I've done this on several screens in the past and am desperate, it's absolutely horrifying to remove the film, no chemicals work that well and one screen broke when I pulled it off, respect for your patience
l've done this on several screens in the past and am desperate, it's absolutely horrifying to remove the flim, no chemicals work that well respect for you patience.
Iv done it to 2 computer monitors not an iPad yet... Always wanted a phone this way but seperation of LCD from glass is very hard. And requires special tools and machines
Just an rational question, What is more frightening for you ❓ Possibly damaging your device just to ensure your screen's only visible to you not to everyone around you or being unaware that someone wearing similar glasses is sitting right beside you and silently judging you and you are completely unaware of that? 😂😅
there might be some problem with them rotating or being the wrong way round. It might be different for permanent ones, but with my single-use lenses, I can put them in either direction and any rotation and they still work, which might break polarization
@@lukeviggers8484 as someone with astigmatism, they can make weighted contacts that adhere to the exact (and in my case, fucked up) shape of your cornea. Although I agree that putting polarizer right on your eyeballs is probably not a good idea
Fun fact: recent models of really any handheld devices are beginning to trend towards being physically incapable of being repaired at home, no removable backs, stupidly difficult to remove components, etc.
Imagine staring at a blank white screen while wearing sunglasses for hours and seemingly swiping at random with a stylus only to reveal that you’ve been making an artistic masterpiece in a digital art program all this time
The likely reason it didn't work with the the original glass is that there is an additional linear polarizing layer inside the glass proper to reduce reflections. Nokia used to call this ClearBlack in their smartphones. You can easily check for this by holding the original digitizers one after another and rotating one 90°, like when testing polaroid lenses.
As novel an idea this is, it would make more sense for manufacturers (in the future) to include a polarising layer that can be activated or deactivated electorinically, in conjunction with circular polarising glasses (such as those used in cinemas) which would make rotation possible. On the other hand, I prefer to deal with people looking at my screen in public by staring directly at them Christopher Walken style.
@@pvic6959 Normal sunglasses don't have that kind of polarisation but yes, if someone happened to have a pair of the specifically polarised glasses then NO PRIVACY FOR YOU!
The original digitizer is glass only, all the conductive traces are dopped right onto it. The aftermarket ones use a plastic digitizer layer adhered to a piece of glass instead. Plastics often change the polarization of light.
imagine if someone made a “dynamic polarizer” that can be turned on and off so you can have a nice, visually secure screen with neat shades to see the screen with, And if Apple were to do this, you know they’d sell the polarizer glasses separately for something like $150
Bad idea. If it will be some people just would get the same glasses so they would see what's on your screen even without polarizer. But now there is very few people that have polarizer glasses so by now it's still impressive till it won't be invested
@@offinse9916 The device doesn't need to be greatly affected by the lack of glasses, there could be a hardware switch to toggle polarization, we have the tech for it, as it's how some calculator screens work (I think). Even if we don't, interchangeable screens would be an option, a normal screen would come with the device, and a non polarizing screen could be ordered for the device in question.
I've seen this "privacy screen" technique done on computer screens and iirc phones years ago, it's really nothing crazy, you just have to understand how LCD screens work idk if it was around a decade ago (I think it might be the case, I'd have to scan RUclips and maybe even some forums to find the first mentions), but at least 5 years easily (I wouldn't be surprised if it'd be 10+) no offence, ofc, and good job for the guy for doing it first on an iPad, just saying you have to be pretty naive about screens (you may be just young which is fine, no shame, treating a decade like a long time suggests it, 2014 feels like a year ago to me and I don't feel like technology has progressed that much: everything's faster, bigger, more fancy, but no breakthrough except maybe AI, but the theory for machine learning has been around for a very long time, I remember learning Lisp to work on early AI, we just never had this insane computational power to make anything impressive with it (it was mostly just math, tho you had things like "Cleverbot" which felt impressive at the time) before very recently) to consider it "magic"
the problem with a messy screen when it is paired with unoriginal touchscreen glass maybe due to the fact, that each screen is calibrated differently and is adjusted to its own glass (as the glass can contribute to polarization of the light coming through), so only replacement of the combined screen + glass will work
Seeing your struggle with the battery makes me glad my phone's damage made the battery replacement significantly easier. The battery provided its own heat and swole up making it so much easier to remove lol
I would of broke the LCD just removing the first layer. Iv broken 2 LCDs just changing digitizers on iPad models out of many I have done correctly. Done this mod on 2 desktop screens and 1 laptop though.
Is it terrifying that I thought about this a few weeks before? Before knowing about the tempered glass “Anti chusmas” or something like that, I had thought why not create some lenses that only you can see the screen of your cell phone? That idea crossed my mind again and again, but since I’m not an inventor I said “Someone is going to create it” and I found you and it’s wow
For the directionality of the polarized layer, it might be interesting to make custom glasses with both eyes having polarized filters at a 90 degree ofset. It might be a bit weird to use but if you really must be be able to hold your ipad both ways it might be a decent option. Only problem is that one eye will see a white screen, or both eyes half of the screen depending on how you orient them on the glasses. Maybe having both at a 45 degree angle would be better (still 90 degrees apart from eachother). Also, a blank background when you can only see it with one eye isn't the worst thing to have.
Massive fan of this Mod, I'm actually planning to do this with an iPhone 7 lying around and its going to be my most modified iphone I've ever done, However it could be very destructive and costly! Love your content!
Brad: ''that's a cool-looking Ipad Tom. Where did you get it? Tom: ''I bought it off Curry's PC World'' Brad: ''By the way, why is your iPad screen stuck in the white colour?'' Tom: **shrugs** Brad: ''It's 12PM let's get something to ea-- Tom: (Quickly hides his iPad) Brad: ''WHAT was that odd noise?'' Tom: ''What do you mean bro?'' Brad: ''I'm positive I heard somebody moan from your iPad man'' Tom: ''_stood still nervously_'' Brad: ''I can't believe you're listening to Adult videos brah...''' Tom: ''You're right I'm sorry. I will Istighfar to God'' Brad: ''Good man''.
I have polarized sunglasses that I wear inside for light sensitivity reasons but it results in the literal opposite effect. I think this would be a far more enjoyable experience to have 😅
🤔 I wonder if it would be possible to implement the same circular/radial polarization that is commonly used in modern day 3D stereoscopic movies, which would allow for the screen to be rotated and still maintain proper polarization.
The clear glue under the battery can be easily removed with rubbing your thumb back and forth. Try using an slight chunky peanut butter, the oils will help dissolve the glues(maybe the coatings too) and the chunks help with abrasion without scratching, useful for removing tars
Imagine if Apple made a "privacy mode" in control center that somehow hid the polarizer from view. It could also display a message, such as a pair of glasses image with the text "Privacy mode is on" and they could sell special glasses that filter out the color of the text and image. Edit: I edited my comment after it got >200 likes omg guys i ruined it aaaaaaaaah
You can also just buy a privacy screen and stick it over your smartphone or Ipad, which does exactly the same job without physically messing with your ipad's screen.
I did this a long time ago using a calculator that was able to be connected to a PC via com connection and I was able to remove the polarizing filter and program the information to scroll on screen during a test in high school. I used my new glasses with polarizing lenses while everyone else would see just a turned off calculator sitting on my desk. I loved challenges like that. Never though that something like this was possible on modern LCD screens.
Neat. Circular, rotatable, polarising filters might be something to consider, the type screwed onto camera lenses. The glasses would look really weird, but the angle would be infinitely adjustable so you could you switch tablet orientation without having to switch glasses (a little rotation of the filter would do it).
Nope, that won't work. Cpl filters on cameras are still linear polarizers just with a circular polarizer underneath it as a second layer so that the light meter in-camera can function properly. It could work if the screen was emitting circular polarized light, and then you can use a cinema's 3d glasses which is basically inverted of the cpl filters on camera. It has a circular polarizer as the first layer and a linear polarizer as the second. The projector emits circular polarized light spiraling in clockwise and anti-clockwise to the left and right eye. (Imagine light going in spirals like a spring towards you). Therefore, you can rotate your head comfortably. Which means it is not possible to use a cpl filter since lcd's emit *linear* polarized light due to it's nature.
@@unliving_ball_of_gas Yes it would work. Instead of using glasses with oval or rectangular lenses, you use ones with round circular ones. So that when you rotate the Ipad you would then also rotate the lens of the glasses in their frame in the same direction.
I thought the same, however I am not sure that it would work. I have not read in depth on the subject yet, however there does seem to be some indication that there are limitations to implementing circular polarization on LCD screens, due to them being fundamentally linear polarization. It seems it may require an entirely purpose-built display that projects light in a circular polarized arrangement to get radial polarization to work. I would absolutely love to see someone hack together something like that.
Love it! This would confuse so many people! Would have loved this mod back in my high school days... well, that's if the iPad had been invented in the 90's!! 🤣😂
it was done long time ago. refurbishing, changing polarizer films from iphone 4. Same story goes with macbooks. You should try investigating more to proceed such operation to save your time.
Mother : billys being weird again. Father: what is he doing now? Mother he's playing on his ipad. Father: what's wrong with that? Mother: he keeps tapping on the screen and rage quitting but it's just a blank screen. -said by the parents of the kid who has this ipad
The reason the glass is messing with the colours is probably because it's tempered glass. If you look at tempered glass with polarised glasses it will look colourful. Get a non-tempered glass display.
Dude, you should rock the LCD connector *sideways* to disconnect it, don't rock it backwards like you did at 5:35. I've straight up ripped the upper half of the LCD connector off the logic board before by disconnecting it the way you did, the connector is rather delicate. Rocking it sideways instead avoids undue stress on the logic board connector.
Apple: this is the all new ipad to feature an invisible screen only you can see. But u might wonder, how can you see this gorgeous invisible screen, well look no further, introducing our all new I-glass which u can use to see what's on ur invincible screen. The ipad and I-glass are sold separately with a price tag of 999 and 1199 respectively.
Dear Hugh I really enjoy watching your videos. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I have a question regarding Samsung Smartphones: Samsung limits the voltage the battery gets charged to after some houndred charging cycles. That means if you change the battery, the new battery will never get fully charged up. How do you deal with that when changing your batteries? I know there is a tool by samsung for resetting the battery cycles but it only supports the S20 and newer phones. Samsung Service centers reset them when replacing the battery so there must be a way to do it without rooting the phone. Maybe you know a solution to this problem, i think it would be an idea for one of your videos. Greetings
Ever since I was seven years old, I've wondered if it would have been possible to make something like computer screens with filters that make them visible only through special glasses. Then all these Apple Vision Pro and similar goggles came out that dissuaded me a bit from these thoughts... And then I saw this video... Everything was ready and no one had told me!
Just an rational question, What is more frightening for you ❓ Possibly damaging your device just to ensure your screen's only visible to you not to everyone around you or being unaware that someone wearing similar glasses is sitting right beside you and silently judging you and you are completely unaware of that? 😂😅
@@theDancingBanana2002 iwhile ur wearing the glasses u can put on watching never gonna give u up and then turn the volume up and tell ur friend bro I just found this crazy video and then put it on them boom done rickrolled
Moved up to a pricier version for better screen resolution and processor ruclips.net/user/postUgkxUGaHtKW8MwCql2fPyIm9-ftTqSMzKFFA , but battery drains faster, and not having a button for control of apps turns out to be a problem. Touch ID is harder to use than with the old button on the front. Can't really see the better screen resolution or see increase in speed, etc with better processor
imagine you see someone laughing on a white screen beside you
That'd definitely be an interesting sight. Probably step 1 in getting them into a mental institution 😂
To be fair that's probably what we will find humorous soon enough
I've done this on several screens in the past and am desperate, it's absolutely horrifying to remove the film, no chemicals work that well and one screen broke when I pulled it off, respect for your patience
You tried it several times? I tried it only one time and got PTSD haha
water works
l've done this on several screens in the past and am desperate, it's absolutely horrifying to remove the flim, no chemicals work that well respect for you patience.
Iv done it to 2 computer monitors not an iPad yet... Always wanted a phone this way but seperation of LCD from glass is very hard. And requires special tools and machines
Just an rational question,
What is more frightening for you ❓
Possibly damaging your device just to ensure your screen's only visible to you not to everyone around you or being unaware that someone wearing similar glasses is sitting right beside you and silently judging you and you are completely unaware of that? 😂😅
Polarizer contact lenses would be killer for this. Just imagine looking absolutely insane to everyone else, but you can see everything on your iPad.
there might be some problem with them rotating or being the wrong way round. It might be different for permanent ones, but with my single-use lenses, I can put them in either direction and any rotation and they still work, which might break polarization
@@lukeviggers8484I know my ones for astigmatism have little weights in them so they always get right side up
and screw up your eyes with polarizer while your at it
Not really the nazis fault either, the jews "basically" walked to the gaschambers themselves.
@@lukeviggers8484 as someone with astigmatism, they can make weighted contacts that adhere to the exact (and in my case, fucked up) shape of your cornea. Although I agree that putting polarizer right on your eyeballs is probably not a good idea
Fun fact: recent models of really any handheld devices are beginning to trend towards being physically incapable of being repaired at home, no removable backs, stupidly difficult to remove components, etc.
thats not fun...
They probably just wanna make more money so more people come in to get it fixed
But fixing it is part of the fun :( quality family time
Imagine staring at a blank white screen while wearing sunglasses for hours and seemingly swiping at random with a stylus only to reveal that you’ve been making an artistic masterpiece in a digital art program all this time
@@Porquesiguesleyendo What a wonderful demonstration of both a mix of beauty and sadness in one singular word! A masterpiece truly (,:
@@muffinman4220 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕦𝕞 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕤𝕖
@@Kenionatus LMAO
@Kenionatus Kenionatus the struggle is real :’)
400th like
Next apple product: *we removed the screen polarizer to reduce the damage to north and south poles*
Users having to buy $500 glasses separately 🥴
*Then Apple proceed to paer the pulverizer.*
@@kbhasi That's too cheap. It should be $999 and paired/serialized to each individual iPad.
And Samsung pokes fun at it, only to follow the same later. Right? Right????
The likely reason it didn't work with the the original glass is that there is an additional linear polarizing layer inside the glass proper to reduce reflections. Nokia used to call this ClearBlack in their smartphones. You can easily check for this by holding the original digitizers one after another and rotating one 90°, like when testing polaroid lenses.
807 likes but not one reply? Let me fix that.
831 likes but one reply? Let me fix that.
Nerd reply section
its cool and all but what happens if you LOSE the glasses?
No any polarized glasses 👓 will work so just buy another pair
Then your fucked
As novel an idea this is, it would make more sense for manufacturers (in the future) to include a polarising layer that can be activated or deactivated electorinically, in conjunction with circular polarising glasses (such as those used in cinemas) which would make rotation possible.
On the other hand, I prefer to deal with people looking at my screen in public by staring directly at them Christopher Walken style.
if this became standard then I would imagine most people would be able to look anyway
exactly @@kingambrose9919 😭
but also, wont ANYONE with polarized goggles see your screen? and i think most sunglasses come like that now
@@pvic6959 Normal sunglasses don't have that kind of polarisation but yes, if someone happened to have a pair of the specifically polarised glasses then NO PRIVACY FOR YOU!
Taking privacy to a whole new level. If this existed a long time ago i could play an M rated game with my parents thinking im just staring at grey.
This actually existed before even LCD screens were made
@@Kelette Do you know if they still sell it?
Audio tho
@@afellowlorecreator built in earphones or headphones
I would be staring at it for hours while slime sounds be playing
thumbnail looks oddly familiar
why did u stop doing videos? @brusspup
“Jake why is your ipad moaning?”
Gim me these glasses *See's what he thinked he saw*
Should i spoil 1k likes i will
The original digitizer is glass only, all the conductive traces are dopped right onto it. The aftermarket ones use a plastic digitizer layer adhered to a piece of glass instead. Plastics often change the polarization of light.
Yes and no. The original digitizers are indeed glass, but it's still 2 layers adhered together.
imagine if someone made a “dynamic polarizer” that can be turned on and off so you can have a nice, visually secure screen with neat shades to see the screen with, And if Apple were to do this, you know they’d sell the polarizer glasses separately for something like $150
Bad idea. If it will be some people just would get the same glasses so they would see what's on your screen even without polarizer. But now there is very few people that have polarizer glasses so by now it's still impressive till it won't be invested
150 dollars? Are you crazy, it'll be 1k easy.
@@offinse9916 solution: purchasing the glasses requires owning a device that has traveled a given consecutive distance while in active use.
@@dadfixthis2998 that's restricting usability of device, it's very uncomfortable to use
@@offinse9916 The device doesn't need to be greatly affected by the lack of glasses, there could be a hardware switch to toggle polarization, we have the tech for it, as it's how some calculator screens work (I think).
Even if we don't, interchangeable screens would be an option, a normal screen would come with the device, and a non polarizing screen could be ordered for the device in question.
The way you hold the film over and can see it is awesome!
Guys can we appreciate and respect him for having so much patience, 5 hours??? for removing a film wow u earned my subscribe
you can have a rick roll gif playing, and give your friend the glasses.
hahahahahah so funny😂
-liked this comment-
as someone who freaked out over trying to fix my joycon drift at home this video was incredibly anxiety inducing 10/10
@@GunsAndAmmo3i think theyre referring to the stick drift on their joycons (nintendo switch’s controllers)
@@GunsAndAmmo3i love how retarded you are
@@GunsAndAmmo3why do you care?
A decade ago something like this would seem like magic.. And to me it still does even in modern day
@@BiirdEnthusiast what
I've seen this "privacy screen" technique done on computer screens and iirc phones years ago, it's really nothing crazy, you just have to understand how LCD screens work
idk if it was around a decade ago (I think it might be the case, I'd have to scan RUclips and maybe even some forums to find the first mentions), but at least 5 years easily (I wouldn't be surprised if it'd be 10+)
no offence, ofc, and good job for the guy for doing it first on an iPad, just saying you have to be pretty naive about screens (you may be just young which is fine, no shame, treating a decade like a long time suggests it, 2014 feels like a year ago to me and I don't feel like technology has progressed that much: everything's faster, bigger, more fancy, but no breakthrough except maybe AI, but the theory for machine learning has been around for a very long time, I remember learning Lisp to work on early AI, we just never had this insane computational power to make anything impressive with it (it was mostly just math, tho you had things like "Cleverbot" which felt impressive at the time) before very recently) to consider it "magic"
From the screen to the ring to the pen to the game about the zog.What is the believer?That's my heart
Beautiful customization, perhaps a little risky since it could ruin a good expensive LCD, but still interesting. Nice video as always.
nah, lcds are relatively cheap. Its the oleds that cost a lot to replace.
Most iPad LCD are around 100$ for eBay aftermarket ones, not exactly cheap
i think this video is made for old devices that you want to use again and dont mind if it breaks
@@StormHawksHD you
it has to do with lcd but everyone else think its lsd
the problem with a messy screen when it is paired with unoriginal touchscreen glass maybe due to the fact, that each screen is calibrated differently and is adjusted to its own glass (as the glass can contribute to polarization of the light coming through), so only replacement of the combined screen + glass will work
I want to see the look on people’s faces when they see you on a plane tapping on an iPad with a blank screen
XD true😂
i aint doing all this so imma do it with just a white picture
Seeing your struggle with the battery makes me glad my phone's damage made the battery replacement significantly easier. The battery provided its own heat and swole up making it so much easier to remove lol
Your patience in removing the adhesive is top notch
I would of broke the LCD just removing the first layer. Iv broken 2 LCDs just changing digitizers on iPad models out of many I have done correctly. Done this mod on 2 desktop screens and 1 laptop though.
@@XxTWMLxX iPad's lcd is verh fragile isn't it?
@@ekaprasetio9564 “verh”
@@Irisui every average steven universe enjoyer
Is it terrifying that I thought about this a few weeks before? Before knowing about the tempered glass “Anti chusmas” or something like that, I had thought why not create some lenses that only you can see the screen of your cell phone? That idea crossed my mind again and again, but since I’m not an inventor I said “Someone is going to create it” and I found you and it’s wow
For the directionality of the polarized layer, it might be interesting to make custom glasses with both eyes having polarized filters at a 90 degree ofset. It might be a bit weird to use but if you really must be be able to hold your ipad both ways it might be a decent option. Only problem is that one eye will see a white screen, or both eyes half of the screen depending on how you orient them on the glasses. Maybe having both at a 45 degree angle would be better (still 90 degrees apart from eachother).
Also, a blank background when you can only see it with one eye isn't the worst thing to have.
7:45 was that fave reveal an accident or not?
Dude his profile picture is literally his face.
@someone4229 I found that out
5 hours to clean the screen! Great tenacity Hugh!
Next level adhesive meets next level perseverance - serious commitment there Hugh, great video!
Massive fan of this Mod, I'm actually planning to do this with an iPhone 7 lying around and its going to be my most modified iphone I've ever done, However it could be very destructive and costly! Love your content!
@@3dis_was_taken I've already seen it a while back, I know someone who can mod an LCD for me so its no hard task!
Destructive.....Costly.......and Time sink.......
I swear this guy is like taking apart the intire ipad and putting it back together perfectly while i have trouble turning mine on
Everybody gangster till someone knows the trick and has the glasses to peep on you
Sunday morning in Melbourne... a coffee in Sydney Road, and the newest Hugh Jeffries video. Both bring joy to the heart.
Hello, from Brisbane!
Hello from Melbourne too!
Brad: ''that's a cool-looking Ipad Tom. Where did you get it?
Tom: ''I bought it off Curry's PC World''
Brad: ''By the way, why is your iPad screen stuck in the white colour?''
Tom: **shrugs**
Brad: ''It's 12PM let's get something to ea--
Tom: (Quickly hides his iPad)
Brad: ''WHAT was that odd noise?''
Tom: ''What do you mean bro?''
Brad: ''I'm positive I heard somebody moan from your iPad man''
Tom: ''_stood still nervously_''
Brad: ''I can't believe you're listening to Adult videos brah...'''
Tom: ''You're right I'm sorry. I will Istighfar to God''
Brad: ''Good man''.
1k likes in 14 hours sheesh thats good
I was thinking the exact same thing.
You still got time to delete this comment
I actually wanted to do something like that ~15 years ago with a monitor. Polarization is interesting thing.
This would work much better with circular polarization than linear polarization, as then the screen can be any orientation.
I have polarized sunglasses that I wear inside for light sensitivity reasons but it results in the literal opposite effect. I think this would be a far more enjoyable experience to have 😅
the polarizers screw up the lights created from the screen that are going through the polarizer which makes the screen blank.
🤔 I wonder if it would be possible to implement the same circular/radial polarization that is commonly used in modern day 3D stereoscopic movies, which would allow for the screen to be rotated and still maintain proper polarization.
Sir this is a Wendy’s
why is everybody in the replies rude lol
@@Bingus-mp9vushirt waer
The clear glue under the battery can be easily removed with rubbing your thumb back and forth. Try using an slight chunky peanut butter, the oils will help dissolve the glues(maybe the coatings too) and the chunks help with abrasion without scratching, useful for removing tars
Imagine if Apple made a "privacy mode" in control center that somehow hid the polarizer from view. It could also display a message, such as a pair of glasses image with the text "Privacy mode is on" and they could sell special glasses that filter out the color of the text and image.
Edit: I edited my comment after it got >200 likes omg guys i ruined it aaaaaaaaah
R u dumb?
It's not possible
@@aibi5532 So is u getting a GF and/or a life outside of heckling comments
@@beepymemes again u proved urself dumb by commenting this
@@aibi5532 yourself*
Then others could just buy the glasses to see
This was so fascinating to watch. So amazing and you did put in a lot of efforts into making this!
You can also just buy a privacy screen and stick it over your smartphone or Ipad, which does exactly the same job without physically messing with your ipad's screen.
I did this a long time ago using a calculator that was able to be connected to a PC via com connection and I was able to remove the polarizing filter and program the information to scroll on screen during a test in high school. I used my new glasses with polarizing lenses while everyone else would see just a turned off calculator sitting on my desk.
I loved challenges like that. Never though that something like this was possible on modern LCD screens.
Neat. Circular, rotatable, polarising filters might be something to consider, the type screwed onto camera lenses. The glasses would look really weird, but the angle would be infinitely adjustable so you could you switch tablet orientation without having to switch glasses (a little rotation of the filter would do it).
Nope, that won't work. Cpl filters on cameras are still linear polarizers just with a circular polarizer underneath it as a second layer so that the light meter in-camera can function properly.
It could work if the screen was emitting circular polarized light, and then you can use a cinema's 3d glasses which is basically inverted of the cpl filters on camera. It has a circular polarizer as the first layer and a linear polarizer as the second. The projector emits circular polarized light spiraling in clockwise and anti-clockwise to the left and right eye. (Imagine light going in spirals like a spring towards you). Therefore, you can rotate your head comfortably.
Which means it is not possible to use a cpl filter since lcd's emit *linear* polarized light due to it's nature.
@@unliving_ball_of_gas Yes it would work. Instead of using glasses with oval or rectangular lenses, you use ones with round circular ones. So that when you rotate the Ipad you would then also rotate the lens of the glasses in their frame in the same direction.
I thought the same, however I am not sure that it would work. I have not read in depth on the subject yet, however there does seem to be some indication that there are limitations to implementing circular polarization on LCD screens, due to them being fundamentally linear polarization. It seems it may require an entirely purpose-built display that projects light in a circular polarized arrangement to get radial polarization to work. I would absolutely love to see someone hack together something like that.
Love it! This would confuse so many people! Would have loved this mod back in my high school days... well, that's if the iPad had been invented in the 90's!! 🤣😂
I was invented already, just not released
This kind of things were done a lot at 90's example with Nokia 6110
Random and stupid question: Is your pfp Bank station?
first step to send someone to a mental institution
@@arkvsi8142 you were invented?
(Hugh puts sunglasses on)
«I have come here to chew bubblegum and mod iPads... and I'm all out of bubblegum.»
shut up
5 seconds in and I already know how this works. Pretty cool though
Jay (has polarized glasses) : Hey look at the sick video that guys watching!
Dave: "What?"
Jay: "Can't you see that?"
Dave: " *The white screen?* "
Hey Hugh! I love your videos and I’ve been watching you for years now! So fun to see what you’re up to next. I hope you’re doing good!
6:42 this part reminds me of opening those yogurt things as a kid 😂
Do this with an Iphone next please 🙏
Apple vision budget pro
Let’s appreciate the fact that he bought 2 iPad minis, those glasses, several screens, and a new battery for this video 😇
Let's appreciate the fact that he bought obvious components used for a project for a youtube video, like no shit
@@kakyoindonut3213 deadass, like it’s the bare minimum for a project he wants to do.
Let’s appreciate comments are so like farmy
Let's appreciate how stupid you are
how exactly would he be able to do this video without those?
6:25 is that what the logo looks like behind the case 😭 it’s so ugly
lmao why is the iphone sign like that😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It looks like one of those like uh air things then you flip it over and it just wow
Let me guess you’ve never gotten an iPhone or iPad before
lol this is the way you hide the hub in public💀
10:35 You Can See A Little Bit The Icons On The Screen
He just said that
Just use privacy protector, No need to go through this hassle, Bcz it just works.... Like even if ur right next to person u won't see a thing..
Not as fun
I need to do this before cleaning out my search history
it was done long time ago. refurbishing, changing polarizer films from iphone 4. Same story goes with macbooks. You should try investigating more to proceed such operation to save your time.
Mother : billys being weird again.
Father: what is he doing now?
Mother he's playing on his ipad.
Father: what's wrong with that?
Mother: he keeps tapping on the screen and rage quitting but it's just a blank screen.
-said by the parents of the kid who has this ipad
The parents after using Billy's glasses: Oh...
I don’t get it
Mom: why is your Ipad moaning?
The reason the glass is messing with the colours is probably because it's tempered glass. If you look at tempered glass with polarised glasses it will look colourful. Get a non-tempered glass display.
“Ah damn I lost my glasses”
Imagine seeing Hugh out in public using this iPad, and then someone with a polarizer glasses walks by.
Uh oh.
It would be fun to convert several screens like this- but perhaps I've seen John Carpenter's "They Live" one time too many 😎
Oh @hootentom I'm so glad you brought up that movie!! One of my favorites
@@nancyoffenhiser4916 I'm also glad it was brought up as it's one of my favourit movies. 😎😵💫
Fun? Looks like long hours, money, and extreme patience for no real marketable result.
bro kept getting caught searching some 18+ stuff.. he solved that problem.
Edit: no way some underaged bro reported me for a joke 🙏💀
FR bro
@@BenMittens_shorts178yeah lol
Bro I’m reporting
@@LennieNewman-tt7ol why
@@LennieNewman-tt7ol LOL NO WAY
I got an idea. If ypu made a screen protector that is polarising glass for the ipad
This man is so brave to literally tear a iPad apart and make a ✨MASTERPIECE✨
Dude, you should rock the LCD connector *sideways* to disconnect it, don't rock it backwards like you did at 5:35. I've straight up ripped the upper half of the LCD connector off the logic board before by disconnecting it the way you did, the connector is rather delicate. Rocking it sideways instead avoids undue stress on the logic board connector.
7:52 Is the protective film over the display causing the issue?
When will this be available?
Try not removing that many layers from the screen. Maybe 1 of them is for color stuff. Try to remove only the top 1, see if that will work.
0:01 My friend I believe it’s called Schizophrenia. 😂
its not.
its called buying polarized glasses and removing smth on the screen
@@yobitsgamingyeah, and it’s called a joke.
@@yobitsgaming no shit Sherlock
@@Flowerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlanguage. There could be children watching.
Nobody in the room can see what's on your screen, but all the big companies know what you're doing on your device
This iPad brought back so much nostalgia 😭😭
I am literally using an iPad with a mouse and keyboard
@@stephaniepena387you dont know?
@@stephaniepena387my cousins have it
I can only imagine what somebody would need to do this for in public 🤣
@@ProtoV33MK1 that's why privacy screen protectors do the job for that type of stuff
Is no one gonna talk about how much the battery is💀6:28
Imagine what kids would be doing if these ipads were on stores
bro predicted apple vision
Apple: this is the all new ipad to feature an invisible screen only you can see. But u might wonder, how can you see this gorgeous invisible screen, well look no further, introducing our all new I-glass which u can use to see what's on ur invincible screen. The ipad and I-glass are sold separately with a price tag of 999 and 1199 respectively.
5:16 "after about 5 hours" !!!!!! And that was just the beginning.
imagine you have those glasses, some other dude has this same kind of glasses, and you be watching that one orange black youtube
Dear Hugh
I really enjoy watching your videos. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I have a question regarding Samsung Smartphones: Samsung limits the voltage the battery gets charged to after some houndred charging cycles. That means if you change the battery, the new battery will never get fully charged up. How do you deal with that when changing your batteries? I know there is a tool by samsung for resetting the battery cycles but it only supports the S20 and newer phones. Samsung Service centers reset them when replacing the battery so there must be a way to do it without rooting the phone. Maybe you know a solution to this problem, i think it would be an idea for one of your videos.
"Son why is your ipad moaning?"
Oh, uh dad! I don’t know! It’s just been making noises, and not turning on!
@@osmwwudgcgdiwmnidmcow I see. We might have to fix it cause its just a white screen!
@@XavierIsSUPPERCOOL I think it’s just a glitch, it will fix by itself
@@XavierIsSUPPERCOOL trust me, I’ve done this before…
@@osmwwudgcgdiwmnidmcow Ok well i guess you know technology more than I do
It looks like Eclipse glasses
Ever since I was seven years old, I've wondered if it would have been possible to make something like computer screens with filters that make them visible only through special glasses. Then all these Apple Vision Pro and similar goggles came out that dissuaded me a bit from these thoughts... And then I saw this video... Everything was ready and no one had told me!
Me watching this on my ipad
Its time.
Me tooo
son, why are you whackin it to a blank screen
Erm accualy it’s called “jorkin it”
@@Cromakopia_lover And by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. My peanits
Instructions unclear: my whole world is white and I can only see it with glasses on
This is interesting I’ve never seen the inside of a iPad before
Just an rational question,
What is more frightening for you ❓
Possibly damaging your device just to ensure your screen's only visible to you not to everyone around you or being unaware that someone wearing similar glasses is sitting right beside you and silently judging you and you are completely unaware of that? 😂😅
how do you find out how to do this 💀
He probably copied the same thing from the invisible computer screen just only with a iPad
Best way to to rickroll someone 😂
This comment got me dead 💀
@@theDancingBanana2002 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀
@@theDancingBanana2002 iwhile ur wearing the glasses u can put on watching never gonna give u up and then turn the volume up and tell ur friend bro I just found this crazy video and then put it on them boom done rickrolled
Imagine beating a game speedrun world record and everyone thinks you watching a white screen
2:18 what’s the QR code for?
that's not a qr cod3
@@LemonSoundLogosyeah it is bruh
@@hhhhj5831 nuh uh
Moved up to a pricier version for better screen resolution and processor ruclips.net/user/postUgkxUGaHtKW8MwCql2fPyIm9-ftTqSMzKFFA , but battery drains faster, and not having a button for control of apps turns out to be a problem. Touch ID is harder to use than with the old button on the front. Can't really see the better screen resolution or see increase in speed, etc with better processor
5:01 A silky smooth hair color
What I want to know, is it better for your eyes this way? Less eye strain?