Jeff Durbin: The Great Exchange - My Sin For His Righteousness


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  • @ApologiaStudios
    @ApologiaStudios  Год назад +1

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  • @lacya.716
    @lacya.716 Год назад +1

    Thank you, Lord Jesus. There is NO hope without Jesus.

  • @dmytladybugwilkins5784
    @dmytladybugwilkins5784 Год назад +7

    Thank God for His mercy and sacrifice of His only son to save us wicked, wicked people ❤

  • @EveryDayWalkingWithChrist
    @EveryDayWalkingWithChrist Год назад +10

    May God Bless You Jeff for your inspirational words and Apologia Studios. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy upon me a sinner! Amen

  • @jaredrichards7094
    @jaredrichards7094 Год назад

    Wow!!! When he said "I need to repent, my repentance.." just WOW Amen

  • @Reformedgospelhub
    @Reformedgospelhub Год назад +6

    AMEN! Apologia studio, John Mccarthur, Voddie Baucham, Steven Lawson, RC Sproul ,Paul washer wow these men are such a big blessing in my Christian growth and walk. Thanks Apologia and really i do recommend these credible men who desire nothing but God's truth. Thanks Jeff

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад +1

      All my favorites! Alastair Begg, Conrad Mbewe, Nate Pickowicz, Joel Beeke & Sinclair Ferguson, too!

    • @kristenspencer9751
      @kristenspencer9751 Год назад +1

      These are among my favorite teachers as well. The word of God is strong and powerful and these men have not watered it down.

  • @jasonbonnell786
    @jasonbonnell786 Год назад +2

    Thank you Jeff for preaching the truth with conviction and without compromise. As a recent ex mormon fundamentalist this message strikes home for me and refutes a lot of the lies within the Mormon system. I praise God for what he's done with your ministry and pray that God will continue to use you to bring more people out of darkness into light.

  • @timgerling6060
    @timgerling6060 Год назад

    You are my favorite pastor. You speak like my pastor growing up.

  • @salbrancaccio9375
    @salbrancaccio9375 Год назад +5

    God is so good that was great thank you so much I love your boldness in sharing and your love for Jesus is so pure

  • @oar-N-oasis
    @oar-N-oasis Год назад +1

    Thanks much Pastor Jeff!
    Understanding the finished work of Jesus Christ is a true freedom, it is a firm assurance of salvation to those who anchored and entrusted thier faith in him alone. This truth help my conscience clear and made my conviction unwavering. Blessings to you!

  • @ogloc6308
    @ogloc6308 Год назад +2

    Praise God. All glory to God!

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад +1

    How extraordinary is the way of our redemption! No man could have come up with this!

  • @moresaucejdm1448
    @moresaucejdm1448 Год назад

    The Word of GOD is alive and powerful!

  • @kennethprevatte9414
    @kennethprevatte9414 Год назад +2

    This is the sad part. Many today reject imputation as well as original sin

    • @iacoponefurio1915
      @iacoponefurio1915 Год назад

      He came for the sick not the well.

    • @kristenspencer9751
      @kristenspencer9751 Год назад

      A lot of just regular believers reject simply b/c they don't have anyone to explain it to them. It comes off as sounding haughty, prideful etc. Remember when you first heard it???? Someone needs to show them the scripture verses that speak of Righteousness in Christ. Don't leave it up to the pastor. Come alongside and help a brother or sister.

  • @deespence8629
    @deespence8629 Год назад +1

    This is the best sermon I’ve heard in a long time about Jesus and the day of atonement! Thank you✝️🙏

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад

    Jesus is so endlessly amazing! I can't wait to see Him face to face!

  • @AzJorge55
    @AzJorge55 Год назад +3

    44:05 "even my repentance is tinted with sin". I was just thinking and praying about this very thought the other day.

  • @RichardZelia-ug6iv
    @RichardZelia-ug6iv Год назад +1

    May you continue with your wonderful works Jeff. .I really like listening to you and your teachings from the bible and from your videos is so shocking to see how evil and ungodly humankind have become..believing in lies and deceitful teachings from their church..but denies the only truth from the bible....keep on doing the work of the Lord God almighty..god bless you sir!

  • @godsaves1127
    @godsaves1127 Год назад

    Yet again an inspirational, powerful sermon. God bless you Pastor Jeff

  • @ronburgundy2738
    @ronburgundy2738 Год назад

    Thank you Pastor Jeff

  • @michaelgallick4617
    @michaelgallick4617 Год назад

    Pastor Jeff. "Your enthusiasm is God sent!" Pray that you bring many souls to Our Lord Jesus! May Your angel stand and hold you when things don't seem right. May Your church be filled when you and your ministry speak! With 🙏's and love.

  • @maranatha8148
    @maranatha8148 Год назад +1

    One word... WOW.

  • @chelseylyn
    @chelseylyn Год назад +1

    Beautifully put.. ❤ keep up the good work!

  • @kennethprevatte9414
    @kennethprevatte9414 Год назад +1

    All my sins laid on Jesus

  • @treasurevessel
    @treasurevessel Год назад +1

    Isaiah 45: 22 “Turn to me and be saved,
    all the ends of the earth!
    For I am God, and there is no other.
    23 By myself I have sworn;
    from my mouth has gone out in righteousness
    a word that shall not return:
    ‘To me every knee shall bow,
    every tongue shall swear allegiance.’
    24 “Only in the LORD, it shall be said of me,
    are righteousness and strength

  • @ArchDLuxe
    @ArchDLuxe Год назад +1

    You said Christians have already recieved the gift of righteousness, but as I read Romans 5, this "gift" (v. 17) seems to be a reference to being "made righteous" (v. 19). Both are in the future tense at the time of Paul's writing of Romans. Have I misread the text?
    Also where are you getting the "rehearsal" language you are using of Leviticus 16?

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Год назад +1

      "Also where are you getting the "rehearsal" language you are using of Leviticus 16?"
      It's very helpful to read Hebrews alongside Leviticus. (I wish I had done that years ago!) All of the Old Testament, but especially the sacrificial system, was to point people to Christ.

    • @ArchDLuxe
      @ArchDLuxe Год назад +2

      @Yesica1993 but what does that have to do with rehearsal? I'm fairly familiar with Hebrews and don't remember "rehearsal" appearing there either. In fact, Hebrews makes clear that Christ's role is different than that of the Levitical Priests (Heb 8:4 and 7:13-14). He is a priest of a more ancient order (Psalm 110:4, Heb 7:17).

    • @kristenspencer9751
      @kristenspencer9751 Год назад

      Not future tense at all...but upon faith. Paul's argument includes that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. SEE Rom chap 4. Also every year they had to sacrifice a lamb by which they were good to go--but only for 1 year. Then another sacrifice. Hebrews points out that Christ is the ONE sacrifice for ALL time! There is a future tense when we will be completely free from sin, temptation etc. in the next life. Until then, we must accept God's imputation/view of us as righteous. Christ's blood was shed for sins...His body for the crucifixion of the "flesh". Paul wrote again "I was crucified with Christ and yet I live...not I but Christ who lives in me." When you are born again, a "new" man really was birthed and born of the Spirit, not of the world/Adam nature.

    • @ArchDLuxe
      @ArchDLuxe Год назад

      ​@@kristenspencer9751 Paul, in Romans 5:19, parallels "many were appointed sinners" (aorist) and "many will be appointed righteous" (future). This is on the basis of Adam's disobedience and Christ's obedience respectively. At the time Paul wrote this, both bases were already in the past. In other words, Adam had already disobeyed and Christ had already been obedient unto death. Yet Paul makes a distinction between the results temporally. The result of Adam's disobedience is indicated to be past but with a lingering effect through the use of the aorist tense. The text indicates that this specific result of Christ's obedience, however, is yet future. If you say, "Not future tense at all," it seems to me you aren't dealing with the text as we have it.
      When you say "There a future tense when we will be completely free from sin...", where do you learn this and how can you be certain that Paul is not talking about this state, the one you readily admit is future truth, here?

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад

    Hold up. There are (professing) Christians who don't think Jesus took the punishment for our sins? How do they explain the reason for Jesus coming and dying at all? I understand that denial coming from non-Christians. But people who profess to be Christians? I don't understand.

  • @frankfromupstateny3796
    @frankfromupstateny3796 Год назад

    I can't believe " how many answers I get from Christians, when asked: ' how does ONE get to Heaven?'"
    It's like asking..."how many languages to humans speak!"
    Heaven can not be EARNED! It's a clear as ice! If Heaven could be earned...then JESUS would be unnecessary. 😮
    Who truly asks this question.. without reading the BIBLE??
    MUST be 95%, I guess.

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 10 месяцев назад

    John 3:18-20
    New International Version
    18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.
    this is not Calvinism. whoever, not the chosen only.

  • @vaulteddome
    @vaulteddome Год назад +4

    We're forgiven simply by repentance (Mark 1:14, 15). God didn't need to vent his anger on Jesus and besides, neither sin nor righteousness can be transferred to others -
    'The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.' (Ezek. 18:19-20)

    • @tinawantland398
      @tinawantland398 Год назад

      A text out context is a pretext! If GOD is a perfect and holy GOD, then that means by nature, HE is perfect in every way. HE is perfect in love, perfect in mercy, perfect in grace, perfect in justice, and perfect in wrath! The wages of sin is death! Sinners deserve death, and death is justice! But GOD took our just punishment upon HIMSELF when HE hung on the cross and bore the weight of our sin, so that we might live! Justice was served!! And salvation for those who belief was imparted…once and for all! So while repentance is a natural result of demonstrating one’s true belief and walking in truth, it’s our belief in the righteousness of Christ that saves, not repentance!

    • @vaulteddome
      @vaulteddome Год назад +1

      @@tinawantland398 And yet penal substitution was never taught by Jesus who only rarely spoke even of his own death and preached repentence. If penal substitution was so important, then why did Peter neglect to mention it in Acts 2 and instead also only preached repentance? (Acts 2:38)
      Yes God is holy but that doesn't mean that He cannot simply forgive as He always has (2 Chr. 7:14). Or was God misleading His people because really He was still harbouring unforgiveness which would be unleashed onto an innocent victim on the cross in the future? Should we have a similar attitude to 'forgiveness' and also need to punish others?

    • @tinawantland398
      @tinawantland398 Год назад +1

      @@vaulteddome there is no other substitute for our just punishment except CHRIST! HE was/is the perfect unblemished Lamb of GOD. That is why HIS last words were “It is finished”! It is sheer arrogance to believe anyone else is worthy of standing in our place, for only GOD is good; everyone one else is guilty! It not only is the once and for all punishment, but it is also the demonstration of AMAZING love, AMAZING, grace, when one who was without sin, willingness paid the price! If you don’t believe that, then full repentance will never take place. JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE! No one comes to THE FATHER, except through HIM, because GOD is holy, and HIS standard is holy perfection, which only Christ obtained, in that HE never sinned!! And FYI , Jesus did speak of the fact that HE is THE ONE, of whom the prophets spoke! THE ONE by who’s stripes we are healed! It is a free gift, one that cannot be obtained, only given! Repentance is an act of obedience, but it cannot, and does not save!! It’s by grace we are saved, not works, less any man should boast!

    • @vaulteddome
      @vaulteddome Год назад

      @@tinawantland398 I agree that Jesus was the unblemished Lamb of GOD, but God did not kill Jesus as an act of punishment intended for us. The animals in Leviticus were offered as a sin-offering to an already forgiving God as an act of worship. The sin-offerings could be as simple as grain. The value was in giving something of value and not in inflicting punishment. To punish the innocent in place of the wicked was prohibited under Toral Law (Exod. 23:7) and something that the Pagan nations participated in to appease their angry deities.
      You're right, God is amazing and he has promised to forgive us when we repent with a contrite heart. This is the heart of Jesus' message. We are to follow the words and actions of Jesus as the way, truth and life. We are healed by Jesus' stripes because the sin-offering of his death is meant to bring us to repentance and redeem us from the power of sin (not from an angry God).
      Yes, forgiveness is a free gift and not based on works.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Год назад

      @@tinawantland398 Amen!

  • @eyebrowtalk588
    @eyebrowtalk588 Год назад

    Although this man speaks many truths your still missing the greater point. The Father and The Son seek obedience to The Fathers will. The Father never wanted the blood of bulls and goats he wanted Obedience. Repent of you ways and turn your head from the world and your ears from teachings that do not promote The Father's Will. The Messiah said that His path is Narrow and few will find it. Seek for the path of Ancients the path of old and you will find The Son waiting to take your hand and lead you back to His Father. May His Face shine upon you, have mercy on you and Yahuah lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. In His Sons Kodesh Name Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amein Amein

  • @richardgraciano2489
    @richardgraciano2489 Год назад

    Praise God Jesus Mr Jeff. I just wanted to say if you get this message I want to tell you thank you ,you perfect soldier of God in the army of Jesus Christ and may the Lord continue to direct you in his truth

    • @frankfromupstateny3796
      @frankfromupstateny3796 Год назад

      HELLO!! Jeff is as much a SINBER, as any other man/woman. Have you NOT been listening.
      The difference, is that ge realizes this, believes in JESUS CHRIST, and has asked for forgiveness; none of us.. is sinless.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Год назад

      Jesus alone is perfect. Did you even watch this?!