  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024

Комментарии • 79

  • @rhienwhellauro8413
    @rhienwhellauro8413 2 года назад

    This video made me realize the importance of the perspective and it a greater knowledge of the different various community strategies.

  • @khim7691
    @khim7691 2 года назад

    This lesson taught me the significant value of community perspectives. there are different beliefs, values, and activities that are concerned in this area. it helped me assess and learned the roles of each and every one of our community.

  • @jhamesandreimacabata8906
    @jhamesandreimacabata8906 2 года назад

    This lesson expand my knowledge about community and to know the different perspective of the community.

  • @princesalliaacierda207
    @princesalliaacierda207 2 года назад

    Community In Different Perspective
    I learned that us as a person we have own perspectives, we have a different of beliefs, sexual orientation, belongings and etc.
    Community in different perspective
    social science a congregation of people .
    institutional social institution arises.
    community based seen as a setting for intervention.
    civil society defined as a wide array.
    and also i learned about community development approaches. thanks ma'am!

  • @johnlexhortinela3776
    @johnlexhortinela3776 2 года назад

    I've learned that a community's perspectives are critical to its success and development. Individuals' goals and interests are regarded the beginning of a movement, demonstrating their power.

  • @hanesroceroce3702
    @hanesroceroce3702 2 года назад

    What I have learned in this lesson is the different types of communities.I also learned the importance of having a peace community

  • @Katsuki_xoxo
    @Katsuki_xoxo 2 года назад

    This video helps me to understand the situations of other people to know their beliefs view points and experiences . this gives me a better understanding to reduce bias and judgment of other people. I really believed in this quote that "if you don't want to do to you don't do to others"

  • @h2jascaadiaton819
    @h2jascaadiaton819 2 года назад

    I have learned that make a community more orderly and successful is critical to socialize with people and follow the rules. Different ways are necessary to improve the community to which you belong.

  • @MarvinSorianoSibulo_
    @MarvinSorianoSibulo_ 2 года назад

    I realized that the importance of nature in the community is a big thing for small living things and people to live. Nature provides the sources of the community in whatever aspect it has. It is better to develop well and grow its natural resources because it has a big influence on the whole living here.

  • @h3mariestrinidad436
    @h3mariestrinidad436 2 года назад

    I've learned that perspectives in a community play an essential role for it to work and develop. This shows the power that the individuals hold, as their goals and interests are considered as the onset of a movement.

  • @ayrovirgo3089
    @ayrovirgo3089 2 года назад

    I've learned a lot about this video it helps me to recognize about different perspective in community has the right definition and i realize that the changes and the development of the community starts with individuals.

  • @diyonreynyer7603
    @diyonreynyer7603 2 года назад

    In this video lesson, i've learned the different perspective, development approach of community and its nature. Like what Ma'am Capiral said community is a group of people who shares same beliefs, culture, values, etc.
    My favorite part of this lesson is the discussion of the different community development approach. I believe it is very effective to have different approach to develop or empower the citizen in our community. We can also use this to strategize the best and the most effective approach when it comes in helping or making a change for the benefits of everyone.

  • @versulajesus05
    @versulajesus05 2 года назад

    I learned in this module we have commonality in our community

  • @alex-km5sw
    @alex-km5sw 2 года назад

    I've learned about the nature of community. The way they shared sense of identity and belonging. Also, the different perspectives and the community development approaches.

  • @abegailoliveros2309
    @abegailoliveros2309 2 года назад

    This lesson allows me to identify the nature of a community and has given me a better understanding of the significance of the different community development approaches. These different community development approaches seek to empower individuals and groups of people with the skills they need to effect change within their communities.

  • @shaznayukiarzadon1186
    @shaznayukiarzadon1186 2 года назад

    After watching the whole video, I have learned that a community has different perspective. Those perspectives are, Social Science, Institutional, and Ecological perspective. And those perspectives can help us, citizens, to fully understand the problems that are occurring or will occur in our community and immediately find a reason to solve them.

  • @h1jannalainerobredillo706
    @h1jannalainerobredillo706 2 года назад

    In this video lesson i leraned To make a community more orderly and successful, I learned that it is critical to socialize with people and follow the rules. Different approaches are necessary to improve the community to which you belong. I also learned about the Latin and Latin roots of community. I learned about the various community development approaches that are required and can assist the community in expanding even more.

  • @h4leejeanbalandra549
    @h4leejeanbalandra549 2 года назад

    I learned how to identify natures of community and communities in different perspective.

  • @shanebersamin9275
    @shanebersamin9275 2 года назад

    This video help me to know that every different perspectives in community has the right definition but the community has a great impact which is the individual, it also help me to learned the roles of every one of our community and those perpectives can help us to understand the problems that immediately can find a reason to solve. Thankyou po ma'am

  • @notts4621
    @notts4621 2 года назад

    This lecture has helped me recognize the characteristics of a community and has given me a greater knowledge of the importance of various community development strategies. These many approaches to community development aim to provide individuals and groups with the skills they need to affect change in their communities. I learnt that as time passes, community development may benefit everyone. I also discovered that the term "community" is derived from the Latin word "communitas," which means "fellowship," and the root word "commune," which means "common." I discovered that you can't build a community without each person's help.

  • @h2ma.belengeneralo219
    @h2ma.belengeneralo219 2 года назад

    In this video, I learned that deeper meaning of community and when it came from. I also learned about community in different perspectives. And all of that perspective has different effects on people.

  • @lowl_31
    @lowl_31 2 года назад

    I have learned that several community viewpoints, including Social Science Perspectives, Institutional Perspectives, and Ecological Perspectives. In order to see a more full and bigger image, it has always been vital to consider other points of view.

  • @christinequiroz6664
    @christinequiroz6664 2 года назад

    This video helps me, as a student, and as someone who is part of the community to learn more about it. First, I've learned where the community word came from. It came from the Latin word "communitas" that means fellowship and Latin roots "communis" that means common. It is a geographical area that links people together by different factors such as religion, sexual orientation, and other form of shared sense of identity and belonging. It also comes with four different perspectives which helps the people with their understanding to their own community. Lastly, it has development approaches that serves as a guide to people based on their needs, may it be an emergency, process, or a problem that should be resolve immediately. It comes with 7 approach that will surely give the right service to people.

  • @h3angelitoambolo482
    @h3angelitoambolo482 2 года назад

    Ambolo, Angelito
    12 - HUMSS 3
    I've learned so much from this video presentation, such as in:
    Nature of community - discusses the origins of the word community, the Latin word (cummunitas) and Latin root (cumminis) that are linked together by various factors.
    Different perspectives on community -
    Those perspectives stated in the video presentation may assist us in gaining a deeper understanding and seeing the big picture of a problem, which may aid in finding a solution to that problem.
    Community development approaches - a method of working with communities and people that lays the foundation for a community to build on in order to improve the lives of each individual in a community

  • @jewelbabiera2630
    @jewelbabiera2630 2 года назад

    After watching the video about the lesson in Module2 I learned that It is important to look at topics from community perspectives so that we are able to see the whole situation, which better enables us to find the root cause of the problem and discover a solution that takes the needs and feelings of everyone involved into consideration.

  • @johnmienardnieva2133
    @johnmienardnieva2133 2 года назад

    Every different perspectives in community has the right definition. After all, the great impact in community is to the individual. Thank you Ma'm .

  • @h2maribelldavid324
    @h2maribelldavid324 2 года назад

    12 HUMSS 2
    After watching this lesson 2, It helps me to gain more knowledge about community and it is that community comes from the Latin word "communitas" which means fellowship and Latin roots "communis" which means common. Also I realized that the development of community starts from individuals and to benefit each and everyone.

  • @jennydelosreyes3316
    @jennydelosreyes3316 2 года назад

    Delos Reyes, Jenny V. 12-HUMSS 3
    I learned that the words "community" and "communis" stem from the Latin words "commonitas" and "communis," which mean "fellowship" and "common." I also learned that community development initiatives can assist each community member and the community as a whole grow over time. This strategy is beneficial to the development of the community for the common interest of all.

  • @h2paulineamarille138
    @h2paulineamarille138 2 года назад

    In this module 2 in CESC, entitled Community in Different Perspectives, I learned the different perspectives of community such as Social Science Perspectives, Institutional Perspective, Ecological Perspectives, etc. I also learned the Latin and Latin roots of community. I learned the different community development approaches that are needed and can help the community to grow even more.
    I learned that it is important to socialize with people and follow the rule to make a community more orderly and successful. Different approaches are important to make the community that you belong is even better.

  • @jonathanderder7039
    @jonathanderder7039 2 года назад

    i learned in this module that From a systems perspective, a community is similar to a living creature, comprising different parts that represent specialized functions, activities, or interests, each operating within specific boundaries to meet community needs.

  • @h3charriseroque236
    @h3charriseroque236 2 года назад

    I learned that in a community, every individual have their own perspectives, beliefs, sexual orientation, belongings and identities.

  • @paulineannepineda6675
    @paulineannepineda6675 2 года назад

    In this lesson every perspective in our Comunity there are the right definition in the development and changes in our community starts in our selves.

  • @h4markartsanhongayo651
    @h4markartsanhongayo651 2 года назад

    Mark Artsan C. Hongayo | 12 HUMSS 4
    After watching the complete video, I have realized that a community has various views. Those views are, Social Science, Institutional, and Ecological perspective. And such viewpoints can allow us, citizens, to completely comprehend the problems that are occurring or will occur in our community and quickly identify a cause to remedy them

  • @h2christinekasilag903
    @h2christinekasilag903 2 года назад +1

    Kasilag, Christine C.
    12 HUMSS 2
    In this lesson, I have learned that a community is a congregation of people unified by their shared beliefs, tradition, basic values and geographical area.
    It is a system composed of individuals embodying distinct role and interest. With the set of interactions happening, human behaviors bolden the meaning and expectations within the community.

  • @janemagnoliasoriano1241
    @janemagnoliasoriano1241 2 года назад

    What i learned in this module that the Community engagement employs and range of tools and strategies to ensure success. It also places a premium on fostering and enhancing trust as a critical element in long-term, sustainable engagement and effective governance.

  • @irishvlog5433
    @irishvlog5433 2 года назад

    When we say community, it's not just because there are many types or branches. I love how maam Capiral explains the lesson for this module because we learn a lot.

  • @h1janiceancheta41
    @h1janiceancheta41 2 года назад

    12 HUMSS 1
    This second lesson entitled community in defferent perspectives, I learned that community come from the Latin word "commonitas" and "communis" which means fellowship and common. Nature of communities live in common life such as religion beliefs, sexual orientaion, occupation, ethnicoriginand share sense of identity and belongings. Social science, Institutional perspective, Community- based perspectives, Ecological, Sectoral and Civil society perspective: the word tha define community in diffenent perspectives.
    Through the video lesson, i get ideas and knowledge about the community development approaches such as Prticipatory, Asset- based, community base, Area base, community economic development, walfare and spiritual pschosocial approach. This approaches helpful to develop the community for the common good of every one.

  • @noralynblanza8080
    @noralynblanza8080 2 года назад

    Sherwin Dasalla
    12 HUMSS-2
    Good day! In this lesson, I learned about “community”. Community came from the latin word “comunitas” that means fellowship and also I learned that is having a different perspective like Social Science Perspectives, Ecological perspectives, and also Institutional Perspectives that helps us to understand the problems of our surroundings and specially in our community to solve and give solutions for those instances.

  • @arjohnlaurence
    @arjohnlaurence 2 года назад

    Arjohn Laurence M. Regis HUMSS 4
    in this module, I have learnt that the word community is derived from the Latin word communitas which means fellowship, and Latin root communis which means common. this module has also taught me the different perspectives in a community which are social science perspective, institutional perspective, community-based perspective, ecological perspective, sectoral perspective, and civil society perspective. interacting with different community perspectives allows for cross-learning possibilities. New insights gained from exposure to other communities may inspire communities to broaden their perspectives, allowing them to realise previously unrealised potential. moreover, it also tackles the community development approaches which consist of participatory, asset-based, community-based, area-based, community economic development, welfare, and spiritual approach. working with communities and individuals to create agendas and organise is what the community development approach is all about. community development is a long-term value-based process aimed at resolving power inequalities and bringing about change based on social justice, equality, and inclusion.

  • @dianarosecapellan803
    @dianarosecapellan803 2 года назад

    12 HUMSS-6
    I've learn the difference community different approachches the importance of each I learned here the importance of each other especially in our community just like the community discussed here the importance of life and the protection of the people in the brgy is given attention to expand the service

  • @h3applegarcia140
    @h3applegarcia140 2 года назад

    In this module 2, I learned the different perspectives of community such as Social Science Perspectives, Institutional Perspective, Ecological Perspectives. I learned the different community development approaches that are needed and can help the community to grow. I also learned the Latin and Latin roots of community.

  • @edcilgagarino1594
    @edcilgagarino1594 2 года назад

    I learned in this lesson the importance of having a community perspective it hepls us to be able to see the whole picture , which better enables us to find the root cause of the problem and discover a solution the needs and emotion of everyone involved into consideration
    12-HUMMS 4

  • @sofianicoleladringan9534
    @sofianicoleladringan9534 2 года назад

    12-HUMSS 4
    I have learned in this lesson that even communities has their own different perspectives. The six different perspective shows how diverse a community is, namely social science perspectives, institutional perspectives, community based perspective, ecological perspective, sectoral perspective, and lastly, civil society perspectives. On the other hand, Community development approaches provides innovations involving people who are directly concerned about the result of their works.

  • @brigeitegalapia7274
    @brigeitegalapia7274 2 года назад

    In this lesson I have learned that the word community in latin means "common" which simply explains it why. Now i have known the different perspectives in community and it thought me the development approaches

  • @audreyjeanhalili8845
    @audreyjeanhalili8845 2 года назад

    Halili, Audrey Jean E.
    12 HUMSS 2
    I have learned that the word “community” came from a lot of origins like the Latin word “communitas” which means fellowship. Then I learned about each community from different perspectives and the community development approaches.
    I determined that the importance of different perspectives can enable us to better understand the root cause of the problems within our community and search for the solution to them. I also found out that community development approaches can help each member of the community and the community itself to improve more as time goes by.

  • @dianes.canonigo6861
    @dianes.canonigo6861 2 года назад

    Diane Charlotte S. Canonigo
    12 HUMSS 1
    The second module entitled, community in different perspectives have openned my eyes with the different ways one can see community. From social science, institutional, community-based ecological, sectoral and civil-society based ;the word community has varied definitions. However, all of them embodies the latin words "communis" and "communitas" that can be translated to common/commonality and fellowship.
    There is also another lesson that tackles different approches for the development of a community such as participatory, asset-based, community-based, area-based, community economic development, welfare and spiritual approches. The approaches are needed for the development and common good of the people.

  • @jeffersoncolada1237
    @jeffersoncolada1237 2 года назад

    I've learnt that community development is vital because it lays the groundwork for a city's efforts to enhance its inhabitants' lives. It builds robust, varied communities capable of attracting and retaining talent, starting and growing enterprises, and overcoming challenges. A community's nature is a sociological construct that can shift and live within a bigger one.

  • @kathleenduka6631
    @kathleenduka6631 2 года назад

    I learned that community development can benefits everyone as time goes by. I also learned that Community comes from the Latin word " communitas" which means fellowship andatin roots " communi" which means common. I realized that you can't develop a community without the help of each individuals.

  • @h4marianesalvador184
    @h4marianesalvador184 2 года назад

    Salvador, Mariane
    12-HUMSS 4
    I learned through this module community in different perspectives are the nature of community that "communitas" the latin word for community that means fellowship and the latin root "communis" means common.
    The definition of community in different perspectives and common characteristics.

  • @aliancamanaregondola54
    @aliancamanaregondola54 2 года назад

    In this video, I've learned more about the different perpectives also development approaches in the nature of community. This lesson expands the more value of peace community.
    Alian C. Regondola
    12 - Humss 4

  • @chrizmelhinoguin2370
    @chrizmelhinoguin2370 2 года назад

    12-HUMSS 4
    I have learned in this topic, Community in Different Perspectives that Nature of Community is a place where one lives, works, and plays. A community denotes a group of people occupying a definite territory, living together with families, and the neighbourhood. The community has a different perspective; it is the Social Science Perspectives, Institutional Perspective and the Community Based Perspectives. Community development is important because it provides the foundation a city builds off of to improve the lives of its citizens. It creates strong, diverse communities that are able to attract and keep talent, start and grow businesses, and overcome issues.

  • @h3criseldamorados462
    @h3criseldamorados462 2 года назад

    Morados,Criselda D.
    12 HUMSS 3
    After watching this video lesson,I realized that the process of change and development within community starts from individuals. It also promotes programs that must be
    implemented for the benefit of each other.

  • @h3patrickbautista98
    @h3patrickbautista98 2 года назад

    The lesson that i learned in this module 2 group of people that are the same belief or ethnic origin

  • @jennyazuelo2789
    @jennyazuelo2789 2 года назад

    In this vlog I learn about looking at a community in multiple perspectives helped me see the wholeness, the totaly by synthesizing different pieces of information I learned from looking at multiple perspectives into a whole. It helped me open up for a whole lot more understanding and tolerance about community.

  • @reinalyncafranca4922
    @reinalyncafranca4922 2 года назад

    Module 2: I learned as a person we have own perspective, we have a different beliefs, belongings and etc.. Also i learned what Community Development it is.
    -Cafranca, Reinalyn B.

  • @arnoldcabanatanjr1001
    @arnoldcabanatanjr1001 2 года назад

    In this video, I've learned the different perspective, development approach of community and its nature. Ma'am Capiral said community is a group of people who shares same beliefs, culture, values.
    Arnold A. Cabanatan Jr. 12-Humss1

  • @jasminellobrera0624
    @jasminellobrera0624 2 года назад

    12-HUMSS 5
    In this lesson I've learned what community development it is and also is important because it provides the foundation a city builds off of to improve the lives of its citizens. It creates strong, diverse communities that are able to attract and keep talent, start and grow businesses, and overcome issues that arise.

  • @kyxxmm
    @kyxxmm 2 года назад

    In this video, I learned that community must consists of people knows how to conduct fellowship to be able to have a great community.

  • @kalvinsantos977
    @kalvinsantos977 2 года назад

    In this module 2 : I learned that is important to look at topics from community perspectives and i get ideas and knowledge about the community development approaches and Also the different perspectives and the community development approaches.
    Kelvin Danielle B. Santos
    Grade 12 Humss 5

  • @maryroseannejoymape7918
    @maryroseannejoymape7918 2 года назад

    12-HUMSS 4
    - In this video I have learned about Nature of Community it's different perspectives. The two types of human association are the Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. It it very helpful to learn these things because you will understand how our community works.

  • @h3princesperezaquino155
    @h3princesperezaquino155 2 года назад +1

    Module 2 : Community in
    Different Perspectives
    I have learned the nature of a community
    Community is a super-organic organism or system which is made up of the thoughts, outlook and conduct of individual human beings full of divisions and conflict.
    Community comes from the Latin word " communitas" which means fellowship and Latin roots “communis” which means common. It is a geographical area where a group of people live in common life. The nature of the relationships between people and the social networks of which they are apart is often seen as one of the more significant aspects of the community. People in community are social beings.
    Also I have learned a lot about...
    Community in Different Perspectives.
    |• Social Science Perspectives
    Political Science it is a conceptualized ideal (political)
    community. According to Plato the other term of Polis is city-state. A community is a group of people whose connections and relations are formed by their shared history, geography and geographies. There are Types of Human Association... •| Gemeinschaft it is a community with a more cohesive and comprehensive social structure.
    being created through a multitude of wills
    •| Gesellschafts is a society is a group in which individuals participate as members who are simply motivated by their own interests via means of self-interest.
    •| Institutional Perspective Social institutions are formed as a result of
    mutually beneficial voluntary agreements
    people who shape their lives in general
    (performs) collectively (behaviors)
    community functions). The establishments
    are rules that have been established to ensure the behavior that is consistent and predictable. •| Community Based Perspectives (Local
    and Grass Root Level)
    Also I've learned that Local and Grassroots Level It is one that makes use of the people in each district, region, or community as the source of information. A political or economic movement's foundation The most fundamental form of action in a
    community. It is a collective action at the local level to bring about change. Whether on a regional, national, or worldwide scale.
    Grassroots Movement is a term that refers to a group of people. It is a collection of people, usually volunteers, who come together to organize around a social issue.
    cause to advocate for and struggle for change using all means required. Also I've learned the tree Characteristics of Grassroots Movement. I've learned Local and Grassroots Level in the Community,
    Also I have learned Ecological Perspectives
    It sees behavior as a result of more than just knowledge, values, and attitudes.
    also considers behavior to be influenced by social factors. The ecological viewpoint is concerned with how the system or product interacts with its surroundings It's all about the way the the context in which the system or product is utilized, and how the system or product interacts. Sectoral Perspectives
    A community is regarded as a system.
    is made up of people and industries with a common goal. There are many different traits and interrelationships. Individuals are the constituents of sectors encapsulating the various tasks and interests of the
    community. The last one Civil Society Perspective Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) come in a wide range of shapes and sizes combating organizations and volunteer groups for social issues, and he appeals to bring about social change, a community must come together. The goal is to get as many people as possible to participate advocacies.
    Furthermore I have learned a lot about Community Development Approaches
    The Participatory Approach
    The Asset-Based Approach
    Community -Based Approach
    Area based Approach
    Community Economic Development Approach, Welfare Approach
    Spiritual -Psychosocial Approach
    Right Based Approach
    I realized that all of this is very important for us in our community.
    Princes Perez Aquino 12 HUMSS-3
    PT2 ( CESC )

    • @aminomay-ann7080
      @aminomay-ann7080 Год назад

      Ate paki pahingi po ng example at explaination po sa first to third dimension po, reporting na po namin bukas

  • @h1athenagaylemilan797
    @h1athenagaylemilan797 2 года назад

    Milan, Athena Gayle
    I learned that community has different meaning based on perspective such as a community is a social unit with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity.

  • @andrenaquimen7241
    @andrenaquimen7241 2 года назад

    In this lesson i learned and identify the nature of community. It also mentions the importance of different community development approaches. It also defines community in different perspectives.

  • @angelrhymedelosreyes2088
    @angelrhymedelosreyes2088 2 года назад

    I Realize that it is very important to us because they help us to cope our problema and try to resolve it.
    AngelRhyme DelosReyes 12 HUMSS4

  • @h2geraldineadvincula756
    @h2geraldineadvincula756 2 года назад

    12 HUMSS 2
    In this lesson, I've learned different perspectives and the community comes from the latin word "communitas" which means fellowship and it is a geographical area where common life linked together by factor.

  • @h2kimwylalbano211
    @h2kimwylalbano211 2 года назад

    In this lesson, I have discovered that community development initiatives can assist each individual in the community, as well as the community as a whole, improve through time. I've also discovered that having a variety of perspectives can help us better understand the fundamental causes of problems in our community and find solutions to them.

  • @johnmichaeldedios2859
    @johnmichaeldedios2859 2 года назад

    A community is a group of people whose connections and relations are formed by their shared history, experiences, geographies and identities.It's critical to analyze issues from many viewpoints in order to have a full picture of the situation, which will help us identify the main cause of the problem and devise a solution that takes everyone's wants and feelings into account.♥️

  • @kimberlyshanecena7601
    @kimberlyshanecena7601 2 года назад

    The Vlog discusses about different perspectives and development approach of community. It mentioned above six community perspectives. I have learned that, by looking at multiple perspectives can help us understand the whole community. It also helps us to know what are the causes of the problem within the community in order to come up with a better solution to that problem. I have learned that different approaches can help each member of the community and the community itself grow further.
    Cena, Kimberly Shane B. |12-HUMSS 4

  • @-EJoanDeVera
    @-EJoanDeVera 2 года назад

    In this lesson, I discovered that the nature of a community is a sociological construct, that may move and exist within a larger community. Also, a community is a super-organic organism or system made up of individual human beings' views, outlooks, and behaviors, which are divided and conflicted by diversity.

  • @johlancapati9557
    @johlancapati9557 2 года назад

    In this module, I learned that the word "community" came from the latin word "communitas" which means fellowship. I also learned the different perspectives such as Social Science Perspectives, Institutional Perspectives, and Ecological Perspectives that will help us to understand the problem in our community and solve them immediately.

  • @jhonpaulmanlapaz9595
    @jhonpaulmanlapaz9595 2 года назад

    In this lesson I've learned that community came from a latin word communitas which means fellowship. I've also learned that us person have different perspectives not just in community but in beliefs, sexual orientation, etc.

  • @mashmashshod8278
    @mashmashshod8278 9 месяцев назад

    May module ka po sa Community engagement S and C

  • @wendygeraldo
    @wendygeraldo 2 года назад

    Six perspectives were mentioned in the lesson: "Social Science," "Institutional," "Community Based," "Ecological," "Sectoral," and "Civil Society." It has always been important to consider various points of view in order to see a more complete and larger picture. This also applies in the community; it will assist us in identifying the various connections and interactions to determine which community we are in.
    Geraldo, Wendy M. | 12 - HUMSS 4

  • @aminomay-ann7080
    @aminomay-ann7080 Год назад

    Pahingi ng example at explaination sa first - third dimension po HUHUH Sa Different perspective on community po, reporting na po namin bukas

  • @remarkdelossantos225
    @remarkdelossantos225 2 года назад

    In this module 2, I realized that community means different things depending on your perspective, such as a social unit with shared standards, religion, values, practices, or identity.

  • @h2jeremygonzales202
    @h2jeremygonzales202 2 года назад

    Gonzales, Daniel Jeremy D. 12-HUMSS 2
    In this lesson, I realized that understanding the nature of community is crucial for us to have an understanding of what a community really means and for. Its nature is important to comprehend in order to grasp its purpose, functions, roles, and how its patterned network of relationships work. On the other hand, I realized that looking at a community in different perspectives or points of view is important for it helped me gain a deeper comprehension about community. Looking at a community in multiple perspectives helped me see the wholeness, the totalitiness by synthesizing different pieces of information I learned from looking at multiple perspectives into a whole. It helped me open up for a whole lot more understanding and tolerance about community. Because of that, it helped me gain a deeper understanding about the system, purpose, and meaning of community.
    I have realized too that community development approaches discussed are extremely important for it serves as different ways to address various problems and crises in a community. These approaches help a community to develop and grow in different aspects, like welfare, spirituality, human rights, infrastructure, mutuality between its citizens, health, strategies for protection and assistance of its citizens, and others that are beneficial for the growth of a community. These approaches, if executed accurately, also help improve the lives of citizens, create a strong community, and most of all overcome present issues or issues that may arise in the future.

  • @morningstar5961
    @morningstar5961 3 года назад

    Ma'am ask ko lang po kung ano po yung mga importance of knowing the difference perspective in community. Thank you po!🥰

  • @noralynblanza8080
    @noralynblanza8080 2 года назад

    Sherwin Dasalla
    12 HUMSS-2
    Good day! In this lesson, I learned about “community”. Community came from the latin word “comunitas” that means fellowship and also I learned that is having a different perspective like Social Science Perspectives, Ecological perspectives, and also Institutional Perspectives that helps us to understand the problems of our surroundings and specially in our community to solve and give solutions for those instances.