Test dialing the emergency number on the iPhone4 with no service

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • This video is part of a large (technical) blog update, which you can find here: koudekaas.blog... Please read the full story there, for better context.
    Power-Pixie purchased the same iPhone4 model which Kris used. Here he tested dialing the emergency number on the iPhone with no service shows. The video shows how to make an emergency call with it, without entering a passcode, without a SIM card inserted and without Wi-Fi or a means to connect to the network. "I tapped 112 from the call history again. It started with the same message "Emergency Call - calling..." and then it connected!!! I heard a voice on the other end of the line that announced they were emergency services and what is my emergency. Since I did not expect to connect and it was not on speaker phone, I froze in surprise and 30 seconds later the call was disconnected. I feel like a total schmuck now. Maybe they will think it was pocket-dialed since only the hum of my heater can be heard. But anyways, IT CONNECTED on a second try, with an old, disconnected SIM card in the phone**, with 3G turned OFF and after unlocking the SIM (not that unlocking the SIM needed to be done). I did not see the 112 call logged on my laptop screen unlike the "call failed" message. I don't know why at this point."
    For us, this sheds a very different light on the usage of the iPhone during the first eleven days of their disappearance, especially the 2nd day. Read further in my full blog update about the camera, the phones and the night photos here: koudekaas.blog...

Комментарии • 28

  • @eliaslima5506
    @eliaslima5506 8 месяцев назад +15

    Hello Scarlet! I read on your blog, something that I had also suspected: That big white mark on Lisanne's shoe, which appears to be lime oxide. This shoe was found dirty, but in a new photo, it is so clean, it looks like it has been brushed! Again it doesn't seem to be just incompetence, it clearly suggests that there was corruption aimed at destroying possible evidence! This case is full of situations like this! Such as the collection of poorly explained skin that was later said to be cow skin, the lost DNA of the hair found in La Pamdura, and the anonymous report of corpses that were detected by radar and then disappeared after the authorities for two days had not managed to land in the indicated place. All these situations clearly point to the possibility of foul play, which was covered up by murderers, henchmen and local authorities. I also read that this guide F was making threats via phone, against local citizens who warn unsuspecting tourists not to climb the pianist's trail citing K&L's disappearance. This guide's stance is very suspicious!
    Olá Scarlet! Eu li em seu blog, algo que eu também já havia desconfiado: Aquela grande marca branca no sapato de Lisanne, o que parece ser óxido de cal. Esse sapato foi encontrado sujo, mais em uma nova foto, ele está tão limpo, que parece até ter sido escovado!
    Novamente não parece ser apenas incompetência, sugere claramente que houve corrupção voltada para a destruição de possíveis provas! Esse caso está recheado de situações como esta! Como a coleta de pele mal explicada que depois disseram ser pele de vaca, o DNA perdido do fio de cabelo encontrado em La Pamdura, e a denúncia anônima de cadáveres que foram detectados por radar e que depois sumiram depois das autoridades por dois dias não terem conseguido pousar no lugar informado.
    Todas essas situações apontam claramente para a possibilidade de um jogo sujo, que foi encoberto por assassinos, asseclas e autoridades locais.
    Também li que o tal guia F estava fazendo ameaças via telefone, contra cidadãos locais que alertam turistas desavisados a não subirem a trilha do pianista citando o desaparecimento de K&L. Muito suspeita essa postura do guia!

  • @righteousdude6980
    @righteousdude6980 8 месяцев назад +10

    Wow! This demo make those numerous emergency calls in the case look very weird because those calls never go through a normal process of calling, like somebody was in a hurry to end the call and then turning off the phone immediately. This video is how I thought the girls also used the phone to call, but now I don't think it was them because I expected at least two or three attempts each time they would turn on the phone. the phone dialing doesn't waste the battery life as much as using apps on the phone does like google maps or social media apps. Does this phone have GPS?

    • @scarletr.7753
      @scarletr.7753  8 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, both phones also had GPS, possibly disabled manually. Power-Pixie wrote out a lot about this here: koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/02/part-4-with-latest-updates-on.html

  • @st-bp1pn
    @st-bp1pn 8 месяцев назад +13

    The old tour guide and possibly his other accomplices killed Chris and Lissan on the day of the excursion. The old tour guide also staged the story with mobile phone photos and mobile phone calls.
    The country's authorities then made evidence disappear so that the Dutch authorities and the public would not become suspicious about who the murderers might be and what actually happened to the two young women.

    • @zes3813
      @zes3813 7 месяцев назад

      wr, no frozx etc nmw

    • @marcvanwesten2759
      @marcvanwesten2759 Месяц назад

      @@st-bp1pn Whole lotta assuming going on there partner!

  • @jocelynb6808
    @jocelynb6808 8 месяцев назад +13

    very convincing test. this phone is so old and it still worked! I wonder why the girls didn't make more than one call each time if they were in trouble or feeling desperate at night? it scary to imagine just sitting alone in the dark for so many hours every night.

    • @zes3813
      @zes3813 7 месяцев назад


    • @rezopolis
      @rezopolis 3 месяца назад +1

      that's actually simple but so true!
      I didnt think about it before! I myself would make several attempts each time before stop trying. Very strange to see a single attempt and than giving up entirely for hours!
      if you are desperate you should try at least every 15 minutes, minimum

    • @marcvanwesten2759
      @marcvanwesten2759 Месяц назад

      @@jocelynb6808 and then your battery runs out.
      The explaination is very simple: if your 811 call DOES get through, people will ask you: where are you, do you see any landmarks. Your answer will be no, because it's pretty dark in this jungle.
      Please people putnyour thinking caps on...

  • @AdvieAtkins
    @AdvieAtkins 8 месяцев назад +7

    that is vital, finally explains the 2sec connection

    • @seancidy6008
      @seancidy6008 8 месяцев назад +5

      And why that phone was never used for another call attempt but rather left on to run its battery down

  • @abdullahkhanroll7129
    @abdullahkhanroll7129 8 месяцев назад +5

    hi scarlet you and juan did a great job on this case, also i read somewhere that feliciano was murdered is that true?

    • @scarletr.7753
      @scarletr.7753  8 месяцев назад +3

      Thanks 🙂I haven't heard or read anything about Feliciano in that sense. Do you know where that info came from perhaps?

    • @abdullahkhanroll7129
      @abdullahkhanroll7129 8 месяцев назад +2

      i read it on some channel i forgot the name, something like the guide and his son were dispatched by the authorities coz they feared for their tourism industry, i think its a hoax so i figured you would have some info about this.

    • @scarletr.7753
      @scarletr.7753  8 месяцев назад

      @@abdullahkhanroll7129 Probably a hoax...

  • @baronarikov1223
    @baronarikov1223 8 месяцев назад +2

    Oh god i missed my Iphone 4 white edictionm. I lost it when i was in airport. That was around 2015 in bangkok

  • @baronarikov1223
    @baronarikov1223 8 месяцев назад +2

    You are really dedicated to this case. Are you a relative to the victims btw?? 🇳🇱

  • @LandonAdamson
    @LandonAdamson 6 месяцев назад +2

    Hi scarlet how are you doing?

    • @scarletr.7753
      @scarletr.7753  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks, I'm good :)

    • @LandonAdamson
      @LandonAdamson 6 месяцев назад

      @@scarletr.7753 that’s great to hear! 😊

  • @markusmaier2277
    @markusmaier2277 8 месяцев назад

    Thats nice. Now show how the pic got erased by making the camera fall, how it happened with Kris and Lisanne.

    • @scarletr.7753
      @scarletr.7753  8 месяцев назад +4

      That did not happen and thus cannot be recreated 😉

    • @markusmaier2277
      @markusmaier2277 8 месяцев назад

      @@scarletr.7753 Yeah only in your small ignorant world.

    • @powerpixie2965
      @powerpixie2965 7 месяцев назад +3

      Why don't you show us, since you're making the claim of this theory?

    • @markusmaier2277
      @markusmaier2277 6 месяцев назад

      Hi troll!​@@PanamaResearch-uj2xo

  • @bambisamba3043
    @bambisamba3043 8 месяцев назад

    vananos ricky tepoztlan moreles Mexico

  • @bambisamba3043
    @bambisamba3043 8 месяцев назад

    tepoztlan morales mixico