i'm a devoted hirasawa fan in every right but i'm so serious i don't think i've ever heard gakupo sound this good and it's not even my hirasawa fan bias talking. like genuinely this feels like the holy grail to me. my favorite musician and my favorite vocaloid. best night ever
Each has his/her opinion. then. Don't worry, I can do nothing better than respect it on matters like this. ^^ But yeah. I gotta admit that the instrumental is great, it's the voice over that swayed my vote to the original.
That's your opinion, and this one is my. I listened to both versions and for me it's definitely this one that wins. The choruses are better, even the instrumental is better and i can't stand the voice of the original singer, he uses his voice too forcefull at some points. I seem to hate that....very much >.>~
i'm a devoted hirasawa fan in every right but i'm so serious i don't think i've ever heard gakupo sound this good and it's not even my hirasawa fan bias talking. like genuinely this feels like the holy grail to me. my favorite musician and my favorite vocaloid. best night ever
い や 全 然 嫌 い じ ゃ な い か ら 高 評 価 し て る け ど も
Rest In Peace Kentaro Miura.
Each has his/her opinion. then. Don't worry, I can do nothing better than respect it on matters like this. ^^
But yeah. I gotta admit that the instrumental is great, it's the voice over that swayed my vote to the original.
Exactly my reaction >'D
この曲を是非中の人に、もといMALICE MIZERとしてカバーしてもらいたい…(切なる願い、叶わぬ思い……)
Wow! O_O
Personally I enjoy this. I like how you used Gackpoid. Can you give me any tips on how to make his power voice sound more powerful?
Also I really like how you use his whisper voice. It actually sounds soft not just breathy. You did very well ^^
It really is strange xD
That's your opinion, and this one is my. I listened to both versions and for me it's definitely this one that wins. The choruses are better, even the instrumental is better and i can't stand the voice of the original singer, he uses his voice too forcefull at some points. I seem to hate that....very much >.>~
not exactly 100x, methinks, for it has some wrong intonations here and there (TBH, I knew the original P-MODEL version well before I encountered this)