Great interview and really helped me learn so much more about who Bryan Johnson really is. I like him and think he’s a good guy and those trolls are just jealous of him.
Around the 31 minute mark, Brian talks about getting out of grind culture. However, to me, I feel Brian just traded one grind for another. Blueprint may not be 100 hours a week at the office or working for 36 hours straight, but it requires a similar level of rigor.
What a maverick! Love him or hate him, doesn’t matter, but you must respect a man who lives his life in alignment and on his own terms. History will show his experiment to be of immense value to humans.
I like the idea of finding the solution to a longer life or total immortality. But I don't like Bryan taking advantage of people's fear of death to sell his hugely expensive products that don't have the slightest evidence of any positive effect. It's basically just expensive food supplements. It seems that this whole project, from the beginning, has been about making money. He cares incredibly much about his appearance, and has had fat injected into his face and other cosmetic treatments that have nothing to do with health, just to appear healthy on the outside so he can sell his products. As everyone can see, he is going bald naturally, so now he will probably soon have hair implanted on his scalp. Exercise, get plenty of quality sleep, eat sensibly and take a multivitamin tablet, and that's it. I'm not a hater, but I don't like him hiding that it's a business. At first he got a lot of attention, and now people have lost interest in his business, so the focus is now on his penis because he hopes it will make headlines again. Bring concrete documentation to the public about how effective the supplements are, and stop just talking about everything being measured. Prove it! No talk but evidence we can see and review.
@user-rm4tv3nk2h I see the points you are making, though I think he is doing this out of passion and not for money. He ran a business and sold it for $800 million. It seems that going the route he did, he might even lose more money than he earns overtime due to the cost of research. Unless you think his new business will compete with his old business, I don't think it's fair to say he is doing it for the money.
@@MichaelKollmer-n9xTBH I don't get all the hate. I can't afford to buy his expensive products either but the information I gain for free from his studies is invaluable so instead I invest in EVOO from the shop which I now use with every meal. I've just bought some apple cider vinegar and have been adding that to some meals. I've also ordered 1kg packs of powdered Ashwaghanda, Spirulina, Wheatgrass and bought some resveratrol and collagen supplements from Amazon. I've stocked my freezer up with frozen broccolli and cauliflower and bought some Garlic, Cinnamon, Ginger and Cumin powders from the supermarket to mix together and add to my meals. I've also set my computer to dark mode and the night light to come on at 9pm which helps remind me to go to bed at 10pm so that I can wake up nice and early without the need for an alarm clock. I'm miles away from following the blueprint entirely and haven't bought any of his products, yet the benefits that I've gained for free from his work have been immense.
@user-rm4tv3nk2h but honestly is he the exception to fear as a selling point? Literally everything you do and buy is almost directly or indirectly as living your best life before you die.
Crazy how many nasty comments are in here talking crap...shows how cruel the world can be judging someone whos worked his whole life to make money than use it to better his own health. Hes not hurting anyone and hes using the knowledge hes gained to help other by sharing his experiences. Who cares what he looks like thats irrelevant, to be fair he actually does look way younger than before he started 👏👏👏 so good for him. Hes helped humanity at the same time while doing this project he decided to embark on. Im honestly extremely happy for the man. I wish him the best and i hope he finds people in his life that can bring him even more happiness. Hes found a purpose and its helping him and others. Keep going strong Brian dont let these internet trolls hurt you ❤ you look good man screw those people 💯
My sentiment as well! People are just jealous, period. They wish they had the resources he does to make himself healthier. Haters/mean-spirited people are just miserable people that hate themselves and their lives. So they take it out on someone else by hiding behind the screen and make hateful comments.
Life expectancy of 92 Don't smoke Limit alcohol Get good sleep Mediterranean diet, with fish Keep BMI between 18.5 and 22.5 Exercise six hours a week as a combo of strength, cardio, general
@@JoyfulSeal-sh9cw in a video he did with Chris Williamson he claims he had a body fat percent of 5% which is insane because that’s like stage ready % for most professional bodybuilders. The video he says that in was recorded in the last 12 months too.
I really like this man, he is a philosopher who has managed to get to the point where he can put his life-ideas into practice. He is a thinker and is not afraid of telling people about the inner problems that he has faced. A person who talks about how to live AND about how to live forever is rare indeed.
@@bdafaholmes yeah, and he stopped them because he didn't see any effect, you'd probably know that if you actually did your research. So what point are you trying to make again?
Interesting take, I come from a family of long life. Great aunts lived to 102,103, grandmother to 98, mother’s sister to 100, mother 97, father 92. The rest lived into their late 80’s and early 90’s. All farm people. Fresh fruits and veggies and fresh meats. I’m mostly vegetarian. Focus on organic foods. My body likes that the best. Eat fish occasionally. I’m 70. Doctor doesn’t know what to do with me as I don’t need any meds. I don’t like alcohol. I sang professionally so never smoked. And farm life requires lots of outdoor activity. But most of all I’m happy, avoid toxic relationships. So I love my life. So his is an interesting take on life.
It's like intelligence ,it's given through genes . You can gain skills but you can't gain intelligence . Similar to long life genes . Perhaps in future we can know exactly what they are and then be able to engineer ourselves there .
That’s great and if we all still lived on th farm like my mom and her parents th world would definitely be healthier but from all the chemicals stress to … you name it people just do not take care of there selves and are dying at a very fast rate😞
The only one on You Tube I trust is not just out to benefit financially from his videos. I'm 76, perfect health, no meds, no pain, and follow his advice as much as my modest pension allows.
All you trolls out there that are mocking and insulting Bryan Johnson should go work harder on your own lives and make a better life for yourselves and your families, instead spewing vitriol for no reason other than insane jealousy.
●Great thanks for you to be here ●To resolve any problem apply these 4 rules of Barry Long ||COMMITMENT⊕NO-EMOTION⊕PRACTICE⊕PERSEVERANCE|| ●Truth#1/6::"The root cause of any problem is lack of LOVE" ●Truth#2/6::"The root cause of thinking, feeling & being EMOTIONAL is NOT-TAKING-ACTION" ●Truth#3/6::Hoping, wanting, wishing, running is MYSELF in other words is IGNORANCE" ●Truth#4/6::"IGNORANCE is the nature of MOVEMENT" ●Truth#5/6::"You can never stop ANGER by DECISION. ANGER is the same MONSTER every time. Its energy is EMOTION and EMOTION is the result of CONFLICT. CONFLICT comes from ROBOT IMAGINING and that is the result of TRYING to change "WHAT IS" without "FACING THE FACT" ●Truth#6/6::"Indeed BEING is a long process" ●To learn more from Barry Long
@art_means_artificiallol no he doesn’t and even if he looked unhappy to you doesn’t mean he actually is unhappy. If you listened at all to anything he said in this interview you’d know he mentioned he was deeply depressed for 10 years before starting Blueprint. He’s the happiest now since he has changed his way of life. You just don’t understand him so you hate on him. Stay unhealthy
I've watched Bryan since day one, and I never felt judged. Instead it inspired me to get better and check my bio markers daily, BP, my posture and I even made my own version of the green giant. This is a great video. Thanks man... 🙏
Here are the things that struck a chord with me: Reading biographies helps you understand how other people's realities can broaden your understanding. I too grew up poor but didn't know it because we had so much love and support. What we didn't have was guidance. I know that who I am at 67 is a product of raising myself and not understanding the universe around me. If you didn't think like me, you were less than me. #2: The Don't Die plan is about not only not dying today, but also, don't let the earth die: No earth, no me. His empathy hits my heart. That he struggled with depression and suicide is where I was most of the time in my adult life. I'm just beginning the Blueprint path in baby steps. Firing the people in me who think they get to decide is very powerful! It's my favorite part! I think this was the best interview I've ever watched from beginning to end. Thank you so much for the excellent questions and having Bryan on. I understand him so much more than I did before. I'm sharing this interview with people who I know will appreciate it.
Total respect for Bryan. It's sad to me that so many try to tear him down. He handles the nonsense that comes with what he's doing really admirable. If you are into science he's a must follow. So honest. His intentions are solid. I trust him and the reported results of his "experiment".
I truly admire Bryan Johnson's work and I hope he succeeds so eventually all of us will benefit from these rejuvenating treatments. I'm still in my early 20s, but I want my parents, my grandmothers and my cats to eventually benefit from longevity treatments. My grandfather planted the seed of immortality in me, that was his legacy. I was 3 or 4 years old when he planted the seed in my head. Alcohol eventually killed him no matter how much he tried exercising. You do not have to do EVERYTHING that Bryan does. Don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't do drugs, drink plenty of water, eat HOMECOOKED meals, exercise regularly, meditate and that will give you the chance of one day not having to die.
Brian Johnson is a great guy for letting everyone know what he’s doing. I’m 66, did a lot of information searching when I had several illnesses in the last 20 years. My conclusions are very similar to Bryan’s, except my diet has more seafood, pineapple and a few supplements he doesn’t take.
I am jealous. Must eat more fish, recovered from my brain tumour ( ocupationally caused ) and now still here at 75. Thankyou, must buy more pineapple, but also grow some ginger, like I do in my carpark (for the sun) !
So many people do terrible things with their money … Brian is using his money to help his body, his mind and he’s sharing with the world what he’s learning…. Can you imagine others doing this as well??? Thank you… I’ve ordered your blue print stack can’t wait to get it …. Thank you 🙏
This guy has found a way to true health through discipline and intelligence. It is to admire his ability to focus on seeking his health achievement. Health is the most important thing we could treasure in life.
Top Five Power Laws to attain a life expectancy of 92 1. Don't smoke. 2. Exercise 6 hours a week, combining strength, flexibility and cardio. 3. Eat a Blueprint-like diet or Mediterranean diet. 4. Maintain a BMI of 18.5-22.5 5. Limit alcohol consumption (~1-3 glasses of wine/week equivalent). He drinks zero alcohol, as even small amounts negatively affect his sleep. (sleep is a contendar as a power law as well.)
I admire you, I respect you and I love what you are doing, not only for yourself, but for others, that you will never know. If I could hug you, I would! BRAVO to you Mr. Johnson!!!
Hi Brian, I just wanted to let you know that I totally understand you and I'm right there with you and I've tried and done some of the crazy bizarre things that you do that's why I can relate because that's me and what I love about you is you're the only one that has had the guts to discuss these everyday situations, these matters, these personality conflicts within ourselves and share your private experiences regarding these different topics so thank you and bravo to you !
Never could understand how people could cap down on a person who discovered the preformatted menu for life had nothing but a bunch of depression inducing selections on it, so instead of eating it, he pushed away, got up from the table and went looking for something more suitable and he found it. Not only for himself, but he found it me and you. I can't afford blood work and all the high end things, but I can make smarter food choices, control my sleep habits (8:30-4:00 is how my body naturally rolls I have discovered) and I fight to keep the weight ON not OFF. My mood and feelings of wellness mentally and physically have improved drastically. I look way younger now than I did one year ago. In fact, his program isn't about external treatments he went straight to the "heart" of the matter by hacking mitochondrial function and that, my friends, is the key to youthful good health.
I just started to listen to Bryan's stories across YT the past two days. I can so relate to his type of depression and previous suicidal thoughts. He is so real and transparent about about his journey. I hope some people find a way out of their own downward spiral through is story and his amazing research.
I have lots of respect for Bryan, he is a nice and intelligent man, and he worked hard to earn his money and get to live a better happier life on his own terms. He is also very inspirational for those who are suffering from depression & suicidal thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing this podcast with Bryan Jonson.
Death is inevitable for everyone. Life is the journey and the preparation for going forward. So many people get to their end of term without considering what comes next and are thus scared to go onward. You have been blessed. You have been given foresight of what is to come. It's now up to you to live your fullest life. Enjoy every day time is precious.
I admire Bryan very much and think he has a great message and a great process. I am on a similar path in trying to measure myself in every way and to use sleep, diet, and exercise to improve my health and longevity. Thank you both for doing this interview and I wish you both well!
----- I took ashwaganda for a long time, 3..4 days per week. I liked the effect on psychology and regulation of sex drive. However, and that's a big one: It caused inflammation of the liver, AST got as high as 40. When I took it off, all other things roughly the same, AST returned to 28 after 8 months. So, if you start taking it, observe your liver enzymes.
I don’t see the hate. I only hear about it on these podcasts. Sharing this because I’m not sure that Bryan understands that. I see tons of support for what he’s doing. Just sharing my perspective.
I am so glad he’s open about his mental health history. He speaks with so much genuine empathy, and is so insightful. I have been baby stepping my way through a lot for the past few months, it seems to be working,slowly! Excited to start the ‘baby step’ version of the Blueprint protocol. 🤞🏾
I feel what you are doing is a calling for improving the lifespan for humanity. Many of the tools and experiments seem profound. The one area I feel you may also consider is what supports the soul life, such as nature, heart connections, play, laughter etc.
Great interview People love to throw shade at Bryan He’s totally changed his life he’s entirely transparent he’s attention to pass on positive things to the regular people He’s rich as fuck and can do what he wants He handles trolls well ❤
Very charismatic. He speaks directly to the viewer. Compared to the interviewer, there's no comparison. Able to get people to like him and trust him. Also able to share portions of his life that were painful and get the viewer to feel sorry/protective of him. And tosses out occasional things that garner fear like death, illness, pain to command attention. Genius speaker and manipulator of audience attraction and trust.
This is truly historical. I cannot see myself implementing these protocols in my own life even if i had 2 million dollars. However, i am so grateful he is out there just crushing it. His research and findings will prove invaluable to us. Watch him every chance i get. Bryan Johnson-first man to achieve immortality!!!
It’s courageous to be yourself and I always have a great respect for the ones who are unapologetically themselves. I started minding my life when I had a child for first time and u felt I want to live a healthy life as long as I’m alive to be able to enjoy seeing them grow and thrive. Then I realized it’s not about them it’s all about me. I want to enjoy life and I define joy in their eyes. Being able to live fully and healthy is not a myth. My grandpa lived to his 114 and he was only sick for his last six months. I learned from him that you should care about yourself and never stress out. He was someone who found relaxation and calm in the middle of a big city even while being stuck in traffic. Being relaxed and doing meditation helps a lot. I wish you all a relaxing life!
Finally a good podcast channel, so many of them just talking for hours on end without really getting to the exact questions that would benefit the listener.
Would love to hear more about that struggle you mentioned, to be free from a religion. A lot of us are there, and society is set up to make it very hard for us to escape.
I think you are very generous,intelligent also been blessed as you are wealthy enough to live like how you want & trying your very best to have the best optimum health and giving away valuable information about health and well being at no cost at all, whereas you are obviously paying a lot for, which in itself is very thoughtful of you to share with everyone. You are definitely using your time and wealth in the best possible way by trying to help people. I hope you all the best and please keep up the good work and keep us updated with all these priceless information .
13:07 this resonates so much! We humans have not really been able to rise above ourselves as animals as a collective,despite all our knowledge and resources… there would be so much less pain in the world if we could all try to think a little more like this.
Bryan is a real-life Benjamin Button. I can't wait to see him in ten years as a baby. Jokes aside, this man is a true inspiration, and I'm so grateful to be alive at the same time as him.
Great interview! I think Bryan should have also just mentioned a blurb about the longevity of the planet is increased by everyone going plant based, not just speaking about data to show it's healthier. When he speaks of the planet not dying (not just people), we also need to look at how a plant based diet is more helpful to the survival of the planet.
the cookie story is SO TRUE... I was in a supermarket today, having had a nice breakfast, and I knew I wanted to look at the cookies. I saw them and remembered the taste, but I also felt what Bryan says about momentary pleasure, plus a desire to munch half a packet, then having to digest them, and the heavy feeling. Of course, if one eats junk food all the time, cookies won't make you feel any worse, because you are already numbed to their effect.
I like green as well but two things bother me about this view is that all the greens clash (Olive green & 2 mint greens) and also, why have all those lovely bookshelves with no books? I'm a book person so I noticed that.
Great Interview with Brian Johnson ..... "Water is underappreciated and underrated in our modern living standards of today. We humans live like plants for nutrition and location as follows. If overwatered the plant dies it is called drowning in its own fluids. If underwatered the plant thrives. If the plant that thrives in a sunny location is planted in darkness or even partial shade the plant will not thrive and eventually will die. Good examples of this would be Papaya and Phuket Pineapple which loves suny locations. Other plants will die in direct sunlight and thrive in partial shade and this is why you will often see in every nursery store that you visit a selection of plants located for sale in the shade. The individual Cirdain Rythym practiced and understood is key to success for the longevity of living in good health. Holistic Chef Barry Anderson of Phuket Thailand turning age 70 years of age. " You are what you think how you live and how much truth of knowledge you have acquired and are implementing in your life that just works for your individual life of choice.
I do love how absolutely vulnerable Bryan is in speaking his truth of his life story. I love how he has overcome many life challenges and struggles and now has learned to live his authentic truth and he is able to do so now.
Desire for longevity is not new! Even back in Chinese history, some emperors tried to pursue that goal! However, the technology available likely to increase the possibility! Very interesting and lots of wisdom in his approach! Thank you for sharing , and I learn something!
Actually, I have been doing things that he’s doing now .. and I’m from Thailand and many ppl here sleep ard 8-9 pm and wakes up ard 4or 5 am .. not all ppl but quite many ppl including me. And I only eat in the morning time , i don’t eat after 1pm .I didn’t do IF , but I practicing my routine as a monk here in Thailand for years. So what he’s doing right now is nothing new at all . He’s doing the right thing to himself. He’s not weird at all. He looking like a happiest person on earth and I think the world need more ppl like him :) I’m 40 year old and I eat lots of chocolate ( not as healthy as him 😅) but everything I eat must be before noon in my evening I walked for 15,000 steps more or less depending on my energy but I do it every day (not when I’m ill ) since I was 19 year old .. oh well I wish I could eat more like him one day 🎉 Your video is great 👍🏼
In the video, Bryan Johnson discusses his personal experiences with depression and suicidal thoughts. He mentions that he had wanted to end his life for a period of 10 years, and he expresses gratitude that he did not act on those feelings. He also acknowledges the rationality and reasonableness of such feelings when one is in a state of depression. Furthermore, he empathizes deeply with individuals who are experiencing suicidal thoughts. He advises them to take care of their physical health by getting good sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet, as these actions can have a significant impact on mental health.
Bryan Johnson, in his interview, said "It is rational to want to kill oneself. It's reasonable. So when you're in that moment, it's hard to explain to somebody how you feel and how life is not worth it and a response is something like get over it or just feel better or like go outside. It's hard. It makes you feel very isolated and not able to reach out and get the help you need."
"I just didn’t f-ing care anymore. I’d always thought that the best way to go out would be at 180 mph, flat-out around a corner. You’d hit the wall and boom, it would be over, just like that. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want to die. … I just wouldn’t have minded all that much."
"I called Tim, the tour manager, on my mobile right there in the room to tell him that I just couldn’t continue. It was one of the most difficult conversations of my life - the pain of it made worse over the weeks that followed when the tour simply went on without me. It was a sheer cliff. I didn’t tumble down, I was in free fall.”
I appreciate Bryan and what he is doing. Discussing depression and suicidal thoughts is so important because so many struggle with these thoughts and the shame of that stigmatizes people from help.
@@annmarieknapp It is frustrating. I'm a veteran with PTSD and while I was assessing Bryan's valuable views on s u i c i d e and doing research on people such as the famous philosopher David Hume who also wrote about s u i c i d e (need to space it out so my comment gets posted), even RUclips shut me down several times keeping me from informing myself about this aspect of mental health. Certain topics are heavily censored such as the s word and extreme depression which is a disservice to those who have analytical minds and coping with such.
1 hour in, I enjoyed the comment about his battle with sugar addiction in the form of a cookie. That has always been my kryptonite: 1 sugar laden cookie will destroy a year long sugar dry spell. He defined it as pain, which sugar did not give me until I suffered a SCI that left me in chronic neuropathic pain. And a cookie for me today has a 10 minute delay before a wave of electrical pain begins and lasts for 2 hours or more. Sugar is so bad, and it lives in so many types of food. I absolutely love sugar in all forms, but now my body hates it with a biblical Vengeance!
@@linmal2242 When I was healthy, before my injury, I would have said the same thing. Now I can feel the effects of sugar (also tea/coffee) within minutes. I really hate that fact now. But if I'm being honest, then I'd say I did feel the effects of occasional sugar, but then they just felt good, like drinking beer or wine. Go cold turkey for a while (1 month) then just take a glass of sweet tea, wait one hour, then see how you feel.
All fruit has sugar and studies have shown eating even large quantities of fruit daily actually promotes good health. I agree that refined sugar can be problematic though, best to limit it.
I had no clue in my 20s that massive religious (12 versions of Christianity) contradictions and randomness were deep sources of depression and misery, along with mountains of people's bullshit. My assumption that I needed religion for belongingness almost killed me. But with years of hard work digging, solving, and understanding, I eventually realized how much of a mind-fuck Christianities are. It was the most significant psychological battle of my life.
I find Bryan to be fascinating, inspiring, and eye opening. His singular focus on measuring, evidence, protocol, then repeat is impressive. Especially given that our entire American society is structured against this. Eat this juicy cheeseburger now. Drink this sugary "coffee" drink now. Stay up late binge watching this series now. Ad nauseum. To separate from that acceptable heard behavior and course such an alternate path would and does take machine like will power and focus. Hence, the reason why it's so hard. I like the fact he seems calm and simply reports that results that he sees. Talking about night erections for example. What doctor visit on health does that topic ever come up?! I appreciate his dedication to the "don't die" topic and we can learn volumes from him, adopt what we want, and discard what we elect not to use (for whatever reasons we have). Great interview.
I appreciate what he is doing. I do not understand all the negativity around him. He is trying to be as healthy as possible and since he has been able to quantify his progress based on results I say good for him. Anytime someone questions our pre-disposed ideas on aging they seem to get slammed. Modern medicine is still a “practice” it is not perfect and as we evolve and gain new insights opinions and recommendation tend to change. I do not know about everyone out there but I am 62 and fingers crossed in good health so far. But with a young adult child with severe special needs I owe it to my child and husband to try to be as healthy as possible..I know we age but anything I can do to slow it a bit and keep myself ailment free into my 70’s, 80’s and 90’s (if am am so lucky) then I will make modifications for a healthier lifestyle. I do not, smoke, rarely drink(Asian decent gave me that mutation that is not favorable to alcohol anyway) and exercise 6 days per week. I am working on my sleep and trying to lower my Cholesterol without statins so I will include a couple of his protocols into my routine to see what happens. I think Bryan is an honorable human being who is an out the box thinker and innovation only occurs when you think out of the box. Those are my two cent!
For me, it's so difficult to quit the addictions, in spite of the great philosophy. "Walking regret" is a phrase I like, its😊 important TO BE honest if you are to change your behavior. Ppl maybe are running out of material to attack him with bc as his 'program' unfolds, we learn more and more about, basically, self care..It's sort of ridiculous when you think of it really, he's only giving positive, helpful suggestions! Why criticize? I guess ppl just have to attack - someone or something, outside of themselves.
Thanks so much, Shane and Bryan, for this fascinating discussion. I discovered Bryan in this video, and was wondering if he studied his microbiome, dream management and metaphysics and how they potentially affect his health! Thanks again 🌿
I do question in the time of old. Tine of Enoc and Abraham. Humans lived up to 1000. Anyway, I do want to change in turns of health to do better so, I can feel better and experience life in a healthier way. Thank you for sharing your efforts to be healthier
How could society compensate for not EVERYONE affording to fully follow this protocol down to each pill and sleep hour? excellent discussion by the way
People don't need to afford it. They already can buy drinking less , eating less , being more in sleep and less on internet , they can read more , hate less , reduce drugs , eat more basic and organic foods.For most western people this is available , it's a choice
I think Brian would love Amaranthine: How to create a regenerative civilization using artificial intelligence. He and the guy who wrote it have a lot in common, especially the conviction that evolution did not adequately prepare humanity to experience or deal with reality. Morphology is destiny for our bodies but ontology is destiny for our intelligence. Amaranthine describes an AGI that would help us bridge that inherent disconnection and create an ecosystemic rather than egosystemic way of interacting with reality.
Share your favorite part of the convo below 👇. If you enjoyed this episode, hit the like button on the video! It helps us a lot. 🙏
Fantastic interview, I've watched several interviews with Brian . I appreciate your questions.
Nuclear WW3 could still happen soon though.
AGI has to happen and happen soon.
Great interview and really helped me learn so much more about who Bryan Johnson really is. I like him and think he’s a good guy and those trolls are just jealous of him.
Around the 31 minute mark, Brian talks about getting out of grind culture. However, to me, I feel Brian just traded one grind for another. Blueprint may not be 100 hours a week at the office or working for 36 hours straight, but it requires a similar level of rigor.
48:00 or so, discussion of money - Richard Bach said it's like a glass sword: Best handle it very carefully, while you figure out what it's for
What a maverick! Love him or hate him, doesn’t matter, but you must respect a man who lives his life in alignment and on his own terms. History will show his experiment to be of immense value to humans.
I like the idea of finding the solution to a longer life or total immortality. But I don't like Bryan taking advantage of people's fear of death to sell his hugely expensive products that don't have the slightest evidence of any positive effect. It's basically just expensive food supplements. It seems that this whole project, from the beginning, has been about making money. He cares incredibly much about his appearance, and has had fat injected into his face and other cosmetic treatments that have nothing to do with health, just to appear healthy on the outside so he can sell his products. As everyone can see, he is going bald naturally, so now he will probably soon have hair implanted on his scalp.
Exercise, get plenty of quality sleep, eat sensibly and take a multivitamin tablet, and that's it.
I'm not a hater, but I don't like him hiding that it's a business.
At first he got a lot of attention, and now people have lost interest in his business, so the focus is now on his penis because he hopes it will make headlines again.
Bring concrete documentation to the public about how effective the supplements are, and stop just talking about everything being measured. Prove it! No talk but evidence we can see and review.
He uses a red light cap and injects a blood cocktail into his scalp. Readily admits to his hair treatment regimen.
@user-rm4tv3nk2h I see the points you are making, though I think he is doing this out of passion and not for money. He ran a business and sold it for $800 million. It seems that going the route he did, he might even lose more money than he earns overtime due to the cost of research. Unless you think his new business will compete with his old business, I don't think it's fair to say he is doing it for the money.
@@MichaelKollmer-n9xTBH I don't get all the hate. I can't afford to buy his expensive products either but the information I gain for free from his studies is invaluable so instead I invest in EVOO from the shop which I now use with every meal. I've just bought some apple cider vinegar and have been adding that to some meals. I've also ordered 1kg packs of powdered Ashwaghanda, Spirulina, Wheatgrass and bought some resveratrol and collagen supplements from Amazon. I've stocked my freezer up with frozen broccolli and cauliflower and bought some Garlic, Cinnamon, Ginger and Cumin powders from the supermarket to mix together and add to my meals.
I've also set my computer to dark mode and the night light to come on at 9pm which helps remind me to go to bed at 10pm so that I can wake up nice and early without the need for an alarm clock.
I'm miles away from following the blueprint entirely and haven't bought any of his products, yet the benefits that I've gained for free from his work have been immense.
@user-rm4tv3nk2h but honestly is he the exception to fear as a selling point? Literally everything you do and buy is almost directly or indirectly as living your best life before you die.
Crazy how many nasty comments are in here talking crap...shows how cruel the world can be judging someone whos worked his whole life to make money than use it to better his own health. Hes not hurting anyone and hes using the knowledge hes gained to help other by sharing his experiences. Who cares what he looks like thats irrelevant, to be fair he actually does look way younger than before he started 👏👏👏 so good for him. Hes helped humanity at the same time while doing this project he decided to embark on. Im honestly extremely happy for the man. I wish him the best and i hope he finds people in his life that can bring him even more happiness. Hes found a purpose and its helping him and others. Keep going strong Brian dont let these internet trolls hurt you ❤ you look good man screw those people 💯
Some people just love to hate and shit post; often without understanding or even hearing the content
Humanity is slow to evolve
This is the comment that I came to this thread for. 👏
Yep…the haters will hate.
My sentiment as well! People are just jealous, period. They wish they had the resources he does to make himself healthier. Haters/mean-spirited people are just miserable people that hate themselves and their lives. So they take it out on someone else by hiding behind the screen and make hateful comments.
@@djimiwreybigsby5263 - Proverbs 18:2.
I'm so grateful this dude exists.
This dude inspired me to hold myself accountable and get my shit together. Very grateful
Focus. Get motivated by getting a goal !
here here!! 🙂
Bryan does not watch p*rn, do you?
stop watching p*rn!
Life expectancy of 92
Don't smoke
Limit alcohol
Get good sleep
Mediterranean diet, with fish
Keep BMI between 18.5 and 22.5
Exercise six hours a week as a combo of strength, cardio, general
Ty bro
Dude he’s way below 18.5-22.5% body fat so is he planning on adding some weight?
@@kirkchurchil8216why do you think he's way below that?
@@JoyfulSeal-sh9cw have you seen him without his shirt on? That’s a body fat of minimum 12%
@@JoyfulSeal-sh9cw in a video he did with Chris Williamson he claims he had a body fat percent of 5% which is insane because that’s like stage ready % for most professional bodybuilders. The video he says that in was recorded in the last 12 months too.
I really like this man, he is a philosopher who has managed to get to the point where he can put his life-ideas into practice. He is a thinker and is not afraid of telling people about the inner problems that he has faced. A person who talks about how to live AND about how to live forever is rare indeed.
who hates this guy, what is wrong with the world?? i’m so grateful for all the people that want to improve the world.
omg some ppl hate him?!! waz wrong with them.... ??
He gets blood transfusion from his son. Do your research 😢
@@bdafaholmes so what? it's not like he's stealing his blood without consent and to the last drop.
@@bdafaholmes OK , that's a bit weird. Missed that bit.
@@bdafaholmes yeah, and he stopped them because he didn't see any effect, you'd probably know that if you actually did your research. So what point are you trying to make again?
Interesting take, I come from a family of long life. Great aunts lived to 102,103, grandmother to 98, mother’s sister to 100, mother 97, father 92. The rest lived into their late 80’s and early 90’s. All farm people. Fresh fruits and veggies and fresh meats. I’m mostly vegetarian. Focus on organic foods. My body likes that the best. Eat fish occasionally. I’m 70. Doctor doesn’t know what to do with me as I don’t need any meds.
I don’t like alcohol. I sang professionally so never smoked. And farm life requires lots of outdoor activity. But most of all I’m happy, avoid toxic relationships. So I love my life.
So his is an interesting take on life.
Good genes. Good plan. Got it sorted !
It's like intelligence ,it's given through genes . You can gain skills but you can't gain intelligence . Similar to long life genes . Perhaps in future we can know exactly what they are and then be able to engineer ourselves there .
Keep living well, no doubt you'll see 100!
That’s great and if we all still lived on th farm like my mom and her parents th world would definitely be healthier but from all the chemicals stress to … you name it people just do not take care of there selves and are dying at a very fast rate😞
@@das250250 Exactly not
Dear Bryan, I am certain that you have far, far more fans than detractors. Thank you so much for your excellent work.
The only one on You Tube I trust is not just out to benefit financially from his videos. I'm 76, perfect health, no meds, no pain, and follow his advice as much as my modest pension allows.
That’s naive….there are good people who sell good products for us to benefit
Anyone selling products is suspect, always look for high quality scientific evidence published in reputable peer reviewed journals.
@@Chris-tw8fuit's not because you don't know the reason for his trust in Bryan. It could be incredibly well thought out
Well my grandmother lived to 92 and used her money to look after her children
Don’t let the comments change your mind.. I agree with you. Keep it up and enjoy the process . 👍
All you trolls out there that are mocking and insulting Bryan Johnson should go work harder on your own lives and make a better life for yourselves and your families, instead spewing vitriol for no reason other than insane jealousy.
●Great thanks for you to be here
●To resolve any problem apply these 4 rules of Barry Long ||COMMITMENT⊕NO-EMOTION⊕PRACTICE⊕PERSEVERANCE||
●Truth#1/6::"The root cause of any problem is lack of LOVE"
●Truth#2/6::"The root cause of thinking, feeling & being EMOTIONAL is NOT-TAKING-ACTION"
●Truth#3/6::Hoping, wanting, wishing, running is MYSELF in other words is IGNORANCE"
●Truth#4/6::"IGNORANCE is the nature of MOVEMENT"
●Truth#5/6::"You can never stop ANGER by DECISION. ANGER is the same MONSTER every time. Its energy is EMOTION and EMOTION is the result of CONFLICT. CONFLICT comes from ROBOT IMAGINING and that is the result of TRYING to change "WHAT IS" without "FACING THE FACT"
●Truth#6/6::"Indeed BEING is a long process"
●To learn more from Barry Long
you are delusional
You are absolutely right.I feel people love to bring someone down without any reason.
@art_means_artificiallol no he doesn’t and even if he looked unhappy to you doesn’t mean he actually is unhappy. If you listened at all to anything he said in this interview you’d know he mentioned he was deeply depressed for 10 years before starting Blueprint. He’s the happiest now since he has changed his way of life. You just don’t understand him so you hate on him. Stay unhealthy
His lifestyle is not life, its jail.
I've watched Bryan since day one, and I never felt judged. Instead it inspired me to get better and check my bio markers daily, BP, my posture and I even made my own version of the green giant. This is a great video. Thanks man... 🙏
Bryan is an amazing man, and is giving humanity such a gift with the recounting of his struggles and with his longevity program.
Here are the things that struck a chord with me: Reading biographies helps you understand how other people's realities can broaden your understanding. I too grew up poor but didn't know it because we had so much love and support. What we didn't have was guidance. I know that who I am at 67 is a product of raising myself and not understanding the universe around me. If you didn't think like me, you were less than me. #2: The Don't Die plan is about not only not dying today, but also, don't let the earth die: No earth, no me. His empathy hits my heart. That he struggled with depression and suicide is where I was most of the time in my adult life. I'm just beginning the Blueprint path in baby steps. Firing the people in me who think they get to decide is very powerful! It's my favorite part! I think this was the best interview I've ever watched from beginning to end. Thank you so much for the excellent questions and having Bryan on. I understand him so much more than I did before. I'm sharing this interview with people who I know will appreciate it.
Total respect for Bryan. It's sad to me that so many try to tear him down. He handles the nonsense that comes with what he's doing really admirable. If you are into science he's a must follow. So honest. His intentions are solid. I trust him and the reported results of his "experiment".
I truly admire Bryan Johnson's work and I hope he succeeds so eventually all of us will benefit from these rejuvenating treatments. I'm still in my early 20s, but I want my parents, my grandmothers and my cats to eventually benefit from longevity treatments. My grandfather planted the seed of immortality in me, that was his legacy. I was 3 or 4 years old when he planted the seed in my head. Alcohol eventually killed him no matter how much he tried exercising. You do not have to do EVERYTHING that Bryan does. Don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't do drugs, drink plenty of water, eat HOMECOOKED meals, exercise regularly, meditate and that will give you the chance of one day not having to die.
One of the best interviews I’ve ever seen. Bryan is vulnerable, caring, and gives so much good information.
Brian Johnson is a great guy for letting everyone know what he’s doing. I’m 66, did a lot of information searching when I had several illnesses in the last 20 years. My conclusions are very similar to Bryan’s, except my diet has more seafood, pineapple and a few supplements he doesn’t take.
Did you also turn ai looking? (I don’t think he’s ai I think he’s using some kind of unreal engine or meta or something )
I am jealous. Must eat more fish, recovered from my brain tumour ( ocupationally caused ) and now still here at 75.
Thankyou, must buy more pineapple, but also grow some ginger, like I do in my carpark (for the sun) !
@@linmal2242 carpark??? Do tell more ! Please? Congrats on overcoming brain tumor and using tech at 75! ❤️
@@elsavelazvery even lighting so no shadows, and low frame rate
@@elsavelazhe's just very white. Nothing AI about him. But he has Irish heritage, so he's just a real whity. 😂
So many people do terrible things with their money … Brian is using his money to help his body, his mind and he’s sharing with the world what he’s learning…. Can you imagine others doing this as well??? Thank you… I’ve ordered your blue print stack can’t wait to get it …. Thank you 🙏
He thinks he is helping his body. Everyone who tries to f*ck with nature will be soon or later regret it. He is only thinking he is doing right.
Bryan Johnson is an exemplary of human decency and character.
@@ezilmez1 Selling $50 blueberries is noble? Thanks for that!
The winsdom of Bryan is on another level.
@art_means_artificial not really. he just look focused. happiness is subjective, mainly online.
@art_means_artificiali think he looks & sound content
This guy has found a way to true health through discipline and intelligence. It is to admire his ability to focus on seeking his health achievement. Health is the most important thing we could treasure in life.
Top Five Power Laws to attain a life expectancy of 92
1. Don't smoke.
2. Exercise 6 hours a week, combining strength, flexibility and cardio.
3. Eat a Blueprint-like diet or Mediterranean diet.
4. Maintain a BMI of 18.5-22.5
5. Limit alcohol consumption (~1-3 glasses of wine/week equivalent). He drinks zero alcohol, as even small amounts negatively affect his sleep.
(sleep is a contendar as a power law as well.)
One of the best Johnson’s interviews w the insightful probing questions and summary. This finally helped me understand Brian’s method better ❤
I’ve been following him for a while. He is looking really good
I’ve seen him go through lots of transitions.
I admire you, I respect you and I love what you are doing, not only for yourself, but for others, that you will never know. If I could hug you, I would! BRAVO to you Mr. Johnson!!!
Wow, Bryan is one very genuine and thoughtful man. Very admirable.
Hi Brian, I just wanted to let you know that I totally understand you and I'm right there with you and I've tried and done some of the crazy bizarre things that you do that's why I can relate because that's me and what I love about you is you're the only one that has had the guts to discuss these everyday situations, these matters, these personality conflicts within ourselves and share your private experiences regarding these different topics so thank you and bravo to you !
Never could understand how people could cap down on a person who discovered the preformatted menu for life had nothing but a bunch of depression inducing selections on it, so instead of eating it, he pushed away, got up from the table and went looking for something more suitable and he found it. Not only for himself, but he found it me and you. I can't afford blood work and all the high end things, but I can make smarter food choices, control my sleep habits (8:30-4:00 is how my body naturally rolls I have discovered) and I fight to keep the weight ON not OFF. My mood and feelings of wellness mentally and physically have improved drastically. I look way younger now than I did one year ago. In fact, his program isn't about external treatments he went straight to the "heart" of the matter by hacking mitochondrial function and that, my friends, is the key to youthful good health.
I just started to listen to Bryan's stories across YT the past two days. I can so relate to his type of depression and previous suicidal thoughts. He is so real and transparent about about his journey. I hope some people find a way out of their own downward spiral through is story and his amazing research.
I have lots of respect for Bryan, he is a nice and intelligent man, and he worked hard to earn his money and get to live a better happier life on his own terms. He is also very inspirational for those who are suffering from depression & suicidal thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing this podcast with Bryan Jonson.
I deeply resonate with Bryan. Faced leukemia at 13. Death is the ultimate enemy
oh sorry :( Hodgkin at 16 , it was a nightmare and i am forever traumatized :(
Death is inevitable for everyone. Life is the journey and the preparation for going forward.
So many people get to their end of term without considering what comes next and are thus scared to go onward. You have been blessed. You have been given foresight of what is to come.
It's now up to you to live your fullest life. Enjoy every day time is precious.
What a fascinating conversation about money. Thank you Bryan for your honesty, rare.
I admire Bryan very much and think he has a great message and a great process. I am on a similar path in trying to measure myself in every way and to use sleep, diet, and exercise to improve my health and longevity. Thank you both for doing this interview and I wish you both well!
----- I took ashwaganda for a long time, 3..4 days per week. I liked the effect on psychology and regulation of sex drive. However, and that's a big one: It caused inflammation of the liver, AST got as high as 40. When I took it off, all other things roughly the same, AST returned to 28 after 8 months. So, if you start taking it, observe your liver enzymes.
Great questions 💙🩵💙 Bryan never disappoints. His answers are so thoughtful and come from a place of empathy and caring.
I don’t see the hate. I only hear about it on these podcasts. Sharing this because I’m not sure that Bryan understands that. I see tons of support for what he’s doing. Just sharing my perspective.
mostly on tweeter
Really appreciate this mans work. Thankyou so much.
This guy is incredible. Thanks for doing what you do Brian, we're going to learn a lot from this.
I am so glad he’s open about his mental health history. He speaks with so much genuine empathy, and is so insightful. I have been baby stepping my way through a lot for the past few months, it seems to be working,slowly! Excited to start the ‘baby step’ version of the Blueprint protocol. 🤞🏾
Bryan is a benevolent entity.
Thanks for a clear comprehensive interview with no clickbait title or thumbnail.
I feel what you are doing is a calling for improving the lifespan for humanity. Many of the tools and experiments seem profound. The one area I feel you may also consider is what supports the soul life, such as nature, heart connections, play, laughter etc.
Great interview
People love to throw shade at Bryan
He’s totally changed his life
he’s entirely transparent
he’s attention to pass on positive things to the regular people
He’s rich as fuck and can do what he wants
He handles trolls well ❤
Very charismatic. He speaks directly to the viewer.
Compared to the interviewer, there's no comparison.
Able to get people to like him and trust him. Also able to share portions of his life that were painful and get the viewer to feel sorry/protective of him.
And tosses out occasional things that garner fear like death, illness, pain to command attention.
Genius speaker and manipulator of audience attraction and trust.
This is truly historical. I cannot see myself implementing these protocols in my own life even if i had 2 million dollars. However, i am so grateful he is out there just crushing it. His research and findings will prove invaluable to us. Watch him every chance i get. Bryan Johnson-first man to achieve immortality!!!
I really appreciate your work, inquisitiveness, and dedication. Regardless of whether I apply your points, or not, I value you, thank you
Thanks so much to both of you .If everyone in the world watched this once a month ,for sure we would have a better planet .Mike
It’s courageous to be yourself and I always have a great respect for the ones who are unapologetically themselves. I started minding my life when I had a child for first time and u felt I want to live a healthy life as long as I’m alive to be able to enjoy seeing them grow and thrive. Then I realized it’s not about them it’s all about me. I want to enjoy life and I define joy in their eyes. Being able to live fully and healthy is not a myth. My grandpa lived to his 114 and he was only sick for his last six months. I learned from him that you should care about yourself and never stress out. He was someone who found relaxation and calm in the middle of a big city even while being stuck in traffic. Being relaxed and doing meditation helps a lot. I wish you all a relaxing life!
Great thoughtful questions and conversation. Thanks to both of you. 🙏
One of the best interviews I have heard with Bryan, great job 👍
Finally a good podcast channel, so many of them just talking for hours on end without really getting to the exact questions that would benefit the listener.
Love to listen to Bryan. Such an inspiring person. So much to learn from him.
He is an amazing guy sharing his methods
Would love to hear more about that struggle you mentioned, to be free from a religion. A lot of us are there, and society is set up to make it very hard for us to escape.
I think you are very generous,intelligent also been blessed as you are wealthy enough to live like how you want & trying your very best to have the best optimum health and giving away valuable information about health and well being at no cost at all, whereas you are obviously paying a lot for, which in itself is very thoughtful of you to share with everyone. You are definitely using your time and wealth in the best possible way by trying to help people. I hope you all the best and please keep up the good work and keep us updated with all these priceless information .
13:07 this resonates so much! We humans have not really been able to rise above ourselves as animals as a collective,despite all our knowledge and resources… there would be so much less pain in the world if we could all try to think a little more like this.
Bryan is a real-life Benjamin Button. I can't wait to see him in ten years as a baby. Jokes aside, this man is a true inspiration, and I'm so grateful to be alive at the same time as him.
Great interview! I think Bryan should have also just mentioned a blurb about the longevity of the planet is increased by everyone going plant based, not just speaking about data to show it's healthier. When he speaks of the planet not dying (not just people), we also need to look at how a plant based diet is more helpful to the survival of the planet.
the cookie story is SO TRUE... I was in a supermarket today, having had a nice breakfast, and I knew I wanted to look at the cookies. I saw them and remembered the taste, but I also felt what Bryan says about momentary pleasure, plus a desire to munch half a packet, then having to digest them, and the heavy feeling. Of course, if one eats junk food all the time, cookies won't make you feel any worse, because you are already numbed to their effect.
Thank you so much for sharing your deepest thoughts. I am a real fan and using the products and learning a great deal.
Green is my favourite colour, so I liked his background 💚🐾🌱💚🐾🌱💚🐾🌱
I like green as well but two things bother me about this view is that all the greens clash (Olive green & 2 mint greens) and also, why have all those lovely bookshelves with no books? I'm a book person so I noticed that.
Great Interview with Brian Johnson ..... "Water is underappreciated and underrated in our modern living standards of today. We humans live like plants for nutrition and location as follows. If overwatered the plant dies it is called drowning in its own fluids. If underwatered the plant thrives.
If the plant that thrives in a sunny location is planted in darkness or even partial shade the plant will not thrive and eventually will die. Good examples of this would be Papaya and Phuket Pineapple which loves suny locations. Other plants will die in direct sunlight and thrive in partial shade and this is why you will often see in every nursery store that you visit a selection of plants located for sale in the shade. The individual Cirdain Rythym practiced and understood is key to success for the longevity of living in good health.
Holistic Chef Barry Anderson of Phuket Thailand turning age 70 years of age. "
You are what you think how you live and how much truth of knowledge you have acquired and are implementing in your life that just works for your individual life of choice.
Be thankful, live life happily. Happiness is of paramount importance as well as good sleep 🙏❤
Another great talk by Bryan Johnson. I appreciate all of your life insights and experiences.
I do love how absolutely vulnerable Bryan is in speaking his truth of his life story. I love how he has overcome many life challenges and struggles and now has learned to live his authentic truth and he is able to do so now.
Did you just say "authentic truth" 😅
Super interview. Love Bryan 💞
Interesting interview. Koodoos to Brian for being a pathfinder.
Theological Bryan has brought you to where you are now. Give respect to that as I'm sure you do
I don’t understand why so many are hating on Bryan Johnson. Can’t we just be happy for him and his quest?
Thank you for sharing your progress and process so we can implement the things we can and eliminate the things we should thank you so much❤️❤️
This interviewer gets it - this is gold.
Desire for longevity is not new! Even back in Chinese history, some emperors tried to pursue that goal! However, the technology available likely to increase the possibility! Very interesting and lots of wisdom in his approach! Thank you for sharing , and I learn something!
Actually, I have been doing things that he’s doing now .. and I’m from Thailand and many ppl here sleep ard 8-9 pm and wakes up ard 4or 5 am .. not all ppl but quite many ppl including me. And I only eat in the morning time , i don’t eat after 1pm .I didn’t do IF , but I practicing my routine as a monk here in Thailand for years. So what he’s doing right now is nothing new at all . He’s doing the right thing to himself. He’s not weird at all. He looking like a happiest person on earth and I think the world need more ppl like him :) I’m 40 year old and I eat lots of chocolate ( not as healthy as him 😅) but everything I eat must be before noon in my evening I walked for 15,000 steps more or less depending on my energy but I do it every day (not when I’m ill ) since I was 19 year old .. oh well I wish I could eat more like him one day 🎉
Your video is great 👍🏼
In the video, Bryan Johnson discusses his personal experiences with depression and suicidal thoughts. He mentions that he had wanted to end his life for a period of 10 years, and he expresses gratitude that he did not act on those feelings. He also acknowledges the rationality and reasonableness of such feelings when one is in a state of depression.
Furthermore, he empathizes deeply with individuals who are experiencing suicidal thoughts. He advises them to take care of their physical health by getting good sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet, as these actions can have a significant impact on mental health.
Bryan Johnson, in his interview, said "It is rational to want to kill oneself. It's reasonable. So when you're in that moment, it's hard to explain to somebody how you feel and how life is not worth it and a response is something like get over it or just feel better or like go outside. It's hard. It makes you feel very isolated and not able to reach out and get the help you need."
"I just didn’t f-ing care anymore. I’d always thought that the best way to go out would be at 180 mph, flat-out around a corner. You’d hit the wall and boom, it would be over, just like that. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want to die. … I just wouldn’t have minded all that much."
"I called Tim, the tour manager, on my mobile right there in the room to tell him that I just couldn’t continue. It was one of the most difficult conversations of my life - the pain of it made worse over the weeks that followed when the tour simply went on without me. It was a sheer cliff. I didn’t tumble down, I was in free fall.”
I appreciate Bryan and what he is doing. Discussing depression and suicidal thoughts is so important because so many struggle with these thoughts and the shame of that stigmatizes people from help.
@@annmarieknapp It is frustrating. I'm a veteran with PTSD and while I was assessing Bryan's valuable views on s u i c i d e and doing research on people such as the famous philosopher David Hume who also wrote about s u i c i d e (need to space it out so my comment gets posted), even RUclips shut me down several times keeping me from informing myself about this aspect of mental health. Certain topics are heavily censored such as the s word and extreme depression which is a disservice to those who have analytical minds and coping with such.
The host is terrific!
1 hour in, I enjoyed the comment about his battle with sugar addiction in the form of a cookie. That has always been my kryptonite: 1 sugar laden cookie will destroy a year long sugar dry spell. He defined it as pain, which sugar did not give me until I suffered a SCI that left me in chronic neuropathic pain. And a cookie for me today has a 10 minute delay before a wave of electrical pain begins and lasts for 2 hours or more. Sugar is so bad, and it lives in so many types of food. I absolutely love sugar in all forms, but now my body hates it with a biblical Vengeance!
Wow ! I still eat, consume it in food and beverage (tea/coffee) but have not experienced any 'blowback' yet. but should reduce the amount.
@@linmal2242 When I was healthy, before my injury, I would have said the same thing. Now I can feel the effects of sugar (also tea/coffee) within minutes. I really hate that fact now. But if I'm being honest, then I'd say I did feel the effects of occasional sugar, but then they just felt good, like drinking beer or wine. Go cold turkey for a while (1 month) then just take a glass of sweet tea, wait one hour, then see how you feel.
Natural foods have sugars ,it's not evil
@@das250250 Your right, my focus is on refined sugars. Next to impossible to cut out all natural sugars unless your on a carnivore diet.
All fruit has sugar and studies have shown eating even large quantities of fruit daily actually promotes good health. I agree that refined sugar can be problematic though, best to limit it.
Excellent interview !!!
What an EXCELLENT INTERVIEW.... thoughtful and sincere on both sides!!!! Thank you so much😊🙋🏻♀️‼️
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great asked really great questions!! Was Bryan's video recorded at 10 fps? It looks weird...
What an outstanding calm refreshing dialogue between you too.
live and learn with no regrets you learned a lot
I had no clue in my 20s that massive religious (12 versions of Christianity) contradictions and randomness were deep sources of depression and misery, along with mountains of people's bullshit. My assumption that I needed religion for belongingness almost killed me. But with years of hard work digging, solving, and understanding, I eventually realized how much of a mind-fuck Christianities are. It was the most significant psychological battle of my life.
All religion is based on fear of death and being dumb. If people were rational and followed science they would not trust any religion.
You have a good spirit Bryan.
I find Bryan to be fascinating, inspiring, and eye opening. His singular focus on measuring, evidence, protocol, then repeat is impressive. Especially given that our entire American society is structured against this. Eat this juicy cheeseburger now. Drink this sugary "coffee" drink now. Stay up late binge watching this series now. Ad nauseum. To separate from that acceptable heard behavior and course such an alternate path would and does take machine like will power and focus. Hence, the reason why it's so hard. I like the fact he seems calm and simply reports that results that he sees. Talking about night erections for example. What doctor visit on health does that topic ever come up?! I appreciate his dedication to the "don't die" topic and we can learn volumes from him, adopt what we want, and discard what we elect not to use (for whatever reasons we have). Great interview.
thank you sir GOD BLESS U
“I Dream of being the most measured being in the history of man.”
Strive for perfection,
Light and Life in Abundance.
I appreciate what he is doing. I do not understand all the negativity around him. He is trying to be as healthy as possible and since he has been able to quantify his progress based on results I say good for him. Anytime someone questions our pre-disposed ideas on aging they seem to get slammed. Modern medicine is still a “practice” it is not perfect and as we evolve and gain new insights opinions and recommendation tend to change. I do not know about everyone out there but I am 62 and fingers crossed in good health so far. But with a young adult child with severe special needs I owe it to my child and husband to try to be as healthy as possible..I know we age but anything I can do to slow it a bit and keep myself ailment free into my 70’s, 80’s and 90’s (if am am so lucky) then I will make modifications for a healthier lifestyle. I do not, smoke, rarely drink(Asian decent gave me that mutation that is not favorable to alcohol anyway) and exercise 6 days per week. I am working on my sleep and trying to lower my Cholesterol without statins so I will include a couple of his protocols into my routine to see what happens. I think Bryan is an honorable human being who is an out the box thinker and innovation only occurs when you think out of the box. Those are my two cent!
For me, it's so difficult to quit the addictions, in spite of the great philosophy. "Walking regret" is a phrase I like, its😊 important TO BE honest if you are to change your behavior. Ppl maybe are running out of material to attack him with bc as his 'program' unfolds, we learn more and more about, basically, self care..It's sort of ridiculous when you think of it really, he's only giving positive, helpful suggestions! Why criticize? I guess ppl just have to attack - someone or something, outside of themselves.
I eat super veggie about 3 times a week. And nutty pudding every day. I work out about 2 times a week also. Mainly cuz of Brian. :)
Thanks so much, Shane and Bryan, for this fascinating discussion. I discovered Bryan in this video, and was wondering if he studied his microbiome, dream management and metaphysics and how they potentially affect his health! Thanks again 🌿
I do question in the time of old. Tine of Enoc and Abraham. Humans lived up to 1000. Anyway, I do want to change in turns of health to do better so, I can feel better and experience life in a healthier way. Thank you for sharing your efforts to be healthier
How could society compensate for not EVERYONE affording to fully follow this protocol down to each pill and sleep hour?
excellent discussion by the way
People don't need to afford it. They already can buy drinking less , eating less , being more in sleep and less on internet , they can read more , hate less , reduce drugs , eat more basic and organic foods.For most western people this is available , it's a choice
I am grateful for the talk about money issues. VERY
Thank you for this interview.
I think Brian would love Amaranthine: How to create a regenerative civilization using artificial intelligence. He and the guy who wrote it have a lot in common, especially the conviction that evolution did not adequately prepare humanity to experience or deal with reality. Morphology is destiny for our bodies but ontology is destiny for our intelligence. Amaranthine describes an AGI that would help us bridge that inherent disconnection and create an ecosystemic rather than egosystemic way of interacting with reality.
Beautifully said about Money, life. Honestly talk.
So inspiring. Great interview
I want to be more like you. you are very honest