Donald Trump Angers Republicans By Saying Abortion Is a State Issue

  • Опубликовано: 1 июн 2024
  • Donald Trump once again takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and promises to allow states to enact even the most extreme abortion bans. He also promises billionaire donors more tax cuts and whiter immigrants. Joe Biden announces a new student debt relief plan for another 23 million people and finally gives Benjamin Netanyahu an ultimatum. Then, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin stops by the studio to talk to Jon Lovett about her tough re-election campaign, TikTok, and what actually counts as milk.
    0:00 - Intro
    0:40 - Trump on abortions & tax cuts
    18:01 - Ad break
    19:14 - Biden's student debt relief announcement
    24:22 - Biden on Gaza & Netanyahu
    39:48 - Ad break
    40:49 - Tammy Baldwin interview
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Комментарии • 804

  • @eugenioenunc
    @eugenioenunc Месяц назад +11

    As a medical doctor and scientist (MD, PhD) I wish the abortion issue centered more around the current scientific consensus. As we currently define life in the scientific community, an embryo is not alive, nor is a fetus until 24 weeks ,the point where it could survive outside of the mother's womb. A fetus is considered alive not from the time there is a heart beat but rather when the last organ system to develop (the lungs) brings the fetus to a state where with medical respiratory assistance, it can live as a self-sustaining organism because the lungs are the last organ system to develop. The surfactant necessary to keep the alveoli open begins at 24-28 weeks and usually finishes at week 34 . Therefore, i think the best argument is made that the court cannot have jurisdiction over a group of proliferating cells nor can it grant personhood to something that is not alive.According to the current consensus the fetus and the mother are one organism, and they are not considered as two separate organisms until the fetus can self-sustain its biological systems.

  • @suzanamaldonado5872
    @suzanamaldonado5872 Месяц назад +79

    I can only be for or against abortion for ME, because I can't know why any one particular woman wants or needs an abortion. That's her decision.

    • @jgray2718
      @jgray2718 Месяц назад +6

      Exactly. It's precisely the reason the government should stay out of it, except to ensure safety and security.

    • @pjpredhomme7699
      @pjpredhomme7699 Месяц назад +4

      The simple answers so frequently are the best . aren't they

  • @sharonrinkiewicz3940
    @sharonrinkiewicz3940 Месяц назад +173

    My student debt was forgiven. Thank you Biden.

    • @KattMom
      @KattMom Месяц назад +33

      Yay! Congratulations! Student debt relief can be TRANSFORMATIVE and is great for our economy. Because people will then have more money to buy homes, cars and take vacations. I’m so happy for you! 💙💙💙

    • @NadraSmith
      @NadraSmith Месяц назад +28

      Mine too, which means I won’t have to work until I’m in my grave

    • @marcybrown2442
      @marcybrown2442 Месяц назад +24

      My student debt also got forgiven quite awhile ago.

    • @jfrsnjhnsn
      @jfrsnjhnsn Месяц назад +3

      That’s so great. There’s someone exactly like you right now in Gaza, who doesn’t have an arm or a leg or head, thanks to this same president, thanks to the same country.

    • @teresaparnham9780
      @teresaparnham9780 Месяц назад +20

      I graduated in 1987. My parents paid for tuition and board, I worked to cover the extra expenses of school and life. We were not wealthy, but it was comfortably doable for a middle class family. I'm endlessly horrified by just the cost of tuition today. Not everyone needs or wants an advanced degree, but it should be available and affordable to all. Very glad for everyone who is getting relief.

  • @user-pd9lp4us7n
    @user-pd9lp4us7n Месяц назад +46

    My last student loan was forgiven automatically two months ago. I went back to college late as a single mom and paid the minimum for years. The interest was more than I borrowed. This was such a huge help and I give all the credit to President Biden!

    • @KattMom
      @KattMom Месяц назад +8

      Congratulations! I have two adult children who have student debt, one in the private sector, the other in public service, which qualifies for debt relief after 10 years of payment. On youtube, The Money Librarian provides a great guide on how to overcome student debt relief, using existing laws and rules. Voting blue in Oregon! 💙💙💙

    • @maryreeves357
      @maryreeves357 Месяц назад +8

      Congratulations to you and all the recipients of this forgiveness. The country will benefit as well!

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад +2

      Yes- student loan forgiveness means more money to raise a child that thrives, and also helps the economy!

  • @Cheryl_in_TX
    @Cheryl_in_TX Месяц назад +13

    I think it’s time for all political commentators, especially those in the independent media sphere, to stop talking about DJT as though he’s capable of even understanding politics, much less contributing on any level of political strategic planning.
    Trump has no principles, no scruples, no integrity. Therefore, it is impossible for DJT to take a firm, committed stance on any political issue. Let’s not talk about his ever-changing position on abortion as though he’s got some deeply-held conviction about it or as though he’s got a secret purpose for skewing the public’s perception of his ideological stance on abortion. He literally does not care about abortion.
    Trump was a documented proponent of legal abortion decades ago, most likely because he was a serial philanderer back then and most certainly was faced with one or more unplanned pregnancies via various mistresses. There is no telling how many abortions DJT financed and facilitated in those days, but it’s definitely a non-zero number.
    However, at 77 years old and reportedly incontinent, unplanned pregnancies are highly unlikely to be of serious concern to him anymore, therefore abortion no longer affects him personally. DJT literally does not care about anything that doesn’t, can’t, or won’t affect him personally.
    There are people behind the curtain who have been and still are using DJT as their Useful Idiot, as a proxy to achieve a theocratic authoritarian agenda that they’ve been planning, pushing, failing, and refining for literal decades - Project 2025. Those are the people who care about the abortion issue. Let’s all make a very concerted effort to remember that. And they’ve got the perfect proxy in DJT, because he’s not principled or conscientious or intelligent. DJT is easily (and unwittingly) manipulated by a constant flow of flattery and money, which the ChristoFascists are more than willing to provide in order to stay on course.
    Trump has no actual platform. He has no plans. He has no real political agenda. He is not motivated by public service. He has no respect for or loyalty to this country, its traditions, its ideals.
    DJT is only and all about what is best for DJT. His only agenda is and has always been to pursue whatever objectives, by whatever means necessary, that are most financially beneficial and personally advantageous to him.
    DJT is _not_ a smart man. He never has been. He’s intellectually vapid. He’s got a low IQ. He’s not at all intellectually curious. He’s not capable of critical thought or logical reasoning. He is a skilled grifter and he’s an opportunistic con man. He’s image conscious, an attention seeker, a clout chaser, an admiration junkie.
    That is literally all there is to DJT, but all of his shallow, pathetic, and self-serving qualities are what makes him an ideal Useful Idiot for those behind the curtain surreptitiously pulling his strings to accomplish their own terrifying objectives.
    DJT is certainly dangerous. No one should misconstrue my analysis of DJT as any sort of attempt to minimize that fact. But DJT is dangerous, particularly to the nation, in the same way that a gun is dangerous, which is when it (he) is in the hands of someone (or many) with malevolent intentions on their mind.
    We certainly shouldn’t minimize the danger that a second DJT presidential administration poses to all of us, but it’s critically important that we not forget or disregard the unseen dangers behind the scenes. The best way to keep those deeper, darker threats at top of mind is for all of us to stop pretending that DJT is in control and playing 4-D chess, because that’s simply not reality. It’s even more important to remember that because DJT is not going to be here forever. He will eventually go to prison, or die, or both before too much longer.
    Don’t make the mistake of thinking that when Trump is gone this nightmare will finally end. It won’t. The ChristoFascists behind the curtain have been perfecting their agenda for almost 50 years. They have been playing the long game all that time. We cannot underestimate them. They most definitely have a list of Useful Idiots they can next insert into the political realm.

    • @bevtaylor5466
      @bevtaylor5466 Месяц назад +5

      Any Republican is a threat until that party is turned completely in a more ethical direction.

    • @Cheryl_in_TX
      @Cheryl_in_TX Месяц назад

      @@bevtaylor5466 ALL Republicans are a threat, forever, to any hope of American progress.
      The party cannot be reformed to be more ethical. The very core philosophy of modern republicanism is based upon capitalism, traditionalism, conservatism, labor exploitation, corporate deregulation, isolationism, and religious values.
      Those philosophies are completely antithetical to a progressive liberal democracy.
      Progressive Liberalism prioritizes humanity, equality, social justice, wealth equity, fair labor standards, quality education, industry regulations, world peace, foreign diplomacy, etc.
      If we want America to ever really and truly progress and evolve to more closely resemble the ideals of our founding principles, the Republican Party as we have known it since Nixon, has got to be permanently banished from our political system.
      Republicans have been a major obstacle and an ongoing economic disaster to this nation’s progress for over 50 years. It’s time for it to stop.

  • @Lifendz
    @Lifendz Месяц назад +87

    Execution after birth? His brain has really turned to mush. That dementia is really getting more and more pronounced.

    • @messmeister92
      @messmeister92 Месяц назад

      That’s not dementia, that’s a deliberate scare tactic. And there are plenty of people out there who are stupid enough to believe it.

    • @carmelaguanciale6620
      @carmelaguanciale6620 Месяц назад +26

      Sad part is there are idiots that will believe him.

    • @YM-zz5qq
      @YM-zz5qq Месяц назад +16

      He/they never cite any actual cases where this has happened either. But if he says it’s true, well….

    • @Adamroable
      @Adamroable Месяц назад +11

      Would abortion 77 years after birt be legal?

    • @mamiemartinson4649
      @mamiemartinson4649 Месяц назад

      There is a medical procedure that is used when a baby will die after birth, maybe has died in the womb that Trump and others are distorting.
      BUT it IS disturbing to anyone with a rational mind. It's been called Partial Birth Abortion.
      The mother is possibly having a miscarriage or a legal abortion because the baby won't survive birth due to birth defects and they deliver the baby feet first, then insert a tool to collapse the head in order to deliver the baby.
      If the baby is dead in the womb, then it's gross but obviously NOT murder.
      If the baby has defects of heart and lungs that make it impossible to survive the birth process, it is still potentially the more humane choice.
      Though some parents opt to c- section and comfort child so that it dies naturally in their arms, loved as it leaves life behind naturally.
      What "pro-life" is screaming for is to make parents and doctors go to heroic efforts to save every child.
      The idea of an 8 month pregnant mother allowing a doctor to collapse the head of a baby with a heartbeat, even if the child would suffer more in being born, freaks them out. AND I think it's understandable to be freaked out.
      I simply think it is still between a doctor and parents to decide.
      That procedure is not what anyone expecting a child wants to even consider, but it exists.

  • @lindahebertprahl8768
    @lindahebertprahl8768 Месяц назад +25

    Almond Milk has been a term since the middle ages. Appears in cook books from the 1600s.

  • @adamarket
    @adamarket Месяц назад +44

    The student debt relief is never explained in the grand terms it would actually help. The GI Bill after WWII sent a generation to college and propelled America into a middle class boon that lasted to our time. My late father-in-law grew up sleeping in a dirt floor house in Wyoming but became a President of an industrial company because of his engineering degree financed through the GI Bill. What I'm arguing is that freeing a generation from student debt is TRANSFORMATIONAL (full disclosure - I have no student debt because I got a grant in the UK for my degree when that was still a thing).

    • @KattMom
      @KattMom Месяц назад +11

      Yes, I agree! Education is the way! It can also be transformational for our economy, when people have less debt, they buy homes, cars, put their own kids through college, take vacations, etc. I love all the efforts Biden has done for student debt, a big thank you to him. 💙 Voting blue up and down the ballot in Oregon. 💙💙💙

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад +6

      My husband’s father came home from WWII and went to college on the GI bill. He became a chemical engineer and was able to support his family.

  • @s.z.6200
    @s.z.6200 Месяц назад +84

    Every accusation with Donald Dump is a confession. He’s the one who pooped on the desk.

    • @guyrose2847
      @guyrose2847 Месяц назад +10

      Was gonna say that.

    • @sandraavalos5724
      @sandraavalos5724 Месяц назад

      He’s incontinent I’m sure he’s pooped in the oval more than once.

    • @normwetherbee3403
      @normwetherbee3403 Месяц назад +3

      And in Air Force One, the limousines, his rallies, etc.

    • @Rugelacharugula
      @Rugelacharugula Месяц назад +4

      Ugh, dude. I was eating!

  • @gorgonaught
    @gorgonaught Месяц назад +33

    Tammy was the first Democrat I ever voted for in 2018. She's an amazing and hard-working woman and Senator. Sadly I don't live in Wisconsin anymore but have a lot of friends there still. Hope they'll reject her crazy opponent again this time just like back in 2018.

  • @KattMom
    @KattMom Месяц назад +120

    Medicine/healthcare is not a number, every situation is different. Women’s healthcare, including abortion, is between a woman and her doctor. VOTE BLUE to save democracy and codify Roe v Wade. 💙

  • @silverXnoise
    @silverXnoise Месяц назад +24

    Maybe forget about TikTok’s ownership-just grant privacy protections for every American, we’re *desperate* for them! At least to the same level as the EU where these companies all still operate profitably, but without violating users at every possible turn.

  • @DrDuze-se5cx
    @DrDuze-se5cx Месяц назад +66

    Who has proposed the right to kill a child after birth?

    • @phillip4307
      @phillip4307 Месяц назад


    • @ms.b9093
      @ms.b9093 Месяц назад

      No one! It's the typical fear propaganda the right employs to scare people! The GOP always needs a boogie man in place or viable policy that would benefit the masses!

    • @k.w.2275
      @k.w.2275 Месяц назад +63

      2nd amendment advocates

    • @sharonrinkiewicz3940
      @sharonrinkiewicz3940 Месяц назад

      Technically, we can say republicans when we look at their records. Once the baby is born, republicans do NOT want the child to have medical care, food, formula, diapers, or even a roof over her head.

    • @maryreeves357
      @maryreeves357 Месяц назад +12

      ​@@k.w.2275Sadly true.

  • @krissyhimes9357
    @krissyhimes9357 Месяц назад +13


  • @sandravaughn3181
    @sandravaughn3181 Месяц назад +13

    Regarding abortion bans and pregnancy ending drugs like mifepristone as being a threat to an unborn child, and the rights of that unborn child, can we not all understand that the rights of an actual living, breathing, autonomously functioning citizen of this country should take precedence?
    I have said this before, and I’m believing it more and more firmly, that the drift of many developed countries towards authoritarianism, and Christian nationalism, is directly related against to, and against, the rising autonomy of women. Woman’s personhood is as sacred as man’s, and in fact, raises up all genders. That, and racism, I believe are the fuel of the fire of authoritarianism.

  • @lilyansah8665
    @lilyansah8665 Месяц назад +21

    Execution after birth??? What a sicko!!!

    • @Rhys242
      @Rhys242 Месяц назад

      I thought for a second he was talking about school shootings.
      I'm still trying to figure out the MAGA stance on where life stops being in need of protection. So at after nine months it's murder but then you get to 72 months and kindergarten age and then it's every kid for themselves and hope your parents could afford kiddie body armor?

  • @tonyd.5151
    @tonyd.5151 Месяц назад +48

    Tammy is a rockstar as a Senator. She's no push-over by any means. She's already got my vote. (I'm just not really interested in parachute candidates.)

    • @normwetherbee3403
      @normwetherbee3403 Месяц назад

      Dan and BTC are right here...she needs to go on the offensive and hit hard against these liars. This politeness has no place in today's discussions. She's being optimistic and she'll lose. Start fighting back and expect to win instead of hoping that intellect will prevail. It won't. These dumbasses are in a cult. Wisconsin has changed for the worse since they gave the native tribes their rights and that was thirty years ago. There are confederate (traitor) flags flying in northern Wisconsin yards.

    • @normwetherbee3403
      @normwetherbee3403 Месяц назад

      I should clarify here... it was the uneducated rednecks that started the turn to Red for Wisconsin WHEN the tribes were awarded some of their rights back . NOT the natives themselves.

  • @tartgreenapple1
    @tartgreenapple1 Месяц назад +153

    Seriously, if a woman has decided to get an abortion, she's NOT going to go the full 40 weeks, deal with all the pg symptoms, let everyone see her bump, etc. She's going to get in ASAP. Unfortunately, I know that states like mine, who support women's health, are bogged down right now and getting in quickly, is tough. So, they're still making it more difficult for women here. The stupidity of saying that they're executing babies that are full term is completely separated from reality (as Trump tends to be). I've known women who had abortions and they weren't waiting around to start showing.

    • @Rugelacharugula
      @Rugelacharugula Месяц назад +42

      Of course not. *All* 3rd trimester abortions are bc of a fatal problem or death of a baby who’d probably had a name already. My cousin’s daughter’s heart stopped @ 25wks. *_Still an abortion._* In every sense. So now, she’d have to wait around to go septic, or drive ~4 hours for that simple dignity.

    • @Cheryl_in_TX
      @Cheryl_in_TX Месяц назад

      Of course not.
      That insane garbage is simply nothing more than provocative rhetoric, intended to strike hard and fast, to rile up the gullible and poorly educated masses who are not inclined to think critically or thoughtfully consider how absolutely absurd such statements are.

    • @PhantomBanker
      @PhantomBanker Месяц назад

      People (ie male lawmakers) don’t ever think of this viewpoint. To conservatives, any woman considering abortion is an immoral slut who thinks abortion access is permission for promiscuity. They believe that all pregnancies are medically perfect with no adversities.
      If a woman is pondering an abortion at, say, 20 weeks, she’s not making a flighty, whimsical coin flip on whether she wants to be a mother. She is being forced by medical circumstances to make a very difficult decision that is physically, mentally, and emotionally devastating. Post-Dobbs, she is now forced by some states to wait in the parking lot while her doctors are just sitting there with their hands legally tied, waiting for a horrible situation to get horribly worse.

    • @RaptorV1USA
      @RaptorV1USA Месяц назад

      the fallacy of " Abortions at 9 months and even after birth" is a complete fucking LIE like most everything that comes out of this POS's mouth. #Fuckthisguy

    • @phriedokra6158
      @phriedokra6158 Месяц назад +4

      I had mine in the 90s because I'd gotten pregnant ironicallybei g on antidepressants and no one knew the effect on fetuses with these new drugs...and then was separated from hos wife as they COULD NOT CONCIEVE.. .guess it was her

  • @4OHz
    @4OHz Месяц назад +24

    0:57 That’s all we have to do is remind the world of lies he just told - he is going to a very rude awakening. Let him continue to take credit for the end of Roe.

    • @marciahilber5536
      @marciahilber5536 Месяц назад +5

      Goes to show how completely out of touch he is outside of his little bubble.

  • @B__C__
    @B__C__ Месяц назад +8

    I know one big fat baby past their 933 month who might be facing capitol punishment.

  • @JB-pu8ik
    @JB-pu8ik Месяц назад +7

    She seems like a class act. It was also nice listening to a legislator that thinks carefully about legislation.

  • @BorderTerrier-yk2hw
    @BorderTerrier-yk2hw Месяц назад +17

    So let a young girl carry and look after a rape or incest baby for life? That is a life sentence for the innocent: both parties.

  • @titaniumteddybear
    @titaniumteddybear Месяц назад +20

    Even if Hamas released all the hostages there is no guarantee that Netanyahu would end the war. As soon a the fighting stops people are going to start asking about all those new settlements on stolen land in the West Bank, and Netanyahu's oncoming corruption trial. I absolutely believe that even if Hamas released the hostages Bibi would find another excuse to keep the fighting going: he has done it in the past, several times.

    • @KattMom
      @KattMom Месяц назад

      Yahu will never end the war, Yahu is a dictator, he will never leave on his own. He needs to be removed. The war in Israel and surrounding nations has been a cluster for decades. We need to get our hostages out and only provide aid to Israel that is conditioned on humanitarian aid to Gaza. Voting blue in Oregon. 💙💙💙

    • @hippodinoreserve6090
      @hippodinoreserve6090 Месяц назад

      I’m a Democrat who believes Trump sacrificed thousands of Americans during c0v1d. I also believe Hamas sacrificed thousands of Palestinians by starting this war. Biden2024. Hamas knew Bibi was a monster, and Hamas intentionally gave Palestinians up to the sl@ughter.

    • @karenjeanmooney-kelleher8583
      @karenjeanmooney-kelleher8583 Месяц назад


  • @Beingmeasme
    @Beingmeasme Месяц назад +38

    Netanyahu doesn’t think that Palestinians are human and they want their land. The was the best way this could have gone for Israel. They got more weapons, got rid of Palestinians, and got their land with no consequences. I always respect what you guys say and you are looking at this from the perspective of people who respect all human life, that is not the perspective of Netanyahu.

    • @KattMom
      @KattMom Месяц назад +13

      Yahu needs to go. He won’t negotiate or compromise and runs counter to peaceful solutions being recommended by the US.

    • @Cheryl_in_TX
      @Cheryl_in_TX Месяц назад

      The fact that Netanyahu doesn’t consider Palestinians to be humans is everything that is wrong with him.
      It absolutely boggles my mind that Netanyahu, an Israeli Jew, cannot or will not reflect upon a dark time in history when another nation’s leader didn’t consider Jews, Netanyahu’s own ancestral people, to be humans, and proceeded to torture and slaughter Jews en masse.
      Netanyahu is obviously not capable of compassion, empathy, or humanity. He is a despicable monster.
      Any leader, of any government, who is completely devoid of such fundamental humanistic principles should be removed from leadership.
      Netanyahu should also be reminded that Israeli wasn’t even a country until 1948, when the Brits forced the existing Palestinian people to move over and make room for Jewish WWII refugees to settle there. A two party state is the only solution at this point, which I know that Netanyahu staunchly and arrogantly opposes. Netanyahu is the problem. Not the Palestinians. Netanyahu belongs in prison for the rest of his life.

    • @memewalkerb5305
      @memewalkerb5305 Месяц назад

      Arabs ARE semites.

    • @taylorswan8587
      @taylorswan8587 Месяц назад

      And his policies are completely in line with the last 75 years of colonialism carried out against the Palestinians, and Israeli polls find mass support for what he’s doing. This whole ‘we just gotta get rid of Netanyahu’ is such a red herring when talking about a government filled with people like Ben Gvir

    • @aguijohn1321
      @aguijohn1321 Месяц назад

      A soon as Israel stops and Hamas declares "victory," then Biden will lose. Then the Palestinian Arabs are f'ked.

  • @FetsumBerhaneDire
    @FetsumBerhaneDire Месяц назад +25

    Democrats support abortion beyond 9 months?
    SNL is going to have a field day with this

  • @AlvaSudden
    @AlvaSudden Месяц назад +15

    So Trump isn't saying evangelicals get 24/7 control over women, including outlawing birth control. He's only saying they get to endanger women's health all they want to.

  • @suzanamaldonado5872
    @suzanamaldonado5872 Месяц назад +58

    Could RFK Jr PLEASE not say he's RFK's son? He's an embarrassment to RFK'S legacy

    • @lindaflesch7303
      @lindaflesch7303 Месяц назад +12

      Half of each of his speeches are saying "My dad" & "My uncle."

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад

      Yet many of RFK’s own family has come out to say do NOT allow this man to become president, he is nothing like RFK sr. or JFK.

  • @amandapablo2833
    @amandapablo2833 Месяц назад +8

    How is it going to be up to the states but it is the law of the land? He also said they were getting abortions up to 9 months and beyond. How far beyond daycare or college?

  • @lindaflesch7303
    @lindaflesch7303 Месяц назад +7

    YEARS AGO at 12 weeks I was found to have an Ectopic Pregnancy. I needed major surgery to save myblife AND so that my reproductive system would be able to conceive again. This was back when we women had real rights. Sad😢

  • @lindagriffith9558
    @lindagriffith9558 Месяц назад +2

    It's always a pleasure to see Jon F., Jon L., and Tommy V., do their collab on the Tues. Podcast, I appreciate the laughs, much needed at the moment, the riff on " oval office desk poop" Kudos to Jon F. for " gettin' the potty started", I'm still laughing, which IS the BEST MEDICINE, thanks guys! Also, thank you for introducing me to Senator Tammy Baldwin!!! She is an Inspiration! Thank you for Sanity on Israel/Netanyahu Gaza/Palestinian war crime situation, look forward to Tommy and Ben tomorrow for more on that. I was also so happy to see Pundit for a minute! 🙏☮ 💓🌈

  • @marciahilber5536
    @marciahilber5536 Месяц назад +12

    Please tell us how many women are in prison for executing their babies after they are born. I want numbers.
    Its an absolutely ridiculous claim. Just because these men think that women have no feelings for the child they are bearing doesn't make it true. What it does make true.... how they feel. They couldn't care less.

  • @lordeastwood
    @lordeastwood Месяц назад +45

    As an Omaha viewer, we won't be adopting RFK Jr. thank you very much

    • @ShuffleboardJerk
      @ShuffleboardJerk Месяц назад +3

      You are his last hope 😂

    • @sethmann6397
      @sethmann6397 Месяц назад +2

      Are people in other parts of Nebraska voting for RFK Jr.?

    • @marciahilber5536
      @marciahilber5536 Месяц назад +5

      You're not voting for the orange fluffy peanut are you?

  • @unityca1
    @unityca1 Месяц назад +26

    The Biden new advertisement is very emotional, especially for any family that has lost a baby, child.

    • @bevtaylor5466
      @bevtaylor5466 Месяц назад +14

      It is also absolutely true about the reality of the bans that stain the red states.

    • @AwakenedFromWoke
      @AwakenedFromWoke Месяц назад

      @@bevtaylor5466it wasn’t in any way related to a policy passed by orange man, it was a miscarriage and an incredibly divisive ad.

    • @jgray2718
      @jgray2718 Месяц назад +4

      I agree. They need more ads like this. Show the consequences of terrible policy. It's been a while since I cried at an ad.

    • @bevtaylor5466
      @bevtaylor5466 Месяц назад

      @theimposingview The orange man admitted himself that he is at fault for the forced birth laws in the red states. If he had not appointed partisan religious extremists as judges, none of this would have happened and women in red states would be getting the same good healthcare as women in blue states.
      Yes, the woman in the ad suffered a miscarriage and needed an abortion to remove the remains. Because she was in a red state with politicians who threaten doctors, the hospital refused to take care of her until she went into sepsis. It nearly ended her life and now she may never be able to get pregnant again. It’s a heartbreaking story that is happening regularly in every red state with those laws. Are you too heartless to recognize the harm being done?
      This honest ad is not divisive. What is divisive is politicians and the forced birth activists that think they have a right to interfere in decisions that should only involve the patient and doctor.

  • @cindybraun371
    @cindybraun371 Месяц назад +5

    I'm wanting to start a Million Woman March on Washington the last week of June. Unite Democrats, Indepenndents, and Republicans to protect Womens reproductive, health, and voting rights. Republicans are coming after it all.

    • @johnstallings4049
      @johnstallings4049 Месяц назад +2

      awesome cindy! Greetings from Washington DC! ❄️🌎❄️

  • @ggall001
    @ggall001 Месяц назад +22

    If Trump truly made 51 million dollars in an event, he would right now be talking about it non stop. Including on mainstream channels! So I'm in the doubtful camp.

    • @peanutbutter3543
      @peanutbutter3543 Месяц назад

      well Donnie is out there begging for 5,10 or 25 bucks from his cult every hour so I dont think he wants to be bragadosish about the madeup 50 mil. It serves Donnie to have reported that the billionaires donated that huge amount, twice as more than Biden( his weak ego cant help it), but it also serves donnie to keep it on the down low in order to continue to Milk the cow.

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад

      Sounds like he’s just trying to top Biden’s fundraiser (that made 50 million). He can’t stand losing- whether it’s fundraising or golf, he’ll lie and cheat to win.

  • @Lennybird91
    @Lennybird91 Месяц назад +42

    It is not discussed enough that IDF in their incompetency shot and killed 3 of their own hostages who were fleeing, unarmed, with a literal white flag. If they do that. If they do this to aid organizations... What else are they doing in more nuanced cases?

    • @pendorran
      @pendorran Месяц назад

      The IDF have been repeatedly ambushed by false white flag traps. That's gone on for decades.

    • @AKCFTW
      @AKCFTW Месяц назад +5

      Israel used to pride itself on its application of the rules of war, and its efforts to reduce civilian casualties in a conflict. And with some exceptions, they were mostly quite good about this; better than most nations. What we’re seeing now is pretty much the complete opposite. They’re just treating anyone within a designated war zone as a potential enemy combatant (even when allowing them to be there), closing down humanitarian corridors, and using weapons against civilian infrastructure (obviously intentionally). Relations were being normalized with Israel throughout the Muslim word. Now, whatever good will they built up since the early 2000s is just… Gone. Because Netanyahu is willing to kill to hold onto his power.

    • @jgray2718
      @jgray2718 Месяц назад +3

      I agree. There have been so many disgusting atrocities by the IDF in response to the disgusting atrocities by Hamas. People forget that fights aren't always between a good side and a bad side. Sometimes both sides are bad.

  • @lornaparis788
    @lornaparis788 Месяц назад +28

    Ugh, yeah, right. A 9th month or longer abortion is murder, no matter which side pro or con abortion that you are. He is so sick. Ugh

    • @lindaflesch7303
      @lindaflesch7303 Месяц назад +9

      It doesn't exist.

    • @jthomasmack
      @jthomasmack Месяц назад +6

      "9th month or longer" pregnancies aren't a thing

  • @Sk8mang
    @Sk8mang Месяц назад +6

    There is calcium in plant based milk senator, most times twice as much per serving. If you're going to lobby against it's categorization, get your facts right, thank you

    • @typemee3757
      @typemee3757 Месяц назад +3

      Dairy milk has naturally occuring calcium, about 20% of daily value. If the plant based ones don't add calcium, the amount is 0 - 4%. Plant based ones usually only have 1 gram of protein per 8 ounces vs dairy milk which has 8 grams in 8 ounces.

  • @4OHz
    @4OHz Месяц назад +13

    14:31 Why wouldn’t they lie- that’s not how much they raised, this is if anything, an aggregate number of the total amount raised for the year. Of course they didn’t raise $50 million.

    • @maureencoyle666
      @maureencoyle666 Месяц назад

      Yeah…and his “proof” that he exactly doubled Joe Biden’s amount for one event was to have his “singer-in-law” who he pushed into the RNC to confirm his absurd lie. He actually deluded himself into thinking America is as stupid as he is. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  • @Rugelacharugula
    @Rugelacharugula Месяц назад +31

    I for one am angered that I can no longer have an abortion when I’d originally planned. Just before my son hits puberty.

    • @trinleywangmo
      @trinleywangmo Месяц назад +6

      The last time my mom tried to abort me I was 47. Happens all the time!

    • @AKCFTW
      @AKCFTW Месяц назад +1

      @@trinleywangmoGlad you survived the abortion! Charlie Kelly would be proud.

    • @trappedinamerica7740
      @trappedinamerica7740 Месяц назад +4

      Those 54th trimester abortions…

    • @Rugelacharugula
      @Rugelacharugula Месяц назад +1

      @@AKCFTW the guy from Sunny in Philadelphia?

    • @AKCFTW
      @AKCFTW Месяц назад +1

      @@Rugelacharugula Yes. From the episode “The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby”. Charlie survived his abortion as well.

  • @zdk1099
    @zdk1099 Месяц назад +8

    Trump's comment about soiling the Lincoln Oval Room desk is pure projection!

  • @user-pd9lp4us7n
    @user-pd9lp4us7n Месяц назад +6

    Great interview with Tammy Baldwin!

  • @sethmann6397
    @sethmann6397 Месяц назад +19

    Tammy, maybe advocate for Medicare for All, rather than nonsense about whether a beverage gets the title of milk or not. Just a thought.

    • @danieles6684
      @danieles6684 Месяц назад +1

      Strikes me as being proudly in the pocket of a specific lobbying group.

  • @lizbethfullemann554
    @lizbethfullemann554 Месяц назад +6

    I don't have a tv, so I don't have to listen to trump word salad unless it's a clip on a pod cast; this one had me screaming at the computer. thank you I guess; I do love the podcast

    • @maryreeves357
      @maryreeves357 Месяц назад +2

      Same here! The only time I'm forced to cringe and run to cut off sound is when clips appear here and other online programs.

  • @ShadowCat1321
    @ShadowCat1321 Месяц назад +5

    Al Franken!!! Awesome. Love it.

  • @chadjohnson7605
    @chadjohnson7605 Месяц назад +32

    Wait isn’t abortion after birth is murder? Just a thought.

    • @Spungle15
      @Spungle15 Месяц назад

      Yup. Whoever said that democrats are literally advocating murder of newborns is genuinely brain damaged…

    • @Rugelacharugula
      @Rugelacharugula Месяц назад +27

      AFTER you’ve given birth, meaning it’s _not even an _*_abortion._* That’s how mind-blowingly, galactically stupid that whole notion is.

    • @missionrd100
      @missionrd100 Месяц назад

      If only Trump was aborted after birth.

    • @SnoozeAddict
      @SnoozeAddict Месяц назад

      Exactly, but half of these morons believe it and the other half will just go along with this lie. And they are going to vote so make sure you register to vote and show up with family and friends on election day! #TheUnionWinsAgain2024

  • @afrodesiac8064
    @afrodesiac8064 Месяц назад +6

    All I heard was trump dumped on the Resolute Desk.

  • @mableleach5633
    @mableleach5633 Месяц назад +32

    How can anyone back this mad man? Our country has lost it.

    • @WackadoodleMalarkey
      @WackadoodleMalarkey Месяц назад +2

      Some people really do just want to watch the world burn

    • @laurabealmear9293
      @laurabealmear9293 Месяц назад

      No our country hasn’t lost it, we got it right in 2020! The Republican Party has lost it, we just to tell them again and again and again! Like in 2022,2023 and every special election that has been held! VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO

  • @lynnd.
    @lynnd. Месяц назад +7

    Such a shame that no one can figure out how to write an abortion ban that applies only to women that they want to encompass in a slow eugenics program vs those they WANT to have future babies. Sepsis, ectopic pregnancy, etc is an unfortunate byproduct of cruelty and ignorance that produces infertility and death in the very trad-women they want to keep pregnant.

  • @LaSmoocherina
    @LaSmoocherina Месяц назад +4

    And would you guys please do a deep dive on Project 2025 and PRESENT IT TO THE PUBLIC?!!? This is important.

  • @buckeyeshredder6003
    @buckeyeshredder6003 Месяц назад +4

    I want someone tell me how you can say babies are executed after death and not just be dead to our society. Call this SHIT OUT !!!!!!

  • @Jesse-ey5xd
    @Jesse-ey5xd Месяц назад +5

    Trump couldn't care less about abortion unless it's for one of his affairs.

  • @kavonnowroozi9650
    @kavonnowroozi9650 Месяц назад +8

    After this episode, Arizona Supreme Court just banned nearly all abortions. Hopefully this means Arizona will go to Biden.

  • @BiggusDickusTheFourth
    @BiggusDickusTheFourth Месяц назад +4

    How is billionaire tax cuts not buying votes?

  • @silverXnoise
    @silverXnoise Месяц назад +5

    California is the primary producer of almonds. Wisconsin cannot win this fight.

  • @sandyjohnson5111
    @sandyjohnson5111 Месяц назад +1

    The woman that almost died twice, she was septic. Often, that’s a death sentence. Really, she’s lucky to be alive.

  • @jaroleva
    @jaroleva Месяц назад +4

    Question: In a political ad, how can you explain that voting for a third party or not voting at all will likely result in a Trump victory because of the electoral college. Not an easy concept...

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад +1

      Yes- those are super important points to get across, because many voters don’t understand that. If it wasn’t for the electoral college Trump would not have been elected. We need a national popular vote- One person = one vote!!
      🗳️💙🌊 Vote blue all down the ballot!!

  • @user-ew6ik2ox7r
    @user-ew6ik2ox7r Месяц назад +3

    As I've said on other pages, we still don't know what his stance on abortion is after making a statement on his stance. He speaks with a forked tongue.

  • @FakingANerve
    @FakingANerve Месяц назад +3

    Trump claiming that Biden pooped on the Resolute desk can only mean the one, obvious thing, and this should be shouted from rooftops... Trump shat himself in the oval. 😂

  • @cradio52
    @cradio52 Месяц назад +2

    *“You must follow your heart… but we also have to win elections.”*
    Amazing. Just… amazing.

  • @tonyd.5151
    @tonyd.5151 Месяц назад +4

    I think coconut milk get a pass.

  • @donnad634
    @donnad634 Месяц назад +3

    The RNC is over ….

  • @lauracohen4914
    @lauracohen4914 Месяц назад +3

    Great interview, I prefer 'almond water'.

  • @Christine-jz1qj
    @Christine-jz1qj Месяц назад +8

    I believe we should encourage every American strive to a better education and trained for careers.
    I PAID on my student loans for 25 years and the outstanding balance was forgiven recently by Pres. Biden.
    I was the sole family support of 4 which included my husband who became permanently disabled at age 41 from an airborne virus. Our son was 3 months old and I was in my 3 year of cancer remission.
    I worked 2 jobs for the next 30 years.
    Student loan forgiveness is a blessing for me and likely others.

  • @imnadia84
    @imnadia84 Месяц назад +5

    The way US is doing foreign policy, I'm seeing signs that they'll use Netanyahu as a fall guy and continue to give aid once he's removed and nothing will change. Just like it didn't begin with Hamas, it didn't begin with Netanyahu. Something needs to change fundamentally and 2 state needs to be the only end result.

    • @mamiemartinson4649
      @mamiemartinson4649 Месяц назад

      There was an interview with some Hamas higher leaders in Huffington Post. They want the 2 State solution that was proposed in 2017. I think it was called The Confederation of Two States Solution and basically gives each group their own form of government with cooperative lines that allow people somewhat dual status.

  • @lamiagumbo
    @lamiagumbo Месяц назад +19

    Ask young girls and woman in Idaho, Texas and Missouri how well states deciding has worked out for them.

    • @tammystockley-loughlin7680
      @tammystockley-loughlin7680 Месяц назад +4

      Especially those who had to carry their rapists child to term, or those with serious complications. Positive vibes from New Hampshire, remember to be kind to each other and yourself during these trying times.

  • @rondifrisch7846
    @rondifrisch7846 Месяц назад

    The "Usual Friday News Dump" -- serious LOL, coffee spewed 😂😂😂 love you guys!!! Keep it up ❤

  • @donnad634
    @donnad634 Месяц назад +2

    If Gaza is starving so are hostages.

  • @kensvideos1
    @kensvideos1 Месяц назад +5

    Public Servants always seem to be in love with serving the public. (The bastards)

  • @lillymouse2689
    @lillymouse2689 Месяц назад +2

    Well, Az SC decision just dropped, so we've officially whiplashed back to 1864! All abortions will be banned except for a very narrow exception to a mother's life -and we know how effective that is. My understanding is that there are still some challenges, so not quite sure when it would go into effect (I've heard 14 days but also 45 days bc of another ruling).
    As terrible as this is for any pregnant Arizonan, it's going to make it a bit easier to elect our 2nd Dem Senator, Gallego, and swing the state to Biden - & hopefully, put some more Dems in office in the state as well as add a few House seats.

  • @billberndtson
    @billberndtson Месяц назад +15

    Israel is making it harder and harder to defend them on the world stage - it's becoming less impactful that they've been the victims of genocide when they're perpetrating one.

    • @lindaflesch7303
      @lindaflesch7303 Месяц назад +3

      GAZA now resembles The Warsaw Ghetto. 😢

    • @donaldwobamajr6550
      @donaldwobamajr6550 Месяц назад

      If Gaza is a genocide, then the Nazis were the victims of a genocide during WW2.

  • @privacylock855
    @privacylock855 Месяц назад +3

    Do a report about his mental health.

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад

      His mental health can’t be good- all the stress from his indictments, losing money, thinning crowds at his stupid rallies… He has to know, deep inside, that he’s going down ⤵️

  • @thecooljohn100
    @thecooljohn100 Месяц назад +3

    Tammy's nice. I don't like that she's pro-Big Dairy, but I understand she's just trying to protect her local farmer communities.

    • @marybell3013
      @marybell3013 Месяц назад

      Yes, keeping farmers in business is a good thing, but the huge farms that treat the animals badly are horrible. I always get local, grass-fed raw milk from nearby family farms, it’s better for the animals, the farmers, the land, and for the environment, and the consumers.

  • @livenandlove1980
    @livenandlove1980 Месяц назад +1

    Tammy is both endearing and tough as nails!

  • @SoniaBonia33
    @SoniaBonia33 Месяц назад +3

    I aspire to be as carefree as Pundit pup in a crumbling democracy.

  • @marysmith5003
    @marysmith5003 Месяц назад +1

    Babies are not "terminated" after they are born. That would be murder and there are laws against it.

  • @Susan-fg9jb
    @Susan-fg9jb Месяц назад +3

    One more time, would you please point that an exception for rape and incest is saying than women ONLY are allowed full human rights once they have been violated by a man. Women are full humans who deserve the same full range of human rights men have. Every time a rape and incest exception is mentioned without also mentioning what it actually means you perpetuate the idea that women are not full humans deserving of rights.

  • @OSheaDean
    @OSheaDean Месяц назад +1

    For a long time I thought peanut paste vs. peanut butter was a UK vs. US english usage, but in Australia peanut paste became common usage bc dairy farmers campaigned against the use of the word butter.

  • @AwakenedFromWoke
    @AwakenedFromWoke Месяц назад +2

    As a gender studies major and a POC my student loan of 118K was forgiven today! Blue no matter who!

    • @prateekmahapatra1789
      @prateekmahapatra1789 Месяц назад +1

      118 K for gender studies ??🤡🤡

    • @AwakenedFromWoke
      @AwakenedFromWoke Месяц назад +1

      @@prateekmahapatra1789 I attended a prestigious private university that features the best undergraduate and masters program in Gender Theory with an immediate pipeline to employment within the public education system. I start training in California next week then I’m off to Arkansas. Can’t wait!

    • @prateekmahapatra1789
      @prateekmahapatra1789 Месяц назад

      @@AwakenedFromWoke Be grateful you can get a job while having no real degree while amassing a monstrous loan which obviously your lord and savior Biden saves your a$$ grifting the system . I hope you dont go anywhere near little kids with your fakesass degree to indoctrinate them , if u cant help it pls for the love of god keep ur ideologies to grown up teens only , i hope u do that .

  • @theyoshow
    @theyoshow Месяц назад +2

    I LOATHE Trump so much.

  • @kristenchapman9043
    @kristenchapman9043 Месяц назад +1

    Am I the only one who thinks Tommy looks like Dally in The Outsiders today? Who do you think you’re kidding, Tommy? You TOTALLY would have been a soc! 😂❤

  • @Grandpa_Boxer
    @Grandpa_Boxer Месяц назад +3

    The "religious right" will claim: "We can't know the mind of God/Trump and keep worshipping him."

  • @maggiealena
    @maggiealena Месяц назад

    A woman's right to her own body is not for the government to control. No government.

  • @robynrains7252
    @robynrains7252 Месяц назад +2


  • @Laurenlilly902
    @Laurenlilly902 Месяц назад +1

    All that means is that Trump pooped in that desk when he was in the white house!!!

  • @wizzzer1337
    @wizzzer1337 Месяц назад +2

    Online politics are very male dominated.
    Women are the biggest silent minority.

  • @cynthiamoore7056
    @cynthiamoore7056 Месяц назад

    It’s so refreshing to hear level-headed policymakers. America is at square one yet again to gain trust.

  • @donnad634
    @donnad634 Месяц назад

    You have great mikes. !!! No juicy spit sound. 😊

  • @_i_a_n_
    @_i_a_n_ Месяц назад

    Love Tammy Baldwin! ❤❤

  • @christina-clairegeorges3661
    @christina-clairegeorges3661 Месяц назад +1

    I love how the Senator speaks about her constituents. I often find many are dismissive of Trump voters and demean them, but she preserved the humanity of people who have made a decision to support a person. I am not a Trump supporter, but calling supporters idiots, or fools, or stupid or delusional is not helpful. The Senator did a wonderful job of recognising the need to realise the humanity on either side of the aisle.

  • @jojimbo136
    @jojimbo136 Месяц назад +31

    Trump at the start....
    What the fuck is he talking about?
    Can he hear himself speak?
    How can you listen to him and think Biden is the impaired one.

    • @MichaelJohnson-vi6eh
      @MichaelJohnson-vi6eh Месяц назад

      Oh wow. I didn't hear the entire.....screed and thought he was effectively threading the needle.

    • @patiopatty
      @patiopatty Месяц назад

      He doesn’t care! Not about YOU or anyone else! He’s just a liar who wants everyone to believe him. Remember this: His only agenda is to become a DICTATOR! If he wins the Presidency, it WILL BE THE LAST ELECTION WE WILL EVER HAVE! Believe me please! VOTE BLUE!💙💙💙

    • @user-cr9kj7cn4d
      @user-cr9kj7cn4d Месяц назад

      Typical Trump oversimplified one-sided lying, complete with self affirmation ("in fact", "it must be remembered that"). Pretend the sensible ("all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and, in fact, demanded be ended") and the majority ("the will of the people") are on his side, lie about and demonize the other side ("it must be remembered that the Democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month ... even execution after birth"), without deviation from the central tenet of anti-abortionism (an embryo is a baby, abortion is murder) and without deviation from the tyranny of Republican state rule (pretending the dictate of the Republicans in power is "the will of the people").

  • @Mack12st
    @Mack12st Месяц назад

    I grew up buckscounty when the casino was farm land & Forrest. No excuse to allow bullies from the 1700's to continue to work through scare tactics

  • @traviscushing2973
    @traviscushing2973 Месяц назад

    Lovett doing punch up for the rocketman movie:
    Benny and the cars?
    Benny and the boats?
    Oh Benny and the blimps! No that's not it... Benny and the Jets!

  • @MERollered
    @MERollered Месяц назад

    Tammy Baldwin is adorable... I like rather than pulling an answer she just scolds Lovett for not briefing her

  • @AshFin-iu2ze
    @AshFin-iu2ze Месяц назад

    What a country indeed Lovett

  • @anthonyburee650
    @anthonyburee650 Месяц назад

    Pooped on a desk, peed on a bed..... He is talking about himself😂

  • @natbarmore
    @natbarmore Месяц назад +1

    And we should believe Trump’s statement (about abortion regulation or anything else) why? He’ll say whatever gives him the best chance of getting elected.
    Maybe he means it, maybe he doesn’t, but does anyone think he wouldn’t sign an anti-abortion bill if he got elected and Congress managed to pass it? Does anybody think he wouldn’t try to shut down the military’s support for abortion access if he thought it would gain him some attention? Or further restrict the very limited federal support for abortion that still remains, just out of spite?

  • @davidmole4851
    @davidmole4851 Месяц назад +1

    💯🔥 thanks 🎉❤

  • @Shelora
    @Shelora Месяц назад +3

    Is this his idea of “acting presidential?”

  • @bluebelle8823
    @bluebelle8823 Месяц назад +1

    I hate the milk argument so much. It's not about nutritional equvlency for me and I'm not sure anyone outside politics is saying it is. Some people cannot drink animal products. It is a milk substitute for those people. Calling it milk is actually avoiding confusion for consumers.