The TRUTH About osu! Improvement and Coaching

  • Опубликовано: 5 июл 2024
  • yea
    #osu #Spazza17
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 58

  • @rubrub463
    @rubrub463 2 года назад +84

    title: "The TRUTH About osu! Improvement"
    Spazza: "this is not the truth about improvement"

    • @maxirauxgd8110
      @maxirauxgd8110 2 года назад +3

      we have to pay the food bruh so tasty

  • @realmas8840
    @realmas8840 2 года назад +71

    i get that to some people, the most fun aspect of improving is figuring stuff out by yourself in order to get better, but i feel like a lot of these players also don't realize that for others, theoryzing and discussing improvement is also really fun. the people who dissect the game and try to understand it on a deeper level aren't doing it to ruin the fun and create the optimal way to play at the cost of fun, they're just experimenting and having fun trying to understand what goes into improving, because to them, it's just really fun
    the growing trend of saying that you shouldn't think about the game and just play is really annoying cuz people just have different ways of having fun but apparently that's too difficult to understand for some people

  • @projectrk1347
    @projectrk1347 2 года назад +54

    Bro if you really thing about it, mostly every top player got to the top by playing more and just having fun and playing what they wanted. If they enjoyed farming they farmed, if they wanted to stream they stream and got to the top doing so. Notice that players like WhiteCat or Mrreck did not go around asking for coaching to get to the top. It just shows that playing and challenging yourself every time you play goes way further than just asking for coaching. Anyways just a thought.

    • @seanscott1308
      @seanscott1308 2 года назад +9

      Most every top player started playing osu before coaching was a big thing. Even now, coaching isn’t a big thing. We’ve not had the prevalence nor time for today’s coached players to become tomorrows top players, so this comparison isn’t that fair

    • @user-bc2hj3lk3y
      @user-bc2hj3lk3y 2 года назад

      So mrekk say that he is number one because nobody is playing for skill

    • @Stuugie.
      @Stuugie. 2 года назад +7

      I'd argue that they have very good habits that don't hinder their improvement though, not everyone is going to have that and sometimes an outside opinion can help you see bad habits for what they are.

  • @randymarsh4748
    @randymarsh4748 2 года назад +14

    if someone in my early phase of the game told me that i shouldnt avoid low ar just because i hate playing it (at the moment and would eventually start to like it when i get better at it), should try to concentrate more on acc, fingercontrol and reading, play older maps with weird patterns and rythm (which i also hate), build up a good foundaiton and stuff like this, I wouldnt be so fcking hard stuck and with absolutely ZERO motivation to improve on my lacking foundational skills (since they are behind my peak skill sets so much that id have to lower the sr a lot to be able to let them catch up, which is way to boring and unfun to me) ...
    so now im kinda stuck in a situation where i either think about quitting or just try to push skill cap with lacking foundational skill in many ways which is also very frustrating

    • @osuplaeyurreallygood
      @osuplaeyurreallygood 2 года назад

      you don't have to play fundamentals for your entire play session, play the easy basic stuff for like 30 minutes to an hour to warm up and then start going up the SR until you're at what you normally play. if you do this every day for like 3 months you're gonna have a much stronger base skill to work with.
      and I say 3 months because any time I feel lazy or demotivated I remind myself "just imagine how good you'll be if you do this every day for 3 months". 3 months isn't a super long time but it's also enough time to get decent at something.

    • @yoshawtyismyproperty
      @yoshawtyismyproperty 2 года назад

      If you dislike playing osu, don't play it. If you still want to break the skill cap, take a break and come back once you feel like you're enjoying the game again. That's the first step to breaking a cap, your mind is just stuck. Having fun playing a game will benefit you so much more than being good at the game. Take this advice with a grain of salt

    • @randymarsh4748
      @randymarsh4748 2 года назад

      @@yoshawtyismyproperty i like the game ofc but i think most people agree that its much more fun when u are actually good or at least decent by ur own standards. When every time i play (ive took multiple longer breaks) i feel like im very bad compared to my old self its unfun and demotivating af. For example from time to time i feel like playing the game and giving it another chance but every time im garbage. I completly lost my ability to stream (wasnt good by any means before but now its basically completly gone cant even stream 170 anymore)
      So im in a situation where i can only get good again when i push through the bad and demotivating times... my mind has been stuck for at least half an year thats not going to change by just waiting even longer

  • @Stuugie.
    @Stuugie. 2 года назад +3

    I enjoy improvement, simple as that. I enjoy seeing my acc and combo improve on maps, modding maps I used to nomod and still getting better acc, increasing my tapping speed, jump speed and distance, consistency, etc etc. I play the game for fun, but improvement is simply part of that fun for me.
    If I have the money, I'd get coaching too, not necessarily because of how seriously I take my play (though I think an outside perspective can help understand your blindspots and improve in ways you wouldn't consider normally), I'd honestly just like to support them as a part of the community.

  • @no_aveil
    @no_aveil 2 года назад +1

    I think that wanting to ask others or write theories on how to improve can be fun or of real benefit sometimes, but can also be a response to fear or anxiety, especially when you are putting more time into abstract theory than practical applications (more time thinking than playing). Since, if you can justify why you're not improving by a theory it makes you 'normal' and not lazy, and gives a reason as to why there are people improving faster than you are. This kind of social comparison is bound to occur increasingly as the amount of osu! players grows and the skill level of top players becomes more distant from the average person.

  • @Leogryph
    @Leogryph 2 года назад +1

    I recently took a coaching session with you, and I guess I get what Aireus means, however, the coaching did help me with knowing what I need to do in order to improve. I hit a wall where I couldn't improve because of streams, and no matter how many stream maps I played, I wasn't getting better on my own. In my opinion, when you should think about coaching is when you hit a similar wall. Spazza did great with pointing me in a great direction, so now I know what to do playing on my own going forward.

  • @Imaproshaman7
    @Imaproshaman7 2 года назад

    Very nice points. Good stuff.

  • @b0b2107
    @b0b2107 2 года назад +1

    Thank you derek for amazing content

  • @bruhiones6963
    @bruhiones6963 2 года назад

    I think any new way to enjoy a game, especially for osu which is a solo game, is good. I only made my account a year and a half ago and it might just be a result of not being very active in the community, but I don’t feel like the whole improvement mindset makes the community a more toxic or “spiritless” place and it’s actually just been an extra conversation topic. There *are* people who are hyperfocused on improvement though who are annoying, but I’ve found those people to be the loud minority who are new to the game. But idk tho, I’ve only been playing for a year.

  • @afilthy6digit839
    @afilthy6digit839 2 года назад

    Now compared to others I've not been playing very long (just over a year) but I do see the point in coaching, but I do think that in the end the MOST important thing to improvement is just mindset, if you're having fun then you will improve, and even if you don't improve if you're still having fun then there's no real problem, but that's just the rambles of a random 5 digit (I know the names misleading)

  • @Zeldanerd7YT
    @Zeldanerd7YT 2 года назад

    Just watching my local scores has helped me improve greatly, though I do have a history with competitive games, Osu! feels different. As if I have to keep my nerves at a steady rate as to not lose focus but also not tense up too much or else I will shake and become unable to hit the next few notes. But what do I know, just a 200k player who has ground out of being stuck around 500k/400k. :)

  • @ovassive5484
    @ovassive5484 2 года назад +2

    I think it's because they think TOO MUCH about improving. Like, having a mindset for improving is a really good thing, but you gotta have fun. Personal experience (and I can see that I have improved), but it's good to take a month or more for improving, having fun, and experimenting on mods, maps, and etc (which obviously, is fun for me), and then have a week of farming. It's like learning in school and then getting a good score on a test. Just take it at your own pace.

  • @RicardoVieira-gy4uz
    @RicardoVieira-gy4uz 2 года назад +1

    I indeed play to improve, the hunger to be one of the best, but, I actually just continue playing osu! to play songs like Sound Chimera, Teo, Marianne, etc, and cause I love to play osu!

  • @chaosfr3959
    @chaosfr3959 5 месяцев назад

    I am watching honmi and trying to practice low star maps. I need all that osu improvement thing, because otherwise it's demotivating staying stuck at a stupidly low skill cap, and having shit acc if I am not 'lucky'. Because yes, for me it's about luck at this point. I've never played any rhythm game before and think I suck so much at everything, so I can't just think I'll improve by myself.

  • @andybuscus383
    @andybuscus383 2 года назад +2

    I think my main problem is that I just don't play consistently enough to play at the level that I want to play at.

  • @skoomaenjoyer9582
    @skoomaenjoyer9582 2 года назад +1

    Good video, i agree

  • @rettenetesarny6938
    @rettenetesarny6938 2 года назад

    Cool stuff

  • @loopyracer
    @loopyracer 2 года назад +2

    Playing and enjoying the game is better since I improve doing that

  • @ReSunDestin
    @ReSunDestin 2 года назад

    I mean, even if you are spoonfeeding them basic tips, at the end of the day it could still be useful, many new players already know how to get better thanks to the endless amount of youtube videos out there, what they want is a top player personally telling them that what they're doing is "right", they need confidence in what they're doing, and no amount of impersonal DigitalHypno videos can give them that

  • @dannyjak3427
    @dannyjak3427 2 года назад +1

    People overthink how to improve at osu! way too much honestly. If you want to get better at jumps play more jumps. If you want to get better at streams play more streams. If you want to get better at playing high ar then play more dt. If you want to improve acc then increase the od of maps and play until you're getting decent acc again (once you go back to lower od it's going to feel way easier to get very good acc.) If you want to play for fun then play maps you find fun. Literally nothing else to say about outside of getting recommended specific maps for whatever aspect you want to focus on imo.

    • @timhan8667
      @timhan8667 2 года назад +2

      yes you can get good by just playing more, but it's certainly not the most efficient way there. quality of practice is more important than quantity.

    • @taggerung_
      @taggerung_ 2 года назад +3

      No. There is way more to improving (especially optimally) than just playing more of whatever youre bad at. If you have poor technique, no matter how many jump maps you play youre not going to see the results you want. If you play 9 hours in one day and then take a week break and then play again for another 9 hours youre also not going to see optimal results. Trying to dismiss everything that the community has learned over the past decade is inane and harmful to new players who don't know any better. Then again, im going to hope that youre saying this from the perspective of a new player.

  • @mooshiros7053
    @mooshiros7053 2 года назад

    The Video: "This is not the truth about improvement"
    The Title: "The truth about improvement"

  • @kingz7151
    @kingz7151 2 года назад +3

    Honestly I like Aireu's take, I feel like a lot of improvement theory are conclusions we all naturally come to after playing for a while, but I'm also not against having good players making improvement content regarding this theory.

    • @osuplaeyurreallygood
      @osuplaeyurreallygood 2 года назад

      I think it's mostly helpful to those who start the game playing shit that is way too hard or people who simply don't even know where to begin in figuring out what to do / what they're doing wrong

  • @MichaelEhrmantraut12
    @MichaelEhrmantraut12 2 года назад +3

    Playing more is literally all you have to do if you want to improve as fast as possible.
    Playtime is the only factor that determines your skill.

    • @ProHunterXyt
      @ProHunterXyt 2 года назад +4

      lol no

    • @viscera9579
      @viscera9579 2 года назад +1

      @@ProHunterXyt nope, this is true

    • @ProHunterXyt
      @ProHunterXyt 2 года назад +5

      @@viscera9579 i have 600 hours and im better than my friend who has 1k hours. u can find countless examples of the "the more playtime the better" being false

    • @randymarsh4748
      @randymarsh4748 2 года назад +1

      this is so false hahaha

    • @viscera9579
      @viscera9579 2 года назад +4

      @@ProHunterXyt some people improve better than others but most of the time it depends on what you spend your time doing, thats all. Im not saying playtime is the ONLY thing that dictates skill, i probably should have elaborated on my statement better.

  • @randymarsh4748
    @randymarsh4748 2 года назад

    i dont think u should refund anyone unless u just try to be super nice... i remember that u have some type of disclaimer on that page right?

  • @Deastrisk
    @Deastrisk 2 года назад +2

    So basically aireu is play more and have fun

  • @fisshuman
    @fisshuman 2 года назад

    fuxk about improvement, I prefer to play casually and enjoy it even though sometimes I get angry about the score

  • @AggroOgre
    @AggroOgre 2 года назад +1

    Hell nah, i would prefer being 6-digit for the rest of my life, then being next mrekk, he is disgusting >_

    • @sayounsang
      @sayounsang Год назад

      What did he do to you LMAO

  • @kaish1186
    @kaish1186 2 года назад +2

    brah everyone b talking abt improvement can i get the map

    • @boastfultoast
      @boastfultoast 2 года назад


    • @mei2654
      @mei2654 2 года назад

      did you skip over the "now playing" bar in the video?
      "Yousei Teikoku - Hades: The end [Despair] By Lasso" is the name (and diff) of the map

    • @kaish1186
      @kaish1186 2 года назад

      @@mei2654 ty

    • @boastfultoast
      @boastfultoast 2 года назад

      @@mei2654 no one asked you anything ever, whomevers name is toby

  • @bakotaowo
    @bakotaowo 2 года назад


  • @nine1kid
    @nine1kid 2 года назад

    I've been playing for about 3 years and still not sure what pp is. I don't search about it since I notice many people arguing about pp. I came from DDR community (konamis game)
    My goal playing the game is to enjoy the music and discover new songs. For that, I play online sometimes. I also enjoy some storyboards and making maps just for myself from music I really like that dind't find already mapped. I can play at 4,5* and I'm really happy with it. Don't want to go crazy on difficult because at this point my arm and hand starts hurt. I think it's not the point...

  • @Nickarr
    @Nickarr Год назад


  • @goosiefel
    @goosiefel 2 года назад

    The fastest way to improve at osu is by not caring about improvement

  • @zhambalzambulaev8532
    @zhambalzambulaev8532 2 года назад

    Osu coach scammer, don't care