I have a physics PhD from Rutgers but because that university is inviting similar crooks to shout their insane sky-is-falling conspiracy theories, I am thinking about returning that degree.
LetSparksFly22 So do I, climate has been changing and happening for 4.5 billion years, but only fraudsters or complete morons suggest that there's a problem about it.
***** I am serious but as you may have expected, "advises" by brainwashed subpar vertebrates similar to you won't influence my decisions about anything, in one way or another.
14:20 Awesome Thank you Bill Nye!!
I have a physics PhD from Rutgers but because that university is inviting similar crooks to shout their insane sky-is-falling conspiracy theories, I am thinking about returning that degree.
97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and happening.
LetSparksFly22 So do I, climate has been changing and happening for 4.5 billion years, but only fraudsters or complete morons suggest that there's a problem about it.
lumajs Go ahead, return it then (if you're that serious).
***** I am serious but as you may have expected, "advises" by brainwashed subpar vertebrates similar to you won't influence my decisions about anything, in one way or another.
lumajs Cool story man. Science will continue with or without you. Best of luck in your future endeavors!