Delegation of Authority - Elements of Delegation - Advantages and Limitations

  • Опубликовано: 17 ноя 2020
  • Meaning of Delegation of Authority
    difference between Delegation , Authority , Responsibility , Accountability
    Delegation of authority
    How to delegate effectively
    The delegation of authority is the process by which a manager divides and assigns work to his subordinates. The manager will not give up all his authority, he will only delegate that much authority that the subordinate can fulfill his responsibilities and accomplish his tasks efficiently.
    Every time you delegate work to a teammate, three inescapable core elements of delegation are in play. Authority, responsibility, and accountability form an integrated process and must be applied by you as a unified whole.
    Delegation of Authority means division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate. Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of your job. Delegation of authority can be defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of powers to the subordinates in order to achieve effective results.
    The delegation of authority is the process by which a manager divides and assigns work to his subordinates. The manager himself only performs the tasks that require his special talents and expertize.
    The rest of the work and its responsibility he will divide and delegate to his subordinates. Along with the responsibilities the manager will also share the authority, i.e. the power that enables the subordinates to carry out the tasks.
    In the delegation of authority, the sharing of authority is downwards in the management structure. The manager cannot accomplish all tasks by himself, so he assigns the responsibilities to his subordinates.
    This will reduce the work burden of the manager. The manager will not give up all his authority, he will only delegate that much authority that the subordinate can fulfill his responsibilities and accomplish his tasks efficiently.

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