This is what our people went through. It’s in our blood to be strong. We have to break free of the shambles they have us in. The effects of slavery are still prevalent today. I watch these videos as a reminder. It’s REAL. The history class in school doesn’t teach us the real African history.
ItsNiyaDemi It breaks my heart every time I watch real life movies like 'Roots' and the slavery of Black people. Not only did the White folk treat the blacks cruel but also other natives from other countries like the Native American Indians. It makes me feel so ashamed to have been born into the white ethnic group. I can relate in a way to the black people and how they were so appallingly treated. I was bullied severely at school, abused as a child by my father. My mother passed away when I was just 13. I had to clean the house from top to bottom, hang out the washing, cook the dinner all ready for when my sisters and brother came home. I hated my life so badly that I tried to kill myself because there was no escaping the misery and pain from when my father used to hit me with his belt. Strength is what you learn to build on, it's what determines you and drives you to a goal. I agree history in class did NOT teach me anything about slavery either. I think that's why I have always been attracted to other cultures and traditions.
Your right I’m soo glad to have a beautiful black grandmother that cares about me and a mom to help me learn about this stuff I see why my mom and grandma teach me this stuff so I can not care about the president and respect and all ways pick Obama side never give a white man your money bc of all the bad thinks they do to us and what the did to us kids everyday I see my grandma she always ask me have i been watching root having been reading and finding more information about Harriet Tubman
You so called African Americans are the Israelites of the Bible you lost her Identity in slavery read the curses in Deuteronomy in your Bible this is why they didn't allow you to read because they didn't want you to know who you really was our Father in heaven will pay back vengeance don't worry we all got to go sometime we will have the last laugh and those who repent
It was an amusing movie. Of course it was also complete fiction. Alex Haley stole this story from a white author and embellished it for his own agenda. In fact Alex Haley was successfully sued for plagiarism over it.
A giant swath of our country (if you are an American) is full of prideful degenerates hell bent on repeating the same mistakes of the past, knowing they might profit from it, at the expense of the greatest nation the world has ever seen. They are called Democrats. They are called Communists. Abject moral degenerates, whatever they choose to call themselves.
@@soulplexis Democrats weren't always Communists. JFK was murdered BY a Communist for being so hard on the Communists of the Soviet Union, Maoist China, and Castro's Cuban Prison State. Three regimes responsible for a hundred million unnecessary deaths by torture, starvation, overwork (slavery) or murder. But the Democrat Party of Kennedy and FDR (racist who didn't invite Republican Jesse Owens to the White House to celebrate his hard-won victories over Hitler's "Master Race" at the 1936 Olympics, not that you knew that), no longer holds sway over the Party or its ideals. The Radical Left, authoritarian, Communist elements have completely taken power in the Democrat Party. They control what Biden does, as evidenced by his continued advance toward authoritarianism and unbreakable government control over the People. Get a clue, kid. Really, REALLY bad times coming in America because the Democrats invited Communists openly into their ranks. That's the avenue they will use to dominate hundreds of millions of Americans, and steal every penny they earn, until a burnt out husk is all that remains for them to lord over. Every Democrat that doesn't agree with this insanity (and there are many, but are cowed into silence by the radical Left) should leave the party, and join the opposition. Anybody that doesn't, is now the common enemy of everyone that believes in freedom.
@@herbsuperb6034 "Democrats invited Communists openly into their ranks" Republicans invited White racist bigots from the South openly into their ranks. What the hell is the difference?
@@JAWrightonline I've never met one. I wouldn't tolerate them. Do I really need to explain the racist history of the Democrat Party in the South to you, kid?
@@lamara3534 Aye, Lamar. Hopefully, it doesn't give you comfort to know this, but "they" treat anyone who doesn't conform to what "they" demand be conformed to, like shit. Literally. I'm in Wisconsin; I've had the misfortune of living here all of my life - from test tube incubation, infant foster care, and eventually placement with a self-described "loving" family. My psuedo-family, the catholic church and catholic schools attempted to brainwash me into believing that I was a lucky and fortunate child, when in fact, what I was, was a dog. You won't see much "whippn's going on" in these parts unless you understand that the whip is simply a symbol any sort of torture/punishment...migraine headaches, seizures, nicotine addiction is still an effective means to killing a speaking of rats... U.S. Venture...U.S. Oil...fine examples of a "company" that will maim, torture, and murder to keep its hold over community and society. Look it up. Lamar, is exactly correct. Stay away from Wisconsin, my is, indeed, if a black man speaks his mind here (in defiance), then the whip might literally be heard crackin'.
Could ask that of ANY group of people. Don't pretend you have a monopoly on the ass end of slavery. I assume you are black, based on your statement, and if not, please clarify and accept my apologies. I am white, and VERY proud of the fact that people like me (through lineage, not based on skin color) led the world in DESTROYING slavery. Observe. Slavery still exists. In Africa. In South Asia. In the Middle East. Western nations, forged by Judeo-Christian faith and the philosophy of Athens, have done away with slavery. They sacrificed a great deal to do it. Black people living in America today are among the most privileged people in world history.
@@taegotkash You sound like a brainwashed racist. Who are you to say that anybody's enslavement except a black person's enslaved in America was in some way better? So arrogant. So ignorant. Slavery is slavery, regardless of skin color. White People didn't invent it, but they sure led the way in getting rid of it. Look at the map! Where is slavery STILL a serious problem. Not in America, Britain, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other places where Western Civilization holds firm. Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, South Asia. THERE is your modern slavery. You should thank those White, Western nations for cutting the precedence of worldwide slavery down by as much as they did. Many in those nations fought and died to free enslaved people across the world. If the American People were suddenly and brutally enslaved (likely, with Democrats so entrenched in power), would the peoples of Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East rise up and risk their lives to free them? I very much doubt it.
Nobody is a hero here. This miniseries is fake. Alex Haley was successfully sued for plagiarism because he stole this fictional story from a white author.
This series makes my want to punch a wall. Who the hell thought it was okay to have innocent people chained up, as your slaves?! I swear the guy that came up with this is like Hitler, maybe even worse...
Arky Bald Knobber I hope you dont have a lot of black friends, I know you probably wouldn't go up to one and talk that shit you'd get dropped instantly
Slavery around the world is abhorrent and it still goes on today with rich Arab countries exploiting Asian maids which are sold from owner to owner to avoid detection. Rich Western Countries who exploit cheap manufacturing. Eastern European women who are sex trafficked. South American Cartels who kill on a whim. African children digging mines and bribed with drug habits. West Papuans being wiped out by Indonesia. North Koreans starved and beaten into submission.
My family sailed off to Brazil with our 43 slaves in 1862 . Only 4 died in passage as we took great care of our belongings. We kept our coloureds until 1888. We came back to the USA only in 1962.We did very well with our holdings in Brazil, will never have to work.
Name changes were so easy back then. "I name you....Toby." TODAY a name change involves (minimum - varies state to state) $150 PLUS and that's in cold hard cash. This DOES NOT include court costs; attorney fees; or any certified copies of said name change. Leave it to the government to fuck up a good freebie.
I didn't like the remake where Ames yelled and got angry and whipped Kunta almost to death himself, brutally with blood splattering and spikes on the whip. This version is more fitting.
There were people employed specifically to break slaves and I’m sure that many got used to it over time, such as Ames. He’d been desensitized and it was just business for him, as Lou said.
Everytime I Watch These Movies I Can Feel Our Great Ancestors Pain...!!!....It Hurts Me As If I'm There Right Along Side Them....!!!....It's In Us....!!!....The Pain,The Hurt,The Struggle,The Punishment,The Judgement,The Curses, From The Most High Yah For Not Keeping His Commandments And His Laws....!!!....We're Still In Captivity Until He Comes Back And The Struggle Continues......!!!!!
I was originally given a name I hated to be called. One day someone called me that and I protested. When the person said "Your name is...." I vowed I would get a better name than that. I made sure to legally change it, because NO ONE was ever going to tell me "Your name is ..." I would not say it because I do not want to offend a lot of Black women who have it.
@Jabbaro123 What does this have to do with caucasian people? When Black slaves were freed and sent to Africa to establish the state of Liberia, they enslaved the local populace, American South-style. Slavery has existed across the races and across the time periods until it would become economically unprofitable. Furthermore, people treat each other as assholes in all kinds of situations, from war to corporate environment.
Why all this abuse and torture?these people were brought to America against their will and the slave hunters and overseers treat them like they came here to conquer and take over.
Without intimidation, violence and torture people would not allow others to own them as chattel. Even those who deluded themselves into thinking they were happy knew the truth. When Bell is introduced, she isn't being beaten or raped because she was obedient and her owner was less cruel than others. But deep-down, she knew the truth. The slave owners could do with their slaves like they pleased, and if you were disobedient, you could expect the worst. Bell's first husband was killed for trying to escape.
These slave hunters were doing their job, for not too much money, like it or not. If anyone has to be blamed, it's the big business people who exploited white and black alike, and got the profit without the dirty work
Deuteronomy 28:68 and The Lord will bring you into Egypt again with ships and there you will be sold to enemies as bond men and bond women and no one will save you
Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
There was an African store just opened up in my town. It had absolutely beautiful artwork. Also in my church we sponsored people from Africa. The education is very good there the kids all have to speak several languages. I think African culture is very beautiful and interesting.
I don't think that slaves very often treated like this. Slave was an expensive property and you handle your expensive property that makes you money with great care
I hope you know our nation owned almost nothing compared to any country in the Americas. Brazil had about 4 million. Please respond and bitch at me about how I'm wrong. I simply won't care.
Token White Kid - Brazil was conquered by the Portuguese (Caucasians). They are all Caucasians Spaniards (Caucasians that speak Spanish), English (Caucasians that speak English), French (Caucasians that speak French)... They are all Caucasians.
Why is everyone so mean each other everyone is so hateful I wish we could all get along and realize we are all humans under the skin we all bleed the same we alll walk talk breath we have all normal body functions it's just a skin color science explains that we all are the same it's just skin pigment that gives us color you can't blame someone just because they were born the way they are
See dear , there are many people in this earth who have got such a mind that has no love , no shame , no empathy ,. No pain . They just do and are ready to anything and everything just for their personal gain
people was hurt and i'm gland that they saved us but it is still people that get slaved in many places and I fill bad for them but they don't do it here and I'm thank you Harriet Tubman and all the people that help us out of savery
@@najeenixon1834 he was being sarcastic trust me he is well aware of the history and could care less America has blood on there hands and have yet to apologize to Israelites still to this very day
Vic Morrow played the oversee'er and as much as I enjoyed his character portrayals, I hated this one. I grieved when he was mercilessly killed during a scene shoot.
Flogging kills, though. It is against our nature to let ourselves be tortured to death to preserve our pride. That's why Kunta eventually caved in and said that his name was Toby. When he was given the choice of having either part of his foot or his business cut off -- well, I think every man would have chosen the foot.
1 timothy 1:9 and 10 For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious,............................. slave traders,
Im 9 and at school we r doing as book called the village that vanished and we r doing work on slvrey so i think its good to watch these slavrey vids but they make me sad
A slave cost $800 to $1200, the cost of 3 or 4 small farms. if you had a slave of that value, or even an animal or piece of machinery, would you destroy it with whipping and beating? Many slaves saved money and bought their freedom, and that of their family. Do savings, a trade, and buying freedom match up with the brutality of this propaganda film?
Dear God this is heartbreaking that evil guy who had the young guy flogged saying his name was Toby if love to have tied him up and whipped him instead see how he liked it also i read a lot of slaves sadly died of their wounds
CaliforniaCheez Why are you being racist? The reason why white people bought slaves is because they were too lazy to do shit or they wanted us for entertainment.
Don't forget it. But don't blame me either. I couldn't possibly care less. I'm not guilty for the crimes of my fathers (although I don't think any of them owned slaves). Nor do I owe anyone any money for being black. But for whatever it's worth, Roots is completely fake. Alex Haley was successfully sued for plagiarism it. He stole this material from a white author named Courlander.
Deuteronomy 28:68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt (bondage) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy (rescue) you.
To thing African people sold slaves knowing this was their fate. They shpuld be held accountable, but some how that fact always escapes the discussion. What a horrible way to treat a human, nevermind a brother.
are your brother's and sisters only one color, because god is the one who created all colors. there will be all colors in heaven and all colors in hell
The comment you responded to does not mention any race. Therefore, your response only shows how quick you were to be divisive. You should check that attitude.
Time is repeating itself. ..Instead of ROBES AND HOODS(which i never understood) it's GUNS AND BADGES. ...NOT ALL...because back then u had a few that didn't believe in slavery. ..sad though😳
SHADOWS IN MY ROOM That's how some (white) ppl did. Not all. The sane people of our world today any race would agree slavery was horrible and wish it didn't happen. I'm white and I don't agree with my ancestors (if they had slaves) who owned slaves. I would want to whip them lol But I can't help what they did. But it was cruel and wrong
@@larry1824 He sure does make it sound like a picnic! He is trying his hardest to appease his conservative, white audience! Maybe he should go through what they went through for a year (or so?). Then see what Uncle Tom has to say?
@@scholarlyanalyst7700 you bet. I'm white and am pissed off. Hasn't he reD the Douglass autobiography? Rightists claim the movie Twelve Years A Slave was overdone but if only half those things happened it ought be enuf evidence for anyone who values their morality as much as their politics
@@larry1824 Interesting. I thought you were African American. BUT...Uncle Tom Sowell doesn't fool all whites either. Especially not highly educated whites. You have to understand (I'm sure you already do understand?) that you could have found blacks dating all the way back to slavery who would talk like Sowell. They are either Uncle Toms or are paid to do so. In Thomas Sowell's case, he doesn't want to lose favor with his racist audience OR his books (and such...) will be devalued by them. He's in it for the money more than anything else. Whether-or-not he has genuine self hatred - I don't know for sure? But probably?
bulls**t a real person would feel guilt from this especialy if your people were able to benifit from it respect to you and your family from a black man
joseph honora Feeling guilt from what someone else has done is retarded, and I in no way benefit from any nonsense like "white privilege" so fuck off lol.
This hurts my soul. To think that people could treat other people like this!! How can it ever be right to hurt a fellow human being like this and think it's ok based on the color of their skin? To think that one feels less emotion and pain or is less of a human because of the skin they are born into? My heart aches just to think of their pain and dehumanizing torture. 🙁
nancy long No. Your reaction to something that happened hundreds of years ago, and that had nothing to do with you, is disgusting. You have been trained by liberal educators to feel this way. They have taught you hatred for the USA. Why don’t you concern yourself with the modern day slave trade? But that doesn’t fit the narrative.
@@whiteclifffl It has everything to do with how we live today! The hatred, the racism, violence etc... Remember that this was only 2-3 generations back. It's effects are still being felt today. Not only for the black slaves but for that of several other enslaved ethnicities of the past. Enslaving people on any spectrum is horrifying!! Modern slavery is so finessed that most do not realize they are property.... I'm not one of them! Thank you for your insight. I love when someone can argue a point w/o being moronic about it.
back in the 1700 when black people were slave have no freedom they left Africa it feels those adult became kids and the suffering was non stop they have no one to help them escape the misery all of them have to endured whatever life throws at them I mean what could be worse than that I mean nothing, the struggle was real at that time.
christopher james most of the whites and non blacks are still racist. Blacks have attitudes from years of oppression and low self esteem, etc. so your fucking point?
This is what our people went through. It’s in our blood to be strong. We have to break free of the shambles they have us in. The effects of slavery are still prevalent today. I watch these videos as a reminder. It’s REAL. The history class in school doesn’t teach us the real African history.
ItsNiyaDemi It breaks my heart every time I watch real life movies like 'Roots' and the slavery of Black people. Not only did the White folk treat the blacks cruel but also other natives from other countries like the Native American Indians. It makes me feel so ashamed to have been born into the white ethnic group. I can relate in a way to the black people and how they were so appallingly treated. I was bullied severely at school, abused as a child by my father. My mother passed away when I was just 13. I had to clean the house from top to bottom, hang out the washing, cook the dinner all ready for when my sisters and brother came home. I hated my life so badly that I tried to kill myself because there was no escaping the misery and pain from when my father used to hit me with his belt. Strength is what you learn to build on, it's what determines you and drives you to a goal. I agree history in class did NOT teach me anything about slavery either. I think that's why I have always been attracted to other cultures and traditions.
Your right I’m soo glad to have a beautiful black grandmother that cares about me and a mom to help me learn about this stuff I see why my mom and grandma teach me this stuff so I can not care about the president and respect and all ways pick Obama side never give a white man your money bc of all the bad thinks they do to us and what the did to us kids everyday I see my grandma she always ask me have i been watching root having been reading and finding more information about Harriet Tubman
ItsNiyaDemi Irish were also slaves.
@@billz_casinolife9014 go to Africa and tell them that story.
You so called African Americans are the Israelites of the Bible you lost her Identity in slavery read the curses in Deuteronomy in your Bible this is why they didn't allow you to read because they didn't want you to know who you really was our Father in heaven will pay back vengeance don't worry we all got to go sometime we will have the last laugh and those who repent
Roots 1977 If I remember correctly. It was a dam good movie and makes me cry every time I watch it.
Lynda Coulson is its possible to watch it online?
It was an amusing movie. Of course it was also complete fiction. Alex Haley stole this story from a white author and embellished it for his own agenda. In fact Alex Haley was successfully sued for plagiarism over it.
Watching this is very difficult. I know it's only an act, but it happened for real to countless people. I pray we all learn from history.
A giant swath of our country (if you are an American) is full of prideful degenerates hell bent on repeating the same mistakes of the past, knowing they might profit from it, at the expense of the greatest nation the world has ever seen. They are called Democrats. They are called Communists. Abject moral degenerates, whatever they choose to call themselves.
@@herbsuperb6034 You are a fool if you think democrats are communists
@@soulplexis Democrats weren't always Communists. JFK was murdered BY a Communist for being so hard on the Communists of the Soviet Union, Maoist China, and Castro's Cuban Prison State. Three regimes responsible for a hundred million unnecessary deaths by torture, starvation, overwork (slavery) or murder. But the Democrat Party of Kennedy and FDR (racist who didn't invite Republican Jesse Owens to the White House to celebrate his hard-won victories over Hitler's "Master Race" at the 1936 Olympics, not that you knew that), no longer holds sway over the Party or its ideals. The Radical Left, authoritarian, Communist elements have completely taken power in the Democrat Party. They control what Biden does, as evidenced by his continued advance toward authoritarianism and unbreakable government control over the People. Get a clue, kid. Really, REALLY bad times coming in America because the Democrats invited Communists openly into their ranks. That's the avenue they will use to dominate hundreds of millions of Americans, and steal every penny they earn, until a burnt out husk is all that remains for them to lord over. Every Democrat that doesn't agree with this insanity (and there are many, but are cowed into silence by the radical Left) should leave the party, and join the opposition. Anybody that doesn't, is now the common enemy of everyone that believes in freedom.
@@herbsuperb6034 "Democrats invited Communists openly into their ranks" Republicans invited White racist bigots from the South openly into their ranks. What the hell is the difference?
@@JAWrightonline I've never met one. I wouldn't tolerate them. Do I really need to explain the racist history of the Democrat Party in the South to you, kid?
I feel bad for slaves thank you god for the blessings we have today🙏😍👍
What is there to thank? They still treat us like shit.
Katrina Barriner I know I live in the south they have crappy food
i agree bacc then they had it so bad thank you some of us got away.
Lamar A at least we don’t get hung everyday. Be thankful
@@lamara3534 Aye, Lamar. Hopefully, it doesn't give you comfort to know this, but "they" treat anyone who doesn't conform to what "they" demand be conformed to, like shit. Literally. I'm in Wisconsin; I've had the misfortune of living here all of my life - from test tube incubation, infant foster care, and eventually placement with a self-described "loving" family. My psuedo-family, the catholic church and catholic schools attempted to brainwash me into believing that I was a lucky and fortunate child, when in fact, what I was, was a dog. You won't see much "whippn's going on" in these parts unless you understand that the whip is simply a symbol any sort of torture/punishment...migraine headaches, seizures, nicotine addiction is still an effective means to killing a speaking of rats... U.S. Venture...U.S. Oil...fine examples of a "company" that will maim, torture, and murder to keep its hold over community and society. Look it up. Lamar, is exactly correct. Stay away from Wisconsin, my is, indeed, if a black man speaks his mind here (in defiance), then the whip might literally be heard crackin'.
What a kind of life our people have passed through.
Could ask that of ANY group of people. Don't pretend you have a monopoly on the ass end of slavery. I assume you are black, based on your statement, and if not, please clarify and accept my apologies. I am white, and VERY proud of the fact that people like me (through lineage, not based on skin color) led the world in DESTROYING slavery.
Observe. Slavery still exists. In Africa. In South Asia. In the Middle East. Western nations, forged by Judeo-Christian faith and the philosophy of Athens, have done away with slavery. They sacrificed a great deal to do it. Black people living in America today are among the most privileged people in world history.
@@herbsuperb6034 No slavery was as worst as American shameless slavery. You sound like a great white ignorant fool
@@taegotkash You sound like a brainwashed racist. Who are you to say that anybody's enslavement except a black person's enslaved in America was in some way better? So arrogant. So ignorant. Slavery is slavery, regardless of skin color. White People didn't invent it, but they sure led the way in getting rid of it. Look at the map! Where is slavery STILL a serious problem. Not in America, Britain, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other places where Western Civilization holds firm. Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, South Asia. THERE is your modern slavery. You should thank those White, Western nations for cutting the precedence of worldwide slavery down by as much as they did. Many in those nations fought and died to free enslaved people across the world. If the American People were suddenly and brutally enslaved (likely, with Democrats so entrenched in power), would the peoples of Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East rise up and risk their lives to free them? I very much doubt it.
Should have had the balls to fight
this makes me sad
fuck your feelings bitch no one cares
Crazy Diamond that wasn't nice, the girl can't feel sad over her people.
Go FUCK yourself BITCH!!!
@@MicroFoxFilms and fuck your rudeness comment
Omg.. Divide and rule so painful to see such images. May these heroes rest in power🙏🏿
Nobody is a hero here. This miniseries is fake. Alex Haley was successfully sued for plagiarism because he stole this fictional story from a white author.
This series makes my want to punch a wall. Who the hell thought it was okay to have innocent people chained up, as your slaves?! I swear the guy that came up with this is like Hitler, maybe even worse...
Well it's not right, but it is quite profitable for those who set aside their morals
I don't think he whipped him very hard. Those were love taps in my book.
Arky Bald Knobber I hope you dont have a lot of black friends, I know you probably wouldn't go up to one and talk that shit you'd get dropped instantly
You can thank the major European Empires for that
Omar Murillo you think you can put your hands on me over words? Great way to get 5-10 holes in that chest, roughly the circumference of 9 millimeters.
Slavery around the world is abhorrent and it still goes on today with rich Arab countries exploiting Asian maids which are sold from owner to owner to avoid detection. Rich Western Countries who exploit cheap manufacturing. Eastern European women who are sex trafficked. South American Cartels who kill on a whim. African children digging mines and bribed with drug habits. West Papuans being wiped out by Indonesia. North Koreans starved and beaten into submission.
Quarantine work 2020 send u here?
Me too. :I
My family sailed off to Brazil with our 43 slaves in 1862 . Only 4 died in passage as we took great care of our belongings. We kept our coloureds until 1888. We came back to the USA only in 1962.We did very well with our holdings in Brazil, will never have to work.
Pretty sure you're not nearly 200 years old
Name changes were so easy back then. "I name you....Toby."
TODAY a name change involves (minimum - varies state to state) $150 PLUS and that's in cold hard cash. This DOES NOT include court costs; attorney fees; or any certified copies of said name change. Leave it to the government to fuck up a good freebie.
Ames was so cool and calm during the whole thing. He never even yelled or got angry.
Nothing personal just business, an example had to be made
Good character.
I didn't like the remake where Ames yelled and got angry and whipped Kunta almost to death himself, brutally with blood splattering and spikes on the whip. This version is more fitting.
@@noorrougelewis6704 I also preferred the oringal. Especially since it was Geordi LaForge getting whipped. 😁🖖
There were people employed specifically to break slaves and I’m sure that many got used to it over time, such as Ames. He’d been desensitized and it was just business for him, as Lou said.
He did say his name was Toby. Why did they cut it out. It shows how these bastards broke the will of these people.
Everytime I Watch These Movies I Can Feel Our Great Ancestors Pain...!!!....It Hurts Me As If I'm There Right Along Side Them....!!!....It's In Us....!!!....The Pain,The Hurt,The Struggle,The Punishment,The Judgement,The Curses, From The Most High Yah For Not Keeping His Commandments And His Laws....!!!....We're Still In Captivity Until He Comes Back And The Struggle Continues......!!!!!
Marian MacBook, what do you mean pathetic...!!!....?????
Try focusing on the here and now.
I was originally given a name I hated to be called. One day someone called me that and I protested. When the person said "Your name is...." I vowed I would get a better name than that.
I made sure to legally change it, because NO ONE was ever going to tell me "Your name is ..." I would not say it because I do not want to offend a lot of Black women who have it.
Let me guess, your original name was Ayesha or Rashida.
Toby is a good name.
@Jabbaro123 What does this have to do with caucasian people? When Black slaves were freed and sent to Africa to establish the state of Liberia, they enslaved the local populace, American South-style.
Slavery has existed across the races and across the time periods until it would become economically unprofitable. Furthermore, people treat each other as assholes in all kinds of situations, from war to corporate environment.
Why all this abuse and torture?these people were brought to America against their will and the slave hunters and overseers treat them like they came here to conquer and take over.
Without intimidation, violence and torture people would not allow others to own them as chattel. Even those who deluded themselves into thinking they were happy knew the truth. When Bell is introduced, she isn't being beaten or raped because she was obedient and her owner was less cruel than others. But deep-down, she knew the truth. The slave owners could do with their slaves like they pleased, and if you were disobedient, you could expect the worst. Bell's first husband was killed for trying to escape.
Bearing in mind how valuable each slave was it must have needed each slave to be absolutely terrified to stay in place.
@twoDie4 there's a fine fine line between displine and abuse
These slave hunters were doing their job, for not too much money, like it or not.
If anyone has to be blamed, it's the big business people who exploited white and black alike, and got the profit without the dirty work
Viva. America Congo
Ahhhh yesssss the good ol days of whippins an buck breaking!!!!!
Deuteronomy 28:68 and The Lord will bring you into Egypt again with ships and there you will be sold to enemies as bond men and bond women and no one will save you
I watched this serie in 1978 in Argentina.
Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
what movie is this?
Isaac Garcia it's a series called (roots) it changed the world ..
lolll ok thanks
reasist bich
these comments are so disrespectful
annjonetta sam they aren't they are angry thoughts
Rita Risser I give up on all deep southern white people
annjonetta sam Vic marrow I hope you like hell
We need to bring back the good ole days like this 😂
Thats life
1:42 groundbreaking scene
There was an African store just opened up in my town. It had absolutely beautiful artwork. Also in my church we sponsored people from Africa. The education is very good there the kids all have to speak several languages. I think African culture is very beautiful and interesting.
I cried...these western colonizers r the evildoers.
Blue Stars guess you conveniently forgot that blacks defeated other blacks then sold their captured prisoners to Jews and Arabs who brought them here.
@@mattbarnes964 Ok, but whites Didnt have to be so cruel and hateful with the enslaved people that they purchased. No excuse.
:D dont cry, pussy
Nos parents on tellement soufert que je ne peux suivre ce films sa s couler les larmes. Paix à eux.
I don't think that slaves very often treated like this. Slave was an expensive property and you handle your expensive property that makes you money with great care
Believe this is what is meant by make America great "AGAIN!"
I'm here because of a History essay I just started that's due in tomorrow 💁
XBex :3 same
It's a good thing nobody in the US has to experience slavery, but let's keep harping on it.
This will never be forgotten. The evils your nation of people did will never be forgotten. Vengeance still burns hot and will burn for all time.
On top of that, slavery is not abolished according to the United States constitution.
I hope you know our nation owned almost nothing compared to any country in the Americas. Brazil had about 4 million. Please respond and bitch at me about how I'm wrong. I simply won't care.
Token White Kid - Brazil was conquered by the Portuguese (Caucasians).
They are all Caucasians
Spaniards (Caucasians that speak Spanish), English (Caucasians that speak English), French (Caucasians that speak French)...
They are all Caucasians.
You are going down Esau...
I feels guilty. how does I whip my own ass?
Oh the good ole days. How glorious antebellum south must have been. The need for a time machine is real.
How does it feel to be a racist pig?
@@marykiscoan471 That’s sarcasm you’re reading kiddo and y u racist towards pigs?
@@SATAN99TH LOL bye!
I agree.
I don't get what y'all implying??🤨🤔
Black lives matter 💪🙏😍👊🤝
No they don't.
Katrina Barriner thanks to John Deere black lives don't matter anymore
Levi's Mommy yes they do matter, have mercy!!!!!!!!
Katrina Barriner thanks to John Deere black lives don,t matter anymore
Katrina Barriner all lives matter
Why is everyone so mean each other everyone is so hateful I wish we could all get along and realize we are all humans under the skin we all bleed the same we alll walk talk breath we have all normal body functions it's just a skin color science explains that we all are the same it's just skin pigment that gives us color you can't blame someone just because they were born the way they are
See dear , there are many people in this earth who have got such a mind that has no love , no shame , no empathy ,. No pain . They just do and are ready to anything and everything just for their personal gain
The old good days 👩🌾🧔🏿
Not now
Good times honestly
people was hurt and i'm gland that they saved us but it is still people that get slaved in many places and I fill bad for them but they don't do it here and I'm thank you Harriet Tubman and all the people that help us out of savery
spell much?????? please study English
And people say the good ol days?
Sure was. Let's make America great again.
@@jonf4457 you can have Amerikkka we will have the Kingdom of Heaven and will have to answer for all your hatred against YAH's Chosen people
@@najeenixon1834 he was being sarcastic trust me he is well aware of the history and could care less America has blood on there hands and have yet to apologize to Israelites still to this very day
@@jonf4457 Ha. They were killing their own people in Salem, MA. Believing they were witches by burning them at the stake and drowning them
@@andredupuis5461, right. People often hassle their own people more than foreigners.
This is brutal! I bet that guy with the whip's arm got tired.
It's hard work beating Geordi LaForge.
I like to press NUM 3 again and again during this video.
Vic Morrow played the oversee'er and as much as I enjoyed his character portrayals, I hated this one. I grieved when he was mercilessly killed during a scene shoot.
And people say the good old days
Yeah strange
Not all of us have black people on our minds 24 7.
@@bobmilin I have my mind there I have watched lots of racism vids.
They're talking about the 1950s.
Making me see that makes me thing thats going to happen again
yeah to white people and asians
@@levithedrip8538 No, to all people actually. The 1% will fully enslave us and we’ll be actual slaves.
I'd rather be whipped and have tons of scars on my back than have part of my foot cut off. Yes I no he was given a choice
Flogging kills, though. It is against our nature to let ourselves be tortured to death to preserve our pride. That's why Kunta eventually caved in and said that his name was Toby. When he was given the choice of having either part of his foot or his business cut off -- well, I think every man would have chosen the foot.
1 timothy 1:9 and 10 For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious,............................. slave traders,
This what they mean by making America great again
The only way to make America great again is for you & everyone else to get off Native american land & head back home.
@@ytubexposed I agree but how you figure I'm not a native
@@sherrillraymond7595 Not Native enough I'd bet on that
Jake Commonty That would be wonderful.
whiteclifffl I know, I mean not all are bad people like Obama but the low is ones.
Im 9 and at school we r doing as book called the village that vanished and we r doing work on slvrey so i think its good to watch these slavrey vids but they make me sad
+themermaid123 Much of them are just sad fairy stories, like the little match girl. They are not historical or accurate as a picture of those times.
They are 100% accurate. The south will NEVER rise again.
A slave cost $800 to $1200, the cost of 3 or 4 small farms. if you had a slave of that value, or even an animal or piece of machinery, would you destroy it with whipping and beating? Many slaves saved money and bought their freedom, and that of their family. Do savings, a trade, and buying freedom match up with the brutality of this propaganda film?
tom jackson this would say this to a 9 yr old
tom jackson Slaves were put to work on plantations. What is wrong with you?
I dont believe this and Alex Haley made most of it up. Gone with the Wind is better.
"lets make America great again"
Dear God this is heartbreaking that evil guy who had the young guy flogged saying his name was Toby if love to have tied him up and whipped him instead see how he liked it also i read a lot of slaves sadly died of their wounds
I feel bad for the black guy having to do the whipping. That would have sucked, too...
His name isnt toby its Kuntha
i think
CaliforniaCheez That's not his name that he was born with tho. Just like how trans would liked to be called nale or female etc..
CaliforniaCheez Why are you being racist? The reason why white people bought slaves is because they were too lazy to do shit or they wanted us for entertainment.
See this the type shit they want us to forget
Don't forget it. But don't blame me either. I couldn't possibly care less. I'm not guilty for the crimes of my fathers (although I don't think any of them owned slaves). Nor do I owe anyone any money for being black. But for whatever it's worth, Roots is completely fake. Alex Haley was successfully sued for plagiarism it. He stole this material from a white author named Courlander.
At least you're not starving near a mud hut deep in the African jungle
Is this what they mean by "Make American Great Again"?
The good old days
Stfu your probably 11
@@alexander_1705 if I was too he’d be in a box
Deuteronomy 28:68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt (bondage) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy (rescue) you.
Especially our Women and lil girls
So grausam was sie früher gemacht haben
Makes me smile
In 2025, they'll be reopening. Didn't people get those texts, last month?
Asi fueron Los blancos malvados, de'Aaron cicatrices que no podran borrarse
To thing African people sold slaves knowing this was their fate. They shpuld be held accountable, but some how that fact always escapes the discussion. What a horrible way to treat a human, nevermind a brother.
and i have to learn about this for history..... yay........
Today people won't have that
Young Kunta & Old Kunta look alike
A southern plantation owner with a Scottish accent?
Completely wrong what they done to them
Once Africa was great before the Europeans company business and Spain took over from Islamic khalif from Spain
We are winner don't let nobody tell you anything different.....brothers and sisters keep y'all heads up....God bless us all....❤❤❤❤
are your brother's and sisters only one color, because god is the one who created all colors. there will be all colors in heaven and all colors in hell
The comment you responded to does not mention any race. Therefore, your response only shows how quick you were to be divisive. You should check that attitude.
Brothers and sisters really u died pain
OMG 😭😭😭😭😭
I am a slave at heart, and was born to serve the superiors sir. I live to serve!
I love u so much......ur name is kunta kinteh 🥀
So painful an experience
This is what they mean when they say make America great again
Oh stop.
Sure it's a lil white jackal pussy ass
Where's Harriet Tubman boi
Shut up clown
You talking a little too bold about the people you mutated from😭
Wow your own skin colour has given order to beat them up. And thats what effected black ppl until today fighting and hating on each other.
Is this a movie?
yeah. "Roots"
***** He's stupid because he's asking a question?... OK... Angry much?
***** Shut the fuck up. He asked a question, if you were going to bring negativity why comment?
It's not a movie it's a series,
Yes cole its cald roots
Time is repeating itself. ..Instead of ROBES AND HOODS(which i never understood) it's GUNS AND BADGES. ...NOT ALL...because back then u had a few that didn't believe in slavery. ..sad though😳
the fight is real ,but so is God. we are fighting against the demons that influence these people
And the slave owners thought they were doing the right thing
Common sense which obviously is something they didn’t have should’ve click in there brain that mistreatments of another human person is not right!
They can't have done. Not really. They were just greedy hypocrites. Thank God for Lincoln and Sherman,.
what is seasoning in slave trade? is this plantation?
This is how yall treated us
buufalow buufak xuduunat wayoo
Lily May by yall I meant white people
SHADOWS IN MY ROOM That's how some (white) ppl did. Not all. The sane people of our world today any race would agree slavery was horrible and wish it didn't happen. I'm white and I don't agree with my ancestors (if they had slaves) who owned slaves. I would want to whip them lol
But I can't help what they did. But it was cruel and wrong
SHADOWS IN MY ROOM You are an ignorant hate filled racist.
iKxpz Your white guilt disgusts me.
thats the roots one
Good choice,,,👍 ill say
Make Sowell watch this for 24 7 and then see if he continues saying slavery has been exaggerated
You mean Uncle Tom Sowell?
@@scholarlyanalyst7700 yup . He makes slavery sound like a church picnic the bastard
@@larry1824 He sure does make it sound like a picnic! He is trying his hardest to appease his conservative, white audience! Maybe he should go through what they went through for a year (or so?). Then see what Uncle Tom has to say?
@@scholarlyanalyst7700 you bet. I'm white and am pissed off. Hasn't he reD the Douglass autobiography? Rightists claim the movie Twelve Years A Slave was overdone but if only half those things happened it ought be enuf evidence for anyone who values their morality as much as their politics
@@larry1824 Interesting. I thought you were African American. BUT...Uncle Tom Sowell doesn't fool all whites either. Especially not highly educated whites. You have to understand (I'm sure you already do understand?) that you could have found blacks dating all the way back to slavery who would talk like Sowell. They are either Uncle Toms or are paid to do so. In Thomas Sowell's case, he doesn't want to lose favor with his racist audience OR his books (and such...) will be devalued by them. He's in it for the money more than anything else. Whether-or-not he has genuine self hatred - I don't know for sure? But probably?
Your name is Kobe ! Say your name !
black folk are strong people
"He gave you a name it's a nice name" Probably be allot nicer if some guy wasn't ripping up his back like that.
@vinnerzzz Where have you been? That's Roots.
I have white guilt, it was a awful thing to do.
bulls**t a real person would feel guilt from this especialy if your people were able to benifit from it respect to you and your family from a black man
joseph honora
Feeling guilt from what someone else has done is retarded, and I in no way benefit from any nonsense like "white privilege" so fuck off lol.
the sins of the farther will be visited to his children
+Richard The Lionheart ew.
Scott Smith
All people do is talk about racism, non stop.
You are wrong. Satisfied?
This hurts my soul. To think that people could treat other people like this!! How can it ever be right to hurt a fellow human being like this and think it's ok based on the color of their skin? To think that one feels less emotion and pain or is less of a human because of the skin they are born into? My heart aches just to think of their pain and dehumanizing torture. 🙁
nancy long Nice white guilt. 👍
@@whiteclifffl white guilt? So the color of my skin determines the type of guilt I feel, according to you?
nancy long No. Your reaction to something that happened hundreds of years ago, and that had nothing to do with you, is disgusting.
You have been trained by liberal educators to feel this way. They have taught you hatred for the USA. Why don’t you concern yourself with the modern day slave trade? But that doesn’t fit the narrative.
@@whiteclifffl It has everything to do with how we live today! The hatred, the racism, violence etc...
Remember that this was only 2-3 generations back. It's effects are still being felt today. Not only for the black slaves but for that of several other enslaved ethnicities of the past.
Enslaving people on any spectrum is horrifying!!
Modern slavery is so finessed that most do not realize they are property.... I'm not one of them! Thank you for your insight.
I love when someone can argue a point w/o being moronic about it.
Sgt Saunders was tough but fair
back in the 1700 when black people were slave have no freedom they left Africa it feels those adult became kids and the suffering was non stop they have no one to help them escape the misery all of them have to endured whatever life throws at them I mean what could be worse than that I mean nothing, the struggle was real at that time.
James Evans said NO he rather keep his 🔨
Some of the blacks still have an attitude . Especially the young .
christopher james most of the whites and non blacks are still racist. Blacks have attitudes from years of oppression and low self esteem, etc. so your fucking point?
Slavery remains, and always will remain, the greatest sin in American history
Brazil and Cuba had this sin for a much longer period than the US.
@@rockyracoon3233 Ok and? That's also evil and wrong
@@alessiodelcastillo1613 Blacks in the US act like they were the only blacks enslaved.
If you don't like America, then feel free to go back to whatever paradise you came from. I won't stop you.
People had it better back in the days my butt
I already paid The United Negro College Fund!