸው::
ስላቀረብክልን እናመሰግናለን:: በእርሶታው ቀጥልበት::
Dr.Arega is an individual with high IQ at least 180.I have been working with him for a long time .I learned a lot from him .Dr.Arega is one of the individuals in Ethiopia with high caliber management skills.
የእሳቸውን ስሜት አውቀዋለሁ።አንተ ጠያቂው ግን በምንም መመዘኛና ቅርበት ውስጥ ብትሆን ያውም ለተመልካቾችህ ምክንያትህን ሳታስረዳ ከአንተ እድሜ በላይ በሥራ ላይ የቆዩትን ሰው በመገናኛ ብዚኃን "አንተ" እያልክ መጠየቅ በጣም ይዘገንናል።
This man is not only a positive leader but also a genuine academician. Keep up the good job
Please find Dr. Arega's books, Managing Organizational Structure: Practical Design and Application, Managing Gold Mine Production and Operation: A Practical Application, The Role of Governance in Quality of Education in Private Higher Education Institutions: Ethiopia as a Case Study on Amazon as well as Jafar Book Store and Unity Library at Gerji.
metsafachewn yt enagegnalen xekoma sexun esti bexam asfelagi ena xekami metsaf nw weyim be copy alew medeberoch layi emigegn kehone bexekumun
Big respect for Dr Arega❤
ዶ/ር የስጋ ዘመዴ ናቸዉ በጣም የተከበሩ ናቸዉ በቤትም በስራም
If we do have such technocrat mind in our political system, without doubt Ethiopia will be prosperous! Having, such a valued of technical expertise in governance is a blessing for the country. The importance of technocratic minds, who rely on knowledge, skills, and experience in specific fields to bring progress and prosperity. If we incorporates, technocrats into the political system, it helps to ensure evidence-based policy decisions, particularly in sectors like infrastructure, education, healthcare, and technology, leading to sustainable development and growth.
ፈጣሪ እድሜ ጤና ይቸራቸው እያልኩ ።
አንደኛ መፃፋቸውን ተደራሽ የሚያደርጉትን ሁኔታ ቢያመቻቹ ።
ሁለት ይኬንኑ እውቀታቸውን በየፈርጁ በአጫጭር ገለፃ ቢያዘጋጁልን።
በመጨረሻም እንደው ይኸንን የአመራር እውቀት በጥቂቱ ቢያጋሩዋቸው አሁን ላይ ላሉ ለመንግስት እረኞች ።
አመሠግናለሁ እግዚአብሔር ያክብርልኝ
He is an honest, genuine, and well professional with a solid background man. I have never seen it so far as
Dr. Arega is a leadership methodology 👏 👏 👏 . He is a research book by himself.
እሳቸው በጣም ብዙ ሠው እየመሩ አገር ያቀኑ ስርአት ያላቸው ስርአት ባለው ቤተሠብ ውስጥ ያደጉ እንቁ ኢትዮጵያዊ ናቸው ። ስለ እሳቸው መስማት ደስ ይለኛል ። አንቱ ብለው እየጠሩ ቢጠይቋቸው ክብሩ ለእርስዎ ነው።
ሰዉዬዉ አንቱ አይባልም በሰራተኞቹም አንተ ያቀራርባል አንተ የአመሮች ባህል ነዉ
ፍላጉታች ይመስለኛል ምክንያቱም
ስራአት ያለች ሰዎች ናቸው ወንድሜ
What an incredible explanation and insights he made. Dr. Arega Yirdaw , his efective leadership had a significant impact on our country Ethiopia's economy and Sheikh Mohamed Alamudin's wealth . Thank you Dr. Arega and Meri Podcast !!
ትክክል ነዎት ወፍ እንዳገሩ የሚባለው ለዚህ ነው ብዙዎቹ የሚጋጨባቸው ለዚህ ነው
Our Great Leader Honorable Dr. Arega Yirdaw!!!!!!!!11 Big Respect!!!!!! God Bless You!!!!!!
“አለቅነት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ more or less እረኝነት ነው።”
The real CEO, business creator, and lecturer, advisor and ++++++++++++++++++Thank you so much!!!
I noticed that the timeline shows sections for Tax (01:48:30), Opinion on the Floating Policy (01:51:52), Painful Experience (01:57:31), Daily Routine (02:00:37), and Wisdom and Life Lessons (02:04:34), but those parts don't actually exist in the video. Could you check and update the timestamps?
thanks man
Very graceful, always great lessons of leadership in practice from Dr. Arega He is a legend, and he is far beyond CEO . Dr. Arega is one of a few whom I am proud of and admire most.
Thank you, Dr. Arega
Thank you, MERI, for hosting . I know Dr. Arega is always supportive and there to share insights for the benefit of the community/ country
Waw he manifest true leadr! we Ethiopians rich in human capital. Optimist, holestic, authentic and consistant leader i have ever seen. he should coach and should learn the so called our political leaders if they are open to learn. You guys keep up podcasting our elites. 🎉💪💪💪
Dr. Arega is a genius and proactive manager.
Meri podcast, you brought a great leader nice insight! Learned a lot!
I have learnt BIG TIME from this episode. Thank you Dr! Thank you Meri ! I'll hopefully comeback watch this video after few years.
በጣም አስተማሪ ቃለመጠይቅ ነው! አመሰግናለሁ!🙏🙏
የእውነት ለመናገር አንደራሴ ድርጅት ማን ያስተዳድረዋል ይሄን ሁሉ ንብረት እላለው አሁን ተመልሶልኘል ለኔ ለታዳጊ ወጣት አሪፍ መምህር ኖት thanks Dr
እድለኛ ናቹ ዶክተርን ቃለመጠየቅ ስላደረጋቹ
I just read Dr. Arega's book "Organizational Structure" Similar to that its my wish to see his another book "Effective Employees Management" as most of the time Dr. Arega speaks about the importance of employee mamagement, giving prior attention to the staff before anything else, as this should be a great lesson to many leaders and managers.
Dr. Big respect. May God Bless You
ዶ/ር እጅግ በጣም በስራም በቤትም የተከበሩ ሰዉ ናቸዉ የኛ ቤተሰብ ስለሆኑ እንወድሃለን
እናመሰግናለን ማንኛውም ሰው ለሚሰራው ሰራ በቂ እውቀት ሊኖረው ይግ:: አገራችን ብዙ ሰዋች ጠንክረው ይሰራሉ ውጤቱ ውሀ አያነሳም "ዛሬ አመራር እንዴት እንደሆነ ሰላስተማሩን በተለይም ሰራተኛን ቤተሰብ ማድረግ ውጤት አለው አዋ እኔም አምንበታለሁ " ሰው" መሆን ይቀድማል መኮፈስ የትም አያደርስም
Dr Arega Yirdaw leadership experience conditioned through experience. He tried to teach us , we need to customized knowledge to local context. As we know Think globally act locally. Thank you again and again.
Wow,... am just saying wow,
Dr. Arega, you are very amazing person the way he express the meaning of management in terms of your colleague and employees.
He's fantastic manager with leader and Father.
Thanks to @meripodcast for bringing this brilliant Dr. to us.
Keep forward.
With regards
If our country will get,even in small numbers like Dr.Arega,Am sure work culture of Ethiopian's will be completely changed. He is very respected person in my family.
ዶር አረጋ በጣም ግሩም አሰተዳዳሪና ዘመናዊ ሰራ ሰርተው የሚያሰሩ እንደሆነ አስመስክረዋል። ምንም እንክዋን አንቱታን ባይወዱ ሰራዎ አንቱ የሚያሰብሎ ነው። እኔግን ወጣቶቹ አንተ ሲሉ እየተሸማመኩ ነው ሰምቼ የጨረስኩት። ባህላችን ቢከበር ደስ ይላል።
Please invite CCD homes founder
Dr.Eng Mesele Haile
CEO of MH consulting
please meri invite Him
ጥሩ ጠቁመዋል ግን በውይይቱ ጠያቂው አንቱታን ቢጠቀሙ ውይይቱ ግሬስ ይኖረዋል ።
እንግዳዉ ካልፈለገሰ
@@ዋሰ MH consulting Engineers and Architects PLC is number one structural design office in Ethiopia
You guys are doing well and great!!! Please try to build a soundproof studio. The back group noise is annoying. I know you can do it 💪 🎉🎉🎉🎉
እመሰግናለሁ ዶር አረጋ ይርዳው እና መሪ
እጅግ ድንቅ መሪ ዶ/ር አረጋ ፤ ከእርስዎ ብዙ ተምሬያለሁ። አመሰግናለሁ ይህን ፕሮግራም ለምታዘጋጁ
It very interesting podcast , he is very vibrant , energetic , knowledgeable and skillful CEO with sound interpretations. Wonderful man, it didn't expected this man is such a very attractive. He is library after all. Appreciation!
Thank you Dr/ eng Arega for a great explanation and amazing leadership style!
Wow tested and lived leadership 👌👌👌
True definition of “Wisdom”
Wow amazing he is a world classical mind person we proud our hero God blessed u
🎉🎉🎉🎉ግሩም ድንቅ ትምህርት 🙏🙏🙏
Thank You So Much Doctor!🙏
እውቀት ጥበብ....----❤❤❤❤❤.ቀጣዩን ክፍል እንጠብቃለን
Determined and Principled Leader. Lucky to be lead by him.
ሙሉ ቀን ቢናገር ማይጠገብ ሰው ከትህትናው ጨምሮ ጤና ይስጥህ ጋሼ
ዋው በጣም የተደመምሁበት Podcast:: መሪዎች በርቱ!!!
Thank Dr you are the real CEO' and thanks for MERI
Home growth leadership realy very important, realy i appreciate the way and actions how he did in this company . Thank you for your visionary leadership and for guiding ur company towards success.All CEO learn from this lesson!!!!!
ከእርሰዎ ስር ተቀምጠው መማር ያለባቸው ብዙ የትልቅ ድርጅት መሪዎች አሉ እነ ፍሬው ተማሩ ዶክተሩ ን ስሙ
ዶክተር አረጋ ማለት የሜድሮክ የጡት አባት ናቸው እሳቸው የተከሉት መሰረት እስከወድያኛው ሜድሮክ እንዲኖር ያስቸለዋል በኔ ዶክተር አረጋ አብሬአቸው ባልሰራም የሰሩትን ስላየሁ ሀገራዊ ሀላፈነታቸውን ተወጥተዋል ብዬ የማምን እና ፈጣሪም አብዝቶ እንዲባርካቸው እመኝላቸዋለሁ ፡፡
He is such a brilliant Engineer!
2 ዓመት የቤተሰብ ቀን ተካፍያለሁ በጣም ደስ ይል ነበር በመቻሬ ሜዳ
100% perfect articulation on leadership
The interview was fantastic! Dr. Arega is an exceptional leader and an influential figure.👏👏👏
World class thinking.He is smart🇪🇷
Dr Arega yrdawu the golden mind !
Thank you I love the way you express your experiences and thank you meri pod cast
Absolutely inspiring! Your insights on leadership and strategy are invaluable. Thank you Dr. Arega for sharing your experience and wisdom.
Wow,I think most Ethiopian CEOs and company owners can learn from Dr. Arega interview
He's the best person God bless u
This was amazing! What a wonderful interview and the vast experience shearing from Dr Arega. Thank you so much!
Dear Dr. Areaga,
I had the pleasure of listening to your interview, which felt like a masterclass in its depth and insight.
Your thoughtful approach, passion, and unwavering commitment to your profession were evident throughout. It is clear that professionalism runs deep in your heart.
As practicing engineer, I sincerely hope to see more engineers like you in leadership roles across every sector in my country. Your wisdom and expertise would be invaluable to future generations, and I encourage you to share them on more platforms.
Thank you for your invaluable contributions. I wish you a long and healthy life, Sir.
Warm regards,
Ahmed Mohammednur
እጅ ነስተናል! እድሜ እና ጤና ይስጥልን!
Our hero Dr.Arega you are Brilliant
Pls invite
1) belaynhe kinda
2) mentesnot dereje import export
3) kassahun carlose
I appreciate the discussion
Betam yetebarek saw new , ende ayenet sew ale ende beye endaseb adergognal ok. Ermena tena yestek 1000 amet nur. please kechalk aganagnegn.....❤
Well said. Thanks
Big respect Dr.Arega
Dr Arega No 1 in everything thank you Meri Podcast 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I found this discussion both insightful and educational. Dr. Arega shared valuable insights into the leadership and management strategies behind his success. However, I am particularly curious about how he has navigated the complex and restrictive political and legal landscape of an ethnically divided Ethiopia, where his companies operate. I would greatly appreciate it if Dr. Arega could address this.
I totally agree with the respected guest that first degree is nothing but an introductory to the thematic knowledge areas only
That is awesome I can't believe it I listened for 1:45 hours!!! Wear is the 2nd part I am so strive
What a lesson.
Please invite Dr.Hassen Hussien CEO of Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) Ethiopia.
ክትፎ እየበላን ጎመን ታዛለህ
That's good point keep it up meripodcast and also big love big respect dr arega
It was an excellent interview, especially for those heading to leadership and management. This would potentially be used as a practical learning material if also supplemented with the current Midroc management team to study separately what worked and didn't work during his term also.
Wow what an amazing professional... great job Dr.Arega and the Meri podcast team
i listen this episode like a lecture of leadership ,keep it up MERI .
so Amazing
Thank you Merewoch!!!
ye 2 amete course be 2 seat enamsegnalne Meri. tesemtewe ayetgebume Thank you doctor
WOW it's an excellent interview, but didn't expect it's was finished. Hope part two is coming.
Big Respect Dear
Dr Arega ,I am really inspired by your interview,here is how to manage with creative thinking,you are very big school .Thank you meri pod cast for your tiredness search for amazing human beings.please we want your books ,please refer us where we can get Dr Arega book.
Jaffa bookstore or Unity university
wonderful and reasonable person
በውነቱ ዶ/ር አረጋ ያላቸው የመሪነት ችሎታ ጥልቅ ስለሆነ ተሠንዶ ለትውልድ መማሪያ መሆን አለበት በሌሎች ሚዲያዎች መቅረብ አለባቸው።
Respect DR.Arega
Betam arfe new wedemoca
The best video of leadership i ever seen before 😊