Healthy Brown Bread - Walter Veith

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Open for recipe 👇
    What’s the secret to making good whole wheat bread that’s nicely risen and has perfect texture? Is there a difference between stone ground flour and roller milled flour? Why is whole wheat bread sometimes heavy? Walter Veith takes the mystery out of making a good loaf of whole wheat bread in this how-to video.
    Watch a demonstration on how to knead bread and learn the importance of proper kneading. See what consistency the dough should be and what perfect texture looks like in a well-made loaf.
    Whole Wheat Bread
    7 c stone ground whole wheat bread flour
    1 tbsp sea salt or fine Himalayan rock salt
    4 tbsp finely ground flaxseed (optional)
    1 packet instant yeast (10 g)
    1 tbsp molasses, or honey, or sugar
    900 ml to 1 litre (3 ¾ to 4 cups) lukewarm water
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Комментарии • 66

  • @lincolnliking
    @lincolnliking 6 лет назад +6

    Walter Veith cooking. I don't know why, but this is amazing and hilarious. God bless his soul. Such a joy.

  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 5 лет назад +5

    THE LORD led me to you Walter! Saw the WHOLE ''Total onslaught'' series, and many other videos, and they _blew me away!!_ l hope, and pray you are okay! South Africa is VERY SAD so l hope you'll come live in Canada!! Blessings to you and Sonica! :)

  • @OL8Twho
    @OL8Twho 6 лет назад +7

    Dr. Veith, you are a dear, and very special man. You've inspired me to bake this lovely bread.

  • @jannievorster3371
    @jannievorster3371 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you Pastor Veith for demonstrating how to make healthy brown bread, I enjoyed it much. It brought long forgotten memories to my mind. I used to live up in the mountains past New England South Africa with my wife and four kids. My kids and I made turns to grind the wheat with a hand grinder, sift it and grind it again, then add everything together. The weather become quite cold in that mountains, so we placed the bread in a carton box with hot water bottles and a blanket on top to make the knead dough to rise.

  • @huporhaha1
    @huporhaha1 Год назад +1

    After watching several of your series back to back, this was "light relief" - great to make homemade bread. Himalayan pink salt - brilliant stuff. I use filtered water - all sorts of chemical nasties in our water in the UK!

  • @DonnaGrimsleyGraphicDesign
    @DonnaGrimsleyGraphicDesign 7 лет назад +10

    I've always wanted to know how to make simple bread... thank you Pastor.

  • @dorothygarriott9721
    @dorothygarriott9721 2 года назад +1

    haven't made bread for quite some time now, but this looked so good. I have never seen someone just use water on their hand to knead dough before. I was always taught to use a sprinkling of flour until it was non-sticky. However, I will make it the way you've shown, as it makes a lot of sense to not add more flour to the dough. Thank you very much for this video.

  • @IbimenyetsobyIbiheMinistries
    @IbimenyetsobyIbiheMinistries 4 года назад +3

    God bless you Servant of God.

  • @sideconnie
    @sideconnie 6 лет назад +3

    I have to say, this was the most enjoyable cooking show that I have seen in a long time. Thank you so much for the humor and your wisdom.

  • @KathyInKY01
    @KathyInKY01 7 лет назад +12

    I absolutely love this recipe and thoroughly enjoy your "cooking show." I'm hoping you do more. You're a natural!

  • @TheJewelnok
    @TheJewelnok 5 лет назад +3

    Brother Veith, your bread punching skills are now legend. :)

  • @KikeRibeiro
    @KikeRibeiro 6 лет назад +2

    Kisses from Brazil.
    We love you Prof. Walter Veith!

  • @cathjeffares1363
    @cathjeffares1363 Год назад +1

    Great job on the bread Walter! Looks just about perfect 😊

  • @gladysmartinez3524
    @gladysmartinez3524 4 года назад +2

    Thank you Dr Veith for a delicious recipe God bless you all

  • @daughterofgod777
    @daughterofgod777 2 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this VERY detailed video! I have been struggling with my bread being too hard on the outside or too soft in the middle or just crumbling when I cut it. I'm going to try this way and focus on the "mixing & punching" part and see how it goes. I'm using an ancient grain flour (Spelt or Einkorn). I hope it works. It was very helpful to see the texture while wet and to understand about the gooey gum texture it needs to get to before baking. Thank you too much!

  • @sranciscafawley5302
    @sranciscafawley5302 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you for taking the time to share.

  • @UnknownUser-zt8tl
    @UnknownUser-zt8tl 3 года назад +2

    It doesn't seem hard to make. Thank you. Time to make a new habit.

    • @brotherzacharyjongejan
      @brotherzacharyjongejan 3 года назад

      Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
      First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. God loves us that much that He sacrificed His only begotten Son (John 3:16), Jesus Christ, and if we love Him then we shall keep His Commandments (John 14:15). Those that know God and love Him will keep His Commandments; those that still refuse to keep them while saying they love Him and Know Him, they are liars, and the truth is not in them (1John 2:4-5). Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee antichrist is the Papacy: The Bible clearly states what character traits the antichrist has and only the Papacy fits the mark; all the reformers including Martin Luther agree with this because they saw the character traits of the Papal Rome and it fit what the books of Daniel and Revelation were stating and this includes the whore of Babylon being the Vatican, and the whole world is drinking the wine [wine {grape juice}means doctrine in the Bible, but her wine is fermented wine like Sunday worship to cause spiritual confusion] of her fornication putting themselves in Babylon as well. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest [The Papacy says that the mark of its authority is Sunday] & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people (John 16:2). My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
      Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
      The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
      P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on RUclips and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please look up and watch the Total Onslaught Series with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
      It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
      Revelation 14:6-12
      6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
      7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
      8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
      9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
      10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
      11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
      Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
      Solas Fide!-Justified by Faith and faith alone!
      Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
      Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!

  • @firecloud77
    @firecloud77 5 лет назад +4

    Use *Einkorn wheat* instead of modern wheat. It's much healthier.

  • @SuperLightin
    @SuperLightin 7 лет назад +4

    Thank you so much! This is such a nice presentation. Bread looks perfect!

  • @ninarios6068
    @ninarios6068 2 года назад +2

    Love it!!!!!

  • @billskinner8398
    @billskinner8398 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you walter, If I make it to heaven, I will thank you again.😅

  • @camotehmcamoteh8940
    @camotehmcamoteh8940 3 года назад +2

    Love it Walter Thanks!!!

    • @brotherzacharyjongejan
      @brotherzacharyjongejan 3 года назад

      Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
      First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. God loves us that much that He sacrificed His only begotten Son (John 3:16), Jesus Christ, and if we love Him then we shall keep His Commandments (John 14:15). Those that know God and love Him will keep His Commandments; those that still refuse to keep them while saying they love Him and Know Him, they are liars, and the truth is not in them (1John 2:4-5). Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee antichrist is the Papacy: The Bible clearly states what character traits the antichrist has and only the Papacy fits the mark; all the reformers including Martin Luther agree with this because they saw the character traits of the Papal Rome and it fit what the books of Daniel and Revelation were stating and this includes the whore of Babylon being the Vatican, and the whole world is drinking the wine [wine {grape juice}means doctrine in the Bible, but her wine is fermented wine like Sunday worship to cause spiritual confusion] of her fornication putting themselves in Babylon as well. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest [The Papacy says that the mark of its authority is Sunday] & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people (John 16:2). My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
      Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
      The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
      P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on RUclips and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please look up and watch the Total Onslaught Series with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
      It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
      Revelation 14:6-12
      6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
      7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
      8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
      9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
      10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
      11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
      Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
      Solas Fide!-Justified by Faith and faith alone!
      Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
      Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!

  • @regimonm
    @regimonm 3 года назад +1

    great, that inspires me.

    • @brotherzacharyjongejan
      @brotherzacharyjongejan 3 года назад

      Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
      First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. God loves us that much that He sacrificed His only begotten Son (John 3:16), Jesus Christ, and if we love Him then we shall keep His Commandments (John 14:15). Those that know God and love Him will keep His Commandments; those that still refuse to keep them while saying they love Him and Know Him, they are liars, and the truth is not in them (1John 2:4-5). Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee antichrist is the Papacy: The Bible clearly states what character traits the antichrist has and only the Papacy fits the mark; all the reformers including Martin Luther agree with this because they saw the character traits of the Papal Rome and it fit what the books of Daniel and Revelation were stating and this includes the whore of Babylon being the Vatican, and the whole world is drinking the wine [wine {grape juice}means doctrine in the Bible, but her wine is fermented wine like Sunday worship to cause spiritual confusion] of her fornication putting themselves in Babylon as well. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest [The Papacy says that the mark of its authority is Sunday] & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people (John 16:2). My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
      Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
      The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
      P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on RUclips and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please look up and watch the Total Onslaught Series with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
      It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
      Revelation 14:6-12
      6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
      7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
      8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
      9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
      10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
      11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
      Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
      Solas Fide!-Justified by Faith and faith alone!
      Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
      Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!

  • @GCPFY
    @GCPFY 6 лет назад +1

    Dr. Vieth!!!!:) love seeing you in the kitchen

  • @he7is7at7hand
    @he7is7at7hand 7 лет назад +2

    that look delicious. I think I've been putting too much flour in mine and not enough water. Thanks.

  • @chibasinga2726
    @chibasinga2726 6 лет назад +1

    Walter Veith is Watering Faith..

  • @evelynsouzaferreira4593
    @evelynsouzaferreira4593 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you, much appreciated

  • @5a58a
    @5a58a 4 года назад +2

    "If you really angry 6 minutes" hahaha

  • @estherbarnett-krause3494
    @estherbarnett-krause3494 5 лет назад +3

    I will try a gluten free vegan keto version and see how it goes as I have Candida and a compromised immune system as well as Celiac

  • @mariodelmercado3420
    @mariodelmercado3420 7 лет назад +3

    I love it I'm going to make me one

  • @d-baysda9579
    @d-baysda9579 4 года назад +1

    I've heard of eureka mills flour that brand is very expensive to buy here in Australia but you wont find it in the supermarket but health food stores only

  • @marR_1844
    @marR_1844 3 года назад +1

    For those of you who want a gluten-free version. Check out Tanya Veith's video:видео.html

  • @mandaJt
    @mandaJt 5 лет назад +2

    What if I were to add wheat germ into the mixture with "whole wheat" flour? Would that be nearly as good?
    It's hard to find stone-ground flour around here. I used to be able to buy it at a bulk store, but they don't seem to sell it anymore.

  • @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485
    @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485 7 лет назад +1

    Might adapt this recipe to be an almond bread instead of Gluten and wheat version

  • @15sesame
    @15sesame Год назад +1

    Can this recipe be used with other whole grains besides wheat? Also, would this work as well with a bread machine?

  • @pagophilus
    @pagophilus 7 лет назад +2

    Good recipe, however I'd like to question the high amount of water. Obviously this depends on exactly what type of flour you are using, but 900mL of water to 1000g of flour is very high. The dough doesn't have the strength to rise high enough because it is too wet. If you dialled it back to around 720-730mL you should get a higher rise and a better texture. It still produces a delicious, healthy bread as is, but adding less water should work better.

    • @thisisjoel
      @thisisjoel 6 лет назад +2

      Is this something you tried with this particular recipe?

    • @paularodi3143
      @paularodi3143 4 года назад +3

      Humidities , altitude, temperature of the room all can have the variation of results. By practicing each of us can get the desired bread.

  • @MarceloValenzuelaPereira
    @MarceloValenzuelaPereira 5 лет назад +1

    what about adding some olive oil?

  • @sary777
    @sary777 27 дней назад

    What about in high altitude!!

  • @estherbarnett-krause3494
    @estherbarnett-krause3494 5 лет назад

    Make sure to use bpa free plastic as a note of advice.

  • @fredmatiko2097
    @fredmatiko2097 5 лет назад +1

    I don't know if this is a right place to ask this Question,,,but please let me ask and b pardon if I am wrong,,,,IS BROWN RICE BAD FOR HEALTH DUE TO DISSOLVED HARMFUL MINERALS,SO IS IT BETTER TO EAT WHITE RICE,,,,,I recall a certain research magazine I HV went across,,, kindly answer me

  • @marit-6366
    @marit-6366 3 года назад

    I have a question. When you let the dough rise, and put it in a warm place, how warm should it be?

  • @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485
    @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485 7 лет назад +1

    Will look into gluten free version of this as I'm Celiac

    • @sarracene
      @sarracene 7 лет назад

      he just told you within the 1st 5 minutes in the video about the real reason for your condition that should not be blamed on bread with THOSE ingredients he mentioned..

    • @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485
      @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485 7 лет назад +1

      Salim Serrano thanks for comment when I'm not immune system compromised maybe it can come back but a very strict diet for removal of heavy metals and other things and no gluten allowed medically and also have candida issues too at this minute and also Epilepsy prone so my brain doesn't do too well with Gluten or wheat anyway

    • @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485
      @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485 7 лет назад

      Rice But Professional Gaming. Your comment is weird as it is repetitive and no offence intended here sorry if I offended you in any way by the comment

    • @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485
      @isabella-clarabarnett-krau9485 7 лет назад

      Sorry I’m repetitive I have a bad habit of repeating words, but not offended. Well all I’m trying to say really is I have an compromised immune system due to vaccine damage as a child.

  • @bcasas1115
    @bcasas1115 2 года назад

    What is your recommendation on using a sourdough starter?

  • @marke3218
    @marke3218 7 лет назад +3

    very nice video

  • @suzannewillowtree9931
    @suzannewillowtree9931 5 лет назад

    can a dough be over needed....

  • @quest2782
    @quest2782 Месяц назад

    With glyphosate in everything this is important.

  • @brooklynangel2254
    @brooklynangel2254 7 лет назад

    I'd pay good money for that

  • @gidgetcruz7366
    @gidgetcruz7366 4 года назад

    Pastor veith I have a thyroid nodule and would like to get rid of it naturally can you please help me

    • @sasabelle140
      @sasabelle140 3 месяца назад

      If you want to help your thyroid be careful what kind of flour and/or beer you eat and drink. In many countries it is allowed to use Brom as a raising agent in Bakery or Beerbrowing. Brom is highly toxic, especially harmful to the thyroid.

  • @ga7777
    @ga7777 7 лет назад

    I From Brazil - Super Doubt: In the book Council Regine Food Ellen G. White speaks on page 342 that BICARBONATE AND FERMENTATION IN PO is harmful to health
    And on page 343 she says that the biscuits made with baking soda and baking powder should never appear hot on the table.
    1 - She is saying that it is not to use never or not to eat the hot bread?
    2 Is she talking about our Bicarbonate of Sodium and our yeast or is it from her time?
    3 - Can Biological Yeast use?
    tank you

    • @MaryA0226
      @MaryA0226 7 лет назад +2

      Baking or Bicarbonate of Soda is not the same as yeast. Yeast, even in her time, was not the same as baking soda or baking powder. I'm interested in learning about the fermentation of sour dough bread. I still don't understand that either when she said no fermentation should appear in our food.

    • @SAMBUT
      @SAMBUT 4 года назад

      if you google 'nagel tooth decay', there is information that I partly studied when I had serious issues with my teeth, mostly tooth decay is nutrition related, obviously coffee, alcohol and sugar are a big no-no for a start and here we're in agreement with the 'Spirit of Prophecy', but also fermentation is adviced by Nagel, also meat and butter of grass-fed animals, and from another source I found eggshell very effective - anyway since that time I have explorated sourdough bread now being quite proficient - I heard Walter earlier saying that phytic acid is no issue, here I have some info in an instagram post - so I wonder what experiences you guys have with tooth decay if you fully follow the 'Spirit of Prophecy' - I know if I would have known Nagel's insights from childhood I would never have had to see a dentist, obviously all the amalgam and root canals are really devastating for health

    • @SAMBUT
      @SAMBUT 4 года назад

      @@MaryA0226 in this commenting thread I have written something that you might find interesting

  • @d-baysda9579
    @d-baysda9579 4 года назад

    Sorry to state this but I hate the texture, flavour and taste of black strap malasus